The Bulletin: December 2012

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL An Episcopal Community in the Heart of Houston, Texas


Bouncing back

Special needs children and their families gather in the Jones Basement on the first Sunday of the month for Rhythms of Grace, an ecumenical service and playtime.

Finding that special grace In 2010, the Cathedral had an established special needs program, but the director of family ministry, Lisa Puccio, recognized that the Cathedral (and even the city of Houston) lacked a Eucharistic service for special needs children and their families. That October, Rhythms of Grace was born, modeled after the program of the same name from Connecticut. The ecumenical service is held on the first Sunday of every month at 1 p.m. in the Jones Basement. Originally, the plan was for three churches in Houston to offer the service, but the Cathedral’s is the only one that has flourished, due to the commitment of Puccio, the Rev. Jimmy Grace and Martha Lewis, the special needs program coordinator. Grace, whose son James has autism, vol-

unteered to lead the Eucharist, and with one other family committed to the service, the Cathedral pressed on. “It was probably January or February before we had a critical mass of four or five families,” Puccio said. “There have been very few months when there hasn’t been someone new come. We average about 30 people.” A typical Rhythms of Grace service starts with a group activity that gets the children involved physically, followed by a short story time where families sit on the floor in a semicircle. Then, there is another group activity before the Eucharist. Group leaders work to keep all of the children engaged while also ignoring distractions for the most part, and music is constantly

RHYTHMS, inside

End-of-year guidelines for gifts to the Cathedral We are grateful for all gifts given to the Cathedral, but we realize that end-of-year giving has distinct advantages; so we are reminding you of deadlines that will keep all of us in good stead with the IRS. Postmarks are imperative to the Internal Revenue Service to claim a 2012 tax deduction. The Cathedral must receive all cash, checks and credit card

gifts on or before December 31. In order to demonstrate legal compliance, envelope dates will be used to verify any contributions arriving in early January. If you choose to provide gifts of stock and securities to the Cathedral, it is important to initiate these transactions by mid-December to make certain they are

END-OF-YEAR, inside

A client with a job, a bank account and an apartment got in a financial bind. Confused about how he got there, he returned to COMPASS for some advice, with his bank statement in hand. He lost track of small debit-card purchases, spent more than he had and was charged unexpected fees. He was overdrawn — and then CYNTHIA BRANNON some. Distressed at his mistake, he shook his head. “I messed up. I messed up, Mrs. Brannon.” So we talked. I got out a highlighter and a calculator, and we had an impromptu banking lesson. We talked at length, until the only thing left to say was that, yes, this was a set-back, but one he would surely survive. I checked my voicemail the next day, and there he was again: “Thank you, Mrs. Brannon. I messed up. But it’s not going to bring me down. You reminded me of who I was.” COMPASS aims to direct homeless clients toward employment and independence. Along with job counseling, we offer bus fare, ID, toiletries, reading glasses, voicemail and county medical cards. Each of these can be vital to the goal of getting a job. But, if the only thing we ever do is remind our clients who they are, isn’t this still critically important work? COMPASS clients have dreams. They want to overcome the obstacles of poverty, a derailed education, incarceration, addiction and poor mental health. Yet, despite these obstacles, or perhaps because of them, every day we witness in them remarkable dignity, strength, humor, optimism, gratitude and resilience. Time and again, we witness their resilience. They bounce back. Dreams can be achieved if we’re resilient and if we know who we are. This Christmas, COMPASS believes in dreams. Cynthia Brannon is the executive director of COMPASS.

Our Cathedral Family We celebrate with EE Kate and Chris David upon the birth of Andrew Ryan David on July 3, 2012. EE Cathedral members Kimberly Trifilio and William Gemza Jr. who were married on October 13 in the Cathedral. EE Cathedral member Kate Ashley Duran and Taylor Stallings who were married November 3 in the Cathedral. EE new members Jen Bridges, Rodger and Jacqueline Brown, Barbara Edwards-Olajide, Jon Jacobs, Rebecca Oxley, Ron Schindler, Michael Smithson and Camille Warmington.

END-OF-YEAR, from cover posted to our brokerage account by close of business on December 31. We want to make giving as easy as possible and are eager to carry out your wishes, so please help us create an end-of-year scenario that is a joy for one and all. Should you have questions, contact the chief operating officer, David Simpson, at 713-590-3308 or

Credit for 2013 pledges gratefully accepted Just in case you were wondering if the Cathedral will accept payment of your 2013 Every Member Canvass pledge early, the answer is a resounding “YES!” — and gratefully so. Many parishioners prefer to pay their pledge before year’s end to take the tax credit early. Just make sure it’s received by December 31.

EE the Newly Baptized: Miguel Mario Aguilar, Andrew Ryan David, Landon Riley Green, Jennifer Hernández, Fiona Kathleen McFaden, Raul Adrian Ortiz, Allison Boyd Priest, Alexander Tellez, Juan Carlos Tellez, Antonino Herbert Vaccaro and Jackson Wesley Watkins.

We extend heartfelt sympathy to EE the family of Charles Franklin Doyle who died October 27. He was the father of Bishop C. Andrew Doyle and grandfather of Caisa and Zoë Doyle. EE the family of Cathedral member Harvey Mellor Shepherd who died October 28 in Houston. He was the husband of Emily Shepherd, father of member Frances Kittrell and grandfather of Norman Kittrell. EE the family of J. Gib Thompson who died October 30 in Houston. He was the husband of Cathedral member Nancy Thompson.

The Flowers on the Cathedral Altar EE on December 2 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Linda Anne Baldwin and Dorothy Geiselman Baldwin by the family of Robert B. Baldwin III. EE on December 9 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Virginia and Lester Bille and Katherine Phelps Close. EE on December 16 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Joseph J. Puccio by his family. EE on December 23 are given to the glory of God in celebration of the Christmas season.

The Flowers in the Floor Vases EE on December 2 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of her mother, Rachel Shanks Smart, by Carolyn Paget.

The Greens in the Advent Wreath EE on December 2 are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the life and work of Jane Brown, Judy Drury and Mary Clarke Mackenzie.

The Candles on the Advent Wreath EE on December 2 are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving for the life and work of Helen Ann Fisher, Norma Jane Hagan, Ella Mae Hayslip and Norma Jones.

The Candles on the Advent Wreath in the Chapel EE on December 2 are given to the glory of God in thanksgiving and appreciation to the wedding guild: Mary Ann Cobb, Vicki Cawley, Bruce Power, Officer Gaw, Ardell Ray, Houston Sound and Anne Shepard.

Roni Coulson serves a hot meal to our neighbors in need as a volunteer at last year’s Christmas at the Cathedral. This year, we will serve a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings on December 15 in Reynolds Hall. Volunteers are needed, as are donations of money and food. Visit the Mission Outreach table in the cloister on Sundays or contact Blanche Tyson ( to learn how you can help with this great event.

RHYTHMS, from cover played during activities, provided by volunteer Bobby Murillo. “As many families with a special needs child, we have a tremendous amount of difficulty attending a traditional worship service,” said Greg Groogan, whose son Garrett is challenged with autism. Grace invited Groogan and his family to Rhythms of Grace in the early stages of the program, and now the Groogans attend the service whenever possible. “The environment was so comfortable and nurturing and accepting that it was kind of like an answered prayer,” Groogan said of his first service. “I’m not sure what my expectations were, but I quickly realized that this was something special and would allow my family to praise God all together and not be divided up, and that is a special thing.” Parents of special needs children often times can feel like their child is distracting or disruptive in a quiet, meditative service. Rhythms of Grace permits and even sometimes encourages a loud, boisterous environment. Children can wander around the classroom and release nervous energy or quench curiosity. “If Garrett is not having a good day, that’s ok,” Groogan explained. “He can play with toys or read and then rejoin us if he feels like it. Everyone is watching out for each other’s children and everyone is understanding of certain behaviors, and that is a great thing.” Rhythms of Grace gives families a unique place to worship together as a complete family, but it also gives special needs children and their parents a place to gather with people who share the same struggles and blessings of their lifestyle. “For anyone who is trying to give their special needs child the gift of worship and fellowship, this can’t be missed,” Groogan urged. “You need to come.”

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended

Registration required DECEMBER 16–22



Vestry Nominations Due Children’s Advent Story Time 10 a.m, Chapel of the Christ Child.

Rhythms of Grace 1 p.m., Jones Basement. Worship experience for special needs children and their families. DECEMBER 7


Charlie Jean Sartwelle Opening 6–8 p.m., Cloister Gallery. Acrylic, collage and mixed media works. Bridge Night 6–9 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Newcomers and all levels welcome. DECEMBER 9

Las Posadas 7:30 p.m., various locations. Home celebrations with singing, prayers and traditional refreshments. DECEMBER 19

James Alison 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. The Roman Catholic theologian will teach on “Beyond Emotional Blackmail: The Gospel of Grace and the New Evangelization.”

Cathedral 20s & 30s Party 6:30–8 p.m., Home of Jeremy Bradley. DECEMBER 22


Christmas Camp 8:30 a.m., Cathedral. Children will practice for the Christmas Play, have a snack and do a Beacon service project. DECEMBER 23


Storytelling with Kathy Culmer 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Intergenerational tales from a master storyteller.




Adult Education Preview 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Learn about adult classes offered for the spring. First Day of Sunday School 10 a.m., Jones Building and BYC. Christian education resumes for children and youth.


Last Day for 2012 Donations Donations must be received or postmarked to be credited for 2012.

SUNDAYS Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., BYC. Gathering of youth for dinner, games, teaching, movies and worship. Meets through Dec 16; resumes Jan 6. TUESDAYS

Youth Progressive Dinner 6 p.m. Travel to three different households for a three-course meal on wheels.

Women’s Bible Study 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Meets through Dec. 11; resumes Jan. 8. DECEMBER 24 MON Christmas Eve 4 p.m. Family Service, Holy Eucharist, Rite II, and the Christmas Play. Childcare is available. 6 p.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite II, in Spanish.

Christmas at the Cathedral 8 a.m.–1 p.m., Reynolds Hall. The Cathedral family opens its doors to the public to serve 700+ hot meals.

Christmas and New Year’s Holidays The Bookstore will close at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 23 and will re-open with normal hours Sunday, Jan. 13.




DECEMBER 28–30 Midwinter at Camp Allen Gathering of high-school students from around the diocese.

Cathedral Family Christmas Party 6–8 p.m, Reynolds Hall. Live music, potluck dinner, childrens’ activities.


DECEMBER 26 WED Feast of St. Stephen / Boxing Day 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., McGonigel’s Mucky Duck. Bishop Doyle will celebrate Eucharist. Bring food, clothing or blankets to donate to Lord of the Streets.

Cathedral Family Posada 7:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Final celebration of Las Posadas.


DECEMBER 11 TUE Houston Early Music Concert 7:30–9:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. Celebrate the Yuletide season with the music of the Baltimore Consort. $11–35.



Advent Lessons and Carols 5 p.m. in the Cathedral. Sung by the Cathedral and Treble Choirs.


New Year’s Day Offices close at noon on New Year’s Eve and re-open the morning of Jan. 2.

7:30 p.m. Organ prelude by Bruce Power. 8 p.m. Choral Eucharist, Rite II, with the Parish Choir. 10:30 p.m. Prelude with the Cathedral Choir, brass and timpani.

WEDNESDAYS Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Weekly discussion group and social gathering of young adults. Meets through Dec. 19; resumes Jan. 9. THURSDAYS Buscando la Luz 6:45–8:30 p.m., Mellinger Room. Spanish-language discussion group. Meets through Dec. 13; resumes Jan. 3.

JANUARY 6 SUN Feast of the Epiphany Epiphany commemorates the visit of the “Magi,” the Three Kings, and celebrates the first adoration of God in Christ by the gentile nations. Organ Recital 4:15 p.m. Featuring organist Sigurd Melvær Øgaard. Epiphany Evensong 5 p.m. Sung by the Cathedral Choir. JANUARY 20


Annual Parish Meeting 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Meeting to discuss the business of the Cathedral and to elect new members of the vestry. Organ Concert 6 p.m. Featuring duo organists Elizabeth and Raymond Chenault.

11 p.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite I, with the Cathedral Choir, brass and timpani.



DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day 10 a.m. Eucharist and carols.

Christmas All offices are closed Christmas Eve, except reception, which closes at noon. Offices re-open the morning of Dec. 27.

Choir Cabaret 7 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Silent auction, dinner and a show in support of the Cathedral Choir’s 2013 tour.



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Did you know you can read The Bulletin on our website? If you’d like to go “online-only,” contact Anne Shepard at or call her at 713-590-3301.

In the Cloister Gallery: The Conference of the Birds During December Artist Charlie Jean Sartwelle presents a collection of acrylic, collage and mixed-media works.

In the Cathedral Bookstore: Christmas Gifts Stuff your stockings with sterling-silver replicas of the Cathedral’s altar cross, wooden Christmas trees designed by Dieter Ufer, and DVDs of this fall’s EMC skit, “Sunday Night Live.”

Parking garage receives new ticket dispenser We have returned to using a ticket dispenser during the work week in the Cathedral parking garage. Visitors to the garage will pull a ticket to enter and will present the ticket to the attendant upon leaving. The entry gate will no longer automatically open upon approach. Those with parking contracts will use their access cards to enter and leave the garage.

Search Committee asks for prayers, patience in calling of new dean I know many of you want to know why the dean search is taking so long! Before I explain, I must dispel certain rumors that I have heard over the past few days. First, it is not true that the Search Committee thought they had found their new dean in Justin Welby, who then bolted for another job at the last minute. Second, it is definitely not true that in addition to finding a new dean, the Search Committee has been asked by the University of Texas Board of Regents to search for a new head football coach (although I believe we would do a fine job if asked). In truth, over the last two months, the members of your Search Committee have traveled all over the United States searching for your new dean. We have met and interviewed very qualified candidates from the Midwest, the Southeast, the Northeast, the West

Coast and Texas. Several of these candidates were not looking to leave their current positions, but after reviewing the Cathedral’s Profile (which I encourage you to read if you have not done so), they became very interested (luckily for us, none of them were present for the “Sunday Night Live” EMC Kick-off, so they are actually still interested in the position). We have spent, and continue to spend, a considerable amount of time in discussion, prayer and discernment. The Search Committee, like you, hopes that the search will be concluded sooner rather than later. We look forward to the calling of a gifted and dynamic new dean to lead the Cathedral into the next phase of our life together. We ask for your prayers and your patience. God Bless. — Patrick Hayes

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