Million Dollar Brand Magazine October 8 2012

Page 1

The 10 Greatest Political Speeches of All Time

Does America’s ‘Teleprompter President’ Rank Among the Best?


Rich & Andrea’s Publisher’s Page Essay… Dinner Party ‘Brand Chatter’… ‘Where’s the Fun?’ by Lori Sallee… What We Believe…

And the usual assortment of highly interesting ads!


“Andrea Waltz, Are You Ready to Give Your Oral Report?” Most of the speakers that I know (Richard included) love to speak, and always have. If you had told me that someday I would speak to hundreds – and often thousands – of people, I would have told you that was absolutely impossible.

My stomach lurched as I stumbled to the front of the room, my note cards barely readable (why did I use pencil??) and they looked out of order! My voice shook as I began, steadying myself against the podium. All normal functioning shut down; this was about survival. At some point I must have finished, because I do recall making my way back to my chair to the snickers of classmates. It was really, really bad. So that was the day I decided that I would make it my life's mission to do as little public speaking as humanly possible for as long as I lived. And in the years that followed, I did everything within my power to avoid speaking to a group. Like I said, if you had told me then that I would make a living speaking – as in ‘paid’ – I never would have believed it. Brain surgeon (even though I have shaky

What gave me the courage to attempt something that filled me with so much fear, let alone succeed at it? The answer is: the message. I believe in our message… and fear and discomfort be damned. Do I still have times when I feel nervous, standing backstage as we’re being introduced? Sure. But as I walk through the curtains and see the audience I remind myself I’m there to make a difference to at least one person. And the ‘Junior High Me’ shakes her head in disbelief. And smiles. -R&A

Andrea Waltz & Richard Fenton, Publishers/Editors

Copyright © 2012 by Courage Crafters, Inc. All rights reserved. To CONTRIBUTE CONTENT please click here. For information on becoming a JV/AFFILIATE PARTNER please click here. For everything else, please see Links on Page 14

Disclaimer Statement: Our definition of a ‘Million Dollar Brand’ is any brand that has generated one million dollars (or more) in gross revenue. Additionally, while this publication is made FREE to subscribers, please be aware that we do maintain affiliate relationships with many of the advertisers and content contributors contained within, from which we may receive monetary compensation. However, we only recommend products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. With this said, neither we as publishers, nor Courage Crafters, Inc., are responsible for the success or failure of any investment and/or purchase decision any subscribe elects to engage in with affiliates Or advertisers.

One of the most disastrous moments of my life was in junior high school. It was ‘Oral Report’ time, and I had chosen to speak about the dangers of smoking. I had my notes carefully written out in pencil on 3” by 5” note cards.

hands), hot air balloon operator (even though I’m afraid of heights) or dairy farmer (though lactoseintolerant), all seem filled with possibility compared to professional speaker. But time moves on and circumstances, like people, apparently do change.

is published weekly by Courage Crafters, Inc., specifically for professional speakers, trainers, authors, coaches and infopreneurs.

inside WHAT’S

Features 2

This Week’s Publishers Page with Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz

6-10 The 10 Greatest Political Speeches of the Last 100 Years

11 Million Dollar Dinner Party ‘Brand Chatter’

12-13 ‘Where’s the Fun?’ by Lori Sallee

15-16 MDB ‘Links’ and What We Believe!

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Greatest Political Speeches

Let’s face it – finding ten truly great political speeches wasn’t that difficult. The hard part was trying to limit the list to just ten… so many

of the Last

great addresses, so many amazing, historical moments!


But whittle the list to ten, we did! And while you may not agree with every choice, we think it’s a pretty good attempt... (June 12, 1987)

1… Ronald Reagan


“Tear Down This Wall!” With thousands of East Germans on the other side of the Berlin Wall, Ronald Reagan stood in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate and delivered what we believe to be the most memorable speech by a political figure in history. Built in 1961, the Berlin Wall was more than poured concrete; it was a potent symbol of a decades-old Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. Against the advice of timid advisors, Reagan declared in a clear and determined voice: “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" Two years later, as a result of Reagan’s spoken words, Berliners armed with little more than pickaxes tore down the wall. (August 28, 1963)

2…. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I Have a Dream”

Addressing an audience of over 200,000 supporters on a hot August day, black civil rights leader Martin Luther King found himself at the center of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the theme of which was racial equality. Almost as if giving a Baptist sermon, King drew on the Bible for much of the speech’s core content, as well as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Today, there is hardly an American alive who hasn’t heard, at a minimum, King delivering one of the most memorable and inspiring lines in history: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

The 10 Greatest Political Speeches of the Last 100 Years

(June 26, 1963)

3… John F. Kennedy “Ich Bin Ein Berliner” When John Kennedy arrived in West Germany in June, 1963, the Cold War was raging and tensions between East and West could not have been higher. A mere two years after the Berlin Wall had been erected without the consent of German citizens – and just a year after the Cuban missile crisis – JFK delivered a spellbinding, spine-tingling message as a sign of solidarity when he declared: “Ich bin ein Berliner!” I am one with the people of Berlin. He went on to say that: “Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect. But we have never had to put a wall up to keep our people in.” (June 6, 1944)

5… Dwight D. Eisenhower “Great Battles Lie Ahead” June 6, 1944, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower announced the D-Day landings at Normandy to the people of France and Western Europe, declaring: “Great battles


(August 20, 1940)

4… Winston Churchill “So Much Owed By So Many” At the height of the Battle of Britain, standing before a jam-packed House of Commons, Winston Churchill gave a landmark speech in which he declared: "The gratitude of every home in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world… goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of the World War by their prowess and by their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few." If ever soaring rhetoric; was needed, it was then. And Churchill delivered.

lie ahead. I call upon all who love freedom to stand with us. Keep your faith staunch - our arms are resolute - together we shall achieve victory.” The Germans would surrender eleven months later.

The 10 Greatest Political Speeches of the Last 100 Years


(October 10, 1980)

6… Margaret Thatcher “The Lady’s Not for Turning” To say that England was in the midst of a period of ‘economic gloom’ would be putting it mildly, and public skepticism about Margaret Thatcher’s ability to lead the great British nation out of its misery. Then she made her second conference speech as Prime Minister. But Thatcher, refusing to buckle under immense pressure, earned her nickname as ‘The Iron Lady’, cleverly using a joke about ‘U-turns’ to define her years as premier when she said: “You turn if you want to. The lady’s not for turning.” (March 4, 1933)

7… Franklin D. Roosevelt “We Have Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself” It was just his first inaugural address, an address in which FDR was forced to speak to the American public as it wallowed in the depths of the Great Depression. But rather than sympathize with their plight, Roosevelt inspired his fellow Americans by saying, “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” He told the US population that day that it needed to “dig deep and endure.” Then he asked for people to do something equally as difficult; he asked them to trust in his leadership. Which they did. (July 27, 2004)

8… Barack Obama “Red States, Blue States” No more than an obscure State Senator running for the US Senate, yet given a primetime speaking slot at the Democratic National Convention in support of party nominee Senator John Kerry (who was running against George W. Bush), the virtually unknown Barack Hussein Obama made a soaring speech that instantly made him a contender for the presidency a mere four years later. Making the case to “put aside partisan differences and bring Americans together”, Obama declared: “We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don’t like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States.” One of the things that has ‘dogged’ Barack Obama throughout his presidency is the question: “Is Obama a great speaker without his teleprompter?” Opinions vary greatly, but one thing is for sure… his skills as a public orator put him in the Oval Office.

“And in closing, I encourage all Americans to read Million Dollar Brand Magazine…” Wait! How in the hell did THAT get on the teleprompter?!

The 10 Greatest Political Speeches of the Last 100 Years


(May 10, 1994)

9… Nelson Mandela “Never, Never Again” Declaring that, “Never, never and never again shall this beautiful land again experience the oppression of one by another,” Nelson Mandela's speech on May 10, 1994, was not just an inaugural address; it was also a eulogy for apartheid, which Mandela buried once and for all. And the promise that Mandela made, pledging to live up to the aspirations he had raised for the nation, provided a sorely needed ‘ray of hope’ in Africa.

(September 20, 2001)

Though relatively inexperienced in foreign policy, and on shaky ground to begin with due to being narrowly elected, George W. Bush delivered a stirring address to a stunned nation a mere nine days after the worst terrorist attack on American soil. In an attempt to rally Americans behind his leadership, he addressed both houses of Congress, making his case for taking America to war with the words: "We are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom."

10… George W. Bush

“A Country Awakened to Danger”

And The One We Refused to Include? Did we miss some politicians? Sure, including Robert Kennedy, Vaclav Havel, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman… and though you may or may not like her politics, the case could be made that Sarah Palin’s speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention to be among the best. But the one that we refused to list was delivered on December 11, 1941, when Adolf Hitler declared war on America following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. A speech that inspired the Third Reich to engage in battle against not just one but two post-war superpowers, making victory for Germany all but impossible, Hitler’s demonic diatribe proves that while words can be used to bring out the absolute best in us, in the wrong hands they can also be used to bring out the absolute worst. -MDB

TAKE A LISTEN! • Ronald Reagan’s Full speech: Tear down this wall • Margaret Thatcher’s Full speech: The lady's not for turning • Winston Churchill’s Full speech: The Few • Nelson Mandela’s Full speech: Inaugural speech

One evening, at a dinner party, a woman turned to renowned logo designer Raymond Loewy and said, “Tell me, what made you decide to put two X’s in EXXON?” Lowey responded politely, “Why do you ask?” “Because I couldn't help but notice!” she declared. “Well,” said Lowey, “Then that’s your answer.”

4. Deeply felt emotions are allowed to rise to the surface. Humor can create an emotional connection with customers based on transparency.

Let’s look at two companies that have tapped into the power of fun and are laughing all the way to the bank: New Pig Corporation and Big Ass Fans.

What’s fun about your brand? Anything?

Can you imagine what could possibly be fun about “cleaning the oil and grime off tanks, equipment, walls and floors in dirty factories”? Not much, right? Sometimes finding the fun can be right in front of you, if you just open your eyes…

We’re fond of saying that people don’t do business with companies, people do business with people. Its no The New Pig Corporation’s original prototype was a 40surprise then, that successful brands are built on inch nylon sleeve filled with ground corncob. While relationships and social interaction. What’s a great testing its absorbency in a pool of dirty oil, someone way to enhance both? Humor. called it a pig because it looked like it was wallowing in Laughter makes everyone feel good. And the good feeling that we get when we laugh remains with us even after the laughter subsides. -The ‘BIG ASS FANS’ Website Humor helps us keep a positive, optimistic outlook. It attracts us to others, eases anxiety and fear, and strengthens relationships. Humor the stuff. The name stuck. They loved it. Their first users and playful communication strengthen our relationships loved it. But when it was time to trademark it, they by triggering positive feelings and fostering emotional weren’t sure that “pig” would be the best name for an connection. When we laugh with one another, a positive industrial product. A big-city advertising agency even bond is created. This bond acts as a strong buffer against advised them against it. “Your target market will never stress, disagreements, and disappointment. accept it,” they were warned.

“We’re busy and we’re hard working, but we know how to have fun.”

How could humor, laughter and fun benefit your brand? 1) Humor gets people out of their heads and away from their troubles. Humor can create a more spontaneous connection with your customers. 2) Laughter helps people forget judgments, criticisms, and doubts. Humor can create a cooperative environment for customers, instead of a defensive one. 3) Fears of holding back and holding on are set aside. Humor can create a safe zone for your customer relationships to grow.

New Pig trusted their customers and their instincts instead. They named the product the PIG® Absorbent Sock and co-founder Ben Stapelfeld chose the name “Pig Corporation” for their fledgling company. When he discovered it was already registered to a Pennsylvania farmer, Ben simply added the word “new” at the beginning to create “New Pig Corporation.” (

What could be funnier than the study of air movement? (continued on next page)

Where’s The Fun? By Lori Sallee (continued) Well, a lot of things. But that didn’t stop some dedicated big fan experts from taking a hint from their customers and capturing the humor in their brand…

In the Next Issue of

Big Ass Fans started in 1999 as the HVLS Fan Company, but after 3 years in business finally bowed to the sentiments of its customers and conceded that they did, in fact, design and manufacture some Big Ass Fans. It was therefore a natural step to change their name to Big Ass Fan Company, and to “adopt” their mascot, Fanny the Donkey, shortly thereafter. (pun intended) (

Their career page begins with: Work Hard and Play Hard at Big Ass Fans. That’s right, PLAY.

They note that they have “an outstanding work environment allowing employees to meet professional goals, learn new skills and most importantly, have fun.” They invite those who “like being an ass”, to don the Fanny suit for a number of charitable events they support. Fun is an essential part of their company culture. (

Is there something fun lurking inside your brand? Harness the power of humor and create a deeper, more meaningful connection with your customers. Make your presence felt.


Lori Sallee is an ‘Idea Wrangler’ (yes, that’s her title) at Felt Design Group where “sensational B2B brands are built” by providing tools such as strong logo and identity systems, email and social media campaigns, optimized web presence, web apps. with and emphasis on strategy, tools Feel free to check out Felt Design’s website at:

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He said all men were created equal. He never said anything about brands.

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October 8, 2012

We Believe...

#4… The movie scene that best describes how we feel when we’re up against a publishing deadline is when Cuba Gooding Jr. tells Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire: “You are hanging by a very thin thread, my man – and I dig that about you!”

#5… The best Oysters Rockefeller anywhere on planet Earth are served at Scoma’s restaurant on Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco (#2? Kres Chophouse in Orlando, Florida)

#6… Nelson Mandela was spot-on when he said: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Because we are.

And we believe The Humane Society is one of the most worthy causes you can support (we do). And the pets will love you for it, even if they can only

say thanks with their eyes. For more information or to donate, visit:

“Of all the art I’ve ever created, I think I’m most proud of my Million Dollar Brand’ Magazine logo… even

more than that ‘Soup Can’ thing!” -Andy Warhol

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