5 pm The Well leaflet 8/11/24

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Order of Worship

Christ Church Cathedral August 11, 2024 5:00 p.m.

We welcome you to Christ Church Cathedral. Since 1839, this Christian community has gathered for worship. The Cathedral is equipped with a hearing loop for assisted listening via telecoil.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

The Holy Eucharist

five o’clock in the evening

The Rev. Canon Bradley Varnell Celebrant

Chelsea Berner Cantor

Good evening and welcome to The Well. The order of service has been adapted to observe the season after Pentecost. We are so glad that you are here. Come close, draw near, and receive the grace of God.

Opening Music

Traditional Scottish and Irish Tunes

Prayer for the Evening

Holy One, may the song of your Spirit soothe us, your gentle arms cradle us, your tenderness ease our tiredness, and your welcome enfold our weariness, this night and all our nights. Amen.

Please stand.

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Text: John L. Bell and Graham Neale; Music: NETTLETON, American traditional from Episcopal 1982 Hymnal Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL # 11426131; onelicense.net # 726591-A

Collect of the Day

Unseen God, drawing all people to the end of our desires: teach us to know true bread from false and to feed on him who shares our flesh to share your love, Jesus Christ, our communion. Amen.

Please be seated.

Psalm 34:1–8

I will bless the Lord at all times; * his praise shall ever be in my mouth. I will glory in the Lord; * let the humble hear and rejoice.

Benedicam Dominum

Proclaim with me the greatness of the Lord; * let us exalt his Name together.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me * and delivered me out of all my terror.

Look upon him and be radiant, * and let not your faces be ashamed.

I called in my affliction and the Lord heard me * and saved me from all my troubles.

The angel of the Lord encompasses those who fear him, * and he will deliver them.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; * happy are they who trust in him!

Please stand.

The Holy Gospel

John 6:35, 41–51

Priest The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John.

People Glory to you, Lord Christ.

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” Then the Jews began to complain about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” They were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” Jesus answered them, “Do not complain among yourselves. No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me; and I will raise that person up on the last day. It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has seen the Father. Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

Priest The Gospel of the Lord.

People Praise to you, Lord Christ.

All sit.

The Reflection

A period of silence is observed following the Reflection.

The People remain seated.

Sung twice. & b b 4 4 . œ j œ .

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Text by David Adam & © SPCK, Holy Trinity Church, Marylebone Road, London NW1 4DU ~ TRAVELLER'S PRAYER tune & harm. by Keith Duke & ©2005 Kevin Mayhew, Ltd. ~ Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL # 11426131; onelicense.net # 726591-A


The People stand. The intercessor says Eternal Spirit, Life-Giver, Pain-Bearer, Love-Maker, Source of all that is and that shall be, Father and Mother of us all, Loving God, in whom is heaven:

May the hallowing of your Name echo through the universe. Silence may be kept.

May the way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world. Silence may be kept.

May your heavenly will be done by all created beings.

Silence may be kept.

May your realm of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.

Silence may be kept.

With the bread we need for today, feed us.

In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.

In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.

From trials too sharp to endure, spare us.

From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and forever. Amen.

Additional prayers may be added.


The intercessor continues

You prepare a place for us; we refuse your invitation. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.

Your table is open to all; we keep it for ourselves. Christ have mercy. Christ have mercy.

Your welcome is wild; we are caged by fear. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.


The Celebrant says

Through the cross of Christ, God have mercy on you, pardon you and set you free. Know that you are forgiven and be at peace. God strengthen you in all goodness and keep you in life eternal. Amen.

Silent Prayer and Candle Lighting

Following the Intercessions during the instrumental music, you are welcome to come forward to light a votive candle as a symbol of your prayer. As we see others light candles, we recognize that we are all carrying prayer concerns known to us alone, and we are reminded to treat one another with kindness and care. Tapers and votives are located to the right of the altar and in front of the transept to the left. Please feel free to go to either of these places to light a candle.

The Peace

The Celebrant says

Here is food that satisfies, the taste of communion. Here is wine pouring free, the washing away of fear. Here is life abundant, a table of peace for all. May this peace be in us and among us, a sign of hope for a world renewed.

Celebrant The peace of the Lord be always with you.

People And also with you.

The people greet one another in the name of the Lord, after which the people are seated for brief announcements.

Glo ry and ú œ gra ti ú œ tude and . ú praise - - -


œ now let ú œ earth to ú œ hea ven . ú raise. -

Words: John L. Bell & Graham Maule ~ Music: John L. Bell ~ Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL # 11426131; OneLicense.Net # 726591-A

The Holy Communion

The Great Thanksgiving

Celebrant The Lord be with you.

People And also with you.

Celebrant Lift up your hearts.

People We lift them to the Lord.

Celebrant Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People It is right to give God thanks and praise.

God of blessing, we thank you always for making us in your image to serve the peace of all creation. You shared your name with our mothers and fathers: Sarah and Abraham, who left their home and became a blessing to all nations; Moses and Miriam, who went through sea and wilderness to the place of revelation; Deborah and Samson, who gave hope and justice to a people ruled by fear; Ruth and Jonah, who went to foreign soil and found a God who loves the stranger.

From our ancestors in faith came Jesus, the son of promise to fulfill the law, embody your love and draw all people to himself. He accepted death to break its fearful hold; he was raised to life to share it in abundance; he comes again to break the bread and pour the wine of hope.

Therefore, with all the people whose story you have shaped, with women and men of faith in every part of the world, we glory in your generous love and sing in praise of you:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.

We ask that your Holy Spirit will fall upon us and upon these gifts that these fragile, earthly things may be to us the body and blood of our lord and brother, Jesus Christ; who, on the night that he was betrayed, gathered with his faltering friends for a meal that tasted of freedom. Calling them to his table, he took bread and broke it and said: “ Th is is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.” In the same way after supper, he took the cup saying: “ Th is cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, whenever you drink it, to remember me.” As on that night, so here and now he offers himself in touch and taste beyond all words can hold.

Great is the mystery of faith: Christ has died

Christ is risen Christ will come again.

Therefore we come in memory and hope, responding to your call and the promise that echoes from the dawn of all time.

May mind and heart be held by your self-giving love as we stand before the cross, approach the empty tomb, and praise the one whose name is lifted high above all earthly power.

Receive our broken offering through his all-powerful grace, and bind us in communion with all who share your gifts; through Jesus Christ, in whom all ages and all the worlds are drawn into ceaseless love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN.

The Lord’s Prayer

And now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, we are bold to say, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

The Breaking of The Bread

Celebrant We break this bread to share in the Body of Christ; People We who are many are one body, for we all share in the one bread. Celebrant Bread and wine; the gifts of God for the people of God.

People May we who share these gifts be found in Christ and Christ in us. At the direction of the ushers you are invited to form a single line in the central aisle to receive Communion in front of the altar.

The sacrament of Holy Communion has been precious to Christians for 2,000 years. It is a way in which many sense the reality of God’s forgiveness, our union with God and each other, and the eternal life to which we belong. Please know that you do not have to be an Episcopalian to receive Communion. Receive the Bread in the palm of your hand and the Wine either by drinking from the cup or by intinction, touching the Bread to the Wine. Gluten-free Bread is available; simply ask. If you need Communion brought to you in the pew, please tell an usher.

Prayer After Communion

Celebrant Let us pray.

May we who have fed at Wisdom’s table take her welcome out to where tables are reserved and doors are closed; may the Spirit drive us to break our bread on the altar of the world. Amen.

The Blessing

The day thou gavest

The day thou gavest

The day thou gavest

May the outrageous welcome of the Father accept us for who we are; may the incarnation of the Word touch and hold us close; may the wandering of the Spirit help us risk ourselves for love; and the blessing of God, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, be with you this night and always. Amen.



1. The 2. We

Hymn &



b 4 3

The day thou gavest


day thou gavest

The day thou gavest

1. The 2. We 4. So 3. As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy œ œ œ Lord, Church nent throne and shall un is œ œ is nev sleep end land er, ing, ed,

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3. As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy

The day thou gavest


œ 1. The 2. We

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& b œ the while the like ú œ dark earth dawn earth's ness rolls leads proud œ œ œ falls on on em at ward an pires, ú œ thy in oth pass be to er a ú hest; light, day, way; -

b œ the while the like ú œ dark earth dawn earth's ness rolls leads proud œ œ œ falls on on em at ward an pires, ú œ thy in oth pass be to er a ú hest; light, day, way;---


Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3

3. As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy œ œ œ Lord, Church nent throne and shall un is œ œ is nev sleep end land er, ing, ed, -

œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures


Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3

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Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3 œ

4. So 3. As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy œ œ œ Lord, Church nent throne and shall un is œ œ is nev sleep end land er, ing, ed,---& b œ the while the like ú œ dark earth dawn earth's ness rolls leads proud œ œ œ falls on on em at ward an pires, ú œ thy in oth pass be to er a ú hest; light, day, way;---& b œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,

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œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and

œ the while the like ú œ dark earth dawn earth's ness rolls leads proud œ œ œ falls on on em at ward an pires, ú œ thy in oth pass be to er a ú hest; light, day, way;---& b œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,-

œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,----& b

-& b œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,----& b

b œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,-

œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway.

The Dismissal

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3

œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,

œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway. --

œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway.

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131

-& b œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway.

& b œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway. --

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3 œ

--& b œ to through the thy œ œ œ thee all voice King our the of dom œ œ œ morn world prayer stands, ing her is and œ œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er, -

& b œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway.

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3

--& b œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway.

œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway. --

& b œ thy and nor till œ œ œ praise rests dies all shall not the thy œ œ œ sanc now strain crea ti by of tures œ œ œ fy day praise own our or a thy ú rest. night. way. sway. --

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3 œ 1. The 2. We 4. So As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy œ œ œ Lord, Church nent throne and shall un is œ œ is nev sleep end land er, ing, ed, -

Words: John Ellerton (1826-1893) ~ Music: ST. CLEMENT, Clement Cottevill Scholefield (189-1904) Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. CCL #11426131 & b 4 3 œ 1. The 2. We 4. So 3. As œ œ œ day thank o'er be thou thee each it, œ œ œ gav that con Lord; est, thy ti thy œ œ œ Lord, Church nent throne and shall un is œ œ is nev sleep end land er, ing, ed,

œ œ hymns watch nev grows a is er for œ œ scend keep si ev ed, ing lent, er,-

Celebrant Entrust your life to the Lord of the open spaces and the time of adventure; to the life that pulses through rain drenched streets and mountain heights; to the love that sustains us through feast and famine. Let God’s hope be a clearing sky before you, a compass in your heart guiding you to where you belong. The Divine Spirit dwells in us. People Thanks be to God.

Closing Music

Traditional English Country Dance Tune

The Book of Remembrance

This week we remember Jane Gaucher Montgomery.

The Beauty of Flowers

The flowers on the Cathedral altar are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the Rev. John A. Logan Jr.

Becky Baxter, Music Coordinator and Harpist for The Well Dr. Kimberly Clark, flautist

Fran Koiner, cellist

Portions of this service come from “Prayers for an Inclusive Church” by Steven Shakespeare, published by Church Publishing, Inc. The intercessions for The Well have been adapted from “The Book of a Thousand Prayers,” compiled by Angela Ashwin, pg. 361-362.

Please be advised that our services are Livesteamed to Vimeo and Facebook. Your participation in the service serves as your consent to the broadcast of your image and voice and to the broadcast of the image and voice of your participating minor children.

Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun. Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.


Sunday, August 11, 2024


™ Cathedral Reads Wrap-Up • As we close the book on this summer’s Cathedral Reads program, we’ll gather during the 10 o’clock hour in Reynolds Hall on August 18 and share our experiences of The Book Thief. We’ll share a discussion of key moments in the novel, and much more, with special guest Kemberly Kemp, English teacher and writer from St. John’s School. All are welcome and invited to participate in this celebration of books and community. Come and share special coffee, thematic treats, and a love of reading.

™ Centering Prayer • Deepen your life with God through Centering Prayer, an ancient method of praying focused on meeting God in silence. The Centering Prayer group meets on Mondays, 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m., in the Mellinger Room. No previous experience is required, all are welcome! For more information contact Carole Pentony at carolepen3@gmail.com

™ Homecoming Sunday • After a summer of sabbath rest, play, and travel, our Cathedral community comes home to mark the start of a new program year. Sunday, August 25, will be jam packed with back to school blessings, commissioning of friends in ministry, and a ministry fair that showcases all the ways to connect to your Cathedral. You won’t want to miss it as we kick off a new year together! Learn more at www.christchurchcathedral.org/homecoming

™ Caregivers Gathering • Those in care giving roles are invited to gather for a time of mutual support, connection, and a sharing of resources and ideas. Join us in Jeffers Conference Room in person or virtually on the 3rd Thursday, August 15, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Contact Minister for Pastoral Care, Claire Soard at csoard@christchurchcathedral.org for more information.

™ Summer Sunday Altar Flowers • Fresh altar flower arrangements for Sunday services may be donated to honor a friend or family member, a loved one, to celebrate a birthday or anniversary. There are still vacancies in July and August for Sunday altar flower donors. Please contact Lisa Viktorin at lviktorin@christchurchcathedral.org for more information.

™ Education for Ministry • Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year program of Christian formation and fellowship and encourages a deepened understanding of faith and how it lives out in the world. Open to lay people, no prior theological experience required. EfM meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. beginning Sept. 3. Learn more at: www.christchurchcathedral.org/efm

™ Wednesdays at the Cathedral • Holy Eucharist is offered at 12:05 p.m. each Wednesday in Golding Chapel. Cathedral Tour Guides are available to welcome you at the bell tower from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. You may spend your time alone, or the guide will share the Cathedral’s rich history with you. While you’re here, enjoy a delicious meal at Treebeards restaurant, open 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (M-F).

For more information about these and other events at the Cathedral, visit www.christchurchcathedral.org

After-Hours Emergency Pastoral Care Line • 713-826-5332

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