Every Member Canvass 2017
— Philippians 2:13
For it is God who is at work in you … There is something distinctive about the letter from Paul to the Church of Philippi that sets it apart from the other epistles. Paul, though he sits in a prison cell, is not writing in response to a time of crisis; instead, he is expressing his immense gratitude and appreciation for the support of his ministry from the Philippians. He reminds them that Christ was humble; Jesus put all others before Himself, giving up His divine status to benefit the world He loved. Paul reassures us that a community of believers living in harmony with one another only comes through mutual humility modeled after the Savior. Reminding us all “for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you to will and to work for God’s good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:13) Similarly, there is something special about our Cathedral; for more than 175 years, Christ Church has “proclaimed the love of Jesus Christ through word and deed.” The oldest church in the city of Houston has remained a beacon of faith, charity, and love that shines ever brighter while embracing its vibrant, urban setting. Every day of the week, at the corner of Texas and Fannin, members of the Cathedral community continue a legacy of reaching out in faith to serve the needs of others while supporting one another with joy and love. God has instilled in His people the desire to be the hands and feet of Christ, and 2017 will reveal the path that lies ahead on this blessed journey.
… enabling you to will and to work for God’s good pleasure. The Cathedral’s Vision Action Plan: A Future Filled with Hope was launched more than three years ago. We have achieved great things with the implementation of six different initiatives, answering the call from the community to meet the needs of the people. Here are some highlights from the great ways that we have willed and worked to spread the gospel of Jesus. DIGNITY & HOPE
In the past calendar year, the Beacon has seen a number of enhancements. An extensive capital improvement renovation project last fall ensures efficiency and longevity in better serving those who live on the margins. The movement to five days of operation and an updated service model help guarantee that resources go to those who truly need it most. In 2017, we’ll celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Beacon’s outreach ministry, and Becky Landes, our new Beacon CEO, is ready to lead the Beacon into its next decade of service.
The Bishop John E. Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer garnered both local and national recognition within weeks of officially opening its doors to the public. Seeking to serve those who desire a deeper spiritual connection with God, this center is like no other place in the world. Executive Director Brooke Summers-Perry and the staff, teachers, and volunteers of The Hines Center help keep this community at the cutting edge of the 21st century, acknowledging that feeding hungry souls is just as important as feeding hungry bodies.
In the past few years it has become increasingly clear that the Cathedral community is one that is deeply compassionate – about the world, about their faith, and about each other. Our Canon Pastor Glenice Robinson-Como, our Pastoral Care Coordinator Kimberly Williams, and the team of dedicated lay pastoral caregivers are continuing to increase the depth and breadth of ways that Cathedral parishioners receive necessary pastoral care. The Cathedral Shepherds, trained through the Community of Hope, offer an accessible support system to parishioners for when they experience any life transition.
CONEXIÓN & COMMUNITY More and more we are experiencing the truth that our Cathedral community is not confined to the physical walls of the church. Parishioners are looking beyond the brick and mortar, and bringing their faith into their own backyards. Neighborhood Gatherings provide multiple opportunities throughout the year for Cathedral members to connect where they live, and “Bible by the Glass” and “Speaking of Faith” study groups hold space for theological conversation around town. Canon Bautista and the devoted members of the Latino Congregation lead by example when it comes to connecting in the neighborhoods. Through in-home bible studies, the celebration of Las Posadas, and outdoor picnics, incredible strides are being made to build Cathedral communities beyond the borders of Texas and Fannin.
FAITH & FRIENDLINESS Downtown is no longer just a place where people work; it has transformed into a neighborhood where Houstonians live and play. Connecting with the residents living downtown is an important effort parishioners have recognized. Opening the doors of the Cathedral for lunchtime tours and hosting a cookout in the green space of the Bishop’s Courtyard are a couple examples of the tireless efforts led by our Canon for Welcome & Evangelism, Rev. Genevieve Razim. Canon Razim, the Welcome & Evangelism Council, and the Cathedral Welcome Team work year-round to invite nearby neighbors into our friendly, faith-based community.
NEW & ANCIENT LITURGY Early September marked the beginning of The Well, a contemplative Eucharist inspired by Celtic traditions. At five o’clock on Sunday evenings, parishioners gather in the meditative ambience of a candlelit cathedral, holding space for prayer, silence, and grace. The implementation of this newly designed service puts in place the final initiative of the Vision Action Plan. Of this new service, Dean Thompson says, “The Well provides a prayerful and peaceful way to center oneself in God at the end of the day and the outset of a new week.”
Our Financial Future These days it can seem that there is a lot of uncertainty in the economic areas of both the country and the world. No one would have ever guessed that Houstonians would be rejoicing at the news that oil prices were above $40 per barrel. It can also seem difficult to agree on what the most solid investments will be and what the financial future holds. However, there is one investment unlike any other — one that is transparent, solid, and exhibits proven growth: a pledged financial commitment to the work of Christ. For two years, we have been blessed to increase the annual budgets of vital Cathedral ministries due to the paramount generosity of parishioners just like you.
A pledged commitment to the work of Christ
17% Worship 17% Music 13% Outreach 18% Community 21% Christian Formation 14% Pastoral Care
2016 Christ Church Cathedral operating budget
To will and work towards God’s greatest pleasure Your Cathedral is dedicated to continued investing in the areas that exemplify our ability to will and work towards God’s greatest pleasure. We need to continue our commitment of resources to Cathedral ministries, and to do so, we need the support of every parishioner. Your contributions are allowing the implementation of the six initiatives from the Vision Action Plan to fully come to fruition. There are more exciting things planned for the future of Christ Church Cathedral, but to continue that growth, we will require increased financial support. Last year, 616 pledges were made to the Cathedral for a total of just over $3.1 million. In order to fully and responsibly fund the 2017 budget, the Vestry anticipates that we need $3.25 million in pledges. That is a 5 percent increase over last year’s pledge total – a reachable goal! It is our request that each parishioner prayerfully consider increasing his or her pledge in 2017. We are also aiming to increase our total number of pledges by 5 percent. We hope you’ll join us. We look forward to discovering together all of the ways that we can continue “to will and to work for God’s good pleasure.” Faithfully, The 2016 Stewardship Council
Mr. Risher Randall, Jr. chair
The Very Rev. Barkley S. Thompson dean
Mrs. Anne Bushman Mr. Bill Curtis Mr. Mike Hendryx Mr. A. John Knapp Mr. Chris McCord
vestry liaison
Mr. Rick Ogle Mrs. Mimi Prioleau Mr. Tim Ruch Mrs. Karen Kraycirik
minister for Stewardship
Each Cathedral parishioner is asked to pray over, complete, and return the enclosed pledge card during the month of October and no later than Loyalty Sunday, November 13, so that the Finance Committee of the Vestry can prepare the 2017 budget.
Range of pledges Pledges
Pledges received Received 2016 actual
2017 goal
25,000 above 25,000and and above
22 22
23 23
15,000 15,000toto24,999 24,999
26 26
27 27
10,000 10,000toto14,999 14,999
21 21
24 24
5,000 5,000toto9,999 9,999
103 103
120 120
2,000 2,000toto4,999 4,999
183 183
185 185
1,000 1,000toto1,999 1,999
142 142
153 153
$999 $999and andless less
119 119
115 115
2016 actual
2017 goal
Out of an estimated 800 families in the congregation, 184 did not pledge in 2016. If more families pledge and do so generously, we will be able to expand our mission.
CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 1117 Texas Avenue | Houston, Texas 77002 christchurchcathedral.org