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FACTOR Happy Halloween!!!



C.C. De’Ore contributors Ladycat Travis Walgreen Morgan Mercer XXandar Star Kirkland Sable West Lamar

Wow what a month we have had! New Mexico started handing out Marriage licenses to same sex couples, our government was planning a shut down and Russia’s policies on homosexuality went back to the barbarack times of the 60’s in the US where you were incarcerated for being gay! This month in Factor we have a lot of new things happening. Articles about tickling tops the list with Morgan’s. A review of the Duet’s show at Aqua, also, there’s a question about the drag and the respect that comes with it this month. I’m going to leave it to you reader’s as to letting your thought be known. Tell us how you feel, visit our facebook page and sound off on what the drag community is like here in Denver. Is it all about Drag Race, the court or what? Is it comparable to what you see in other places that you visit? Let us know what you think!

Ask XXandar

Entertainer of the Month 2

What’s In a Name? photos by Norman Dillon Rod Alan Wildeman Jesse Hernandez


Respect? 7


Tickle me this???

ASK XXANDAR Dear Xxandar, I recently went to an event with my partner that I thought was a friends party, well it turned out to be a swinger party and that is when I knew my partner was wanting to “swing”, I’m am not alright with it since we are in a new relationship and been together for little over a year, we didn’t have to participate and just watched what was going on, my partner, she was wanting to get into it, I don’t know what to do, HELP!!! Dear resistant swing I would like to know how your relationship is otherwise and if that it is great. If you have a good relationship and fill it is strong enough that minor play and which you choose the level of what you want to do, then it could be fun. just set boundaries of what you both can do and do it together. If you are not alright with it and you know you will never be then this should not happen. I have a concern that if you don’t she will do it on her own, you really need to sit down and work this out before anything happens and tell her from your heart how you feel and how you feel about her surprising you like that, does that happen a lot? Every relationship is different and can handle certain things differently, she might be very comfortable and loves you and thought this would be alright, all you need to do is talk and come to an understanding, I wish you the best!! Xxandar

Ask Xxandar will be here monthly but can also be found on our Facebook page, Ask Xxandar!


Rosa Marie Sugarbaker Rosa has been in the Denver scene for over 20 years. This year she is celebrating her 20th Anniversary as Princess Royal for The Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire. Rosa has been a Miss Gay Pride and also won Miss La Femme Plus a national contest held annually in Portland, OR Rosa is known for her costumes and sizzles when she is on stage. The biggest thing for her is the audience reation and Rosa is always a gem to watch and support! This month she is holding a show to celebrate her 20th year reign and is holding no stops! Make sure you make it out on October 5th to Hamburger Mary’s for the show!!!

WHAT’S IN A Van Cartier, Sexton, O’Hara, Starr, Andrews. They are all well known last names, some more popular than others, across the United States. What does it take to be a part of a drag “family?” For some it’s about the look. For some it’s about the loyalty, For other’s it’s inclusion, a stepping off point for people to start their drag personae’s and what are the requirements to be a drag child? That all depends on the family that you become a part of. So what if you are a new queen, what should you be looking for? The first question you need to ask yourself, is who are you talking to? Are you interested in becoming a person who is involved with a family that’s in the community and someone who perofrms well and is liked by the audience?

Kiera Sexton and Kiana Sexton

Erica an

Then look at the person’s longevity. How long has your drag mother been involved in the business? Where have they worked, what have they done? Are they versatile enough to adapt in your future? Are they able to provide enough guidance and help you to persevere in the future? Then you need to learn to paint. Some drag mother’s will work with you to make your own face. Some will paint their faces on to you and then let you develop your own look from that. Some will not ever touch your face and give you the ability to learn on your own. The following examples are some of the peopple who have brought out others in the community both locally and nationally. See what differences you can spot and what siliarities they have in eachother.

Nina Montaldo and Shanida L

Coco and Kahanna Montrese


nd Roxxxy Andrews


C.C. and Ladycat De’Ore

by C.C. De’Ore

The most popular family names according to the New York Ball Culture are as follows: Allure Andrews Aviance Balenciaga Blahnik Chanel Christian Ebony Escada Existence Garcon Infiniti Icon Illusion Karan Khanh LaBeija LanVin LaPerla Milan Mizrahi Ninja Omni Ovahness Paciotti Prada Prestige Prodigy Pend’avis Revlon St. Laurent Vuitton Xtravaganza Miyaki-Mugler And this was just in New York. Imagine who we have all over the country and how many legacy’s are being created on an almost daily basis.

story by: Anonamous


It’s a verb... Used mostly as either a gaining of power by some. Some say it’s earned, but is it really? I mean whenever I heard the word respect growing up it was a way to treat others in different facets of our society. Respect your elders, Respect other people the way you want to be respected. Respect the property around you. Respect yourself so that other’s will respect you. I mean the word was used in so many ways and was in reference to so many things that I had to step back from that when I grew up and evaluate what was to be respected in life. When I hear the word respect, I have a very different idea of what it means to me than others. I learned that last weekend while in another person’s establishment. I watched someone assault another with little to no regard for their age, gender or humanality in mind.

made fun of and talked about but when I went to New York a couple of years ago, I felt safer and more included in the daily lives of people than I have here for a long time. I’m finding it sad that someone in our own GLBT community and a business owner at that can seem to find no fault at what it was that was done, NOT to mention that he has no issues calling the Gay community “Fags” and severely treats people like dogs, unless he’s trying to get into bed with then. Where has the “Respect” of other people seriously gone? I don’t understand how we as a society have become an ideal of “I’ll get them before they get me” attitude. It’s kill or be killed anymore and I’m over it! I don’t

I don’t understand the audacity that people seem to think they have. The way it used to be, if you popped off and said something stupid in a bar, it usually ended up with you getting in a fight and getting thrown out for the night. Nowadays, you end up in jail with an assault charge. But in some cases, people just seem to be viscious with their words which makes them no better than the bullies we dealt with as kids. Drunk or not, sober or not, your a bully! I grew up hearing these words from my mother and they still ring true today... “Drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts”. So guaranteed, everytime you get into a fight or say stupid shit while out with people, What you say drunk is what your thinking sober, so again, your no better!


I guess public drunkeness is to blame but to what extent does that excuse someone’s blatent showing of rudeness and disrespect? Have we become a society that truly has lost the idea of the word “RESPECT”? I see it every day with kids on the street. Noone has boundaries like they used to. Noone seems to care about anyone else. We used to talk about people in New York City being that way and they were

see how anyone can sit there and consciously treat another human being in a manner that is undeserving or hurtful just because they think they can.

Disrespect is a noun in the dictionary and it’s definition is lack of respect; discourtesy; rudeness. That is what it boils down to today. I see it at the shows, I see it in the bars, I see it on the street, in homes that have children, pretty much everywhere. And I have to ask myself how? How did we get to this point? And can we ever reverse it? Or are we stuck on a path to nowhere? While I am on that subject, where do people get off thinking they can treat others so inhumanely?

When we we come together as a community? It seems that in every realm we have our own bullies. It’s a pecking order within the gay community as well. Drag Queens do it, Bears do it, Twinks do it, everyone in the community is guilty of treating people horridly. Whether it’s what shirt that big boy is wearing in the twink club or how girlish that man looks in the bear bar, to what clothes that bitch is wearing in the drag comminty we all are guilty of it and I just want to know when it’s going to stop? Or is it? Do we really expect anyone to respect our community and us as a people when we can’t even do that for ourselves?

Tickle me THIS?!?!?!?!

Everyone loves to be tickled, not obnoxiously, but on many levels. There is the physical touch tickle, then seeing a special moment that sends a tickle of affection as goose bumps. On the other hand, that also could be a bad thing if there was a ghost behind you... How many of you have had that person in your life that took much pleasure into tickling you or are you that person? The one that seems to lose all compassion for you for their enjoyment??? a parent, brother, sister, friend and so on.... A lot of people can’t stand to be tickled in a obnoxious way, you might as well signed your death warrant! Like for myself, I don’t care to be touched by someone and for them to think they can poke my side and not come out of it without a bloody nose, well that is a given LOL! But who are the people that love to be tickled, bound and strapped down and tickle tortured and the ones that does the torture it self....

They test what areas that you are more vulnerable at and attack, using many tools to get the job done, feathers, electric toothbrushes, their fingers, vibrators anything that can tickle the senses. Areas that are most vulnerable are the feet, inner upper thighs, sides and arm pits and or any other place where they want to find out if it is and most areas will be when you are in a vulnerable state. When bound your senses are in overdrive and awakened. This is the pleasure they get out of you trying to squirm away and can’t. A True Dom

The Torturer.... This is a

Dominant type of person, always in control and then you have those other Doms that are passive in everyday life, but when they get to play it seems their dominance become sadistic and really just love to torture and do not care about who they are torturing. The first one they are there to show and give the pleasure of the situation for all involved, they push the limits of course, but know when to stop. Many have what they call the rack, table like, that has a stockade at the bottom that hold your feet into place and then cuffs at the top to bind the wrist. Pulled tight above your head to expose the sides and arm pits, like a stretching rack. Other ways is to either hog tie a person, or another is a sensual and using lite bondage to bind.

will do a 2 hour session with you and 3 or 4 times in a day, could you handle it, I am not sure I could but would try my best !!! The one I call the sadistic Dom, they use more of a bondage that is full body, and are actually mean about it and only are the ones getting the pleasure out of it, your just a

Story by: Morgan Craig

tool for them, no compassion for you and no telling how long it would last, definitely not my cup of tea! The type of person that will allow themselves to such treatment of the sadistic Dom, I think they are someone that has that control in life but they need to submit and will do what they are told, no matter of the treatment. Then you have the people that submit in life in general, they need to and will do anything to feel compassion, because they really don’t get it in real life. Most people that a Dom will treat are ones that enjoy subbing, live a stressful life and just need to break it and find relief from it all. Many Doms tell me that people just need to laugh and enjoy the experience immensely. They have people that are so stressed that they cannot feel and they need to cry but can’t bring themselves to do it on there own, not even in sad situations, but, laughter through tickling and being bound so they cannot escape, they are forced to cry through laughing. It is not breaking a persons spirit but awakening it, getting rid of the stress so they can focus better on their everyday life, these people usually breakdown and cry and cry, but it is not a bad cry of sorrow, it is a tool to be used by some to be able to focus and live a better life. The torturer so to speak knows when that happens the session is over, then the comfort begins, this is like Laughing Therapy.

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