Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2012 Co-op City Times
Vol. 47 No. 13
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Petition period ends for 2012 Riverbay Board election; Candidates’ meeting on April 17 BY ROZAAN BOONE Twelve potential candidates who picked up petitions to run in the 2012 Riverbay Board election, which will be held on Wednesday, May 16th, returned their petition packages by the 5 p.m. deadline on Monday, March 26. The qualifying petitions became available on Monday, March 12 and among the resident shareholders who picked up are all five of the incumbent Directors whose terms expire this year — Khalil AbdulWahhab, Bill Gordon, Francine Reva Jones, Othelia Jones and Al Shapiro. The other potential candidates in this year’s Board election are Emanuel Armfield, Geraldine Shivers, Herbert Moreira-Brown, Leslie Peterson, Evelyn Turner, Cheryl Simmons-Oliver and Claudia Sampson. With the petition period over this week, non-resident Riverbay staff con-
ducted electronic signature verification on each of the signed petitions. This process was overseen by Michael Munns, Riverbay’s senior attorney; Director Eleanor Bailey, Chair of the 2012 Election Committee, and Mary Ahland, Riverbay’s Director of Computer Services. “We went through the petitions to verify the signatures, and we want to wish all of the candidates good luck,” said Director Bailey. During the week, based on the results of the signature check, and the criminal background check, the 2012 Election Committee also verified that none of the candidates are indebted to the Riverbay Corporation and are up to date in the payment of their maintenance charges before compiling the final list of candidates. (Continued on page 4)
Elevator shutdown scheduled for Building 1B Elevator #3 in Building 1B will be shutdown for needed maintenance on Monday and Tuesday, April 2 and 3. The elevator is expected to be out of service until late Tuesday afternoon. Every attempt will be made to have the elevator restored into service as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding. —R I VE R BAY M ANAG E M E NT
Shareholders learn the basics of sexual assault prevention BY BILL STUTTIG More than 90 Co-op City residents, the vast majority of them women, attended a sexual assault and rape prevention seminar on Wednesday, March 22nd, hosted by the Department of Public Safety. At the end of the more than 2-hour program, several of those more than 90 resi-
Co-op City celebrates Milestones BY ROZAAN BOONE On Tuesday, March 27, an enthusiastic crowd of approximately 1,000 shareholders, including Riverbay Board members and invited guests, joined Riverbay’s Management to celebrate significant milestones that have been achieved in Coop City since the refinancing of the community’s mortgage in 2004. The celebratory luncheon, held in the Dreiser Auditorium, was also attended by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., former Assemblyman Stephen Kaufman, Congressman Eliot Engel who may be representing Co-op City once again due to redistricting, and Councilman Larry Seabrook. Also in attendance were several Board members, including Riverbay Board President Helen Atkins, Directors Rev. Dr. Calvin E. Owens, Othelia Jones, Bill Gordon, Khalil Abdul-Wahhab, Eleanor Bailey and Francine Reva Jones. There were also representatives from the city’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), Proto, Ver-Tech, Royal Waste Management, Cablevision, Coinmach, and CERT 10, all of whom provided giveaways for the guests. The day of the celebration, March 27, also marked the day of the last window replacement in Co-op City and among those who attended the celebration were Ivan Brice, principal of Ivan Brice Architecture; Matthew Masino, the construction coordinator for Ivan Brice Architecture who has on-site in Co-op City for the duration of the project over the last five or so years that it took to
Bronx BP Ruben Diaz, Jr. congratulated Riverbay on the successful completion of several capital projects. Photo by Rozaan Boone
The program began with an Invocation by Board Director Rev. Dr. Calvin E. Owens, Pastor of Community Protestant Church. “I’m glad that they had this program,” said George Smith, a resident of Building 1 who has lived in Co-op City for 42 years. “It kind of puts the community together. People have been kind of annoyed at the way we have been looking for the last year or so but it’s starting to look better and I think everyone is energized by it. I’m very happy for the improvements. As a development, it’s been 40 years so it’s time and it worked out well so I think a lot of people are very happy.” The 2004 refinancing allowed the
dents signed up for additional workshops that will teach the specifics of protecting themselves against the possibility of being a rape or sexual assault victim. These future workshops will teach women basic self-defense techniques anyone can
Public Safety’s Chief Frank Apollo and Emergency Services Officer Milton Gregory present awards to Sgt. G r a c e - M a r i e O’Donnell from the NYPD Special Victims Liaison Unit and Kimberly Capers of the Bronx District Attorney’s sex crimes unit for their help in presenting sex abuse prevention workshops to the Co-op City community.
(Continued on page 15)
Shareholders enjoy the celebratory luncheon.
Photo by Bill Stuttig
replace and install 133,522 new energy efficient windows and 5,502 terrace doors in the development; as well as Andrew Sirotkin, President of Tindel, the window replacement contractor. Lunch for the celebration was provided by Tindel Windows.
Photo by Rozaan Boone
community’s shareholders to invest millions of dollars into repairing and reconstructing Co-op City’s infrastructure, rebuilding of its 8 garages and the building of an historic cogeneration plant that (Continued on page 2)