Surrealism Zine

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Snail “Snail is a collage that I created with scissors, paper, glue, and Christmas and clothing catalogues. I created it because I love animals and was feeling like making a spiral design.”

London Shallon September 30th, 2021

Lost Arya Musthyala September 13th, 2021

There is nothing like falling asleep, Wherever you may be, The soft sounds of the distant countryside, The home-settling noises from the sturdy structure, The hustle and bustle of the city even after the late hours of dark, And wherever you may be, The night will conjure its mysterious ritual, Bringing us the dark embrace of the silent slumber, Or the rumble of breathing chests, And as we all fall asleep, And dream about different things, And the blurry thoughts, That won’t be remembered in the morning, But are still the root of the ideas that we are born, In the end we are all the same, As we chase, The sweet honey of sleep.

Sleep Celine Yang September 30th, 2021

Lightbulb Moment “Following the ideas of the surrealist movement, I focused on the concept of irrational juxtaposition, representing a person’s head as a lightbulb. I was inspired by the saying “a lightbulb moment” and thus portrayed the similarities between the human brain and a lightbulb using oil pastel.”

Irene Liang September 29th, 2021

Taken Arya Musthyala September 13th, 2021

Glitch Landscape “In this piece, I used vibrant colors to visualize a dreamscape. I used glitch elements in the landscape to create contrast between the differing pieces of the dreamscape, as seen with the mismatched clouds, and a sense of discord.”

Irene Liang September 29th, 2021

“In this piece I portrayed an eclectic collection of items to convey the idea that dreams often consist of random moments or memories from one’s day or life. I also conveyed the idea of irrational juxtaposition by drawing a fish-headed human and a flying pig, and by reversing the effects of gravity on certain items, thus creating contrast between the objects floating in the air and the balloons and flying carpet on the ground.”

Irene Liang September 29th, 2021

Landscape Dreamscape Lauren Raines August 15th, 2021

The Storm Sara Susant July 29th, 2021

Butterflies Jane Martens September 30th, 2021

Daydreaming Arya Musthyala September 13th, 2021

“This piece is about a dream in which the scene is split into 2 parts as day and night. The yellow eye and the blue eye represent the sun and the moon. Everything on the ground is hanging upside down giving it a surreal effect. On the day side of the dreamscape, the world is very colorful and has a lot of nature around. On the night side of the dream, it is colorless and there is no nature around. Both sides represent the same world even though they are completely different.”

Aanya Addepalle September 11th, 2021

Lion’s Tail

Lauren Raines August 15, 2021

“My piece is about “everything is based on technology,” but in a whole other level. Where the main planet is a motherboard. The people who live there are half robots and half humans. Where the residents eat computer chips as food, while at the same time polluting the environment to create new cutting edge technology.”

Ananya Addepalle September 11th, 2021

“This is the shadow of a wolf standing over his territory in the mountains.”

Vishwa Kamalbabu July 22nd, 2021

“This submission consists of a lady making a blanket out of the sky which has been ripped off. She is sitting under water and she is using a chair as a work surface. She doesn’t have eyes as she has sewn them on the blanket and the eye fishes that are swimming through the air also represent her eyes.”

Aanya Addepalle July 17th, 2021

Surrealism was a 20th century art movement that drew inspiration from the creative potential of the unconscious mind. Its key contributors included artists Salvador Dali, Andre Breton, and Rene Magritte, among others. Surrealist art frequently depicted the strange juxtaposition of images and alternate realities. Artists of the surrealist movement were heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud’s writings on dreams. In addition to surrealist paintings, artists experimented with automatic writing and drawing. Sculptures included found objects that were combined to form hybrid pieces often defamiliarizing the original objects. Additionally, Surrealist artists and writers collaborated on works. The exquisite corpse game is an old parlor game invented by the Surrealists whereby participants take turns writing or drawing on a sheet of paper. The paper is folded so that participants cannot see what the previous person contributed. This collaborative method results in unusual imagery or text. This zine includes a collection of surrealist art and writing by students in grades 6 through 12. The works explore the bizarre, irrational, and creative world of Surrealism.

FALL 2021

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