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WINTER 20 17



There are only six Batmobiles in the history of film. We can thank CCS alumni for two of them.

The 1995 Batmobile boasts stationary hubcaps so the bat image stays upright when the wheels spin. In the opening scene of the 1995 film, Batman Forever, the Caped Crusader is gathering items from an arsenal he uses to battle Gotham City’s worst villains. He turns and walks toward a giant turntable rising slowly out of the cave’s depths, which reveals his greatest weapon and truest sidekick: the Batmobile. “It’s a hero shot,” said concept artist and CCS Chair of Entertainment Arts TIM FLATTERY ’87, Transportation Design, about the first time he saw the car he designed on the big screen. “It gave me chills.” ED NATIVIDAD ’91, Illustration/Transportation Design, who worked as conceptual vehicle designer for the Batmobile in the recently released Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), explained that he has always been fascinated by the iconic vehicle, and his role in its latest iteration was a lifelong dream. “I don’t know what the future holds, but this project will be a hard act to follow. The Batmobile is the holy grail of vehicles. Best of all, it’s actually built.” As a lifetime fan of Batman, Flattery agrees. He understands why the Batmobile maintains appeal across generations. “It’s an actual

“Warner Bros. said ‘We’re making a new Batman movie, and we want to do a new Batmobile. Are you interested?’” Flattery recalled. “To do a new Batmobile is every designer’s dream. And this was in 1993. So that early in my career it was huge.” Natividad’s film career began at Industrial Light and Magic in San Francisco. His passion for cinema and industrial design culminated

The Batmobile debuted in 1941 — there are dozens in comics, TV, games and toys, but only six in the movies. character in each movie. The car has become so iconic because of all the things it’s capable of doing and the way it supports Batman in his cause.” Flattery held a summer internship, while still at CCS, with Oscarwinning visual effects supervisor John Dykstra, who helped him land his first design gig on My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988). After working on Anton Furst’s Batmobile in Batman Returns (1992), he started becoming known as someone who could not only design fictional vehicles for movies but also make the fiction real and build them. Eventually, he got the call.

in 2013 when the production designer of Batman v Superman asked if he would like to help with a new incarnation of the Batmobile. Like Flattery, Natividad and the production team had to reckon with the vehicle’s expansive legacy and yet create something entirely new. “We didn’t have a script in the infant stages of the project, so we had to anticipate a scenario with a ground-to-air battle,” said Natividad, “hence the guns and anti-aircraft weaponry.”


Early in the process, the team visited the previous Batmobiles at the Warner Bros. Museum. “We noticed that the car had to be freakishly larger than a normal car to create screen presence and to coincide with the intimidating nature of the character. You can’t fall in love with the first sketch because it won’t reflect the realities of a practical build, where reliability and safety are as important as styling.” “When you see them all together,” Flattery noted, “you realize that they all have their place in the movies, but they all have their place in design history as well.”

2016's Batmobile is the only one that can raise and lower itself.

Above (top-bottom): The Batmobile from Warner Bros. Pictures’ Batman Forever, 1995. Designed by Tim Flattery. The Batmobile from Warner Bros. Pictures’ Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 2016. Designed in collaboration with Ed Natividad.

It’s a history both men are steeped in, yet neither Natividad nor Flattery has a degree in Entertainment Arts, which didn’t exist at the time, but is now the College’s largest department and the one Flattery chairs – a fact that speaks to the flexibility of CCS training. “When you design something as iconic as the Batmobile,” explained Flattery, “you’re going to be judged for it, you’re going to become known for it. You’re still designing a character that needs to serve a story. At the same time, as scared as I was, I was also confident that I got the right tools from CCS to do what I do.”

Watch a video of Flattery and Natividad discussing the Batmobile at collegeforcreativestudies.edu/ccstv.

WINTER 20 17

Forget the myth of the overnight sensation. Success most often comes in fits and starts, as the result of a lot of hard work. Animators understand this well, because it is the very nature of what they create, frame by frame.


A tale of two animators, alumnus Chris Houghton and his brother Shane, who went from a small town to the big time with Country Club, their original series from Disney TV.

“We really need about a year and a half before our first episodes are ready to go on TV,” said CHRIS HOUGHTON ’10, Illustration, referring to Country Club, the original series that he and his brother and co-creator Shane recently sold to Disney TV Animation. “Animation is painstakingly slow.” Country Club chronicles the adventures of Cricket Green, who moves with his family from the countryside to the big city. The Houghton brothers are coexecutive producers of the series. Disney TVA is a long way from St. Johns, Michigan, a small town about two hours northwest of Detroit where the brothers grew up. But the series’ hero, Cricket, is inspired by Chris Houghton as a kid. And that connection, he noted, is what resonated with Disney. “We wanted to explore the idea of small towns, underdogs and the feeling like you don’t fit in.” This wasn’t the first time the two had pitched an animated series to the network. The journey began, however, years earlier when Chris left St. Johns to attend the College for Creative Studies. “A lot of the show came from me being a naïve kid in my small town and moving to Detroit – just the immense change and


shock to the system,” Houghton said. “I had a ton of experiences in Detroit that are hilarious. And Shane had experienced something similar moving out to LA.” While he was at CCS, Chris began to collaborate with Shane on their first comic book series, Reed Gunther, about a bumbling grizzly bear-riding cowboy. Chris did the illustrations and Shane wrote the script for the first issue. The comic eventually became the basis of Chris’ junior year independent study with CCS Illustration instructor, Dave Chow. The brothers continued to produce comics each semester until Chris graduated. The project was getting good response, but the brothers were self-publishing, something that required a lot of effort, including road trips to comic conventions.

Graduation nearing, Chow helped Chris put together a submission package so the brothers could find a publisher and take their comic to the next level. They gave the package the same over-the-top treatment as their comic’s main character: a wooden box filled with classic excelsior (wood shavings) packing and a branded logo on top. The response was largely positive. “We were self-publishing, and we really wanted to get a real publisher to help us with all of the legwork that we really shouldn’t have been doing because we were terrible at it. It was a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of tents in the woods,” he explained laughing. “Image Comics reached out to us – which was the coolest thing we could’ve hoped for – and gave us a publishing contract to do 10 issues. After that, it was off to the races. Reed Gunther opened up so many doors for us. It got me into Nickelodeon, and at one point it was optioned to be a TV show through Amazon Studios. I was doing work for Mad Magazine. Both Shane and I were

writing and drawing comics for Boom Studios. So we were able to launch our careers and, most important, it got us into Disney.” Shane continued to work in print comics while Chris moved on to animation, working on the television shows Gravity Falls and Wander Over Yonder, among others. They both landed at Nickelodeon on the series Harvey Beaks, Chris as a storyboard director and Shane as a staff writer. Eventually, the brothers got the opportunity to pitch a TV show to Disney – but not Reed Gunther and not Country Club. “Our first project at Disney was called Welcome to Simpleton and was about a small town in the woods inhabited by a bunch of simple Muppet-y characters,” Houghton said. The brothers worked for a year fleshing out the world and storyboarding a pilot. The show integrated a lot of elements from their childhood in St. Johns, but Disney passed. “We were absolutely devastated,” he explained. “We had thrown everything into this project. But Disney immediately reached out to us and said they liked us and


Above: A screen shot from Houghton’s comedy adventure series, Country Club. Opposite: A promotional poster for the series.

wanted to continue working with us. They offered us a blind development deal to come up with another show.” The brothers took some time off and told Disney they’d only come back if they thought of a new show that excited them just as much as their first project. The two looked again to their childhood and hometown and thought there might be something more there. The new animated series idea remained true to an important, early inspiration – what happens when a small-town kid heads to the big city. Disney responded favorably to the show’s realistic, lovable characters. Chris Houghton explained his 10-year collaboration with his brother and what, in the end, resonates. “We don’t just want to create any show. We want to tell stories that are dear to us.” Country Club is slated to debut in 2018 on Disney XD.


Portrait of the artist as teacher: Tyanna Buie, making memory and the importance of giving back. It’s not until you see people gazing up at Tyanna Buie’s mixedmedia prints that you realize how large they are. There is a photograph of Buie standing in front of her screenprint painting “Sweet Escape,” which was the centerpiece of her 2012 show Visiting Hours at Northwestern University. The 6.3 ft. x 16 ft. print depicts Buie’s late uncle, who died in prison and was for many years lost to the family, in part because the correctional facility misspelled his surname. His image in the print is taken from the only picture the artist could find of him at the time: his mugshot. “Your art speaks differently than you do,” said Buie, Assistant Professor and Fine Arts Section Chair in Printmaking. “My art is much louder than I am.”


TYANNA BUIE works big, creating one-of-a-kind screenprints that examine her personal history and often incorporate additional media, like photography or paint. The image of her uncle in Sweet Escape, for example, is layered over a handwritten letter to him from Buie’s mother, who was herself incarcerated at the time of his death. Buie eventually collected other items, too, including not only his ashes but also the slip of paper on which his misspelled name appeared. When family is absent, we rely on objects to tell our stories; what we can’t conjure in the mind can typically be recalled through a photo, a letter or an item of clothing. But what if these mementos also are scarce or even missing? Buie’s act of gathering fragments

Opposite: "Sweet Escape" (detail), 2012. Right (top to bottom): "Bust of Unknown Woman," screenprint, charcoal, hand-applied ink, 60in. x 50in. 2016. "Mugshot Profile #1," screenprint, screenprint, charcoal, hand-applied ink, 74in. x 38in., 2016.

to piece together her family’s past sent her on a personal journey that became a central, and powerful, theme within her prints. A series from 2014 entitled “Still Life” shows, for example, a See ‘n Say child’s toy, a hot comb (an implement used for straightening hair) and an empty swing. “Photos are really rare in my family because of our chaotic upbringing,” said Buie, who reveals that there are no pictures of her as a baby. While her mother was incarcerated and after her grandmother’s death, she and her siblings were often shuttled between foster homes and distant relatives, sometimes together, sometimes split apart. Her art becomes, then, an act of personal reparation, of making memory tangible. But by attempting to address her family’s past, Buie’s artwork ultimately transcends it, opening her themes to the wider history of African Americans – a history that includes, like Buie’s, incarceration and sundered families. As an undergraduate at Western Illinois University, it took Buie a while to discover her voice artistically. Then she took a screenprinting course with Susan Czechowski, who became a mentor and friend. “The first thing you learn in printmaking is probably going to be the thing you end up doing for the rest of your life. I learned from a woman who had worked with Roy Lichtenstein. I learned from the best.” Buie, who in 2015 was awarded the prestigious Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors grant, has experience with all four printmaking processes – silkscreen, letterpress, lithography and intaglio – but she works primarily in silkscreen, noting that there can be resistance to the medium as it is often used for commercial purposes. She differentiates, however, between printmaking as a vocation and as art and knew early on where her allegiances were. “I don’t want to be a printmaker. I want to be an artist,” Buie said, chuckling at what might sound to some like the cliché of a recluse in the woods making art for art’s sake. Teaching, making art, that’s 50 percent,” she continued. “The other 50 percent is giving back.” And give back she does. Buie has crisscrossed the country in the last few years exhibiting, teaching workshops and lecturing on printmaking. She believes in public art as a key aspect of community and teaching as both a way to disseminate knowledge and push her own artistic practice. She also believes in helping prepare students for their roles as part of the art form’s next generation. During a pre-college panel last year in New York, she noticed that some of the artists seemed less concerned about helping students than on building their own brand. Buie feels passionately that her goal as an artist and commitment as a teacher should always be to seize opportunities to help educate younger artists. In the weeks and months after the panel, she ended up mentoring a couple of the students who had attended. “That matters more than bragging about myself,” she explained. “How can I cultivate a relationship with these folks and not just use them as a backdrop to ‘my brilliant career?’ Stick to the mission.” While chatting with C Magazine in the CCS printmaking studio, another faculty member entered the room along with a few campus visitors. Buie welcomed them warmly and showed them around as if they had just entered her home. Because, of course, they had.

Watch video of Tyanna Buie at work at collegeforcreativestudies.edu/ccstv.


Photography by Ash Arder.

Opposite: Artist, composer and music producer Sterling Toles at work on a painting inspired by the cult film Buffed Up. Left: Album art by Toles for Audopilots’ Phoebastia Nigripes.

being about music.” According to Toles, music is the ideal analogy for humanity’s trend toward dividing, separating and classifying itself in an attempt to achieve higher understanding. “Some people call that greater understanding God or civilization. To me, that is sound itself.” Such thinking informs Toles’ work, and if it sounds philosophical, that’s because it is. Toles considers himself to be a healer using sound, and he not only moves seamlessly between music and visual art but also welcomes aspiring young musicians to record in his home studio for free – an opendoor policy he began in the early 2000s while working with Grace Boggs’ multicultural youth program, Detroit Summer, and then with the James and Grace Lee Boggs Educational Center. “Everyone has the capacity to express themselves. How we receive and identify things has a lot to do with conditioning,” explained Toles. “And that determines whether we think something is valid or has worth. I try to train myself not necessarily to seek beauty but to extract beauty from everything that I encounter. “And everybody has it in them,” he continued. “I don’t always understand what people consider good or of quality. We can become so cultured in our sensibilities that it strips away our ability to just receive things, or feel some sense of joy or inspiration.” Raised on Detroit’s east side, Toles attended Cass Technical High School in the ninth grade. After moving to Texas for a year, he returned in the 11th grade to find that his art skills were not consistent with the other students. Yet his painting


Sterling Toles is not like any other artist you know. And that’s a good thing. On the cover of the 2014 LP Phoebastia Nigripes by the Detroit hip-hop group Audopilots, a giant human mouth opens to reveal an albatross, a species poet Charles Baudelaire called “kings of the azure.” The great sea birds, known for their huge, clumsy wings, are notoriously awkward on land. That is, of course, because they were meant to fly – dynamic soaring that enables them to circumnavigate the globe. The cover art, created by painter, composer and music producer STERLING TOLES ’99, Illustration, is an apt metaphor for the struggle and double life of the artist. For Toles, however, simultaneously inhabiting two worlds – music and visual art – is second nature. Or, better put, it’s not really two worlds at all. “I really feel they’re the same thing. They’re feeding each other. I also feel that I create movement and rhythm and harmony to paint,” said Toles, a 2016 Kresge Artist Fellow who, in addition to painting, has been a constant in Detroit’s music scene for nearly 20 years. In September, he released his first EP of tracks produced between 1998 and 2006, Archival Arteries of Sterling Toles. “I always tell people when they ask me about music that, more accurately, I paint with sound. I’m sampling, using musicians, using synth and opening things up to the entire scope of sound instead of it just


garnered attention and won competitions. Toles attended Parsons School of Design in New York City with the intention of studying both visual art and pursuing a career in music. As it happens, he took a semester off, returned to Detroit and enrolled at CCS while immersing himself in the local hip-hop scene, first as a rapper then as a producer. He never went back. Toles has produced music with countless local musicians, including Invincible, Boldy James and Finale, and composed scores for such Cass Corridor Films as Brewster Douglass You’re My Brother, Our School and Time I Change. “Whatever I do musically, I do visually,” said Toles. “I recontextualize the street experience and the palette that people typically use to express growing up in a place like this. I scrap these things and use other things to express that narrative.” Other things include recent painting inspired by the Detroit cult film Buffed Up and a long-term collaboration with more than 20 local musicians for a vinyl release exploring trap music, a gritty genre of hip-hop that originated in the South. “There’s a monk playing the harmonium, singing in Sanskrit, as this neighborhood kid talks about his experience in the street,” said Toles, describing a track on the album. “I love showing the humanity and beauty of people who are often demonized.” It’s not what one expects but perhaps, as Sterling Toles’ singular aesthetic suggests, our expectations should change. “I don’t really consider myself to be an artist. I make sounds and I paint stuff. I’m a ‘love-ist’ who makes art.”

WINTER 20 17


(Re)Documenting Detroit: the city’s past, how we’ve changed and who we are now. ABOVE: “Hart Plaza,” photographer and date unknown. OPPOSITE: “Window Install,” Jennifer Loewe.




FALL 20 16

ABOVE: Carl Jones and a friend outside of Avalon Bakery, Cydni Elledge. OPPOSITE: Leslie Wilson, “Lady L,” Sam's Barber Shop, Denise Smith.

In 2015, the Detroit Historical Society was awarded a $25,000 Knight Arts Challenge grant to create a new three-year partnership with the College for Creative Studies. The objective: to examine the city's evolution in the 30 years since Bill Rauhauser's groundbreaking project, “Documenting Detroit.”

Students in the course used DHS archives to research the city and, among other projects, created diptychs of images from the original “Documenting Detroit” project alongside their own. TRACY IRWIN ’98, Fine Arts, DHS Director of Exhibitions and Collections, and project lead Brendan Roney advised students on research criteria and offered critical feedback throughout the semester. “As a CCS alumna,” Irwin noted, “I was thrilled to be a part of the student critique sessions and hear directly from the students about their motivation behind the topics they selected to pursue. “They were really wonderful. The work did a great job of documenting what is happening in Detroit today. Business, architecture, construction and social elements were all observed and preserved in the DHS collection for future generations to review and learn from.” The Detroit Historical Society chose several diptychs to exhibit, at the CCS Student Exhibition in May and again at DHS in summer 2016. Thirty more photos from the course – and each course throughout the three-year project – will reside in the Detroit Historical Society’s permanent collection. Photos from the Rauhauser project and “(Re)Document Detroit” reveal much about the city, then and now, and the nature of documentary. The contemporary photos share crisp, vibrant color and digital clarity. The historical photos are black and white analog souvenirs of an era just out of reach. Some images show that whether it’s a neighborhood barber shop, Eastern Market at night or an abandoned warehouse, a few things have scarcely changed, except perhaps the technology we use to look at, and document, the city around us. Others signal Detroit’s evolution, orange-and white-striped pylons and stacks of construction cranes – evidence of a city still mending but on the come-up.

From 1972 to 1984, CCS photography professor Bill Rauhauser developed a unique partnership between the College’s Photography department and the Detroit Historical Society (DHS). Rauhauser sent his students across Detroit to photograph the city and its people in the hopes of recording the physical landscape and cultural life. More than 1,500 images produced by the students became the basis of “Documenting Detroit.” Many of those photos have been exhibited in the DHS museum, and all are a part of its permanent and online collection, which offers free access to the public. The new course, “(Re)Document Detroit,” picks up where Rauhauser and his students left off. “On so many levels it’s a great partnership for the students and CCS because the students are learning about different neighborhoods, they’re connecting with community leaders, community projects, seeing what’s happening, and getting to explore and document things that are going on in the city,” said MATTHEW CHUNG ’09, Photography, who taught the inaugural “(Re)Document Detroit” course during the Winter 2016 semester.





ABOVE: “Red Wings Stadium construction,” Haomin Wei. OPPOSITE: “Elevated Workers,” Jeremy Rafter.


WINTER 20 17

ABOVE: “Eastern Market,” 1972, photographer unknown. OPPOSITE: “Eastern Market,” Jeremy Rafter. Color photographs by students in the CCS course, “(Re)Document Detroit,” 2016. Black and white images by students in “Documenting Detroit,” 1972–1984. Access photos from both projects at the DHS and at detroithistorical.org.





CCS Advertising department partners with The Mars Agency on Cross Stitch Creative — an innovative inschool advertising idea incubator.

Students in Cross Stitch Creative work in close collaboration with cross-functional teammates from the creative, strategic planning and digital innovation departments at The Mars Agency.

The nationally renowned Advertising Department at the College for Creative Studies and The Mars Agency, a leader in shopper marketing, have embarked on their first-ever partnership: Cross Stitch Creative — an agency-led, next-generation idea house with roots in academia. As part of the initial five-year partnership, The Mars Agency has recreated an authentic agency atmosphere for students planning to pursue creative careers in advertising and shopper marketing. “To best serve our clients, we needed to add innovative ways to meet the needs of today,” said Global CEO of The Mars Agency Ken Barnett. “We need to incorporate the next generation into the ideation process in order to create an effective path to purchase today and in the future. As much as these students will learn from us, we will learn from them in a truly collaborative setting.”

he continued, “and perhaps most importantly, they'll be able to walk away with pride in knowing that ideas sparked from their group have made a real impact on the industry. It’s truly a win for everyone involved.” For the inaugural semester, 10 CCS students were selected from a pool of applicants as the inaugural Cross Stitch Creative team, embarking on a curriculum designed specifically for this real-world internship seminar by agency professionals in conjunction with CCS Advertising faculty. The 15-week program took students through a series of expert-led lectures, field exercises, rapid brainstorming sessions and, most important, the opportunity to solve real challenges identified by clients of The Mars Agency – some of the largest brand names in shopper marketing. Topics covered ranged from shopper platforms and consumer promotions to

Agency leadership anticipated the launch of Cross Stitch Creative for quite some time, and The Mars Agency’s CEO North America Rob Rivenburgh expects the partnership will yield immeasurable results. “We are cross-stitching these students into our organization,” said Rivenburgh. “They will have a profound influence on how our agency thinks from a cross-departmental perspective, which in turn will allow us to deliver increasingly authentic and fresh ideas to our clients. “The students are being paid by the agency and will earn college credit as well,”


content development and marketing initiatives focused on business growth. With the rapid evolution of influencing factors such as social media and the Internet of Things, professionals throughout the industry welcome a Millennial-unique perspective. Students worked in close collaboration with cross-functional teammates from the creative, strategic planning and digital innovation departments at The Mars Agency. “What separates CCS as an institution is the exposure we give our students to real-world experience,” said Richard L. Rogers, President of CCS. “We pride ourselves on giving students access to professional working environments by cultivating strong relationships with industry-leading companies. “Working with The Mars Agency to launch Cross Stitch Creative allows us to give students exciting opportunities with Fortune 500 clients, who will in turn have direct access to innovative Millennial thinking. It’s a great example of a mutually beneficial partnership between business and academia, and we’re grateful to The Mars Agency for making it possible.”




The College for Creative Studies announces that RAPHAEL ZAMMIT has joined the College as Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Transportation Design for the Master of Fine Arts Transportation Design program. Zammit comes to CCS from the University of Cincinnati where he was Associate Professor and lead faculty for Transportation Design. From 2011 to 2014, he served as the Coordinator of the Industrial Design program. His teaching, research and expertise are in vehicle design, conceptual visualization and aesthetic messaging. In these areas he has presented, published, exhibited and juried competitions nationally and internationally and was awarded a design patent for work created in collaboration with Boeing and the Live Well Collaborative. Zammit's career in automotive design spans eight studios in four countries across Europe, Asia and North America, where he worked in the areas of advanced concept vehicles, production vehicles and strategic branding. He has designed for General Motors, Hyundai, Porsche and Volkswagen. While at Porsche, he worked on the 2002 Boxster, Cayman and Cayenne programs. At GM, he contributed to the revival of the Chevrolet Camaro and the creation of the Global Brand Studio.



Detroit has become the first and only U.S. city to earn the designation “City of Design” from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), joining 47 other newly designated cities (116 total) in 33 countries with legacies in seven creative fields, from Design, Media Arts and Music to Literature and Folk Art. The honor is the result of a five-year strategy launched by the Detroit Creative Corridor Center (DC3), a joint initiative between Business Leaders for Michigan and the College for Creative Studies. Member cities commit to promote creativity and cultural industries, share best practices and integrate culture in economic and social development plans.



Gold medals are the highlight of any Olympic competition, but there’s another competition the world watches closely: what the athletes are wearing. In 2016, CCS alumni played a major role in dressing track and field Olympians from around the world as well as designing an iconic pair of shoes for the fastest man on Earth, Usain Bolt. ASTIN DAVIS ‘13, Advertising: Design, a global graphic designer at Puma, designed the men’s and women’s on-track and off-track competition gear for Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Cuba, Grenada and Switzerland. Also a designer at Puma, GUERCY EUGENE ‘13, Product Design, designed the footwear.



Which colleges are best at preparing students for success in the industrial design professions? According to design professionals who participated in a survey with DesignIntelligence, the College for Creative Studies’ undergraduate and graduate programs are among the top 10 in the country. CCS’s undergraduate program moved up three spots in the 2016 ranking to place 3rd overall. The College’s graduate program made the list for the first time, coming in as the 7th best program in the country. In the Midwest, CCS ranked 2nd overall in the 16th annual survey.


WINTER 20 17



Raising nearly $3.4 million, The Art of Wine: 35th Annual Detroit International Wine Auction (DIWA) – CCS’s largest fundraiser – was the most successful to date. Chaired by Matthew Simoncini, President, CEO and Director of Lear Corporation, and CCS alumna Mona Simoncini ’89, Communication Design, the gala event took place at Capitol Park in downtown Detroit. Featured Vintner Fisher Vineyards, represented by Whitney, Robert and Cameron Fisher, generously poured their top vintages to 610 guests, who enjoyed a multi-course meal by Andiamo Italia. Led this year by presenting sponsor Lear Corporation and lead sponsor General Motors, the auction’s biggest lot of the evening, the Featured Vintner’s Grand Lot, sold twice for a total of $160,000. Lunch with Mary Barra and Chuck Stephens sold for $150,000. Proceeds from DIWA benefit undergraduate scholarships for talented CCS students and free arts programs for more than 4,000 Detroit kids through the College’s Community Arts Partnerships (CAP) program. SAVE THE DATE: The 36th Detroit International Wine Auction will be held October 21, 2017.



A philanthropic leader in metro Detroit for more than 15 years, NICOLE EISENBERG (top) champions causes in the arts, education, health care and community outreach. She sits on the board of directors for the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) and serves as Vice Chairperson of its Development Committee. She also is a board member of Friends of the Arts at Detroit Country Day School, to which she and her husband donated the first black box theater to be installed in a Michigan school. In recognition of her full-time fundraising efforts, Eisenberg has been honored in various local and national publications. Recently, she was named “Detroiter of the Year” by Hour

Clockwise, left to right: Mona, Matt and Sydney Simoncini; KC and Ashley Crain, Gretchen Davidson, Holly Panis, JJ Curis; Saunteel Jenkins and Carl Bentley; (bottom right) Tom Lewand, Sr. and Matt Cullen; Peter Karmanos, Jr., Rob Fisher, James B. Nicholson, David T. Fischer, Whitney Fisher and Cameron Fisher.

Magazine in its Philanthropy issue and in Vogue for her role as Co-Chair of the DIA’s “Women of the Arts: Honoring Brue Weber,” an event produced in conjunction with Anna Wintour and Condé Nast publications. A trailblazer in innovation and technology, DON MANVEL (middle) is Chairman and CEO of AVL Americas, a recognized leader in developing clean and efficient technologies to power the world. For the last decade, Manvel has led AVL to significant growth. Prior to joining AVL, he collaborated with Segway company founder Dean Kamen on the development of the first selfbalancing, electric transportation device, the Segway Human Transporter. While at Chrysler, Manvel was a member of the Iacocca “Dream Team,” the group that engineered the successful bailout and turnaround of the automotive icon.


He also helped orchestrate the merger of Daimler and Chrysler in South America and was responsible for helping the Jeep Grand Cherokee become one of the company’s most prized global brands. An enthusiastic supporter of the greater Detroit community, Manvel instituted an international art and design student exchange between CCS and the University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria. A 2009 alumnus of CCS with a BFA in Industrial Design, JOHN W. INGLE, III (bottom) also graduated from Rollins College in 2004 with a BA in Art History. Ingle previously worked for Ford Motor Company as an interior designer for Lincoln and serves on the Board of Trustees at The Henry Ford and on the Board of Directors at Heron Hill Vineyard in Hammondsport, New York. He has served on the CCS Alumni Council since 2014.




gural Director of the College’s newly formed Office of Exhibitions and Public Programs (OEPP). Perron was formerly the Director of CCS’s Center Galleries and the founding Director of Kresge Arts in Detroit since 2008. The OEPP unifies the College’s numerous galleries and its two premiere public lecture series, the Woodward Lecture Series and the Toyota Lecture Series. “CCS has always been a cultural anchor in Detroit,” Perron said, “and now, by adding new programming, we’re expanding opportunities – for the gallery architecture in the city and also so CCS can be a more vital part of the art community.



In August, CCS Sophomore and Photography major, ACKEEM SALMON, launched his first-ever solo exhibition, “The Heart of Identity,” at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit. The exhibition ran through October using mixed-media photography to explore the artist’s identity as an emigrant from Jamaica as well as how society shapes and controls the identities of all of us — who we are and how we view ourselves. Salmon has won more than 15 art competitions and awards, including the Scholastics Art and Writing Competition and the National NAACP ACT-SO photography competition.

"Strength" (left) 18" x 26.5" and "Inside Blooming" (right) 16" x 20", both mixed media, Ackeem Salmon.


WINTER 20 17


Once each year, CCS publishes this acknowledgement of our donors, whose generosity makes it possible for the College to continue offering one of the best art and design educations in the country. Gifts made January 1 – December 31, 2015 $250,000 — 999,999 Eleanor & Edsel Ford Fund Mr. Rick Hendrick The Kresge Foundation The Kresge Foundation – Kresge Arts in Detroit Program Lear Corporation

$100,000 — 249,999 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Campanale Paul & Helen Farago Foundation FCA US LLC The FCA Foundation Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Gallagher-Kaiser General Motors Foundation Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Mr. Franklin Tiegs

The Elizabeth, Allan, and Warren Shelden Fund Ferrari S.p.A. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Forbes Fuji Heavy Industries LTD Mr. and Mrs. James Grosfeld Henry Ford Health System Jabil Circuit Incorporated Jackson Wine Estates Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karmanos Kenwal Steel MadDog Technology Mr. Don Manvel Metro Detroit Cadillac Dealers Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs Mr. and Mrs. Longine Morawski Mr. and Mrs. Linden Nelson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nicholson Public Lighting Authority of Detroit Rock Ventures, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Ross S.A.Y. Detroit Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. Tools International Corporation Z Ballerini

$50,000 — 99,999 $5,000 — 24,999 American Chemistry Council Anonymous Benno Steinborn Revocable Living Trust BlueWater Technologies Mr. and Mrs. Tom Celani Doner Mr. and Mrs. David T. Fischer Ford Motor Company General Motors Ambassador and Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari Hyundai Motor America JMC Steel Group Matilda R. Wilson Fund McCann Worldgroup Detroit Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Michelin North America, Inc. Morley Companies, Inc. The Skillman Foundation Strategic Staffing Solutions

$25,000 — 49,999 Ally Financial Mr. Jim Anderson AVL Benson & Edith Ford Fund Calty Design Research Mrs. Lili A. Camden Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Van E. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eisenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Ahearn Alex & Marie Manoogian Foundation Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation AlixPartners LLC Andiamo Italia Autodesk, Inc. Axalta Coating Systems Mr. Carl Bentley and Ms. Saunteel Jenkins Blue Cross Blue Shield Brooks Kushman Mr. Nicola Bulgari Cadillac Carat Media Agency CDK Global, Inc. Citizens Bank Clark Hill, P.L.C. Lois Pincus Cohn and the Honorable Avern L. Cohn Comerica, Inc. Corporate Optics Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cowger Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crowther Mr. Scott Cullather Dakkota Integrated Systems, LLC Mrs. Lisa Dancsok Ms. Vivian Day Stroh and Mr. John William Stroh Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Deeney Deloitte LLP Detroit Manufacturing Systems, LLC Detroit Medical Center Display Group DST Industries Inc. DTE Energy Foundation

Mr. Mark Dunn Epiphany Glass Ernst & Young LLP Event Source Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Farber Fifth Third Bank Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Foremost Graphics, LLC Forte-Belanger Catering Company General Motors Design Center Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Gilles Grimaldi Group Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hamp Mr. and Mrs. David Hempstead HB Fashions Inc Honigman The Ideal Group inVNT Jack Morton Worldwide Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaiser Mr. Robert S. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kaufman Kerr Russell Kienbaum Opperwall Hardy & Pelton, P.L.C. Mr. Thomas Kienbaum and Ms. Elizabeth Hardy La Tana dell-Istrice Leo Burnett USA Ms. Linda Dresner Levy and Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr. Lewand Construction Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Losh Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Mr. Andrew M. Madvin Mr. Robert M. Madvin MarketPlace Homes, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDonell McNabb Flooring Mercedes-Benz Midcoast Studio Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson The David Robert and Sylvia Jean Nelson Foundation for Arts Mr. Christopher M. Nordin and Ms. Michelle L. Plucinsky North Line Partners LLC Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Optum Services Mr. and Mrs. William U. Parfet Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Penske Pentastar Aviation Penton Plante Moran Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Polk PPG Mrs. Waltraud E. Prechter PVS Chemicals, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr. Ms. Tracy Roberts Ms. Karen Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rogers Ms. Deborah Romans Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenthal Mrs. Deborah Royce


Saks Fifth Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schultz Scott-Shuptrine Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shekell Mr. Jeffrey Sloan Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mr. and Ms. Marc Tahnoose Taubman Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Taylor, Jr. Toray International America, Inc. Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. The Trico Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Triest UAW-GM Center for Human Resources Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valade Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vandenberghe Ms. April Wagner and Mr. Sean Emery William & Martha Ford Fund Wilsonart Americas

$1,000 — 4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Adderley Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ajluni Ms. Angela Alexopoulos Anonymous Anchor Bar & Grill Mr. Jeffrey Antaya and Mr. Peter Rosenfeld Ms. Amy Armand Mr. Thomas Arvid Mr. Charles H. and Mrs. Shelley J. Baker Ms. Nicole Barbour Ms. Lindsey Barile Mary and Tony Barra BASF Corporation Beatrice and Reymont Paul Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bluestein Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bonahoom Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bowersox Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Brown Buddy's Pizzeria Canapé Cart Mr. and Mrs. Vince Carducci Cathel Color LLC Mr. Lindsay W. Chalmers Chateau Ste. Michelle Mr. and Mrs. Sooshin Choi Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope City Recycling, Inc. Community Foundation of Greenville Concours d'Elegance of America at St. John's Continental Automotive Systems Ms. Wendy Cox Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen Mr. Danny E. Dallas Mr. Kenneth Dallas Dancing Hares Vineyard Ms. Joanne F. Danto and Dr. Arnold Weingarden Darioush Mr. and Ms. James Deneau Detroit Belle Isle Grand Prix Detroit Society of Women Painters & Sculptors Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eder Emagination Engineering EWI Worldwide Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher IV Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flattery Mr. Tim J. Flattery and Ms. Susan Burig

Mr. and Ms. Bharat Gandhi Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. GE Capital Mr. and Mrs. Craig Glidden Ms. Brenda J. Goodman The Grand Hotel Graystone Consulting Mr. and Mrs. Dean Groulx Mr. James B. Gubelmann Mr. John Haddad and Ms. Lynn Crawford Hagopian World of Rugs Mr. Cliff Harris Mr. Fritz Hatton Ms. Doreen N. Hermelin Heron Hill Winery Mr. Scott A. Hocking Ms. Nina K. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Iacobelli IBEX Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ingle III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacobson Japan Business Society of Detroit Foundation Mrs. Charles M. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Nick Karmanos Ms. Barbara J. Karney Mr. Donald Kilpatrick Ms. Mary L. Kramer Mrs. Bonnie Larson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Leslie Dr. Melvin Lester and Mrs. Doreen Hermelin Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lopus M1 Concourse Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell R. Meisner Ms. Kristin F. Moskovitz Mr. Jacques Nasser Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nini Mr. Ken Nisch Northern Lights Lounge Mr. and Mrs. John Nyquist Organic, Inc. Palace Sports & Entertainment Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Parks Park West Gallery Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phardel Ms. Janice Polzen Ms. Pam Proctor Proper Group International Mrs. Miriam E. Prussack Mr. Thomas L. Pyrzewski Ms. Ruth F. Rattner Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reuss Mr. and Mrs. Chet Ricker Ms. Susan Riegle Miss Kara A. Roche Ms. Lauren N. Romanowski Mr. Leslie Rose Mr. Marc A. Schwartz Screaming Eagle Ms. Sandra Seligman and Mr. Gilbert Glassberg Mr. Mark W. Sengbusch Mr. Robert Sestok Mr. Adam A. Shirley Mr. Danny J. Smith Ms. Susan Sosnick Mr. David J. Spolyar Mr. Kaiser Suidan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tassie Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Taubman Ms. Lois Teicher TM Catering Tuesdays with Mitch Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ulman Ms. Amanda Van Dusen and Mr. Curtis Blessing Visteon Corporation Mr. Kenneth Walker, FAIA


Mr. Joshua D. Wojick Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wolpin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wybo

$250 — 999 Ms. Anne J. Ambler American Institute of Graphic Arts Detroit Chapter Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Reid Ashton II Mr. Kacha Azema Mr. David S. Balle Mr. Brian C. Barr Ms. Laurica Battiston Ms. Victoria Bayagich Beaumont Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William P. Benton Mr. Robert Blumenfeld Mrs. Judi A. Bommarito and Mr. Michael Bommarito Mr. Barry Boyes Mr. Leslie Branum Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Broderick Ms. Lisa M. Brzezniak Ms. Elisabeth Calas Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Camden Ms. Susan Goethel Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carter Mr. Matthew A. Cattanach Mr. and Mrs. Mark Chernoby Mr. Mark Clancy Ms. Marlene Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Allen Coleman Mrs. Connie Colman Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cornille Ms. Diane A. Crea Hamilton Ms. Suzanne Dalton and Mr. Clyde Foles Mr. Jesse B. Daniels Ms. Amy Darby Mr. Mark Davidoff Ms. Andrea Del Rio Mr. and Mrs. James B. Deluca Duckhorn Wine Company Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dziurman Mr. Larry Erickson Failla Wines Falafill Mr. and Mrs. Burton Farbman Far Niente Ms. Maribeth Fasseel Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Faurote Mr. Paul Ferriole Ms. Ellen R. Firestone Ms. Eileen P. Foley Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frank Dr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Garretson Mrs. Judy Gentz Mr. and Mrs. James George Mr. Jason Getty Drs. Sonia and Sheldon Gonte Mr. Hani Hakim Mr. Kahn D. Hall and Ms. Glenda Lewis Mr. Matthew B. Hanna Ms. Gilda Hauser and Mr. Damian Porcari Ms. Christina L. Haylett and Mr. Andrew Wood Mrs. Julie B. Heard Ms. Sydney Hembree Mr. Bradley Henson Mr. Mike Hichme Mrs. Julie Hingelberg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoover Mr. David L. Huber Hudson-Webber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hughes Mrs. Carol A. Hunter Wilson and Mr. James Wilson Mr. Paul D. Hurley Ms. Carole Ilitch

Dr. Paul C. Jacobs Mr. Patrick R. Jakeway Mr. Grant E. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kaloustian Mr. and Mrs. Rob Kangas Mrs. Lisette N. Keil Mr. and Mrs. Charles Khalil Mr. and Mrs. David E. Klein Mr. James Klein Ms. Elizabeth H. Klos Ms. Kate Kolbrener Ms. Joy Kovaleski Ms. Susan Kowalski Ms. Karen M. Koziatek KPMG LLP Ms. Jennifer Lasco Ms. Sonja Lengnick Ms. Jill Lerner Ms. Ying Li Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation Ms. Susan Marsch Mr. and Mrs. Chad Martin Ms. Eileen Martinez-Mark Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mashburn Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCafferty Mr. Gene McQuaid Mr. William Mctighe Merryvale Vineyards Mr. Patrick Michel Ms. Harriet Morse Mr. Cal Navin Mr. Carol Nederlander Ms. Joseph Nederlander Mr. Mike Nellenbach Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Nicholson Mr. Todd Nissen Olga's Kitchen, Inc. Mr. Kevin O'Rourke Michelle Osadca Mr. James L. Ossowski Patricia Kennedy Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Polzin Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Popiolek Mr. Brian Potestivo PRP Wine International, Inc. Raymond Vineyards Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Ring Mr. and Mrs. Rich Rinke Mrs. Jenny L. Risher Ms. Pamela A. Roach Round Pond Estate Mr. Evans J. Routsis Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Salden Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Schaden Ms. Susan Schooner Mr. Mark Schwing Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sekely Barry Seldon Shimmy Shack Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shoemaker Ms. Lila Silverman Ms. Chrissie Smith Ms. Jessica L. Snoblen Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Mr. Anthony Spangler Mr. Craig Steen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Stewart Mrs. Kathleen Straus and the Honorable Walter Shapero Ms. Marisa Stutz SundbergFerar, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Tapper The Ajamu Group, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thompson Ms. Madeline Toro Treat Dreams Tres Sabores Mr. Robert Van Camp Mr. Timothy J. Van Laar Ms. Cristen L. Velliky and Mr. James Stenz Mr. Richard Vian

Ms. Leah Waldo Mr. Joseph J. Walker III Ms. Ashlei E. Watson Dr. W. Douglas Weaver Mr. Lawrence Wentworth WolfBrown LLC Mr. Martin Wright Ms. Anna Wyckstandt Ms. Rachel Zimmerman Ms. Danielle Zito Zúmba Mexican Grille

Up to $249 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Abel Dr. and Mrs. Elie Aboulafia Mr. Michael Acho Mr. John Achs Mrs. Kathleen Adams Ms. Renee Adams-Schulte and Mr. William C. Schulte Mr. Thomas Addison Ms. Kelly Agius Ms. Sidra Ahsan Mrs. Kristen Alexander Mr. Albert Alimpich Mr. Jason R. Allen Mr. Torrence Allison Ms. Ashleigh B. Y. Altemann Mr. and Ms. Ignatius Aloysius Ms. Claudia Amato Ms. Shanta Ambady Ms. Marcia Anderson Mr. Nathan L. Anderson Mr. Neal Anderson Mr. and Ms. John Anderson Ms. Taylor M. Anderson Mrs. Mildred B. Anderson Robinson and Mr. David Robinson Anonymous Mr. Ryan Ansel Mrs. Suzanne Antisdel Ms. Cristina Antoniolli Ms. Khia Aparente Ms. Lisa Applebaum Haddad Ms. Colleen Arce Ms. Mary Arce Mr. Laurentiu Ardelean and Mrs. Julia Ghiran Mr. Wil Arera Mr. Ross Arkell Mr. and Ms. Michael Arndt Mr. and Mrs. James Arnone Ms. Jennifer L. Arnone Mr. Danny Aronovitz Ms. Viridiana Ascencio Mr. Ronald M. Askew, Jr. Mr. Frank Asztalos Athens Church of Christ Ms. Megan K. Atsoff Ms. Adrianne Auten Ms. Lynne Avadenka and Mr. Marc Sussman Mr. André Ayala Ms. Erica Baarck Ms. Rebecca L. Babisch Mr. Cody P. Bacon Ms. Wendy Bacon Mr. Bennie S. Bailey Mr. Draysten Bailey Miss Bailey M. Bain Ms. Julie G. Bakken Mr. Nicolas Balbo Mr. Brian D. Balicki Mr. Matthew K. Baranowski Ms. Elizabeth Baranski Mr. Larry Baranski Ms. Darby J. Barber Ms. Mimi Barber Mr. Terry Barckholtz Ms. LaDonna Barnes-Lark Mr. and Mrs. David J. Baron Mr. and Mrs. Marc Barron


Mr. Christopher M. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Adam H. Barry Ms. Sandra L. Barth and Mr. Steven D. Lavender K.B. Bartha Mr. Rick Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Bartle Mr. Aaron K. Barton Mr. Kenneth S. Baskin Mr. Ian Bass Ms. Rachel Basset Mr. Paul Batchik Ms. Lucy M. Bates Ms. Laura Battiston Ms. Roslyn Baughman Mrs. Rina Baumbach Mr. and Ms. Graham W. Beal Ms. Alexis Bearinger Mr. Mark Beauvais Mr. John A. Beavers Ms. Erin J. Beckwell Mr. and Mrs. Darrell P. Behmer Mr. Peter Bella Mr. Tyler M. Belloli Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bence Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Bender Mr. Mark Benyas Ms. Claudia Bergschwenger Mr. Jay Berkdowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Berkowitz Ms. Adrian Berr Ms. Laura Berr Miss Ashlie Berry Ms. Samantha T. Bez Mr. Joshua C. Bezdek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Biber Mr. Brandon Bidleman Mrs. Natalie Bierl Ms. Sheryl E. Biermann Mr. Brian J. Bilicki Mr. and Mrs. James C. Binelli Ms. Danielle Birbal Mr. and Mrs. David W. Bird Ms. Darcie Birkett Ms. Haley Birkett Ms. Josephine Birkett Ms. Megan Birkett Mr. Ronald S. Bizer Mr. Thomas J. Blaser Ms. Lynn Blasey Ms. Laurie Blume Ms. Ashley Bocanegra Ms. Lorene C. Boettcher Mr. Jacob Boeve Ms. Alyssa R. Bogdan Ms. ELizabeth A. Bogner Mr. Justin Boida Bonded Winery #9 Ms. Jennifer Bondy Ms. Laura Bonner Mr. Mark Bonner Ms. Rebecca Bonner Ms. Emma B. Boonstra Miss Rosemary Bostek Mr. and Mrs. Pratties L. Boswell Mr. Grant Boufford Ms. Lori B. Boufford Mr. Pierre Boutros Mr. Todd A. Boyce Mr. and Ms. David Boyer Mr. and Mrs. James E. Boyk Mr. Eligah Boykin, Jr. Mr. Peter Bradley and Mrs. Debra Roskowski Mr. Austin J. Brady Mr. Richard Branstner Ms. Krystal Brauer Mr. and Mrs. William Z. Breer Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan Mr. Mikel R. Bresee Ms. Sarah A. Breuninger Dr. and Mrs. Tony Briggs Ms. Elizabeth Brock Mrs. Jennifer S. Brock

Mr. Waine Brock Mr. Zachary Broder Ms. Mary M. Broedell Ms. Sarah Bromley Ms. Melanie A. Brooks Mr. Zachary Brooks Ms. Lauren Broschat Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Brown Mr. Arthur S. Brown Ms. Cecelia Brown Ms. Ranae Brown Mr. William Brown Mr. Connor Browning Mr. Randall Bruder Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Bruning Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bryant Mr. Matthew N. Buday Mr. Abraham Buddish Mr. David C. Buffington Ms. Denise Bullard Ms. Tina Burbank Mr. and Mrs. William Burnett Mr. Jerome Burns Ms. Joanne Burns Mr. Ian Burris Mr. Philip L. Buscemi Mr. Michael W. Bush Mr. Klaus Busse Ms. Margo Butler Mrs. Toni L. Button Mr. Michael Byers Mr. Chris Byrd Mr. David J. Byron Mrs. Sonia Cajigal Ms. Patricia Calloway Mrs. Jessica Calvert Ms. Carol Camiener Mr. Christian M. Cammarato Ms. Melissa Campanelli Ms. Brittany N. Campbell Ms. Caitlin A. Campbell Mr. Corneal Campbell Ms. Paige Campbell Ms. Sharon Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Campbell Mr. Paul D. Canvasser Ms. Riya Cao Mr. Kevin P. Carlin Ms. Georgine Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Carlson Ms. Patty P. Carnegie Ms. Michelle D. Carpenter Ms. Rose M. Casciani Ms. Cinthya E. Casillas Ms. Angelyne R. Castelli Ms. Sharon Catalano Mr. Paolo Miguel A. Catalla Dr. Lisa Catani Ms. Joan Cates Ms. Jillian N. Caverly Ms. Michelle Cecil Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chappell Mr. Timothy M. Chappell Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Charfoos Mr. Leonard F. Charla and Ms. Elizabeth DuMouchelle Miss Jessica L. Charlton Ms. Teresa Charow Mr. Michael Charteris Chateau Chantal Winery Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chatman Ms. Shannen Chau Ms. Anastasia M. Cheatham Ms. Jocelyn Chen Mr. John Chen Ms. Valorie E. Cheyne Mr. Kevin T. Chin Mr. Soonchul Chin Mr. Han J. Choi Ms. Jennifer Choi Ms. Alexandra Choma Mr. Alex A. Chopjian Mr. Eric Christian

WINTER 20 17

Mr. Matt P. Chung Ms. Dana Church Ms. Emelia Ciaramitaro Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Ciccarelli Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Cierpial Mr. David A. Cilibraise Mr. Brian V. Ciupka Ms. Troy Clack Mr. Austin Clark Mrs. Bliss C. Clark Ms. Cassie A. Clark Ms. Miranda Clark Ms. Kelly L. Cleaver Ms. Margaret Clement Ms. Marlene Clements Mr. Jerry A. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cleveland Mr. Daniel Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cohen Ms. Stephanie Cohen Mr. Kenneth D. Cole Ms. Kristian C. Coleman Mr. Michael D. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Collins Ms. Gloria Colton Mr. Joshua D. Conley Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Conrad Mr. Gary Cooley Ms. Ellen E. Coons Ms. Sarah Cooper Mr. William Couch Ms. Colleen Coughlin Ms. Heather Coutteau Ms. Dance Cowart Ms. Alicia M. Cox Mr. Keith Cox Mr. Emanuel Craciunescu Miss Elizabeth Craft Ms. Sarah Craven Miss Victoria Criswell Mr. Michael T. Cromwell Mr. Mark Cryderman Mr. Tomas Cuadrio Mr. Bruce Cundiff Miss Annica L. Cuppetelli Mrs. Donna Curran Mr. John A. Curry Ms. Aimee N. Curtin Ms. Dionis Curtis Ms. Patricia Curtis Mr. Douglas D Ms. Noelle Dahl Mr. and Ms. Omar G. Dahroug Mr. Matthew J. Dale Mr. Andrew Dall'olmo Mr. Joshua Damesworth Mr. Tim Damon Mr. Chris Daniels Mr. Nicholas S. Danish Ms. Margaret Dannemiller Ms. Shelley Danner Mr. Armen Darakjian Ms. Janan Darancou Ms. Sanja Dardagan Dr. Alan P. Darr Ms. Ann Daugherty Ms. Megan T. Daugherty Mr. Nick Dauphin Mr. Alan Davidson Ms. Angelina Davis Ms. Carole Davis Mrs. Frances J. Davis Ms. Jennifer A. Davis Ms. Lori Davis Mr. Robert C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Deacon Mr. and Mrs. Sean Deason Mr. Torrey J. Deephouse Mrs. Janice Degen Mr. Chris Demarco Mr. Keith V. DeMatteo Mrs. Joanna Dembowski Ms. Jennifer Dermody Mr. Paul Deskovitz Mr. and Mrs. Duffy DeVos

Mr. Thomas Dewey Ms. Christine M. DeWitt Ms. Lindsey Dezman Mr. and Ms. Eugene Diachenko Mr. Carlos Diaz Mr. and Ms. Robert E. Dice Ms. Jeanne DiCicco Mr. and Mrs. David F. Di Franco Mr. Dennis Dillon Mr. Dalibor Dimovski Ms. Lesley A. DiPiazza Ms. Mary Dixon Ms. Molly Do Miss Claire Donaldson Ms. Stacey Donaldson Ms. Erin Donegan Mr. and Mrs. Wally Donoghue Ms. Barbara S. Dorchen Mr. Douglas Douphin Mr. Nicholas Dowgwillo Ms. Denise Drach Mr. Douglas Drazin Ms. Trisha Dring Ms. Linda Drnek Ms. Saun Drohojowska Mrs. Maria Duey Mrs. Katherine Duff Rines Ms. Noelle E. Dumas Ms. Stacy Dumas Dr. and Mrs. Marc M. Dunn Mr. Kevin Dunnell Mr. Mark Dziersk Mr. Darry H. Early Ms. Heather A. Earnley Ms. Holly Eatinger Mr. Chuck Ebel Ms. Rene P. Ebner-Todd and Mr. Michael Todd Mr. Thomas J. Edmison Mr. Wesley M. Eggebrecht Ms. Ann Marie Egigian Ms. Heidi Eichbauer Ms. Nanci Einstein Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Eisman Ms. Kimberly Elam Ms. Christina S. El-Haddad Mr. Ron S. Elkus and Mr. Michael Phillips Ms. Marjorie E. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Elson Mr. Jalal Enayah Mr. Robert C. Endres Mr. Dan Englehart Ms. Kim I. Ensch Mr. and Mrs. Torbjorn N. Ericsson Mr. Craig Erlich Ms. Sherry Erskine Mr. Evan G. Eskridge Ms. Natalie Estrada Mr. Ron Estrada Mr. Sean E. Evans Ms. Stacy Evans Ms. Olivia Ezinga Mr. and Mrs. David Farbman Mr. Zachary Farough Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Farrell Ms. Janet M. Farris and Mr. Javier Flores Mr. Brian Fata Ms. Suzanne M. Fawaz Ms. Anna L. Fedor Mr. Ed Fella and Ms. Lucy Bates Miss Amy Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ferguson Mr. Spencer D. Ferro Mr. Christopher C. Fick Mac Kenzie Figueroa Ms. Linda Finger Ms. Bridget K. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finn Mr. Chris Firestone Mr. Frank Fischer Ms. Kimberly S. Fischer Ms. Tracy Fischer Ms. Elizabeth Fisher

Mr. Robert W. Fisher Ms. Lauren A. Fithian Mr. Art M. Fitzpatrick Mr. William Fleck Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming Mr. Augusto Flores Miss Sancha H. Flynn Ms. Amy Fonville Mr. and Mrs. Karlest Ford Ms. Katelyn Ford Mr. and Mrs. Madison Ford Mr. Thom K. Forester Mr. and Mrs. Darin Forgacs Ms. Cynthia Forster Ms. Ellen Foss Mr. Mark D. Foster Miss Ashley M. Fotherby Mr. Ivan Frank Mr. Samuel N. Frank Mr. Maxwell Franklin Mr. Kenneth Freestone Ms. Katerina A. Friday Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fridholm Ms. Karen Fritz Ms. Kristina M. Fudalla Ms. Dawn Fullerton Mr. Kevin Furgerson Mr. Carlo Gabriele Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gaffka Mr. Robert Galac Ms. Darlene Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gallagher Ms. Nancy Gallagher Ms. Nicole Gallagher Mr. Seamus Gallagher Ms. Olga Gallego Professor John B. Ganis and Ms. Sandra Schemske Ms. Peggy Garabelli Ms. Rachel Garabelli Ms. Molly Garczynski Mr. Steven Gardeman Mr. John H. Gardner Mr. Kevin S. Gardner Mr. Adam Garfield Ms. Kathleen Garrett Mr. John Gasloli Mr. Brian Gasperosky Ms. Courtney Gates Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Gaudreau Mr. Robert Gauthier Mr. Jared Gentz Ms. Julie George Mr. Stephen George Mr. David W. Gerlach Ms. Rachel German Ms. Dorothy Gerson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gerson Ms. Rachel R. Gervais Mr. Josh Gherghel Ms. Chloe Gillespie Ms. Lenore Y. Gimpert Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey J. Gladstone Ms. Jessie Glander Ms. Randi Glanz Mrs. Lisa F. Glazer Mr. Jeremy T. Glover Ms. Eva Goff Mr. Ryan D. Goimarac Mr. and Ms. Edward R. Golden Mr. Loren Golden Ms. Susan Golden Ms. Elizabeth Goldman Ms. Carla Gonzalez Mr. Carlos A. Gonzalez Mr. Lucas Gonzalez Ms. Heather Good Ms. Lauren Goodell Mr. Travis J. Goodin Mr. Ornell Gorgees Ms. Michelle L. Graham Lidija D. Grahovac Ms. Myrna Grand Granite City Food & Brewery Ms. Mary Grauf


Ms. Sara Gravelyn Ms. Nancy Green Green Lantern, Inc. Ms. Amanda Greenwood Ms. Sara Griesbach Mr. James E. Griffin Mr. John Griffith Ms. Mary Gross Ms. Rebecca Grove Mr. Sean Grove Ms. Martyna Gryko Ms. Jennifer Guarino Ms. Fanny Gutierrez-Meyers Mr. Daniel Haberman Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Haddad Mr. Thomas Hadin Ms. Kathy Haefner Ms. Mukhliseenah Hajj Mr. Matthew Halcrow Ms. Dana M. Halik Mr. Alex Hall Mr. Chris G. Hall Ms. Deanna Hall Mr. Gabriel C. Hall Mr. Jamie Hall Ms. Nicole Hamborsky Ms. Brit E. Hamlin Ms. Allison Hammer Mr. Corey Hampson Mr. William J. Hanagan Mr. Douglas R. Hanes Ms. Heather Hansma Ms. Wanda Harden Ms. Pam Hardy Mr. Shubham Harish Mr. Brendan Harmon Mr. Ronald K. Harness Mr. and Ms. William A. Harris Mr. John E. Harrow Miss Lauren Hart Ms. Stephanie Hart Mr. William Hartman Miss Nicole Hartshorn Ms. Virginia Hartshorn Ms. Meghan L. Harvey Mr. James Hattan Ms. Caryne Havican-Mender Ms. Kathryn Hawley Mr. Stephen Hawring Ms. Jamie Heberling Ms. Jasmine Hect Ms. Jennifer Hefner Mrs. Lindsey A. Heinig Ms. Karen Heining Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Heinl Ms. Diane D. Hellner Mr. and Mrs. David G. Helm Mrs. Roberta Henderson Mrs. Stephanie Henderson Ms. Renee Henson Ms. Jennifer Hermelin Ms. Elisa Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Russell W. Herschler Mr. Zach K. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Hicks Ms. Tira Hightower Ms. Colleen Hill Mr. Paul Hilpert and Ms. Laura Lybeer-Hilpert Timothy A Hinkle Ms. Brooke Hitchcock Mr. Kathy J. Hjelm Mrs. Lily Ho Ms. Suzette Ho Ms. Nina Hodge Mr. James R. Hodson Mrs. Sydney G. Hoerler Mr. Justin R. Hoffman Ms. Tracy Holcomb Mr. Michael G. Holden Mr. James Holland Ms. Jessica Hollingshead Mr. and Ms. Erik A. Holmen Ms. Ruth E. Holmes Mr. Jeffrey W. Hontz

Mr. Darren Hood Mr. James L. Hooks Mr. Mark Hooper Ms. Sarah Hoover Mr. Brian Hoppe Ms. Sarah N. Hornbacker Ms. Scott Hornbacker Ms. Elizabeth M. Horth Mr. James Houff Ms. Colleen Houlihan Mr. Timothy Householder Mr. Joshua M. Howard Ms. Betty Huang Mr. and Mrs. Monte Huber Ms. Eva Hudak Mr. Eric Hug Ms. Keisha N. Huling Mr. Michael S. Hurd Ms. Andrea Hutting Mr. Emilian Hwang Ms. Mara Ignatius Ms. Aleksandra Ilievski Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Imberman Mr. Thomas Irving Mrs. Tracy S. Irwin Ms. Shoko Ishida Mr. Nathaniel P. Jachim Ms. Marion Jackson Ms. Barbara Jacobs Kalpana Jadeja Ms. Cindra James Ms. Diann C. Jameyfield Mr. Brian S. Janik Mr. Ian R. Jaye Ms. Mary E. Jaye Mr. Davis Jeffrey Ms. Christine E. Jenks Ms. Danying Jiao Mr. Dylan Jobe Ms. Catherine Johns Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. Johnson Ms. Marissa Johnson Mr. Michael A. Johnson Mr. Raymond Johnson Mr. Steven C. Johnson Ms. Suzanne Johnson Mrs. Martha J. Johnston Ms. Katlaind B. Jones Ms. Kavinthra Joseph Mr. Joshua Jouppi Mr. Ryan Joyce Mr. Matthew Juhasz Mr. Stephen Kade Mr. Levon Kafafian Ms. Kelly Kahng Ms. Lidiya S. Kalintchenko Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kane Mr. Alan Kaniarz Mr. Peter Karadjoff Mr. Paul Karas Mr. Laith J. Karmo Ms. Julia Kartush Ms. Deborah M. Kashdan Mr. Jesse M. Kassel Miss Shaina M. Kasztelan Ms. Karen R. Katanick Mr. Nicholas Philip Katsavrias Mr. Steven Katsavrias Ms. Brandi N. Keeler Ms. Kalia Keith Mr. Jake R. Keller Mr. Mitchell Kelps Ms. Kathlyn Kendrick Ms. Carol Kern Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Keyser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keyzer Ms. Jasmine P. Khalil Ms. Becky Killarney Mr. Dan Kilpatrick Joon Hee Kim Mrs. Rosalind Kimbrough Ms. Karen King Mr. and Mrs. Ken King Mr. Austin Kinstler Mr. Jeff Kinstler


Mr. James Kirchner Mr. Christopher Kiricovski Ms. Szymon Kirtlinski Mr. Doug Kisor Mr. Justin Klanke Mr. Adam J. Klimek Ms. Kasey Knaggs Mr. Gerhardt Knodel Ms. Bailey A. Knudsen Ms. Jessica R. Kobeissi Ms. Mary K. Koch Ms. Sarah Koch Mr. Robert A. Kolinski Ms. Janet L. Kondziela Mr. Robert Konrad Ms. Hannah R. Korte Mr. Kevin Korte Mr. Kyle Korth Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kosmatka Ms. Theodora Kotsakis Mr. Ted Koupparis Mr. Steffen F. Koury Ms. Megan Kozziak Ms. Samantha A. Kraker Mrs. Ann Kramer Mr. Benjamin Kramp Miss Dennette Kreatzkamp Ms. Ashley Kreger Ms. Diane L. Krempa Ms. Kathy T. Krick and Mr. Mark Pruitt Ms. Sydney Krug Ms. Katherine D. Krupp Mr. John W. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Alikhan Kuljanov Mr. Tani Kunitake Ruben Kurnetz, M.D. Ms. Ann Kurtzhals Mr. and Mrs. Leo V. Kuschel Ms. Mollie Kwiek Ms. Gene M. Kyle Mr. Abe Kyohei Dr. and Mrs. Myron M. LaBan Ms. G. C. Lacasciomorrill Mr. Josiah J. LaColla Mrs. Colleen Lafata Ms. Kristen Lambert Mr. Derek C. LaMont Ms. Molly Landis-Murphy Ms. Gwendolyn H. Landrum Mr. Alex S. Langensiepen Mr. Hunter Langston Mr. and Ms. Chris Lannen Ms. Amber M. Lanter Mr. Anthony B. Lanzilote Ms. Helen LaPointe Ms. Susan Laporte Mr. Keith Largin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Larson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lastomirsky Mr. John W. Latin, Jr. Ms. Kelly Laughter Mr. Alexander Lauri Dr. Nancy V. Lausch Mr. Devin Law Mr. Ken Law Mr. Brad Lawrence Ms. Ashleigh Lawson Mr. Monica Lawton Ms. Arlene Lecours Mr. Stanley J. Lecznar Miss Chelsea R. Ledford Mr. Anthony Lee Ms. Eunsuk Lee Ms. Wei Yang Lee Mr. Ledd Lemmenes Ms. Yutian Leng Mr. Scott Leo Ms. Christine Leonard Mrs. Kimberly Leone Ms. Maria Leone Mr. Ben LePage Ms. Joyce LePage Mr. Max Lepler and Mr. Rex L. Dotson

Ms. Amy Leshan Ms. Adrienne M. Lesperance and Ms. Crystal Carmack Ms. Barbara Levantrosser Ms. Cynthia Leven Ms. Chloe J. Lewis Mr. Josh Lewis Mr. Warren W. Lewis Ms. Miyi Li Dr. and Mrs. Kim K. Lie Ms. Hyo Ji Lim Mr. David Lingle Ms. Nicole Lis Ms. Rebecca Liss Ms. Bernadette Little Ms. Meghan Livernois Ms. Nancy Lockhart Ms. Kylie Lockwood Ms. Cheryl Loewe Ms. Jennifer Loewe Mr. Matthew Loncki Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Lope Miss Emily LoPresto Ms. Ericia Los Ms. Libni Lozano Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lucas Ms. Francesca Ludwig Miss Sofia S. Lulgjruaj Mr. Aaron M. Lund Mr. Kenneth Lyons Mr. Sean A. Mack Mr. Brendon C. MacKay Ms. Laura Mackiewicz Mr. and Mrs. James MacPhee Ms. Robin Maghielse Miss Genevieve Maiani Ms. Carol A. Majcherek Mr. Brian Malczewski Mr. Ryan Maldanado Ms. Epiphanie I. S. Malloy Mr. Ryan Manauis Mrs. Susan Manauis Mr. Raphael Manigault Mr. Aric Mann Mrs. Jasdeep Mann Ms. Tim Mann Miss AnnMarie Mannino and Mr. Hugh Boyle Mr. Brian Manoogian Mr. Kyle Mansfield Ms. Mariana Mansfield Mr. Dan C. Marceau Mr. Daniel Marchwinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Margolin Ms. Lilly Marinelli Mr. Tyler J. Mars Mr. Bev Marshall Ms. Alexandra Martin Miss Grace Martin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Martin Miss Larisa Martin Ms. Olivia M. Martin Ms. Andrea R. Martucci Mrs. Sue E. Marx Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Mast Ms. Neil Master Mr. Sean M. Maxwell Ms. Karine Mazanishvili Ms. Tricia Mcaulay Ms. Melissa A. McCann Mr. Jay E. McCombs Mr. Kevin R. McCoy Mr. Michael McDonald Mr. John E. McDougall Ms. Heather A. McElwee and Mr. Chris Clarke Mrs. Susan McGrail Ms. Annette McGruder Sir Morrin McGunagle Mr. August McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Maeve McHugh Ms. Claire McIntire Mr. Michael McKean Mr. David C. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Shaun McLean

Ms. Emily McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. McNair Mr. Michael P. McNamara Ms. Shannon McPartlon Mr. and Mrs. Gene Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Mercado Ms. Julia Mercier Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mercier Ms. Samantha Meredith Mr. Timothy J. Meredith Ms. Lauren Messner Mr. Craig S. Metros Mr. Paul Meulichen Ms. Ashley Meunchen Ms. Elizabeth Mezzacapo Mr. Earl Micknass Ms. Patti Micthell Ms. Margaret Midener Ms. Crystal L. Mielcarek Mr. Ken Mikolowski Ms. Kyla Milberger Ms. Mary Ann Milczuk Mr. Robert Millar Ms. Amywren Miller Mr. David Miller Mr. Dieter J. Miller Mr. Raymond G. Miller Mr. Richard K. Miller Mr. Justin D. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Mills Ms. Ila Mindell Ms. Lenor Mirochna Mr. Hayssam A El Modssi Mrs. Marla Moiseev Mrs. Holly Moncher Mr. Jared Monchnik Mr. Jason Monroe Edith Montgomery, Ph.D. Mr. Ivan Montoya Mr. and Ms. Dennis E. Moore Miss Katelyn Moore Mr. Keith Moore Ms. Rebecca J. Moore Ms. Yasmin Moore Mr. Mauricio Morales Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moran Mr. and Mrs. William Moraniec Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Moray Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Morgan Mr. Giovanna Morrill Mrs. Florence M. Morris Morris Rowland Prekel & Lewinski, PLC Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Morrison Ms. Kristen E. Mosher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moss Ms. Teresa Moss Mr. Jerry Mound Mr. Gregory Moy Mr. Scott Mullen Mr. Christopher Muller Mr. Dan Mulligan Mr. Joshua T. Mulligan Ms. Caitlin N. Muncy Mr. Jon Muresan Mr. and Mrs. Lance Muresan Mr. Cody L. Murphy Ms. Heidi B. Muszall Mr. Paul Mutter Ms. Cecil Myers Mr. Erin Myers Mr. and Ms. Steven Myers Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nachman Ms. Katherine A. Nagi Ms. Katherine Naini Mr. Sreekishen S. Nair Ms. Christian Najjar Mr. Jabriel Najjar Ms. Mary R. Najjar Ms. Nabeela Najjar Ms. Brittany Nassar Ms. Caroline A. Navin Ms. Terese Nehra Ms. Julie Nelson Ms. Susan Nelson


Mrs. Julie Nelson-Klein Mr. Kyle T. Nestor Mr. Gregory Neumaier Mr. Jameson B. Neumann Neumann/Smith Architecture Mr. Devin R. Neumanu Ms. Julie Nguyen Mr. Nicholas Nguyen Ms. Sheila Nicolin Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Nielsen Mr. Curt Niles Ms. Olevia Niles Ms. Brianna L. Noll Mr. Alexander Novak Mr. Dennis Novak Mr. Steve L. Nowicki Mr. Guenter Nyanankpe Mr. Andrew Nymeyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. OFlaherty Ms. Christina Ohar-Palo Ms. Elaine D. Ohno Dr. Caroline Okonkowski Mrs. Angela Okrongli Mr. Maury Okun Ms. Lucy Olechowski Ms. Dawn Olivier Ms. Sonia Olsen Ms. Caitlin Onadi Ms. Sierra R. Onickel Miss Nnenna K. Orji Mr. James Orlando Ms. Christine S. Osinski Mauriah O'Sullivan Ms. Samantha Otto Ms. Jamie Owens Mr. Jeremy Paczos Mr. Steven Padilla Mr. Jason Page Mr. and Mrs. Roy Palazzola Mr. Jeffrey P. Paletta Ms. Angelica Paparizos Mr. Francis Paradela Ms. Nicole Paradela Mr. Camilo K. Pardo Mr. Robert E. Paris Ms. Marguerite Parise Joon Park Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Parke Ms. Amy Parker Ms. Rebecca Parker Mr. Sean P. Parker Mr. Gerald L. M. Parks Mr. Jon Parlangeli Mr. Linus E. Parr Ms. Erin Parris-Dallia Mr. Raymond Pastor Pastor & Associates PC Ankur Patel Dr. Cheryl Patterson Mr. Galen T. Pauling Mr. Tom G. Pavlak Ms. Michele Peasley Ms. Michelle Peck Ms. Virginia Peckenpaugh Ms. Gina Pelione Mr. Richard Pelletier Ms. Julie Peltier Ms. Corinne Pemberton Ms. Vanessa Pence Ms. Rachel Pendergrass Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Pennington Mr. Niko Pesa Mr. D. R. Peterhans Ms. Jessica C. Petrach Ms. Carol Pettersson Mr. Herbert G. Pfabe, Jr. Mr. Bradley P. Phillips Miss Breonna Phillips Logan Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Colin R. Phipps Mr. Robert Piatek Mr. David K. Pichla Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Pici Mr. James P. Piggott Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piku

Ms. Peggy Pitt Mr. William Pittman Mr. Jeffrey S. Plansker Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Platto Ms. Susan Podolsky Chris Polakowski Ms. Kimberly Polito Ms. Nancy Pomish Mr. Walter Pookrum Miss Anna Posey Mr. Alexander D. Poterek Ms. Julie Potter Mr. and Mrs. Tim E. Powers Miss Megan Prawdzik Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G. Prince Mr. Matthew Pritchard Ms. Mary Prybys Ms. Heather P. Pugh Mr. Pete Pullen Ms. Lisa Pullman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Purcell Miss Haley Y. Querro Ms. Linda Quigley Ms. Dennice Quijano Ms. Kathleen Quilter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Quilter III Mr. Brian Quintos Ms. Alexandria N. Rabishaw Ms. Sydney P. Rabishaw Mr. Matthew K. Racine Ms. Kristina M. Rafalski Mr. Jeremy Rafter Ms. Rhonda Rafter Mr. Nicholas C. Raftis Sir Christopher Raimond Ms. Jocelyn E. Rainey Mr. Ruben N. Ramen Mr. Arvind Ramkrishna Mr. Matt M. Raupp Ms. Danielle Raymond Ms. Mary Raynal Ms. Susan Raynal Mr. Gavin Rea Mr. Tyler Recchia Mr. James O. Recor Red Rooster Harlem Redico Ms. Rosemary Reed Mr. Chip Reeves Dr. Gretchen D. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Regling Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reitelman Mr. Dennis Rencher Mr. Nicholas Rende Miss Amelia Rennell Mr. Jonathan H. Restum Mr. Daniel Reynolds Ms. Melanie Reynolds Ms. Kristen Rhee Mr. David Rice and Ms. Shauna Stallworth Mr. Gregory Rice Ms. Hayden Richer Mr. and Mrs. Todd E. Richheimer Mr. Derek Richmond Ms. Susan Richner Mr. Alan Rickfelder Ms. Katherine A. Rickfelder Mr. Joseph Ricovelli Mr. Connor Riegle Mr. Stephen J. Rinaldi Mr. Steven M M. Riparip Ms. Alexandra F. Ripplinger Ms. Deborah Ripplinger Mr. Steven Ripplinger Ms. Mariah J. Rippy Mr. Wilbert Riser Mr. Austin Rivera Mr. Jose A. Rivera Mr. John J. Rizzo Rob Construction Ms. Lena Robach Ms. Alyssa Robert Ms. Sarah M. Robert

WINTER 20 17

Ms. Christa Robinson Ms. Lindee M. Robinson Mr. William E. Robinson Mr. Nathan Rockwell Mr. and Ms. Raymond J. Rodriguez Mr. William Rodwell Ms. Alejandra Roig Bernie Romcat Ms. Angelina N. Roncelli Ms. Catherine Ronnisch Ms. Joslynn Roose Mr. David Root Mr. Ryan Root Mr. Max L. Rose Mrs. Varda Rosenthal Ms. Linda Ross Mrs. Rebecca Ross Ms. Lauren D. Rothenhauser Ms. Beatrice Rowe Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe Ms. Jessica C. Rowland Miss Charlesann Roy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Rubin Mrs. Katrina L. Ruby Mr. Richard Ruff Mr. Brian M. Runde Mr. Warren W. Rupp Ms. Kelsey E. Russell Miss Cassandra Ryan Max Rybinski Michelle Sabaurin Mr. Maxwell Sabol Mr. David Sacha Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sachs Ms. Lindsey Sadler Ms. Angie Sakalian Mr. Brenden E. Sall Ms. Liisa Salonen Ms. Sarah A. Sandusky Mr. Craig A. Saperstein Ms. Pamela Sarkisian Ms. Sherrie A. Savage Ms. Rita Sayegh Mrs. Riva Sayegh-McCullen Mr. John P. Scanlon Mr. Tyler J. Scarlet Mr. David Schaefer Ms. Mary K. Schaeffer Ms. Tina Schatzberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schefman Ms. Kate Scheible Ms. Debra Scheys Ms. Emyle P. Schiappacasse Ms. Madison Schiller Ms. Lauren E. Schmidt Ms. Ellen Schneider Mr. Stephen N. Schock Schramsberg Vineyards & Cellars Mr. Austin Schultz Ms. Shannon Schultz Ms. Amy Schuster Mr. William Schuster Mr. Gregory Schwartz Sir Boris Schwarzer Miss Angela Scott Mr. Kyle Scott Ms. Ronel Scott Ms. Carolyn Scripps Ms. Ellen Seguin Mr. Benjamin Seiber Ms. Lorena Seldon Mr. Eric M. Seltzer Mr. Kenneth L. Senko Ms. Assunta Sera and Mr. Jay Tuthill Mrs. Ann Serafin Ms. Mary Serpento Ms. Ann M Serra Mr. Tyler Serra Ms. Taylor E. Shallal Ms. Josephine Shea Ms. Nicole Shepherd Mr. Brendan D. Sherwood

Mr. Ji-Yun Shin Ms. Carla Shock Miss Erin Short Ms. Joan Short Ms. Manal Shoukair Ms. Martina Sic Ms. Harriet Siden Ms. Andrea Siegel Mr. Ronald Silberstein Ms. Suzanne M. Sillery Ms. Gabi Silver Mr. Michael A. Simari Mr. Anthony D. Simler Mr. Tanner O. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John W. Simms, Jr. Mr. Christopher Simon Mr. and Ms. Edward Simon Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sims Ms. Melissa R. Sims Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Singer Ms. Sharon Singer Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Sirvio Professor Karin S. Skiba Mrs. Mary Lou Skowronski Mr. Zachary Skynar Mr. Dennis M. Slagle Ms. Kelly Slank Mr. James J. Slowik and Ms. Amy Louise Kessler Ms. Dolores S. Slowinski and Mr. Robert D'aoust Ms. Shelby L. Smiddy Mr. Andrew Smith Ms. Bailey K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith Miss Cassandra Smith Mr. Eric R. Smith Mr. Joshua A. Smith Ms. Lisa Smith Mr. Michael Smith Ms. Rachel Smith Ms. Signe Smith Ms. Taylor Smith Ms. Valarie Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smythe Mr. Bernard G. Snyder Mr. So So Mr. Doug Soifer Mr. Daniel Solomon Ms. Laural Soloway Mr. Dennis Soltis Ms. Gabrielle Soltis Mrs. Voula Sonbay Ms. Julie Sorenson Mr. Justin Sorum Ms. Nicole E. Sosnowski Mr. Tim M. Southward Ms. Fatima Sow Mr. Steve J. Sowinski Ms. Bonnie Y. Spence Ms. Kristen Y. Spence Mr. Matthew Spencer Mr. Justin E. Spice Mr. Gary Spondike Miss Sarah Springer Mr. Michael Stacey Robert Stack Mr. Scott W. Stafford Ms. Kathryn Stajka Ms. Julie Staller-Pentelnik and Mr. Steven Pentelnik Ms. Lynne Standley Ms. Julia Stanley Mr. Gordon J. Stannis Mr. Edward Stanulis Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Stapleton Ms. Louise Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Staulter Ms. Cori K. Steele Mr. Andrew Stencil Ms. Luanne Stencil Mr. and Mrs. L. Keith Stentz Ms. Christina Stephens Ms. Paige Stephens-Goodgine Ms. Emma Stewart

Ms. Jane Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Michael Stone-Richards Mr. Conner Stormer Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Stratton Ms. Courtney Strong Miss Olivia Strong Mr. Chad E. Stroven Mrs. Christine Strumbos Mr. Brian J. Stuhr Ms. Kelsey A. Sugg Mr. Timothy Suliman Ms. Bridget A. Sullivan Mr. Christopher Sullivan Ms. Elyse Sutherland HD SVCS Mr. Brent Swanson Mr. and Mrs. William K. Swanson Mr. Dave Swartz Mr. Ron Switzer Ms. Olena Sydoruk Ms. Martyna Szczepankowski Ms. Kate A. Szvercsak Mr. Brian Szwejkowski Miss Amanda Tabbey Ms. Angelique Tamim Mr. Alexander Tannen Ms. Therese A. Tant Mr. Matthew Tapson Ms. Deborah Tate Wright Ms. Jordan Taub Ms. Samantha Taub Mr. Travis G. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Graham L. Teall Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Temple Ms. Laurie L. Tennent and Mr. Christopher Scheiwe Ms. Alissa M. Terracciano Ashir Thakore The Emory Ms. Kara Thomas Ms. Molly Thomas Ms. Sarah Thomas Moriah Thomason Ms. Jamila Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thompson Ms. Lynne M. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Thompson Mr. Stephen Timblin Ms. Andrea Tinsman Ms. Carey Tinsman Mr. and Mrs. Randy Tinsman Mr. Brett Tippmann Ms. Danielle Todd Mr. and Mrs. E. Stephen Tokarchuk Ms. Lisa M. Tolstyka Mr. Alfred Tombetta Ms. Stephanie Toop Mr. Matthew Torres Ms. Megan M. Toscas Ms. Sadie Trichler Ms. Leilani Trinka Ms. Jenay Tripp Ms. Barbara J. Trombley Mrs. Patty Trombley Mr. Robert L. Troxler and Ms. Michelle L. Ubbelohde Ms. Anne A. Tsaprazis Miss Veronique Tu Mr. Tom Turoczi Mr. Colin C. Tury Mr. Troy Uyematsu Ms. Laura Vagnone Mr. Evan F. Valicenti Mr. William Valicenti Ms. Nikki Van Dine Ms. Jenna Van Fleteren Ms. Melissa A. Vandenberg Ms. Linda Vanfleteren Ms. Elizabeth VanStee Mr. Adam Vassallo Miss Anahli Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Vella Ms. Jillian Ventura Ms. Susan S. Vercruysse


Mr. Joseph T. Vichich Mr. Giancarlo Viganego Mr. Gabriel Vinas Ms. Ana Vincent Ms. Tamara A. Vinson Mr. James E. Viste Ms. Haley Vogt Mr. Keith Vreeland and Mrs. Marty West Ms. Meredith Vyn Mr. Thomas Wachter Ms. Ashlee Wadeson Mrs. Judith Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Lance R. Wagner Mr. Noah Waldeck Ms. Jessica K. Waligora Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Walker Mr. Nicholas Walker Ms. Susan Walker Mr. Brent D. Wallace Mr. George Walowicz Jun Wang Mr. Scott L. Waraniak Mr. and Mrs. James Ward Ms. Jo Ann Ward Mr. Clay A. Warnock Ms. Beverly A. Warr Mr. and Ms. Donald Warren Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Warzocha Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Washburn Rachel Washington Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Way Mr. Justin Weber Mr. Brenton S. Wehrmeyer Ms. Lori Wehrmeyer Hasmin Wei MR. Benjamin Weinberg Ms. Judith Weiner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I. Weisbard Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg Mr. Christian Weissert Ms. Diane Wells Mr. Jordan Welton Mr. Steven J Wendzinski Mr. David L. Wesch Mr. Craig West Ms. Kaitlyn West Mr. Arnon Wexler Ms. Katelyn Wheeler Mr. Ryan T. Wheeler Mr. Joe Whelan Mr. Alexander Whitbeck Mr. James N. White Mr. Richard T. White Mr. Robert J. White Mr. Robert M. White Braeden Whitla Ms. Olivia Whitmore Mr. and Ms. Dennis L. Wi and Mr. Bo Wieland Ms. Julie Wiener Ms. Taylor L. Wilder Ms. Marion Wiley Mr. Stephen Wilkonski Mr. Jonathan Will Mr. Brandon Williams Ms. Brianna Williams Ms. Deanna Williams Mr. Grant Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Williams Ms. Leah S. Willis Miss Coiya Wilson Ms. Lillian Wilson Ms. Sandra J. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Winkelman Ms. Tiffany L. Wisnieski Mr. Seth Witte Mr. Christian Wohler Ms. M. Anne Wojick Mr. and Mrs. Jon Phillip Wojtala Ms. Erin Wojtkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Wolak Ms. Amy Wolfe

Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wolfe III Mr. Steven M. Wolfgang Ms. Ann L. Wondero Ms. Alison Wong Mr. Cameron T. Wood Ms. Cindy Wood Mrs. Lori Woods-Bashel Mr. John Woodward Mrs. Betty Woodward Bosley and Mr. Alfred Bosley Ms. Autumn Woolman Ms. Alison Worsley Miss Haley Worsley Mr. Devin Wright Mr. Graham Wright Mr. Sydney Wright Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wroblewski Yan Wu Mr. Patrick Wujcik Ms. Rachel R. Wujek Wyland World Wide, LLC Mr. Dan Yaklin Mr. Ngianhormua S. Yang Ms. Jean Yee Mr. Albert Young Ms. Chichita Young Mr. Drew A. Young Ms. Jill A. Young Miss Min Young Mr. Craig C. Zacheis Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Zaleski Mr. Larry Zangerle Mr. and Mrs. Reese C. Zantop Mr. Mark C. Zapico Mr. Todd Zeilinger Miss Lindsay S. Zelazny Mr. Paul Zelenak Ms. Valerie Zelin Mr. Lei Zhang Ms. Kathryn Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Zimmerman Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman Ms. Sharon Zimmerman Ms. Shaunah M. Zimmerman Ms. Elizabeth Zinzer-McGinnis Mr. Michael Zuhorski Mr. Joe Zulinski Mr. Eric M. Zurawski *Deceased This list includes significant gifts in-kind.



CCS celebrates lifetime cumulative giving donors Gifts made January 1 – December 31, 2015 $100,000,000 + Mrs. Walter B. Ford II* and the Walter & Josephine Ford Fund

$5,000,000 — 20,000,000 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt Benson & Edith Ford Fund Eleanor & Edsel Ford Fund General Motors General Motors Foundation The Kresge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Manoogian A. Alfred Taubman* and Judith Taubman

$1,000,000 — 4,999,999 Wendell W. * and Melissa B. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Campanale and the Paul & Helen Farago Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Tom Celani Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain William Davidson Foundation FCA US LLC The Suburban Collection / David T. and Jennifer Fischer Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company Fund Mr. and Mrs. James Grosfeld and The Nancy & James Grosfeld Foundation Mr. Rick Hendrick Henry Ford II Fund Hudson-Webber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. W. K. Kellogg Foundation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Lear Corporation McGregor Fund Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs New Economy Initiative — Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan The Nicholson Family and PVS Chemicals, Inc. Barbara A. & William U. Parfet Waltraud E. Prechter The Skillman Foundation Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mrs. Eleanor F. Sullivan Robert H. Tannahill Foundation Team Detroit Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Mark and Molly Valade and Carhartt Matilda R. Wilson Fund

$500,000 — 999,999 Van and Lori Conway Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farley, Jr. FCA Foundation The FCA Foundation Mrs. William Clay Ford Mr. and Mrs. Pierre V. Heftler* Honda R & D Americas, Inc. Richard J.* and Mary Louise Janes Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kartsotis Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Larson Linda Dresner Levy and Edward C. Levy, Jr. and the Edward C. and Linda Dresner Levy Foundation Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation, Inc. Michelin North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Polk and the Ralph L. and Winifred E. Polk Foundation The Elizabeth, Allan, and Warren Shelden Fund Steel Market Development Institute

$100,000 — 499,999 American Chemistry Council The American Plastics Council, Inc. The Anderson Fund Anonymous Arts, Cultural and Quality of Life ASC Incorporated Ashlar-Vellum Automotive Bright Products Association AVL Mandell and Madeleine Berman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bluestein and R.H. Bluestein & Company Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown Cadillac Calty Design Research Campbell Ewald Clark Hill, P.L.C. Collectors Foundation Comerica, Inc. Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cowger Richard & Jean Coyne Family Foundation Crain Communications, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen Gretchen and Ethan Davidson The DeRoy Testamentary Foundation DTE Energy Foundation DTE Energy Ms. Barbara Dunn The Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation Suzy and Burton Farbman Mr. and Mrs. James D. Farley Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.

Foundation Fisher & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III Nathan M. and Catherine Forbes and the Forbes Company Sidney and Madeline Forbes Mr. and Mrs. William Clay Ford, Jr. Frey Foundation Gallagher-Kaiser General Motors Design Center Ambassador and Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari Ghafari/G-TECH Dan and Jennifer Gilbert Great Lakes Wine & Spirits Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hamp Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation Mr. David Hemingson and Ms. Caroline Rapking David and Cynthia Hempstead Fund Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hempstead Henry Ford Health System Hyundai Motor America Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ingle III Johnson Controls, Inc. JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase & Co JPMorgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Larson Lowe Campbell Ewald Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Lufthansa Mr. Don Manvel Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Marshall Fields Masco Corporation Foundation Masco Corporation Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Meritor, Inc. Metro Detroit Cadillac Dealers Morley Companies, Inc. Motorola Foundation National Association for Surface Finishing National Trust for Historic Preservation Mr. and Mrs. Linden Nelson Nike, Inc. Nissan Design America Ms. Marcie G. Paul and Mr. Stewart Shevin Norman G.* and Rose Peslar Mr. James R. Pongracz and Mrs. Dorothy Pongracz PPG Mrs. Waltraud E. Prechter Mr. Kjell H. Qvale Mr. and Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr. Rock Ventures, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rogers Elizabeth and Sydney L. Ross, and Great Lakes Wine & Spirits Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rossiter Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Simoncini Soave Enterprises L.L.C. Somerset Collection Strategic Staffing Solutions Ms. Judith Tappero Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Taylor, Jr. Mr. Franklin Tiegs Tuesdays with Mitch Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vandenberghe Visteon Corporation Walbridge Ambassador and Mrs. Ronald N. Weiser Whirlpool Corporation William & Martha Ford Fund Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wolpin World Heritage Foundation


$25,000 — 99,999 36th District Court Adobe Systems, Inc. AlixPartners LLC All State Investment Company Ally Financial The Aluminum Association The American Automobile Centennial Commission Mr. Jim Anderson Andiamo Riverfront Angell-Demmel North America Corporation Mr. Jeffrey Antaya and Mr. Peter Rosenfeld Anonymous AOL Autos Marcia and Eugene Applebaum Family Foundation AT&T AT&T Global Information + Solutions Avanti Press Mr. B. N. Bahadur Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Baker Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Banton Dr. and Mrs. Jude T. Barbera BASF Corporation BBK, LTD Benno Steinborn Revocable Living Trust Mr. Carl Bentley and Ms. Saunteel Jenkins Bloom General Contracting, Inc. BlueWater Technologies BMW Group/DesignworksUSA Bocketti, Valenti and Shelton Wealth Management Group — UBS Boisset Family Estates Booth American Company BorgWarner, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Brownell BRP Inc. Buddy's Pizzeria Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Buhl Mrs. Lili A. Camden Carat Media Agency Champagne Veuve Clicquot Mr. Chee T. Chan Citizens Bank Chateau Montelena Chevrolet Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christensen CNH Industrial Mrs. Lois P. Cohn and the Honorable Avern L. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins Compuware Corporation Continental Automotive Systems Covestro KC and Ashley Crain Crown Equipment Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crowther Current Motor Company Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Czamanske Czarnowski Display Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dahling Daimler Trucks North America LLC Dakkota Integrated Systems, LLC Dawda, Mann, Mulcahy & Sadler, PLC Ms. Vivian Day Stroh and Mr. John William Stroh Mr. and Mrs. Luciano Del Signore Deloitte LLP Delphi Foundation

Detroit Auto Dealers Association Detroit Lions Charities Mr. James F. Dicke II Robert J.* and Anne W. Diehl, Jr. Ms. Rita E. Dilanian Doner Doodle Home Dow Automotive Mr. Laurent Drouhin and Maison Joseph Drouhin DST Industries Inc. Duckhorn Wine Company Dura Automotive Systems Inc. EcoMotors Ecostore USA, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eisenberg Mrs. Irma B. Elder* Emagine Entertainment, Inc. Epiphany Glass Mr. Aleksandar Erdeljan Ernst & Young LLP Ms. Charlotte Evans* Event Management Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Farber Faurecia Automotive Seating Ferrari S.p.A. Fiat Fifth Third Bank Findlay Industries, Inc. Mr. Jay A. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Benson Ford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Foremost Graphics, LLC Forte-Belanger Catering Company Fuji Heavy Industries LTD Mr. and Mrs. Ivan O. Gandrud Mr. and Mrs. James George Mr. Mike Gianascoli Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Gilles The Glancy Foundation Carl Grawn Trust Mrs. Caroline R. Gray Graystone Consulting Guardian Industries Hagie Manufacturing Corporation Hagopian World of Rugs Harley Davidson Motor Company Fritz and Caren Hatton Mr. and Mrs. Pierre V. Heftler * Hewlett-Packard Company Ms. Roberta Hilleary Honda R & D Americas, Inc. Honigman HOUR Detroit Magazine Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hudas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Mr. Paul Huxley and Ms. Cynthia Pasky Ilitch Charities Ilitch Holdings, Inc. ITC Holdings Corp. Jabil Circuit Incorporated Jackson Wine Estates Japan Business Society of Detroit Foundation JMC Steel Group John Deere Charles M.* and Sally Jordan Joseph Phelps Vineyards J. Walter Thompson USA Mr. Robert S. Kaiser Karnig H. Dabanian Company Kaufman Memorial Trust Kenwal Steel Kenworth Truck Company Kerr Russell Kienbaum Opperwall Hardy & Pelton, P.L.C. Mr. Thomas Kienbaum and Ms. Elizabeth Hardy

WINTER 20 17

Family of Ki-Hyun Simon Kim Kohler Company Mr. and Mrs. James C. Kokas Kolb America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Korneffel The Kroger Company of Michigan Ms. Denise Kurowski Mrs. Bonnie Larson La Tana dell-Istrice Lectra Leo Burnett USA Ms. Maria Leonhauser and Mr. Peter Brown* Lextant Corporation Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Losh Louis M. Martini Winery Mack Trucks, Inc. MadDog Technology Mr. Robert M. Madvin Magna International Inc. Mazda R & D of North America McCann Worldgroup Detroit Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDonell Mercedes-Benz Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Metaldyne Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mitchell Ms. Brenda J. Mixson and Mr. Thomas Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Longine Morawski Elisabeth and Scot Morrison MotorCity Casino Motorola, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Myers National Endowment for the Arts National Equity Corporation Neiman Marcus The David Robert and Sylvia Jean Nelson Foundation for Arts and Letters North Line Partners LLC Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Numanthia Wines Mr. and Mrs. Frank Orsini Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Pangborn Paterno Wines International Penske Corporation Penton Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perenic Karen and Drew Peslar Foundation Sandy and Tom Pierce Mr. James C. Pinkney Plante Moran Plastech Holding Corporation Mr. Chris M. Nordin and Ms. Michelle L. Plucinsky Polaris Industries Inc. Prechter Holdings Process Development Corporation Dr. and Mrs. Larry B. Prussack Public Lighting Authority of Detroit PwC Drs. Renato and Daisy Ramos Reebok International Ltd. Renault-Nissan Alliance Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roberts Mr. James A. Rose* Royal Technologies S.A.Y. Detroit Sabic Innovative Plastics Samsung SANYO Automotive USA

SCF II, LLC A. Paul & Carol C. Schaap Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Scher Carrie E. Schuyler Estate Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott Shaun Wilson & Associates Mr. Tom Shelton* Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shoushanian Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Silvio Mr. and Mrs. Sam Simon SME SMZ Advertising Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Southeast MI Chrysler-Jeep Dealers Adv'g Assoc Spartan Motors Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stanford The Stratton Foundation Subaru Research Summer Institutes for Technology Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Taubman TKS Industrial Company Tools International Corporation Toray International America, Inc. Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc. Toyota Technical Center, USA Emmet & Marilyn Tracy Foundation Inc. UAW-GM Center for Human Resources University of Michigan Venture Industries Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vicari Victor International Volkswagen of America Volkswagen Ms. April Wagner and Mr. Sean Emery Ward's Auto World Warrior Sports WDET Mr. Edward T. Welburn, Jr. The Whitney Fund Mr. and Mrs. William R. Wildner The Estate of Helen Wittenberg World Technical Services, Inc. Yamaha Motor Corporation Z Ballerini *Deceased This list includes significant gifts in-kind.


The President’s Society recognizes donors whose annual commitment to CCS’s mission of art and design education and community service each year is remarkable. The Society celebrates gifts on an annual basis through benefits that provide unique experiences and preferred status for College activities and events. FOUNDERS $25,000+ Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Alandt Mitch Albom and Janine Sabino Pernilla and Daniel Ammann Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Campanale Paul & Helen Farago Foundation Trust Mr. and Mrs. Tom Celani Mr. and Mrs. Van E. Conway Mr. and Mrs. KC Crain Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Crain Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. David T. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Forbes Benson & Edith Ford Fund Eleanor & Edsel Ford Fund Ambassador and Mrs. Yousif B. Ghafari Mr. and Mrs. James Grosfeld Mr. Rick Hendrick Mr. Robert S. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Peter Karmanos, Jr. Mr. Don Manvel Mr. and Mrs. Longine Morawski Mr. and Mrs. Linden Nelson Cynthia Paskey and Paul Huxley Mr. and Mrs. Sydney L. Ross The Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden Fund Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sullivan, Jr. Mr. Franklin Tiegs Ms. April Wagner

BENEFACTORS $10,000 — $ 24,999 Mr. Carl Bentley and Ms. Saunteel Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Cowger Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Deeney Ms. Linda Dresner and Mr. Edward C. Levy, Jr. Mr. Mark Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Farber Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Fisher III William & Martha Ford Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Gilles Ms. Elizabeth Hardy Alice Kales Hartwick Foundation Mr. Joe Kaiser and Mrs. Julie Kaiser Mr. Thomas Kienbaum and Mr. Alphonse S. Lucarelli Oliver Dewey Marcks Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Penske Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Polk Mrs. Waltraud E. Prechter Ms. Tracy Roberts


Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shekell Mr. Jeffrey Sloan Mr. Anthony L. Soave Mr. and Mrs. Marc Tahnoose Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Valade Mr. and Mrs. James H. Vandenberghe Mr. Edward T. Welburn, Jr.

SUPPORTERS $5,000 — $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Ahearn Mrs. Lois P. Cohn and The Hon. Avern L. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. David B. Cotton Mr. Scott Cullather Ms. Lisa Dancsok and Mr. Don Zembruski Mr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hamp Caren and Fritz Hatton Mr. and Mrs. David Hempstead Mrs. Doreen Hermelin Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Losh Richard and Jane Manoogian Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDonell David and Sylvia Nelson Foundation for Arts and Letters Mr. and Mrs. William U. Parfet Beatrice and Reymont Paul Foundation Mr. and Ms. James E. Press Mr. and Mrs. John Rakolta, Jr. Ms. Karen Robinson Ms. Deborah Romans Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenthal Mrs. Deborah Royce Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple Ms. Vivian Day Stroh and Mr. John William Stroh Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taubman Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Triest and the Trico Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vicari

FRIENDS OF CCS $1 ,000 — $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Adderley Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ajluni Ms. Angela Alexopoulos Mrs. Thomas E. Allured Mr. Jeffrey Antaya and Mr. Peter Rosenfeld Ms. Amy Armand Mr. Charles H. and Mrs. Shelley J. Baker Ms. Nicole Barbour

Ms. Lindsey Barile Mary and Tony Barra Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bluestein Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bonahoom Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bowersox Mr. and Mrs. Vince Carducci Mr. and Mrs. Sooshin Choi Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chope Ms. Wendy Cox Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Cullen Ms. Joanne F. Danto and Dr. Arnold Weingarden Mr. and Mrs. James Deneau Mr. and Mrs. Steven Eder Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher IV Mr. and Mrs. Mike Flattery Mr. and Ms. Bharat Gandhi Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Gargaro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Glidden Mr. Dean Groulx Mr. and Mrs. James B. Gubelmann Mr. John Haddad Mr. Cliff Harris Ms. Nina K. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holycross Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hudson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Iacobelli Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ingle III Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacobson Moore Johnson Mrs. Charles M. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Nick Karmanos Ms. Mary L. Kramer Mrs. Bonnie Larson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lopus Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell R. Meisner Mr. and Mrs. William Messner Ms. Kristin F. Moskovitz Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nini Mr. Kenneth Nisch Mr. and Mrs. John Nyquist Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Parks Ms. Ruth F. Rattner Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Reuss Mr. and Mrs. Chet Ricker Miss Kara A. Roche Mr. Leslie Rose Mr. Marc A. Schwartz Ms. Sandra Seligman and Mr. Gilbert Glassberg Mr. Steve Simmons Ms. Susan Sosnick Mr. David J. Spolyar Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tassie Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ulman Ms. Amanda Van Dusen and Mr. Curtis Blessing Mr. Kenneth Walker, FAIA Mr. Joshua D. Wojick Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wolpin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wybo



Companies across the globe realize that design plays an increasingly crucial role in the competitiveness of their products and in moving the creative economy forward. As a result, CCS’s Corporate Partnerships are expanding. MERCEDES-BENZ FINANCIAL SERVICES (MBFS)/AFFIRMATIONS

In a project sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Financial Services, Communication Design students developed a new brand system, media strategy and communication strategy articulating Affirmations’ unique essence and promise as a non-profit LGBT community center.

Students refined brand systems for Mercedes-Benz Financial Services/Affirmations and re-envisioned Emotional Atmospheres for Haworth, left. Enhancing the patient experience with digital technology for Henry Ford Health System, above.



This multi-semester course propels students into real-world advertising agency scenarios across a portfolio of clients from shopper marketing leader The Mars Agency.

Advertising students designed a digital experience that welcomes patients to the new Henry Ford Health System Cancer Center. This experience engages all constituents in the education, treatment, well-being and recovery of the patient. Students explored technologies ranging from interactive kiosks and mobile applications to facial recognition and wearable identification.


Seniors in the Exterior Transportation Design studio sponsored by Aisin Group designed Chevy pickup trucks to meet the forecast needs of Millennials in the year 2035.


In this interdisciplinary project sponsored by Czarnowski, students from Product Design, Interior Design and Communication Design worked in teams to create a new interactive brand experience for Chevrolet. LINCOLN MOTOR COMPANY

Juniors in the Exterior Transportation Design studio were asked by Lincoln Motor Company to envision emotional spaceships that are the embodiment of futuristic luxury. These vehicles formed a gallery of autonomous luxury vehicles that leverage access (versus ownership) as a business model.

MFA students in Color and Materials Design envisioned, explored and experimented with Haworth’s “New Landscape” of spaces that move and empower people through Emotional Atmospheres®. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SURFACE FINISHING (NASF)/LACKS TRIM

The National Association for Surface Finishing and Lacks Enterprises co-sponsored the Junior Vehicle Design studio for 2025, “Detroit Reflections of the Future: Designing for Detroit Branded Mobility.” FISHER VINEYARDS


Seniors in the Interior Transportation Design studio, sponsored by WardsAuto, designed semi-autonomous sports cars to allow a driving enthusiast to share the love of the road with a child passenger.

Illustration students studied wine labels, company history and customer culture to design a limited-edition series of wine labels for the Coach Insignia product line from Fisher Vineyards.

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Keith E. Crain, Chair Lynn F. Alandt, Vice Chair Alphonse S. Lucarelli, Secretary James H. Vandenberghe, Treasurer Robert H. Bluestein Thomas C. Buhl Darrell Burks Moray S. Callum Frank Campanale Thomas Celani Lois Pincus Cohn Van E. Conway Gary L. Cowger KC Crain Matthew P. Cullen Gretchen Davidson Linda Dresner Nicole Eisenberg David T. Fischer Alfred J. Fisher III Nathan M. Forbes Ralph Gilles Nancy Grosfeld Sheila F. Hamp David M. Hempstead John W. Ingle III Danialle Karmanos Don Manvel James M. Nicholson William U. Parfet Roger S. Penske Sandra E. Pierce Stephen R. Polk Waltraud E. Prechter John Rakolta, Jr. Michael T. Ritchie Richard L. Rogers, President Sydney L. Ross Lloyd A. Semple Anthony L. Soave Eleanor F. Sullivan Molly P. Valade Edward T. Welburn, Jr. 32 Fall 2011

COVER ARTWORK: “Perfect Harmony,” 30” x 40” Mixed Media. Ackeem Salmon, 2016.

The College for Creative Studies is a nonprofit, private college authorized by the Michigan Education Department to grant bachelor’s and master’s degrees. CCS is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Documents regarding accreditation are available in the Executive Office upon formal request. The College for Creative Studies subscribes to the principle of equal opportunity in its employment, admissions and educational practices and strives to provide an educational environment and workplace free from unlawful harassment or discrimination. Discrimination, including harassment, because of age, race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or any other characteristic protected by law is strictly prohibited.

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