Outreach Program Brochure

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CCHSC MISSION To serve economically disadvantaged residents of Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester Counties by increasing selfsufficiency and developing strategies to promote economic independence through partnerships.


Dorchester County: 117 South Main Street Summerville, SC 29483 (843) 875-1168 or 832-7053 Dorchester County: 201 Johnson Street Saint George, SC 29477 (inside DSS office) (843) 563-9524, Ext 305/322

Business hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ‘Like’ CCHSC on Facebook for the latest program updates or visit www.cchscom.com for more info.

Let CCHSC Help YOUR Family...


Berkeley County: 325 East Main Street Moncks Corner, SC 29461 (843) 761-6935/6936

Charleston County Human Services Commission 1069 King Street, Charleston SC 29403 P.O. Box 20968, Charleston SC 29413

Central Office - Charleston: 1069 King Street Charleston, SC 29403 (843) 724-6760

Charleston Cou nty Hu man Serv ices Commission



OUTREACH SERVICES Charleston Water System (CWS)/ Good Neighbors

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

General Emergency Assistance Program (GEAP)

This program is a partnership between Charleston Water Systems and Charleston County Human Services Commission (CCHSC). This program provides assistance to Charleston County residents with their water services. It ensures non-interruption of water services for customers of CWS. Services are available all year, however, only once within a 13-month period.

This program provides assistance with emergency energy bills to low-income residents of Charleston, Berkeley and Dorchester Counties. CCHSC ensures the program’s goal by collaborating with local energy providers SCE&G, Berkeley Electric Co-op., and other agencies to leverage funding for these programs. In addition to financial support, this program also offers air conditioner units during the Summer to qualified clients on a first-come firstserved basis by appointment only!

This program assists low-income persons with emergency needs. Individuals who receive assistance from this program must have recently had a loss of income or have some form of documented emergency need. Assistance provided under this program must address the emergency needs of the household to services, such as rent, mortgage, utilities, food and medications. This program continues year round.

Eligibility Determinants

Eligibility Determinants

Eligibility Determinants All clients must: 

Reside in Charleston, Berkeley or Dorchester County

Meet Federal income eligibility guidelines

Present pictured ID, So cial Se curity cards and birth d ate s f o r all me mbe rs of the ho useho ld . The add re ss o n the applicant’s ID must match the addre ss re que sting se rv ice .

Have a disconnect notice with a past due amount. CWS can pay the last $100 of a past due account. Any amount more than the $100 that CWS will pay must be paid by the applicant prior to receiving assistance. Provide total income for all household members within the past 30 days prior to application.

All clients must:

Sustainable monthly income

Delinquent bill for past 30 days

Meet Federal income guidelines

Present pictured ID, So cial Se curity cards and birth date s fo r all me mbe rs of the house ho ld. The addre ss o n the ID must match the addre ss o f the ho me be ing se rv e d.

Reside in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester County

Meet Federal income guidelines

Present pictured ID, So cial Se curity cards and birth date s fo r all me mbe rs of the ho use ho ld

Present total household income for all household members within the past 30 days prior to application

Present total household income within the past 30 days prior to application

Provide 3 most recent energy bills.

Names must match on all documents

Provide documentation of an emergency that affected income for all household members within the past 30 days

Verification of emergency

If you have a ‘disconnect’ on your account, you must have a documented emergency within the past 30 days to receive assistance.

Water bill MUST be in the name of the applicant

Assistance depends on the availability of funds and appointments. For an appointment, call during business hours to receive a call-in date to try to get an appointment.

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