Fall 2014
Educational Offerings and
Program Guide Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral Note: All classes meet weekly unless stated otherwise.
Sundays For Adults
Contact: The Rev. Art Callaham at 713-590-3309
Dean’s Class
Unholy War: The Spiritual Legacy of World War I (Sept. 7–28) In politics, art, literature, and religion, the First World War marked the end of a hopeful era and the beginning of a world shaped by grim realism. Perhaps most of all, the War reminded us of our need for God. How Goes the Vision? An Update on our Vision Action Plan (Oct. 5) Dean Thompson will review progress to-date and preview the exciting developments to come within the six initiatives of the Vision Action Plan developed earlier this year: Pastoral Care, Community Life, Welcome and Evangelism, Outreach, Worship, and the Spirituality Center. “And He Taught Them in Parables”: Understanding the Stories Jesus Told (Oct. 12–19 and Nov. 2–9) The class will begin with the premise that Holy Scripture is the chronicle of the dynamic relationship between God and God’s people. We will consider the way that the parables developed as the Christian community passed them down from the time of Jesus onward. Mary Parmer: Newcomer Ministry Project (Oct. 26) Inviting, welcoming, and connecting persons in our congregation is vital a for vibrant church. Mary Parmer, director of the Newcomer Ministry Project, will share how we might better engage those new to our community. Marilyn Brown: Coalition for the Homeless (Dec. 7) In advance of our annual Christmas at the Cathedral, Marilyn Brown, CEO of Houston’s Coalition for the Homeless, will share some of her own experiences in ministering to the city’s homeless population. The Meaning of Christmas (Dec. 14–21) Who was St. Nicholas? Why do we hang stockings on the mantle? What does the modern experience of Christmas have to do with Jesus of Nazareth? We’ll travel from the first century to the modern world of Coca-Cola and Charlie Brown, as we search for the meaning of Christmas. 10–11 a.m., Mellinger Room
This class is designed to offer a broad introduction to the people, places, and traditions that make Christ Church Cathedral a wonderful place to worship. Start the program any week and stay for four classes. You’re guaranteed to meet some new people and come away with a deeper connection to the Cathedral. (Does not meet Nov. 16–30.)
Parenting Class
10–11 a.m., Dean’s Conference Room Asking Better Questions (Sept. 7 to Nov. 9) Using Ed Friedman’s famous “Fables” as a jumping-off point, we will explore the classic emotional traps that parents fall into and how we might break free of the gridlock that clogs our family system. A Guide to Biblical Parenting (Dec. 14–21) The Bible is filled with stories of God’s faithful people, many of whom were parents. Join Canon Art Callaham as we use the busy holiday season to explore the stories of Biblical parents and their adventures in faith.
Exploring the Connections 10–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room
Come explore the Biblical principal of the common good and participate in this interactive class where we share and learn from each other. Facilitators are Bob Baker, Sally Lehr, Patty Turney, and Lucy Wagner.
In Praise and Folly
Christian Meditation
10–11 a.m., McGehee Conference Room
Led by Curate Eileen O’Brien and facilitated by the 20s & 30s Council, this class will focus on the weekly Epistle readings from the Lectionary, aiming to develop a wider understanding of St. Paul, his context, and his ministry.
10–11 a.m., Bride’s Room Christian Meditation is a class to learn and practice a form of prayer as taught by Jesus. There is a teaching, the experience of meditation, and a closing which includes prayer and scripture. The class is open to all, regardless of experience.
The Anglican Way 6–7:30 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room
10–11 a.m., Reynolds Hall
Introductions Class
Fall 2014 Education Guide
Designed and taught by Dean Thompson, this evening class is intended for all those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Church, its faith, and its mission. Those new to the congregation and those adults seeking to be confirmed or received are especially encouraged to attend. (Meets Sept. 21 and Oct. 5 to Nov. 9.)
For Children
Gather for sincere and truthful conversation on the appointed scripture readings for the following Sunday. With questions for reflection each week, journals are encouraged. 6:30–8 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room
The Rev. Ed Stein will lead this class on the medieval thoughts, practices, and personalities that still influence our own church life, looking in detail at the lives of Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas. Contact the Rev. Stein to register. (Meets through Nov. 19.)
The Roots of Christian Community
Contact: Lisa Puccio at 713-590-3323
6:30–8 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room
Two- to ThreeYear-Olds
As the Cathedral seeks to deepen its sense of community both downtown and in the neighborhoods, Canon Art Callaham will offer a class that explores the nature, development, and future of Christian community.
10–11 a.m., Jones Building, ground level, room 102 Seasons’ Two curriculum is used in the two- to three-yearold nursery classroom and helps our youngest learners experience church as a nurturing, caring place.
Three-Year-Olds to First Grade 10–11 a.m., Jones Building second floor Three-year-old through first-grade classes use the Godly Play curriculum. There is time to share the story in community and time to respond individually through art materials or the story manipulatives.
Second to Fifth Grade 10–11 a.m., Jones Building second floor and Jones Building basement Second through fifth graders move on to the Episcopal Children’s Curriculum, which fosters a deeper understanding of the Episcopal faith through the exploration of scripture, tradition, and worship.
The Lighthouse Classroom 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Jones Building basement The Lighthouse Classroom is a safe and welcoming place for children with special needs that prevent transitioning to a traditional classroom or worship setting.
For Youth
Contact: Jeremy Bradley at 713-217-1349
Sunday School 10–11 a.m., Ballard Youth Center
The Dean’s Book Club
(Monthly) 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room Meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, the Book Club discusses novels, nonfiction, and books on spirituality and faith. Books are selected by the group.
Buscando la Luz 6:30–8 p.m., Bride’s Room
The group “Buscando la Luz” (Seeking the Light) meets to pray, study, and talk about spiritual matters, seeking to find what God wishes to teach us. The meetings are conducted in Spanish, and all who wish to participate, regardless of their level of fluency with the language, are welcome.
Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room
In the fall, the group will watch and discuss the video series “For the Life of the World.” We will also venture out to various Houston hotspots and hear the life stories of a few members of the group. Starts Sept. 10.
Faith and Society Seminar
(Monthly) 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room Participants will engage in serious and lively conversation about Holy Scripture, faith and the society in which we live. We will follow the conversation style of the Aspen Institute, which ensures all voices are heard and respected. The first session on Sept. 10 is required. Other dates: Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17.
Join us for music, doughnuts, fellowship, games and challenging discussion.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., Ballard Youth Center EYC is a time for youth to claim as their own and is a safe place where they can be themselves without judgment. We are a community of love! Join us for music, food, crazy games, field trips, and relevant biblical discussion.
Mondays 6:30–8 p.m., OKRA Charity Saloon, 924 Congress
9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room
Christian Life in the Age of Faith
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Lunch Study Group
(Biweekly) 12:15–1:15 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room This new offering, led by Canon Glenice Robinson-Como, will focus on topics chosen by the group during the first sessions. All women are welcome to attend. Starts Sept. 11.
Men’s Lunch Study Group
(Biweekly) 12:15–1:15 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room Equal parts sharing and topical, this group is open to all men of the Cathedral interested in accountability and relational community. Starts Sept. 18.
Canon Genevieve Razim will convene a group of Cathedral members, downtown residents, and passers-by for a weekly Bible study and fellowship evening. The group will utilize the Kaleidoscope process to engage scriptures of interest for those living and working in the urban context.
Tuesdays Education for Ministry (EFM) 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room Education for Ministry is the most comprehensive adult education offering in the Episcopal Church. EFM involves four years of study on the topics of Old and New Testament, church history, and Christian theology. New students are accepted only in September. Visit www.texas-efm.org for more information.
Compassionate Cultivation 7–9 p.m., McGehee Conference Room
Compassion Cultivation Training was created by a team of scientists and scholars at the Stanford School of Medicine to bring the tools of psychology and neuroscience to the study of empathy, compassion, and altruism. Contact Canon Betty Adam to register. (Meets Oct. 2 to Nov. 20.)
Fridays Men’s Early Morning Study Group (First and third Fridays) 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room
The group will study books that form us spiritually as we grow in confidence and accountability with one another. In September, we will begin “Finding Darwin’s God” by Kenneth R. Miller.
Special Events Rally Under the Big Top August 24, 10–11 a.m., Reynolds Hall
Kicking off a robust program year, more than 30 ministries will be on hand with engaging activities, helpful information about all that’s going on at the Cathedral, and tasty treats.
War and Faith
September 7 and 14, 5–6:30 p.m., Sanders Hall
Carl Caldwell, Rice University: “Crisis of Faith, Origin of New Faiths” (Sept. 7) As the First World War war dragged on, populations turned to new, extreme ideologies. These movements claimed the ability to explain the world and to provide it with meaning, becoming ersatz religions for an age of crisis. Robert Zaretsky, University of Houston: “Why They Fought and Died” (Sept. 14) We will consider what “la patrie” meant in 1914 for people from all walks of like in France and its African colonies. Did they fight and die for the fatherland and freedom, or were there other motivations at play?
Reza Aslan: “Zealot”
September 19, 7 p.m. in the Cathedral The author of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” will speak and sign copies of his book at this ticketed event presented by Brazos Bookstore.
The Science of Spirituality October 17–18 BARBARA BRADLEY HAGERTY
NPR religion correspondent Barbara Bradley Hagerty, author of “Fingerprints of God,” will lead this weekend seminar, which also features Rice professor Jeff Kripal and the Rev. Henry Strobel.
Invitation with Michael Harvey October 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Reynolds Hall
This workshop is for anyone who has ever wanted to invite a friend, neighbor, or loved one to come to church. It will cover theology and offer practical strategies for wider invitation and for welcoming and incorporating those who accept.
Fall 2014 Class Schedule For class times, locations, and full descriptions, see the poster on the reverse side of this schedule. All dates are subject to change.
Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Buscando La Luz Dean’s Book Club (River of Doubt)
Friday 5 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 7 Dean’s Class (Unholy War) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly
Monday 8
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 9 EFM
Wednesday 10
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Faith and Society Seminar (Introduction)
Thursday 11
Women’s Lunch Study Group
Sunday 14 Dean’s Class (Unholy War) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly
Monday 15
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 16 EFM
Thursday 18
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Friday 19 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Wednesday 17 Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz
Sunday 21 Dean’s Class (Unholy War) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 22
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 23 EFM
Wednesday 24
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz
Thursday 25
Women’s Lunch Study Group
Sunday 28 Dean’s Class (Unholy War) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly
Monday 29
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 30 EFM
Sunday 5 Dean’s Class (Vision Plan Update) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 6
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 7 EFM
Wednesday 8
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Buscando La Luz
Thursday 9
Women’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Sunday 12 Dean’s Class (Parables) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 13
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 14 EFM
Wednesday 15
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Faith and Society Seminar (Immigration)
Thursday 16
Men’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Friday 17
OCTOBER Wednesday 1 Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Dean’s Book Club (Fingerprints of God)
Thursday 2
Men’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 19 Dean’s Class (Parables) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 20
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 21
Friday 3 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Wednesday 22 Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz
Thursday 23
Women’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Sunday 26
Sunday 9 Dean’s Class (Parables) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 10
Tuesday 2 EFM
Wednesday 3
Women’s Bible Study The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Dean’s Book Club
Thursday 4
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 11
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Dean’s Class (Guest: Mary Parmer) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Men’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Christian Meditation
Monday 27 Tuesday 28
Wednesday 29
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Buscando La Luz
Thursday 30
Men’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
NOVEMBER Sunday 2 Dean’s Class (Parables) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Questions) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation In Praise and Folly The Anglican Way
Monday 3
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 4 EFM
Wednesday 5
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Dean’s Book Club
Thursday 6
Women’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Friday 7 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Wednesday 12
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz
Thursday 13
Friday 5 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 7 Dean’s Class Introductions Class Christian Meditation
Tuesday 9
Sunday 16
Monday 17
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 18
Wednesday 19
Women’s Bible Study Christian Life in the Age of Faith The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Faith and Society Seminar (Gun Control)
Thursday 20
Women’s Lunch Study Group Compassionate Cultivation Training
Friday 21
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 23
Christian Meditation
Monday 24
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 25
Wednesday 26
Women’s Bible Study The Roots of Christian Community Buscando La Luz
Sunday 30
Christian Meditation
Monday 8
Wednesday 10
Women’s Bible Study The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz
Thursday 11
Women’s Lunch Study Group
Sunday 14 Dean’s Class (Meaning of Christmas) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Biblical Parenting) Christian Meditation
Monday 15
Bible Study “By the Glass”
Tuesday 16 EFM
Wednesday 17
Women’s Bible Study The Roots of Christian Community Cathedral 20s & 30s Buscando La Luz Faith and Society Seminar (Drugs)
Thursday 18 Men’s Lunch Study Group
Friday 19 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 21
DECEMBER Monday 1 Bible Study “By the Glass”
Dean’s Class (Meaning of Christmas) Introductions Class Parenting Class (Biblical Parenting) Christian Meditation
FALL 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit www.christchurchcathedral.org or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended
Registration required
RECURRING SUNDAYS Adult Sunday Formation 10–11 a.m., various locations. Classes designed to engage both the mind and heart. Begins Sept. 7.
Registration closed
Education for Ministry (EFM) 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room. Comprehensive adult theology program. ($)
Compassion Cultivation Training 7–9 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Stanford program to scientifically study empathy, compassion, and altruism. Meets Oct. 2 through Nov. 20.
War and Faith: Robert Zaretsky 5–6:30 p.m., Sanders Hall. “Why They Fought and Died.” Lecture on the motivations of French soldiers in WWI by UH professor Robert Zaretsky.
Men’s Early Morning Study Group (First and third Fridays) 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Reza Aslan Book Signing 7 p.m. in the Cathedral. Brazos Bookstore presents the author of “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.” ($)
WEDNESDAYS Women’s Bible Study 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Bridge Night (First Fridays) 6–9 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Bring a dish for the potluck social.
Rhythms of Grace (First Sundays) 1 p.m., Jones Basement. Worship experience for special needs children and their families.
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., BYC. Gathering of youth for dinner, games, teaching, movies, and worship. Begins Sept. 7. The Anglican Way 6–7:30 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room. Course for all those who wish to deepen their understanding of the Church. Meets Sept. 21 and Oct. 5 to Nov. 9. MONDAYS Centering Prayer 11:15 a.m. to noon, Mellinger Room. Healing Service 12:05 p.m., Golding Chapel. Eucharist service including the anointing of the sick for healing.
Bible Study Fellowship 6:55–8:45 p.m. Reynolds Hall. Non denominational Bible study for men and children.
SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAYS Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Weekly discussion group and social gathering of young adults. Begins Sept. 10. Christian Life in the Age of Faith 6:30–8 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Study of medieval thought, practice, and personalities. Through Nov. 19. The Roots of Christian Community 6:30–8 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room. Class on the nature and development of Christian community. Buscando la Luz 6:30–8 p.m., Bride’s Room. Spanishlanguage discussion group. Dean’s Book Club (First Wednesdays) 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room.
Labor Day Holiday Cathedral and offices are closed. SEPTEMBER 5–7
YES and Happening Camp Allen. Diocesan spiritual retreats for 6–8th and 9–12th graders. ($) SEPTEMBER 7
War and Faith: Carl Caldwell 5–6:30 p.m., Sanders Hall. “Crisis of Faith, Origin of New Faiths.” Lecture on the politics of WWI by Rice professor Carl Caldwell. SEPTEMBER 10
20s & 30s Fajita Fiesta 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Fajitas, cerveza, Mexican Coke, and fellowship.
Compline 8 p.m., Golding Chapel. Brief, contemplative service marking the completion of the day. Second Wednesdays in Spanish. Begins Sept. 10. THURSDAYS Women’s Lunch Study Group (Biweekly) 12:15–1:15 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Starts Sept. 11. Men’s Lunch Study Group (Biweekly) 12:15–1:15 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Starts Sept. 18.
SEPTEMBER 20 SAT Popcorn Theology 6–9 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Dinner and a movie for all ages. Share a meal and split off for age-appropriate films and theological discussion. SEPTEMBER 21
Invitation Sunday Welcome your neighbors, friends, and loved ones to church. SEPTEMBER 24
Come to the Table Annual fundraiser and gala dinner in support of The Beacon featuring Houston’s top chefs. ($)
Faith and Society Seminars 6:30–8 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Conversation with the dean about Holy Scripture, faith and society. Required first session meets Sept. 10. Other dates: Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17.
MONDAYS Bible Study “By the Glass” 6:30–8 p.m., OKRA, 924 Congress. Fellowship and Bible study for those living and working in the urban context.
Bring a friend!
Sunday School for Children and Youth 10–11 a.m., various locations. Children and youth join their peers for an hour of fun, fellowship, and teaching. Begins Sept. 7.
20s & 30s Brunch (Second Sundays) 1 p.m. Fellowship and a meal at area restaurants. ($)
Childcare available (3 mo. to 10 yrs.)
Youth Service Day Help the needy and earn service hours. SEPTEMBER 28 SEPTEMBER 13 SAT Fiestas Patrias 5–8:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Celebrating the cultures of Latin America with regional dances and costumes, food, games, music, and more. ($) SEPTEMBER 13
Youth Saturday Hangout Hang with Jeremy at a spot in Houston.
EMC Kickoff Dinner 5 p.m., Reynolds Hall. “Star Church” will boldly go where no Every Member Canvass has gone before! ($) SEPTEMBER 30
Newcomers Welcome Dinner 6–8 p.m., The Deanery. Gathering to welcome those new or feeling new to the Cathedral. CONTINUED ON REVERSE
NOVEMBER 1 (cont.)
Youth Saturday Hangout Hang with Jeremy at a spot in Houston.
Blessing of the Animals 4 p.m., Bishop’s Courtyard. Service in observance of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi.
All Saints’ Organ Recital and Evensong 4:15 and 5 p.m., in the Cathedral. Recital by HyeHyun Sung. Choral Evensong with the Cathedral Choir.
Diocesan Adult Choral Festival 6 p.m., in the Cathedral. “With Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs.” Sung by choirs from around the diocese.
Día de los Muertos 6 p.m., Columbarium. Remembering the departed on the Day of the Dead.
20s & 30s Outing 9 p.m., Joystix Classic Games and Pinball, 1820 Franklin St. ($)
20s & 30s Outing 5:30–8:30 p.m., Karbach Brewery, 2032 Karbach St. Tour at 6 p.m. ($) OCTOBER 10
Fall Youth Retreat Hang out and build community while building faith.
YES and Happening Camp Allen. Diocesan spiritual retreats for 6–8th and 9–12th graders. ($) NOVEMBER 23
Alternative Giving Market 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Donate in the name of loved ones to various charities and outreach activities. NOVEMBER 26
Thanksgiving Eve Service 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral.
NOVEMBER 8 SAT Farewell to Arms 7:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. The Houston Chamber Choir observes the 100th anniversary of WWI, performing works by Bennett, Jenkins, and Poulenc. ($) SUN
Annual Parish Retreat Camp Allen. Fun and relaxing weekend for all ages. Canon Art Callaham will speak. ($) DECEMBER 7
Advent Lessons and Carols 5 p.m. in the Cathedral. Sung by the Cathedral Choir.
Pub Trivia 6:30–8:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Enjoy a lively group trivia challenge and pub fare at this all-ages event.
Houston Early Music Concert 8 p.m. in the Cathedral. El Mundo performs holiday music from Italy, Spain, and the New World in “Villancicos y Cantadas de Navidad.” ($) DECEMBER 13
All Saints’ Day 12 p.m. in the Cathedral. Holy Eucharist celebrating the saints and remembering the departed.
Last Day of Fall Education Spring classes begin Jan. 4. The Longest Night 6 p.m., Golding Chapel. Christmas service for those grieving a loss. Cathedral Family Posada 7–9 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Final celebration of Las Posadas. DECEMBER 24–26
Christmas Holidays Cathedral offices close at noon on Dec. 24 and re-open Dec. 29.
Sigurd Øgaard Organ Recital 3 p.m. in the Cathedral.
Youth Service Day Help the needy and earn service hours.
Workshop on Invitation 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Practical strategies for inviting, welcoming, and incorporating newcomers to the church.
Christmas Camp 9–11 a.m. in the Cathedral. Children will practice for the Christmas Play, have a snack and do a Beacon service project.
Christmas at the Cathedral 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Reynolds Hall. The Cathedral family opens its doors to the public to serve 700+ hot meals.
Advent Wreath-Making 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall.
NOVEMBER 9 OCTOBER 17–18 FRI–SAT The Science of Spirituality Sanders Hall. Symposium featuring NPR religion correspondent and author Barbara Bradley Hagerty.
Thanksgiving Holidays Cathedral and offices are closed.
Foyers Kickoff Potluck Dinner 6–7:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Make new friends by joining a Foyers social group. Each member or couple hosts one meal.
La Conferencia Latina Reynolds Hall. “Cruzando Fronteras en la Familia, la Iglesia, y la Nación.” ($)
Noche Familiar 5:30–8:30 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Disfruten un cena y actividades para toda la familia. OCTOBER 12
NOVEMBER 16 SUN 175 Years and Counting 10 a.m. in the Cathedral. Services are combined for a Festival Eucharist, Rite I, with confirmation, followed by a celebratory parish luncheon. Bishop Doyle will visit to confirm. Loyalty Sunday Remember to turn in your pledge cards for 2015!
Las Posadas 7–9 p.m., various locations. Home celebrations with singing, prayers, and traditional refreshments.
DECEMBER 24 WED Christmas Eve 4 p.m. Family Service, Holy Eucharist, Rite II, and the Christmas Play. 6 p.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite II, in Spanish. 7:30 p.m. Organ prelude by Sigurd Øgaard. 8 p.m. Choral Eucharist, Rite II, with the Parish Choir. 10:30 p.m. Cathedral Choir prelude. 11 p.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite I, with the Cathedral Choir. DECEMBER 25
Christmas Day 10 a.m. Eucharist and carols. DECEMBER 27–29
Midwinter Camp Allen. High-school holiday retreat led by Jeremy Bradley. ($) DECEMBER 28
20s & 30s Christmas Party 6:30–8 p.m., home of Jeremy Bradley.
’Tis the Season 10–11 a.m. and 12–1 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Enjoy gingerbread, wassail, and hot chocolate between Sunday services.
Youth Progressive Dinner High-school students visit three different homes for a spectacular holiday meal. ($)
Last Day for 2014 Donations Donations must be received or postmarked to be credited for 2014.