Alternative Giving Market at Christ Church Cathedral
he Alternative Giving Market provides you an opportunity as a parishioner or friend of the Christ Church community to give generously to 14 Houston organizations whose goal it is to improve the lives of people in need. Most of the organizations listed in this brochure are small nonprofits with limited fundraising capabilities, so even the smallest donation will have an impact. All of the money raised will go directly to their service programs. Giving generously through the Alternative Giving Market expresses the true meaning of Christmas. It allows you to replace traditional commercial gift-giving with presents that have a real significance. To help you with the task of choosing an appropriate gift, we have included a shopping list that contains several suggestions for each of the agencies. However, any amount you choose to give will be appreciated. It is especially important that you invite the young people in your life to experience the blessing of giving. Learning to give, not just to receive, at an early age can set a pattern for one’s lifetime. To that end, we have included a $1 donation level of giving. You may make donations to the Alternative Giving Market online, by mail, and in person on Sunday, November 22, when representatives from the organizations will be available to answer all of your questions. Gift cards to send to the person you are honoring will be furnished regardless of how you choose to shop. Won’t you please join us to make the Alternative Giving Market a special part of your Christmas preparations?
The Mission Outreach Council of Christ Church Cathedral
Participating Organizations At-Risk Youth assists working-poor families struggling with unforeseen circumstances including family violence, injuries, illness, death of the principal wage earner, job loss or cutbacks, and crime. $1 To help replace a child’s toy destroyed in a fire $25 Reconnect fee when electricity is cut off $50 Medical copay for an injured breadwinner $100 Help with rent to avoid eviction $700 One month’s rent following a job loss
The Beacon provides services that restore dignity, self-respect and hope to
Houston’s poor and homeless through four core programs: The Beacon Day Center, Beacon Law, Brigid’s Hope at The Beacon, and Cathedral Clinic at The Beacon. $1 A meal for a client in the Beacon Day Center $50 Scrubs and toiletries for one client in the Beacon Day Center $200 An apartment starter kit for a Brigid’s Hope client $500 One meal for 500 clients in the Beacon Day Center $1200 Total case costs for one client of Beacon Law
Brigid’s Place offers a soul sanctuary for women, providing education,
dialogue, and celebrations that foster personal and spiritual transformation and community growth by diversifying and recreating our story every day. $1 Certificate printing for “I Know the Importance of Taking Action” $25 Sponsorship of the St. Brigid’s Festival $50 Support for the “Easter in Memory of Her” presentation $100 One-day sponsorship of “Into the Mystics” $500 Four-day sponsorship of “Into the Mystics”
Cathedral Missions organizes all mission trips from Christ Church
Cathedral to places such as Oklahoma, Boston, Costa Rica, and even Houston. $1 Public transportation for a mission participant $25 Food for a day $50 Lodging for a day $100 One-fifth of the cost for air travel $1550 A full scholarship for a high-school mission participant
Learn more about these organizations and donate online at Social Justice
Christmas at the Cathedral provides a special meal with entertainment and gifts for the community of homeless and less fortunate in Houston.
$1 A pair of socks for one guest $20 A meal and gifts for an adult or child $100 A meal and gifts for a family of five $200 A meal and gifts for ten people $2000 A meal and gifts for 100 people
COMPASS “directs� homeless clients toward employment and
independence. Case managers provide one-on-one services, information, and referrals to other resources. $1 A pair of reading glasses for a client $25 Haircuts for eight clients with job interviews $50 Metro bus cards for a client with a new job $150 Texas ID cards for 15 clients $300 Steel-toed work boots for seven clients
Crossroads at Park Place provides services to promote the health, hygiene, and dignity of homeless persons in southeast Houston.
$1 Reading glasses, pens and paper, snacks, or bottled water for one client $10 Breakfast and lunch, shower, hairdressing, and laundry for one client $75 Tennis shoes, socks, and a backpack for a homeless client $130 50 round-trip bus rides to job interviews or medical appointments $625 500 meals for homeless clients
Emergency Aid Coalition promotes the self-sufficiency of clients by assisting with basic needs through a food pantry, clothing center, and sack lunch program. EAC also provides a backpack, school supplies, and uniforms to children in Houston. $1 Apples for three children $10 Clothing for one homeless client $50 Groceries for one shut-in $100 School supplies, a backpack, and uniforms for one child $300 Jeans, socks, underwear, and hygiene products for 30 people
Kids Hope USA at Christ Church Cathedral is a partnership with HISD’s Rusk School. Volunteer mentors from the Cathedral congregation, supported by prayer partners, meet weekly in one-on-one sessions with at-risk children. $1 Writing materials for a preschool or kindergarten student $35 Complete set of school supplies or uniform for one child $125 Bookcase for the Kids Hope library $500 Sponsorship of student prizes for the Rusk Reading challenge $1000 Field trip for 25 Kids Hope students and their mentors
Lord of the Streets ministers to the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of individuals in transition, many of whom are homeless.
$1 One bus ride $25 Work uniforms for a client $50 A grocery gift card for a family in crisis $200 Sack lunches for 100 individuals $400 Hygiene kits for 100 men and women
Magnificat House has ministered to Houston’s neediest since 1968
by feeding the hungry, clothing the unclothed, housing the homeless, and reaching out to the mentally ill and imprisoned. $1 A meal for a homeless person $25 Bedding and fresh clothes at the women’s shelter $90 30 bus passes to get to work and medical appointments $240 Christmas dinner for thirty $480 160 socks and hygiene items for residents
NetsforLife empowers communities to eliminate malaria by providing
life-saving prevention training and long-lasting insecticide-treated nets in 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa. $1 A share in a net to protect a mother, father, and baby $24 Two nets to protect a family of six $48 Four nets to protect an extended family of 12 $120 Ten nets, enough to protect a community of 30 $1200 Enough nets to protect a settlement of 300
The Seafarer’s Ministry at the Port of Houston carries out an ecumenical ministry for international seafarers whose ships transport cargo to and from Houston. $1 One pocket New Testament Bible for a seafarer $15 Communion supplies for shipboard worship services $50 Supplies to make two Christmas gift boxes for seafarers $100 Transportation expenses for the Episcopal port chaplain to visit ships $200 Underwriting for the Episcopal port chaplain’s salary
Sheltering Arms supports the dignity and independence of older adults. Services include home care, a dementia-specific adult day center, telephone reassurance, care management, and caregiver support. $1 Personal care items not covered by food stamps $25 Food for an older adult facing a crisis $35 To fill a prescription for an older adult $75 Eight hours of specialized care in the Day Center $350 A minor home repair for an older adult
Shopping List Please fill out the shopping list and bring it to the Alternative Giving Market on November 22, 2015, in Reynolds Hall or mail it with a check payable to Christ Church Cathedral, 1117 Texas Avenue, Houston, TX 77002. Your gift will be gratefully accepted anytime. You may also donate by credit card or electronic check online at Social Justice. Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City _______________________ State ______ Zip ___________ Phone or Email ________________________________________ Children’s shopping items are in italics
Gift $ Amt.
At-Risk Youth
$1 for a child’s toy
Reconnect fee when electricity is cut off
Medical copay for an injured breadwinner
$100 Help with rent to avoid eviction $700 One month’s rent following a job loss The Beacon $50
$1 for a hot meal
Scrubs and toiletries for one client in the Day Center
$200 Apartment starter kit for Brigid’s Hope client $500 One meal for 500 clients in the Day Center $1200 Total case costs for one client of Beacon Law Brigid’s Place
$1 for certificate
Sponsorship of the St. Brigid’s Festival
Support for “Easter in Memory of Her”
$100 One-day sponsorship of “Into the Mystics” $500 Four-day sponsorship of “Into the Mystics” Cathedral Missions $25
Food for a day
Lodging for a day
$1 for public transportation
$100 One-fifth of the cost for air travel $1550 Full scholarship for a high-school mission participant Christmas at the Cathedral $20
$1 for socks
A meal and gifts for an adult or child
$100 A meal and gifts for a family of five $200 A meal and gifts for ten people $2000 A meal and gifts for 100 people COMPASS
$1 for reading glasses
Haircuts for eight clients with job interviews
Metro bus cards for a client with a new job
$150 Texas ID cards for 15 clients $300 Steel-toed work boots for seven clients continued on other side
Subtotal $__________
Gift $ Amt.
Crossroads at Park Place
$1 for snacks or water
Food, shower, hairdressing, and laundry for one client
Tennis shoes, socks, and a backpack for one client
$130 50 round-trip bus rides to job interviews or doctors $625 500 meals for homeless clients Emergency Aid Coalition
$1 for apples
Clothing for one homeless client
Groceries for one shut-in
$100 School supplies, backpack, and uniforms for a child $300 Jeans, socks, underwear, and toiletries for 30 people Kids Hope USA $35
$1 for writing materials
School supplies or uniform for one child
$125 Bookcase for the Kids Hope library $500 Sponsorship of prizes for the Rusk Reading challenge $1000 Field trip for 25 Kids Hope students and mentors Lord of the Streets
$1 for bus ride
Work uniforms for a client
A grocery gift card for a family in crisis
$200 Sack lunches for 100 individuals $400 Hygiene kits for 100 men and women Magnificat House
$1 for a meal
Bedding and fresh clothes at the women’s shelter
30 bus passes for work and medical appointments
$240 Christmas dinner for thirty $480 160 socks and hygiene items for residents NetsforLife
$1 for part of a net
Two nets to protect a family of six
Four nets to protect an extended family of 12
$120 Ten nets, enough to protect a community of 30 $1200 Enough nets to protect a settlement of 300 Seafarer’s Ministry
$1 for a Bible
Communion supplies for shipboard worship services
Supplies for two Christmas gift boxes for seafarers
$100 Transportation for the port chaplain to visit ships $200 Underwriting for the port chaplain’s salary Sheltering Arms
$1 for personal care items
Food for an older adult facing a crisis
To fill a prescription for an older adult
Eight hours of specialized care in the Day Center
$350 A minor home repair for an older adult
Subtotal from other side $________ + Subtotal $________ = TOTAL GIFT $________
May the God of abundant love bless the work of your hands as you open them to help those in need. And may your heart and the hearts of those you honor with your gifts be made full to overflowing with the knowledge of God’s grace and God’s peace. Amen.