The Bulletin: September 2013

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Christ Church Cathedral An Episcopal Community in the Heart of Houston, Texas

September 2013

Charting the Cathedral’s future “Cathedrals have a particular reach into ‘peripheral’ groups — those who are a long way from, and even hostile to, religion. A sixth of people who never attend a religious service as a worshiper visited a cathedral in the last twelve months. This means that somewhere The Very Rev. Barkley between 1.5 and 3 Thompson million people who might be called spiritually unreceptive visit a cathedral each year.” — The Very Rev. Douglas A. Stoute, dean, The Cathedral of St. James, Toronto The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is “to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ through word and deed to the parish, the diocese, and the downtown community.” Throughout its history, Christ Church has pursued this mission in faith and with dedication. Charting the history of my three immediate predecessors: under Dean Pittman McGehee, the Cathedral reclaimed its teaching ministry and created COMPASS to direct those in need to crucial social services. Dean Walter Taylor oversaw the creation of New Hope Housing and more fully engaged the downtown as a locus of involvement for the Cathedral. Dean Joe Reynolds led the initiative that resulted in The Beacon, which has become in its six years of operation a hub of outreach to the homeless for the entire city. Dean Reynolds’ tenure also saw the return of the diocesan offices to the Cathedral campus. As the inheritor of their good and courageous work, I am privileged both to lead and to walk alongside Cathedral parishioners as we consider what the next chapter in our shared lives will be.

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The Cathedral Choir stands before the high altar at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.

On tour with the Cathedral Choir Talk about a working vacation. Touring England this summer was equal parts exhilaration and exhaustion for the members of the Cathedral Choir, who sang a total of

Make plans to participate in an upcoming Cathedral “Visioning Charrette” Include your voice in charting the course for the continuing spiritual journey of Christ Church. Charrette Dates: Sunday, September 22 Sunday, October 6 Sunday, October 20 Sunday, November 10*

12:30–3:30 p.m. 12:30–3:30 p.m. 12:30–3:30 p.m. 2–5 p.m.

* This charrette will be bilingual and is primarily for parishioners who attend the 1 p.m. Spanishlanguage Eucharist. Lunch will be served at the first three charrettes. Refreshments will be served at the fourth charrette. Each charrette will include a bilingual table for Spanish-speaking parishioners. Childcare will be available for children from nursery age through five years old. (For more information on the Visioning Charrettes, see the dean’s column in this issue of The Bulletin.)

six Evensong and two Eucharist services over the course of nine days in London and York. Morning sightseeing gave way to afternoon rehearsals and evening worship “in residence” at the great English cathedrals of St. Paul’s and York Minster. Nancy Ellis, a longtime member of the choir who has traveled on all of its six tours, says that the choir grows musically each time it travels. Under the direction of Canon for Music Robert Simpson, the choir goes above and beyond to prepare the challenging music it will sing. “Bob insists that we settle for nothing other than our best,” Ellis said. “All these efforts and experiences are brought back with us to Houston.” The sometimes intense combination of travel, rehearsal and performance also serves to bring the choir closer together as a unit. “One of the unexpected benefits was getting to know other members of the Cathedral Choir on a more personal basis,” said Richard Buffett, who joined the choir early last year. “It was an honor to be a part of this wonderful choral group and to represent Christ Church Cathedral and the City of Houston.” Ellis said, “It’s fun to travel with people I

CHOIR, page 8

Our Cathedral Family We celebrate with EE Cathedral members Erin and Terry Russell upon the birth of James Xavier Russell on July 10. James’ grandparents are the Rev. Jim and Beth McGill. EE New member Don Vold.

We extend heartfelt sympathy to EE the family of R.J. Ankrom, who died July 23. He was the father of Cathedral member Rick Ankrom. EE the family of Patricia Busch who died July 18. She was the mother of Cathedral member Mary Ann Marucci and grandmother of Julian and Wyatt Marucci. EE the family of Robert G. Simpson who died August 11 in New Jersey. He was the father of the Cathedral’s Canon for Music, Robert ‘Bob’ L. Simpson.

The Flowers on the Cathedral Altar EE on September 1 are given to the glory of God in honor of the birthdays of her husband, Ron Paget, her daughter, Melissa O’Dell, and Gary Gaston by Carolyn Paget. EE on September 8 are given to the glory of God in honor of the 11th birthday of Caroline and Alexander Paden by their family. EE on September 15 are given to the glory of God in honor of Paige Rena Avery and in memory of Rena Dean Avery by Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Avery. EE on September 22 are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Fred Eckart on his birthday, September 27, by his family.


We’re putting together a new Cathedral photo directory! Please sign up online today at or call 713-222-2593 to schedule a free session with our professional photographer.

The Bulletin

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Dean Thompson visited Rhythms of Grace for the first time in August. The worship experience for families meets on the first Sunday of each month and continues to attract families with special needs children as well as others who want to experience worship in a new way.

future, from cover

As Dean Stoute relates, cathedrals have a unique role in the religious landscape. In a culture in which the prevailing religious options sometimes seem to be only a rigid fundamentalism or a mushy and vague spiritual smorgasbord, cathedrals remind us that our spiritual lives can both be deeply rooted to that which is ancient and true and (in the words of theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar) “move forward, fashioning and transforming the world in everything we do in the light of the abundant image of Christ.” Though Christ Church is our parish church, in a sense cathedrals (including ours) belong to everyone. As our Cathedral, the Diocese of Texas’ Cathedral, and, indeed, Houston’s Cathedral, we are blessed with the opportunity to reach out to the entire community and feed hungry souls just as The Beacon feeds hungry bodies We can chart a course that will lead us into deeper relationship with God and with our neighbors, that will grow our faith in Christ, and that will further enthuse us for the church as the essential part of who we are. What will that look like? We’ll decide together. I’ve commissioned a task force to facilitate four “visioning charrettes” this fall. The Town Paper defines charrette as “an intensive planning session” where people “collaborate on a vision for development. It provides a forum for ideas and offers the unique advantage of giving immediate

feedback. More importantly, it allows everyone who participates to be a mutual author of the plan.” At each charrette, participants in small table groups will engage in fun, “lighting round” brainstorming. We’ll consider questions and offer feedback related to each of the Cathedral’s six guiding principles (developed during the dean search process): Gospel, Outreach, Community, Liturgy, Music, Tradition. Plus, food will be served! The task force will host four charrettes. The first three charrettes will take place on Sunday afternoons beginning with a light lunch at 12:30 p.m. The fourth charrette will be for those in our 1 p.m. Spanish-language congregation and will begin at 2 p.m. Be sure to see the announcement on the cover of this Bulletin for charrette dates and schedules. The Vestry and I will make the results of the charrettes the entire focus of our vestry retreat next January. We will pray and pore over what you tell us you want the Cathedral to be and where you want it to go. Then, throughout 2014 we hope to roll out the programmatic and ministerial fruits of our shared work. We have recently celebrated Rally Day and kicked off our fall semester of programming. I hope you and your family will fully engage in the Cathedral’s life and also participate in the visioning charrettes. It is an exciting time for our Cathedral family, and I am excited to be part of it.

Sign of Cross commended to all

Have you noticed in church how hand on the person’s head, marking on some people use the sign of the Cross the forehead the sign of the cross, sayat various points throughout the wor- ing to each one ‘You are sealed by the ship service? Others will sign them- Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as selves some of the time and Christ’s own for ever.’” others not at all. In a liturgical It is a simple gesture. Raise Church that follows a prayer your hand to touch your forebook and honors ceremony, head (the same one marked in why is there such variety? Baptism), lower your hand to In the classic Anglican untouch your breast (the inmost derstanding of liturgy, everyplace of your heart), then to Rev. Canon thing doesn’t always have to TheEd your left shoulder and across Stein be uniform. Many customs to your right (consecrating and observances fall under the time- the service of your two good arms to honored formula: “Commended to all; Christ’s service). Required of None; Helpful to Some.” When should you use the sign of Anglican liturgy commends the use of the Cross? Whenever you feel like it. the Cross to us all, but the Prayer Book In private, you might begin and end doesn’t mandate its use. your prayers with the sign. At church, The word “Cross” as found in Scrip- there are many times when it is natural ture and the making of the sign in and helpful to use the sign, such as at prayer are a kind of shorthand for Holy Communion when kneeling at commitment to a life of discipleship. the altar rail, during the doxology as “If anyone would come with me, let the service begins (“Blessed be God, him take up his cross and follow me.” Father, Son, and Holy Spirit”), or at the The Cross also represents the mystery blessing at the end of the service. of our redemption and salvation. As Before the Reformation, traditional the apostle says, “I will glory in the times were carefully spelled out and cross of Christ.” included using the sign at the end of In the roughest times of the Refor- the Creed where we confirm our faith mation, Anglicans let many traditional and during the absolution of our sins. things go, but fought (sometimes liter- Some people observe each of these traally) to keep the sign of the Cross as ditional times. found within the Baptism liturgy. To But remember that the Cross is this day, each of us is entrusted with yours to use whenever you wish — you the sign of the Cross at our Baptisms: are sealed with it, and marked by it as “… then the Bishop or Priest places a Christ’s own forever.

Henze to reveal Bible’s dark demons

While Halloween is mostly celebrated as a children’s event, or a chance to attend parties in the latEvil Angels est culturally appropriand Demons ate costume, there is a Wednesday, part of Halloween that September 18 allows us to touch upon 6:30–8 p.m. the darkness that is very real in our world. We tend to do this at safe distance. Skeleton costumes and plastic grave markers in our front yards are more comfortable acknowledgements of our mortality than, say, visiting a cemetery. The Bible is no stranger to ghostly apparitions and the presence of evil. Yet often when we read stories in the Bible about demons and sinister angels, we don’t quite know what to make

of them. Modern convention is to treat such characterizations of evil as simply that — just characterizations. Do we turn a blind eye to an evil presence that is, in fact, real? Here to help us sort all this out is Dr. Matthias Henze, a professor of Biblical Studies at Rice University and the founding director of Rice’s Program in Jewish Studies. On Wednesday, September 18, Henze will present a lecture at the Cathedral entitled “Evil Angels and Demons in Early Judaism.” In it, he will discuss Judaism during the time of Jesus, and the roles that evil angels and demons occupied. The lecture is sponsored by the Adult Formation Council and is free and open to all.

“The Beadles” return for EMC Kickoff

Due to popular demand, the Beadles will return on Sunday, September 29, for the 2014 Every Member Canvass Kickoff Dinner where they will debut their new album, “Downtown Abbey Road.” Starting at 5:30 p.m. in Reynolds Hall, we’ll ring in our 2014 EMC season with a fantastic catered meal and enjoy a musical extravaganza featuring the Beadles, the Quartus Chamber Players and the New Kid on the Block. It’s a great time of community and festivity. A splendid time is guaranteed for all! Tickets will be available in the cloister on Sundays during September or at the door.

Fall months offer new adult enrichment opportunities For many people, their favorite part about baseball season is that it means football season is that much closer to beginning. Likewise, for many, their favorite part about the end of summer is that it means Adult Education Preview fall is soon approaching. Now, with summer officially Sunday, September 8 in the rear-view mirror (except 10–11 a.m. the residual stalwart summerlike temperatures, of course), the Cathedral begins to look toward the fall and the variety of opportunities that it presents. These opportunities include numerous conferences, classes, seminars, book studies, discussion groups, and other prospects for learning, reflection and spiritual exploration. More information in much greater detail about all of these different offerings will be mailed out soon. Please take some time to read over these and avail yourself of the many rich opportunities provided for you by the Cathedral. On Sunday, September 8, all are invited to attend the Adult Education Preview at 10 a.m. in Reynolds Hall. During this time, presenters leading classes in the Fall will share brief descriptions of their classes and seminars. We hope that you will be able to attend and to find a class or event that is of interest to you. page 3

The Bulletin

Seminarian Updates: Eileen O’Brien and Kellaura Johnson Each Sunday, we remember and pray for the two seminarians from our parish, Kellaura Johnson and Eileen O’Brien. These young women are now beginning their third and final year in seminary — Kellaura at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin and Eileen at Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Va. We are proud of their achievements and look forward to following their ministries in the years to come.

Eileen O’Brien Greetings from Virginia Theological Seminary! As senior year begins, I can scarcely believe how quickly this last year sped by. Last year, I did those typical middler things like studying liturgics, ethics, systematic theology, and homiletics and serving at my field education parish, St. Stephen and the Incarnation, D.C. At St. Stephen’s, I serve the Spanishspeaking Misa Alegria congregation by coordinating a new Children’s Chapel program and preaching in Spanish. I was honored to receive the Booth Award for excellence in Greek and an invitation to the Preaching Excellence Conference. In May, a fellow student and I were invited to develop and teach a set of workshops on developing sustainable local mission programs for the Episcopal Church in Colombia. The workshops have led to mul-

tiple new parish-based outreach endeavors in Colombia. Additional opportunities to nurture my love of teaching kept popping up as well. As the teaching assistant for the New Testament Interpretation class, a role that I will continue in this year, I accompanied fellow students through the process of writing exegesis papers and studying. I also started a group called Euangelion, which gathers weekly to go over translations of the Greek text for the gospel reading and to brainstorm teaching and preaching points. I attended the regional Society for Biblical Literature Conference in hopes of submitting two papers for next Cathedral seminarian Eileen O’Brien was in Medellín in May for the 49th Conference of the Episcopal Diocese of Colombia. year’s conference. And so, onward into senior year! Connor Summer chaplaincy at Johns Hopkins Bayview has offered me the opportunity to min- and I so appreciate the Cathedral’s prayers ister to patients and families dealing with cri- and support in our endeavors, and we can sis situations as well as long-term care. I have hardly wait to come back home. learned a lot from working with a theologi- Kellaura Johnson cally diverse team of chaplains and patients I am about to begin my third and final year from all walks of life. at Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. The

Cathedral seminarian Kellaura Johnson, Christian and Jodi Baron, and Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori attended the Episcopal Preaching Foundation’s annual Preaching Excellence Program in May.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land planned A trip to Israel is being planned for the spring of 2014. The 10-day trip will include guided visits to many biblical places such as Ein Gedi, Qumran, the Sea of Galilee and Capernaum, as well as many places of historical significance in Jerusalem. Ranging from the birthplace of Jesus to the site of his burial, this trip promises to bring to The Bulletin

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life the literature of the Bible as we walk the ancient places of our ancestors of the faith. The trip will take place from March 24 through April 3, 2014, and will cost around $3,500 per person, double occupancy. For more information, please contact Canon Jim McGill at 713-590-3328 or at

most exciting thing I’ve done in the past year is spending January in Haiti. A classmate and I lived with a Haitian priest and his family. The priest serves four different churches and each church supports an elementary school. This trip was richly formative for me, and it was fascinating to see how the Episcopal Church in Haiti plays a major role in health care, the arts and education. Most of my adventures this summer have been closer to home. I am taking advantage of the Austin waterfront and learning to row on a crew. I am also taking a Spanish immersion class that is both a cooking and culture class, and Nick and I adopted a new puppy that I’m working to house train. Learning to row is surprisingly much more difficult than learning Spanish or house training a puppy! Several people advised me to use this summer break to relax and have fun. I took that advice and after swimming in lakes, reading novels, baking pies, and training this puppy, I certainly feel rested and ready to tackle this final year of seminary. Please know how much I appreciate your prayers and support. It is wonderful to know that the Cathedral family supports me in so many ways and all of you are often in my thoughts and prayers.

Missionpalooza, High School Mission Trip, Picnic in the Park

In Pictures

Below: Cathedral middle-school youth joined nearly 200 others from around the diocese in Bastrop this summer for Missionpalooza, where they aided efforts to rebuild following 2011’s devastating wildfires.

Above: Cathedral children enjoy the water and sun at the Latino congregation’s recent picnic in Hermann Park. Above: High-school youth from Christ Church Cathedral and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church traveled to New York this summer to help those in need in the city and those affected by Hurricane Sandy. They worked to rebuild homes, cleared debris, assisted at a food pantry, visited area churches and took in the sights of the city. page 5

The Bulletin

Fiestas Patrias y el Folklórico

Las Fiestas Patrias es un evento celebrado cada año en México igual como en Centroamérica. El 16 de septiembre del 1810, el “Grito de Dolores” se dijo por Padre Miguel Hidalgo en el pueblo de Dolores, cerca de Guanajuato, México, dando la señal de la guerra de independencia de México del gobierno colonial Español. El 15 de septiembre del 1821, la República Federal de Centroamérica, que consistía de lo que actualmente son Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, y Costa Rica, Festival Folklórico declaró su independencia de España. Aquí en la Iglesia Catedral de Cristo, sábado, el 14 de septiembre 5:30–8:30 p.m. celebramos las Fiestas Patrias con un evento Folklórico que destaca las culturas se unos de los países nativos de nuestra familia parroquial. En el año presente, nos enfocaremos en las tradiciones de bailes de Honduras, El Salvador y Ecuador, con grupos de danza de estas culturas presentando danzas que proceden de sus tierras natales. Adicionalmente, tradiciones culinarias de todos los países natales de nuestra congregación latina se presentarán para que todos las disfruten. El evento toma lugar el 14 de septiembre en el Salón Reynolds de las 5:30 p.m. hasta las 8:30 p.m. La entrada cuesta $5 para los de 4 años para arriba, y los de 3 años para abajo entran gratis. Cada platillo de comida de cualquier tradición cuesta $5. Todos son bienvenidos.

Fiestas Patrias and the Folklórico

Las Fiestas Patrias, or National Celebration, is an event celebrated every year in the cultures of both Mexico and the countries of Central America. On September 16, 1810, the “Grito de Dolores,” or the “cry from Dolores” was uttered by Father Miguel Hidalgo in the town of Dolores near Guanajuato, Mexico, signaling the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence from the Spanish Colonial Government. On September 15, 1821, the Federal Republic of Central America, comprised of what are Festival Folklórico now the countries of Nicaragua, Honduras, Saturday, September 14 Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, 5:30–8:30 p.m. declared its independence from Spain. Here at Christ Church Cathedral, we celebrate Fiestas Patrias with a Folklórico event which highlights the cultures of some of the native countries of our parish family. This year, the Folklórico will focus on the dance traditions of Honduras, El Salvador and Ecuador, as dance troupes from each of these cultures present dances whose origins lie in these lands. In addition, culinary traditions of all the native lands of our Latino Congregation will be presented for the enjoyment of all who attend. The event will be held September 14 in Reynolds Hall from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Admission is $5 for ages 4 and up, and children 3 and under enter free. Each plate of food from any of the cultural traditions is $5. All are welcome.

Foyers supper groups expand one's social circles When the Allen brothers founded Houston, they had been in Texas just long enough to decide that whatever they did, it had to be big. Today, Houston is indeed a big city, but more importantly, it is a Foyers Kickoff global city — a melting Potluck Dinner pot with a diverse culture Sunday, October 13 and heritage that at its 6–7:30 p.m. core is decidedly Texan. Christ Church has been a part of Houston’s changing landscape for nearly 175 years and was founded as a beacon of faith and fellowship for the residents of the booming metropolis. And even though today the city’s buildings are a bit taller, we have air conditioning and running water, and there are a few more people, that tradition continues through offerings such as Foyers. Foyers, groups each made up of six to eight parishioners, provides the structure for you to grow in fellowship with others at the Cathedral and to expand your church social circle. Foyers groups are randomly formed, and each participant hosts a meal in their home or at another venue of their choosing, such as in a park. Each Foyers group sets the timing for its get-togethers. The Foyers season will kick off with a potluck meal for all participants. This year’s potluck dinner is Sunday, October 13, from 6–7:30 p.m. in Reynolds Hall, and the theme is “heritage.” We have so many cultures repreThe Bulletin

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sented among us, so what better way is there to share our backgrounds than with dishes that represent diverse flavors? Foyers participants will receive more details about the kickoff meal before the potluck date.

Sign up for Foyers on Sundays in the cloister starting September 8 or on the Cathedral website now through September 29. For more information, contact Melissa White at 713-5903302 or

Brigid’s Hope works to secure safe futures

Brigid’s Hope at The Beacon is a 12-month intensive program for homeless, nonviolent female offenders that aims to reduce the number of women returning to the criminal-justice system. Through housing, volunteer mentoring, case management, life-skill training and supportive services, our clients receive the tools they need to become self-sufficient and secure a safe and productive future. Mary (far right), one of our recent graduates, found a job shortly after entering our program. Through counseling, she received the skills needed to keep her life on track, reunite with her family (pictured) and move forward with her life. Learn more about Brigid's Hope at

Calendar of Events Visit or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended

Registration required September 14

THIS MONTH September 1


Rhythms of Grace 1 p.m., Jones Basement. Worship experience for special needs children and their families. Lesson: “The Parable of the Mustard Seed.” September 2


Labor Day Holiday Cathedral offices are closed. September 4

Registration closed Sat

Festival Folklórico 5:30–8:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Celebrating the cultures of Latin America with regional dances and costumes, food, games, music and more. ($) September 15

Adult Education Begins 10 a.m. Sunday Christian education classes for adults resume.


Dean’s Book Club 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Meets on first Wednesdays. sat

Parents of Youth Meet-and-Greet 2–4 p.m., BYC. Meet other youth parents, discuss fall programming and bring up questions about your youth and faith. Cloister Gallery Opening Reception 6–8 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Featuring artist Nancy Binford.

September 18 Wed Evil Angels and Demons 6:30–8 p.m., Latham Auditorium. Matthias Henze, a professor of Biblical studies at Rice, will present a talk on demons in early Judaism and the New Testament. September 21

September 22

Adult Education Preview 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Instructors introduce courses for the fall. September 11


Faith and Society Seminar 6:30–7:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Monthly conversation with Dean Thompson about Holy Scripture, faith and society. Topic: “Introductions and Ground Rules.” September 13


Casey Finnegan Voice Recital 7 p.m., Latham Auditorium. The former Cathedral staff singer will perform.

Men’s Early Morning Study Group 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Meets on first and third Fridays. September 29 Sun EMC Kickoff Come see the Beadles as they debut their new album, “Downtown Abbey Road”! Kick off the 2014 Every Member Canvass at our annual dinner and performance. ($)



Forming Disciples Conference 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Learn practical ways to put spiritual gifts to use. Speakers include Canon John Newton and Dean Thompson. ($)

September 8 Sun First Day of Sunday School 10 a.m. Christian education classes resume for children and youth.



20s & 30s Fajita Welcome Dinner 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Fajitas, cerveza, Mexican Coke and fellowship.

September 7

Buscando la Luz 6:45–8:30 p.m., Mellinger Room. Spanish-language discussion group.


Visioning Charrette 12:30–3:30 p.m., First of four brainstorming sessions to determine the next chapter in the Cathedral’s life. September 25


Come to the Table Annual fundraiser and gala dinner in support of The Beacon featuring Houston’s top chefs. ($) September 26–28 Icon Painting Workshop 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Instruction for all levels in creating a Byzantine-style icon. Class continues Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. ($) September 28


Coming Out In Church 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Supporting LGBT family members through the coming-out process.

Sundays Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., BYC. Gathering of youth for dinner, games, teaching, movies and worship. Begins Sept. 8. Mondays

Upcoming October 6


Visioning Charrette 12:30–3:30 p.m., Second of four brainstorming sessions to determine the next chapter in the Cathedral’s life. Blessing of the Animals 4–5 p.m., Bishop’s Courtyard. In observance of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Snacks for humans and animals at 3:30 p.m. October 8


Newcomers Welcome Dinner 6–8 p.m., The Deanery. Gathering to welcome those new or feeling new to the Cathedral.

Bible Study Fellowship 6:55–8:45 p.m. Reynolds Hall. Non­ denominational Bible study for men and children. Begins Sept. 9. Tuesdays Education for Ministry (EFM) 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room. Comprehensive adult theology program. Meets Sept. through May. Register by Sept. 10. Wednesdays Women’s Bible Study 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Begins Sept. 11. Dietrich Bonhoeffer 6:30–8 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Study led by Canon Grace on the life of the theologian and spy. Begins Sept. 25. The Bible and History 6:30–8 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room. Examination of the Acts of the Apostles led by Canon Stein. Begins Sept. 25. Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room. Weekly discussion group and social gathering of young adults. Thursdays Men’s Lunch Discussion Group 12:45–1:45 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Meets biweekly starting Sept. 12.

October 12 Sat Popcorn Theology 6–9 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Dinner and a movie for all ages. Share a meal and split off for age-appropriate films and theological discussion. October 13


Foyers Kickoff Potluck Dinner 6–7:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Make new friends by joining a Foyers social group. Each member or couple agrees to host one meal. Sign up by Sept. 29.

October 26 sat Planning a Graceful Exit 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Workshop on planning a funeral or memorial service. ($) page 7

The Bulletin

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choir, from cover

“I love looking at churches, especially old ones that I have an opportunity to visit over several days,” Ellis said. “Touring these great churches and cathedrals has given me a clearer understanding of Christ Church Cathedral’s place in the Anglican Communion.” With each successive tour, the Cathedral Choir’s reputation among these great churches has grown greater. “We present the best in Anglican choral singing,” Buffett said. “The Cathedral parish should be proud of what we accomplished.” Ultimately, Ellis said, the choir was there to lead in worship. “At the end of the final Evensong at York Minster, we were singing ‘Come Down, O Love Divine.’ A congregant behind me was singing with such simple beauty. Listening to his confident, honest singing of this familiar hymn reminded me that our tours are about more than the hard work, the personal enjoyment and the artistic satisfaction. “I only hope that the man received as profound a worship experience from our muThe choir rehearses in the Camera Cantorum at York Minster. sic as I received from his.”

love, and there is also such artistic enjoyment to sing with them.” The choir sang in spaces that are not only aesthetically and acoustically majestic, but also rich in history. St. Paul’s Cathedral in London was founded in 604 A.D., and the current building by architect Christopher Wren dates to the late 17th century. State funerals and even a royal wedding have taken place under its dome. York Minster, founded in 627 A.D., has an equally extensive past. The current structure dates to the Norman period in the 13th century and was built in the Gothic style.

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In the Cloister Gallery: Nancy Binford

In September Oil paintings in an abstract style that give a sensation of light in a sometimes ethereal, floating, or glowing effect.

In the Bookstore: "Outcasts United" by Warren St. John In Outcasts United, Warren St. John has written an inspirational story of a community saved by the vision and determination of a young woman and a motley soccer team. Clarkston, Ga., lost so much in population during the economic downturn that the United States government decided its empty apartments could be used as housing to resettle refugees. They flooded in from Liberia, the Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan, untrained and speaking little or no English. The town was overwhelmed with problems the local government had no means to solve. Along came Luma Mufleh, a young Jordanian-born woman, who saw her love for soccer and the needs of the young refugee children as the means to forge a community out of disparate cultures.

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