September 2023 Bulletin

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An Episcopal Community in the Heart of Houston, Texas SEPTEMBER


Welcome the Rev. Canon Nathaniel Katz

Ninth Dean of Christ Church Cathedral

The Rev. Canon Nathaniel Katz and his wife, Shelly, will soon arrive in Houston where he will begin serving as the ninth dean of Christ Church Cathedral. His first Sunday will be September 24 and there will be many opportunities to get to meet him and know him.

Nat was called to Christ Church Cathedral Houston from The American Cathedral in Paris (formally known as the Cathedral

Church of the Holy Trinity), one of the oldest English-speaking churches in the “City of Lights” where he has been the Cathedral Canon since September 2020.

During his time at The American Cathedral in Paris, Nat was entrusted with leadership and oversight for the American Cathedral’s Children, Youth and Family Ministry, its Mission

WELCOME, page 6

Making room for new beginnings


Over the past three years, it has been my pleasure to serve the Cathedral as Canon Vicar, first under Dean Thompson and more recently under Interim Dean Gary Jones. The title “Vicar” means “one who stands in the place of,” “proxy” or “substitute.” For example, in a mission congregation (as opposed to a parish congregation) the Vicar “stands in” for the Bishop, who is ecclesiastically the head of the congregation until it achieves parish status. A vicar at a cathedral “stands in” for the Dean when designated to do so in certain aspects of ministry. As such, the role of vicar can only be designated by the one calling for the “stand in.” Not every cathedral has a canon vicar and in fact many do not.

Our dean-elect — the Rev. Nathaniel Katz — will need time to

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A letter from Paris

Dear Cathedral Family,

What a pleasure it is to write to you for the first time as Dean of Christ Church Cathedral.

I am writing from Paris, which will be my home for a few more weeks. Two weeks ago, my wife Shelly and I had our marriage blessed by one of my dearest priest colleagues in the presence of friends and family. Just a few days ago, Shelly and I stood on the sidewalk outside our apartment and watched as all of our worldly possessions were loaded into a shipping container and rolled off to the port of Le Havre. We waved and said, “See you in Houston!”

One of my favorite passages in all of scripture comes from the Prophet Isaiah: “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

I have always read this as God’s invitation to pay close attention to my life and the world around me — to always be on the lookout for the new thing that God is leading me into. The implication of the prophet is that we often struggle to perceive what God is up to — either because of God’s subtlety or our inability to pay close enough attention to our lives.

It is hard not to perceive a 20-foot shipping container that arrives at your doorstep. Nor is it hard to perceive a 6-foot 6-inch priest stepping into the pulpit for the first time on Sunday morning. Sometimes God’s ways are not so subtle or mysterious.

The work we will take on together as partners in ministry will truly begin once the obvious newness settles into something that resembles normalcy. Then we



will begin to look and listen for the new thing God is doing in our midst. That type of partnership takes time and trust.

Our first order of business will be to start building that trust by getting to know each other as siblings in Christ. There will be several opportunities for us to do just that in the weeks following my arrival in Houston. There will be a special gathering at the Cathedral on the evening of Tuesday, September 19th, which will be my first opportunity

to introduce myself to you in person. Sunday, September 24th will be my first Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral. I will preach the morning services and am looking forward to being interviewed at the Dean’s Hour.

And, I very much hope that you will mark your calendars for Friday, November 3rd at 6:30 p.m. when Bishop Doyle will preside at my installation as your Dean. That will be a moment for us to celebrate the start of our partnership that will carry forward the rich legacy of Christ Church Cathedral into a new


Our Cathedral Family

We celebrate with

E New Member: Samuel “Sam” Leonard

We extend heartfelt sympathy to

E the family of Joseph Lippman Nogee Jr. who passed away on July 11, 2023. Joe is spouse to member Jo Nogee and father to Leah Brooks

E the family of Emily Beall Bone who passed away one July 1, 2023. Emily is sister to member Julia Crowder.

E the family of member Vitold (Veet) Kruka who passed away on July 23, 2023. Veet is husband to member Nancy Younger-Kruka

E the family of Wayne Sweeney who recently passed away. Wayne is father to member David Sweeney

The flowers on the Cathedral Altar

E on September 3 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Elizabeth Eikenburg by Bette Brinson.

The flowers on the choir stalls

E on September 3 are given to the glory of God and in celebration of the Baptism of Robert Hawkins Roland, by his family.

Destination Unknown

Our popular event for middle school youth returns with an actionpacked adventure where we explore some of the exciting things Houston has to offer while building up our community through fellowship. The best part about the lock-in is that participants don’t know what they will be doing in advance. (But don’t worry, no one is ever disappointed.) Save the date: September 22 from 6 –11:30 p.m.

Registration and additional details will be available soon. Contact Minister for Youth, Marcia Quintanilla for more information at:

chapter of life and ministry.

I simply cannot wait to get to know you and to begin this blessed partnership in ministry to which we have been called. In the meantime, I am praying for all of you and hope that this summer will be a sabbath season in which we are refreshed such that we have eyes to see and ears to hear what God is doing in our midst as we embark on this new chapter of life and ministry together.


This Fall at the Dean’s Hour: Second Hand Religion

None of us comes to our faith alone. While we may have solitary moments of revelation and epiphany, the faith that we claim has been made possible by the actions, teachings and influence of others. Sometimes these are people who have touched our lives directly — our parents, priests, Sunday School teachers. In other instances, our faith is shaped by individuals whom we will never meet but who have had a profound impact on our understanding of who we are to be and how we are to live as beloved children of God.

This community that we call Christ Church Cathedral is a product of the great cloud of witnesses that have led each and every one of us to our life of faith. This fall our Cathedral embarks on a new chapter of life and ministry with the arrival of a new dean. It is a perfect moment for us as a community to reflect on, and give thanks for, those individuals from whom we have inherited our faith. In doing so, we will come to a deeper appreciation of our spiritual roots — as individuals and as a community.

Dean Katz will begin our journey by introducing the idea of Second Hand Religion and its connection to the notion of sainthood in the Anglican tradition. Over the following weeks Dean Katz and other members of the Cathedral community will introduce their spiritual ancestors who we celebrate as saints, whether living or dead.

The larger Cathedral community will be invited to reflect on their spiritual ancestors throughout the fall, and we’ll take All Saints’ Weekend, November 3-5, to celebrate those ancestors as we celebrate a new season in the Cathedral’s life with the installation of Nat Katz as the ninth Dean of Christ Church.

This series will be an opportunity for us to deepen our connection with one another as we deepen our appreciation for those whose lives and example have made possible the life in faith that unites us as the people of Christ Church Cathedral.

Accepted now through November 15 Submit

Every Member Canvass Kickoff Dinner

The Every Member Canvass Kickoff Dinner & Skit returns on Sunday, October 1. This is a must-attend event of the season with plenty of food and entertainment as we officially begin the annual pledge campaign in financial support of the work of the parish.

This year’s skit theme is Mission Cathedral: With God, There is no Mission Impossible. A comedic caper filled with gripping songs, masters of disguise, and daring adventure that will keep you on the edge your seat… and not dangling from a building!

Bible Study

Tuesday Morning Bible Study:

Surprise! Exploring the Parables of Jesus.

Tuesdays, 7–8 a.m., Zoom, Sept. 26–Dec. 4

Deliberately provocative and sometimes absurd, the parables of Jesus are meant to provoke us. In this class we will shake off layers of simplistic interpretation and listen with fresh ears to the stories that shape the Gospel. Led by the Rev. Canon Kathy Pfister. Contact Canon Kathy Pfister with questions at: (all genders/all ages)

Women’s Evening Bible Study

Tuesdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Beginning Sept. 26

Contact Rev. Liz Parker with questions at:

Men’s Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 7–9 a.m.

The event will take place on Sunday, October 1, in Reynolds Hall. Doors open at 6 p.m., immediately following The Well service. Tickets to the dinner are $20 for adults, $10 for kids (12 & under). Seats are limited, so reserve your ticket early!

Sunday, October 1

There are also opportunities to volunteer at the event – contact Wick Rowland, if interested. Visit the EMC table in the Thompson Cloister, Sundays, September 10, 17, and 24 and Sunday, October 1 to register or volunteer. Childcare will be available and the event will be livestreamed on the Cathedral’s website. Learn more and reserve your ticket at emcdinner

Gathers weekly to explore the scriptures. No prior Bible study is required for participants. Contact Louise Langford to sign up at: llangford@ Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:

Women's Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:30–11 a.m. Jeffers Conference Room, Aug. 9–Dec. 20 Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at bvarnell@

Thursday Noon Bible Study

Thursdays, Sept. 14–Dec. 7, Noon, Zoom

Dive into 1 Samuel this fall with the Thursday noon Bible study and discover Scripture's own Game of Thrones. Register online to attend. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at: bvarnell@

20s/30s Bible Study: The Letter to Ephesians

Tuesdays, Sept. 5–Oct. 17, Jeffers Conference Room

Jesus is one thing, but what about the church? Explore what life in the Body of Christ means in this eight-week study of the letter to the Ephesians. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at: bvarnell@

20s/30s Advent Bible Study

Tuesdays, 7–8 p.m., Nov. 28–Dec. 19., Zoom

Seed Group is an excellent way for middle school youth to connect and meet in small groups for fellowship and Bible study. Never been to Seed Group? This is your perfect opportunity to check it out — there's no better place to be! Thursdays Oct. 3 through Nov. 7 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Marcia at:

If you'd like to fight against the fatigue of the Christmas rush, join this four-week Advent study on Tish Harrison Warren's new book Advent: The Season of Hope. Over four Tuesdays, pause, reflect, and step deeper into the hope, mystery, and comfort this season offers. Please register in advance. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:

Sign up and more:


The Very Rev. Gary Jones Celebration, and more IN PICTURES

Right: A member of Jerusalem Peacebuilders during the Dean's Hour.

Below: Interim Dean Gary Jones says goodbye to parishioners.

Pastoral Care Ministries

Are you looking for a place to get connected to the larger community?

Pastoral Care Ministries at the Cathedral offer a lot of opportunities to get to know others through ministry, find your space, and learn how to share your gifts and minister to others in various ways. See upcoming scheduled events below or reach out to Minister for Pastoral Care Claire Soard for additional information at:

Pastoral Care Circle

September 11 at 6 p.m., Mellinger Room

Pastoral Care Circle is a place for fellowship and skill building in the ministries of Pastoral Care. Any who have completed the Community of Hope International training, "Skills for Showing up in Hard Places" class, or LEV training are invited to come together for a monthly gathering. This is a place to build skills for pastoral care ministry and find community and fellowship with others showing up in hard places. Upcoming events will be Sept. 11, Oct. 9, Nov. 13.

Above: Junior Warden Flo Ray and Senior Warden Guy Hagstette announce a collection of over $70,000 to be given to Society of St. John the Evangelist in Dean Jones' name. Left: Canon for Music Bob Simpson leads Choir in song to say goodbye to Dean Jones. Above: Minister for Children & Families KariAnn Lessner and Cathedral kids end the summer with a splashing good time during Parks and Reconnection. Above:

Cathedral Choir warmly welcomed in Ireland and Scotland

On July 19th the Choir of Christ Church Cathedral embarked on its 9th European tour. Having already experienced the thrill of singing in many of England’s most celebrated cathedrals, the Choir chose Ireland and Scotland as its destination. Over 10 days we sang services at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, St. Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, and St. Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh. Choir member Penny Morris reflected, “Having never been in Ireland or Scotland, I was particularly touched by the warmth and kindness of the people. Worshipping with these communities and sharing our music in these beautiful cathedrals was spiritually transcendent.” Wick Rowland agreed. “Singing in those marvelous spaces was

Ministries at Christ Church Cathedral

Pastoral Care Lunch & Care

Sept. 24 from 12:20 – 2 p.m., McGehee Conference Room

Caring for our neighbors is a call for every Jesus-follower. Pastoral Care Volunteers will gather for a light lunch, a brief discussion and a card-writing project for those members who need to hear we remember and love them! No previous experience needed! No registration required. If you plan on attending, please email Claire Soard, Minister for Pastoral Care, at for food-ordering purposes.

Threads of Comfort and Joy - Fall Teaching Day

October 21 from 10 a.m. to Noon, Mellinger Room

Do you have an interest in crocheting or knitting? Threads of Comfort and Joy brings together the shared experience of creating a special gift to be given and fostering a spiritual practice during its creation. The Threads ministry has a long history of prayerfully creating shawls and baby blankets for Cathedral members who are challenged by illness or celebrating the birth of a child. This year Threads members will work on blankets for our graduating high school students. A light brunch and all materials are provided! Contact Claire Soard with questions at

magical!” Speaking for all of us, Charlotte Jones commented, “There is something deeply fulfilling about singing in a cathedral where people have sung every day for the last 1000 years… Christ Church, Dublin was founded in 1030!”

We received an especially warm welcome at Belfast’s St. Anne’s Cathedral. Though blessed with superb acoustics and a beautiful building, they recently disbanded their choir. The clergy and evensong attendees told us they hoped that our visit would spark efforts to bring it back. One further highlight was singing the European premiere of Mass of the Eternal Flame by Ēriks Ešenvalds during Sunday Eucharists at Christ Church, Dublin and St. Mary’s, Edinburgh. Many of you will recall we gave its world premiere at Christ Church, Houston, last February.

This spiritual and musical pilgrimage could not have happened without the incredible generosity of the Cathedral parish. The entire Choir joins me in thanking you. Throughout the trip we were mindful of our role as your ambassadors, and we were moved to hear the people and work of Christ Church Cathedral, Houston prayed for at each service. We were also aware that we were singing without some key members of the choir who could not join us due to personal circumstances. We carried them in our hearts.

Choir President Howard Rhoades summed things up well. “Three things stand out in my memory of our trip: the beauty of the sacred spaces where we helped lead worship; the joy of singing and bringing new music to others; and, the time we shared with each other as a choir community.”

ROBERT SIMPSON, CANON FOR MUSIC. leads the Cathedral Jones. Above: Episcopal Night at the Ballpark was a success!

and Outreach Ministry, and its Young Adult Ministry. While in Paris, Nat also initiated the development and organization of a Las Posadas celebration during the Advent season, creative forms of worship such as a monthly Jazz Vespers service, and liturgical practices for parish study during the Lenten season. Nat was also principal in leading the European Convocation Youth Program during The American Cathedral in Paris Centenary Celebration in 2023.

Nat held an internship with the Immigrant and Refugee Services Division of Lutheran Social Ministries … That experience brought him into contact with the realities of global migration and the great risks that are taken by those seeking safety, security, and a better life.

School, Nat was chosen to be an Epps Fellow at The Memorial Church, Harvard University, where he served as chaplain ministering to the undergraduate community from 2010 -2013. He served as chaplain there during the transition period following the death of beloved Harvard Divinity School faculty member, the Rev. Peter Gomes. It was there where his heart “came alive” with the prospect of ordination.

space housed in the oldest synagogue built in the City of Los Angeles, and has served on the Diocesan Program Group for Youth and Young Adult Ministries and Emergent and Creative Ministries.

Nat and his wife Shelly were married in May 2023. Shelly is an international art consultant from Wilmington, North Carolina. Nat and Shelly met in Paris, and though they have both loved their time in France, they are excited about joining the Cathedral family.

Prior to joining The American Cathedral in Paris’ staff, Nat spent four years as an Associate Rector at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills, California. During his time at All Saints,’ Nat had leadership over administration, liturgy, outreach, volunteer training, and ministries for youth and adults.

Nat was born and raised in the SummitMorristown area of New Jersey. He began his spiritual path in the Lutheran church where he was deeply involved in church youth activities. As a high school student, Nat was invited to join a ground-breaking ministry that trained church youth to educate their high school peers about HIV with the goal of reducing transmission and building compassion for those living with the disease. This experience revealed his leadership and ministry skills, kindling an early interest in ordained ministry.

He left New Jersey to attend the University of Southern California where he received a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Cum Laude, in 2002. During the summer between his sophomore and junior years, Nat held an internship with the Immigrant and Refugee Services Division of Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey. That experience brought him into contact with the realities of global migration and the great risks that are taken by those seeking safety, security, and a better life.

After graduating from the University of Southern California, Nat spent several years in strategic communications, advertising, community partnership development, and providing major giving and grant making support for Southern California Public Radio, an affiliate station of National Public Radio. It was during this time that Nat found the Episcopal Church, which was where he continued to explore how societal issues and religion could be reconciled in his life. His search for reconciliation led him to pursue a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School, graduating in 2010.Upon graduation from Harvard Divinity

Nat returned to Los Angeles, California in 2014 and became Communications Director at Claremont School of Theology where he was responsible for strategic communications that supported fund raising, admissions, interfaith institutional partnerships, and community engagement. Nat also served as Chaplain for College Ministries at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral where he was responsible for designing and implementing a community of prayer and fellowship for students and young adults in the Los Angeles Metro Area. His work in developing interfaith relationships and ministries resulted in Nat being selected to be among a cohort of 50 rising leaders (aged 24-40) working in Los Angeles "at the intersection of faith, pluralism, and social change." Nat was ordained to the priesthood in 2015 in the Diocese of Los Angeles.

Nat is passionate about interfaith and multicultural ministries, outreach, and expanding the reach of God’s love for all in creative forms.

Nat co-founded two chapters of Laundry of Love, a movement that works in partnership with local laundromats to provide monthly free laundry service to those in need. He has served on the board of the Pico Union Project, a nonprofit community and artistic organizing

Nat loves to read, cook, and travel; and describes himself as a “deep contemplative” by nature. He strives to make time to walk, read, listen to music, meditate, and be still daily. As for his gifts, he considers his listening skills and being “present” among his strong traits.

Upcoming Events with Dean Katz

An Evening with Dean Katz

Sept. 19, 6 p.m., Cathedral

Join Dean Katz to learn a bit more about who he is and his hopes for the Cathedral. Open to all, with a light reception to follow.Thiseventwillbelivestreamed.

Dean Katz First Sunday

Sept 24

Hewillpreachatthemorningservices8,9,and11a.m. 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall

GettoknowmoreaboutourninthdeanandthankourSearch CommitteeforbringingNathanielKatztotheCathedral.

Dean’s Hour — Second Hand Religion series

Oct. 1, 8, 29; Nov. 5, 12; Dec. 3, 10., 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall

Dean Katz will introduce this series Oct. 1 and will lead someofthesessions.

Time with Dean Katz for Children and Youth

Oct. 29, 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Dean Katz will lead the children’s sermon during the 9 a.m. serviceandwillspendsometimesharingTexas'sownBlueBell Ice Cream with Cathedral kids during Boo Bash on the playgroundandwithCathedralyouthinTheTreehouseduringthe 10o'clockhour.

Dean Katz Installation

Nov. 3, 6:30 p.m., Cathedral

TheDean’sInstallationServicewillbepresidedoverbythe Rt.Rev.C.AndrewDoyle,BishopofTexas.

Fall Neighborhood Gatherings

Oct. 4, 11, and Nov. 8, 6 p.m., Various Locations

For more details and information about these events:

WELCOME, from cover


Visit or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral.



Bridge/Rummikub Game Night/Potluck

6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Join our games or bring your own and enjoy a meal with friends. First Friday of the month.


Youth Confirmation Retreat

Camp Allen. Confirmation Class of 2024 will head to Camp Allen for a weekend retreat.



Centering Prayer

11:15 a.m., Mellinger Room.


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

7-8 a.m., Begins Sept. 26. Surprise! Exploring the Parables of Jesus. Led by the Rev. Canon Kathy Pfister. Contact Canon Kathy Pfister with questions at: kpfister@

Women’s Evening Bible Study


Labor Day Weekend Popsicle Event

10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Come cool off with your Cathedral family! Grab a popsicle in Reynolds Hall and enjoy some relief from the heat!



dur ing services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.


Labor Day

Cathedral Offices closed.


Cathedral Book Club

6:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Lessons in Chemistry, by Bonnie Garmus.


Sunday School Returns

10-11 a.m., Children’s Sunday School in Jones 201-208, Youth Sunday School in The Treehouse; 1-2:30 p.m., Latino Ministry Sunday School in Jones 201-208, Latino Youth Sunday School in The Treehouse.


Pastoral Care Circle

6-7:30 p.m., Mellinger room A place for fellowship and skill building in the ministries of Pastoral Care. Second Mondays of the month. Contact Claire Soard for details at:


Alzheimer & Dementia Suppor t Group

11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Zoom. Second Thursday of the month.

St. Theresa’s Short Story Book Group 2 p.m., various locations. Contact Valerie Meisel at Second Thursday of the month.


Evening with Dean Katz

6 p.m., The Cathedral


Caregiver Gathering

12:30 p.m., Jeffers.


Dean’s Hour

10 a.m. Reynolds Hall.

• Sept 10, New Beginnings, Surprising Spirit: Scripture offers us much to contemplate as we look to the start of a new chapter in the Cathedral’s life. By exploring the calls of Abraham, Jesus, and Paul we’ll ask how we might faithfully say “Yes” to God in this exciting time. Led by Canon Bradley Varnell.

• Sept 17, Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going: As a community we’ll thank our Search Committee, reflect on the interim journey we’ve walked over the last year, and prepare ourselves for the arrival of Dean Katz. Led by the Wardens and Vestry of Christ Church Cathedral.


Destination Unknown

6-11:30 p.m. Our popular Destination Unknown Lock-In for middle school youth returns with an actionpacked adventure where we will explore some of the exciting things Houston has to offer.


Dean Katz’ First Sunday

Our new Dean will preach the morning services at 8, 9, and 11 a.m.

Pastoral Care Lunch & Care

12:20–2 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Caring for our neighbors is a call for every Jesus-follower. Pastoral Care Volunteers will gather for a light lunch, a brief discussion on showing up in hard places, and a card-writing for those members who need to hear we remember and love them! No previous experience needed! No registration required, but let Minister for Pastoral Care, Claire Soard know if you plan to attend at: so we can estimate our food order.

• Sept 24, Welcome Dean Katz: Get to know a little more about Dean Katz in a special Dean’s Hour Q&A hosted by the Rev. Kathy Pfister.


Children’s Sunday School

10-11 a.m., Jones 201-208. We are inviting all children (3 years – 5th grade) to join us in Golding Chapel at 10 a.m. to begin the Sunday School hour.

Youth Sunday School

10-11 a.m., The Treehouse. (6th– 12th grade). Youth Sunday school is a place to come together as a community and grow in our faith through teaching, discussion, and doughnuts.

Latino Youth Sunday School

1-2:30 p.m. The Treehouse.

Latino Ministry Children’s Sunday School

1-2:30 p.m., Jones 201-208.

Cathedral Tours

Tours are held every Sunday following the 11 a.m. service. They will also be held the third Sunday of each month following services at 9 a.m. and The Well.

6:30-7:30 p.m., Zoom. Begins Sept. 26. Contact Rev. Liz Parker with questions.

20s & 30s Bible Study: The Letter to Ephesians

7-8 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Explore what life in the Body of Christ means in this eight-week study of the letter to the Ephesians. Register in advance to attend. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:


Men’s Morning Bible Study

7 a.m. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:

Women’s Morning Bible Study

9:30 a.m. Jeffers Conference Room. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:


Cathedral Tours

10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m, tour guides are available to welcome you at the bell tower. You may spend your time alone or the guide will share the Cathedral’s rich history with you.


Thursday Noon Bible Study

12 p.m, Zoom. Starts Sept. 14. Dive into 1 Samuel this fall with the Thursday noon Bible study and discover Scripture’s own Game of Thrones. Register online to attend. Contact Canon Bradley Varnell with questions at:


Did you know you can read The Bulletin on our website? If you’d like to go “online-only,” contact Ramona Sikes at or call her at 713-590-3301.

The broad palette of The Anglican Way

The use of color by an artist is always an object of fascination. Looking at the portrait of discipleship that is Anglicanism, you quickly notice the incredibly broad color palette used by God in shaping, nurturing, and challenging our tradition. Together these colors, which often seem so disparate and opposed, create an image that has drawn people across diverse times, cultures, and context together in worship and praise. Explore the broad palette of the Anglican tradition with your Cathedral clergy in the Anglican Way, a fall course on the Anglican way of being Christian. Over seven sessions the class will discuss scripture, church history, worship, and the sacraments with an eye towards the diverse ways Anglicans have and currently do understand these topics.

This evening class titled The Anglican Way is intended for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Episcopal Church, its faith, and its mission. Those new to the congregation and adults seeking to be baptized, confirmed, or received are especially encouraged to attend.

The Anglican Way will meet Sundays, October 8-Nov 19, 6-7:30 p.m. in Sanders Hall.

NEW BEGINNINGS, from cover

observe and learn about our community and organization to determine how he would like to structure the staff and clergy leadership. He may choose to organize our ministries in teams, or perhaps imagine a completely different way to deputize leaders, and he may not choose to have a vicar going forward.

In an effort to make room for the best new beginning possible, I am moving out of my role as vicar in anticipation of Dean Katz’s arrival. I will continue to serve as the senior canon for ministry and I will be actively supporting Dean Katz as he determines the staff structure that best positions the Cathedral for a strong and vibrant future.

Allow me to assure you that I believe this shift is important. It makes room for discernment and change that will benefit the Cathedral. And of course, I remain steadfastly committed to all of you and the work of the Holy Spirit among us.

In the Cloister Gallery:

Austin Magruder

While waiting for a kidney transplant in 2016, Austin became determined to pursue his passion in visual art. He began by using coloring books while in dialysis treatments, which sparked his curiosity in hand-made geometric art. All of his artworks are hand-drafted. His current body of work focuses on developing isometric tessellations, which involves connecting complex shapes to create patterns that are based on the impossible triangle. Magruder's works will be on display in the Cloister Gallery until Sept. 20.

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