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Centro Cultural Nicaraguense norteamericano


APRIL 2010

April: CCNN

celebrates Earth Day


One of the new two murals that decorates CCNN premises, a connection between two cultures

Communicative English This program is composed of Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, UpperIntermediate, and Advanced courses taught in twelve levels through which students develop the four skills of the English Language: Listening comprehension, oral communication, reading comprehension and written expression. The program is based on a communicative approach to learning a second language. Each course presents topics of great interest to students creating opportunities to generate discussion and promote the development of linguistic and communicative skills.

CCNN is proud to have the first Cine Forum at UNAN Managua, and its branches in Estelí, Chontales and Carazo. Our first Cine Forum will start with Charles Chaplin’s works; films that we are sure will grab the attention of the young public. As part of our academic activities we are celebrating Earth Day with art. Our students will use art to creatively arise the attention to the respect and protection we must have for our environment. We also celebrate Mark Twain’s Anniversary as he is considered the father of American Literature and noted for his keen wit and incisive satire. He is the author of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), which has been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876).

Academic and cultural activities

2 Socrates Martinez and Helmut Bustos, working on one the two murals they painted at CCNN premises. This mural depicts a Nicaraguan landscape which recreates the Chiltepe Mountains and the view of Lake Managua.

Art and mobile contest

CCNN Academic d e p a r t m e n t organized a mobile and art contest to celebrate Earth Day on April 25th. The theme for the contest was Eco-Nicaragua: Protecting Our Environment. Levels 1- 6 made posters and levels 7-12 designed mobiles, both related to ecology and the preservation of our fauna.

CCNN celebrates Earth Day

Students from level 11 prepare to plant a flower garden at CCNN in honor of Earth Day.


Children’s Program This program has been designed for kids of 7-12 years old. Along the program kids develop the four language skills (Speaking, Listening, R e a d i n g , a n d Wr i t i n g ) t h r o u g h v e r y dynamic and entertaining learning activities. In the classroom, students c r e a t e , a c t , p l a y, s h a r e , a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t l y, l e a r n t o e x p r e s s themselves in English.They build up the language foundations and gain confidence to succeed in other English programs.

Literature Month

Earth Day

Mark Twain ( 1835-1910)

April 22th

4 Friedrich Nietzsche admired Tom Sawyer. Ernest Hemingway claimed “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.” His fellow Nobel laureate Kenzaburō Ōe cited Huck as the book that spoke so powerfully to his condition in war-torn Japan that it inspired him to write his first novel. Author: Shelley Fisher Fishkin

Earth Day is a special date that reminds us about the importance of protecting our environment.As Nicaraguans and citizens of this world we must to understand of the importance of how our actions are affecting the place we live. We must think seriously about the obligations we have with future generations and what we are leting to them. On this day we must stop and start doing little things to save our beautiful planet. Let’s think about it and let’s make this a better place to live. Earth Day is an official date thanks to the United Nations declaration of 1971. We must remind ourselves that the bottom line is human health and saving the place where we live. So, let’s say no to the contamination of our environmental resources, let’s protect our flora and fauna whose diversity is extremely rich and beautiful.


This month we celebrate Poetry month with the Centennial of Mark Twain’s death on April 21, 1910. Mark Twain was celebrated by and inspired many important writers of the 20th century. William Faulkner called Mark Twain “the first truly American writer”; Eugene O’Neill dubbed him “the true father of American literature.” Charles Darwin kept “Innocents Abroad” on his bedside table, within easy reach when he wanted to clear his mind and relax at bedtime.


American Corner

Book Fair at the Binational Center Library International Book Day


EducationUSA Informative Session 36 students from Lincoln International Academy, Calasanz School and Teresiano School, and 5 parents attended the EducationUSA session How to Write

successful Essays for your College Application presented by English Language Fellow Misty Ferguson.

Students practiced their writing skills, discussed tips, and got answers and suggestions for effective essay writing. EducationUSA informative sessions take place every friday at the BNC.

American Corner and the Binational Center organized a Book Fair in commemoration of International Book Day on Thursday April 16th at the BNC Library. About 30 teachers and students attended the Fair and purchased books at a very reasanoble price. American Corner Coordinator, Nubia Manzanares, talked to the teachers about the Emily Dickinson Library and American Corner services.

International Scholarships Fair U.S.Embassy Managua participated in

CCNN celebrates Earth Day CCNN students celebrated Earth day with talks and presentations about the importance of preserving our endangered environment.

Level 1 students with their teacher Mr. RobertoBenda単a.

the International Scholarships Fair hosted by Universidad Centroamericana (UCA). Valerie Wheat, Cultural Affairs Officer, represented the U.S. Embassy at the Fair opening ceremony. Diplomatic representatives from Brazil, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, European Union, and France also attended. EducationUSA Adviser, American Corner Coordinator and Alumni gave one-to-one advising to more than 1,500 visitors at the US Embassy stand. More than 2,500 people from different academic institutions in Managua and other areas inquired about the Fulbright program, youth study opportunities and U.S. studies.

Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another. And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious treasures. -Eugene P. Bertin CCNN congratulates our Academic Director, Jorge Moreno, for his 17 years of outstanding service and dedication.


The center appreciates all your professional and personal efforts during these years as you have been an invaluable part of the history of the center.

View of the lake Managua form Chiltepe Mountains, mural painted by S贸crates Mart铆nez.

American Corner Your corner of information on U.S. Society, American Literature, U.S. History, Government and current events.

AMERICAN CORNER schedules movie presentations every week or by visitor’s request. All services are free of charge. Visit Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tel. 2255-7171 ext. 238 americancorner@cablenet.com.ni Second Floor Biblioteca Roberto Incer Barquero

Offers a variety of services for English Speakers and English Language students. Emily Dickinson Library collection includes resources for English teachers and students. As well as U.S. literature, audiovisual resources, Encyclopedias,and current news. Emily Dickinson Library has a reading area with three computers and Internet access, reference services and other sources of digital information. These resources are located at CCNN in Reparto Los Robles, ALKE Carretera Masaya 1 block West, 1/2 block South, House 13- 14. Visit Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. email: library@ccnn.org.ni Tel. 2278-1288 ext.

Central Bank of Nicaragua Library By Pass, 7 Sur Managua, Nicaragua

CCNN’s Newsletter

Executive Director.................... Mary Helen Espinosa Project Coordinator.................................Juan Rostrán Academic Coordinator ........................Franklin Téllez Culture Coordinator ............................ Alberto Torres American Corner Coordinator........Nubia Manzanares EducationUSA Adviser............Ana Alejandra Alemán

Send your comments to: culture_promotion@ccnn.org.ni

EDUCATIONUSA EducationUSA centers actively promote U.S. higher education around the world by offering accurate, unbiased, comprehensive, objective and timely information about educational institutions in the United States and guidance to qualified individuals on how to access those opportunities. EducationUSA Center is located at CCNN in Reparto Los Robles, ALKE Carretera Masaya 1 block West, 1/2 block South, House 13 - 14. Educational Adviser: Ana Alejandra Alemán email: alexalem26@yahoo.com advise@ccnn.org.ni Advising sessions Fridays 2 - 5 pm



AMERICAN CORNER collection includes printed material, audiovisual resources on topics like: American Music, American History, and Biographies. AMERICAN CORNER has three computers with Internet access. These resources are located on the second floor at the Central Bank of Nicaragua Library’s reading area.

Emily Dickinson Library

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