Eco Zine

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Teresa Yu

May 30th, 2021

Emily Hao

June 30th, 2021

Stephanie Ding April 3rd, 2021

“This artwork is an acrylic painting of a swampy landscape. It shows the natural beauty of Mother Nature that needs to be protected from human carbon footprint.”

The birds are calling And the trees They sway So join, for a moment Come stay

Or, Wait! That’s a deer! Oh my god, It’s here!

Not knowing Of what once was For it’s not showing

Oh, humor me Along this old path Where lovers run Carving names And having fun

There’s too much to see Worlds in plain sight But see that sign? That’s right, It’s had its time Stories and fields

You’ll know its song

There’s a fort near Carved by a kid A stump, to be plain But memories remain

Songs and retreats Pounded and scorched

Do you hear that?

For another mall

The symphony of the forest.

For now, it’s free But the songs Will die Crumbled like, There’s infinite supply

Birds, streams and beasts Creating a tune for you Mind the crunch Listen As a girl runs by Searching and searching For fungi

They don’t care It’s just another forest “So scrap the dew, No one will notice.” Will you? Or will you walk Walk by the trees

Christian Ledbetter June 24th, 2021

But, if you dare

And notes so sweet That go in a wink

Amita Mungi

April 28th, 2021

Aastha Sharma

April 21st, 2021

Richa Patel

June 26th, 2021 “Thispiecerepresentsfive verymuchknownenvironmental activists.Theserepresented activistshavedoneand/orare currently raising awareness foravarietyofenvironmental issues in their own unique ways. Alloftheseactivistsusetheir popular platforms to encourage others to help the planet.”

Yuan Heidi Yue May 7th, 2021

Ailin Wang

May 2nd, 2021

%u‹&ollared1ightMar: ItwasawarmeveninginMe[ico,andcarminesoakedinto thesky.Acrescentmoonalreadywasvisible,stained withatingeofred,spillingdimlightintotheblue dusk.1ightrapidlyslippedover,almostasifitwasin thesoutherntropics,whereinMustamoment,itcould becomeblack.Allswamintheebonyveil,andalonemoth flutteredsweptintothecloudsofinsects.Mylantern illuminatedthedark,whichpressedaroundthelightas ifthreateningtoe[tinguishtheluminous,yellowbulb. Thedistantchorusesofinsectspulsed,swellinginto oneimmensevoice.Twocoppercirclesfadedintoview, areflectionoftheauburnofmahoganytrees.Feathers drifted,eyesfloated,andthenightMarbegantotakeform andshapebeforemyeyes.Spottedwithgray,andawarm, bu‹collar,thenightMargazedatme,ony[eyesbringing outadeepinternalglowofscarlet.Itsprimaryfeathers wereblack,mi[edwithamber,speckledwithazureand dottedwhite.*rayandlong,fringedwithdusk,its rictalbristlesstoodatoddangles,raised,poisedfor detectionposedforunderstanding.%eingearth-colored, thenightMar’sundersideseemedtorisefromthesand, formingintoanenigmaticbird.This..wasaforestof dreams.ThebeautifulMourney,ofevolution,oflife, ofdiversityledtotheonenightMar,dewstreamingo‹ itsfeathers.Itseyesseemedtotearthebridgebetween time,theforgottenandunforgotten.Fleckedwithorange, likeembersburning.%arredwithgray,streakedwith black,shadowingthepurewildernessofthenight.They arecircumnavigatorsofourEarth.Theyareenigmatic, pristine,amemoryoftheworldoncewas.Theyare.. nightMars.


June 30th, 2021


May 4th, 2021

Maya Bhagwat

June 27th, 2021

Irene Liang

June 30th, 2021 “I created this watercolor and pen and ink drawing to display the beauty of animal life and bring attention to how a sea turtle would appear if it was not entangled in plastic. This drawing demonstrates the need for people to recognize that nearly all species of sea turtles are endangered and face the risks of dying from ingesting or being entangled in anthropogenic plastic waste.”

Kayla Smith

April 18th, 2021

AnoushkaPoduval April 28th, 2021

Ankita Dey

June 1st, 2021

Leaf Grasp I don’t understand w Th r e inkl l e e d aves That mend my dreams With the panic of restoration And the slight pigment of incomprehension. I don’t understand Those wonderous eyes That blink as the presence of wind Encapsulates those pupils, indeed That seek to exist. I don’t understand t ,c a yfln h c a t e ’a h t yWc h Grasp the leaf, And let it die, To see beyond The mass foretold.

Valeria Colmenarez April 17th, 2021

Luca Kim

May 1st, 2021 “Mypieceisaportraitoftheenvironmentalactivist DavidTakayoshiSuzuki.Iincludedimportantelementsfrom hiscareerandlife:histeachingsontelevisionseries, writing books, articles and newspapers, along with his major and teachings in zoology, his representation with Canada (childhood home), U.S. (education) and Japan (ethnicity and abooktopic)flags,hisspeechesonclimatechange,andhis awards and medals, which is all set in the place where he firstdiscoveredhispassionfortheEarth-aswampnearhis childhood home.”

T. Jaxen Priddis April 27th, 2021

Saajid Khatri June 1st, 2021

Keira Hacker May 6th, 2021

Dear Earth, Full of energy, full of life Youhouseuseverydayand n r i c fh ge o t a e fr -e g. e n w t i v e t e r p u d h w o e s yv a h i t d n o Y u e g And how do we repay you? We destroy you We cut down your trees We pollute your air Wedoeverythinginourpowerto kill you as fast as possible. e v e fr .d a e o v u r e ’l yo i n pg a l l -w o r fs n t Ad The situation is dire, and we’r t in eh e e levent h h our. But it’s not too late. h Te s r t e t s n ’i l h e d i l o e t c m‹s e s And cure you of this sickness. But as of now, there is nothing you can do It’s up to us. Wish us luck. Sincerely, Your Inhabitants

Khyree Wade

May 12th, 2021

Hiba Asad

May 20th, 2021

Tsion Daniel

April 17th, 2021

LOVE THE EARTH Naomi Grossman May 30th, 2021

Katie Priddis

April 12th, 2021 “My submission is an acrylic painting of Mount Fiji in Japan. Cherry blossom trees surround it like in real life.”

Aanya Addepalle June 8th, 2021

“Forthissubmission,Imadeoneofmyfavorite natural scenes. After watching a tutorial, I colored the scenery out of oil pastels and paint. WhatIlikeaboutthissceneryisthatitisvery calming and it is a piece that I am proud of.”

Stephanie Ding April 3rd, 2021

“This artwork is a wildlife portrait of a red panda made using oil pastel. Red pandas are endangered and protected in India, Bhutan, China, Nepal, and Myanmar. Their primary threatsarehabitatlossanddeviation,humaninterference and poaching.”

Alison Isbell May 7th, 2021

Michelle Kim May 29th, 2021

Karolena Zhou

Chenyao Liu


Karolena Zhou

June 1st, 2021

May 4th, 2021

April 16th, 2021

June 1st, 2021

AdvaithaSatishkumar June 23rd, 2021

Snehashree Muthuramesh May 30th, 2021

Ramani Satishkumar June 1st, 2021

Maya Godbole

April 24th, 2021

Mahira Hafeez June 30th, 2021

Ananya Addepalle June 8th, 2021

Teresa Yu

June 12th, 2021

Maya Bhagwat

June 27th, 2021

Ways to Appreciate Nature and Protect Our Planet Make art about nature Grow a garden in your backyard Paint a rain barrel and conserve water Take care of houseplants Photograph your favorite national park Go hiking on nature trails Support clean air and water initiatives Go camping with family or friends Choose paper bags over plastic or bring your own bags Recycle Take a walk at sunset Take a bike ride Read about our planet Protect endangered species Look for constellations in the night sky Visit a local farmer’s market Participate in a river or stream clean-up Plant trees on Earth Day Consume less Donate old clothes or items

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