Spring 2016
Educational Offerings and
Program Guide Christ Church Cathedral
Christ Church Cathedral Note: All classes meet weekly unless stated otherwise.
Sundays For Adults
Spring 2016 Education Guide
Three-Year-Olds Through First Grade 10–11 a.m., Jones Building second floor The Cathedral Godly Play curriculum is used. There is time to share the story in community and time to respond individually through art materials or the story manipulatives.
Contact: The Rev. Art Callaham at 713-590-3309
Second Through Fifth Grade
Dean’s Class
10–11 a.m., Jones Building second floor
10–11 a.m., Reynolds Hall Guest Speaker: Kelly Brown Douglas (Jan. 17) The noted theologian, author, and Episcopal priest will be our guest as we mark the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. Who Are the Shepherds? (Jan. 31) Learn more about our new pastoral care teams trained in the Community of Hope program, and meet the lay members assigned to aid your family. The Hero’s Journey (Feb. 7) Dean Thompson will explore the literary concept of the hero’s journey and look at its application to the Christian story. This is the Night (April 3) The Rev. Eileen O’Brien will examine how the liturgies of Holy Week speak to human suffering and provide a path for hope to tread. The Book That Changed the World (April 10–24, May 8) Dean Thompson will present a study of the 1549 Book of Common Prayer, the first worship book published in the vernacular of the people. Journeys into the Presence of God (May 15) The Rev. Eileen O’Brien will review the travels and explorations of the Worship Task Force and offer insights into the development of a new worship service.
Exploring The Connections 10–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room Each week, this lay-led group will view and discuss programs from the Faith and Reason Studio Series, which features noted scholars in roundtable discussions of social justice and contemporary theology.
Parenting Class 10–11 a.m., McGehee Conference Room Based on Robbie Castleman’s book “Parenting in the Pews,” this class will explore strategies for both engaging and teaching our children through the work of worship. Begins April 3.
Christian Meditation 10–11 a.m., Bride’s Room Learn and practice a form of prayer taught by Jesus. This class, open to all, includes teaching, meditation, scripture and prayer.
Clase Dominical 12–1 p.m., Mellinger Room We will cover chapters 9–16 of the Gospel of Mark, focusing on differing aspects of Jesus’ ministry. In Spanish.
Historia E Identidad 3–4 p.m., Reynolds Hall This Spanish-language class is designed to enrich your understanding of the Anglican tradition and inform your sense of Christian identity.
For Children
Contact: KariAnn Lessner at 713-590-3323
Two Through Three-Year-Olds 10–11 a.m., Jones Building, ground level, room 102 Seasons’ Two curriculum is used in the Childcare Center classroom and helps our youngest learners experience church as a nurturing, caring place.
Our older elementary learners will deepen their spirituality through the Workshop Rotation Model, where they explore the same story over multiple weeks through a variety of sensory learning styles.
The Lighthouse Classroom
Wednesday Evenings Childcare is provided for all Wednesday evening classes
Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., Mellinger Room Jeremy Bradley and a rotating group of facilitators will lead a series of weekly activities, book studies, and reflections selected specifically for young adults.
Buscando La Luz 6:30–8 p.m., Bride’s Room This Spanish-language spirituality and prayer group seeks to connect faith and daily life. (Does not meet March 16.)
The Dean’s Book Club 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room
Special needs children that struggle in a traditional classroom or worship setting can enjoy a safe and welcoming place.
The Book Club discusses a different book each month, including novels, nonfiction, and books on spirituality and faith. (Meets Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 2, April 13, and May 4.)
Adult Formation
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Jones Building basement
12–1 p.m, Jones Building basement Young children (ages 3–6) will continue to explore the history of our salvation using an interactive curriculum, “Jugar Junto a Dios.” Older children (ages 7–11) will continue their exploration of key stories from the Old Testament.
For Youth
Contact: Jeremy Bradley at 713-217-1349
Sunday School 10–11 a.m., Ballard Youth Center Join us for music, doughnuts, fellowship, games, and challenging discussion.
Jóvenes 3–4 p.m., Ballard Youth Center
6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room Henri Nouwen and Compassion (Jan. 13–27) Canon Betty Adam will guide us through Henri Nouwen’s book “Compassion: A Reflection on the Christian Life.” Liturgies of Holy Week and Easter (March 9 to April 6) Canon Callaham will explore the unique liturgies celebrated during Holy Week and Easter and the ways they shape and are shaped by our belief in the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What is Ed Thinking? (April 20–27, May 11–18) The Rev. Ed Stein will lead the class through the final weeks of the semester.
Bible and Study Groups
This hour of Sunday School is an opportunity for our Latino youth to ask the big questions and explore the richness of our faith in a safe and fun environment.
Bible “By The Glass”
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Canon Razim convenes a group for Bible study and fellowship utilizing the Kaleidoscope Method for those living and working in the urban context. All are welcome.
4–6 p.m., Ballard Youth Center EYC is a time for youth to claim as their own and is a safe place where they can be themselves without judgment. We are a community of love! Join us for music, food, crazy games, field trips, and relevant biblical discussion.
Robert C. Stuart Lenten Series Health And Healing: Faith Perspectives Sundays in Lent 10 a.m. Lecture, 6 p.m. Dinner, 7 p.m. Conversation This year’s series will focus on the role that our faith plays in several aspects of health and healing. Presenters will explore this topic from various angles to develop a comprehensive understanding of the wholeness that God desires for his creation. Speakers include: Archbishop George Carey (Feb. 14); Beth-Sarah Wright (Feb. 21); Kayleen Asbo (Feb. 28); Mimi Kiser (March 6); Nicholas Porter (March 13).
Celebrating Black History This February, we will present a four-part series in honor of Friday Carr, the beloved sexton who served the early Christ Church for 32 years. Events include Meet Me at the Labyrinth (Feb. 7), Advocating Literacy and Education (Feb. 14), Hattiquette (Feb. 21), and an Afternoon with Lauren Anderson (Feb. 27). See the spring calendar insert or the Cathedral website for more information.
Mondays, 6:30–8 p.m., OKRA Charity Saloon, 924 Congress
Resurrection Texts Tuesdays, 7–8:15 a.m., Mellinger Room Canon Art Callaham will lead exploration of Biblical texts that have framed and influenced Christian views on resurrection, eternal life, and heaven.
Speaking of Faith Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., The District Bistro, 610 Main Explore the current week’s podcast of Krista Tippett’s “On Being” with Cathedral members, downtown residents, and others. Led by Canon Genevieve Razim.
Education For Ministry Tuesdays, 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room The most comprehensive adult education offering in the Episcopal Church, EFM involves four years of study of the Old and New Testament, church history, and Christian theology. Visit www.texas-efm.org for information on fall enrollment.
Women’s Morning Bible Study Wednesdays, 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room Gather for sincere and truthful conversation on the appointed scripture readings for the following Sunday. Journals are encouraged.
Men’s Lunch Study Group Alternate Thursdays, 12:15–1:15 p.m., Mellinger Room Equal parts sharing and topical, this group is open to all men of the Cathedral interested in accountability and relational community.
Men’s Morning Study Group Second and fourth Fridays, 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room Join Dean Thompson for book study and prayer.
Special Events
Hines Center Grand Opening
Saturday, January 23, 6–8 p.m. Practice. Connect. Reflect. The Bishop John E. Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer is open and ready for spring with a slate of classes, lectures, workshops, and programmed group settings that provide opportunities to know and experience God. Visit www.hinescenter.org for a catalog of spring programs and to learn more about the center.
Fr. Laurence Freeman
Friday, January 29, 7:30 p.m. The internationally-known Benedictine monk and founder of the World Community for Christian Meditation will speak on “Tolerance: Meditation and the New World Order.” Freeman views meditation as a way of tolerance and compassion that serves as a unique bridge of the spirit among peoples of different faiths, between rich and poor, and among those suffering conflict or division.
Diane Rehm: On My Own
Wednesday, February 17, 7 p.m. The National Public Radio host will present her newest book, “On My Own,” in which she discusses the drawn-out death of her husband, who suffered from Parkinson’s disease, and her struggle to rebuild her life without him after 54 years of marriage. She also shares the stories of others who have been recently widowed. This ticketed event is presented by Brazos Bookstore.
Spring 2016 Class Schedule For class times, locations, and full descriptions, see the poster on the reverse side of this schedule. All dates are subject to change.
Tuesday 26 Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 27
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Henri Nouwen)
Thursday 28
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Sunday 31
JANUARY Monday 4 Bible “By the Glass” EFM Speaking of Faith
Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s The Dean’s Book Club
Friday 8
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Monday 11 Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 12
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 13 Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Henri Nouwen)
Thursday 14 Men’s Lunch Study Group
Sunday 17 Dean’s Class (Kelly Brown Douglas) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Tuesday 19
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 20
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Henri Nouwen)
Friday 22 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Monday 25 Bible “By the Glass”
Dean’s Class (Shepherds) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
FEBRUARY Monday 1 Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 2
Sunday 21 Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Lenten Series (Beth-Sarah Wright) Black History (Hattiquette)
Monday 22
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 23
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 24
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s
Thursday 25
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Friday 26
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Saturday 27
Friday 11
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Lenten Series (Nicholas Porter)
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 13
Monday 14
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 15
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 16
Women’s Morning Bible Study Adult Formation (Liturgies)
Monday 21
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 22
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Black History (Lauren Anderson)
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s The Dean’s Book Club
Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Lenten Series (Kayleen Asbo)
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Liturgies)
Wednesday 3
Sunday 7
Dean’s Class (Hero’s Journey) Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Black History (Labyrinth)
Monday 8
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 9
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 10
Women’s Morning Bible Study
Thursday 11
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Friday 12
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 14
Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Lenten Series (Archbishop Carey) Black History (Advocating Literacy)
Tuesday 16
Sunday 28
Monday 29
Bible “By the Glass”
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 2
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s The Dean’s Book Club
Sunday 6
Exploring the Connections Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad Lenten Series (Mimi Kiser)
Monday 7 Tuesday 8
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 9
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Liturgies)
Women’s Morning Bible Study
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Wednesday 17
Thursday 24
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Tuesday 1
Bible “By the Glass”
Wednesday 23
Friday 25
Thursday 10
Thursday 7
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Tuesday 29
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 30
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Liturgies)
Sunday 10
Dean’s Class (Changed the World) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 11
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 12
Sunday 3 Dean’s Class (This is the Night) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 4 Tuesday 5
MAY Monday 2 Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 3
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 4
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s The Dean’s Book Club
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s The Dean’s Book Club
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Wednesday 13
Friday 15
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 17
Dean’s Class (Changed the World) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 18
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 19
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 20
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Ed Stein)
Thursday 21
Men’s Lunch Study Group
Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 24
Dean’s Class (Changed the World) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 25
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 26
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Liturgies)
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s Adult Formation (Ed Stein)
Wednesday 6
Women’s Lunch Study Group
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Friday 22
Bible “By the Glass”
Friday 8
Friday 29
Wednesday 27
Thursday 5 Sunday 8
Dean’s Class (Changed the World) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 9
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 10
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 11
Cathedral 20s & 30s Women’s Morning Bible Study
Friday 13 Men’s Early Morning Study Group
Sunday 15 Dean’s Class (Presence of God) Exploring the Connections Parenting Class Christian Meditation Historia e Identidad
Monday 16
Bible “By the Glass”
Tuesday 17
Early Morning Bible Study EFM Speaking of Faith
Wednesday 18
Women’s Morning Bible Study Cathedral 20s & 30s
Thursday 19 Men’s Lunch Study Group
SPRING 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit www.christchurchcathedral.org or call 713-222-2593 to learn more about these and other events at the Cathedral. Registration recommended
Registration required
Registration closed
Childcare available (3 mo. to 12 yrs.)
Bring a friend!
Centering Prayer 11:15 a.m. to noon, Mellinger Room.
Adult Sunday Formation 10–11 a.m., various locations. Classes designed to engage both the mind and heart. Begins Jan. 10; preview Jan. 3.
Bible Study “By the Glass” 6:30–8 p.m., OKRA, 924 Congress. Fellowship and Bible study for those living and working in the urban context.
Men’s Early Morning Study Group (Second and fourth Fridays) 7–8 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Popcorn Theology 6–9 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Movies, dinner, and theological discussion for all ages. (Rescheduled from Oct. 24.)
Sunday School 10–11 a.m., various locations. Children and youth join their peers for fun, fellowship, and teaching. Begins Jan. 3. Escuela Domincal 12–1 p.m. Adultos en la Sala Mellinger, niños en Jones Basement. (3–4 p.m. Jóvenes en el BYC.) Historia e Identidad 3–4 p.m. Reynolds Hall. Un curso para todos que quisieran profundizar su entendimiento de la iglesia. Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) 4–6 p.m., BYC. Gathering of youth for dinner, games, teaching, movies, and worship. Begins Jan. 3.
The Way of the Cross (In Lent) 6:30 p.m., Cathedral. Meditation on the events recorded in the Gospels. Bilingual. Feb. 12 to March 25.
TUESDAYS Taco Tuesdays 7:30–8 a.m. outside Golding Chapel. Come to Morning Prayer and stay for breakfast. Through Feb. 9. TUESDAYS Early Morning Co-ed Bible Study 7–8:15 a.m., Mellinger Room. Begins Jan. 12.
Education for Ministry (EFM) 6:30–9 p.m., Mellinger Room. Comprehensive adult theology program. ($)
February 14: George Carey “Healing and the Church.” The former archbishop of Canterbury will speak on the healing power of shared faith. February 21: Beth-Sarah Wright “Healing and the Self.” The inspirational speaker will explore how faith can affect mental health. February 28: Kayleen Asbo “Healing and History.” The cultural historian will examine health and healing in Europe in the Middle Ages. March 6: Mimi Kiser “Healing and the Public.” The Emory educator will discuss the intersection of religion and public health. March 13: Nicholas Porter “Healing and Peace.” The founder of Jerusalem Peace Builders will talk on healing our global relationships.
Human Trafficking Awareness 9:30 a.m. to noon, Reynolds Hall. View the video “In Plain Sight,” talk to experts, and learn how you can make a difference.
Speaking of Faith 6:30–8 p.m., The District Bistro, 610 Main. Downtown discussion group on Krista Tippett’s “On Being.”
ROBERT C. STUART LENTEN SERIES Reynolds Hall. 10 a.m. class, 6 p.m. dinner, 7–8:30 p.m. conversation.
Bridge Night (First Fridays) 6–9 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Bring a dish for the potluck social. Does not meet Jan. 1.
20s & 30s Brunch (Second Saturdays) 10:30 a.m. Fellowship and a meal at an area restaurant. Families welcome. ($)
New Year’s Holiday Cathedral offices are closed. JANUARY 3
First Day of Spring Education Christian education classes resume for children, and youth. Adult Education Preview 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall.
Women’s Bible Study 9:30–11 a.m., Jeffers Conference Room.
Feast of the Epiphany 12:05 p.m. in English, 6 p.m. bilingual. Celebrating the adoration of God in Christ by the Magi.
Bilingual Wednesday Eucharist 6–6:30 p.m., Golding Chapel. Dean’s Book Club 6:30–8 p.m., McGehee Conference Room. Meets Jan. 6, Feb. 3, March 2, April 13, May 4, and June 1.
Farewell Reception for Jim McGill 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m, Reynolds Hall.
Evening Adult Formation Class 6:30–8 p.m. Taught by Betty Adam, Art Callaham, and Ed Stein. Does not meet Feb. 17 or on book club dates.
Epiphany Organ Recital and Evensong 4:15 and 5 p.m. Featuring the Cathedral.
Cathedral 20s & 30s 6:30–8 p.m., BYC. Weekly discussion group and gathering of young adults.
YES and Happening Waco. Diocesan youth retreats. ($)
THURSDAYS Men’s Lunch Study Group (Biweekly) 12:15 p.m., Dean’s Conference Room. Community of Hope 6:30–9 p.m., Jeffers Conference Room. Training for pastoral care ministry. Meets Jan. 14 through April 21.
Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas will preach, teach, and sign copies of her book “Stand Your Ground.” JANUARY 18 Martin Luther King Day Holiday Cathedral offices are closed.
JANUARY 23 SAT Hines Center Grand Opening 6–8 p.m., 500 Fannin. The Bishop John E. Hines Center for Spirituality and Prayer officially opens with a grand celebration. JANUARY 24
Annual Parish Meeting 10 a.m., Reynolds Hall. Meeting to discuss the business of the Cathedral and to elect new members of the vestry. Costa Rica Information Session 12 p.m., BYC. Learn about participating in the summer mission trip to Costa Rica. JANUARY 29
Fr. Lawrence Freeman Lecture 7:30–9 p.m. in the Cathedral. The Benedictine monk and director of the World Community for Christian Meditation will present a talk and sign books. ($)
Candlemas 12:05 p.m., Golding Chapel. Eucharist celebrating the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. FEBRUARY 5
Choir Cabaret 7 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Live entertainment, dinner, and silent auction supporting the choir’s July tour of England. ($) CONTINUED ON REVERSE
Diocesan Youth Choral Festival 3 p.m. in the Cathedral. Music performed by young singers from around the Diocese of Texas.
Diane Rehm: On My Own 7 p.m. in the Cathedral. The NPR host will present her new memoir. Sponsored by Brazos Bookstore. ($) FEBRUARY 19–21
Intermediate and Jr. High Retreats Camp Allen. Diocesan retreats for grades four through eight. ($) 20s & 30s Retreat Weekend retreat for young adults. ($) FEBRUARY 26
CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY A monthlong series in honor of sexton Friday Carr (1853–1902). February 7: Meet Me at the Labyrinth 1 p.m., Freedmen’s Town Labyrinth, 1407 Valentine. Presentation by artist Reginald Adams and lunch at a local food truck. February 14: Advocating Literacy and Education 1 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Author Helen H. Kimbrough will discuss her books and literacy initiatives for children. February 21: Hattiquette 12:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Wear your best hat as we enjoy Sunday tea and honor the lives of African American milliners. Prize for best hat. February 27: An Afternoon with Lauren Anderson 12 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Houston Ballet’s first black principal dancer will discuss her career and her faith. FEBRUARY 7
Youth Super Bowl Party 5:30 p.m. Join us as we yell and scream at a TV. FEBRUARY 9
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 6–8 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Feast and make merry on the night before Lent. Wear your Mardi Gras best and dance to live music. FEBRUARY 10
Ash Wednesday Mark the start of Lent with the imposition of ashes at services at 7 a.m., 12:05 p.m., and 6 p.m. in English and at 7:30 p.m. in Spanish. FEBRUARY 14
Lenten Evensong 5 p.m., Cathedral Choir FEBRUARY 15 President’s Day Holiday Cathedral offices are closed.
MARCH 20 (cont.)
Palm Sunday Evensong 5 p.m., Cathedral Choir. MARCH 25
Good Friday Liturgy for Good Friday at 12:05 p.m. and Way of the Cross at 6:30 p.m. MARCH 26
Easter Vigil 8 p.m. in the Cathedral. The first Eucharist of Easter. With incense.
Noche Familiar 6–8:30 p.m., BYC. Disfruten un cena y actividades para toda la familia.
Tulip Reception 12–2 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Celebrating our stories of life at the Cathedral.
May Fete 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Cathedral’s oldest tradition offers springtime merriment for all. Combined bilingual service at 10 a.m. followed by afternoon celebrations. MAY 5
Ascension Day 12:05 and 6 p.m., Cathedral Chancel. Holy Eucharist marking the final appearance of the Risen Lord to the apostles.
MAY 6–7
Destination Unknown Middle school lock-in travelling to secret locations around Houston. ($) MARCH 27 SUN Easter Day 7 a.m.. Eucharist, Rite I, with hymns. MARCH 5 SAT Instruction in Eucharist 9 a.m. to noon, Sanders Hall. Learn how there is room for people of all ages at the Eucharistic table. MARCH 11–16 Youth Spring Break Trip Save the dates for a week of fun with the Cathedral youth program. ($) MARCH 15
Yale Glee Club 7:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. Performance by Yale’s principal undergraduate mixed choir and oldest musical organization. MARCH 18–19
Retiro de Cuaresmo Lenten retreat for Spanish speakers. MARCH 19
Kaleidoscope 2016 1–3 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Multi-site Christian art show curated by Art for the City. MARCH 20
Palm Sunday Observances at all services commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Way of the Cross for Children 10 a.m., In language and pictures for children. Peeps Diorama Contest 10 a.m., Bishop’s Courtyard. Enter your Peeps-inspired miniature scene. Prizes awarded. Refreshments served.
9 a.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite II. 10 a.m., Bishop’s Courtyard. Flowering of the Cross. 11 a.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite I, with incense. 1 p.m. Festival Eucharist, Rite II, in Spanish. 5 p.m. Eucharist, Rite II. MARCH 28
Easter Holiday Cathedral offices are closed.
Pub Trivia 6:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. An all-ages group trivia challenge with pub fare. MAY 15
Water Wars 2:30–5 p.m. at the Deanery. Spiritual formation, food, and fun for youth. Pentecost Evensong 5 p.m. Featuring the Cathedral Choir. MAY 22
MAY 30 Memorial Day Holiday Cathedral offices are closed.
Stile Antico 7:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. The British early-music vocal ensemble will perform. Benefiting the Cathedral Choir fund. ($) SUN
Bishop’s Visit to Confirm Bishop Larry Benfield will confirm at 9 a.m. and be with us throughout the day. APRIL 19
Last Day of Sunday School Final sessions of Sunday classes for adults, children, and youth.
Back to Basics 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Reynolds Hall. Introduction to the 12 steps of recovery.
First Day of Summer Place 10 a.m. Reynolds Hall. Snacks and refreshments hosted each Sunday by ministries and councils of the Cathedral.
MAY 14
Newcomers Welcome Dinner 6–8 p.m., The Deanery. Gathering to welcome those new or feeling new to the Cathedral.
JUNE 19–22 Fifth-Grade Mission Trip Houston. The fifth-grade class will participate in our CUSE program. ($) JUNE 26 TO JULY 3 High-School Mission Trip Costa Rica. Fifteen youth will join 12 adults to aid our companion diocese. ($) JULY 17–22 Middle-School Mission Trip San Marcos. Join youth from around the diocese at Missionpalooza. ($)