Christ Church Cathedral An Episcopal Parish in the Heart of Houston
April 3, 2011
Enough by Eileen O’Brien, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
hilip is the practical disciple. “When he looked up and saw a large crowd coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?” Philip does the math, and replies, “Six months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each of them to get a little.” You all know the rest of the story. Jesus takes 5 loaves and 2 fish, and somehow there is enough for the entire crowd to eat until they are satisfied. Enough becomes the miraculous. Like Jesus and his disciples, we live in a world where there is significant and stark, visible need. We can see it clearly, as through a pane of glass. Sometimes it shouts at us. And if we do the math like Philip, we usually seem to come up short on resources. Globally, millions of people live in extreme deprivation of food and basic medical care. We all live in the tension between scarcity and abundance, and that can be an uncertain and scary place to be. Jesus challenges his disciples and us, in the midst of that fearful tension, to a radical type of hospitality that defies all of the math and yields that miraculous enough. He tells us to welcome this entire hungry crowd and to offer what we have with thanksgiving to God for those gifts. Through Cathedral Missions, youth and adults alike engage in this work of welcoming the hungry crowd by prayerfully assessing what gifts we have to offer and by walking alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ in Houston, on the Gulf Coast and in Honduras. Together we diligently work for the restoration of human dignity and the meeting of human need.
Two years ago, our Mission Honduras team identified a pressing need in our partner community of Fe y Alegría for significant changes to their water supply and sanitation systems for the sake of the health of the community. This year, in addition to conducting our medical clinic and health education programs, our team will be laying the groundwork at the household level to provide cleaner water for cooking and washing and to address the widespread problem of water-bourn parasites. Long-term partnerships are systematically being forged to address the overall water supply problems in the village. We also seek to establish a fund for addressing urgent medical situations that are beyond the capabilities of our medical staff. This year our Mission Possible Campaign Team asks you, even in the midst of a capital campaign, where we can find the resources to meet the needs of the hungry crowd that faces us and to begin this restorative and healing work. These resources may look like small things: a $10 Home Depot card for building materials for Mission Galveston, a bottle of ibuprofen for the clinic in Honduras or a letter of encouragement to our mission team members. Perhaps you have friends who golf who would like to participate in our Mission Possible Golf Tournament or you would like to donate an item for our silent auction. More information about how you can participate can be found at Whatever you have to offer, we ask you to join us in this work of mission in some small way this year. Bring your gifts to this altar and get ready to feed the hungry crowd, joyful in the knowledge that, with God’s blessing, even our small gifts are enough.
Cathedral Services S U N D AY S 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10 a.m. Education Hour 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 1 p.m. La Santa Eucaristía, Rito II 1 p.m. Rhythms of Grace first Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II
W E E K D AY S 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:05 p.m. Holy Eucharist* 6 p.m. Evening Prayer *On Fridays, the 12:05 Eucharist includes a Service of Healing
T H E G O L D I N G C H A P E L is open throughout the day Monday through Friday for prayer and quiet introspection. C H R I S T C H U R C H C AT H E D R A L 1117 Texas Avenue, Houston, Texas 77002 713-222-2593
Our Cathedral Family
We celebrate with b Julia Hayes and Hector Castellanos, married on March 5 in the Cathedral. b Scarlett Alcocer, born January 30 to Cathedral members Juan and Patricia Alcocer.
b Zola Maven Rodi, born October 4, 2010 to Cathedral members Lia and David Rodi.
b New members John and Margaret Gwynne, Eric Newcomer and Brittney Barron.
The Flowers on the Cathedral Altar
b on April 3 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Henry Kendall Hamilton, James Leonard Dougherty, Jewel Kendall Hamilton, William Brooke Hamilton, Newton Gilbert Dougherty and Maribel Kendall Daffan by Anne and Jim Dougherty, Jr.
May Fete Planning
e a part of Houston’s oldest spring celebration—a day for food, games, music and fun. Plan to attend, volunteer or offer underwriter support for this year’s May 1 event. For more information, contact May Fete chair Cabrina Owsley at 713-526-6025 or Lisa Puccio, Director of Family Ministry, at lisap@ The May Fete Committee is looking for sponsors for the great games that will make May Fete so much fun for our children. For a contribution of $50 you can have your name listed on the game sign for Ring Toss, Wheel of Clergy, Tattoo Tent, Frogger, Bean Bag Buckets, Hair Do, Go Fishing or Fun House Mirrors. To learn more or to find out how to sponsor the Photo Flip Book Booth and Pony Carousel contact Kristin and Andy Avery at 281-250-0528.
Spring Tour
his year, our annual tour, coined “Texas Independence,” will take us through the historic towns of Washington, Independence and Brenham. Join us Saturday, April 9 from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. The cost is $65 per person. Contact Tracie Jae at or 713-590-3300 to sign up.
Spring Welcome Dinner
Tuesday, April 12 • 6 p.m. at The Reynolds’
elcome newcomers. We’re glad you’re here. Join us for a casual evening of conversation and fine fare at the home of Joe and Elizabeth Reynolds. Get to know your clergy, other Cathedral staff and those new or feeling new to the Cathedral during this always-fun gathering, sponsored by your Membership & Evangelism Council. For information, for directions and to RSVP, contact Anne Shepard at or 713-590-3301. 2
The Season of Lent
Cathedral Lenten Series We Will, With God’s Help: Exploring Our Baptismal Covenant Sponsored by the Adult Formation Council Wednesdays, through April 13 Dinner: 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. ($10 adults, $5 children 12 and under, $20 family maximum) Program 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
April 6 “Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?” The Rev. Glenice Como, Chaplain to The Beacon
April 13 “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?” The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop of the Diocese of Texas For more information or to RSVP for dinner, contact Tracie Jae at or 713-590-3300.
F or C hildren Wednesday Nights in Lent: For 4-year-old through 5th grade children, “Marked as Christ’s Own” will explore the same theme of the baptismal covenant in a program of interactive stories and art experiences.
April 6:
Holy Communion Workshop with Canon Stein (in the Cathedral)
April 13:
Making a Mark on the World (in the Jones Basement)
Special Worship on Wednesdays and Fridays in Lent Wednesdays (throughout Lent): • 12:05 p.m. in the Chancel of the Cathedral; Eucharist with Lenten preaching and hymns
• 5:30 p.m. in the Golding Chapel, spoken Eucharist with brief Homily; precedes the Wednesday night Lenten program
Fridays (throughout Lent): • 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral, Way of the Cross, bilingual in English and Spanish
The regular worship schedule listed on the front cover of this bulletin under “Cathedral Services” will continue.
Evensong Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 17, 5 p.m. featuring Allegri’s celebrated Miserere, once sung only in the Sistine Chapel by Papal decree.
Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God. —Ephesians 5:2
Easter Lilies
or our great festival celebration, donate one or more of the Easter lilies that grace the Rood Screen at the Cathedral. Checks for $10 per plant should be made payable to the Altar Guild and mailed to Christ Church Cathedral, 1117 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002, ATTN: ALTAR GUILD. If you wish to honor a loved one with your donation, please include a list of names, indicating if they are in memory or honor of, by April 7. Names received by this deadline will be listed in the Easter Bulletin. Those received afterward will appear in a subsequent Bulletin.
The Way of the Cross for Children
he “Way of the Cross” will be presented in pictures and language appropriate for children on Palm Sunday, April 17, in the McGehee Conference Room following the 9 a.m. service. Join us as we follow the steps of Christ’s passion and discuss the story along the way.
The Fourth Steward
Honoring and Remembering
Mission Possible Golf Tournament
his year, Cathedral Missions will host its 10th Annual Mission Possible Golf Tournament and Luncheon on April 16, at the Gus Wortham Golf Course. This tournament, luncheon and silent auction are the primary source of funding for Cathedral Missions. Your contribution of silent auction items, hole sponsorship or participation on the course makes our programs possible by funding youth and adult scholarships as well as medical, educational and building materials for Mission Honduras. Go to or contact Eileen O’Brien at to donate or register for the tournament.
by Andy Vickery
t is an apocryphally true fact that in Our Lord’s oral telling of the Parable of the Stewards (Matt 25:14-30) there was a Fourth. Unlike the “good and faithful” steward who doubled the Master’s five talents by prudent investment, or the “wicked” servant who buried the Lord’s money, this Steward spent it. “On what did you spend your talents?” Jesus asked. “To feed and clothe the poor, Lord,” the Steward responded. Having just admonished the Disciples to “feed my sheep” (John 21:15-17), and told the Rich Young Ruler that he should “sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor” (Luke 18:22), Jesus was hard pressed to be critical. “Good job,” he said. The decision as to how we balance what we spend or save is not an easy one. But, as we begin this Building Our Legacy campaign, it is one that is worthy of reflection, thought and prayer. As a result of Dean Reynolds’ vision and our Building for Community campaign, we have welcomed the Bishop from his West Alabama retreat to his proper seat in the heart of downtown Houston, built McGehee Hall and the Ballard Youth Center to serve the needs of our own parish and, incredibly, established the Dunn Center and The Beacon to serve “the least of these [God’s] children.” We knew when we launched that $25MM project that it would take two capital campaigns to fund it. But then something truly remarkable happened. In a historic and courageous vote, the Trustees of the Endowment Fund voted to remove the yoke of that debt entirely from our backs. But now, you and I are called to be good stewards of our talents to endow the Cathedral for the generation of our children and grandchildren. The latest of the latter is our grandson Oswin Foxcroft Vickery. His Old English name means “Friend of God.” We, too, want to be God’s friends. And so, for Oswin and others in his generation, Carol and I intend to give to this capital campaign as generously as God’s blessings and our circumstances will allow. Join us.
Blood Drive
he St. Luke’s blood van will be at the Cathedral’s San Jacinto entrance Sunday, April 3 from 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. You may request a preferred time by contacting Gill McCord at gillmccord@gmail. com. Please support our first blood drive of 2011. 3
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CloisterG a l l e r y Beauty of Still Life
Featuring nationally known artists such as Kim Carlton, Judy Crowe, Mary K. Forshagen, Susan Hotard, Bernice Keown and Peggy Kingsbury.
Opening Reception: Friday, April 15 5–7 p.m. in the Great Hall
Upcoming Bulletins Articles Due For Bulletin Dated April 7 April 24 April 14 May 1 E-mail articles to:
This Bulletin is available for viewing online as a link on the weekly email “This Week at the Cathedral” or on the web site at>about us>publications. In an effort to save resources, you may request to discontinue your paper version of the Bulletin and read it online. Please contact Anne Shepard at or 713-590-3301.
Basics of the Faith
Service Saturday
asics of the Faith is a workshop for adults interested in joining the Episcopal Church, either through confirmation or by being received. The class meets from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. on Saturday, April 2. To RSVP, contact Anne Shepard at 713-590-3301 or
at the Houston Food Bank
Bookstore News
hen Pittman McGehee’s book of collected sermons arrives (possibly later this month), we plan to have a Bookstore signing event. In the meantime, former Cathedral Canon Patrick Miller has published a collection of his sermons that is available now. In addition to Easter and spring greeting cards, we also have graduation cards and gifts. Modern-style, sterling silver cross necklaces (with chains) from a new jeweler are available as we await the return of our Cathedral crosses. New book titles arrive weekly, and we look forward to helping you with your selections. Your loyal support of The Cathedral Bookstore helps to support the ministries of Christ Church Cathedral.
he Mission Outreach Council invites you to signup on April 10 and 17 at a table in the Cloister for the next Service Saturday, April 30. The Cathedral will provide service to the Houston Food Bank in packing weekend lunches for underserved school children. Be sure to sign up to participate in this local work for our city’s children.
Rhythms of Grace
hythms of Grace, an ecumenical service for special needs children and their families, began in October of last year and participation has grown each month. On April 3 at 1 p.m. we will have our last service until September. This fun-filled celebration of Eucharist and playtime has allowed several families to worship together for the first time. We invite you to join us in the Jones Building Basement on Sunday, April 3, and find out what Rhythms of Grace is all about. Our monthly services resume on September 4.