Co-op City Times 09/15/12

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Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2012 Co-op City Times

Vol. 47 No. 37

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Public Safety asks for community’s support in gaining peace officer status BY BILL STUTTIG Co-op City’s Public Safety Department at a management forum focusing on the department’s function in the community asked for residents’ support in fighting for passage of New York State legislation which would grant the department’s officers New York State Peace Office status. Chief Frank Apollo, commanding office of the Department of Public Safety, stressed that gaining such status from the New York State legislature would safeguard the department against the potential loss of Special Patrolman status should the NYPD decide one day in the future to eliminate its Special Patrolman division for whatever reason. Such a move, as was threatened years ago, according to Apollo, would reduce the status of the community’s Public Safety officers to that of security guards with no arrest powers or right to carry firearms. If this were to occur, then the community would suffer greatly, Apollo maintained, because the department would lose much of its crime-fighting abilities and the extraordinarily low crime rate the community has maintained for years, would likely rise sharply as a result.

As Apollo explained to the gathering of nearly 80 Co-op City residents meeting in the Einstein Community Center on Tuesday evening, the Riverbay Board of Directors has already thrown its full support behind this effort by voting unanimously to support the campaign for Peace Officer status in April and voting again, 14 to 1, to hire a renowned lobbyist, MirRam Ground LLC, to help push the legislation’s passage over the next year. Apollo said that some of the ground work has already been completed including the writing of the bill and its introduction into committee, but actual passage of the bill is probably a year away and will require additional effort from the community in the months to come. When one resident asked what specifically the community can do to help this effort, Apollo referred to the advice of the lobbyist who suggested that when the time is right, buses filled with shareholders can come up to Albany to let their voice be heard by the various legislators who will be deciding on this bill. But Apollo did say that such a campaign would be months down the road in the (Continued on page 2)

Income affidavit verification is a state-mandated process BY ROZAAN BOONE The annual income affidavit verification process is mandated by New York State law and Mitchell-Lama regulations whenever there is a discrepancy between information on the affidavit and the shareholder’s filed state income tax for the previous tax year. Each year, shareholders are required to file their income affidavits with Riverbay Corporation’s Finance Department before April 30. Riverbay then forwards the income affidavits to the state Division of Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) for review. HCR is the regulatory agency for Mitchell-Lama developments such as Co-op City. “When shareholders file their Income Affidavits, Riverbay Corporation forwards one of the copies of that form to New York State HCR in accordance with New York State’s regulations,” said Peter

Merola, Riverbay’s Director of Finance. “HCR then compares the information from the Income Affidavit to the shareholder’s and all household members’ filed New York State Income tax return. If there are any discrepancies in these two documents, the shareholder’s name and/or household members’ names are placed on a list which is then sent to Riverbay for follow-up.” During the review process, HCR personnel enter the information shareholders wrote on their income affidavits – occupants’ names, Social Security numbers and income – into their database. This information is then matched to the NYS Income Tax database which contains the data that all New York State residents submitted on their Income Tax Returns. After HCR completes this process, (Continued on page 4)

Update on Power Plant investigation (See pg. 4)


Deadline for HUD deal talks extended until Oct. 31 BY JIM ROBERTS The Riverbay Board of Directors overwhelmingly approved resolutions this week that allow talks to continue until Oct. 31 to reach a deal that will save shareholders millions of dollars in interest costs over the next 35 years. The proposed $621 million mortgage refinancing loan, to be underwritten by Wells Fargo Bank and guaranteed by the federal Housing and Urban Development agency (HUD), will pay off the community’s existing $558 million mortgage debt with New York Community Bank and also provide $25 million for continuing capital projects work and add $40 million to Riverbay reserve funds and pay for bank fees and expenses. By votes of 10-3 and 9-4 and 9-4 (with two Board members absent), the Riverbay Board approved Emergency Resolutions #12-76, #12-77 and #12-78 at a Board meeting on Sept. 12. (See page 14 for the resolutions). According to the resolutions, Riverbay has been advised by both Wells Fargo and

HUD that the two parties believe they can close the $621 million mortgage deal before the new Oct. 31 deadline. The talks to conclude the deal with Wells Fargo and HUD are complex because of the size of the loan and the fact that this will be the first time that HUD has insured a loan under its 223F program to a cooperative. The program has only been open to rental loans up until now. Beginning three years ago, Riverbay Management, working with Wells Fargo, petitioned HUD to open up the program to condos and co-ops, and after an intensive 18 months of negotiations, were finally able to get HUD to agree. Riverbay then initially attempted to file for the program, but found little interest at HUD, with the size of Co-op City seemingly prohibitive. In the ensuing months, there were countless attempts by Wells Fargo to familiarize HUD with Co-op City, and its supervisory and financial structures. Last (Continued on page 4)

Change-over to heat to begin on Friday, September 28 To p r ep a r e for t h e u p com ing win t er m on t h s, th e Power P la nt will sh u t d own a ir con d it ion in g on F r id a y, Sep t em b er 28. I n com p lia n ce wit h New Yor k C ity r egula t ion , h ea t will be t u r n ed on b y M on d a y, O ct ob er 15. Du r in g t h e t wo week s of t h e sh u t -down , t he ch iller s t h a t a r e op er a t ed in t h e su m m er m ont h s will b e t u r n ed off a n d m a in t en a n ce a nd r epa ir of t he h ea t ing syst em will b e cond u cted .

Co-op City remembers 9/11 … More than 100 Co-op City residents gathered at the Greenway stage Tuesday evening to participate in a candlelight vigil commemorating the 11th anniversary of the deadly terrorist attacks on our nation that killed nearly 3000 people that day, September 11th, 2001. Mark Bruh, a Co-op City resident and founder of the veterans support group, From the Warfront to the Home front, coordinated the program which included speeches by State Assemblyman Mike Benedetto, Rev. Dr. Robert Smith of Co-op City’s Church of the Savior, Bishop Angel Rosario of the Church of God’s Children, and Bronx residents who lost loved ones on that tragic day. After the presentation and as night fell, Co-op City residents and community leaders lit candles and stood together in honor of thousands who were brutally murdered so tragically and needlessly 11 years ago. Photo by Bill Stuttug


Forum lengthy process. The Chief added, however, that aside from safeguarding the community against the loss of arrest powers by its Public Safety officers, New York State Peace Officer status would give the community access to additional training programs and greater funding opportunities through grants. In making his case for his department’s effectiveness and the importance of maintaining and improving the operation, Apollo pointed to recent crime statistics for the community which he said indicates a significant drop in crime in the past year, including a 65% drop in robberies, and 100% drop in burglaries, a 32% drop in auto theft, a 54% drop in criminal vehicular damage and a 15% drop in reports of shorts fired. In pointing to the long term effectiveness of the department, Apollo pointed to records which indicated more than 200 robberies being committed in 1991 compared to only 21 being reported so far this year. After Apollo made his case for the effectiveness of the Public Safety Department, several top supervisors were introduced to the community and gave brief presentations on the units’ role within the department. The supervisors included: Deputy Chief Gerardo Blanco, a former NYPD supervisor and second in command;, Lt. James Keappock, who heads

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012 (Continued from page 1)

up the department’s extensive training program; Lt. Ray Duran who heads up the department’s investigative unit; Sergeant Frank Torres, the department’s integrity control officer who, among other things, oversees the filing of and investigates all civilian complaints against the department by shareholders, and Lt. Jeff Bowman, who oversees the department’s technical services which includes the extensive surveillance network and command center, the emergency alert system, the RUOK program, through which the status and well-being of the community’s elderly and disabled can be monitored on a daily basis. Bowman was not present at the meeting and Lt. Keappock presented the overview of the department’s technical services in his place. After these brief presentations, shareholders were given their chance to speak and offer their opinions as to the effectiveness of the officers. While most were complimentary of the officers and their responsiveness and professionalism while serving this community, several shareholders complained of the demeanor and attitude of dispatchers who answer the calls from the community on an-aroundthe clock basis. One shareholder pointed to several calls he made regarding chronic noise problems around his home only to get rude and unresponsive treatment from the dispatcher. Apollo said that he does

not take these complaints lightly and he will follow-up with any shareholder making such complaints, investigate and, if warranted, take action including additional training for that person up to termination of employment if the severity of the situation warrants it. When one of the shareholders who complained of regular treatment he received from dispatchers said that he had a digital log of each call he placed, Apollo agreed to meet with the man and have the call log investigated. Apollo also agreed to have a specific case looked into of a lobby attendant talking on the phone or using a mobile device instead of keeping a watchful eye over the lobby. He also agreed to speak with the lobby attendant supervisor about arranging more equitable distribution of available attendants to make sure that each building lobby gets its fair share of coverage. When asked about the department’s role in providing activities for the community’s youth, Apollo pointed to several activities that were held in the recent past, including several youth gang awareness forums, a street games day, and handball tournaments, to name a few, that were not well-attended by the youth. He added that the department will continue to stage similar activities in the future, but he also said that it was not Public Safety’s direct responsibility to keep the community’s

children engaged in worthwhile activity and that responsibility should fall to the parent or guardian of each child to get him or her involved in some of the activities available both in and outside the Coop City community. Apollo’s frank comments were greeted with applause. The Section 5 Boys and Girls Club was cited as one example of available activities within the community. Board Director Eleanor Bailey, Chairperson of the Riverbay Youth Committee, invited anyone from the community to contact the committee and make suggestions about possible ideas for youth activities. General Manager Vernon Cooper began the meeting with a heartfelt remembrance of the victims of 9/11, particularly those in the community who lost loved ones and friends that tragic day. Immediately after, Rev. Calvin Owens led the gathering in prayer for the memory of those victims as each of the shareholders in attendance joined hands. Besides Rev. Owens, and Director Bailey, Directors Othelia Jones, and Francine Reva Jones participated in the meeting. This was the first in a series of monthly management forums scheduled throughout this year. The second will be at 7 p.m. on October 16th in the Dreiser Community Center and will again focus on Public Safety.

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

2nd Combing ty p Cinext Blood Co-oDrive Blood drive on September 22 Church of the Savior, in conjunction with the American Red Cross, will host a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, September 22nd in Room 4 of the Dreiser Community Center. No appointments are necessary. Rev. Dr. Robert Smith, Pastor of Church of the Savior, said the drive is being held to address a critical blood shortage throughout New York State. Smith said that the summer vacation season is a time when donations significantly drop while the need for blood in area hospitals increases due to the increased volume of traffic and, in turn, accidents on our roads and highways.

Hutchinson River Restoration Project seeking volunteers The Hutchinson River Restoration Project is looking for volunteers from Co-op City to participate in the 3rd Annual Thomas Pell Wildlife Sanctuary Cleanup to be held Sunday, September 23, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the bus stop on City Island Road at Shore Road. Adults and youth age 18 years and above who would like to help beautify the river and who might canoe with New York City Parks Department are welcome. Reservations helpful (718) 8859653 or see, or “Hutchinson RRP @” for details. Also, anyone who would like to volunteer with a flat-bottomed/small motorboat, please call.

Riverbay Corp. and NCNW sponsor health fair On Saturday, Sept. 22, 1-4 p.m., the Co-op City branch NCNW and Riverbay Corporation will co-sponsor a community health fair in the Dreiser Auditorium. Everyone is invited. Available information will include how to prepare before your doctor’s visit; heart, hypertension and diabetes literature; nutrition; kidney health; healthy lifestyle—blood pressure and important resources in Co-op City. There will also be on-site nutritious food preparation and medical professionals. Bring your health concerns and your family members and friends. For information, please contact Barbara Smith, R.N., B.S.N., (917) 838-9424.


MTA officials coming to Co-op City to discuss rail plans September 24 BY JIM ROBERTS Representatives from the MTA and Metro North will be in Co-op City next Monday, September 24, to show the community some long-range plans for a longawaited subway connection to Manhattan. Starting at 7 p.m. in the Dreiser Auditorium, shareholders will learn about a proposal that would build a railroad station at the Amtrak tracks that run past Section Five. According to MTA spokesperson Aaron Donovan, the dream of a convenient 35-minute ride by rails from Co-op City to the city is still seven years away, but the time to plan and hear the community’s thoughts is now. “For the workshop on Sept. 24, we’re going to set up some boards that will have conceptual diagrams to make a presentation,” Donovan said. “Then we’re going to be looking to set up direct conversations with folks about where stations might be located, what they should look like, things of that nature.” The workshop is part of the MTA’s public outreach portion of its Penn Station utilization study and will provide the public a chance to comment and show their support for the project. “It’s an opportunity for folks from the area to have an input on this potential project,” Donovan said. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. and many other elected and appointed officials in the Bronx are organizing to

support the project. “We want to give the people of the Bronx a real opportunity to review these plans and to offer their own thoughts on the future of transportation in our borough,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. “These meetings will give my staff and the MTA a chance to hear from Bronxites about these plans, and to use that feedback in a constructive manner. “If the Bronx, and indeed the entire service region of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), is to realize its full potential both as a place to live and as a place of commerce, time efficient, cost effective and environmentally sound transportation must be available,” Diaz said in a statement. “East Bronx railroad service satisfies every one of these prerequisites. Therefore, making it happen is a top priority of my administration.” The Regional Planning Association (RPA) has calculated that real property values increase by 7% if located within one-half mile of a new railroad station and 5% within one mile of a new station. The MTA’s plan for expanding service calls for four new stations in the Bronx – at Co-op City, Morris Park, Parkchester and Hunts Point – along with two more new stations in upper Manhattan. However, before any construction work could even begin on this project,

work will have to be completed on the MTA’s current massive expansion program that is building access for the Long Island Railroad into Grand Central. Once that $8.2 billion project is done, tracks will be opened up at Penn Station to allow the Bronx expansion. Until then, there isn’t enough capacity to run new trains from the Bronx into Manhattan. Paying the construction costs for the Bronx expansion plans, which could reach $100 million, still has to be arranged. “This is far down the road and hasn’t been put into the budget yet,” Donovan said. “We are currently in a 2010 to 2014 capital program, so this would be the following budget. Funding will be another normal step in the process. “The good thing about this proposal is that it by and large uses existing tracks now used by Amtrak that are in good repair. It’s a service expansion that benefits from existing infrastructure. You need to build a station and there might be some additional tracks needed depending on the service plans,” Donovan noted. At its regular monthly public meeting held on May 17, Community Board 10 unanimously passed a resolution recommending that Metro North construct a train station to serve Co-op City and commuters traveling to and from this community and Penn Station in midtown Manhattan.

American Cancer Society seeks Co-op City residents for the national Cancer Prevention Study-3 BY BILL STUTTIG The American Cancer Society is seeking to include approximately 500 Bronx residents, many of them from Co-op City, to take part in a major nationwide study to determine the effects of lifestyle, genetics, diet and the environment on the chances of being diagnosed with cancer during his or her lifetime. Co-op City will be one of four sites in the Bronx participating in the voluntary study involving people between the age of 30 and 65 who have never been diagnosed with cancer before. The enrollment event for Co-op City will be held on Friday, November 9th from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Saturday, November 10th from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Bartow Community Center, Room #31. Susan Olivera, Director of Patient and Family Services for the Bronx office of the American Cancer Society, said that the hope is to begin having Co-op City residents register for the study beginning now. Details about enrolling are available by logging on to the site, Registration is required in order to schedule a 30-minute time slot for your individual enrollment session, and to

avoid long waits. Each 30-minute enrollment session will include reading and signing an informed consent form, completing a brief survey regarding lifestyle, having a waist circumference measurement taken and then having a small blood sample taken by a certified, trained phlebotomist. Participants will then be required to fill out a more detailed survey at home and complete regular updates on your lifestyle, diet, and health changes in the years to follow. The ultimate goal of the American Cancer Society is to have 300,000 Americans participate in this comprehensive study called CPS-3. More than 150,000 have signed up so far and it is the hope of the American Cancer Society to have the Bronx account for 500 of the remaining needed enrollees. Carla Sterling, the Regional VicePresident of the Bronx Region of the American Cancer Society, said that nearly everyone has had a family member or a friend affected by cancer and many of us feel there is very little we can do to help our loved ones. She said that volunteering to participate in the study is one significant thing that people can do because the information gathered will

help health care professionals gain a greater understanding of the disease, its causes and how our personal lifestyle choices affect the chances of a cancer diagnosis, and may even lead to a cure. Olivera and Sterling said that a similar study conducted a half-century ago led to the link between cigarette smoking and cancer and that information has saved millions of lives over the last 50 years. Co-op City is just one of four sites in the Bronx that are holding enrollment sessions in November. Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club will hold enrollment sessions on Saturday, November 3rd from 10 a.m. to 3p.m. at two of their locations in the Bronx, 1930 Randall Avenue and 1835 University Avenue. On Wednesday, November 7th, Affinity Health Plan will hold an enrollment session from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Conference Rooms A and B at 2500 Halsey Street. St. Barnabas Hospital will host an enrollment session from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, November 14th in the Braker Room at 4422 Third Avenue. For more information about participating in the study, visit, www.cps3 or call 1-888-604-5888.


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Income Affidavit they generate a report showing the results of the comparison. If everything matches – names, Social Security numbers and income, then the reports says that that household is OK and no further action is required. However, if the report discovers a discrepancy, then the report indicates who in the household did not match up. Riverbay is then instructed to mail the shareholder of record for that particular household a letter requesting that they obtain a certified copy of their NYS Tax Return for those occupants of the household who did not match up, or if the occupant identified did not file taxes, the NYS Tax Department will issue a certified letter stating that the individuals did not file taxes for that particular tax year if that is the case. Discrepancies can occur in several ways: 1. A member of the household’s name may not match because the State could not read what was written on the income affidavit or key punched the data incorrectly. The same may occur for an occupant’s Social Security number and income. 2. For couples who file their taxes as Married Filing Jointly, the State’s matching process does not always recognize this and will identify one person of the couple as not matching NYS Tax Return records. Merola explained that seniors and unemployed individuals who do not file income taxes, but whose names are entered on the HCR Verification Report are also required by the HCR to obtain a certified letter from the NYS Department of Taxation stating that they did not file taxes for the year in question. “When we receive the report from HCR after the comparison is completed,

HUD Update

(Continued from page 1)

unfortunately it does not state the specific discrepancy, so even if there may be a minor, insignificant discrepancy, those shareholders are still required to receive a letter that is sent by Riverbay’s Finance Department directing them to either obtain a certified copy of their state tax return, or a letter stating that they did not file from the state Tax Department,” said Merola. The New York State Department of Taxation can be contacted by calling (518) 457-5181 for the Personal Income Tax Information Center; for telephone assistance for the hearing and speech impaired (by TDD), (518) 485-5082, or call NYS Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1 and give them the number. Merola noted that the process of obtaining a certified copy of a New York State tax return is fairly simple and may not always take up to 60 days as the NYS Tax Department advises. “Based on last year’s results, their response time was much, much quicker,” he said. “Any cooperator who requests the information from the New York State Tax Department and does not receive it should contact them to follow up.” According to the HCR website, the annual Income Affidavit is in accordance with the Private Housing Finance Law which requires limited profit and limited dividend housing companies to review tenant/cooperator income once a year and assess a rental surcharge if the adjusted household income exceeds the maximum income limit by more than 5%. Based on HCR regulations, each year Riverbay calculates the income limit for each apartment. This limit is based on the apartment size, the carrying charges, the equity paid and the number of people occupying the apartment. This income

limit is compared to the household’s adjusted income as reported in their annual income affidavit to determine if the apartment is subject to a surcharge. “This is not a new policy nor is it one meant to punish anyone,” said Board President Helen Atkins. “We are required by law to conduct this review and to assess appropriate surcharges in cases where incomes were not reported correctly.” As soon as shareholders receive the certified copy of their tax return from New York State, it has to be submitted to Riverbay, which, for their convenience, can be done by mail to Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Ave., Bronx, NY 10475; Attention: Income Affidavit Verification; or by fax to 718-3203101. A copy should be retained for your records. Merola added: “Once we verify the income as reported on the shareholder’s tax returns, if they are over the income limit, an additional surcharge is assessed. In the past, we have been able to collect a substantial amount of money owed to the corporation from residents who underreported their household income. It is important for cooperators to note that the total income of all individuals in their household must be reported.” This year’s Income Affidavit deadline was April 30, 2012. Surcharges based upon 2010 Income Affidavit forms expired on June 30, 2012. New surcharges were imposed for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, based on data taken from the 2011 NYS Tax Return. Cooperators who filed for an extension to file their 2011 tax returns were still required to submit their Income Affidavit using Estimated Income which should have been identified as an estimation and an amended affidavit should

have been filed once the tax return was filed. Failure to do so results in the cooperator being assessed the maximum 50% surcharge of their basic carrying charges being levied. HCR is currently reviewing the 2009 tax returns of Co-op City shareholders. Late last month, Riverbay sent out 3,800 letters to shareholders requesting income verification. Last year, this exercise resulted in approximately 3,500 letters being mailed out and $650,000 in additional surcharges being collected from shareholders who underreported their household income to Riverbay during the Income Affidavit period. This year’s report resulted in 3,800 letters being mailed out. Riverbay’s General Manager Vernon Cooper said: “We have asked representatives of the New York State Homes and Community Renewal agency to reconsider some of the discrepancies that would currently require cooperators to ask for a certified copy of their tax return, i.e. when the person that is in question on the income affidavit is a minor at an age where tax returns would not even apply. We have not received a response yet, but will continue to pursue this issue. That being said, we appreciate the cooperation and understanding of residents as we conduct this annual income review process, and we would also like to impress upon cooperators that they should pay careful attention to the instructions when they fill out their income affidavits to avoid the need to send in certified copies of their tax returns next year.” If shareholders have any questions about the income verification process, they may direct them to the Riverbay Finance Department at Ext. 3364 or 3371.

The Sept. 15 deadline that has now been extended until Oct. 31 came from an agreement between Riverbay and New York Community Bank that provided Riverbay with a discounted prepayment premium if the NYCB loan was refinanced before the Sept. 15 date. By approving Resolution #12-78, the Riverbay Board has agreed to accept NYCB’s proposal to extend the reduced prepayment premium deadline date to allow the talks with Wells Fargo and HUD to continue. The Board accepted NYCB’s proposal

that in return for extending the deadline, NYCB will receive an additional 1% prepayment premium, or $5.45 million. If the negotiations are not successful and the loan isn’t refinanced with Wells Fargo, the extra prepayment premium would not be paid to NYCB. The refinancing with Wells Fargo is projected to save Riverbay shareholders $159 million over the life of the loan, so the extra payment to extend the deadline until Oct. 31 represents just 3% of the money Riverbay will save in interest costs.

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summer, HUD officials even came to Co-op City for a site visit and the agency finally agreed to accept an application from Co-op City for the loan guarantee. Issues still to be negotiated between Riverbay and HUD include potential changes to existing federal regulations in the future that could affect Co-op City and delegation of supervisory authority. Other topics under discussion are changes proposed by Riverbay to the standard mortgage agreements that HUD uses with forprofit borrowers, final authority over maintenance increases, and several other issues.

According to a memo from Riverbay General Counsel Jeffrey Buss to the Riverbay Board in mid-August, significant progress has been made in the complex talks. “Having successfully financed loans with NYCB [New York Community Bank] in 2004, 2009 and 2011, there is no reason why Riverbay should be legally or financially unable to refinance in 2012,” Buss wrote. The Riverbay Board of Directors will have to approve any loan deal that is negotiated with Wells Fargo and HUD.

Power blackout investigation nears conclusion BY JIM ROBERTS Investigators examining what caused the Riverbay Power Plant to shut down just past midnight on Aug. 30 have compiled data on nearly all of the plant’s equipment and they are now awaiting information from Con Edison regarding their operations at the time of the outage. According to a preliminary Sept. 10 report from New York Electrical Power Services (NYEPS), an inde-

pendent testing company based in Long Island City, NY if one more feeder in the Riverbay Power Plant checks out, their testing will “… lead us to conclude that the event was indeed external,” meaning it was not caused by a failure in the Riverbay Power Plant. NYEPS is waiting for information from Con Ed regarding what system problems they logged during the blackout, any operations being per-

formed at the time or just prior and immediately after, any switching that was being performed, and any fault data that Con Ed may have recorded. NYEPS also expects to provide Riverbay recommendations on how to better prepare for handling an event of this type in the future. “The positive side of this event is that proactive systems acted to protect operating personnel, equipment and

the system and that power restoration was accomplished relatively quickly,” the preliminary report said. Co-op City was without any power for approximately two and one-half hours in the early hours of Aug. 30. Electricity from Con Edison was switched on beginning at 2:30 a.m. that morning until the Riverbay cogeneration plant resumed producing all of the community’s electricity that evening.

L’Shana Tova Tiku Tainu to all Co-op City shareholders celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012


Management Report We are glad to be able to report to the community that starting next week, Management will designate a section in the Co-op City Times which will be called “Opportunities At Co-op City.” There will be two parts to this section, which will be printed on a weekly basis: one part will be for any and all job openings here at Riverbay, as they become available; the second will be for any and all contracts that are in the process of bidding out. The idea of the postings is to inform Co-op City residents about these opportunities so that in the event cooperators believe that they, their family members, neighbors or friends have the qualifications for said jobs and/or contracts, they can apply. With respect to the positions that become available, it may be an entry level position that you may feel you are well suited for, or any other position, be it an operations position like engineer, utility man, carpenter or mason; or a Management position, whether it is clerical or supervisory, and with respect to contracts, we will post all contracts, large and small. The notices will tell the community what the bids entail and whether or not the contract will require a bond or no bond. Again, these notices will be posted in the paper every week and if there are no job openings or contracts to post on a given week, we will state as much in that section of the paper that week. However, there are many contracts let throughout the course of the year, therefore it is more than likely that there will be something to report on each week. R EQUEST S FOR EM ER GENC Y TR ANSF ER S In several articles that have appeared in the City News, reference has been made about a cooperator, Ms. Marcia Clarke, who experienced water damage as a result of a condensate pipe break that took place in Building 10B. This was definitely an unfortunate incident that affected approximately 8 to 10 apartments. The cooperator in question felt

Management Corner

Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. she was not able to stay in her apartment because of the water damage which included obvious signs of mold. Fortunately, the cooperator had homeowner’s insurance and was able to go to a hotel. Initially, although the leak took place at the end of July, the cooperator was placed in the normal rotation for restoration, which is commonly 4 to 6 weeks out during the middle of the a/c season— which we were in during the month of July—given the volume of a/c leaks we received at the time. As a result, the cooperator was given restoration dates in September. When the cooperator brought this matter to my attention, I told the cooperator that the time frame given to her was unacceptable and that I would arrange to have the restoration work commence the very next day if it was convenient for her. The cooperator’s position was that she should be given an emergency transfer and preferably to a one bedroom townhouse apartment. She noted that this was not the first time that she has been subject to water damage and that she had health problems that the mold in her apartment would only exacerbate. While we can fully empathize with Ms. Clarke due to the major inconvenience of this experience, it is important to point out that Management must follow certain procedures whenever residents are subject to damages of this nature and with respect to the request for a transfer, the housing company would have to make a formal request and get approval from the State of New York’s Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) agency in order to offer someone an emergency transfer. Mr. George Chan, who is the state repre-

sentative from HCR, offered the following response as it relates to a request for an emergency transfer: “Kindly be advised that it is the position of HCR to approve transfers on a case by case basis. We have approved transfers in cases where a spouse has been battered and has a restraining order. In the case of Ms. Clarke, if the housing company demonstrates that all remedial measures have been exhausted and deems that the unit is uninhabitable, HCR will review this matter.” Knowing that this is the state’s policy, we determined that we must first assess the damage to the apartment in question and make a determination as to whether or not we can restore the apartment and make it habitable again for the cooperator. We initially were not allowed access to Ms. Clarke’s apartment in order to determine the scope of work and start immediate repairs, even though we offered several times to move furniture for her in order to expedite repair work and move the furniture back in place after completing the work, provided that Ms. Clarke signs a Hold Harmless agreement for the handling of her personal property. In fact, over the course of a one-month time period, we sent Ms. Clarke three different letters, continuously asking for access to make repairs, by both regular and certified mail, and copies of each letter were also sent to the Board of Directors and the State of New York. In August, Ms. Clarke went to housing court and applied for an Order to Show Cause regarding the conditions in her apartment and was given a court date of September 5th. It is important to note that the housing company would have taken corrective action before September 5th even if it had to be by forced entry to the apartment, had it not been for the fact that we were served with an Order to Show Cause back in August. It is important to point out that the proprietary lease agreement states that the cooperator must give the housing company access to make necessary repairs.

The only work we were finally given access to do before we reached the September 5th court date was the remediation of mold and plastering and painting of the bedroom. In court, Ms. Clarke agreed to sign the Hold Harmless agreement and give us access to the apartment and we agreed to remove her furniture and make all the necessary repairs. This work has, in fact, been completed and Ms. Clarke’s apartment has been fully restored. We’ve installed new floors in her living room, hallway, entrance foyer and kitchen (the bedroom was not done because the cooperator participated in the voucher program and as a result will get her own bedroom flooring) and we’ve plastered and painted throughout the apartment, replaced convector motors throughout and cleaned and painted inside the kitchen cabinets as well. We wanted to tell this story because the reports in the City News are totally inaccurate and the comments made were irresponsible. City News did not attempt to determine the facts in this case which could be detrimental to this community especially when you are alleging potential health issues. During this entire ordeal, Ms. Clarke spoke with several parties, which included Board members, HCR officials and elected officials. We explained the situation to all of these parties and after hearing the facts, all agreed that we were handling the situation properly. For the City News to claim that it took their intervention to get the work done for Ms. Clarke is simply a blatant lie and borders on libel. It is one thing to point out issues or conditions that need to be addressed, but quite another to falsely give residents the impression that no one cares about them and that it took the City News’ intervention to get things done. What the City News has been engaged in is irresponsible journalism to the highest degree, and hopefully, this explanation of the events regarding this matter will help the residents of this community to better comprehend what the facts really are.


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Co-op City Times

Letters To The Editor

Blood drives are important To the E ditor : I am sending this letter to thank Co-op City for participating in the recent blood drive on August 22. Because of this blood drive, my 2 sons and I donated blood. A week and a half later, one of my sons, Michael, received a phone call from a worker at New York- Presbyterian

Hospital. The worker informed my son that because he has a rare blood type, which is O negative, his blood was used to save the life of a 3 year old girl. I was so moved by this that I want to thank Coop City for this blood drive and to let everyone know that Co-op City residents should be very proud to have donated

blood because this shows that blood drives really do save lives. Also, I would like to add that even though I received tickets to the Mets game as an incentive to donate, my true gift is in knowing that my son’s blood saved a little girl’s life. That truly is a gift for her – The —Ha ydee M or a les gift of life.

Management: We are listening

Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. (718) 320-3300, ext. 3375

Derek Alger Director of Communications

Rozaan Boone Editor-in-Chief

Bill Stuttig Associate Editor

Jim Roberts Business Manager

To t h e E d it or : It is our sincere hope that one’s opinion(s) has a basis in fact and a letter in last week’s Co-op City Times from a cooperator clearly demonstrated that she made erroneous assumptions, or perhaps was misinformed, about our work in Co-op City. For one thing, all Riverbay staff members are evaluated semi-annually and annually. HCR’s recommendation for an increase in our management fee is based upon inspections and performances.

We are proud of our record of accomplishments in Co-op City and we will continue to strive to upgrade services to shareholders. Towards that effort, we began a series of monthly open Management forums this week to hear directly from residents. At each forum, we will feature a different department. That department will explain its operations and then take questions. It is our sincere hope that residents who have questions or concerns about the different departments that comprise the Riverbay Corporation will make

every effort to attend these forums and ask their questions to get a better understanding of the scope of the work involved and the dedication and commitment it takes from our staff people to keep this community operating on a 24/7 basis. We are listening. We don’t live in a perfect world, improvements can always be made and hence our efforts to hear from residents through these forums which we are hoping the community takes full advantage of to help us to better serve you. —R iver ba y M a n a gem en t

What’s wrong with this picture? We are hopeful that the community will embrace the monthly forums as a way to truly understand operations. Weekly in the newspaper, we have Directors’ viewpoints which seek not to improve, not to help, but only to show “I gotcha.” Nevertheless, there have been no findings of waste. The power plant outage was, we believe, caused by Con Edison. The NAES Corporation report was 70% a sales pitch for us to hire NAES at $1.1 million for 3 years, plus a percentage of earnings. The report identified safety concerns which were known and all have been corrected and surpassed. The insurance company which provides our cover-

age for the plant hired an expert to inspect and thereafter issued a NO findings and NO corrections requested. Waste is the new catch word but so far, there has been NOTHING of significance identified. Our vehicles need fuel and Coop City is a large site. So far, there has not been one “I gotcha.” The scrutiny did, however, lead us to change to a corporate program versus credit cards which, depending upon usage, should save 3-4 cents a gallon. Cell phones have always been tracked and users asked to pay for personal use. We agree the system was not perfect and we are changing to a stipend system for those who must have a phone. We may

save $10,000 a year on a $200,000,000 operating budget—hardly a drop in the bucket. Having said that, we ask your help to identify waste, or at least, help with something real. For example, from July, 2011 to August, 2012, we have wasted $3.3 million on asbestos abatement we have proven is in fallacy. We need to fight, we need to mobilize the community to fight, but not a word comes from these same Board members who make a big deal about finding $10,000 in waste versus $3.3 million in documented waste. There is something wrong with this picture. —R iver ba y M a n a gemen t

NOTICE OF GEESE REPELLENT APPLICATION IN YOUR AREA Please be advised that we will be applying geese repellent on Wednesday, September 19, weather permitting, around the circumference of the rear of Buildings 28, 29 & 32, and on Thursday, around the circumference of Building 31 and the Earhart Lane Townhouses, as well as reapplying the repellant around Buildings 15, 16, 17, 21 and 22. We have used a product called “liquid fence” as recommended to us by the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation as it is harmless to humans and animals. This product will not harm the geese in any way. Liquid fence merely gives the grass a taste not liked by the geese forcing them to relocate. While there is no negative health conditions related to this product, our contractor is, however, placing notice 24 hours in advance around the outer perimeters where this product is to be applied. At most, there may be a lingering odor from this product for up to 24 hours. We use this product as a means of controlling the geese waste which is unsightly. We thank you for understanding. —R I VE R BAY C O R P O R AT I O N

Jennifer Piovanetti Operations Manager

Ralph Henriquez Production Manager

Deborah Harris Editorial Assistant The Co-op City Times welcomes issue-oriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be handsigned by the writers and include their addresses and phone numbers, which will be kept confidential, so that the editor can verify the authenticity of the authors. Writers will be limited to one letter per topic. And to give everyone a chance, we will limit writers to one published letter every 30 days. Anonymous or unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Letters cannot exceed 350 words. Ideally, they should be typed. All letters must be in the Co-op City Times office in Room 21, Bartow Community Center, by 3 p.m. every Monday to be considered for publication in that week’s edition. Views and opinions expressed in letters and Directors’ Viewpoint are solely the writer’s, and not necessarily shared by the Co-op City Times or Riverbay Corp. Advertisements and classified advertisements in the Co-op City Times do not necessarily reflect an endorsement from Riverbay Corporation of goods and services, but present greater options to cooperators of products and services available. The Riverbay Corporation does not assume any responsibility nor is it a party to any contract or agreement between the cooperator and the vendor. All matter published herein is copyrighted by the Co-op City Times. Permission for reprints of advertising or editorial contents produced by the Co-op City Times must be obtained in writing from Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Ave., Bronx, New York 10475.

If the Co-op City Times Was Not Delivered:

Laundry room shutdown schedule

Elevator shutdown schedule

Call 646.261.1761 on Saturdays ONLY, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

The Building 21 laundry room is scheduled to be reopened on Monday, Sept. 24. On Thursday, Sept. 14th, the laundry room in Building 25 was taken out of service and will be reopened on Monday, October 8. Building 26’s laundry room will be shut down on Friday, Sept. 28, and reopened on Monday, Oct. 22 Building 32’s laundry facility will be shut down on Friday, Oct. 12 and reopened on Friday, Nov. 2. Building 31’s laundry room will be taken out of service on Friday, Oct. 26 and reopened on Friday, Nov. 16.

Category 5 elevator safety inspections will take place in Garage #1 on Wednesday, September 19. At 8 a.m., the #1 front elevator will be shutdown, and at 10 a.m., the #2 rear elevator will be taken out of service. On Thursday, September 20, the inspection will commence in Garage #3 at 8 a.m. with the #1 front elevator at 8 a.m., and the #2 rear elevator at 10 a.m. We appreciate your cooperation as we complete this work.

Send us your

Letters! s r Edito City Timee. Co-opBartow Av 5 2049 , NY 1047 Bronx



Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Public Safety Report

CCPD urges drivers and passengers to Buckle Up for Child Passenger Safety BY LIEUTENANT PAM APOLLO The week of September 16th to the 22nd is known as Child Passenger Safety Week. During the Back to School season, it may be likely that drivers might be taking more trips and transporting children or other passengers in their vehicles. Motor vehicle accidents are the number one killer of children. It is very important that all drivers are aware of the rules and regulations regarding the appropriate restraint system for passengers of all ages. Using the proper car seat greatly increases children’s safety when they ride in a vehicle. Every person riding in a vehicle should be appropriately buckled up every time you drive your vehicle. Next Saturday, September 22, is National Safety Seat Check Day across the country. Car seat inspection check sites are available via or via Local sites are as follows: NYC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION: Access Safety City, 672 W 158th Street, NEW YORK, NY 10032 Hours: Weekday checks by appointment. Saturday checks began APRIL, 2012. Phone: 212-795-3046. Contact: Anthony Taylor. BRONX SAFE CITY (NYC DOT): 837 BRUSH AVENUE, BRONX, NY 10465. Hours: SPANISH SPEAKING TECHNICIANS, by appointment only. Phone: 718-822-4116, Contact: Elaine Ayers. Never put a rear facing infant seat in the front seat of any auto. Almost every vehicle manufactured today has driver and passenger side airbags. Some cars have manual or weight sensitive disable switches, but mechanical devices can fail in some situations. The airbag can propel the car seat back with enough force to seriously injure or kill the child. Never hold a child on your lap while driving or while seated in the front seat. The force of the airbag throwing the child against you could be fatal. You should never take a child out of a car seat if they are fussing. Car seat in the rear seat is always the way to go, never regard not sitting in a car seat or sitting in the front seat as a reward. Children need to be buckled up in the rear seat of the vehicle properly restrained. Children aged 8 or over, weighing 100 pounds or more and taller than 4 feet, 9 inches may use a seat belt. Children between 4 and 8, shorter than 4 feet 9 inches tall regardless of weight should use a booster seat. Children 1 to 4 years of age should be in a child safety seat with a five point harness. Children younger than 1 should

With profound sadness It is with much sadness that we announce the passing on Saturday, September 8, of Miguel Melendez, a Community Center porter and part of the Riverbay family for over 36 years. A viewing was held at RG Ortiz Funeral Home in the Bronx on Wednesday, September 12 and funeral services will be held at a later date in Puerto Rico. Please join us in keeping the entire Melendez family in your thoughts and prayers during this sorrowful time.

Tunes on Tuesdays returns Sept. 25 Tunes on Tuesdays, sponsored by the Riverbay Fund with funds generated from the community’s recycling donation bins, will resume on Tuesday, September 25 with performances by Deep Cover from 7-8:30 p.m. on the Section 1 greenway. Bring your chairs and come join us on the greenway for an evening of great entertainment. In case of rain, the concert will be held in the Dreiser Auditorium B.

be placed in a rear facing infant seat in the back seat of the auto. Never use a car seat that has been in an accident, it may have sustained damage that is not visible. Car seats are now made with expiration dates; never use one beyond this date or 5 years after the manufacturing date. Car seat installation can seem difficult at first. It is very important that you carefully read the owner’s manual for both the car seat and for your auto. The LATCH system is an attempt to simplify car seat installation and make it universal from one car to another. The acronym LATCH stands for Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren. It includes Lower Anchorage points and top tether straps to fasten car seats. All vehicles manufactured after 2003 must have at least 2 LATCH points in the rear seat. Seat belts can still be used to install car seats. This is an option for a third seat or if installation in the center seat is desired. Information regarding the LATCH system and the installation of car seats may be found at the National Highway and Transportation Safety Administration at 1 (888) DASH2DOT or on their website at Certified child passenger safety technicians are available at various locations to check for the proper installation of car seats. To find out about car seat check locations, call 1 (866) SEAT CHECK or at their website at Every person riding in an automobile should wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts save lives. Airbags are not a substitute for seatbelts and are designed to be used in connection with seatbelts. An airbag comes out of the steering wheel or dashboard at a speed of 250 miles per hour. Without a seatbelt, the force of an airbag can cause serious injuries to the front seat passenger and driver. Wearing a seatbelt in a vehicle equipped with airbags will minimize injuries in otherwise life threatening collision. Seatbelts will prevent the wearer from being thrown from the automobile in the case of a collision. Today’s automobiles are designed to keep the passenger compartment intact in the event of a collision. Without a seatbelt, you will not remain within that safety zone. Unsecured persons in a vehicle continue to travel at the vehicle’s speed until they strike a solid object within or outside the vehicle. Internal organs of the unbelted person then collide with the skeletal system causing serious internal injuries. An unbelted per-

son also serves as a projectile and can cause injuries to other persons in the vehicle. A person properly restrained stays within the vehicle’s safety zone and comes to a slower stop thereby minimizing injuries. Drivers should consider taking a Defensive Driver Training Course. These courses teach drivers tactics in becoming a safer driver plus provide an insurance discount and possible point reduction. Riverbay Corporation is happy to announce a $5 discount on the National Safety Council’s online 6 hour course. Enter referral code #664 at to receive your $5 discount off the Online Driving Course. The course is an interactive, informative course. You have one month to complete the course in as many sessions as you desire. Users have three attempts to score at least 75% on the exam at the end to receive credit. The online course offers the same benefits as the live course. A computer with a flash drive is required; Visit the website for more information. School is open, DRIVE CAREFULLY. Never pass a stopped school bus with a STOP sign displayed or its red lights flashing. This means children are loading or unloading. Be aware of pedestrians and bike riders when operating a motor vehicle. Bike riders must refrain from riding bicycles near buildings and shopping centers. Bicycle riders must give pedestrians the same level of respect that they expect from motor vehicles. Everyone needs to share the road safely. If you consume alcoholic beverages, be sure to designate a driver who will not drink. Never operate a motor vehicle if you have consumed alcoholic beverages. Always buckle your seatbelt; it will save your life in a serious collision. Avoid distractions and excess speed when driving; these are the two leading causes of collisions within New York State. Always remember, if you see something, say something. Call 9-1-1 and the Department of Public Safety at (718) 671-3050 or online at Callers may remain anonymous when giving information. The Co-op City Department of Public Safety would like to thank all persons who have called in suspicious activity or sent information via our website. It is by your actions that the crime rate remains low and a high quality of life is maintained.


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Operation: College Bound On behalf of the Riverbay Corporation, Community Relations Department, Michelle Sajous, Director, contact number, 718-320-3300, Extension 3532, in partnership with Riverbay Board member, Evelyn M. Turner, we invite you to participate in Co-op City Operation College Bound. On November 17, we will have the first College/Career Fair of its kind right at 177 Dreiser Loop, Bronx, New York from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Our College/ Career Fair is unique in that it will be divided into two segments: (1) Elementary School Students (grades 3 through 5) between 10:00 a.m. and 12 p.m., and (11) Middle and High School Students (6 -12) from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Why are we doing this? Co-op City is a premier community. Many of you have been here from the beginning and you have seen the changes. Many of you have children who were reared here, but have moved on to bigger and hopefully better things. However, one thing has not changed. We still have families with young CHILDREN who not only need their parents/guardians; they need their community to provide enriching experiences for them. Parents who drive and don’t park in the garage need access to

Director’s Viewpoint

Evelyn Turner Assistant Secretary

resources without losing their precious outside parking space. Since last week, volunteers have been extremely busy reaching out to colleges and universities. Resulting from my article last week, another volunteer has joined us and “hit the ground running.” A special thanks to cooperative Sherri Mitchell. Because of Sherri, we will possibly be able to get our event announced on a major TV Station. During the week, I visited WBAI FM Radio Station and they will be announcing our event free of charge. While bragging about our community at a meeting, a Corporate Executive was impressed with what we are attempting to do and is waiting for our “wish list.” His company may send someone to talk about what it takes to work in Corporate America as a career. This is a billion dollar plus yearly corporation whose name will be revealed at a later date. I have made contact with

New York City Department of Youth and Community Services. A staff person will be attending and providing resources for our youth. The Commissioner will be sent an invitation along with all of our elected officials. I have spoken with the NewYork Urban League who will not be able to attend, but will mail information about their “Absolute Success College Readiness Program.” The Coca-Cola Foundation will mail information about their Scholars Foundation. The CocaCola commitment is more than $3 million a year. Another organization, “Let’s Get Ready,” will not be able to attend, but will have a table set up for distribution of their information. This organization provides FREE SAT Prep., FREE College Application Assistance and FREE Financial Aid Overview. Other volunteers have been calling and e-mailing colleges and universities, as well as reaching out to high schools and elementary schools in this district. A volunteer is also assisting in obtaining the new directory of high schools and specialized schools in New York City for distribution. I have also received a commitment for someone to present the NewYork 529 College Saving Plan. The Comptroller of the State of New York and the New York

Higher Education Services Corporation are the Program Administrators and are responsible for implementing and administering the Direct Plan. We have several grandmothers and great-grandmothers who should come out and consider this wonderful saving plan for your next generation. Parents of elementary school age school should start saving now! College is expensive and every little bit helps. If you have a new grandchild and start saving now, that lump sum will be a great head start. In mid-October, we will share the list of college participants. Thank you, volunteers. I have seldom seen such community pride and commitment. As a new Riverbay Board member, I am delighted to work with you. What is needed now is for you, Coop City cooperatives, to reach out to your old alma mater, your children or grandchildren’s college and insist that they recruit Co-op City! If you get the contact, you can call Ms. Sajous on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or call me at any time. We will also send you a flyer. Our children need your support. E-mail:; Cell: 917-324-1033; Home: 718-320-8088.

Building 27 Association Greetings all our good residents. After a wonderful summer with lots of nice warm sunshine, it's time to get back to work. We will be having the first Fall meeting on September 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room of "building." We are

hoping to have a speaker with some time to ask questions you may have on issues of life here. It will also be a meeting to plan some new events for the Fall season. We are considering a Halloween party for the kids. The first children's party was a

great success. We also want your thoughts regarding a possible outing somewhere, and preparations for the Christmas season. We expect to hear some better plans for us residents in case of an emergency like the blackout we had recently. We

decided to have another game night on October 20th, so put that in your calendar. Please join us for the meeting because we can't plan without your input which is so important to us. —Don Doh er t y

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012



Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

HUD Loan This article and all of my articles are written a week ahead of the publishing date. So, by the time that you read this article, you can be sure that there may have been changes with the HUD loan. HUD Loa n This is it. If the loan papers were not signed, then it will be impractical for us to try to refinance our loan with the NY Community Bank. Impractical? Yes. The minimum that we would owe if we would try to prepay this loan would be at least $100 million, as of September 15th. Now, there have been environmental tests throughout the community. Some of the tests were conducted at our cleaners, the Bartow shopping center, the Mobil Station on Bartow, and the power plant. Were issues found? Yes. So, there will be a need for work to be done to remedy some of these issues. However, we could still move forward with the HUD loan, with the understanding of remediating these environmental issues. Cha llenges We will pay $29,808,743 every year for 35 years and then we will not owe any money on the HUD loan. However, here is what we're faced with if we have to stay with NY Community Bank: 7/1/11 - 6/30/13 - Interest Rate = 5.75%, Annual Payment = $38,870,472 7/1/13 - 6/30/16 - Interest Rate = 6.00%, Annual Payment = $39,634,973 7/1/16 - 6/30/21 - Interest Rate = 6.25%, Annual Payment - $40,841,101 7/1/21 - 6/30/26 - Interest Rate = 6.50%, Annual Payment = $41,659,206 Now, please look at how our loan pay-

Director’s Viewpoint

Daryl Johnson Assistant Treasurer

ments increase over the course of 15 years. Then, at the end of 15 long years, we would have a huge balance of $398,430,605 that will need to be refinanced. So, based on our economics, will we ever be able to get out of debt? This is something that we need to come to terms with here. Golden Rule Times have changed. So, people have updated the golden rule by saying, "He [or she] that has the gold makes the rules." Do you honestly think that it's going to be easy to get our loan refinanced again when we have to go back to the table again? The answer is no. So, we have to make plans to cover emergencies and to get out of debt. Assessment s a nd Ca r r ying Cha r ge Incr ea ses It is going to be a big stretch to say that we're going to be able to get another loan to take on a big unplanned project here. Therefore, I would like for the Board and Management to work together to save money for the benefit of this community. Now, have good, money-saving ideas been brought to the table to save millions of dollars here? Yes. So, let's implement those ideas and make some cuts here.

E mployees We're going to have to review some of our policies and procedures as they relate to allegations of discrimination here. Is there a glass ceiling for some employees here? Do some employees feel that they cannot make advancement here? Are new people being hired and leaving some of our current employees behind? Are people being hired solely because they have friends and family here? Are there several discrimination lawsuits on the table right now? Do some people hate the idea of having educated and strong minority ladies in charge of a department here? These are some of the recent claims that have been brought to my attention. Now, I as a Board member will do my best to help this entire community and to make sure that fairness and equality prevails here. So, I would like for the Board and Management to work together and to listen to our employees. Are our employees scared to talk? If yes, then, we must take steps to eliminate that fear. Bottom line: I want our employees to be able to work in a professional environment and know that their hard work will be appreciated and rewarded. So, please know that these matters and our policies will be addressed very soon. L ea ks As you may have heard, a pipe burst in Building 10B and flooded a cooperator's apartment. Thereafter, several items were destroyed and mold developed into certain areas of her apartment. And, according to the cooperator, the mold and the conditions forced her to go live in a hotel. Now, Management has assured me that they're going to completely fix her

apartment and they're willing to have the apartment tested for her safety. Bottom line: The NYS Housing and Community Renewal (HCR) has to approve all transfers. Nevertheless, this apartment must be safe for her to live in. So, you can be sure that this matter will be resolved in a proper way. Sca ffolding Wor k I personally watched how long some repairs to the brick work were being done on Building 8. However, amazingly, the work has been speeding up now. So, I'm hoping that a schedule for all of the brick work can be produced for the community. Bottom line: Some contractors are being paid millions of dollars here and we're getting an increase here next month. Power Pla nt There are Board resolutions that prevent me from publishing many aspects of this audit. However, I would like for this report to be printed and distributed to this community. Close Some people would prefer that you not know what's going on here. Nonsense! I'm going to make sure that you know what's going on. Thank you. Questions or comments? Please send a message to: Daryl Johnson, Riverbay Board Director, c/o Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475. Or, please send a message to me at darylhjohnson@ (There should not be any problems with this e-mail address if it is typed correctly.) And, finally, you can call me at 718-671-4544. Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

I hear you Fellow cooperators, I hear you. As I walk about the community, I hear anxiety, Director’s anger, and fear coming from many, telling me that there is a major problem with how people feel and the lack of confidence existing in the current state of affairs. There is anger, appropriate anger, over lousy and slipshod work performed by the Restoration Department, and that doesn't even account for the scheduled appointments that aren't kept. What's going on? How can this be? We are all facing tough economic times and cooperators simply can't afford to take a day off from work and then have no one show up to perform the required repair work as scheduled. No wonder folks are angry and frustrated. True, there are a host of problems with aging pipes throughout our buildings, but there doesn't seem to be a definite plan on how to deal with such problems. The powerless are being taken advantage of and this has to stop. It creates justifiable anger and frustration when cooperators are not able to speak to the right person on the phone at Riverbay, or phones are not being answered, and calls are not returned after messages have been left on answering machines. I've said it before, when we see such problems, and there is no attempt to solve them, the fish stinks at the head and that's where the blame belongs. In short, the Riverbay Restoration Department is becoming a disaster. We are set to get a carrying charge increase in a couple of weeks and still we hear nothing about the millions we are being forced to pay for unnecessary asbestos abatement work on our floor tiles when it has been demonstrated that there is absolutely no danger to anyone's health. I ask, why us? Why are housing developments with the exact same floor tiles not being required to do such inordinately expensive abatement work. We in Co-op City are being selectively punished and our elected officials remain silent, how can this be condoned or justified? It can't! Instead, the Mayor, the Governor, everyone under the sun is choosing simply to ignore us. Just think, we pay our fair share of taxes for so many things and the bureaucratic maze of government on the state and city level doesn't give a damn about what's right or wrong. No wonder there is anxiety, anger and fear among cooperators. Even Management and our own Riverbay Board of Directors seem to be sitting idly by and oblivious to the millions of dollars

being thrown away for this unnecessary abatement work. I say, if this work really needs to be done, then the state and city should force other housing developments with such flooring to pay for the same work we are being forced to pay for, especially at a time when we are in a dismal economy and people are scrambling and doing all they can to make ends meet and to stretch their budgets when everything is bursting at the seams. Why should we in Co-op City be punished and have to endure selective enforcement of unnecessary asbestos abatement work? Either everyone or no one should have to do such work. It's that simple. Why us, why are we the only ones being subjected to this? It was a good summer, not too many problems, however, I propose that anyone who commits a crime with a gun in Co-op City or hurts anyone with a gun, then that person should be evicted. Also, I am curious about


Tony Illis

Coalition to Save Affordable Housing Coalition members met at a “Return From Summer Meeting” on Monday, September 10th resuming meetings and activity following the summer months during which vacation schedules and uncomfortable weather slow down the activities of most community organizations. There was a sense of urgency about the proposed HUD loan which faced a September 15th deadline at the time of the meeting. A HUD guaranteed loan would, over the years, save present and future cooperators literally hundreds of millions of dollars over the cost of our present variable and high interest Community Bank of New York balloon loan. It is hoped that the September 15th deadline can be delayed and that HUD can hasten its loan guaranteeing procedures. Another focus of interest was the power plant. The recent middle of the night outage that affected the entire community draws attention to the need for insuring the efficiency, safety and reliability of our complicated and very expensive power plant. One Riverbay Board member speaking at the Coalition meeting on Monday is urging Riverbay to bring in experts in the study of power plant problems. At its next meeting in October, the Coalition will elect its officers for the coming year. Look for announcement of our October meeting in building bulletin boards and in Coalition articles in the Co-op City Times. Only members can vote in our election, but everyone is welcome to take part in our discussions of community news, views and activities. —Seb a st ia n Ula n ga

our power plant, or cogeneration plant, and what Management will report in terms of the recent blackout. I expect them to say that there is nothing wrong and we suffered from a case of non-specific “blackoutitis.” Plans for the clothing drive to benefit the village of Abetifi-Kwahu in Ghana are coming along. Keep checking back for more details of where you can donate clothing, pens, pencils, paper, t-shirts, slippers, but no winter overcoats, although light sweaters are needed. We're not asking for anything expensive, but let's show how big Co-op City's heart is. Finally, I want to send heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Miguel Melendez, a longtime porter at Riverbay who was the first to greet me when I arrived in the morning at Dreiser Community Center, saying every morning, "How are you doing today, Mr. Tony?" I will miss him very much. Give me a call at (718) 320-8035, or email me at – no attachments, please.

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012



Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Building 13 Association RE MI NDER : The MTA hearing regarding the Metro North Station is scheduled at Dreiser Loop Auditorium B, September 24. The presentation begins at 7:00 p.m. Show your support. This meeting is in your own backyard, so come out and hear for yourself what is planned. Attend the meeting. Our new voting location is DREISER LOOP. New shareholders, are you registered to vote? To be registered to vote in the general election, your registration must be received no later than October 17. Your mail-in registration must be postmarked no later than October 12. If this is your first time voting in a federal election, you may have to present ID such as a current and valid photo ID, a current bill or other government document that shows your current and complete name and current address. Our first Association meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 27, at 7:00 p.m. located outside of the building in the rear under the portico. Mr. Vernon Cooper, General

Manager of Co-op City’s managing agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc., is our first invited guest. Your Association wants to keep you informed, but you must attend to get the answers to your questions. The Association has been hard at work preparing activities for everyone’s enjoyment and has planned fundraisers to help continue and expand our programs. Please support us, enjoy the events and have fun. Our calendar includes the return of some favorites and the introduction of some new items. Women Keeping It R eal, Sa tur day, Sep tember 15 Exhilarating spirited conversation with women of all ages, all are welcome, but you must be 18 and over to participate. Place: Association Community Room. Time: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Ar ts a nd Cr a fts, Sunda y, September 23 - Place: The Association Community Room. Time: 12 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Facilitated by Ms. Gail and Ms. Denise. There will be new fun items to make and share. Volunteers are welcome. Annua l Ka r a oke Night, Sa tur day, September 29 –

Hosted by Toni & Yasmine; Light refreshments. Prize for best solo/duo/group performance. Doors open: 7:00 p.m. $10 donation to the Association. In the interest of continued community spirit and fun, we are inviting Co-op City to join us at the first ADULT COSTUME PARTY, Saturday, October 27 at Dreiser Loop Community Room A, located at 177 Dreiser Loop from 7:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Who will you be? That is the question. Wear a costume or come and have a laugh, dance and party with us. You must be 21 years old, $30 in advance, B.Y.O.B.B. Prize for the best costume. Enjoy the audio beats of DJ VAL. For tickets, contacts are listed below or send your money order payable to Building 13 Assoc. Inc. to 100 Casals Place #32K, Bronx, NY 10475. For additional information on any events, contact Leslie Peterson at 718-320-1370 or Gail Sharbaan at 718-671-3801. Thank you for your continued support. —L eslie Peter son

Emergency Resolution: #12-76 SUBM IT TE D BY: Kh alil AbdulWa hhab & L ea h Gr a ha m SEC ONDE D BY: Andr ea L eslie & E velyn Tur ner BOARD OF DI RE C TOR S ME ET ING DATE D: September 12, 2012 W H E R E AS, on June 14, 2011, by Resolution 11-45, Riverbay approved mortgage refinancing with New York Community Bank that also provided Riverbay the option of a replacement HUD loan which could possibly reduce

interest charges by millions of dollars and; W H E R E AS, on August 22nd, 2012 by Resolution 12-62, Riverbay approved entering into a thirty-five (35) year loan, in the approximate amount of $621,000,000.00, to be underwritten by Wells Fargo Bank, with mortgage insurance to be issued by HUD, as well as top loss provided by SONYMA and HDC, self amortizing, and at a rate of interest not to exceed four (4%) percent, W HE R E AS, Wells Fargo Multifamily Capital (WFMC) has been Riverbay’s

exclusive representative for obtaining the loan financing described above; and; W HE R E AS, on August 11, 2011, by Resolution 11-53, Riverbay extended the period of WFMC’s exclusive representation through September 15, 2012; and W HE R E AS, WFMC requires a further extension of its exclusivity agreement through October 31st, 2012; NO W T H E R E F O R E B E I T R E SOLVE D, that Riverbay Corporation agrees to extend the exclusive representation with WFMC through October 31, 2012 in order for WFMC to secure and

close a loan in the approximate amount of $621,000,000 with guarantees from HUD, SONYMA and NYC HDC; and be it further R E SO LVE D, the President, Management and General Counsel are directed to take all necessary action to comply with this Resolution. YE S: At k in s, Ba ile y, C ylich , G r a h a m , I llis, J oh n son , F. J on es, L eslie, Tu r ner, Ab d ul-Wa hh a b NO : O. J on es, Sh a p ir o, Tir a d o ABSE NT: O wens, Sa n t ia go PASSE D

by September 15th, 2012; and W HE R E AS, Wells Fargo and HUD have advised Riverbay that they believe a loan closing can occur on or before October 31st, 2012; and W HE R E AS, NYCB has offered to extend the discounted prepayment premium through October 31st, 2012, conditioned upon the payment of an additional one (1%) percent of the outstanding indebtedness, or approximately $5,450,000.00 dollars, said sum to be payable at closing; NO W T H E R E F O R E B E I T R E SOLVE D, that Riverbay Corporation agrees to accept the offer of NYCB to extend the discounted prepayment premium through October 31st, 2012, and agrees that at any closing which may occur on or before October 31st, 2012,

that Riverbay will pay an additional one percent of the outstanding indebtedness, approximately $5,450,000,00, to NYCB, in addition to the prepayment premium of approximately $12,700,000 which would be due and payable under Riverbay’s existing mortgage and note agreement with NYCB; and be it further R E SO LVE D, the President, Management and General Counsel are directed to take all necessary action to comply with this Resolution. YE S: At k ins, C ylich, Gr a h a m , I llis, J oh n son , F. J on es, L eslie, Tu r ner, Ab d u l-Wa h h a b NO : Ba iley, O. J on es, Sha p ir o, Tir a d o ABSE NT: O wen s, Sa n t ia go PASSE D

W HER EAS, Wells Fargo and HUD have both advised Riverbay that they believe a loan closing can occur on or before October 31st, 2012; and W H ER E AS, NYCB has offered to extend the discounted prepayment premium through October 31st, 2012, conditioned upon the payment of an additional one (1%) percent of the outstanding indebtedness, or approximately $5,450,000.00 dollars, said sum to be payable at closing; W HE R E AS, by Resolution 12-77 Riverbay agreed to accept NYCB’s offer to extend the prepayment premium through October 31st, 2012 in exchange for the additional payment described above; NOW T H E R E F O R E BE I T R ESOLVED, that Riverbay Corporation agrees to amend Resolution 12-62 to extend

the time to close a thirty-five (35) year loan, in the approximate amount of $621,000,000.00, to be underwritten by Wells Fargo Bank, with mortgage insurance to be issued by HUD, as well as top loss provided by SONYMA and HDC, self amortizing, and at a rate of interest not to exceed four (4%) percent, up to and including October 31st, 2012; and be it further RE SOLVE D, the President, Management and General Counsel are directed to take all necessary action to comply with this Resolution. YE S: Atkins, C ylich, Gr a ham , Illis, J ohnson, F. J ones, Leslie, Tur ner, AbdulWa hha b NO: Bailey, O. J ones, Sha pir o, Tir ado ABSENT: Owens, Sa ntiago PASSED

Emergency Resolution: #12-77 SUBM I T T E D BY: E velyn Tu r n er SE C O NDE D BY: L ea h G r a ha m & K h a lil Abd u l-Wa h h a b BOAR D O F DI R E C T O R S M E E T I NG DAT E D: Sep t em b er 12, 2012 W H E R E AS, on June 14, 2011, by Resolution 11-45, Riverbay approved mortgage refinancing with New York Community Bank that also provided Riverbay the option of a replacement HUD loan which could possibly reduce interest charges by millions of dollars and; W H E R E AS, on August 22nd, 2012 by Resolution 12-62, Riverbay approved entering into a thirty-five (35) year loan, in the approximate amount of

$621,000,000.00, to be underwritten by Wells Fargo Bank, with mortgage insurance to be issued by HUD, as well as top loss provided by SONYMA and HDC, self amortizing, and at a rate of interest not to exceed four (4%) percent, provided said loan closing occurred on or before September 15th, 2012; and W H E R E AS, the September 15th, 2012 deadline was imposed in order to ensure compliance with a reduced prepayment premium offered by Riverbay’s existing lender, New York Community Bank which was scheduled to expire on September 15th, 2012; and W H E R E AS, Wells Fargo and HUD have advised Riverbay that it is not possible to close the contemplated refinancing

Emergency Resolution: #12-78 SUBM IT TE D BY: Ber nar d C ylich, Andr ea Leslie & Tony I lls SE CONDED BY: Lea h Gr a ha m & Kha lil Abdul-Wa hha b BOARD OF DI RE CTOR S ME ET ING DATE D: September 12, 2012 WHE R EAS, on June 14, 2011, by Resolution 11-45, Riverbay approved mortgage refinancing with New York Community Bank that also provided Riverbay the option of a replacement HUD loan which could possibly reduce interest charges by millions of dollars and; WHE R EAS, on August 22nd, 2012 by Resolution 12-62, Riverbay approved entering into a thirty-five (35) year loan, in the approximate amount of $621,000,000.00,

to be underwritten by Wells Fargo Bank, with mortgage insurance to be issued by HUD, as well as top loss provided by SONYMA and HDC, self amortizing, and at a rate of interest not to exceed four (4%) percent, provided said loan closing occurred on or before September 15th, 2012; and W HE RE AS, the September 15th, 2012 deadline was imposed in order to ensure compliance with a reduced prepayment premium offered by Riverbay’s existing lender, New York Community Bank which was scheduled to expire on September 15th, 2012; and W HE RE AS, Wells Fargo and HUD have both advised Riverbay that it is not possible to close the contemplated refinancing by September 15th, 2012; and

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012



Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Building 26 Association A warm welcome to all of our Co-op City residents, families, neighbors, friends, and especially our new residents. We also would like to say welcome back to all of our school aged children and young adults attending high school and college. Work hard! Be nice! And stay focused! More than ever, now is the time to ensure you are educated. We are sending greetings and congratulations to all who are celebrating birthdays, new births, wedding anniversaries and other celebrated events during the month of September. Our sincere condolences are sent to

all of those families who have experienced the recent loss of a departed loved one. May you be blessed during this difficult time and may your loved one be eternally blessed. Please make sure you are registered to VOTE! You can make a difference! Your vote brings dollars back into our community. So go out and do the right thing by VOTING. And if you are going to be out of town during this most important election, request for an absentee ballot from the Board of Elections. Thanks to our Board of Directors, courtesy parking for

shareholders with valid parking agreement/sticker was approved to park in any Co-op City garage between the hours of 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. with the exception of inclement weather, overcrowding, and abuse. Please help to keep our community clean and green by properly disposing your garbage in the appropriate receptacle. Take out time to recycle your bottles, plastics, and papers. And please be vigilant. If you see something, say something by calling 9-1-1 for emergencies and 3-1-1 for all other non-emergency complaints. The life you save — Yu Vo n n e L e w i s could be your own.

Building 18 Association Hi, neighbors. Welcome back to our 2012-2013 building association year. We hope your summer vacation was all you wanted it to be. Now let’s get "rolling" and make this year’s attendance better than last year’s. We need your ideas, your suggestions, yes, and your help. If we all work together, we can make a difference. You are important to us and we are asking you to attend as many meetings and support us in our activities as much as you possibly can. G e n e r a l M e e t i n g s : Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 25th at 7:00 p.m. in the association room in the rear of the building and as always, refreshments will be served, also a 50/50 drawing and this is always fun. We look forward to meeting you all. This includes our NEW MOVE-INS. Come and meet and get

to know your neighbors and hear the invited guests tell us straight from their mouths what is going on in our building and in our neighborhood. Seniors Movie Matinee: Our first movie for this year is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19th in the association room at 3:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served and as always, we promise you an enjoyable time. So come on down, kick off your shoes if you like and just relax. L a w s o n ' s M e n ' s G r o u p : The Men's Group is sponoring a Flea Market TODAY, Saturday, September 15th in the association room in the rear of the building, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. COME ONE, COME ALL. GOOD PRICES. Looking forward to an enjoyable day. As a reminder: The Men's Group is not just for men; All are

welcome! S c h o l a r s h i p Aw a r d s F u n d : The scholarship committee continues to discuss and plan fundraising ideas for the Scholarship Awards Fund. Please call Gertie at 347275-2995 or Deborah at 718-379-2551 to share your suggestions/ ideas, looking forward to your support. Thanks. Happy birthday to all with birthdays and special occasions this month may it be all you want it to be. Enjoy! To the bereaved families, we offer our sincere sympathies and to the sick and homebound, we pray for a speedy recovery. Please stay alert! If you SEE something, SAY something! — G er t ie Br own

Church of God’s Children Church of God’s Children and its pastors, Bishops Angelo and Nancy Rosario, invite you to worship with us at 127 Dreiser Loop next to Montefiore Clinic. Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. Spanish – 1 p.m. - English Wed. – Prayer Hour – 7:30-8:30 p.m. Bible Studies resumed on Thursday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. Women’s Fellowship – Saturday, Sept. 15 – 11 a.m. Tuesday, September 18 – Introduction to Bible, 7 p.m. 12-step program every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. at 159 Dreiser Loop. Sunday, September 16 – 1:00 p.m. Youth/Children Sunday – Pastors Jesus & Marilyn Maldonado and family of Dare to Dream Ministries in Newburgh, will be ministering in worship and preaching. Children/youth bring your parents, join us for a spirit-filled musical inspiration and Word. We are distributing free discount prescription cards,

Harriet Tubman Independent Democratic Club Congratulations to all the Democratic candidates and know that you have our full support as we move "Forward!" On Saturday, October 27, we will have our first YOUTH/PARENT SUMMIT ON CULTIVATING SUCCESS. Location: Einstein Loop, Room 45, from 3:30 10:00 p.m. Too few experts agree on the "Keys to Success." How will YOU know which are right for your child. Move your expectations and your child's future in the same direction. The Summit will feature guest speakers, discussion panel, development strategies, refreshment, group discussions and music. Unlock the secret to your child's future by attending this Summit. Admission is free and this is a non-partisan community strength event. The Lead Organizer/Planner for this event is Jay Stith, a brilliant young man who grew up in Co-op City and has extensive experience in Corporate America. We are asking Building Association Presidents to get the word out for the first of several events that will be initiated by this emerging, youthful community leader/activist. Please don't forget to encourage everyone to V-O-T-E. A strategy has been put in place by "Tea Party Republicans" to obstruct the process like Americans have not seen since before the Voting Rights Act. They are very serious that some Americans should not vote without these new requirements. They appear to want to move some Americans BACKWARD to their good old days. Please register someone before the deadline. Call 718-320-1861 to join our — E ve l y n M . Tu r n e r organization.

no registration necessary. Discount card accepted at all major pharmacies. Call church for information. The following lines were penned by a young pastor in Africa and tacked to a wall in his house. Could you have written these words? My Commitment as a Christian I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure. I'm finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, first, tops, recognized, praised, regarded, or reward-

ed. I now live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is heaven, my road is narrow, my way rough, my companions few, my Guide reliable, my mission clear. I cannot be bought, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the adversary, negotiate at the table of the enemy, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, let up, until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, preached up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He stops me. And when He comes for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me--my banner will be clear! We continue in ceaseless prayer for our youth and — B is h o p N a n cy R o s a r io children!

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Black Forum Defen sive Dr ivin g r esu m es n ext week Our next defensive driving course will be held on Saturday, October 13, Rm. 1, Dreiser Community Center, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call today to register, 718-320-8035. Lower your insurance cost by 15% and remove up to 4 points from your driver’s license. Please make your check in the amount of $35, payable to “the Black Forum of Co-op City,” and mail to P.O. Box 563, Bronx, N.Y. 10475 at least 1½ weeks before the class, or you can walk in on the day of the class but you must have $35 in cash to pay for the course. Aq u ed u ct Wor ld R esor t , h er e we com e! Join us today, Saturday, September 15 as we travel to Aqueduct Casino. Cost: $20 per person. Pick-up: 12:45 p.m. - front of the Dreiser Rehab Center; 1:10 p.m. – front of 2050 Bartow Avenue; 1:20 p.m. - front of 135 Einstein

Loop. Be punctual! Must bring government issued ID to collect winnings. If this is your first visit to Aqueduct, bring another casino card and receive a $10 rebate. For information, please call (917) 209-5334, (718) 320-0033 or (718) 320-8035. Bla ck F or u m Aer ob ics in session Aerobics classes are held every Monday and Wednesday, Dreiser, Aud. A, 7:30 p.m. To register, please call (718) 320-8035. Nominal fee for each class. E m er gen cy Food P r ogr a m We are open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Room 20 at the Dreiser Community Center. Also, due to budget constraints and shortage of available food, you must live within zip code 10475 to participate in this program. You must also have your card with you and bring two clean

plastic shopping bags. In order to receive food, you must present a current photo ID such as a non or driver’s license or any photo ID card with proof of address. You will then be issued a card in order to pick up food in the future. Volu n t eer s wa n t ed We need volunteers for Wednesdays and Fridays, 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Call (718) 320-8035. We Need You - J oin Us Tod a y Now is the time for us to get involved. Membership is $5 per year/person. Call (718) 320-8035 or write to Black Forum, P.O. Box 563, Bronx, NY 10475; email: coopcity Help us keep independent community organizations alive in Co-op City. Everyone is encouraged to join. Call us or visit us in Room 20 in the —Ton y Illis Dreiser Community Center.

Co-op City Branch of the NAACP It has been quite a week across the country and here in the Bronx, Co-op City. Schools are again open and we made it through a very hot, long summer. The national branch of the NAACP has turned its concentration to voter registration and getting President Obama re-elected. Neighbor-to-neighbor, encourage folks to register and exercise their civil right to vote. For our branch, the Co-op City Branch of the NAACP, the Freedom Fund Luncheon and Fashion Show Extravaganza rehearsals are the priority. Find a member and buy a raffle from them, call for tickets as directed below. The Co-op City Branch of the NAACP is grateful to everyone working on this special event. Clearly, the Freedom Fund Luncheon and Fashion Show Extravaganza has been a major undertaking. Bravo to the Freedom Fund Committee for spearheading the production of this event and again to everyone working on it. The models are from our Co-op City community primarily. Our branch is grateful to them and to the professional models working with them. All have spent many

hours preparing for this event. Our models have been trained by these professionals and as a result, you may not recognize your neighbors from the professionals. Everyone will be dressed for show in designer fashions as the Eastwood Manor becomes our runway. The event features outfits from popular designers:;, Raif Atelier, Leslie Monique, Willie Kloss and Wendy Williams to name a few. This week was your last chance for journal reservations. Ad space available was from booster size ($10) then business card size ($20) and up to full page ($100), call (718)379-1297 or (718)379-3504. Send ad payments, care of the Journal Committee to P.O. Box 753111 and email the ads to For tickets, call L. Townes: (718) 379-3504 or E. Donnley: (718) 379-1297. You will get a free ticket if you sell two tables worth. The tickets are $85 each. Tickets will not be sold at the door! To purchase raffle(s), ask a member. New raffle books are sold-out, but one can call J. Brown at (718) 671-8915 for

further information or Ms. Eleanor Donnley, Co-op City Branch of the NAACP, P.O. Box 753111, Bronx 10475. Support of this affair supports the NAACP in its challenges nationwide. These include voter registration suits and election legalities. Did you know information on voter registration is on the NAACP website? You can even register to vote on the NAACP website? To share news and to contact us, write the Co-op City Branch of the NAACP, P.O. Box 753111, Einstein Station, Bronx, NY 10475 or email, evalazaar@ Remember when renewing your NAACP membership, enter your membership number. If you should need some assistance or have a question, contact the Co-op City Branch of the NAACP, perhaps we can help. This press release is submitted with the approval of President of the Co-op City Branch of the NAACP, Jeannette Graves. —E va L a za a r


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

American Legion Post 1871 Greetings to all of our Post members who are home-bound and recovering from various medical operations. We wish you a speedy recovery. Happy birthday to all of our Post members who have a birthday in the month of September: Rafael J. Alejandro, Melvin R. Brown, Hattie B. Harris, Charles A. Bishop, John Turjak, Nathan Sherman, Anna T. Swanson and Earl E. Watson. If I don't have your name down for this month, contact me ASAP and it will be in the next issue of the Co -op City Times. Our Post is located in Section 5 community center, 135 Einstein Loop, Room 41. Our office number is 718-320-8165 and you can also reach us by email at Here is a list of the new officers in Post 1871: Commander Jerome Rice, Vice Commander Robert Feliciano, Adjutant Adeyemi "Toba" Oloruntoba, Finance Officer William E. Gordon, Sgt. at Arms

Kenneth Williams, and Post Service Officer Llewellyn Waterman and Chaplain Raymond Riley. The following members are on the Executive Committee: Carrol Brown, Antonio Codrington, Donald Fuller, Ronald Gantwarg, Paul Graves, Richard I. Lawson, Jr., Kenneth Nelson, Silas Standford and Norman Thomas, Congratulations to all the new members of our Post who filled the open slots to help keep our Post up and running, for God and country. ATTENTION ALL FEMALE VETERANS, who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. Please contact our Post 1871 at 718-320 8165 and leave your name, branch you served in and your phone number for further information for a parade on November 8th, Sunday. Up and coming events for our Post members—October 14, 9 a.m. breakfast at the Turner Club. Price: $30 per person.

Co-op City Toastmasters Club Are you tired of having a fear of speaking in public? Have you been putting off coming to a Toastmasters meeting? We’ve all had those moments of procrastination. Well, put off no more; come to the next Toastmasters meeting on Thurs., Sept. 20th at 7:30 p.m. For the past eighty years, Toastmasters Intl. has been helping individuals with improving their communication and lead-

erships skills. Now there is a club right here in our community and we welcome one and all to visit with us. Remember, see you on Thurs., Sept. 20th at 7:30 p.m., Bartow Center, lower level. For more information, please go to; slmsreid1994@ or —L a u r et t a J a ysu r a

Thursday, October 27th, 8 a.m., Retiree Appreciation Day at Fort Hamilton. This is for all military retired personnel, and the Military Ball in November, $75 per person for your spouse and friend. If you plan to go to any of these functions, please turn in your money before each date, cash, check or money order. See our financial officer. Few changes will be made in the appearance in our Room 41, along with basic cable for the comfort and entertainment for our Post members. Remember, all retired Military members, did you update your pay file information? If you have remarried, divorced,

widowed and/or had a child, you need to update your survivor benefit plan (SBP) election. Prayer is the world's greatest wireless connection. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all of our Post members who will celebrate this Holy Day. Dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening and live each day like it's your last. Enjoy the little things in life for someday you will realize they were big things. This information was provided by the Post information officer. —R ich a r d I . L a wson , J r.

Building 24 Association Hi, neighbors!! We are now in the process of trying out our newest product from our overseers. Progress is expected and exciting so don’t condemn it before you give it a good try. Never mind what those who have preceded us in this endeavor are saying, we must try for ourselves. This is our future so let's keep an open mind and realize this is in the best interest of all of us that we help ourselves as smoothly as possible. NE XT: Did you vote in the Democratic local election?? If not, why not??? Well, start preparing now to vote in November. That one is bigger and more necessary than our local election was. We need to focus on who we are, what we need to accomplish as a people and keep

on keeping on in a forward position. Our future is again at stake more than ever. Read your newspapers, look at the comments on TV and think about what you want to see in the coming years for your children. O.K. I sound as if I am on a soapbox, not so, just tuning up your thoughts to keep in mind during the coming weeks and month. Remember, we are a "CITY" and we can show how we think in shaping our future. OOPS, have you got your new laundry card?? If not, go to the CSO Office in Bartow with identification and get it. You have to do it individually; no one can get it for you (so I was informed). Let a smile be your umbrella. —-Celestine Withey

Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012


African-American Association of Co-op City Last Saturday’s Association meeting went well despite the inclement weather. All were welcomed back from the summer break. The programs and events were reviewed and everyone was encouraged to support them. One new member was welcomed and several members paid their dues. The father of Little League’s Derrick Wade stopped in to thank the Association for the $50 donation to help with Derrick’s expenses for Hanks Yanks baseball camp. A thank you card was received from Brijae Hamilton for the $400 scholarship award. The new business included securing tickets for the Alvin Ailey matinee performance for December 15th and all were invited to attend. All were reminded to vote in the September 13th primary. In support of other community groups, we will attend the NAACP luncheon and fashion show on 9/29; the Co-op City Baptist Church anniversary luncheon on

10/6; the Coalition’s Friends & Family Day on 10/21. Evelyn Turner asked members to assist her with a College & Career Fair on November 17th and she was informed of previous Co-op City College Fairs sponsored by History in the Making. We intend to support: the family of Ramarley Graham on 9/13 at the trial of Officer Richard Haste, who shot and killed Graham; the Pan African Freedom Fighters Rally on 9/26, 4:30 p.m., Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, NYC. It was suggested that we support the efforts of Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and Rep. Joseph Crowley the save Social Security from being privatized Thereafter, we celebrated birthdays, wished happy Grandparents Day to all the grandparents and enjoyed dinner, dessert and music. The following are some of the ongoing programs which the Association sponsors

and encourages your participation: Z u m b a F it n ess C la sses – Classes begin Monday, September 17th, 6:00 p.m. in Dreiser Community Center, Room #2. Zumba incorporates the movements of calypso, salsa, tango, meringue, samba, hip hop, reggae, African dance, and more. Class fee $10; Registration $15. E ven in g L in e Da n cin g C la sses – Thursdays, 7:00 p.m., Dreiser Community Center, Room #2. Come and enjoy! C om p u t e r /L a p t op P r ogr a m – Classes resume on Tuesday, September 25th, 7:00 p.m., Dreiser Center, Room 15. We apologize for canceling Sept. 11th. Call 718-379-5555. E d u ca t ion – On Monday, September 17th, 7:00 p.m., Dreiser Center, Room 15, the Per Ankh Study Group will present a geographical review of all the nations on the African continent. Call

718-379-5555. Yoga & P ila t es M a t C la sses – Will resume Tuesday, September 25th, 7:00 p.m., Dreiser Center, Room 2. Call 718671-8364. Belly Da n c in g C la sses – Begins Wednesday, September 26th at 7:00 p.m., Dreiser Center, Room 2. Call 646-3019438. G en er a l M em b er sh ip M eet in g – Saturday, October 13th, 4:00 p.m., Dreiser Center, Room 15. Bring your ideas and suggestions and, if approved, we will make it happen. If you cannot attend, you may send your membership check or money order (DO NOT MAIL CASH) of $15 for a single membership and $25 for families to: AfricanAmerican Association of Co-op City, P.O. Box 702, Co-op City Station, Bronx, NY 10475. Your membership helps to support this organization that sustains our com—F r a n cin e R . J on es munity.

National Council of Negro Women Our Saturday Educational Program for 2012-2113—Our first day of class will be October 13th. Children in Grades 2-8 will receive small group instruction in reading and mathematics each Saturday during the school year with certified teachers in Room 14, Dreiser Community Center. Registration beginning September 15 and will be continuing each Saturday as space allows, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Fee for total year, $225, includes registration fee of $25. For further information, call (718) 655 9034 or (718) 671-2555. Come see the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC. Join us for a guided

tour of Washington, DC, April 5 – 8, 2013 featuring tours of: Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, Iwo Jima Memorial, WW II Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Smithsonian Institution, US Capital, Embassy Row, Lincoln Memorial, and the White House. Motor Coach transportation. Pick-up location: Dreiser Community Center in front of Dal Paint Store. Cost: doubles $419; singles: $539. Deposit of $75 is due November 30. For more information, contact Roberta, 718-671-4804; Joyce, 718-655- 9034 or Yvonne, 718-320-9694.

Building 1 Association The summer is coming to a close and the Building Association hopes that all cooperators had a fun and safe summer and would like to thank everyone who came on our two casino trips to Harrah's and Mohegan Sun. Our next trip is scheduled for November 10th to Mount Airy Casino, so mark your calenders. The tickets are $35 and you get back $25 to gamble and $10 towards food. A fun day was had by all who came on the FDR family day trip; We had a lot of families attend. Any college freshman starting this fall, please contact the President, Charles Phipps. Thank you to Jeremy Alvarez for training us during the summer work-out sessions...the sessions will continue

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3 p.m. until further notice. Thank you to all who have contributed exercise equipment for our work-out sessions. Our first meeting is September 19th at 7:30 p.m. and all are encouraged to attend, as well as any new cooperators who recently moved in to the building; Come and meet your new neighbors. Congratulations to all celebrating a birthday in September and any other occasions. If you know of any cooperators in need of assistance, please extend a helping hand and let the building association know and finally, we are sending well wishes to our sick and shut-in neighbors. Thank you. —C h a r les P h ip p s

Our Annual Community Health Fair co-sponsored with Riverbay will be held Saturday, September 22 at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Dreiser Auditorium. For additional information, please call Barbara Smith, (917) 838-9424. In recognition of National Voter Registration Day, NCNW has partnered with Gist Family catering to hold a Voting Rights Information and Registration Drive unlike any other. Join us on Saturday, September 22, 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. at NCNW’s National Headquarters for delicious food and engaging entertainment all day long

while gaining valuable information, and registration opportunities throughout the day. Come after church or just for an hour or two at your leisure during the day. But most importantly, get there, and bring friends and family with you to take advantage of this special event. To our sick and shut-in, you are not forgotten. You are in our thoughts and prayer daily. Please contact Sadie Gilmore, 718671-3721, to notify us of any birthdays, illness or bereavement. Happy birthday to our September —M a xin e Su lliva n members.


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Circle of Christ Church - Hearts of Love Ministry of NY Reverend Elisamuel “Sam” Colon and the congregation of Circle of Christ Church would like to extend an invitation of love and peace in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please join us for a time of adoring worship, praise and the Word of God. Allow the Lord to reach into your heart and help you see the road of light and joy. Circle of Christ Church is a beacon which the Lord has lit onto Co-op City and it is our purpose as a church and as children of God to serve, teach and bring forth the Gospel for all to hear and witness. Focus Scr ip tur e For T he Week: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding — Proverbs 9:10 Upcoming E vents: • Christian Fashion Show: Saturday,

September 22nd at 6 p.m. Please join us for our latest fundraiser – “Rep the Runway for Christ.” Check out the latest fashion for the fall & winter. It will be a great time of fun, fellowship and fashion. Price: $10 per ticket in advance, $12 at the door. All kids 13 and under are free. • Couples Fellowship: Saturday, September 29th at 12 p.m. Join us for a time of fellowship, fun, and food. Meet other couples and share your stories and support one another. Our special guest speaker will be Rev. Alfonso Wyatt. All are welcome. • Spanish Service – Servicio en Español: Sunday/domingo, September 30th at 3:30 p.m. Communion will be served on this day. La Santa Cena será servido en este día. • Communion Sunday – Sunday, October 7th at 11 a.m. Join us at the Lord’s

Table. Schedule of Ser vice: • Bible Study & Prayer every Wednesday at 7 p.m. • Teen Church (13-19) & Children’s Bible Club (5-12) - every Friday at 7 p.m. Sundays: Worship Service** - 11 a.m. start. **First Sunday of each month is our Communion Service. Children’s Church (4-12 years old) - 12 p.m. start (Dreiser, Rm. #2) Little Lambs (2–4 years old) - 12 p.m. start (Dreiser, Rm. #2) Spanish Speaking Service - Last Sunday of each month at 3:30 p.m. Servicio en Español - Ultimo domingo del mes a las 3:30 p.m. F Y I: - You can now see portions of our services and worship on our website, Facebook, Youtube & Bronxnet Cable Channel #70, Saturdays at 4 p.m. - You can submit your prayer request online at or give your request to an usher during Friday or Sunday services. - Circle of Christ Church helps support missions in Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Bronx and Africa. Join us in our goal to expand God’s work throughout the world. Please make all donations to Circle of Christ Church – memo Missions. Please mail all your inquiries or donations to the following address: Circle of Christ Church, 147 Dreiser Loop, Plaza Level, Bronx, NY 10475; 347-945-1992. Email: Website: —Elder J a y Ra mos

Harvest Restoration Ministries Pastors Anthony and Andrée Davis, cofounders of Harvest Restoration Ministries, Inc., extend to you a warm invitation to come and worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us. We are a community oriented nondenominational church that preaches and teaches the Bible in an exegetical style. Our focus is to teach members of the ministry to

use Biblical doctrines in a practical sense to be a blessing to both the home and the community. Pastor Davis has a particular affinity towards the empowerment the youth. His approach is to meet these young people where they are and to help transform them to meet their God given destiny. We meet at: 177 Dreiser Loop

Community Center, Room 10 for Wednesday night Bible study and Room 9 for Sunday morning worship. Or der of Ser vices: Sunday School – 11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship – 12 p.m. Wed. night Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. Children’s Church – Every 2nd Sunday

of every month Communion – Every 1st Sunday of every month Pastor Anthony Davis is currently being mentored by one of the most prolific preachers in America, Bishop Noel Jones of the City of Refuge, Gardena, CA. —P a st or Ant h on y Davis

Coalition of African American Churches & Community Organizations The Coalition cordially invites you to attend its seventeenth annual “Friends & Family Day” Celebrations on Sunday, October 21, 3 p.m., 177 Dreiser Loop Community Center, Auditorium B, (Co-op City), Bronx. Free admission. You will enjoy an afternoon of “Entertainment” for the entire family. Special Guest & Keynote Speaker: the Honorable Charles Barron, NYC Council member. Vendors, games, prizes, inspirational messages, family reunions, networking, refreshments, and much more. Have Any Suggestions? Please inform us by contacting the Coalition’s President, Patricia Bonaparte, at (718) 320-1861. The Coalition is a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life of cooperators while providing educational and culturally enriching programs for the community. We also act as one voice for all Coalition members when there are issues of common concern

and human rights. We also sponsor Friends & Family Day Celebrations, and Kwanzaa free for the community. Members of the Coalition include the following: AfricanAmerican Association, Co-op City Baptist Church, Retirees of Dreiser Loop, Harriet Tubman Independent Democratic Club, NAACP, Co-op City Branch; St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church, and Zodiacs Track Club. Please support our efforts by sending us a tax deductible contribution made payable to Coalition of African-American Churches and Community Organization of Co-op City, Inc., P.O. Box 619, Bronx, NY 10475. Churches and organizations that desire to join may apply for membership by either writing or calling (718) 320-1861 or (718) 671-5957 for a membership application, which should be returned with a letter on your church/organization’s letterhead and signed by the Minister/President. Read the Coalition’s weekly column for information about events and issues. Remember, the Coalition’s motto is:

“Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, and Working together

is success.” —Har ma n T. Lea cock

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012


Community Protestant Church On behalf of our Pastor, Reverend Dr. Calvin E. Owens, and our church family, welcome to Community Protestant Church, a church of love and understanding, located at 1659 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10469; telephone: (718) 8629172. C H UR C H SC H E DUL E : Sunday School - 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Communion Service - Every first and third Sundays Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.

Morning Prayer Services - Tuesday, 6 a.m. – 8 a.m., and 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Neighborhood Bible Study - Thursday at 10:00 a.m.

Extension of Prayer and Worship Service – Every first and second Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Sunday School Open House and Registration will be held on Sunday, September 16th at 9:00 a.m. Parents or guardians of returning and new students must attend with their children. Light refreshments will be served. OT HE R SC H E DUL E D E VE NT S: Tomorrow, Sunday, September 16th at the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service – Observance of the Hospitality Ministry’s Anniversary. Theme: “Hospitable In and Out of Season.” Our Guest Preacher will be Reverend Betty Spencer, Union Baptist Church, New York City. Saturday, October 6th, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – The Missionary Ministry sponsors a FLEA MARKET at the church featuring best pre-owned items at

Pastor Anne L. Palmore and the congregation of the Church of the New Vision extend a warm and friendly invitation to everyone to worship with us every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. We are a church where inspirational messages from the Word of God, the Bible, are delivered every Sunday morning. The church is designed to meet the spiritual needs of our community by offering anointed singing and preaching, and a general atmosphere of Christian love and friendly hospitality. We also invite the youth of our community to attend our Sunday morning services, which are designed to meet the special needs of our young people. Parents, please send your children to

learn of the Lord Jesus. Prayer Service takes place every Wednesday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., followed by Bible Teaching from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Be with us to learn the truth from the Word of God L ist of P r ogr a m s a n d E ven t s: Adult Sunday School is from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Youth Sunday School is also from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of the month. Youth Sunday takes place on the second Sunday of the month. Missionary Sunday takes place on the third Sunday of the month. Memorial Sunday (Men's Day) takes


great prices, with hourly give-aways. Vendors are invited to join this event. All vendors’ tables, $50 each. For additional information and/or to reserve a space, call (718) 379-4237, (718) 671-6922 or the church, (718) 862-9172. Saturday, October 13th, 3:00 p.m. – The Sepia Players present T H E G L O RY T R AI N, sponsored by the North Carolina Team. Donation: $20. For further information or to purchase tickets, call: (718) 655-7241 or (718) 994-3751. Saturday, October 20, 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. – Enjoy a great evening of entertainment at the South Carolina Committee’s Annual Dance in Dreiser Auditorium, Co-op City. Music by DJ Jimmy Pressley. Ticket: $20/advance; $25/at door, available by calling (718) 379-8514; (718) 671-0425, (718) 671-5493, (718) 671-0231. Wednesday, October 24 – Friday,

October 26 – CPC FALL FOLIAGE TOUR IN THE BEAUTIFUL SHENANDOAH VALLEY. Includes a visit to the Martin Luther King Memorial, Washington, DC; drive on the Skyline Drive along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, visit to Luray Caverns, a wine tasting experience and shopping at Charlottesville’s Historic Downtown Mall. 3 breakfasts, 2 dinners, accommodations and transportation. Cost: $395/ double occupancy; $495/single. For additional information and/or reservations, contact CPC Tours at (718) 671-1182. The doors of Community Protestant Church are open to all to worship and fellowship with Christian believers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are cordially invited to come in, join in and receive your blessing. —E va n G . M it ch ell

Church of New the Vision place on the fourth Sunday of the month. Seniors' Sunday takes place on the yri.çlyjf the month. Singles' Ministry meets every third Tuesday evening of the month at 6 p.m. Next Generation Choir & Club meets 1st & 2nd Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Seniors' Ministry meets 1st Wednesday of the month at 11:00 am. Mid-day Bible Study meets every Tuesday afternoon from 12 to 1 p.m. Come join New Vision's "Partners in Reading Program" every Sunday afternoon from 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Students in Grades 1 through 8 discover the joy of reading while exploring and improving their literacy levels through small groups and reading partners. Parents, we encour-

age you to bring your children to benefit from this free program, taught by trained professionals. Registration is going on now. The Men's Fellowship is sponsoring a concert on Saturday, September 22 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets for adults are $15, and children, 12 years and under, $10. For tickets, please call the church at the number listed below. Church of the New Vision is located at 115 Einstein Loop, Bronx, NY 10475; Telephone #: (718) 671-4746 or (718) 320 0409. Our mailing address is: Church of the New Vision, P.O. Box 163037, Bronx, NY 10475. Please visit our website at —C a r ol H a q u e


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Co-op City Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Williams and the Co-op City Baptist Church family invite you to join us tomorrow for worship service at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School is held at 9:15 a.m. for children and adults. We invite you to worship, study, and pray with us. The Co-op City Baptist Church is located at 135 Einstein Loop, Room 50 (lower level). Our telephone number is 718-320-3774. Visit us on the web at Join us for a mid-week spiritual pick-up at our midweek worship service which is held on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. Bible study is held on Wednesdays at 1:00 and 7:30 p.m. Bible study will also be held on Wednesday, September 26, at 5:00 p.m. Prayer service is held on Fridays at noon and 7:30 p.m. Men’s prayer service is held monthly at 7:30 p.m. We invite the men of the com-

sharp! For tickets or additional information, call 718379-0541, 718-671-7507, 718-671-1918 or 718-3203774. Rev. Dr. Williams has a radio show on WMCA 570 AM every Friday at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Williams is the author of Principle Centered Living: 9 Reasons To Maintain Your Values in a Pressure Filled World and founder of SEW Universal, Inc. Visit his websites: or The Co-op City Baptist Church exists to glorify God and to establish a living community of people who follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ through worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship. We seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the church through ministry. —H a t t ie L . L uca s

munity to join us on Tuesday, September 18. On Saturday, October 6, we will celebrate our Pastor’s 20th Pastoral Anniversary at the Greentree Country Club at 12 p.m. The Greentree is located at 538 Davenport Ave., New Rochelle, NY. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. James A. Thornton, Pastor of Salem Missionary Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY. Ticket price for adults is $90; children, 3 to 12 years, $60. For tickets or additional information, call 718-671-1918, 718-320-1825. Fashionable shoes and Philly cheese steaks – what could these two items possibly have in common, you might ask? It’s the Philadelphia Premium Outlet in Philadelphia, PA. The Scholarship Ministry invites you to join them on Saturday, October 27. Ticket price is $45. The bus will leave from the Emigrant Savings Bank, located at Asch Loop and Bartow Ave., at 7:30 a.m.

St. Joseph’s Episcopal Anglican Church Fr. Taylor and the congregation of St. Joseph's cordially invite you to worship with us in Co-op City at 155 Dreiser Loop, lower level, (718) 320-0844. All are welcome. Wee k ly Sc h ed u le: Sunday service and Sunday School are both at 9 a.m. Every 4th Sunday, our children participate in the reading of the lessons and every 5th Sunday, our young adults assist in the service. Bible study is held each Wednesday at 7 p.m. and Choir rehearsal is on Thursday at 7 p.m. P lea se n ote: There will be a class for Confirmation and new members after service on Sunday,

September 16, and Bible Study will resume on Wednesday, September 19. We look forward to welcoming everyone at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 16. F un d r a ising E vent : Just a reminder that the bus for the Washington trip on Saturday, September 15, will depart promptly at 7:00 a.m. Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of time. Our Annual Dinner Sale will take place at the church on Saturday, September 22, beginning at 12 p.m. until sold out. On Saturday, October 6, we will celebrate Rev. Canon

Williamson Taylor’s 10th Anniversary as our Priest-inCharge. Please join us at a luncheon planned in his honor at the Eastwood Manor Banquet Hall, 3371 Eastchester Road, Bronx, NY 10469, starting at 12 p.m. Tickets are $75 per person. Su m m er St or e: Final opening dates to be announced. For additional information on all of the above, please call the church at 718-320-0844. “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, O my soul!* I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” (Psalm 146:1) —M . C h a m b er s

Evangelical Church of Co-op City – UMC Open Doors, Open Hearts and Open Minds C om e & Visit Us – We welcome you to God’s House – Your House – One Family in Christ. We are a congregation with spirit-filled worship, offering a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth, fellowship and service to God and our community. We are a multi-ethnic, multicultural and bilingual congregation and all are welcome. Services are at the church at 2350 Palmer Avenue, across the street from Building 30. Parking is available. Visit our website at Su n d a y Ser vices – The first Sunday of the month is a bilingual service with communion at 10 a.m. All other Sunday services are as follows: English Service at 9 a.m. and the Spanish Service at 11:30 a.m. There are Bible studies in English and Spanish at 10:30 a.m. We also have a children’s service during the English service. P r a yer Nigh t : The Lord said, “whenever two or more are gathered in my name I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20. We will be having a prayer night on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the church

Building 30 Association Our email is: This organization cannot work without the participation of the cooperators of Building 30 A&B. I hope that we can help each other. C om in g E ven ts: The next meeting of the Association is Thursday, October 11. Our guest speaker for this meeting is Vernon Cooper. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. and the meeting commences promptly at 7:30 p.m. Dues for the Association will be collected at this meeting. Our first meeting on September 5 was well attended by our neighbors. We were pleased to welcome CSO of Section 5 Lois English since Mr. Vernon Cooper could not attend. She listened to our concerns made constructive suggestions. Wednesday, September 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. will be our next Crochet class. Now it’s time to create a new gift item or a piece of clothing for yourself. Come on down to the Association meeting room. Good & Welfa r e: Speedy get well wishes to all who are under the weather. If you are celebrating a special occasion; an anniversary or a birthday, we hope that you enjoy your day. —M ir ia m E . Ber lofsk y SEE YOU SOON.

building. Come and bring your prayer needs so we can all pray and become prayer warriors. Bring a friend who would like prayer. Also on Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m., there is prayer till 11:15 a.m. in Spanish. C r escen d o C h r ist ia n M u sic Sch ool: Learn piano, guitar, percussion, voice and theory. Contact Maestro Frank Colon at (917) 753-3644. The school will be open from Monday – Friday, 2 p.m. – 8 p.m. Private and group lessons are available. Earlier lessons can be arranged. All ages are welcome. Summer registration is free and rates are affordable. M en ’s Fellowsh ip : Every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come and share your testimonies, explore your gifts and be blessed in the Word of our Lord. Hope to see

you there. Fa m ily Nigh t : Friday nights are for the family. We will be having Bible studies and other spiritual growth activities for all ages. There will be English & Spanish groups. Bring a friend or two or more. F lea M a r ket : Come and have an enjoyable time shopping. We are having our second annual flea market on September 22nd from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (rain date is 9/29). If you are interested in being a vendor, the cost is $30/space and $5 extra for a table. Call Pauline at (718) 320-1552 (mornings & evenings between 5 p.m. & 8 p.m. only), or call Priscilla at (347) 987-8219 (if no answer, leave a message). —R ev. Dr. M ilca C . P la u d

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Church of the Savior Rev. Dr. Robert A. Smith, Jr., Pastor; Lady Theresa M. Smith, co-founder; Rev. McMillian, Assistant Pastor, and the Church of the Savior family extend an invitation to every person to worship with us. We are a non-denominational, interracial, inter-cultural, intergenerational fellowship of believers. We care about you, not your W2. Come as you are, we leave the judging to God. The Church of the Savior family extends love and affirmation to the Co-op City community; A warm welcome awaits you!! We love you for who you are, not what you have. Please call us at 718-320-0002 or 917-734-4058 for more information. Do you want a place that allows you to meet the living God? Do you want to be connected to people who care about you, not what you have on or how much money you make? A special seat and friend awaits you.

Church of the Savior is located at 120 DeKruif Place – street level (under Building #7 near Dreiser Loop). Take the 38 to Dreiser Loop and DeKruif Pl. Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 86, Bronx, NY 10475. Su nd a y Sch ed u le: begin n ing Sep t. 9t h Adult Bible Study - 9:05 -10:00 a.m. Prayer, Meditation & Devotion - 10 a.m. Divine Worship - 10:30 a.m. Come and be blessed. See you in church. Our children's Sunday School will teach and nurture your child/children in the word of God. All sessions are during worship service. Reading from Sacred Scripture: Book of Exodus 3:1-6. Week ly Act ivit y: Bereavement Group resumes Mon., Sept. 10 at 6:30.

Beginning Tuesday, September 18 Dr. Smith will be conducting Special Bible Study Tuesdays at 6:30. Subject: God's Grace and Human Suffering. All welcomed. Each Thursday at 10:00 a.m., Channel 70, Bronxnet, tune in and be blessed. If this program has lifted you, please let us know. Dr. Smith can be contacted at 718320-0002. If you prefer to drop a personal note: P.O. Box 86, Bronx, NY 10475 is our mailing address. “ I wa s h u n gr y a n d you fed me” … Church of the Savior is reaching out to individuals and families who need nutritious food. Our food pantry, coordinated by First Lady Theresa Smith, is just a phone call away. For information in donating or receiving food, please call 718-925-5052. Our Health and Wellness Ministry

would like to assist every member of the community to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle. We have all natural products that addresses your needs. Call Lady Theresa Smith, 718-925-5052. Up comin g I nvit a t ion s t o t h e C om m u n it y: • Thursday, October 4; Friday, October 5 - Fall Revival. Services begin at 7:00 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. Marquis from Shiloh Baptist Church, Queens. • Saturday, October 6, noon - 5:00 p.m. - Celebrate with us a milestone with Church of the Savior's 10th Anniversary, Eastwood Manor, Bronx, NY. T h ough t of th e Week : "The shortest distance between a problem and solution is the distance between your knees and the floor—the one who kneels to the Lord, can stand up to anything." —R ev. Dr. R ob er t A. Sm it h , J r.

Co-op City Pentacostal Tabernacle The Co-op City Pentecostal Tabernacle invites everyone to worship with them at 120 Bentley Pl., Building 24. Su n d a y: Sunday School for all age group begins at 10:30 a.m. Worship service starts at 11:30 a.m. Wed n esd a y: Prayer and fasting service will be held at 11 a.m. - 12:30. Anyone who would like to attend on their lunch break is welcome to do so. Prayer meeting will also be held at 7:30 p.m. F r id a y: Bible study starts at 7:30 p.m. F OC US: God’s guidance preserves the soul and points the way to bring deliverance, integrity, and uprightness. The meek will He guide in judgment and the meek will He teach His way.

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. What man is he who feareth the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way what he shall choose. His soul shall dwell at ease, and his seed shall inherit the earth. Psalm 25:9-10, 12-13. A R E Q UE ST F O R G UI DANC E : To receive guidance, we must be willing to follow the instruction of the Lord. We must look heaven ward, placing our trust and confidence in the only true God. Although God knows our needs before we ask Him, He desires that we petition Him in prayer. By seeking God through prayer, we acknowledge our love and dependence upon a holy God who is able

to meet all our needs. When we are in distress we often feel deserted by friends and family. David felt desolate and solitary; he had been forced to flee from King Saul leaving behind Jonathan, his dearest and most trusted friend, also his wife and family. With no one to lean on but God, his sorrows caused him to become melancholy and troubled in mind and spirit. He desperately implored God to turn towards him in mercy. When we dwell on our troubles they seem to grow larger. David experienced this feeling and poured out his soul unto God, therefore, we all have the same privilege to call on God for help and He will deliver us from all our troubles.

If you feel like all hopes are gone, and your friends have forsaken you, just look to the Lord He will deliver you. Let us keep our hearts clean and pure before God each day, and learn to love our enemies as the Lord told us in Matthew 5:44-45. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. That ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For further information, call (718) 324-0334 or 646-345-6707. —R ev. R ich a r d Sibb lies

Iglesia Cristiana Marcos 16:15 Pastor Fernando Figueroa and Pastor Thomas Garrett and the congregation of Iglesia Cristiana Marcos extend an invitation for you to come together and celebrate the day that the Lord has made, worshipping his precious and holy name. "...But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom

the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord..." Isaiah 54: 17 This is a wonderful promise of God. As we are walking in God’s righteousness, no weapon that comes against us will prosper, and nothing that is said against us will carry weight. It will be shown to be false in the end. Truth will always prevail. People gos-

sip and say things that aren’t true to ruin our reputation, or they can say things that pull us down. But the truth will show up the error of their speech and the motives behind it. We can take heart and not listen to it. For we know the truth, we know our own motives and we know that we are walking uprightly before God and have clear consciences. We can be at peace knowing God will bring to light the truth and will vindicate us. No weapon can prosper that rises against us

The truth will prevail and God’s righteousness C h u r ch H ou r s: Sp a n ish Tuesday: Prayer Service, 8:00 p.m. Friday: Bible Study, 8:00 p.m. Sunday: Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.-Evangelistic Service: 12:00 p.m. C h u r ch H ou r s: E n glish Sunday: Evangelistic Service, 4 p.m. All are welcome. We are located in the Section 5 community center, Room 42. —Pa st or s F igu er oa /G a r r et

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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Tues., Sept. 18

Mon., Sept. 17



















Soups, Breads and Desserts

Mon., Sept. 17




Tues., Sept. 18




Wed., Sept. 19

Chicken breast w/creamy mushroom dill sauce Mashed potatoes Carrots Alt: Cold Tuna salad

Taco Rice Lettuce, tomato & cucumber salad

Whole wheat bread Fresh orange

Thurs., Sept. 20

Orange pineapple juice Hot baked Salmon w/cold LF mayo dill sauce Winter blend Kasha Vaniskes Alt: Cold baked chicken

Turkey wings Sweet potato Spinach

Whole wheat bread Fresh apple

Fri., Sept. 21

¼ Roast chicken, Greek style roasted potato Spinach Alt: Cold Vegetarian Liver

Chicken stew Egg noodles Broccoli

Challah Fresh pear

All meals served w/margarine and fresh milk *Menu subject to change without notice. We ask that members please

Wed., Sept. 19

Stay Well Exercise: 1011 a.m. Line Dancing 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Rm. 31 Dominoes: 2:30 p.m., Rm. 25 Word Games: 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Rm. 31 Bingo: 2 p.m., Rm. 25 Blood Pressure: 1st & 3rd Wed., 9-10 a.m., Rm. 31 Card Games: 2-4 p.m., Rm. 25

Thurs., Sept. 20

Library 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Rm. 31 Chat Session 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Rm. 31 Dominoes 2:30 p.m., Rm. 31 Word Games 9:30-11:30 a.m., Rm. 31 Bingo 2 p.m., Rm. 31 Card Games 2:30-4 p.m., Rm. 31

Fri., Sept. 21

call their center at least one day in advance to register for lunch:

Movie Madness: 9:30 a.m., Rm. 31 Men’s Line Dancing: 9-10 a.m., Rm. 31 Women’s Line Dancing 10 – 11 a.m., Rm. 31 Spelling Bee: 11 a.m., Rm. 31 Dominoes: 2:30 p.m., Rm. 31 Word Games: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., Rm. 31 Bingo: 2 p.m., Rm. 25 Card Games: 2-4 p.m., Rm. 31

Dominoes: 10 a.m., Rm. 45 Spelling Bee: 10 a.m., Rm. 49 Spanish Practice Class: 10:30 a.m., Computer lab Bingo: 1 p.m., Rm. 49

Dominoes 10 a.m. Rm. 45 Stay Well Exercise 10-11 a.m., Rm. 45 Spelling Bee 11 a.m., Rm. 49 Bingo 1 p.m., Rm. 49

Dominoes: 10 a.m., Rm. 45 Art: 10 a.m., Rm. 45 10 -11 a.m., Rm. 36 Bingo: 1 p.m., Rm. 49 Card Games: 2 -4 p.m., Rm. 49 Blood Pressure: 2nd and 4th Friday, 10-11:30 a.m., Rm. 49

Library, Exercise Bike, Chat Session: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., Rm. 7 Sewing w/Raymonde: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Rm. 7 Tai Chi: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Rm. 2 Mind Teasers: 12-1 p.m., Rm. 4 Art Class: 1-3 p.m., Rm. 7 Yoga w/Bhadra: 2-3 p.m., Rm. 2 Library, Exercise Bike, Chat Session 9:30-10:30 a.m., Rm. 7 Blood Pressure 1st & 3rd Thursday 10-11:30 a.m., Rm. 7 Line Dancing Every Thurs 10 - 11 a.m., Aud. A Mind Teasers 12-1 p.m., Rm. 4 Drama 1:30 - 4 p.m., Rm. 7 Piano Sing Along 11 a.m. – 12 p.m., Rm. 7 Crochet and Knitting 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Rm. 7 Library, Exercise Bike, Chat Session 9:30-10:30 a.m., Rm. 7 Meditative Moments 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., Rm 7 Mind Teasers 12-1 p.m., Rm. 4 Therapeutic Yoga 1:302:30 p.m., Rm. 8 Card Games, Dominoes 2-4 p.m., Rm. 7 *Schedule subject to changes without notice*

We ask that members please call their center at least one day in advance to register for lunch. WEEKLY TRIPS DATES




As scheduled: 1st Mondays:

Stew Leonards Super Wal-Mart

$3 $12




Bartow Dreiser 1:15 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 11:00am 11:30am

Einstein 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:15am

To register for trips and classes, please call: (718) 320-2066 Monday – Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Funded by: The NYC Department for the Aging, The NYS Office for the Aging and Riverbay Corporation.

Bartow Center (718) 320-2066, Ext. 2010 Dreiser Center (718) 320-1345 • Einstein Center (718) 671-5161

Upcoming Events/Trips AT T E NT I O N AL L SE NI OR S: T H E R E W I L L BE NO R E FUNDS F OR AL L T R I PS. J ASA C losed for Rosh Hasha na on M onda y, September 17th & Tuesda y, September 18th. E m p ir e C a sin o – Wed nesd a y, Sep t em b er 19, $3 per person. Trip includes round trip transportation/boxed lunch. Pick-ups: Einstein, 10:00 a.m.; Bartow, 10:15 a.m. and Dreiser, 10:30 a.m. (Waiting list only). C en t r a l Aven u e – T h ur sd a y, September 20t h - $13 – 2 hrs. XMAS Tree Store, 1 hr. – Trader Joe’s & 2 hrs. in Amazing Savings. Trip includes round trip transportation/boxed lunch. Pick-ups: Bartow – 9:00 a.m. Dreiser – 9:15 a.m., Einstein – 9:30 a.m. Ber gen M a ll - Monda y, September 24th - $12 – Trip includes round trip transportation/boxed lunch. Pick-ups: Bartow 8:30 a.m., Dreiser - 8:45 a.m. and Einstein 9:00 a.m. Shopr it e – Fr iday, September 28th $3 – 2 hrs. – Trip includes roundtrip transportation. Pick-ups: Einstein – 9:00 a.m., Bartow – 9:15 a.m. & Dreiser - 9:30 a.m. R esor t s Wor ld C a sin o a t Aq u ed u ct – Tu e sd a y, O ct ob er 2n d - 54 seat Coach bus - $20 – Lunch & transportation included -Pick-up times: Bartow – 9:00 a.m., Dreiser – 9:15 a.m. & Einstein – 9:30 a.m. Departure time from Casino is 3:30 p.m. You will receive a $10 bonus slot voucher. Seating on the bus will be assigned based on payments. Wa l-M ar t – Monda y, Oct ober 8th $12 – Includes transportation/boxed lunch. Pick-ups: Bartow – 8:30 a.m., Dreiser - 8:45 a.m. & Einstein - 9:00 a.m.

R a dio C ity M usic H a ll Ch r ist ma s Specta cula r - Tuesda y, December 11th, $67. (54 seat Coach Bus). Price: Includes transportation/boxed lunch. Seniors will receive a voucher for popcorn & soda. Pickups: Asch Loop - 8:30 a.m., Einstein Loop - 8:45 a.m. & Dreiser Loop - 9:00 a.m. Final payment is due by Friday, November 16. Wa nt to p ar ticipa te in a focus gr oup a bout r etir ement? We would like to hear about your experience! JASA is holding focus groups for persons age 50 and older. Refreshments will be served. If interested, call the Co-op City Senior Services office, 718-320-2066. Weight Ma na gement Suppor t Gr oup – Monda y, September 24th - 10:00 a.m., Bartow Avenue, Room 25, every Monday. Maintaining a healthy weight is not easy, but with knowledge and practice it can be. Come join the Weight Management Support Group to learn techniques and information that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. C a r egiver Su p p or t Gr oup - A Caregiver Support Group can offer an atmosphere of understanding and support for caregivers to discuss issues and concerns. Whether you care for a loved one from a distance or in your home, you are most welcome. The group meets every other Tuesday at: 2049 Bartow Ave., Rm. 31 from 1-2 p.m. Next meeting is October 2nd. The support group is facilitated by a social worker. If you have any questions, please contact JASA at 718-320-2066. DISABIL I TY SUPP ORT /SOC IAL IZ AT ION GROUP – The group meets every 1st Friday of the month. For more information, contact John Sullivan at 718671-2090 (Ext. 3010). Transportation is provided, if available.

Convector cleaning video By cleaning your convectors, you can prevent leaks that can damage your floor or your furniture. To see a demonstration of how to clean your convectors, go to or go to YouTube and type in “Convector Cleaning Video.” —R iver b a y M a na gem en t


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012


AARP Chapter #4997 F YI : Tickets are available for the Annual Holiday Celebration, scheduled for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 12 p.m.-5 p.m. at Villa Barone. Donation - $65, includes transportation, if needed. Call the office, 718-320-1946 to get tickets and reserve your seat on the bus. NOT E: To our sick, on the mend and shut-in members, and those bereaved members, please know that you are in our prayers. Contact Frances Wilson, Good & Welfare Coordinator, 718-671-5493. 2012 TOUR AC TI VITI ES Oct. 15-17 – Rocking Horse Resort w/a stop at Monticello Raceway Casino on the way. Seats available w/full payment. Final payment due: Sept. 27 -- trip includes dinner & live entertainment and dancing after check-in; complete resort activities including indoor/outdoor pool; horseback riding; hayride; games, contests and prizes during the day; and much more; 5 meals w/coffee, tea & cake all day…$349/person, double; $409/single; $343/person, triple – contact Jean, 718-379-3742. Dec. 30, 2012 – Jan. 1, 2013: New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball at the Desmond – includes a stop at the Sands Casino (on the way) w/$30 slot play & $5

food or leisure time in Bethlehem (PA); next day, after a full breakfast buffet, choice of activities for the day; New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball w/Open Bar & Surf & Turf Dinner; masquerade masks, noise makers, entertainment, music & dancing; New Year’s Day Brunch & show before leaving for home...$524/person, double; $634 single; $514/person triple; $28/person travel insurance available; $100 deposit/ person ($128 deposit/person if taking the insurance). Contact Delores, 718-379-2176. 2013 TOUR AC TI VI TIE S Jan. 10-20, 2013 – The Hawaiian Island Cruise Tour (11 days) – SOLD OUT includes 5 ports of call: Honolulu, Maui, Hilo, Kana & Kauai; on the Norwegian Pride of America; airfare and tours included in the price…inside state room - $3,599/ person; outside state room - $3,899/person; outside balcony - $4,669/person (new price); $500/person deposit (plus insurance payment) due at sign-up. Contact Jean, 718379-3742. NOTE : The Tour Committee is working on activities for 2013. If you have any suggestions/requests or a “wish list,” please bring them (in writing) and give to the Tour —Delor es Debna m Committee.

Einstein Cancer Fund We want to thank everyone, members and non-members, for making our annual luncheon a huge success. Thank you, Toby Landau, who as always, collected donations of gift certificate from our local merchants. Last, but not least, a special thanks to our unsung members who consistently donate every year without fail for this cause. Thank you, once again. We are very excited regarding our trip on Thursday, November 8th to the Mohegan Sun Casino Theater for a “Salute to our Soldiers.” The National Museum of WW2 vocal trio “The Victory Belles” will entertain us with their performances of songs,

Baychester Library Events VISIT THE LIBRARY - A GREAT WEALTH OF INFORMATION SEPTEMBER UPCOMING EVENTS Kids Tech Time - Thursday, 9/27, 3:00 p.m. Family Read Aloud - Saturday, 9/29, 11:00 a.m Allegro Singers - Opera Gala Concert, Saturday, 9/29 SEPTEMBER WEEKLY EVENTS Adult Workshop “Paint and Collage” (reserve only) - Mondays, 1:30 p.m. KIDS Game On Nintendo Wii! - Every Monday, 3:30 p.m. Toddler Time - Every Tuesday, 11 a.m. Teens TAG - Every Tuesday, 4 p.m. Read Aloud - Wednesday, 9/12 at 3:30 p.m. Teen Lounge - Every Wednesday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Chess Club - Thursdays, 9/20 & 9/27, 3:00 p.m. Arts/Crafts - Every Thursday, 4 p.m. Teen Lounge - Every Friday, 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. Film - Kids Flicks - Saturdays, 9/15 & 9/22, 11:00 a.m.

The New York Public Library Baychester Branch • 2049 Asch Loop • Bronx, NY 10475 (Fully Wheelchair Accessible)

HOURS: Monday & Wednesday, 10-7; Tuesday & Thursday, 10-6; Friday & Saturday, 10-5. Libros En Español (Books in Spanish). HORARIO DE LA BIBLIOTECA: Lunes 10-7, Martes 10-6, Miércoles 10-7, Jueves 10-6, Viernes 10-5, Sábado 10-5, Domingo Cerrado


dances, costumes and, of course, an array of hits, such as Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree, etc. taking us on a nostalgic, sentimental journey through that era gone by, but not forgotten. Please join us: Everyone always welcomed. Cost per person, $58, which includes $25 slot play, lunch buffet and matinee show. Please call Mildred at 718-320-0288; Loretta, 718-671-2958, or Lydia, 718-6713005. We are available Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and after 6:00 p.m. Good health and healing are wished to —Lydia Rua s all. Stay safe.

Goose Island Seniors Wednesday, September 12, no Bingo game this week. Our next Bingo is Wednesday, September 19 and Sunday, September 30. Our first General Meeting is September 20, in Room 39 at 1:30 p.m. Please try to attend. Tuesday, September 25, going to SHOWBOAT CASINO. Price: $30. Rebate is $25 slot play. Pick-up time is 8 a.m. at our 3 usual bus stops--Einstein Center, Asch Loop (back of library) and Dreiser Loop. Always bring your picture I. D. card. Tuesday, November 13, going to THE FIESTA IN WOODRIDGE, N.J. for International Jamboree. Price is $60. Pick

up time is 9 a.m. Plenty of entertainment, dancing, comedy and surprise guest. Menu—Chicken Frances, roast beef and filet of Sole. Also, a glass of wine to all. Special dessert, coffee, tea and soda. Make sure you give deposit or full price; all payment must be paid by October 15. For more information, call Ann or Mary at 718-379-9613, or visit us at 135 Einstein Center, Room 39, Monday Thursday, 10 a.m. 4:30 p.m. You can also call Mary at 718-379-4899, or Ann at 347-267-4751. Goose Island will like to thank Mr. Bill Klumpp for donating all those wonderful books. Thank you. —Ma r y Pilla Good health to all.

Baychester Visual Arts Association BVA is happy to announce the start of another creative season in our permanent room 5, Dreiser Center. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn to draw and paint. At BVA, you get expert instruction and lessons are not expensive. You will be amazed at the talent you possess. Our 2012 – 2013 season begins in September. Tuesday classes start on September 11, with 2 sessions to choose from: 1 – 3 p.m., 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. with Mr. Groves, an award winning artist, as the instructor. Mr. Groves studied at the Art Students League and at NYU.

Membership dues are $35 for the year and a session of 10 classes is $60. BVA’s art instructors will guide you along a creative path that will bring hours, weeks and years of joy into the life of those who avail themselves of this opportunity. Members who would like to paint at their own time can also join the art studio for the whole year for a nominal fee of $100. You can contact Moses Groves at 201862-0847 for more information. Science is for the body, but art is for the soul. —Sylvia L och a nsky


Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Reflections High Holiday Message by Rabbi Solomon I. Berl Spiritual Leader of Young Israel Synagogue Thinking about Rosh Hashonah often exposes an obvious paradox. We approach these days of awe with much trepidation and anxiety. We do not recite the festive Hallel praises in the synagogue nor do we indulge in certain traditional holiday pleasures at home, And yet, our sages have nonetheless designated these days as “YOMIM-TOVIM” – joyous festivals. We rejoice with sweet sumptuous meals, dress in holiday garb and behave with a mood of confident expectation that the year ahead will be one filled with life, goodness and peace. I would like to suggest a thought to help reconcile these apparently conflicting themes. When a person is burdened with a past sullied with sin, he must do

more than simply bemoan his past and repent. To effectively argue for continued life, he must consciously plan the sort of future that would both insure against the commission of past wrongs and endow the individual with renewed goals and a fresh sense of purpose. Once the present is informed of future hopes and aspirations, the gravity of the Day of Judgment is balanced—even transformed. When a Jew, after painstaking introspection, enters this holiday season armed with a realistic and carefully outlined program for a changed future, he has every reason to be happy. These future commitments when made honestly and resolutely can indeed be our guarantor for a good year and give us every reason to rejoice.

Co-op City Jewish Center The Co-op City Jewish Center is located at 900 Co-op City Blvd., Bronx, N.Y. 10475. Saturday services are continuing thanks to those people who attend. Please try to attend whenever possible. We would like to remind our members and any Jewish people in Co-op City looking for a conservative synagogue, we

are still here, and all are welcome. Try to take a Saturday and come to services when you can. Donations can be mailed to the Co-op City Jewish Center. Tickets are available for the High Holy days. Rabbi Barmash & Cantor Schneider will be with us again. —M a r vin Seid m a n

Young Israel of Co-op City High Holiday Prayer Schedule Rabbi Solomon Berl will officiate as cantor and deliver the Holy Day sermons. Rosh Hashonah Eve – Sunday, September 16th, 7 p.m. 1st Day Rosh Hashonah – Monday, September 17th Morning Service, 7:30 a.m. Mincha – 4:30 p.m., followed by Tashlech – Maariv, 7:42 p.m. We meet at the Synagogue at 5:00 p.m. 2nd Day Rosh Hashonah – Tuesday, September 18th Morning Service - 7:30 a.m. Mincha – 6:40 p.m., followed by Maariv Evening Service – 7:40 p.m. Sa bba th of R epenta nce As an integral part of the Holy Day period, attendance at the Sabbath of Repentance

service is most important. Service begins Saturday morning, Sept. 22nd at 9 a.m. and ends at 11:30 a.m. Don’t miss this service! Mincha – 6:45 p.m. Maariv – 7:35 p.m. Yom Kippur — Tue., September 25th Mincha - 3:00 p.m. Kol Nidre - 6:00 p.m. Yom Kippur Day – Wed., Sept. 26th Morning Service - 8 a.m. Public Yizkor - 10:30 a.m. Fast ends – 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Berl and the officers of Young Israel wish all Co-op City residents a happy New Year of good health, good tidings, contentment and fulfillment in the year to come. May peace and harmony throughout the world become a reality in the coming year.

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SHALOM Jewish George Farr - Funeral Director funeral “The Bronx Jewish Community home, inc. Memorial Chapel” (718) 828-9222 (718) 828-1700 1528 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx, New York 10462 Keeping Tradition Under Rabbinical Supervision Services from Our Chapel, Graveside or Synagogue Parking Facilities • Pre-Arrangements

Traditional Synagogue of Co-op City The Traditional Synagogue of Co-op City, Young Israel of Baychester, Section 5 (new address) at Bldg. 27B at 120 Erdman Place (behind the lobby), welcomes you to pray with them. Tel. for the Shule 1-718-379-6920. Not e: Office hours are on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Sunday from 10 to 12. Candle lighting on Friday, September 21, is before 6:36 p.m. Shabbat ends today, Saturday, September 15, 7:45 p.m. Men you are needed for a Minyon. A Minyon is the number of men needed to read the Torah. The important number needed is 10. Please be counted as part of the 10 men and make the Minyon. You will be doing a Mitzvah (a good deed). The community is always welcome to attend our various functions and enjoy a great day of fun and friendship. C om in g E vent s: Saturday, Sept 15 at 9:00 a.m. – Morning Services. L’shana Tova Tiku Tainu - Happy New Year. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life for a happy, healthy and sweet year. Sunday, Sept. 16-Erev Rosh HashanaNew Year 5773, Light candles 6:43 p.m. Synagogue Services 6:45 p.m. Monday, Sept, 17 at 8:30 a.m. Morning Services; Tashlich is at 5:30 p.m. - afternoon and evening services at 6:30 p.m. Light candles at 7:41 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 8:30 a.m. Morning Services: afternoon and evening services are at 6:30 p.m. and Yom Tov ends at 7:40 p.m.

Good a n d Welfa r e: Would you like to learn to read Hebrew? We are planning to start a Hebrew class so that you will be able to read and say your prayers in Hebrew. We are trying to gather for these classes on Tuesdays from 1:30 p.m. ‘til TBA. Do not miss out on the opportunity to learn the Aleph Bas. To sign up, please call Mimi at 347-427-4526, leave your name and number and I will return your call ASAP. The list is growing, but not fast enough. Do you need a tree certificate sent “in Honor” of or “in Memory” of a special occasion or a condolence? You can give a living gift for the cost of $15 per tree. For more information, please call Mimi, 1347-427-4526. If you are feeling under the weather, we wish you all a speedy and painless recovery in double quick time. Holid a y Ticket s We are happy to report that we have engaged two cantors, Josh Jay and Chayim Goldberg, to assist Rabbi Daniel Kronengold for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We are sure that you will enjoy the uplifting services. Your donation of $100 per person will insure you of a seat. I will be in the synagogue office on Sunday, Sept. 9; Monday, Sept. 10 from 3 to 5 p.m. and on Thursday, Sept. 13 from 11 to 2 p.m. Call Mimi at 347-427-4526 to reserve your place in shul. Let’s bring in 5773 together. Please! Support the Synagogue. We always need your help. Thank you. Shalom! –M ir ia m E velyn Ber lofsky

Temple Beth El of Co-op City Temple Beth El of Co-op City invites you and your family and friends to welcome in the New Year 5773. Rabbi Dennis Tobin will be conducting the Services for the community. The high point is always the blowing of the Shofar on Rosh Hashonah. Rosh Hashonah is a time when we reflect on the past year and we ask forgiveness for your sins for the past year, and prepare to be inscribed in the Book of Life for the coming year. Rabbi Tobin came to Temple Beth El 36 years ago as the Cantor and Rabbi and has been an anchor that has helped the Temple stay together to serve the residents of Co-op City. High Holida y Schedule: 5773 - 2012 Erev Rosh Hashonah, Sunday, Sept. 16, 8:00 p.m. Morning Rosh Hashonah, Monday, Sept. 17, 10:30 a.m. Erev Yom Kippur, Tues., Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m.

Morning Yom Kippur, Wed., Sept. 26, 10 a.m.

Public Yiskor, Wed., Sept. 26, 1:00 p.m. Public Yiskor, Wed., Sept. 26, 2:30 p.m. Mincha & Neliah, Wed., Sept. 26, 4 p.m. Services will be in Dreiser Community Center, Room 9. For tickets, call the Temple, 718-671-9719, and leave your name and phone number. There is NO CHARGE for tickets. You may make a donation if you wish to have names listed in the Book of Remembrance. We know many of you have different email addresses. We are trying to update our mailing list with your best email. Please reply to: and let us know your best email address and your current CELL PHONE number for emergencies only. Thank you. Please note: All mail for the Temple goes to: Temple Beth El of Co-op City, P.O. Box 264, Maplewood, NJ 07040. —Ra bbi Dennis Tobin




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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

Faith in God Church & Bible Institute Rev. Dr. Gladys R. Little, Apostle, and Pastor & Evangelist Vernon Little greet everyone in the name of Jesus, that name which is above every name. We want you to know that you are welcome in this house of the Lord! It is His house by ownership: it is our house by stewardship: and it can be your house by membership; so come on in and join with us. May God bless you in this house! Let’s learn to turn our enemies into our friends. Not everyone will respond positively to us, but we can pray and plan for a more harmonious relationship.

It’s hard to hate someone when you’re doing something good for them. Let’s go into God’s Word. Matthew 5:43-48 says: 43 You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Building 32 Association M eetin g The children are back in school, primaries are occurring this week, and Building 32 Association is having their first meeting of the season. We will be welcoming our own president, Ms. Helen Atkins, President of the Riverbay Board, on Thursday, September 20 at 7:30 p.m. The Association Room, where our meetings are held, is at the rear of the first floor in Building 32B. Ms. Atkins will be discussing her views on where Co-op City is heading, among other items. There will be a question and answer period. Light refreshments will be available; there are door prizes, and a fifty-fifty. New cooperators, try to come down and find out what Building 32 is all about. Old cooperators, keep on coming as you keep us going! C asin o F u n d r aiser Building 32 Association is sponsoring a trip to Mt. Airy Casino in Pennsylvania on Saturday, October 20. The cost is $33; there is a $25 slot machine rebate, as well as a $10 food voucher. The bus will depart Building 32 at 8:30 a.m. There will be both snacks

and movies. For further info., please contact Ms. Bailey at (718) 379-7754, or Ms. Rankin at (718) 379-0910. Please make checks/money orders payable to Building 32 Association and send to Ms. Bailey at 4180 Hutch. River Pkwy, Apt. 10A or Ms. Rankin at 4160 Hutch. River Pkwy, Apt. 10E. Bring your friends and relatives—everyone is always welcome! Payments must be received by October 3. Also, if you don't already have a Mt. Airy Casino Card, don't forget to bring government issued identification. We will be traveling with Academy Bus Company, which has an excellent safety record. W h at' s in th e Wor k s We will be having a turkey raffle. All members of the Building Association will be entered in the raffle. There is an upcoming “Cash for Gold” fundraising meeting scheduled for November 13. There are other things to come and more details will be available in the following weeks. Please keep on reading. —L or n a Sm ith


46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? 48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Invita tions: Our Sweet Hour of Prayer will be today at 3 p.m. Sunday School is at 10 a.m. Our Sunday Morning Worship Service is at 11 a.m. Every 3rd Sunday following the morning worship, we serve Holy Communion. Last minute registration for our fall Bible classes will be held today at 3 p.m. Our Christian Workers & Evangelism classes will begin on September 15.

Christian Workers is from 10 to 12, and Evangelism is from 12 to 2. You must take Evangelism before you can take Pastoral Excellence, and then you can advance all the way to Advance Pedagogy. The registration fee is $5. We love you, and may God forever bless you is our prayer. We don’t worry about anything, but we pray about everything. Thank you, Father! We are located at 171 Dreiser Loop in Section 1. Our phone #’s are (347) 2764925 & (718) 671-3627. If you will, check out Pastor Vernon Little’s CD ‘A New Beginning’ on iTunes, Amazon, etc. You can also see his videos on YouTube. Jesus loves you, and so do we. —Apost le Glad ys R . Little

Throwing garbage/objects from apartment windows is UNLAWFUL, DANGEROUS and could cause you to receive a community complaint and fine.


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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012


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Co-op City Times / September 15, 2012

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