CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL An Episcopal Community in the Heart of Houston, Texas
The Good News, times three!
Donuts and Devos, a new Children's Ministry practice, will meet Saturdays, June 5, 12, 26 and Sundays, June 6, 13, 20, 27. The program will also continue next month, Saturday, July 10, 31 and Sunday, July 11, 18, 25.
Children and Youth Ministries gather for summer programs
Minister for Children & Families KariAnn Lessner said that she feels like she has missed “a million lost teeth, a gazillion hugs, [and] so much growth” during the past year when children’s programming was largely online. “I can’t wait for the opportunity to see them again,” Lessner said. Minister for Youth Marcia Quintanilla said she really misses the personalities of the youth she serves. Recently she got to see a small group of teens at an in-person rehearsal
for confirmation. “I loved their teen sass, their commentary, and their jokes,” Quintanilla said. “You don’t get all that through Zoom. “I’m really looking forward to summer. It’s going to be so much fun.” Because of an increase in vaccinations and the relaxing of CDC guidelines, Christ Church Cathedral is offering children and youth more opportunities to gather this summer.
The Cathedral Archives: looking backward in order to look forward BY WILL HAMILTON
At the January 2019 Vestry Retreat, I told Dean Thompson that I was “available” if there was anything he thought I could help with. Dean Thompson subsequently asked if I would begin working with Patty Hurt in the Cathedral Archives so I could take over when Patty chose to retire. The idea appealed to me, and I told Barbara, who promptly said she wanted to do it with me. Unfortunately, shadowing Patty came to an abrupt halt when Patty died in June. THus, Barbara and I became the Cathedral Archivists in June 2019. In one of our first meetings with Dean Thompson, he cast the goals of the archives as 1) looking backward to create a community of memory and 2) looking forward to create a community of expectation of
On May 23, I returned to work after recuperating from prostate cancer surgery. While I’d have preferred not to have cancer, God has walked with me on this journey, redeeming it in numerous ways. First and foremost, I was awestruck by, and deeply grateful for, the THE VERY REV. dozens and dozens of BARKLEY THOMPSON letters and cards I received from Cathedral parishioners. You reminded me that at Christ Church Cathedral no one walks alone. You were pastors to me, and in the challenging days leading up to and immediately following surgery, your ministry to me was an incredible, hopeful gift. I felt your prayers! Additionally, I trust that cancer has made me a better priest. I have now encountered personally the fear, anxiety, and confusion that come with the news of a cancer diagnosis, and my empathy for others who have cancer — or any other life-threatening illness — is now palpable and real. Five weeks after surgery, I am feeling good, and I am glad to be back at the Cathedral. It is a blessing to serve among you. __________ On May 16, the Centers for Disease Control issued updated guidance for those who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The CDC guidance includes that “Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing,” both indoors and outdoors. On May 18, Bishop Doyle provided further guidance, including permission for Episcopal worship in the Diocese of Texas to return to many of its pre-pandemic norms. This
GOOD NEWS, page 8
Our Cathedral Family We celebrate with
E the family of Bennett “Ben” Andrew Essalih, who was baptized on Monday, April 12, 2021 . E the families of Zoe Coral Dom, William Hobby Grundy, Cecil Herweck Hawk, Jennifer Felicitas Plata, Selena Caesarea Elizabeth Lorenzo, and Kathryn Elizabeth Lorenzo, who were baptized on Saturday, April 17, 2021. E the newly confirmed: Cal Hailey Bechtol, Amanda Evans, P. Benjamin Evans, Spencer Barcroft Fairbanks, Christopher George Hunt, Caitlin E. Hunt, Nicholas Alessandro Lopez, Carey Chambers Maloney II, Grady Tobin McMillin, Robert Lucas Mensing, Gabriel C. Perez, William Keith Sasser, and Aliza Marie Granados. E the graducating seniors: Lily Bautista, Clara Carnes, Molly Dagley, Parks Dagley, Brigid Ferris-Hughes, Austen Furse, Will Hayes, Audrey Hudson, Addie Gilley, Olivia Kim, Ryan Kuo, Aidan Kuo, Alex Lasater, Camille Letchford, Gabriel Letchford, Jacky Lugo, Will Moss, Mansfield Owsley, Sandy Paden, Caroline Paden, James Picard, Grace Randall, Bailey Randall, Lilly Ruch, and Henry Thompson.
We extend heartfelt sympathy
E to the family of member Earle Freeman, who passed away on April 14, 2021. Earle is husband to Margie Freeman. E to the family of Carolyn Wilson Payne, who passed away on April 14, 2021. Carolyn is mother to member Mimi Prioleau. E to the family of member Muffie Moroney, who passed away on April 19, 2021. Muffie is mother to Robert and Justin Renshaw. E to the family of member Henry Roth, who passed away on April 25, 2021. Henry is husband to member Jeanne Roth and father to member Cathy Roth. E to the family of member Carol Ann Ericsson, who passed away on April 30, 2021. E to the family of Margaret Chambers, who passed away on April 29, 2021. Margaret is sister to member Sam Chambers. E to the family of member Fred Tietz, who passed away on May 5, 2021.
The flowers on the Cathedral Altar
E on May 23 were given to the glory of God in loving memory and gratitude for the life of Muffie Moroney by Mary Hoffman. E on May 30 were given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the Martin and Priest families by Donna and Carter Boyd. E on June 13 are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jody Anderson and Zinkie and Fox Benton by Jane and Bill Curtis. E on June 20 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Dr. Jim Cox. E on June 27 are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the Ordination of the newest Deacons in the Diocese of Texas by the Commission on Ministry and The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Texas THE BULLETIN
where we are going in fidelity to the Gospel. We have set these as our principals while seeking to both broaden the collection and also creating a digital copy of the archives that will be searchable and available to the parish. Having been established 182 years ago, it is not surprising that the Cathedral has many items and documents that reflect our history. The systematic gathering together of these items began in 1972 and is still underway. In 1972, several historical documents were “discovered” in a remote filing cabinet, and this prompted the Vestry and Dean to establish a committee to begin sorting, cataloging, and preserving the Cathedral’s historical documents. Within the search for documents, one story bears repeating. On a hot summer day, Patty Hurt and Francita Ulmer went into the attic of the Latham Building to find and reclaim boxes of documents and historical objects. Among their finds were Bishop Richardson’s records from when he was the Dean; these proved to be invaluable, since his Diocesan records had been misplaced. They also found the furniture used by their children when Amy Ufer was their Sunday School teacher. Francita reports that, despite the heat, she and Patty had fun searching in the attic. Thus, Patty Hurt was active from the beginning; other early participants were Fran Lewis, Maria and Peter Rippie, and, of course, Jack Hurt. The Cathedral Archives got its own space in 1995 when Pat Prioleau, then Junior Warden, designated an archives room and asked Patty to initiate the archives project. In 1999, the Vestry named Patty as the Cathedral Archivist. Where are we now? Barbara and I have made only modest progress since 2019 due to the pandemic. We anticipate spending more time on what is already there and to begin digitizing documents and pictures. Our goal is to assist members when they have questions about the history of the Cathedral and its members. Can you help? We all love our beautiful buildings, but God’s people are the real beauty and the real story. We would appreciate hearing stories about your experiences at the Cathedral and will happily receive any documents or artifacts anyone may have. Members may also send us stories about becoming members of the Cathedral. Longer-term, we may have situations where we will need help, for example, to transcribe script registers of weddings, baptisms and other rites; we will then request help from members. For now, please contact us via the Archives email: archives@
Latino Ministry and MOC Yard Sale The Latino Ministry Council and Mission Outreach Council (MOC) Yard Sale will be held June 5, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. To help ensure the success of this year's event, we will need your help with some activities before the big day. We will need volunteers to transport donated items from the Bautista home to Northshore Episcopal at 13125 Indianapolis St., Houston, 77015. If you would like to volunteer, please register online at: yardsale. Please contact Sylvia Garcia at with questions.
Saints, present and eternal THE REV. CANON BECKY ZARTMAN
Altar Flowers needed for Summer 2021 Sunday’s Altar Flowers are enjoyed equally by in-person and online viewers at the 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m. services. Flowers can be given for a myriad of life events including memory, celebration, honor, or thanksgiving for a person or group. There are multiple opportunities (seven) for altar flower donations over the summer including June 2; July 11, 18, and 25; and August 15, 22, and 29. Contact Lisa Viktorin at for more details or questions.
It’s my custom to take a prayer walk very late at night, after all the other dog walkers are in bed, after the porch lights have been turned off. I had just finished a hagiography of Elizabeth of Hungary for Amazing Women of Faith, and as I walked along in the dark, I was reflecting on how every generation of the church has their saints. On how those saints were a reflection both of the needs and gifts of the times that they lived in, on how those saints were a reflection of the timeless work of God in our midst. I reflected on the chances and changes of our generation, we who face a world so full of uncertainty, yet a world of possibility. A world in which faith, or at least the church, seems to be declining in favor of disenchantment, in favor of apathy. A world that so desperately needs to be enlivened and enriched, enthused, infused with Love. And so as I walked, I prayed. I prayed that God would send us saints, saints like Elizabeth of Hungary. Send us saints, I prayed, we need them. I need them, I need to know they are among us. Send us saints to change and to form and to love and to pray and to challenge and to reform and to reinterpret and to set us on fire for Love.
SAINTS, page 6
Senior Warden's Quarterly vestry report It’s hard to realize that June is already here. to move as quickly as is prudent. Hopefully by Seems like just moments ago we were re- the time you read this we will have made more strides toward returning to our tradicovering from our Covid Christmas, tional patterns. dealing with the February Freeze (or That said, we have all learned a great as we call it at our house, the great deal during these challenging times, Olive Tree Massacre), a long awaited and the Cathedral’s online presence Easter WITH SINGING, and now enand programming have never been joying the usual early flirtation with stronger. Since March of 2020, our 11 another Houston sizzling summer. It has not been lost on me that over the SENIOR WARDEN a.m., 1 p.m., and 5 p.m. Sunday onlast year we have all had a lesson in MATT WAREING line services have totaled over 85,000 views. The feedback on the quality of the power, complexity, and mystery of both our online worship services and our onGod’s creation. Through the year so far, it is fair to say that line program offerings has been very positive, Christ Church Cathedral has not just survived, and we plan to continue to invest in mainbut thrived. Not without modification and not taining quality offerings to our members who without loss, but we have continued to adapt may not be able to be with us in person. In to the changing circumstances forced on us by addition to our success with technology, we the Covid pandemic and we have maintained have not neglected our ‘bricks and mortar,” our focus on worship, ministry, and outreach. and under the leadership of Karen Kraycirik, As we continue to navigate our way through Kristy Greenwood, and Erin McMillin, we Covid, the Cathedral clergy and staff will con- have effectively completed all the renovations tinue to prioritize safety while moving us to- and repairs that were scheduled as part of our ward a more normal worship life. As you know, Sowing the Seeds campaign. Our buildings best practices are evolving, and we are working and grounds are in beautiful shape.
Financially, we have seen our revenues drop somewhat due to reduced Sunday plate collections, drops in use of our parking garage, and other Covid-impacted income. In response, our Staff and Clergy have worked to reduce our expenses, and we are weathering the challenge. That said, if you have not yet paid your 2020 EMC pledge, or made your 2021 EMC pledge, I ask and urge you to do so. As we return to whatever our new normal may be we will need all our resources to fully resume our mission. I know you share my joy and relief in our Dean’s recovery and return to the Cathedral, and I know I speak for all of us in thanking Kathy, Becky, Simón, and everyone at the Cathedral for their steady and faithful work during his absence. Finally, I look forward with great anticipation to a Sunday (hopefully soon) when we can ALL be together in worship, song, and thanksgiving. We will mourn those we have lost, give thanks for our blessings, and continue our journey in answering God’s call. I’ll see you there. PAGE 3
May Fete, Confirmation, and more
Below: During our annual May Fete celebration, the Cathedral was bustling with activity as parishioners enjoyed live music, food, and other traditions including the Maypole dance.
Above, right: On May 9 The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso preached and welcomed new confirmands.
Above: Cathedral members got together to participate in the Via Cathedral Walk on May 8: PAGE 5
CHILDREN AND YOUTH GATHER, from cover Donuts and Devos
2021 May Fete King and Queen Newly chosen King James and Queen Celeste sit in their thrones and watch May Fete festivities. 5th graders eligible for the drawing for King and Queen: Carlos, Catalina, Colin, Court, Davis, James, Kai, Mary, Sadie, Samson, Samuel, Tillie, Vincent, Walker, Dorothy, Jack, Celeste, José, and Kathia.
SAINTS, from cover We need saints; the whole church needs saints. So with my whole heart I prayed, send us saints. Send us saints. As I walked and prayed, prayed and walked, a whisper of response grew into a firm knowing, and I laughed at myself. I remembered and re-knew something deeply true: God doesn’t send saints. God has never once sent a saint to the church. Ever. That’s not how saints work: we become saints. It is we ourselves who must heed the call and abandon ourselves to the wonderful vocation of a full life lived in the Love of God. Only we can answer the unique needs of our unique times. Elizabeth of Hungary and her beloved Louis have much to teach us, but at some point, the lessons and analogies cease; and we move into uncharted territory, the unknown. So how do we do this? While the details of our lives have changed (Can you imagine what sort of relief efforts Elizabeth could have supported if she had the internet?) the broad sweeps of becoming followers of Jesus haven’t changed. Not at all. They are as timeless as God, Godself. Every saint, not sent, yet sanctified, had a living relationship with the living God. A relationship that was once small or distant, but with prayer and grace grew into the driving force of their lives. A relationship that changed them, fed them, challenged them. A relationship that led them to push the boundaries of their times and places into what is eternal, which is the Love of God. There are no reserves; there is no second string of Christians, sitting on the bench waiting to be called into the game. There is only us. Here and now. So begin. God is waiting. So am I. THE BULLETIN
Minister for Youth Marcia Quintanilla said that it was the Youth Council who Donuts and Devos for children and helped plan this summer’s activities. “They wanted to be back in person families will be in lieu of Vacation Bible and do it safely,” Quintanilla said. “We School this year, condensing the same haven’t been in the Treehouse for a year.” concept into a one-hour format on seA Zoom movie night featuring “Hamlected Saturdays and Sundays in the ilton” was a huge success, and Quintadriveways of volunteer families throughnilla expects the in-person option to be out the summer. a hit as well. The devotional book for the summer Thanks to Disney Plus, there are first is Glenys Nellist’s Love Letters from God. run movies, like “Cruella” and “In the A finalist in the 2015 ECPA Christian Heights” on the calendar too. Movie book awards, Love Letters from God packs which contain popcorn, candy, contains 18 of and drinks will be the most popular provided for $5. Bible stories for Quintanilla said children, nine that another infrom the Old Tesperson option will tament and nine be a service day from the New. where youth will Each story is be at The Beacon. accompanied by “They really love its own lift-thevolunteering at The June 10 Game Night Among US via ZOOM flap letter from Beacon, ” QuintaGod, which can June 17 Activity - Gardening via ZOOM nilla said. be personally adJune 24 Movie Night - Cruella @The For the Zoom acdressed to the Treehouse tivity nights — think child. cookie decorating July 1 Game Night Marvel Jeopardy via “We’ll share or gardening sucZOOM our own stoculents — there will ries and write July 8 Activity : Service Day @ The Beacon be complimentary (7a.m. to 12 p.m.) our own postsupplies for pick cards,” Lessner July 15 Movie Night — "In the Heights" up the Wednesday said. “The letters @ The Treehouse before the event. will serve as a July 22 Game Night: Harry Potter Trivia Youth must register reminder that no Night via ZOOM for both the comproblem is too plimentary supplies July 29 Activity Night : Cookie Night via big.” and for the $5 movZOOM Donuts will be ie packs. provided at the August 5 The Color Factory @ 3303 Kirby Dr., “People miss Houston, TX 770098 events, hosted at physically being different homes around each other,” around the city. Lessner said. “They Participants can miss that community and the connection register online for the one nearest to of in-person. They are hungry, and we’re them, or drive to one of their choosing. ready to meet them where they are.” Because the stories, songs, games, and For additional details on Donuts and prayers will be capped at an hour, parDevos and information on how to regents are invited to do their own socialister, visit: www.christchurchcathedral. izing during the event. Lessner says that having Donuts and org/donutsanddevos Learn more about Summer Shade Devos in family driveways allows them and where to sign up at the webto keep the group at a manageable level site: so that people are comfortable and safe. summershade Summer Shade Stay connected by subscribing to our For the youth there is Summer Shade e-newsletters and follow us on social every Thursday night with limited ca- media to get the latest information on pacity in-person movie nights as well as Cathedral events for children and youth. Zoom activity nights and Zoom game Visit: nights with prizes. subscribe
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended
Registration required
Registration closed
Bring a friend!
Cathedral Reads – Cathedral Kids 6:30–8 p.m. Bishop’s Courtyard & Latham. 2nd grade–5th grade fall 2021 are invited to read along with our summer 2021 pick — Kate DiCamillo’s book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. JUNE 25 JUNE 6 SUN Cathedral Reads 2021: The Logic of Love – Journey to 12th Century France 2 p.m., Zoom.
JUNE 2 WED Dean’s Book Club 6:30 p.m., Zoom, Hild, by Nicola Griffith.
Community of Hope — Circle of Care 6–8 p.m., Zoom, second Tuesday of the month. JUNE 9
Buscando La Luz 7 p.m., Zoom. Buscando la Luz/Seeking the Light is a program offered by the Latino Ministry of the Cathedral to our Spanish speaking congregation. JUNE 4
Bridge Night 6:30 p.m., Sanders Hall Cathedral 20s & 30s Summer Hangout
7:30 p.m. on Zoom .
Brain Health Matters: Living in the Sandwich Generation 2–3 p.m., Hosted by Amazing Place via Zoom. JUNE 10
Alzheimer & Dementia Support Group 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Zoom, second Thursday of the month. Episcopal Booksellers Association Authors Series 6 p.m., Zoom. The Very Rev. Michael Battle Ph.D. discusses his book: Desmond Tutu: A Spirtual Biography of South Africa’s Confesor with David Crabtree, WRAL-TV. JUNE 18
Cathedral Reads — Cathedral Youth 6 p.m., Zoom. Cathedral Youth Discuss Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart. JUNE 5 SAT Latino Ministry / MOC Yard Sale June 5, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. 13125 Indianapolis St., Houston TX 77015
Threads of Comfort and Joy 10–11 a.m., Zoom. A gathering for those who love to knit and crochet. On-going, third Saturday of the month.
Through August:
from the Vestry
A Vestry representative will call you to ask how we’re doing and to hear your hopes and concerns
WEDNESDAYS Men’s Morning Bible Study 7–8 a.m., Zoom. The Men’s Bible Study gathers weekly to explore the scriptures. No prior Bible study is required for participants. THURSDAYS
Summer Shade Cathedral 20s & 30s Summer Hangout 6 p.m. June 10, 17 via Zoom; June 24 Movie Night at the Treehouse; July 1 Game Night, Zoom. In-person, location TBA. Fourth Friday inperson meet-up.
WEEKLY SUNDAYS Donuts and Devos 10 a.m. Summer Place 10 a.m. Reynolds Hall and the Bishop’s Courtyard, hosted by a different ministry each week. • June 6, Youth Ministry Council • June 13, Justice and Peace Council
SATURDAYS Donuts and Devos 10 a.m. (June 5, 12, 26.)
• June 20, Community Life Council
• June 27, Welcome and Newcomer Council
Facilitating Firm Foundations 6:30–8 p.m. (Starting July 1.)
Summer Place returns
Each Sunday, beginning May 30, a different council will host Summer Place in-person, in the Bishop’s Courtyard and Reynolds Hall. Vestry member Bilinda Matusek explains that Summer Place offers parishioners a coffee-hour-style setting where they can meet between services and spend time catching up while learning about the work of the Cathedral. “Each week is hosted by a different ministry council and offers attendees a chance to hear about Cathedral ministries, their accomplishments, and what they’re working toward for the upcoming year,” Matusek noted, adding: “It offers ministry councils a time to talk about what’s going on in their areas and for people to get a chance to connect with council members and leaders.” Summer Place also serves as a means for parishioners to learn how to plug in and find new ways to get involved in supporting various ministries. Describing it as a “hopped up, Cathedral-style SUMMER PLACE coffee hour,” Matusek says “it brings a bit more bells Sundays, 10 a.m., and whistles and meaning to people who want to Reynolds Hall attend.” There will be light bites and refreshments. “I’m really glad we’re doing this,” she continued, saying: “We’ve had pretty robust crowds for Easter and for May Fete, so it’s nice to gear back toward seeing what it’s going to look like as we come back more fully into community.”
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Did you know you can read The Bulletin on our website? If you’d like to go “online-only,” contact Ramona Sikes at or call her at 713-217-1347.
GOOD NEWS, from cover means that, beginning Sunday, May 30, the cadence of our Sunday worship looks and feels much like it did prior to the pandemic. Included in this issue of the Bulletin is an insert that describes all the changes. I hope you will read it with care, and I look forward to seeing many of you at church. May we all offer prayers of thanksgiving that the pandemic is receding, and especially for those healthcare workers who tend to those in need and researchers who developed the vaccines that are restoring our communities’ health. __________ On May 17, The Beacon hosted an on-site vaccination clinic for the downtown homeless, in a collaborative effort with Harris Health, Healthcare for the Homeless, and the City of Houston. Forty-five homeless clients received vaccines, and plans are underway to repeat the clinic as needed in order to ensure that our homeless neighbors are protected from COVID-19. Additionally, in the first months after COVID-19 vaccines were introduced—but when vaccination appointments were still frustratingly difficult to obtain—our Cathedral Pastoral Care Office successfully assisted forty of our own parishioners to receive vaccines. Special thanks go to parishioner Don Vold and Minister for Pastoral Care Jody Gillit, who were instrumental in this good work. Christ Church continues to do its part for the safety and health of God’s children. THE BULLETIN
SUMMER PLACE, from cover
Each of the councils except for children’s ministry have a Sunday set aside to share updates about their areas. The Brigid’s Place board members will share about their program the same week as the Mission Outreach Council. Join us on Sundays this Summer, from 10 to 11 a.m. and learn more about the mission and ministry of Christ Church Cathedral. See the schedule below: MAY 30
AUG. 8
AUG. 15