Centro Cultural Nicaraguense norteamericano
January: Happy New Year from ccnn 1
The New Building of the Binational Center is located at Reparto Los Robles, House number 14
Communicative English This program is composed of Elementary, PreIntermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate and Advanced courses taught in twelve levels through which students are expected to develop the four abilities of the English Language: Listening comprehension, oral communication, reading comprehension and written expression. The program is based on a communicative approach of learning a second language. Each course presents topics of great interest to students creating opportunities to generate discussion and promote the development of linguistic and communicative skills.
2010 is a year of many changes for the CCNN, now in a new location and with bigger spaces to offer the best in English Education, Spanish courses, and culture in the country. Located at Reparto Los Robles, from Alke Carretera Masaya, 1 block West, 1/2 block South, we are remodeling our new installations to give our students the best in terms of access, comfort, safety and a more diverse cultural offering. We are developing new programs that will reach a bigger group of people with the excellence that is characteristic of Binational Centers.
Academic dept. Activities
2 “English Skills Strengthening” Camp in Granada
Summer Camp 2009 at CCNN from November 30th to December 18th 2009
January 18th M artin L uther k ing, J R. Essay Contest and Film projections
Town Hall Meeting for American citizens in Granada, sponsored by U.S. Embassy, Peace Corps and CCNN
As part of the cultural activities promoted by the CCNN was the screening of the documentary I Have a Dream, from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
leader in the African-American civil rights movement, and the feature Freedom Writers .
Visit of Education USA Adviser to the Saint Dominic School
Based on the documentary the center opened the essay contest “I have a Nicaraguan Dream” where the students will demonstrate their communicative skills in Written English. The jury will deliberate among the 37 essays received and will announce the winner on January 25th.
Children’s prep. Program C h i l d r e n l e a r n t h r o u g h t h e i r o w n c u r i o s i t y. CCNN’s Prep programs for children have been developed with the main goal of setting a strong foundation in the student’s learning process. This will be the base of understanding more, at a greater pace, in the more demanding levels. Programs in CCNN have been carefully designed with the purpose of integrating activities that encourage and make the learning of a new language an entertaining experience. Students are instructed through methods based on experimentalism and an integral approach to the English language through reading, listening, speaking and writing. The Experimental Method encourages children to make their own discoveries and to advance at an in-
dividual pace, through fun class projects.
January 18th
Ruben Dario
father of Modernism (1867-1916)
January 19th
Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849)
4 At the age of 19, Dario moved to Chile and dabbled in journalism. That year he wrote his first novel, Emelina. His poetry received praise in competitions. Dario continued to be prolific in his writing and published some of his more popular works such as Azul, “Otoñales”, and “Primeras Notas”. While still working as a poet and journalist, he was named Ambassador of Nicaragua in Paris in 1903. Dario wrote several poems that exalted his Latino origins and culture such as “Cantos de Vida y Esperanza” and “Viaje a Nicaragua e Intermezzo Tropical”. He published his autobiography in 1912. In 1914 Dario was honored in New York with a silver medal from the Hispanic Society of America. The following year Dario returned to Nicaragua and died there in 1916 at the age of 49.
Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts Poe American writer, poet, editor and literary critic, considered part of the American Romantic Movement. Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poe was one of the earliest American practitioners of the short story and is considered the inventor of the detective-fiction genre.
Poe’s publishing career began humbly, with an anonymous collection of poems, Tamerlane and Other Poems (1827), credited only to “a Bostonian”. Poe switched his focus to prose and spent the next several years working for literary journals and periodicals, becoming known for his own style of literary criticism. His work forced him to move between several cities, including Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. In January 1845, Poe published his poem “The Raven” to instant success. On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown
R uben Dario was born on January 18, 1867 in Metapa, Nicaragua (later renamed Ciudad Dario).
Emily Dickinson Library Emily Dickinson Library at CCNN offers a variety of services for English Speakers and English Language students. Emily Dickinson Library collection includes resources for English teachers and students. As well as U.S. literature, audiovisual resources, Enciclopedias, current news.
The Emily Dickinson Library has a reading area with three computers and Internet access, reference services and other sources of digital information. These resources are located at CCNN new location in Reparto Los Robles, ALKE Carretera Masaya 1 block West, 1/2 block South, House 13 and 14. Visit Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
End-of-year Party at the new CCNN location in Reparto Los Robles, casa no.14
Lic. Victoria Maltez email: library@ccnn.org.ni Tel. 2278-1288 ext.113 CCNN Reparto Los Robles, from ALKE Carretera Masaya 1 block West 1/2 block South. no. 13- 14
American Corner Your corner of information on U.S. Society, American Literature, U.S. History, Government and current events. AMERICAN CORNER collection includes printed material, audiovisual resources on topics like: American Music, American History, and Biographies. AMERICAN CORNER has three computers with Internet access. These resources are located on the second floor in the Library’s reading area. AMERICAN CORNER schedules movie presentations every week or by visitor’s request. All services are free of charge. Visit Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tel. 2255-7171 ext. 238 americancorner@cablenet.com.ni Second Floor Biblioteca Roberto Incer Barquero Central Bank of Nicaragua Library By Pass 7 sur Managua, Nicaragua
CCNN’s Newsletter
General Director....................... Mary Helen Espinosa Academic Director.................................Jorge Moreno Adults Program....................................Franklin Tellez Children’s Program...........................Asdrubal Canelo Librarian................................. Maria Victoria Maltez Academic Registry.............................Yadira Calderon Culture Promotion....................Alberto Torres Cerrato American Corner............................Nubia Manzanares Education USA Adviser..................Alejandra Aleman Comments: culture_promotion@ccnn.org.ni