Christ Church Cathedral An Episcopal Community in the Heart of Houston, Texas
“Relaxsanctuary” comes to life
Girl Scouts from Troop 4330 joined stylists from the Upper Hand Salon and Red’s Barber Shop to provide a little pampering for the homeless clients of The Beacon at a spa day on March 15.
Last year, 10-year-old Caroline Paden wrote a letter to Dean Barkley Thompson suggesting the addition of a spa to The Beacon, the Cathedral’s homeless day center. “It might sound silly,” she wrote. “But think about it. With a little extra funding, you could make, say, an unused room into a
relaxsanctuary (good one, huh?). People on the streets need a little relaxation.” Impressed by the idea, Dean Thompson passed the note to Charly Weldon, the executive director of The Beacon, and plans began to take shape. With Weldon’s blessing,
Spa Day, page 8
Art Callaham to join staff as Canon Vicar Dean Thompson is pleased to announce that the Rev. Arthur Callaham will join the Cathedral staff as Canon Vicar. Callaham comes to the Cathedral after five years as rector of St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church in Lufkin. Prior to that, he served at St. James Episcopal Church and Academy in Monkton, Md. He received his Master of Divinity degree from the University of Chicago and his undergraduate degree from Virginia Tech. Callaham’s title will be Canon Vicar. As a canon, he is designated as an associate priest of the Cathedral. The term vicar comes from the same root as vicarious. It means “to stand for”
Callaham, page 2
The Rev. Arthur Callaham
April 2014
Walk with Jesus through the week of the Passion Easter is coming! It will be celebratory and joyous. And yet, I firmly believe that we can fully understand Easter only if we first walk the way of Jesus’ Passion. Unless we understand the wild emotional swing of the Jerusalem crowd, the anxiety felt by Jesus as he prayed that the The Very Rev. cup might pass from Barkley him, and the grief of the Thompson God who dies so that we might experience resurrection, the profundity of Easter escapes us. Holy week begins on April 13 with Palm Sunday, the commemoration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The day’s service begins with the joyful waving of palm fronds as we welcome Jesus, but the service quickly turns somber. Reading Matthew’s account of the Passion, we remember how fickle Christ’s disciples can be as they abandon Jesus to the Roman soldiers who will crucify him. We’ll next gather on Maundy Thursday. We come together in worship at noon and at 7 p.m. to retell the story of the day Jesus gathered the disciples together for the Last Supper. In the Upper Room, Jesus gave the disciples a new commandment. (“Maundy” comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning commandment.) Jesus tells us we are to love one another as he loves us. Jesus’ love is that of a servant, and we have the opportunity to express his kind of love during the service by washing one another’s feet as Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. This serves as a way for us tangibly to renew our commitment to the life of Christian discipleship. At the close of the first Maundy Thursday, Jesus was carried away in chains from the garden of Gethsemane to be tried and tortured. From that moment until the resurrection, Jesus was starkly
Passion, page 6
Our Cathedral Family We celebrate with
EE the newly Baptized: Olivia and Avery Bird. EE new member Peter Chen. EE Cathedral members Katie and Bobby Mullins upon the birth of Rosemary Eve Mullins on June 25, 2013. EE Kirby Miller and Bo Cipra, who were married at the Cathedral on February 14. EE Cathedral members Catherine Robertson and Ben Walther, who were married at the Cathedral on March 1.
We extend heartfelt sympathy to
EE the family of James Robert Benbrook, who died February 7. He was the father of member Susan Benbrook and grandfather of Bram Cox. EE the family of Dineen Purzer, who died March 2 in Austin. She was the daughter of member Jan Purzer Wallace.
The Flowers on the Cathedral Altar
EE on March 30 were given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the care of the linens of Christ Church Cathedral by the “saintly sudsers.” EE on April 6 are given to the glory of God. To sponsor Easter lilies at the rood screen, send $10 per plant along with dedication instructions by April 1. Checks should be made payable to the Altar Guild and mailed to the Cathedral to the Altar Guild’s attention.
Newgrange Mound, a passage tomb and ancient temple, was constructed more than 5,000 years ago.
Dean to hold pilgrimage info session From Saturday, June 21, through Thurs- that attaches you to your beliefs and deday, July 2, 2015, Dean Barkley Thompson mand of you an answer to the question, will lead a 12-day Celtic pilgrimage to Ire- ‘What is at the core of your life?”’ Please note that this trip will involve land. In the context of worship, prayer and study of the ancient Irish Celtic saints, the extensive walking over uneven terrain. group will spend time in Dublin, Glen- Because of the nature of the trip, it is not geared toward children. The dalough, Kildare, Kerry and the Aran Islands. They 2015 Ireland Pilgrimage pilgrimage is limited to 25 Informational Meeting people. The estimated per-perwill see such wonders as the prehistoric Newgrange Thursday, April 24, 5:30 p.m. son cost is just under $3,500, which covers lodging, breakMound (six hundred years older than the Great Pyramid at Giza) and fast and dinner each day, and entrance fees. This cost does not include airfare. the illuminated Book of Kells. Dean Thompson will hold an inforPilgrimage differs from vacation. Since the third century, Christians have traveled mational meeting on Thursday, April 24, to holy places in order to find God, and at 5:30 p.m. in the McGehee Conference in so doing find themselves. Writer Greg Room. Those interested in finding out Levoy says of pilgrimage experiences, “Ex- more about the Celtic pilgrimage should pect them to pull you up by everything plan to attend.
Panel presents stories from LGBT Christians, mental health pros Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people face certain challenges as they come to recognize and accept their sexuality or gender expression, as they are most often doing this in a culture where heterosexism is the norm. Coming Out in Church Many LGBT individuals have Saturday, April 12, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. wrestled with the fear of not being loved by their family members, their church family or God. Even if they hear some messages of acceptance, they never really know what the reaction of others will be until they actually come out. Often, depending on the church that LGBT Christians belong to, the messages they hear can vary. A recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute found that, like Americans overall, few LGBT Americans were raised outside a formal religious tradition, but that 37 percent of LGBT Americans are now unaffiliated, compared to 21 percent of Americans. In an effort to help people understand this coming-out and selfacceptance process in the context of a spiritual life, the Justice & Peace The Bulletin
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Council has organized a panel discussion with LGBT Christians, those who support them, and mental health professionals who specialize in LGBT populations and spirituality. By hearing their stories, you will get a better sense of what we, as a church community, can do to support the LGBT community both in our church and in the world at large. This can be particularly helpful to prepare those who may encounter this issue within their own family in the future.
Callaham, from cover
or “to represent,” and as canon vicar, Callaham will represent Dean Thompson in various contexts. Similar titles used in other settings are vice-rector and (occasionally in cathedrals) subdean. Callaham will oversee the ministry staff of the Cathedral and coordinate adult formation. His first Sunday at Christ Church will be May 4, and he will celebrate May Fete with us. His wife, Erica, and children Hannah (age 3) and Aaron (18 months) will join him in Houston when the school year ends in mid-May.
Looking back: Renovation, renewal, expansion Each month in 2014, The Bulletin will look back at moments from the rich history of Christ Church Cathedral over its 175 years. by George Hawkins
We live in a city that bulldozes its history. As a consequence, we easily forget how things were, and whence we have come to today. Long-range planners of Christ Church Cathedral, with great vision and patience, have laid great plans over the years, and we are blessed today with a beautiful and productive campus. It is important that each of us knows
how things used to be and how our church has grown to become what it is today. Going way back, the Latham building was begun in 1949 and dedicated in 1951. It serves as a modern building block. Soon after that building’s completion, in 1955, the Cathedral began to acquire the property that was the parking lot. Critical to any church, anywhere, is room for everyone to park. That asphalt property was acquired in pieces, the first being one bordering on Texas Avenue and extending from San Jacinto to Caroline, plus two smaller
Youth prepare for summer mission trips Mission trips are one of the most impactful opportunities for a young person to take. They enable us to practice our calling as Christians, to go out in the world proclaiming the name of Jesus and to love our neighbors. The memories will last a lifetime along with the lessons learned from the experience. This year, the Cathedral youth have three mission trips. The Fifth-Grade Mission Trip will be held in Houston from June 15–17. Current fifth graders and high-school leaders will work with the homeless and with nonprofit organizations around Houston. Get to know your hometown in a completely new way! Finish the mission trip with an adventure to Schlitterbahn in Galveston. The cost is $199. The Middle School Missionpalooza is in Oklahoma City from July 20–25 for current grades 6–8. We will help with reconstruction after the region’s devastating 2013 tornadoes. The cost is $399. The High School Mission Trip will head to Boston from June 20–27. Current high school students will explore the historic town while serving different ministry sites throughout the city. The cost is $1,399. The Giving Tree, which is our annual fundraising opportunity to help financially support students in their mission, will be April 27 and May 11, 18 and 25 in the cloister. This allows us to support youth who would otherwise not be able to go due to monetary constraints. We need volunteers to help at the Giving Tree. Contact Jeremy Bradley at 713-217-1349. Remember, friends are always welcome to come along on these trips and scholarships are available for those needing assistance.
pieces midway down San Jacinto. The 1960s was a decade of robust Sunday attendance and much support. In 1961, a renovation project was launched as the church sought to make the most of its limited space and Cleveland Hall was dedicated in 1962. In 1974, in advance of launching into longrange plans and in caution of settling and structural issues, engineers dug inspection pits on the perimeter of the church. An alarming lean of the bell tower and some cracks in brickwork necessitated inspection. Engineers discovered that the present church was built upon the foundation of the previous (built in 1876 and demolished for the 1893 construction) and showed that the brick piers upon which the church sits once supported brick buttresses of the old church. The east transept, however, is built upon a concrete foundation as the previous structure had no transept. Ivy, though pretty, was destructive to the brickwork and was removed from the bell tower and adjacent walls, revealing cracks which had to be repaired. Darker days ensued in the later ’70s, with diminished attendance and support. Deliveries became cash-on-delivery, and artful prioritization of bills due became the wardens’ unhappy lot. In 1980, Stuart Hellman and other members of the search committee wooed Pittman McGehee into taking on the magnificent challenge of turning the Cathedral around. Over the years that followed, long-range plans were hatched. There was talk at one point of extending the Cathedral all the way to Prairie and building the Episcopal Center to house the Diocesan offices at the corner of Texas and San Jacinto. Bishop Benitez had removed those offices from the close and cramped spaces of the Hines Building to a location on West Alabama. A plan to locate them on the newly purchased property of Episcopal High School had been floated briefly. The Waddell property, site of the 1938 fire that destroyed part of the church, was the grand piece of the puzzle. With the death of the last of the second generation of Waddells who had been told never to sell, the vestry was able to acquire that corner in 1986. Fundraising, pledges and a grant of $1.2 million from Houston Endowment made it possible for construction of the Jones Building to commence in 1988. Groundbreaking pictures show the north side of the church with plywood covering the stained glass window. The removal of that protection was the “great reveal” of November 1988. page 3
The Bulletin
175th Anniversary Celebrations, Lenten Series, Pancake Supper, Ashes to Go
In Pictures
Below right: Author and social researcher BrenĂŠ Brown kicked off the Robert C. Stuart Lenten Series on March 12 with a noonday talk and an evening question-and-answer session moderated by Dean Thompson.
Top left: Dean Barkley Thompson and former deans Joe Reynolds, Walter Taylor and Pittman McGehee spoke at the March 2 dinner at the Rice Crystal Ballroom in celebration of the Cathedral’s 175th anniversary. Above: With the assistance of Lisa Puccio, Dean Thompson cuts an elaborate (and tasty) cake in the shape of the Cathedral at a reception on March 16, the date on which the Cathedral was founded 175 years earlier in 1839. Right: The Rev. Dr. Andrew Thompson gives a talk at the noonday prayer service on March 19 as part of the Robert C. Stuart Lenten Series. Additional series speakers include Anita Kruse on March 26, Marcus Borg on April 2, and Miroslav Volf on April 9.
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Above: Revelers don their Mardi Gras best to celebrate the eve of Lent at the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4. Left: Dean Barkley Thompson takes ashes to the street following the noon service on Ash Wednesday, March 5.
Mass in the Park
We who worship the living God in Spanish each week will have the chance to do so in the midst of God’s good creation on Sunday, April 27, as we again celebrate the Mass in the Park. We will meet at the Bayou Parkland Pavilion at 12:30 p.m. with food and post-Easter cheer to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and the overflowing blessings that God showers on us. Everyone will bring a picnic-style lunch to share. Some organized games and activities will again be there for those who want to participate. Bring your lawn chairs, your Frisbees, your coolers with non-alcoholic beverages and your picnic blankets for a fun day of celebration. And if you come down with spring fever, don’t worry, that’s what the blankets are for.
La Misa en el Parque Nosotros los que adoramos en español al Dios vivo cada semana, tendremos la oportunidad de hacerlo en medio de Su creación bondadosa el domingo 27 de abril; en el que celebraremos La Misa en el Parque nuevamente una misa en el Parque. Nos reuniremos en el Bayou Parkland Pavilion a las 12:30 el domingo 27 de abril p.m., después de tener la alegría de la Pascua por a las 12:30 p.m. celebrar la resurrección de Jesús y el derramamiento de bendiciones que Dios hace sobre todos nosotros. Todo el mundo va a traer algo que comer para compartir tipo picnic. Se organizarán algunos juegos y actividades para los que quieran participar. Traigan sus sillas portátiles, sus platillos voladores, sus hieleras con bebidas no alcohólicas, y las mantas de picnic para un día de diversión y de celebración. Y si usted llega ponchado por la fiebre de primavera, no se preocupe: para eso son las mantas. page 5
The Bulletin
New Dean’s Class series to explore music’s spirituality
Come to the Table serves hope to homeless Imagine living a life of constant fear, derision, hunger and exhaustion, with no protection from the elements for yourself or your family. Imagine it in the heart of one of the most affluent cities in the country and in the midst of one of the most thriving restaurant industries. Then imagine a ray of hope, a safe haven, a place of rest and resources to help you begin to return to a life of self-sufficiency and stability. The Beacon is such a place, and even more. Come to the Table On September 24, we invite you to see for yourself what The Beacon has to offer as you join us Wednesday, September 24 on-site for “Come to the Table: Serving Hope to Houston’s Homeless, Body, Mind and Soul.” Under the guidance of host chefs Randy Evans, Hugo Ortega and Claire Smith, this unique culinary experience will feature some of Houston’s most acclaimed chefs and will include a cocktail reception, a seated four-course dinner and an auction. Please join us as a table sponsor or donor, and help us help our homeless neighbors once again to live a life of purpose and joy. For more information, please contact Jennifer White at 713-220-9740.
For a select number of Sundays during the Dean’s Class at 10 o’clock, “The Spirituality of Music” series will explore the rich and diverse tradition of sacred music and its use in worship. From its very beginning, the church has always incorporated music into its liturgy. The series began Sunday, March 30, with Canon Robert Simpson presenting a talk on choral music and Anglican hymnody. Picking up on April 27, the second installment of the series will feature Dean Thompson presenting examples of music included in creative alternative worship services at a variety of other Episcopal parishes. These musical forms will provide a sense of what options exist for the worship service envisioned by our Vision Action Plan. On May 11, the Cathedral will welcome African American recording artist Barbara Johnson Tucker, who will discuss gospel and spiritual musical traditions. In addition to singing with her ensemble, Tucker has been a regular anthem soloist for the Houston Oilers and Houston Rockets, and she sang at the state funerals of Mickey Leeland and Barbara Jordan. The final installment of the series on May 18 will feature the prolific and versatile composer and jazz pianist Paul English.
Passion, from cover alone, forsaken even by God. We acknowledge this by stripping the altar, removing any signs of joy until Easter. After the conclusion of the evening Maundy Thursday service, Golding Chapel will be open for an additional hour for prayer, so that we can remain vigilant for Christ, even though the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane were not. Good Friday is the day that Jesus is crucified. We come together as a congregation twice that day. At noon, we gather for the Good Friday liturgy in grim acknowledgment that Jesus has been killed. At 6:30 p.m. we will pray the Stations of the Cross in the church, following Jesus’ footsteps to Golgotha. On Easter, April 20, the darkness of Good Friday is dispelled! Our joy explodes forth in song as we sing such hymns as “Jesus Christ is Risen Today.” In doing so, we celebrate Jesus’ rising from the grave and, in his rising, his gift to us of new life. Easter will begin with the Great Vigil on Saturday at 8 p.m. If you have never experienced an Easter Vigil, you should consider this experience of witnessing the resurrection as the women did at Jesus’ tomb. Easter Day services are at 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. (Spanish language) and 5 p.m. Between the 9 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services, we will gather in the Bishop’s Courtyard for a children’s traditional flowering of the Cross. The services of Holy Week are the most powerful liturgical experiences of the year. I pray you will join your Cathedral community as we walk with Jesus through the week of the Passion. The Bulletin
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May Fete celebrated through the years
The Cathedral is celebrating an anniversary this year and so is May Fete. While some documents refer to May Fete celebrations as early as 1855, the first recorded Christ Church May Fete celebration was in 1899, so that makes at least 115 years of spring celebrations in downtown Houston. We plan to observe the history of past fetes with a look back at May Fete decades of spring pageantry. Preparations are now under way for the Sunday, May Sunday, May 4 4, event. Committees are forming and the entire parish is 10 a.m. invited to get involved. The May Fete Committee is looking for volunteers to head up activities, provide underwriter support and sponsor our games and entertainment. Watch for details about how to help with decorations, donate cakes and cookies or just come and enjoy the day. This year, the Third Coast Swing Band will provide a big band sound, there will be a green-screen photo flashback booth and, of course, we’ll have games and crafts and wonderful food indoors and outside. Look for information tables in the cloister on April 6 and 27 or contact Lisa Puccio at 713-590-3323 to learn more.
Calendar of Events Visit or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended
Registration required
Holy Week April 13
Registration closed April 22
This Month Sun
Palm Sunday Observances at all services commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Way of the Cross for Children 10 a.m., McGehee Conference Room. In language and images suited to children. Palm Sunday Evensong 5 p.m. in the Cathedral. Sung by the Cathedral Choir.
April 2
Lenten Series: Marcus Borg 12–1 p.m. lecture and noonday prayer; 6:30–8 p.m. Q&A session. Guest speaker: New Testament scholar Marcus Borg. April 4
Bridge Night 6–9 p.m., Ballard Youth Center. Newcomers and all levels welcome. April 5
Childcare available (3 mo. to 5 yrs.) tue
Newcomers Welcome Dinner 6–8 p.m., The Deanery. Gathering to welcome those new or feeling new to the Cathedral. April 24
Pilgrimage Informational Meeting 5:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Learn about the dean’s planned 2015 pilgrimage to Ireland.
Spring Tour Day trip to visit historic churches and homes in Galveston. ($)
April 17 Thu Maundy Thursday 12:05 p.m. in the Cathedral Chancel. Eucharist and foot washing. Stripping of the Altar 7 p.m. in the Cathedral. Eucharist and foot washing. The Night Watch 8:30 p.m., Golding Chapel. April 18
Lo Básico de la Fe 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Spanish-language course on church history, theology and liturgy. April 6
Rhythms of Grace 1 p.m., Jones Basement. Worship experience for special needs children and their families. Lesson: The Last Supper.
Good Friday 12:05 p.m. in the Cathedral. Eucharist. April 19
April 26 Sat Tulip Reception 1–3 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Celebrating our stories of life at the Cathedral. April 27
Fifth-Grade Enrollment 10 a.m., BYC. The fifth-grade class will graduate from children’s Sunday School and join the youth program.
Tuesdays Education for Ministry (EFM) 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room. Comprehensive adult theology program. ($) Wednesdays Women’s Bible Study 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Buscando la Luz 6:30–8 p.m., Bride’s Room. Spanishlanguage discussion group. Compline 8 p.m., Golding Chapel. Brief, contemplative service marking the completion of the day. Second Wednesdays in Spanish. Thursdays Men’s Lunch Discussion Group (Biweekly) 12:45–1:45 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
La Misa en el Parque 12:30–5 p.m., Bayou Parkland Pavilion. The Latino congregation will celebrate Eucharist and enjoy fellowship outdoors.
Easter in Memory of Her 4 p.m. in the Cathedral. Remembering the women who followed Jesus. Easter Vigil 8 p.m. in the Cathedral. At sundown, the first Eucharist of Easter. With incense. April 20
Bible Study Fellowship 6:55–8:45 p.m. Non denominational Bible study for men and children.
Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Discussion group and social gathering of young adults. Outing on April 30.
Altar Guild Orientation 9 a.m. to noon in the Cathedral. Learn more about the Altar Guild in this first of six training sessions.
Easter Day 7 a.m. in the Cathedral. Eucharist, Rite I, with hymns. 9 a.m. in the Cathedral. Festival Eucharist, Rite II. 10 a.m., Bishop’s Courtyard. Flowering of the Cross. 11 a.m. in the Cathedral. Festival Eucharist, Rite I, with incense. Bishop Doyle preaching. 1 p.m. in the Cathedral. Festival Eucharist, Rite II, in Spanish. 5 p.m., Golding Chapel. Eucharist, Rite II.
April 9 Wed Lenten Series: Miroslav Volf 12–1 p.m. lecture and noonday prayer; 6:30–8 p.m. Q&A session. Guest speaker: Theologian Miroslav Volf. April 12
Easter Holiday Cathedral offices are closed.
Fridays Men’s Early Morning Study Group (First and third Fridays) 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Coming Out in Church 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., BYC. Supporting LGBT family members through the coming-out process. April 21
April 27 Sun Butterfly Flutter By 1–2:30 p.m., Nancy’s Garden. Mass flight of 1,000 painted lady butterflies to raise awareness of Down syndrome.
Fridays The Way of the Cross 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. Meditation on the events recorded in the Gospels. In English and Spanish. Through April 18.
May 4
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., BYC. Gathering of youth for dinner, games, teaching, movies and worship. Does not meet April 20 or May 4. Ends May 18.
May Fete 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Cathedral’s oldest tradition offers springtime merriment for all. Combined bilingual service at 10 a.m. followed by afternoon celebrations.
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The Bulletin
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Spa Day, from cover
Caroline and her mother, Jennifer, enlisted the Upper Hand Salon and Red’s Barber Shop to offer free manicures, makeup and haircuts. Jennifer suggested that Caroline use the project as an opportunity to earn her Girl Scout Bronze Award, the highest honor that a Girl Scout Junior can receive. On the day of the event, the Girl Scouts from Caroline’s troop hung handmade pink and purple paintings in the gray room designated for the event, creating a more relaxing environment. As homeless women entered, Girl Scouts greeted them with Girl Scout cookies, breakfast and magazines. Later, the homeless ladies were served a spa lunch, complete with sparkling grape juice in plastic cocktail glasses. Caroline, now 11 years old, said her twin brother gave her a bit of a hard time for thinking of such a “silly” idea, but she saw it differently. “In a way, being homeless is the toughest job there is,” she said. “And these people deserve a day like this more than anyone.” One spa participant agreed. “This is the hardest job,” said Terry, a woman who recently became homeless after more than 30 years as a nurse. “The hardest thing is accepting loss. That’s the hardest thing. I considered The Bulletin
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suicide. Some people just go over the edge. The hardest thing is not going over the edge and not giving up hope.” As the day progressed, the ladies slowly let their guard down and smiled as they raised their glasses for toasts. One woman named Daphne said she had never worn makeup before. As lunch was served and the ladies began to feel pampered, Terry reached into her purse and pulled out a fine wig, telling her new friends that this was the first occasion in ages that she felt good enough to wear it. “This lets you know the world hasn’t forgotten about you,” Terry said. “I fight to keep my happiness and my pride. This is an experience I’ll never forget. It makes you forget about your problems.” Just a day before the spa day, another young person took some initiative to help the homeless in Houston. After working on a science project about how wealth effects giving to charity, 10-year-old Sydney Cotto raised enough money to purchase 723 cheeseburgers for the homeless. Witnessing the ingenuity of these young people inspired all of the adults at The Beacon, homeless or otherwise. Weldon said that it is moments like those that help her move forward with hope. “Don’t get me wrong,” she said. “I absolutely
love the companies that will write The Beacon a check for $50,000, but when you see someone that is that age and thinking about the homeless, I think it’s amazing.” In April, The Beacon is expanding hours to open at 7 a.m., and adding another day of service to operate five days a week. They have merged their resources and services with Community of the Streets to accommodate this transition, but will need even more volunteers. Visit to volunteer or call 713-220-9769.
In the Bookstore: Texas Wildflowers Our spring selection of photo cards by Mike McKann and Amy Ufer includes images of bluebonnets and Texas wildflowers. A new collection of boxed notes is available.
In the Cloister Gallery: An Early History in Photographs The Cathedral anniversary exhibit continues in April, celebrating 175 years of history with rare photographs and stories from our past.