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Christ Church Cathedral An Episcopal Parish in the Heart of Houston

December 13, 2009

Mary’s Joy by Eileen O’Brien, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries


ach year the season of Advent forces me to re-examine my long-standing onagain, off-again relationship with Mary, the mother of Jesus. As a former Roman Catholic and, yes, a would-have-been nun, I have been surrounded by Marian devotion for as long as I can remember. The images are so familiar and vibrant: Mary as adoring mother in blue craning over the sweet baby Jesus in the crèche, Mary weeping at the foot of the cross or holding her son’s lifeless body in her arms, Mary as protectress and intercessor spreading her cloak over kings and bishops as they plead for intercession with her divine son. The lore surrounding Mary and reports of her appearances and interventions in human history permeate our tradition and continue to develop even today. For me this begs the question: how did this young Jewish woman caught up in a divine sex scandal capture the imagination and unswerving devotion of the Christian church centuries later? What kind of role model is she for me and for the church? The gospel accounts give us very little information about Mary. The details of her life and background are sparse. However,

in Luke’s gospel, Mary catches hold of the prophetic imagination which envisions a God actively engaged in the work of re-creation in a way that sets her apart. Each night at Evening Prayer we echo her Magnificat, her proclamation of God’s faithful and active presence in the world. When I was 15, my mother volunteered me to participate in a Festival of Mary at our church. I was a dancer, so my task was to represent the young Mary at the reading of the annunciation and to dance “reverently yet joyfully” as the Magnificat was sung. When it came time to sit near the altar in front of the congregation and listen to the reading, it suddenly struck me that if I had been young, unmarried Mary and an angel told me that I was pregnant, I would not have said, “Let it be done to me according to your will,” and danced joyfully as my mother looked on approvingly. The terrifying nature of the angel’s revelation sank in. How could this young girl not fear abandonment and ostracism? How could she instead rejoice? At the time, I dismissed her seemingly simple-minded obedience and overlooked the profound prophetic hope that her joy brought to life. During this season of Advent, we are called to get caught up in the prophetic imagination and joy of Mary and all of the prophets who called for the radical dismantling of the kingdom of fear, oppression, slavery and

death. This work is still underway in our hearts and our communities today, and the church is called into this prophetic ministry by virtue of being part of the Body of Christ in the world. Walter Brueggemann explains that the prophetic task is “to nurture, nourish and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us.” This alternative is the kingdom of God. Of this kingdom we dream with prophets; for its coming among us we hope and rejoice with Mary; for its fulfillment, we act together.

Cathedral Services S U N D AY S


8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10 a.m. Education Hour 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 1 p.m. La Santa Eucaristía, Rito II 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:05 p.m. Holy Eucharist* 6 p.m. Evening Prayer *On Fridays, the 12:05 Eucharist includes a Service of Healing

T H E G O L D I N G C H A P E L is open throughout the day Monday through Friday for prayer and quiet introspection. C H R I S T C H U R C H C AT H E D R A L 1117 Texas Avenue, Houston, Texas 77002 713-222-2593

Merry Christmas & Feliz Navidad

Our Cathedral Family

The flowers on the Cathedral Altar b are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Turner.

We extend heartfelt sympathy b to the family of Ira Green who died November 23 in Houston. Ira was the brother of Cathedral member E. Hart Green and uncle of Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Holden and Leslie Green. b to the family of James Burke who died November 23 in Covington, Louisiana. James was the step-father of Cathedral member Hal Watson and step-grandfather of Alexandra and Thomas Watson. b to the family of J.P. Campbell who died November 23. He was the uncle of Cathedral member Bruce Heideman. b to the family of Cathedral member Norma ‘Rocky’ Franzen who died November 27.

Cathedral Office Hours Finance Offices Open December 31


he Cathedral offices will be closed for the holidays on December 24 at noon and all day on December 25 and December 28. The offices will close at noon on December 31, however the reception area and the finance offices will remain open until 5 p.m. for those who would like to make an end-of-year donation to the Cathedral. Gifts to the Cathedral must be made on or before December 31. If you are mailing your gift, postmarks are imperative to the IRS to claim a 2009 tax deduction. In order to demonstrate legal compliance, envelope dates will be used to verify any contributions arriving in early January. If you choose to provide gifts of stock and securities to the Cathedral, it is important to initiate these transactions mid-December. Many parishioners prefer to pay their 2010 pledge before year’s end to take the tax credit early. Should you have questions, contact the Chief Administrative Officer, Bill Kovach, at 713-590-3317 or bkovach@ The offices will close on New Years Day.

Bilingual Christmas Carol Sing-along


t’s that time of year when we pull out those albums and songs we only hear once a year for another first-time listen. From “O Holy Night” to all your favorite Dean Martin classics, the holidays fill the airways with old and comforting favorites each winter. Come join your Cathedral family in celebrating the rich musical tradition of the season, both sacred and secular, at our Bilingual Christmas Carol Sing-along on the fourth day of Christmas, Sunday, December 27 in the Great Hall. Young and old, trained vocalists and joyful-noise-makers, everyone’s invited to come sing our welcome to the holy infant in three languages: Spanish, English, and Music! Refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Rhoda Montgomery at 713-590-3309 or

The Great Cookie XChange 10 a.m., Sunday, December 20 in the Great Hall


ost of us have a favorite Christmas cookie— something passed down or discovered along the way—a taste that means Christmas. We will share the sweets that hold those happy memories. Bring your favorite cookies and recipe cards to share. Please contact Eileen O’Brien, eileen@christchurchcathedral. org or 713-217-1349 if you are bringing cookies.

Celebrating Advent at The Bookstore “I’m old-fashioned and think that reading books is the most glorious pastime that humankind has yet devised.” –Wislawa Szymborska


his Sunday is another busy day at your Cathedral Bookstore. At the 9 and 11 o’clock services you will find the bookstore’s annual Advent Newsletter as an insert in your service leaflet. In it are some great gift ideas for every age, from books to CDs to children’s gifts. You’ll also find mini reviews of some of the bookstore staff’s top picks for the season. Make your Christmas shopping easy this year and stop by the Cathedral bookstore. Mark your calendars for Sunday December 20 when the Reverend Pittman McGehee will be here to sign his new book, Raising Lazarus:The Neuroscience of the Soul. This book was co-authored with Blair Justice.

The Mucky Duck Mass Saturday, December 26


ishop Andrew Doyle will celebrate a Eucharist on the Feast of Stephen as we remember those in need. Arrive at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck at 2425 Norfolk before 11 a.m. to get a good seat. Be ready to empty your pockets (literally) for the collection taken for Lord of the Streets!

The Cathedral Christmas Party

A Room at the Inn Sunday, December 20


oin in the fun at the Cathedral Family Christmas Party on Sunday, December 13 at 6 p.m. There will be music, dancing and potluck fare. Bring a dish and come for a country Christmas celebration in the Great Hall. With live music, holiday crafts for children and fun for all ages, you won’t want to miss it! If your last name begins with A-I bring a favorite dessert, J-Z bring a side dish to share. We’ll provide the barbeque and drinks. Come one and all and bring your Christmas cheer!

Las Posadas Nine Night Custom


hrist Church Cathedral will celebrate a traditional Posada this year. The nine-night custom remembers the search for lodging by the Holy Family before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Moving to a different parishioner’s house each night of the novena, the participants will gather for prayer, singing and refreshments as they share the joy and anticipation of the coming of the Christ Child into our lives. The celebration will begin on Saturday, December 12 and will end on Sunday, December 20, concluding the observance at the Cathedral. The Posada begins at 6 p.m. each night. Contact Sandra Montes, Director of Hispanic Ministry, 281-923-3562 for the locations of the first eight evenings, and come to as many as you like. And, don’t miss the last celebration at the Cathedral!

Blue Christmas


he Christmas season is one of intense emotions, as we await the coming of Jesus, celebrate our community and remember those celebrations gone by. For many the holiday season can be a painful one, especially when spent away from loved ones or when remembering those who are no longer with us. Every year the Cathedral celebrates the season with a special service for those for whom the holidays are an emotionally difficult time. Blue Christmas offers a space for coming together as a community of support, healing and remembrance as we hold fast to the hope that this season offers. We hope you’ll join us on Tuesday, December 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the Golding Chapel for this special liturgy. For more information about the service or on receiving and providing pastoral care, please contact the Rev. Jim McGill at 713-590-3328 or

Mission Galveston: Winter Edition


enior High youth will head down to the William Temple Center in Galveston Friday through Tuesday, December 18-22 to do some good in an area that is still rebuilding after Hurricane Ike. We will depart from Trinity Church at 6 p.m. on Friday, December 18, and return by noon on December 22. Pray for these young missioners as they serve the community of Galveston.

Don’t forget the Christmas Play rehearsal on Saturday, December 19 at 9 a.m. in the Cathedral.


ll children are invited to be a part of this interactive dramatic event that follows the path of Mary and Joseph as they seek a room at the inn. Meet at the chancel steps following the 9 a.m. service to begin the journey. We’ll end in the Great Hall and treat ourselves to cookies!

Christmas Services Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 24 4:00

Family Service, Holy Eucharist Rite II and The Christmas Play. Childcare is available at this service.


Festival Eucharist, Rite II in Spanish


Organ Prelude by Bruce Power


Choral Eucharist, Rite II with Parish Choir


Prelude with Cathedral Choir and Brass


Festival Eucharist, Rite I with the Cathedral Choir, Brass and Incense Bishop Andrew Doyle, celebrant

Christmas Day

Friday, December 25 10:00

Eucharist and Carols

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‘ tis the Season Season!! ADVENT AT THE CATHEDRAL

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This Bulletin is available for viewing online as a link on the weekly email “This Week at the Cathedral” or on the web site at>about us>publications. In an effort to save resources, you may request to discontinue your paper version of the Bulletin and read it online. Please contact Anne Shepard at or 713-590-3301.

Restorative Work by Dina Gustin


he plaque near the Columbarium is shining again. The brass had become discolored due to cracks in the laquer caused over time by the moisture and humidity of Houston’s climate. The restoration of new lacquer showcases a fraction of the skillful work of Conservationist Michal Jakubowski. Such restorative handy-work requires a serious knowledge of chemistry, a patient temperament and the finesse of an artistic touch. He holds a Master’s degree from the renowned Copernicus University in Poland and has worked for 25 years in Europe and America. Ask him about one of his academic highlights and he will smile when he talks about restoring an oil painting by Magritte. Jakubowski first came to the United States and worked on the East Coast managing and restoring the Rockefeller stone bridges in Maine and bronze monuments at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He then traveled south to Dallas to be involved in the huge undertaking of preserving Fair Park’s famous Art Deco murals. Thank you, Michal, for your beautiful work! Michal Jakubowski If you are interested in purchasing a niche in the Cathedral Columbarium (located next to the Great Hall near the Jones Building), please contact Anne Shepard at 713-590-3301. Certain restrictions apply regarding eligibility and availability.

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