CC Life 2014 Fall Issue 12

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述說她是誰。她以簡報結合照片的方式,介紹了她 的童年、青少年、在她生命中扮演重要角色的人物 以及她的戀愛史,伴著輕柔的背景音樂,我們看著 照片裡的她長大成人、結婚生子,之後,她播放了 一段由她女兒口述介紹她是一位怎麼樣的媽媽的短 片,讓這個自我介紹跨出一歩以第三人來介紹自我 給同儕認識,簡報的最後,她還是通俗地讓我們知 道她喜愛的食物、她的興趣,然後她以她今天是本 校的一年級學生的身份結束她的自我簡介,觀看的 同學們無一不被她的簡報所吸引。不同於一般大學 生的內容與面向,宣延為同學們立了一個創新的自 我簡介例子,她展現了她的個人特質,同時鼓勵了 同學們以創新的角度看事情的想法。

培養學生的創新能力 the Creator of every detail of mankind. Therefore, no two students are exactly alike; each has a unique story to tell. Applied English is a freshman course, so many students have never before given an English presentation. As students begin to prepare their presentations, several fundamental lessons need to be taught and practiced first to guide them through the process. One technique that really impacts students is viewing video clips comparing great presentations and terrible ones. Talking about those differences helps students to plan, organize and present their information. I also encourage students to research creative methods and technologies that would be appropriate and add interest and value to their presentations. One of the best presentations I have seen was given by Hsuan, a married student with two grown children. She combined various creative methods that thoroughly revealed who she was. Hsuan first introduced herself in

a slide presentation of her childhood and teen years, describing those who played important roles in her life. Next, she showed slides of her love story – how she met her husband and the places they had traveled together. She included photos of her children growing up, accompanied by soft background music. After that, she surprised the class with an entertaining personal video in which her daughter described what kind of mother she was. This video captivated the entire class. To conclude her slide presentation, Hsuan illustrated her favorite foods, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and ended with her present-day life as a first-year student at Christ’s College. Hsuan’s work is a great example of how students in Applied English have incorporated outstanding and innovative approaches into their oral presentations in order to demonstrate individual creativity.

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