Bds310 rwanda khi book and medical and training materials

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TENDER NOTICE (TN) / INVITATION FOR BIDS N° TN/001/KHI/13-14 TITLE OF THE TENDERS : 1) SUPPLY OF BOOKS : TENDER REF. N°: 186/F/2013 –N.O/KHI 2) SUPPLY OF MEDICAL & TEACHING MATERIALS : TENDER REF. N°: 187/F/2013 –N.O/KHI SOURCE OF FUNDS : KHI ORDINARY BUDGET KIGALI HEALTH INSTITUTE (KHI) hereby invites all interested qualified bidders to submit bids for its different tenders above. The tender document with details can be obtained on any working day starting Friday 28th June 2013 from KHI Procurement Office, upon presentation of a non refundable deposit bank in slip of Ten Thousand Rwandan Francs (10,000 Rwf); deposited on account N° 120.00.46 of Rwanda Revenue Authority opened at NBR (National Bank of Rwanda) with narration “Bidding Fees for Tender Ref. ...(Indicate)” Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to the KHI Procurement Office, , P.O Box : 3286 Kigali, Tel. : 0788538933 / 0788561333, E-mail :,, within 15 days before the deadline for submission of bids. All bids shall be accompanied by a Bid Security delivered by a bank or an insurance company, with a validity period of 120 days from the deadline for submission of bids as follows : * Five Hundred Thousand Rwandan Fancs (500,000 Rwf) TENDER REF. N°: 186/F/2013 –N.O/KHI * Three Hundred Thousand Rwandan Fancs (300,000 Rwf) TENDER REF. N°: 187/F/2013 –N.O/KHI Well printed bids in four copies (one being original), properly bound and in a sealed envelope marked : “BID FOR SUPPLY OF ...(Indicate)” should be addressed to the Vice Rector in Charge of Administration and Finance and should reach the KHI Procurement Office not later than Monday 29th July 2013 at 10:00 a.m local time. Late bids will be returned unopened. The opening session of the bids will take place on the same day (Monday 29th July 2013) at 10.30 a.m in KHI Board Room in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend. Done at Kigali on 27/06/2013 KHI ADMINISTRATION

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