Christ Church Cathedral May 1, 2011 Bulletin

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL An Episcopal Parish in the Heart of Houston

May 1, 2011

May Fete is coming Sunday, May 1! Following a combined 10 a.m. bilingual service by Lisa Puccio


n Sunday, May 1 the entire Cathedral community is invited to join together for a combined bilingual Eucharist service at 10:00 and then to stay and spend the day enjoying our special springtime tradition. It takes a lot of commitment to plan and execute a community event in a downtown urban parish like ours, but we have a wonderful group of people who have contributed their time, talent and treasure to plan this year’s annual May Fete. When the first May Fete celebrations were held, Christ Church was a neighborhood parish where ladies’ groups sponsored many social events. Today this is an urban cathedral in every sense. Our community reflects the widest array of interests and backgrounds, and yet on this day we all gather to celebrate our combined community of faith. The Christ Church Cathedral May Fete is an old tradition with a modern mission: to bring all of us together to celebrate our future. Every council and almost all other parish organizations will be represented—from staffing booths and sponsoring games to preparing lunch and grilling hot dogs. It’s an amazing effort on the part of an amazing community. As our young children celebrate their school year and as the fifth graders move on, we initiate them into a community of love and hope and Christian action. Come and be a part of this spring celebration of youth and of growth—of the future of a living and growing urban parish.

See page 2 for a summary of May Fete activities

Cathedral Services S U N D AY S 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 9 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II 10 a.m. Education Hour 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 1 p.m. La Santa Eucaristía, Rito II 1 p.m. Rhythms of Grace first Sunday of the month 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Remember—Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8! W E E K D AY S 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 12:05 p.m. Holy Eucharist* 6 p.m. Evening Prayer *On Fridays, the 12:05 Eucharist includes a Service of Healing

T H E G O L D I N G C H A P E L is open throughout the day Monday through Friday for prayer and quiet introspection. C H R I S T C H U R C H C AT H E D R A L 1117 Texas Avenue, Houston, Texas 77002 713-222-2593

Our Cathedral Family

May Fete Activities (continued from cover)

We celebrate with

Children’s Performance, Crowning of the King and Queen, and the Maypole Dance

Late Easter Memorials: lilies were given

The tradition for over 100 years, we celebrate our children by once again crowning the king and queen of the May following a musical performance by the children of the Sunday school and fiddler Bob Rohan. The third and fourth graders will present the traditional maypole dance and then the ribbon will be cut to open the fair.

b new members Dianne Tucker and Payson Tucker. b in memory of Joseph Adams Harris Scott by Sister Mary Winifred. b in honor of Harvey and Emily Shepherd by Sister Mary Winifred.

The Flowers on the Cathedral Altar

b on May 1 are given to the glory of God in celebration of May Fete and in thanksgiving for all the volunteers who make this occasion so special

Bishop Andy Doyle will join us Sunday, May 8 at the 9 & 11 a.m. services.


Dean’s Conference

he annual conference of North American Deans and Spouses/ Partners will be hosted at Christ Church Cathedral this year from May 5 though May 8. More than seventy Cathedral deans and spouses/partners from all over the United States and Canada (and a few other spots as well) will gather for a time of learning and mutual encouragement. The theme of this year’s conference is “The City of the Living God,” and will explore urban ministry, especially ministry to and with the poor. The conference participants will be in procession at the 11 a.m. service on Sunday, May 8. We welcome them to Christ Church Cathedral, to Houston and to the Diocese of Texas. —Joe Reynolds

Dean’s Conference Evensong Thursday, May 5 • 5:30 p.m. Join us for the opening worship service of the Dean’s Conference, an Evensong with Bishop Doyle preaching. The service is open to the public.


Play Your Cards

he CCC Bridge Group will meet on Friday, May 6 from 6–9 p.m. in the McGehee Conference Room. All players are welcome, and if you have never played bridge or need a refresher, we will have a table just for you. Bring your favorite beverage and a snack or covered dish. For more information, contact Rick Newlin at or 832-228-2285.


Games in the Huffington Courtyard Children of all ages will have an afternoon of free games, crafts and entertainment. Head to the playground for Wheel of Clergy, Ring Toss, Go Fish and a Tattoo Tent. Back by popular demand is the May Day Flip Book Photo Booth—your chance to wear a bishop’s mitre, sport a tiara or just act out for the camera to capture your own special May Fete memories. A Fabulous Luncheon in the Great Hall The May Fete luncheon is one of the highlights of the day. A perfectly planned menu prepared by our finest Cathedral chefs! Crispy Fried Chicken, Homemade Potato Salad, Field Green Salad with Mandarin Oranges and Spicy Pecans, Watermelon Wedges, Dinner Rolls with Creamery Butter The Grand Bake Sale and Best Cakes Silent Auction It’s the only one of its kind at Christ Church Cathedral and your chance to enjoy the best our Cathedral bakers have to offer! The May Fete Raffle Last year this was so much fun that we’re doing it again with even more wonderful prizes. Tickets can win you a week of Camp Allen summer camp, a stay at the Magnolia Hotel, a gift basket from Rudy’s BBQ or Starbuck’s Coffee, a signed Rocket’s poster or Astros tickets to name only a few of the great prizes! Food, Music and Crafts in the Bishop’s Courtyard Make a paper hat, eat hot dogs, have a St. Arnold’s brew and listen to some authentic cowboy music in the Bishop’s Courtyard. Pat Gavin and the Buckaroo Band will perform from 12:30 until 3 p.m. for your dancing or relaxing pleasure. You can get creative with some special May Day keepsakes like paper flower May bouquets, colorful beaded jewelry and festive pinwheels.

May Fete Rehearsal Schedule

Mike Slayton Watercolor artist Mike Slayton will exhibit a unique collection of West Texas landscapes in the Cloister Gallery during May.

Opening Reception: Friday, May 13 • 6–8 p.m. in the Great Hall



9:30 Maypole dance rehearsal; 10:30 May Fete

April 30:

rehearsal for all children in the Bishop’s Courtyard,

Refreshments will be served!

Mission Galveston 2011 Who: Rising 7th-9th graders from the Cathedral, St. David’s Austin and St. Stephen’s Houston. High school youth and college students wishing to go may apply to Eileen O’Brien to be a counselor. What: We will converge in Galveston to work at St. Vincent’s House and the home of a low-income senior affected by Hurricane Ike. We will also do fun things and take full advantage of being at the beach.

Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God. —Ephesians 5:2

Continuing the Good Work

When: June 6-9; Houstonian missioners can expect to depart at noon on the 6th and return by 5 p.m. on the 9th. Where: We will stay at the William Temple Center in Galveston across the street from University of Texas Medical Branch. Why: To love and serve the Lord. To be a community that communicates Christ’s love. To enjoy God’s good creation. How much? The cost of the trip is $125. This includes housing, food, t-shirt, transportation and fun stuff. We are asking that each missioner also collect or purchase $30 worth of Home Depot gift cards for the purchase of building supplies for continued rebuilding efforts. How do I register? Regardless of your home church affiliation, register at Go to the Domestic Missions page where you will find all of the information you need including forms and a packing list. Please register by May 1.

Let’s Go Astros


Ballgame and Cookout

ake in a ballgame with fellow parishioners on Tuesday, June 28 for Episcopal Night at the Ballpark. We’ll fire up the grill in time to start serving the free hot dog meal with fixings and drinks including beer at 5 p.m. in the Bishop’s Courtyard. Walk with fellow parishioners to Minute Maid Park, where you’ll sit in the Cathedral’s reserved bullpen box seats in time to see the first pitch thrown by Bishop Doyle at 7:05 p.m. Parking is free in the Cathedral garage. To reserve your tickets, pay online now at > News or pay at a table in the cloister starting Sunday, June 5. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children 12 & under. Ticket pickup will be at a table in the cloister Sunday, June 26 and at the pre-game cookout.

VBS Save the Date! June 6, 7 and 8 Adult VBS:

“Faith, Work & Vocation” Children’s VBS:

“God With Me Always” Dinner: 6-7 p.m. • Program: 7-8 p.m. VBS registration: May 15, 22, 29 and June 5 in the cloister.

by Frances Kittrell


nce again, we find ourselves in the midst of a capital campaign. Once again, we are at a decisive moment in the life of our Cathedral. Our predecessors had the foresight to strengthen and sustain the life and mission of Christ Church Cathedral with the creation of the Cathedral Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund supports both the Cathedral and its mission. Our forbearers made it possible for the Cathedral to remain a downtown church. They laid the groundwork for the marvelous music program we enjoy. They reached out to the greater community and those in need. When we reaffirm our faith, the Bishop prays, “May the Holy Spirit, who has begun a good work in you, direct and uphold you in the service of Christ and his kingdom.” With these words, we are charged to continue the good work that is already in progress. We are charged to continue the good work begun by the Cathedral. To keep the music and outreach programs and the Cathedral itself strong, we must grow the Cathedral Endowment Fund. The East block of the Cathedral campus, home to the Diocesan and Dunn Outreach Centers, would still be a surface parking lot and boot shop without the Endowment; the candy-stripe building would stand on the corner of San Jacinto and Prairie instead of the McGehee Building. The Endowment trustees made the decisions that brought these advancements. Now it is time for us to make the decision to increase the Cathedral Endowment to a level that will insure that the future will hold similar successes. I saw a t-shirt the other day that said, “There is no finish line.” This is so true. Will this be our last capital campaign? With almost total certainty, it will not. The vision that has made Christ Church Cathedral what it is today will continue. There will always be a future that is currently beyond our sight. That vision, that future, is what makes this capital campaign so important. It is our turn to build the legacy for our children, our grandchildren and all those who come after us. 3

1117 Texas Avenue Houston, Texas 77002-3183

Our Capital Campaign concludes May 15! Please remember to send in your commitment cards or pledge online at Contact David Simpson, Director of Stewardship, at or 713-590-3308 with any questions.

Upcoming Bulletins Articles Due For Bulletin Dated May 26 June 12 June 16 July 3 E-mail articles to: This Bulletin is available for viewing online as a link on the weekly email “This Week at the Cathedral” or on the web site at>about us>publications. In an effort to save resources, you may request to discontinue your paper version of the Bulletin and read it online. Please contact Anne Shepard at or 713-590-3301.


Bookstore News

ay Fete, Pittman McGehee’s book signing, Mother’s Day, Confirmation, Graduation and teacher appreciation...May is certainly full of wonderful events. We invite you to come and see what offerings The Cathedral Bookstore may have to mark these occasions. Greeting cards, bibles, prayer books, on-site embossing, books of all kinds, music, silver cross jewelry, prayer beads, ceramic crosses and gift certificates are all available in your bookstore. Sunday morning, May 8, the Rev. J. Pittman McGehee will be in the bookstore signing his book, Words Made Flesh: Selected Sermons. We are most appreciative of the dedicated hard work and financial support of Kay Pieringer, Donna Boyd, Bonnie Hibbert, Carol and Andy Vickery, and numerous others who made this book a reality. Pittman has most generously The Very Reverend donated the proceeds and royalties from the sale of this book to The Cathedral Bookstore. J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. The Cathedral Bookstore supports the ministries of Christ Church Cathedral.

Replacement of Bishop’s Courtyard Fountain


ollowing the loss (through accident or vandalism—we aren’t sure) of the Hellmann/Baldwin fountain in the Bishop’s Courtyard back in September 2010, a committee was formed to develop plans for its replacement. This committee, chaired by Mimi Prioleau and including Betty Hellmann, Carol Vickery, Rick Newlin and Bill Kovach, contracted with the well-known Houston landscape architectural firm of McDugald Steele to assist with the effort. Following a great deal of study, it was determined that the entire infrastructure of the fountain required replacement—to improve functionality, but also to replace foundation damage that had occurred years ago. The new basin of the fountain will be slightly larger, and the fountain itself will be virtually identical to the one that was just damaged, but it will be hand-carved from Texas limestone. The Garden Endowment has made a wonderful contribution to this effort that subsidizes funds collected from our insurance company. This replacement project will begin on Monday, May 2, the day after May Fete. We anticipate that our new fountain will grace the courtyard by early summer.

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