Student Organizations 2014 2015

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Get Involved, Koalas! Student organizations are an invaluable part of your experience at Columbia College. They’re a great way to meet new people, make a difference in the college and community, and to become a koala-fied leader. Take a look at our student-led organizations and find the ones that fit for you!

Student Government The goals of the Columbia College Student Government Association include unifying the student body through one shared system of self governance, upholding the honor system, and promoting better citizenship by developing a feeling of responsibility and providing practice in democratic living. When one becomes a student in the Women's College of Columbia College, she becomes a member of the Columbia College Student Government Association. CCSGA provides a source of communication from the student body to the College administration, faculty, and staff, as well as external constituencies, a structure of democratic governance, and an orderly transition of governance from year to year. To those interested in Student Government, please be aware of upcoming election deadlines.

Academic & Professional Organizations Business, Economics, and Accounting Club (BEA) The purpose of the BEA Club is to bring majors and minors together for educational and social benefits. Activities of the club are designed to stimulate interest in accounting, business and related professional fields.

Columbia College Communication Club (C4) C4 is an organization for communication majors, minors, or any student interested in communication. The purpose of C4 is to promote the academic, professional and personal developments of communication students, promote free and responsible discourse on campus, and to teach the college community about the significance of communication studies.

Columbia College Dance Company CCDC is the performance group sponsored by the dance faculty. Its purpose is to offer performance and choreographic opportunities to those students who are gifted in the art of dance. Two major productions (fall semester and spring semester) are presented annually, with additional studio performances and informal school tour performances. Members are admitted through auditions which are held on a pieceby-piece basis throughout the year. Members must be enrolled in daily technique classes, Monday-Friday, throughout the year.

Columbia College Historical Society The purpose of the Historical Society is to broaden the experience of Columbia College students in the field of history, build connections between Columbia College and historical communities of Columbia and South Carolina, to enhance the personal and professional skills of Columbia College students through historical study, and to strengthen social ties among Columbia College history through enjoyable history-related activities.

English Majors Society The English Majors Society is the companionship organization for Sigma Tau Delta, the national English honor society. Membership is open to all English majors and minors.

Honors Student Association The purpose of HSA is for Honors Program students to assist the Honor Program with curricular and co-curricular ventures. HSA accomplishes this purpose through challenging events such as in community-building activities and outings, with service projects, and by working closely with the Honors Program to encourage student involvement in honors courses and attendance at conferences. Membership in HSA is limited to persons officially connected with the College Honors Program as students, faculty, or staff.

Human Relations Student Association (HRSA) The purpose of HRSA is to provide students with opportunities to interact with others in the field, to become better socialized into a profession, promote and participate in community and educational services, and to voice their opinions on policy decisions as they relate to the Human Relation programs.

Math and Computing Society The purpose of the Math and Computing Society is to increase appreciation for math and computing by provide support and encouragement to math and computing majors and other students. It also serves the community by providing opportunities for collaboration with professionals in the fields of math and computing.

Palmetto State Teachers Association The purpose of the Palmetto State Teacher's Association is to encourage the development and practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct among educators though meetings and sponsored activities. This membership is designed to develop and enhance understanding and knowledge of educational activities throughout the world and aid in development of skills appropriate to the practice of teaching.

Pre-Med Club The Pre-Med Club includes all students of any major discipline interested in preparing for a career in the medical sciences. Student members host seminars featuring speakers regarding career options, financial issues, medically related admissions tests, as well as opportunities for academic mentorship.

Public Health Student Alliance The purpose of the PHSA is to serve as the bridge between the Public Health majors and other Columbia College students mutually interested in engaging and educating the surrounding community about public health issues.

Sertoma Club The Sertoma Club established to foster the idea of service by providing an opportunity for its members to be of service to the community. It encourages growth of professionals in the study of normal and disordered communication behavior, the club provides services and educational programs to Columbia College students, faculty, and the greater Columbia area. Membership is open to all students and especially encouraged for speech language pathology majors.

Honor Societies Alpha Beta Tau The purpose of Alpha Beta Tau, an honorary society composed of art majors, is to promote a deeper interest and fuller appreciation for art and its ideals. Membership is open to students with nine hours in art and “B” average. Students must also maintain a “C” average in other courses.

Alpha Lambda Delta The purpose of Alpha Lambda Delta is to encourage superior scholastic achievement among students in their first year at Columbia College, promote intelligent living, assist women in recognizing and developing meaningful goals for their roles in society with a continued high standard of learning. First-year students with a 3.5GPA and who are in the top 20% of their class after the fall semester will be extended an invitation to join the organization.

Chi Beta Phi Chi Beta Phi strives to promote interest and recognition of scholarly achievement in science and mathematics. Candidates for admission are sophomores, juniors, and seniors majoring in science or mathematics who have completed twenty

semester hours in science and mathematics with a GPR of 3.0 overall in their major. Interesting programs, trips throughout the Southeast, and judging science fairs are meaningful experiences for our Chi Chapter of Chi Beta Phi.

Columbia College National Dance Education Organization The purpose of the Columbia College National Dance Education Organization (CCNDEO) is to reward those students who excel in dance and to provide opportunities for success in dance education.

Kappa Delta Epsilon The purpose of Kappa Delta Epsilon is to stimulate interest in the field of teaching and foster teaching excellence. Organized at Columbia College in 1945, this national educational honor society is open to junior and senior education majors who maintain a “B� average in education classes.

Lambda Pi Eta Lambda Pi Eta is the national communication honor society. Columbia College's Sigma Gamma Chapter was founded in 2005, sanctioned by the National Communication Association and a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Lambda Pi Eta functions, in part, to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies.

Omicron Delta Kappa The purpose of Omicron Delta Kappa is to recognize those who have attained a high standard of efficiency in collegiate activities and bring together the most representative students in all phases of collegiate life. Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes and encourages achievement in scholarship, athletics, social service, religious activities, campus government, journalism, speech and the mass media, and creative performing arts.

Phi Alpha Theta The Beta Eta Chapter of this international honor society was established in 1948 at Columbia College. The objective of Phi Alpha Theta is to promote the study of history through research, teaching, publication, and the exchange of learning and thought among historians. Membership is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a minimum of 12 hours in history with a minimum GPR of 3.0 overall and an above average of 3.0 in all history courses.

Pi Delta Phi The purpose of the National French Honor Society is three-fold: 1) recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and literature; 2) increase knowledge and appreciation of Americans of the contributions of France to world

culture; 3) stimulate and encourage cultural activities which will lead to a deeper appreciation of France and its people. Members of this organization must rank in the upper 35 percentile of their class in general studies and have a “B� average in French.

Sigma Delta Phi As a National Spanish Honor Society, the purpose of Sigma Delta Phi is to honor those who seek to attain excellence in the language, literature, and culture of the Spanish-speaking people. Election to the society is based on high scholarship in general. The Lambda Mu Chapter was established at Columbia College in 1976.

Sigma Tau Delta A National English Honor Society, the Iota Beta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2009. The purpose of this society is to promote the mastery of written expression, encourage worthwhile reading, and foster a spirit of fellowship among women specializing in English. Upper-class students majoring or minoring in English and have a GPR in English of 3.0 overall and have completed two courses beyond English 101 and 102 are eligible for membership.

Religious Organizations Baptist Collegiate Ministry The Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) at Columbia College is committed to connecting all college students to Christ and each other regardless of denominational preference. The main objective of BCM is to provide a ministry to individuals in the campus community who have a desire for Christian growth.

Campus Crusade for Christ The purpose of CRU is to help students grow spiritually in their lives by teaching them the basics of the Christian life.

Columbia College Catholics St. Julian's Columbia College Catholics is committed to creating a fellowship among Roman Catholics and other students interested in learning more about Catholicism. Through fellowship, Columbia College Catholics offers students opportunities to converse with fellow Catholic students, strengthen their faith, serve God and enjoy special speakers on topics of interest.

Heavenly Creations Gospel Choir Heavenly Creations Gospel Choir (HCGC) is a group of young women committed

to praising the Lord's name through song and worship. HCGC's purpose is to stimulate Christian fellowship, to provide and promote spiritual growth, and to contribute to the Christian environment of the Columbia College campus and community.

Kingdom Glory College Ministries The purpose of Kingdom Glory College Ministries is to unify the body of Christ through praise and worship, liturgical dance, and biblical life enrichment studies.

Special Interest Organizations African-American Student Association The club strives to bring together people with a common outlook, to increase awareness of the African-American heritage academically and socially, to establish links between the organization and the outside community through service projects, and to present the organization's ideas and philosophy to the Columbia College campus through service programs and discussions.

Clubhouse Clubhouse is a student-led after-school program that serves first through sixth graders in the surrounding Eau Claire Community. The program meets in College Place United Methodist Church two to three times each week, with special programming offered on designated Saturdays. While Clubhouse is religious in nature, it also contains an academic/tutorial component. Clubhouse originated in 1998 and continues to grow and expand as it strives towards its mission to connect Columbia College, the Eau Claire Community, and College Place United Methodist Church.

College Republicans The Columbia College Republican Club, a member of the South Carolina Republication Federation, provides students the opportunity to learn about the political process, and to participate in the activities of the Republican Party. The club works jointly with the state and all county headquarters in campaign production and pre-campaign activities of the Republican Party.

Columbia College Action Committee The purpose of the Columbia College Action Committee is to serve as the service organization for the McNair Scholars.

Columbia College Activities Board The Columbia College Activities Board (CCAB) plans and coordinates the Welcome Back Party, Ludy Bowl, Mom’s Day, Dad’s Night, Spring Formal, & Fun Day.

Columbia College Koala Dancers The purpose of the Columbia College Koala Dancers is to provide the student body with both and educational and extra-curricular activity where students can learn hip -hop dance while participating in dance-related activities such as practice and exhibitions.

Commuter Student Association The purpose of the Commuter Student Association is to inform commuter students of events on campus and to act as a voice for the concerns of the commuter population.

Council for Exceptional Children The Council for Exceptional Children provides recreation and education to exceptional children. Members of this organization educate themselves in the needs of exceptional children in order to become advocates for them. This organization serves as an outlet for members to become involved in community service and volunteer work. All majors are welcome.

Cultural Crossroads The purpose of Cultural Crossroads shall be to help members foster an appreciation of world languages and cultures, while engaging in cross linguistic experience. The organization will give members the ability to discover and nourish cultural ties in order to help them discover how the different languages and cultures can enhance their educational and career development.

Dining for Women/Cupcakes for Change The purpose of DFW shall be a dinner giving circle. We "dine in" together once a month, each bringing a dish to share, and send our "dining out" dollars to international programs empowering women. Through our members’ combined dinner donations, we support grass-roots programs for women fostering good health, education, vocational training, micro-credit loans and economic development. By educating our members about the circumstances of women living in some of the poorest countries in the world, our members become agents of change, inspired to make a difference through the power of collective giving.

Equestrian Club The Columbia College Equestrian Club provides the student body with educational

activities where individuals can find out about horses. Students are also able to participate in equestrian-related activities such as rodeos, horse shows, and educational clinics.

Estamos Unidas Latina Student Association Estamos Unidas LSA has two main goals: to unify and best serve the diverse Hispanic population on campus, and to empower the surrounding Latino community through education, service, and cultural awareness. We seek to promote academic excellence and leadership among Latina students. We welcome students and individuals of all backgrounds who want to promote our cultures and educate themselves about the diversity and richness of the Hispanic communities.

International Studies Association The International Studies Association fosters the awareness of Columbia College students about international events. The organization caters to students interested in international affairs. The goals of the organization are to stimulate student interest in global affairs, to coordinate activities promoting diversity, and to facilitate discussions involving guest speakers that allow students to use their critical thinking skills.

Koala Runners Running is meditation that gives people the competence to lead a healthy life. The purpose of Koala Runners is to get students involved and active by having them commit to a club that boosts their confidence and helps them develop the courage to follow through with their goals.

NAACP The NAACP’s purpose is to improve the political, educational, social, and economic status of minority groups, to eliminate racial prejudice, to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of racial discrimination, to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent with the efforts of the national organization and in conformity with the articles of Incorporation of the Association, its constitution and by– laws, and as directed by the national Board of Directors.

Residence Hall Association The purpose of the Residence Hall Association (RHA) is to support those that live on campus through programming, advocacy, and recognition.

South Carolina Early Childhood Association SCECA aims to increase the needs and to work for the knowledge and understanding of young children in South Carolina, both school and at home, and to provide opportunities for cooperation between parents, teachers, research workers, doctors, religious workers, social workers, and others in the field.

South Carolina Student Legislature The South Carolina Student Legislature (SCSL) is composed of delegations of students interested in the political process of state government. At SCSL, students from numerous colleges and universities in South Carolina prepare and present mock legislation.

Spectrum Spectrum is the Columbia College alliance of lesbian, bisexual, and straight students. With the purpose of enhancing awareness through dialogue and education, Spectrum offers a supportive atmosphere for students.

Young Democrats The Young Democrats, organized for those interested in the political affairs of the state and nation, introduces members to the internal workings of political organizations. The group offers opportunities to work with government officials, participate in campaign activities, and observe a variety of governmental activities. It is not necessary to have full Democratic leanings to belong.

The Student Affairs staff can always assist you with any issues or if you’d just like to know how to be more involved on campus.

Harrelson Student Center, 2nd Floor: Student Affairs Office Dean of Students Community Service Counseling Services Multicultural Affairs & Community Resources

Student Union, Lower Level: Residence Life Student Activities

Student Publications The Postscript The Postscript, Columbia College's student newspaper, is published twice a month and provides news on current events, student life and College activities. Although The Postscript is an independent publication with students largely responsible for its editorial and news, faculty advisors serve as consultants on journalistic issues. The Post Script's purpose is to encourage originality, independent thinking, excellent journalism, and interest in the field of mass communications.

The Criterion Published each year by students, The Criterion is the College's literary publication. The Criterion is published to promote student interest in literary activities and to encourage creative writing. The magazine contains poetry, essays, and short stories and is illustrated with student artwork.

The Columbian Columbia College's yearbook, The Columbian, provides a pictorial retrospective of campus life. The editorial staff works closely with advisors and administrative officials to ensure accuracy and balance.

*The College offers publishing opportunities with The Postscript, the student newspaper; The Criterion, the annual literary and arts publication; and the yearbook, The Columbian. Contact Mary Carlisle, the Publications Advisor, at 803-786-3783 to find out how to get involved.

Other Opportunities for Involvement C’sters C’sters serve as ambassadors for the College and assist with the recruitment of prospective students. C’sters host receptions, house students in their rooms for overnight campus visits, and give campus tours. In the fall, C’sters help first-year students move into the residence halls. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions.

CC Serves CC Serves engages students, faculty, and staff in community service opportunities on campus, in the Columbia area, and throughout South Carolina. CC Serves offers a variety of opportunities for the Columbia College community to serve, including: Fall Orientation Day of Service, 9/11 Day of Service, TGIF Service Projects, Alternative Fall Break, Martin Luther King Day of Service, and Alternative Spring Break.

Fall Concert Intern and Volunteers The Office of Student Activities hires two student interns to assist with the preparation and hosting of the annual Fall Concert. The students will earn valuable experience in event planning, advertising, campus activities, and the entertainment industry. Interns are hired to work with Advertising & Marketing and Volunteer Coordination. A call for applications and volunteers will be posted in the fall in the Daily Blast.

Global Buddies The Global Buddies program partners International students with American students for the purpose of new cultural exchanges. Scheduled activities are offered each semester to provide Global Buddy participants with opportunities to meet and interact with one another. This is a great opportunity to make global connections right here in Columbia! The application process will begin in September and February of each semester. Contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Community Resources for more information.

Hi-C’s The Hi C's is a show choir with 15 members chosen through auditions held in the fall. Auditions are open only to the members of choir and chorus. The Hi C's entertain on campus and around the community and state, performing various selections which are choreographed by members of the group.

Model United Nations As a Columbia College Model UN Delegation, it is our responsibility to show the highest standards in academic integrity, educate our fellow students on how Columbia College Ladies perform on the national and international stage, and promote Columbia College, and the Model UN as an embodiment of the 4C's. Contact Dr. Sharon Jones in Political Science for more information.

Night and Weekend Programming Coordinator The Night and Weekend Program Coordinator of the Student Union plays a vital role in fostering a student-centered environment during night and weekend hours. She reports to the Director of Student Activities and Graduate Assistant for Student Activities and Student Union Programming and is responsible for program planning and building management.

Orientation Leaders The Orientation Leader (OL) serves an integral role within the orientation program, which facilitates the adjustment of new students to Columbia College and our community. Application process will begin in the spring semester.

Residence Life Each year, Residence Life employs Assistant Area Coordinator, Desk Assistants, Recycling Coordinator, and Resident Assistant/Academic Advisors. Contact the Office of Residence Life for more information.

Student Activities Advisory Council The Student Activities Advisory Council plays a vital role in researching ways to foster a student-centered environment through Student Activities fee-based events. The Council reports to the Director of Student Activities and Graduate Assistant for Student Activities and Student Union Programming and is responsible for representing the programming desires of the student body.

Don’t see anything you’re interested in? Set up an appointment with Melissia Brannen in the Student Union Lower Level, B101 to discuss how you can start your own student organization or reactivate one of our past organizations!

Detach form and return to Student Union B101 Name: ____________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________ Campus/Local Address: _________________________________ _________________________________ Cell Phone: _____________________Class Year ______________ Select a Student Organization (s). You can select an organization below, and/or write in the "Other" field the name of an organization you would be interested in.

Service Organizations ⎕Clubhouse ⎕Columbia College Action Committee ⎕Council for Exceptional Children

Academic/Professional Organizations Special Interest Organizations ⎕Business, Economics, and ⎕African-American Student Accounting Club (BEA) Association ⎕Columbia College Communication ⎕Club house Club (C4) ⎕College Republicans ⎕Columbia College Dance ⎕Columbia College Action Company Committee ⎕Columbia College Historical ⎕Columbia College Activities Board Society ⎕Columbia College Koala Dancers ⎕English Majors Society ⎕Commuter Student Association ⎕Honors Student Association ⎕Council for Exceptional Children ⎕Math and Computing Society ⎕Cultural Crossroads ⎕Palmetto State Teacher's ⎕Dining for Women/Cupcakes for Association Change ⎕Pre-med Club ⎕Equestrian Club ⎕Public Health Student Alliance ⎕Estamos Unidas Latina Student ⎕Sertoma Club Association ⎕International Studies Association Religious Organizations ⎕Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM) ⎕Koala Runners ⎕Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) ⎕NAACP ⎕Residence Hall Association (RHA) ⎕Columbia College Catholics ⎕Heavenly Creations Gospel Choir ⎕South Carolina Early Childhood (HCGC) Association ⎕South Carolina Student Legislature ⎕Kingdom Glory College Ministries ⎕Other:_____________________ ⎕Spectrum ⎕Young Democrats

Make sure to check our website and social media pages for news, events, and student leader resources! Twitter & Instagram: @CC_OSA

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