Christ Church Cathedral Parish Profile

Page 13


Communities within Community We value diversity and inclusivity in our community, wanting a space that welcomes everyone’s voice. We are open to questioning and encourage thinking and dialogue. Our members come from throughout the Houston metropolitan area, and many commute 30 minutes or more to attend, passing by other churches on the way. While the congregation is predominately college-educated and comparatively affluent, we want it to more fully reflect the diversity of Houston. Three councils support our rich and fulfilling life: The Community Life Council works to bring people together for service and celebration as the body of Christ. The council directly and indirectly oversees four parishwide events every year: the Annual Parish Retreat, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, May Fete, and Episcopal Night at the Ballpark. On a smaller scale, the council coordinates Spring and Fall Neighborhood Gatherings, annual Foyers Groups, and monthly Bridge/ Rummikub game nights at the Cathedral. Beginning in the fall of 2022, the council will further explore opportunities to help create community at the Cathedral, especially as we emerge from the pandemic’s extended lockdowns. We look forward to experimenting with new ways to nurture relationships within our community. The May Fete celebration at the Cathedral is more than 100 years old. With considerable planning and many volunteers, the May Fete Committee organizes and hosts the annual festival which celebrates our young members. All the Cathedral councils support and participate in the May Fete.


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