Columbus City Schools Professional Development day November 4, 2014
Fall into Professional Development
Planning Guide Use this document to help you find meaningful sessions and resources to support the professional growth of all staff members. The guide is broken into three areas: Curriculum Support Services B
Technology The mode of delivery for the topics are: Online Modules- Recorded presentations that can be played individually or to a group to watch. Train the Trainer- Attend a session after school to learn new information and gather resources that can be used to return to the building and deliver. Live Webinar- Participants will participate in a session where they can discuss and share information. 2
Curriculum Pre-K Staff- An Overview for “Step Up to Quality” The train the trainer session will provide an in-depth overview and explanation of the SUTQ Program Standards. The training is intended to expand Pre-K staff knowledge base as we work to achieve, maintain, or increase a star rating. Contact: Ronda Welch (614) 365-5822
Formative Assessment for Social Studies Participants will learn about best practices for formative assessment (assessment FOR learning) in social studies. Resources for assessing content, skills, and literacy in social studies will be helpful in implementing OIP and OTES. Sample performance tasks, assessment banks, and assessment generator tools will be provided. Contact: Matt Doran (614) 365-5372
Implementing ODE Physical Education Assessments- Online Module This Online Module is designed for K-12 physical education teachers at their school location. During this session Dr. Cain will share a variety of ODE PE Tools with the participants and discuss best practices on how to implement the ODE assessment into the CCS Curriculum. Contact: Don Cain (614) 365-6681 x3073
Implementing ODE Physical Education Assessments- Live Webinar This Live Webinar is designed for K-12 physical education teachers at their school location. During this session Dr. Cain will share a variety of ODE PE Tools with the participants and discuss best practices on how to implement the ODE assessment into the CCS Curriculum. Contact: Don Cain (614) 365-6681 x3073
Ohio’s Next Generation Assessments for Social Studies Teachers of grades 4, 6, High School American History, and High School American Government will learn about the next generation summative social studies assessments. Participants will examine the test blueprints and item specifications, and discuss best practices for preparing students for the new exams. ODE will release practice tests online prior to this session. Train the Trainer October 29, 2015 4:30-5:30 Location: TBD Contact: Matt Doran (614) 365-5372
Literacy and Informational Text Strategies and the Development of Short Cycle Assessments- Career-Tech Education This session will focus on Literacy and Informational Text strategies which can be used in Career-Tech classes to improve student engagement and comprehension. We will also focus on the process of creating Short Cycle Assessments, collecting and reviewing the relevant data, and using this data to drive instructional practices. Contact: Kevin Prenger (614) 365-6681 ext3072
Curriculum Deep Dive into the Common Core with Discovery Education Streaming Plus Discovery Education Streaming Plus is a multimedia offering that simultaneously excites and engages students while providing educators with instructional support to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards. In this session, explore how Discovery Education Streaming Plus provides concrete tools and practical resources that empower educators to meet the demands of the CCSS with digital content, instructional strategies, model lessons, and assessments that are designed to address specific Mathematics and English Language Arts standards. 1 hour Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
Exploring BookFlix, INFOhio's New PreK-3 E-book Resource In this session, participants will learn about all of the exciting features of BookFlix that teachers and families can use to enrich reading time and motivate young readers. Participants will have an opportunity to view the online animated fiction and non-fiction books available in the online library, explore the games, activites, and lessons aligned to each title. Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
Support Services Priority School Support: Teacher Based Teams (TBTs)- What is this TBT Thing Supposed to Be? This module will work to clear up misconceptions around Teacher Based Teams. Topics include what TBTs are, how they can be valuable, what part TBTs play in the 5-Step Process, and what successful Teacher Based Team meetings might look like. Contact: Karen Fiedler
District Gifted Site Coordinators The 28 gifted site coordinators in the district are available to present to school staff on an array of topics including, but not limited to, the following: gifted identification, academic acceleration, social-emotional needs of gifted, incorporating depth and complexity into standards-based instruction, Primary Education Thinking Skills (grades K-3), embedding enrichment programs into standards-based instruction, and classroom differentiation strategies. Contact your assigned gifted coordinator to arrange a session based on building needs and coordinator expertise. Contact: Colleen Boyle (614) 365-6626
Special Education-ETR In order for a child to get an IEP, he/she must be evaluated by a team from his/her school district. This online module will support Special Education teachers in writing goals and objectives aligned to the ETR (Evaluation Team Report) Contact: Jill Lausch
Systematic Supervision-Schoolwide PBS for Everything Elementary Follow this link to find this free PD offered by irisED. This training includes 7 short videos, downloads and printable materials that will take one hour to complete. It can be done all at once, or broken into shorter chunks. This is only available through December 2014. Videos in the link include the following: Systematic Supervision Introduction; Classrooms; Common Areas; Playgrounds; School Buses; Teamwork and Data Collection; Families; and Play it Safe (for students). Contact: Amy Williams (614) 365-5303
I Get GT-ED ( This free online training was developed by ODE to address key topics in gifted education such as identification, acceleration, social-emotional needs, and classroom instruction. Modules are designed for administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, and parents. Each module includes an introductory "Top 10 Things to Know" video plus annotated slides about a variety of relevant topics. Handouts and bibliographies are included. This could be used for independent study, preparation for sharing with staff, or for small groups to review and discuss together. Most district gifted coordinators are trained to facilitate these modules, as well. Contact: Colleen Boyle (614) 365- 6626
Support Services Priority School Support: Assessments- Everyone’s Talking About Them but Are We All Talking About the Same Thing? The purpose of this module is to align everyone's understanding of assessment. It will facilitate discussion around: What is the purpose of assessment? What are the types of assessment? (ie. We say we are using formative assessments, but are we sure we are all thinking the same thing?) Where are each kind of assessments used? What data can be collected from assessments - including the informal assessments? Contact: Karen Fiedler
Preparing for CTE WebXams This session will focus on the changes to CTE End of Course Exams offered through WebXam and the impact these exams have on our CTPD Report Card. There will be time available in the afternoon for teachers to collaborate on Best Practices and focus on content related topics in their respective specializations. Contact: Kevin Prenger (614) 365-6681 ext3072
Priority School Support: Schmoker Instructional Model Overview This overview module will provide an introduction to the instructional framework described by Mike Schomoker in his book, Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning. The first component, clear learning targets, will also be covered in this material. Participants will learn about the theory behind the model, the rationale for the different components, and what they may look like in the classroom. Contact: Karen Fiedler
Special Education- Disruptive Behaviors This online webinar will provide teachers with behavior strategies and interventions to deal with disruptive behaviors. Contact: John Brunton
Technology There’s an app for that! 50 apps that will rock your world in 60 minutes. Is the application market transforming education? Participants will discover apps that change the way students and teachers think about learning. Features apps that promote essential 21st century learning skills – creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and apps that fuel creativity. 1 hour Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
New Campus Instruction BETA for Teachers The Infinite Campus Instruction module is targeted to be removed on November 5, 2014. Teachers will then use Campus Instruction Beta to post grades, use the grade book, etc. All information entered into Infinite Campus through the Instruction module will display in Campus Instruction Beta. A video with information regarding the Campus Instruction Beta is available in your Process Inbox when you log into Infinite Campus. It takes just a few minutes to view and is very informative. There is also additional information in Campus Community and well as the TLC (Technical Learning Center) website. For further assistance, contact Infinite Campus support at 6202 or email at
Tech Skills for Next Generation Assessments With PARCC and Smarter Balanced, schools are moving to online assessments that include technologyenhanced, interactive assessment items. It is critical for students to be proficient in these technology skills prior to taking the online assessments so they will be assessed on their content knowledge rather than their proficiency (or lack of) with technology. In this webinar, you’ll learn what technology skills students need for these next generation assessments and see free online resources that help students develop familiarity and proficiency with these technology skills. For more details see 1 hour Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
From Basics of Online Safety to Digital Citizenship Learn about's EasyTech Online Safety curriculum, provided free to all Ohio schools and districts jointly by the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Board of Regents. The EasyTech Online Safety program employs a positive - not fear-based - curriculum, based on current research to help students learn safe online habits and behaviors. The course provides students with the skills to be safe, ethical digital citizens as they use the Internet and communication technologies. It also includes resources for teachers and parents, and supports users with engaging and effective interactive lessons, resources and guides. Available now at no cost to all of Ohio's public schools and chartered non-public districts through INFOhio's website. 1 hour Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
Technology Into to the SMART Notebook Software Learn how to create content in the SMART Notebook software to make your own interactive Notebook files. This webinar will cover how to create engaging SMART Notebook pages using basic and advanced features, such as linking to the internet, using pre-made templates, and importing other presentation or interactive files into SMART Notebook. 49 minutes Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
Hidden Gems in the SMARTBoard Notebook Gallery You may be missing out on some great material for your next class. Let us help you uncover the perfect content to support your Notebook lessons. SmartExchange will be explored for lessons. (37 minutes) Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280
Creating an Interactive Lesson for the SMARTBoard Learn about interactive lessons and how to create them using layers to reveal information, Lesson Activity Toolkit applications, adding sound, and many more tools. 30 minutes 52 seconds Contact: Lucinda Wright (614) 365-5280