Christ Church Cathedral Houston, Texas August 14, 2022 5 p.m. We welcome you to Christ Church Cathedral. Since 1839, this Christian community has gathered for worship. The Cathedral is equipped with a hearing loop for assisted listening via telecoil.
Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral! We have a socially distanced and masked seating section available. The east transept is reserved for those who choose both to physically distance and wear masks. If you’re sitting in that designated section, you are expected to wear masks and sit socially distanced. For others who wish to mask, we have masks available at all welcome tables.
Welsh, Scottish and Irish Tunes
The celebrant will offer a welcome, after which the people stand. Hymn & b b b 4 4 œ. j œ j œ œ. 1. Ho 2. Ho ly ly Spir Spir it, it, œ. j œ j œ œ. gift Christ be pro claim stow er, er, œ. j œ j œ œ. breathe wis in dom to bring our er, œ œ ú hearts light to our day. way. & b b b œ. j œ j œ œ. Flow Fire ing that wa dan ter, ces, œ. j œ j œ œ. dove wind that that whis hov pers, ers, œ. j œ j œ œ. Ho Ho ly ly Spir Spir it, it, œ œ ú guide come our to way. day. & b b b œ. j œ J œ œ. Love Ease in dis spir turb er, er, œ. j œ J œ œ. joy com re fort bear leas er, er, œ. j œ J œ œ. move Spir a it take mong our us œ. J œ ú fears while a we way. pray. & b b b œ. j œ j œ œ. Re Truth con re cil veal er, er, œ. j œ j œ œ. peace faith re con firm stor er, er, œ. j œ j œ œ. move rest a with mong in us our œ œ ú U while hearts we to pray. day. Holy Spirit, gift bestower Music: YR SUN GAN Welsh traditional melody, arr. Compilers ~ Text and Music © Church Hymnary Trust. Administered by Hymns Ancient & Modern Ltd. Reprinted by permission, all rights reserved, CCL # 11426131 and #726591-A
The Rev. Becky Zartman, Canon Missioner for Evangelism and Formation Celebrant
Worshipers are encouraged to sit in front of the alms basin. During the opening contemplative music, they are invited to observe prayerful quiet or to come forward to light a votive candle in acknowledgement of a prayer, concern, or in memory of a loved one.
Lighting of Votive Candles
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost five o’clock in the evening
Reader The Word of the Lord. People Thanks be to God.
People Generous God and generous Savior, touch us through your Spirit.
The Word of God
Celebrant Come all who hunger, all who thirst for life in all its fullness. Come with hope or hesitation; come with joy or yearning; come.
People Friend and stranger, saint and sinner, all who gather here.
Celebrant Let us pray. Stay with us, Lord, since the day is far spent and the night is coming; kindle our hearts on the Way, that we may recognize you in the scriptures, in the breaking of the bread, and in each other. Amen. The people sit.
The First Reading Genesis 32:22-31 Reader A Reading from the Book of Genesis.
The same night he got up and took his two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. He took them and sent them across the stream, and likewise everything that he had. Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket, and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go, unless you bless me.” So he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” Then the man said, “You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans and have prevailed.” Then Jacob asked him, “Please tell me your name.” But he said, “Why is it that you ask my name?” And there he blessed him. So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “For I have seen God face to face, yet my life is preserved.” The sun rose upon him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip.
Celebrant The Lord be with you. People And also with you.
The people remain standing. The Celebrant begins Celebrant Welcome to this holy place.
People Praise to you, Lord Christ. The people sit. The Reflection The Rev. Becky Zartman, Canon Missioner for Evangelism and Formation
The Holy Gospel Mark 4:35-41 Deacon The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark. People Glory to you, Lord Christ.
On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion, and they woke him up and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And waking up, he rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Be silent! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
Prayers of the People (The people may stand or kneel for the prayers.)
Deacon The Gospel of the Lord.
2 3 œ œ
Word by Ray Simpson; Music by Ray Simpson arr. Keith Duke; The Celtic Hymn Book ~ Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131
The people stand for the hymn and the reading of the Gospel. & b ú œ œ Kin 2. Kin 3. Kin dle dle dle in in in my my my œ. j œ w heart work world to to to day day day œ œ warmth of & b ú ú friend ship, œ. j œ w fire of love. œ ú œ œ Burn a way the œ œ dross, the & b ú ú fey, œ œ ú œ œ shine with in, a œ œ œ w U round, a bove. in my heart today
The Leader begins As evening falls and courage sometimes falters, let us turn our hearts to God in prayer. Silence
Celebrant Through the cross of Christ, God have mercy on you, pardon you, and set you free. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. God strengthen you in all goodness and keep you in life eternal. Amen. The people stand for the Peace.
We5 pray for those gathered here and all that lies heavy on our hearts. We pray that you would know our needs even before we recognize them. Grant us those good things for which we dare not, or in our blindness cannot, ask.
Silence We pray for this and all communities of faith. We pray that you would open the hearts of your faithful to seek your truth and pursue it in love.
Silence We pray for those in positions of leadership in the world, our nation, our state, and our city. Grant them the spirit of wisdom, charity, and justice, that they may promote the well-being of all people.
Silence We pray that you would disturb us, Lord, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little; when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst for the water of life. Push back, we pray, the horizons of our hopes, and move us into your future in strength, courage, hope, and love. The Confession and Absolution Celebrant Let us confess our sins. The People may kneel or stand. Merciful God, we have sinned in what we have thought and said, in the wrong we have done and in the good we have not done. We have sinned in ignorance; we have sinned in weakness; we have sinned through our own deliberate fault. We are truly sorry. We repent and turn to you. Forgive us, for our Savior Christ’s sake, and renew our lives to the glory of your name. Amen.
Silence We pray for the sick, the bereaved, the oppressed, and the homeless, that they may be comforted by your Holy Spirit, who brings light to the darkest places.
Silence We pray for the broken and torn fabric of the earth as it yearns for healing, trusting that you make all things new.
The Peace Celebrant The peace of the Lord be always with you. People And also with you. The People greet one another in the name of the Lord. The Holy Communion The people may be seated for the offertory hymn. Offertory Hymn & 4 4 œ. j œ œ œ 1. Bread 2. Share 3. Know 4. God is the your has blessed food self kept and of for his ú ú bro hea gi pro ken, ven ven, mise- -& œ. j œ œ œ wine earth find sealed is can your by blessed not self sign and af re and w poured: ford. stored, word: & œ. j œ œ œ take Here meet here, this is a for and grace friend those re in for who ú ú mem es e want ber sence: ver: him: -& .ú œ Christ Christ Christ Christ the the the the w Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord. Bread is blessed and broken GRACE IN ESSENCE ~ Celtic Hymn Book; Words: John L. Bell & Graham Maule, Music: John L. Bell © 2005 Kevin Mayhew Ltd. All rights reserved. Reprinted under CCL# 11426131. # 726591-A 6
The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. The Breaking of the Bread Celebrant Alleluia. Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us; People Therefore let us keep the feast. Alleluia.
The Great Thanksgiving
The people Celebrantstand.Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest. With friend, with stranger, with young and old, be among us tonight. People Come close to us that we may come close to you. Strengthen us that we may strengthen one another. Renew us that where we have failed, we may begin again.
In the beginning God made the world. The world flowed from God and God shaped it, filling it with light and life. God knew the world, but we chose not to know God. We turned from God, and though God sought us through patriarchs, matriarchs, and prophets, still we strayed. Our rebellion imperiled the fullness God intends for us, and when the world could bear no more, God sent Jesus, his Son. Among friends, gathered round a table, Jesus took bread, and, having blessed it, he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples saying, “This is my body which is given for you.” In the same way he took wine, and, having given thanks for it, he poured it and gave the cup to his disciples saying, “This cup is the new covenant with God, sealed with my blood. Take this and share it.” Lord Jesus Christ, present with us now, as we do in this place what you did in an upstairs room, breathe your Spirit upon us and upon this bread and wine, that they may be heaven’s food and drink for us, renewing, sustaining, and making us whole, and that we may be your body on earth, loving and caring for the world. Through, with, and for the love of Christ, we share this bread and cup in the unity of your Spirit, Father Almighty. Amen.
The People kneel or stand.
Celebrant and People Eternal Light, shine in our hearts. Eternal Power, be our strength. Eternal Wisdom, guide us as we serve you. Eternal Goodness, you have drawn us to your heart and united us in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood. Now grant that with all our heart, mind, and strength, we may evermore seek your face in all those we meet in the world. Amen. The HymnBlessing & b 4 3 œ œ 1. God 2. Be 3. Morn myaing ú œ œ Star,thoughts,bove, GodbePer fectmybe ú œ œ Lamb,deeds,low, GodbeRis mybeen œ. j œ œ Kingforeebb andando vermybe & b ú œ œ death;flow;hind; WordmakeGod withmeof ú œ œ God,seedin thatallSon ofofis j œ
The Invitation to Communion Celebrant So, come to this table, you who have much faith, and you who would like to have more; you who have been to this sacrament often, and you who have not been for a long time. You who have tried to follow Jesus, and you who have fallen short. Come. It is Christ who invites you to meet him here.
All are welcome and encouraged to receive Communion, whatever one’s Christian tradition.
Prayer after Communion (The people may stand or kneel.)
œ. œ œ Marplantmy life,ed,y betoin ourmybe ú œ œ wheatheart,life, thatinbe willmyour & b ú œ œ breath.grow.mind. MerJeFull susciof ú œ œ truth,Christ,ful, mighLivfull ingtyof ú œ œ grace,King,Hope, LordheaHo ven'sofly œ. j œ œ God,Sonsea Loveandwe willofsu & b ú œ œ preme;skypraise. KingGodbe ourenof ú œ œ kings,folds,health whileGodPre cioussurwe ú œ œ One,roundslive, throughbefillourus œ. j œ œ œ withnewout yourlifeall peacewhenof ourwese ú U rene.daysdie. God above, God below TUNE: THE DARK ISLAND (traditional Scottish melody, arr. Keith Duke) ~ Words: Paul Neeley, alt. ©Christian Copyright Licensing (Europe) Ltd. ~ Reprinted by Permission ~ Reprinted by permission. CCL# 11426131 8
Dance Tune, published by John Playford, 1696
The flowers on the Cathedral Altar are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the leadership, service, and spiritual guidance of Dean Barkley Thompson by the Cathedral’s Vestry and Ministries.
The Dismissal Celebrant Deep peace of the running wave to you. Deep peace of the flowing air to you. Deep peace of the quiet earth to you. Deep peace of the shining stars to you. Deep peace of the Son of God to you. Deep peace, deep peace. People Thanks be to God.
This week we remember The Rev. Canon John A. Logan Jr., Marian Wilkin Fleming, and Thomas Elbert Noel. The Beauty of Flowers
Becky Baxter, Music Coordinator and Harpist for The Well Dr. Kimberly Clark, flautist Sally Keller, cellist The Book of Remembrance
The flowers in the floor vases are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for Jill, Griffin, and Eliza Thompson by the Cathedral’s Ushers and Altar Guild.
• On Sunday, September 11, the Cathedral will Rally Against Hunger as we gather to pack 100,000 meals for our neighbors across the globe. We need everyone’s participation, and there are special volunteer opportunities for those who would like to help lead this effort. Sign up now at:
How to make a donation online • Visit for a variety of ways to make a gift to the Cathedral, including our new “text-to-give” option. Simply text “Give” to 888-998-1634, and follow the instructions. If you have questions, contact Minister for Stewardship Karen Kraycirik at or 713-590-3338. For more information about these and other events at the Cathedral, visit
• As part of the search process for our next Dean, you are invited to share your thoughts on identifying the kind of pastoral leader you prefer as well as what is most important to you about the Cathedral and our ministries. The deadline for completing the survey online is August 25. Please visit www.christchurchcathedral. org/cccsurvey for more information.
After-Hours Emergency Pastoral Care Line • 713-826-5332
Parishioner Survey Online
• If you are a guest today, we offer a warm welcome to Christ Church! Please complete a virtual welcome card at so we can get to know you. Feel free to contact the Cathedral offices during the week at 713-2222593 and let the receptionist know you would like to learn more about Christ Church Cathedral.
• Instruction in Eucharist is designed to help us learn/remember why and how we receive the Eucharist. Bring the whole family and come together for a morning of learning and growing as we frame our understanding of the Eucharist. Join us next Sunday, August 21, at 10 a.m. in the Cathedral.
Rally Against Hunger
Sunday,WelcomeAugust14, 2022 Announcements
• Each year as children, teachers, and administrators prepare to head back to school we as a church family bring them to the front of the church to surround them with prayer and encouragement. Blessings will take place next Sunday, August 21, during services at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 1 p.m.
Instruction in Eucharist
Education for Ministry • The Education for Ministry (EfM) program is accepting new students for the 2022-2023 year. There are two EfM groups meeting on Tuesdays at the Cathedral: a morning group and an evening group. Classes begin September 6, 2022. Contact Lucy Wagner at for details or visit www.christchurchcathedral. org/efm
Blessing of the Backpacks
The Very Rev. Barkley S. Thompson, Dean The Rev. Kathy Rock Pfister, Canon Vicar
The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of Texas
1117 Texas Avenue • Houston, Texas christchurchcathedral.org77002 • 713-222-2593
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun. Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.
The Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Fisher, Bishop Suffragan
The Rev. Simón Bautista Betances, Canon Missioner for Latino Ministries and Outreach
Please be advised that our services are Livesteamed to Vimeo and Facebook. Your participation in the service serves as your consent to the broadcast of your image and voice and to the broadcast of the image and voice of your participating minor children.
The Rev. Becky Zartman, Canon Missioner for Evangelism and Formation
The Rev. Bradley Varnell, Canon Missioner for Community Life and Young Adult Ministry
The Rev. Edward L. Stein, Assisting Priest Robert L. Simpson, Canon for Music Daryl Robinson, Cathedral Organist Matthew R. Dion, Organ Scholar Lucy Chambers, Bookstore Manager
The Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan, Bishop Suffragan
Portions of this service are adapted from the Iona Community Worship Book and the Prayer Books of the Church of Ireland, the Anglican Church of New Zealand, and the Northumbrian Community.
The Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, Assistant Bishop