Cedar Valley College
January 2012 Volume 67
Teaching Learning Center The First Day of Class Tim Xeriland led a roundtable discussion in the TLC recently covering the most important day of the semester, the first day of class. The first class day sets the tone for the whole course and dramatically impacts student perceptions of you as their professor. Take a look at the following and try to choose your top three. Then take it a step further and select the one role which stands out as dominate, the one you would prefer to fill, and the one you would like to convey to your students. Think carefully, this will set the tone for the entire semester. The Expert - The person who knows everything there is to know about their subject matter. The Authority - The person who lays down the law, instructing exactly what is expected and when.
Quick Tips for Improving Your eCampus Site:
The Socializing Agent - The person who provides students with the skills and habits necessary for success in a course.
Add a simple banner
The Facilitator - The person who contributes structure and process helping student achieve their potential.
Remove any unnecessary buttons
The Role Model - The person students are able to look up to as an ideal.
Make sure all links work properly
The Person - The person students see as an individual, someone who is approachable. Give some thought to what you would like to cover the first day, it impacts perception. If you choose to cover the syllabus, think about alternative ways to present the material. Simply standing in front of the class and reading the syllabus may not be the best choice. Try to add a little interest. Think about including some interactive elements to the process. Dr. Desai pairs his students up and sends them on a syllabus scavenger hunt. While in pairs they are to go over the syllabus together looking for specifics like the drop date, date of the first test, etc. Then students will be quizzed over the material providing them with the opportunity to make an easy 100% right from the start. Studies have shown an improvement in test scores when exams begin with an easier question and get more difficult as they progress. The same is true for a course, beginning the semester with an easy first quiz or assignment can help students start off on the right foot.
Make sure it takes no more than 3 clicks to get where you need to go Avoid using dates when possible, fewer revisions will be necessary each semester Make sure it is clear where students should begin Stop by the TLC for more tips and let us show you how to incorporate Articulate into your site!