We wish all of our readers a very
Vol. 55 No. 14
Saturday, April 4, 2020
COVID-19 testing site officially opens in Bay Plaza BY TORIEA McCAUSELAND
As of Monday, March 30, a new COVID-19 testing location opened in the neighborhood, thanks to advocacy by community residents and city and state politicians. COVID-19 testing is taking place in Bay Plaza and now accepting daily appointments. The mobile testing center is in the parking lot of AMC theaters, with entrances heavily guarded by New York State Troopers, only allowing those with appointments to enter. Although Co-op City residents are among the highest risk population being a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) – and with the number of COVID-19 cases on the rise throughout the city – testing is open for the general public, not just members of the Co-op City community, but surrounding areas of the Bronx. On Sunday, March 29, New York politicians, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie, Sen. Jamaal T. Bailey, and Assemblyman Michael Benedetto announced that they have “secured a critical new COVID-19 mobile testing site for the Northeast Bronx.” In the joint release, Gov. Cuomo announced that his plan is to A new COVID-19 testing site opened in Bay Plaza on Mon. March 30, in the parking lot of AMC slow the spread of the virus and increase testing throughout the state, Theatres. The drive-thru location is offering daily testing to residents of the Northeast Bronx. By Toriea McCauseland
HPD closes $1M financing for Co-op City BY TORIEA McCAUSELAND
The City of New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) has announced the closing of a $1M financing for Co-op City, “locking in long-term affordability” for current and future residents. The $1M financing is part of HPD’s Multi-Family Preservation Loan Program, requiring Co-op City to be compliant with the New York State Mitchell-Lama Program for a 30-year term. The funds will go towards the current lobby renovation project throughout the Co-op City community. Apress release from HPD announcing the news on
Apr. 1 says, “HPD locked in affordability at Co-op City, the largest housing cooperative in the world, until 2052.” The document went on to note: “The affordability agreement guarantees Co-op City’s continued participation in the Mitchell-Lama program for decades. The major development will receive accessibility upgrades for 45 buildings thanks to a $1 million commitment from City Council.” Riverbay General Manager Noel Ellison previously told the Co-op City Times: “We’re always on the lookout for these types of programs that bring money to the corporation and community.” (Continued on page 4)
Riverbay Safety Director: Continue taking necessary precautions and observe social distancing guidelines BY ROZAAN BOONE
Riverbay’s Safety director, Anthony Barzelatto, advises shareholders to continue taking all necessary precaution to protect themselves and their families and to adhere to guidance disseminated by health and government officials to help prevent transmission of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic sweeping through New York, and indeed, the rest of the country and world. “I must stress the only way we’re going to get through this is for everybody to follow requirements mandated by the government,” said Mr. Barzelatto. “We will get through this but (Continued on page 2)
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The annual income affidavit process for Co-op City residents is currently underway. The Income Affidavit and related instructions were mailed last week to all cooperators required to file (excluded are new residents who moved into Co-op City after March 31, 2020, and those cooperators on the Section 8 Program). In response to certain concerns raised regarding the income affidavit requirement and the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), HCR has extended the deadline for the income affidavit process to July 31, 2020. This year’s income affidavits do (Continued on page 3)
Beware of COVID-19 phone scams BY BRANDON ORTIZ
Residents and visitors to the Bartow Mall lined up to again entry to the bank and urgent care facility Monday observing social distancing, standing at least 6 feet apart. Photo by Ralph Henriquez
As if the mounting concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic were not enough, now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is warning Americans to be aware of phone scams preying on many people’s fear. According to the FCC, nearly $6 million has already been reported stolen due to COVID-19 phone scams. The FCC’s website outlines common scams that have been targeting vulnerable Americans. To start, scammers have tried to prey on people’s fear of lack of testing by calling and pretending to have free testing kits available by pressing a number. (Continued on page 4)
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Testing site
especially in densely populated areas. He said, “Co-op City in the Bronx is home to a high number of vulnerable New Yorkers and locating a new drive-through facility in this area will help protect those residents and give them a safer place to test for COVID-19.” Senator Bailey, along with Assemblyman Benedetto, who both have close ties to the community, also released statements regarding testing in Co-op City. Senator Bailey said: “I am pleased to inform the community that Co-op City will be getting a testing site starting Monday. As you all know, Co-op City is a unique community, full of individuals who may be at high risk from symptoms related to COVID19. Most notably, Co-op’s senior citizen popula-
Safety Director
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tion…” He went on to thank the individuals who helped make the site possible. “I’d like to thank Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Speaker Carl Heastie, Assemblyman Benedetto and Prestige Properties for permitting the use of their space for such an important public matter.” Assemblyman Benedetto said: “The residents of the East Bronx needed a testing station, and Bay Plaza is an ideal site for it. With 50,000 people living steps away in Co-op City, many of whom are senior citizens, the placement is genius.” The assemblyman also thanked the Governor and senator, along with Speaker Heastie for their hard work. Residents who are showing symptoms and need to
be tested for COVID-19 must make an appointment by calling 1-888-364-3065. The drive-thru mobile testing location will be open for appointments only, Monday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Patients must be in a vehicle – no walk-ins allowed. Upon the opening of the testing facility, Riverbay Management sent flyers to residents with information on traveling to the test area. Residents who need transportation to the testing site can request a ride by calling 718-547-8854. A maximum of only two passengers to a car, and three to a van is allowed. When calling for an appointment or transportation, one should ask about small children accompanying you to the appointment.
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in the next couple of weeks, it will get worse.” Offering a glimmer of good news, nevertheless, on Thursday, April 2, Mr. Barzelatto reported that in the last couple of days he had not had many new reports of staff members or shareholders getting sick, most likely because, for the most part, a majority of shareholders appear to be heeding the advice of health and government officials for New Yorkers to “Stay Home, Save Lives,” aimed at flattening the curve of the virus to avoid overwhelming hospitals and frontline health care workers and other first responders. Here in Coop City, those frontline workers include Riverbay employees who continue to report to work to provide essential services and respond to emergencies in the development. “Earlier this week, I couldn’t keep control of how many people were getting sick,” Mr. Barzelatto said. For those who must venture out, social distancing – staying at least 6 feet away from others – is critical. To help promote this, Riverbay has issued Phone Tree notifications urging shareholders to self-monitor so that no more than five people at a time use the laundry rooms and no more than 3-5 board an elevator at once. Feedback received by Riverbay seem to suggest more shareholders are taking compliance seriously, and Mr. Barzelatto hopes this will continue as New York begins to move through the peak of the COVID19 outbreak in New York in the coming weeks. Still, he remains concerned that some shareholders are not adhering to the guidance despite repeatedly warnings to take the virus seriously. “I have to stress, that from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., my phone doesn’t stop ringing with calls from shareholders,” said Mr. Barzelatto. “Some call to say they don’t see staff outside cleaning. I tell them they should not be coming out of their apartments! There’s no need for you to come out.” Since the spread of COVID-19 in New York began hitting the news cycle, one of the first steps the Riverbay Janitorial department took, under the stewardship of its director, Joshua Blake, and management, was to increase frequency of cleaning and disinfecting common areas and high-touch surfaces of the residential buildings with CDC-approved disinfectants. “They are cleaning much more frequently and there is no reason for anyone to come out of their apartment to check,” the safety director said. Mr. Barzelatto reported as of Thursday evening, he is aware of about 50 out of Co-op City 15,372 apartments with either pending or confirmed cases of COVID-19. He emphasized this information is not scientific or based on data from official government sources but rather collected primarily from conscientious shreholders who have so far contacted the Call Center to inform the corporation so that preventive measures can be put in place to help arrest the spread of the virus and protect their neighbors and Riverbay’s onsite essential workers. NYC Department of Health data as of Thursday, April 2, suggests there are more than 209-355 cases of COVID-19 in the 10475 zip code. “As soon as a call comes in to the Call Center or Public Safety advising that we have a pending or confirmed case of coronavirus or a fatality, that initiates an immediate response from the Riverbay Safety department to list the apartment as ‘restricted’ to let Riverbay staff know, if they have to go to the apartment, they must be suited up before going in. In addi-
tion, we dispatch staff to the floor of the affected apart- rescuing the individual from the roof. ment to disinfect the entire floor and lobby, and it also Gov. Andrew Cuomo informed reporters at his Fritriggers Janitorial to the building to disinfect the ele- day morning, April 3rd press briefing on COVID-19, vators,” said Mr. Barzelatto, who, along with his staff, there were a total of 102,863 COVID-19 cases in New also remain on the frontline of this war. York State, the majority – 57,159 – of which are in He notes that similar action is taken every time New York City. The virus had, up until that point, been someone calls and notifies Riverbay that someone on responsible for more than 2,300 deaths in the state, a floor died as a result of the virus. And, as of Thurs- again, the majority, or 1,374, in New York City as of day of this week, 17 Co-op City residents had expired Thursday evening. from COVID-19, three at their homes and 14 while NYC Department of Health data as of Thursday, hospitalized. April 2, showed 16,819 cases were in Queens, 13,290 For its part, Riverbay Corporation has been encour- in Brooklyn, 9,343 in the Bronx, 7,398 in Manhattan aging residents via Phone Tree to contact the Call Cen- and 2,822 in Staten Island. ter if they have cases in their own apartment or know As of press time Friday, April 3, data from John of or suspect cases in their building so proper disin- Hopkins University’s Coronavirus Resource Center fection protocols can immediately be initiated. All showed there were 245,601 total confirmed COVIDinformation is kept in the strictest confidence. 19 cases in the United States. Up to that time, there In addition to social distancing, Mayor Bill de Bla- were 2,468 COVID-related deaths in New York. sio issued additional guidance this week for New YorkFor a list of resources available to New Yorkers ers on face coverings. Citing increasing evidence that impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, you may visit people who are asymptomatic may still be able to trans- NYC.gov/coronavirus, call 311 or text “COVID” to mit COVID-19, the mayor said everyone should now 692-692 for updates and information in English and wear face covering that covers their nose and mouth “COVIDESP” for updates and information in Spanish. when leaving home. He asked the general public to Anyone experiencing anxiety, fear, stress, depresnot use the type of masks required by health care work- sion or similar emotions as a result of COVID-19 and ers (N-95 and surgical masks), but instead make use needs support can contact NYC WELL 24 hours a of dust masks, and bandanas and scarves, in other day/7 days a week year-round. Call 888-NYC-WELL, words, paper and cloth masks. Cloth masks can be text “WELL” to 65173, or chat at nyc.gov/nycwell. washed every day, completely dried and reused. The For credible information on COVID-19, reach out mayor advised city residents to make their own masks, to trusted sources such as the Centers for Disease Conif necessary. Several videos to do so can be found trol and Prevention (CDC), WHO and the New York online. City and State departments of health. “We really have to stress that social distancing is critical,” said Mr. Barzelatto. “This situation remains fluid and so are changes, but the objective here is if you sneeze, cough or talk, droplets come out of your mouth. The number one route of entry into the human body We support the community during these is through the nose so it’s critical. We should also practimes and are still open in the event anytice social distancing at home as hard as it may be.” one has issues or emergencies. (See page 6 for more on this.) You can still come right over. All this week, Safety department staff have been handing out hand sanitizer and gloves to staff who need them. On Friday, a shipment of face masks was expected that will be dispensed to employees whose work requires them to enter shareholders’ apartment. SECTION 5 • BUILDING 29C Another shipment of these required items is expected next week. In his daily updates sent out to all staff, Mr. 4240 HUTCHINSON RIVER PKWY EAST Barzelatto continues to encourage everyone to remain www.footanklerestore.com safe and keep the faith that things will get better soon despite our current disposition. This past Thursday, he wrote to staff members: “It DR. KARIM A. BADAWY, DIRECTOR has only been two weeks since strict social distance requirements have been put into place and I know it’s ALL FOOT AND ANKLE CONDITIONS TREATED getting harder and harder but the only way we will beat this enemy is with us all continuing to follow the The treatment of heel pain, toenail/skin infections, social distance 6 foot rule, staying home when sick, arthritis/bursitis, foot ulcerations, and traumatic not touching your face and washing your hands over foot injuries, as well as other conditions. and over. Please check on loved ones and friends and stay connected via Facetime or any other non-contact Most Health Insurance Plans Accepted. ways you can find. I know this is very stressful time 1199, GHI, Blue Shield, Empire, Medicare, … together, we will get through this.” United Healthcare, HealthFirst and others. Aimed at boosting morale among staff, the message was particularly poignant in a week where PubLanguages spoken: Español and Arabic lic Safety officers had to respond to two grim situaComprehensive Diabetic Foot Care Management tions on the property – one, a suicide involving an individual who jumped from Building 16A, and the other and Comprehensive Heel Pain Management. an attempted suicide in Building 26 which ended with HOUSE CALLS BY APPOINTMENT our skilled officers successfully negotiating with and
(718) 671-2233
Income Affidvits
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020 (Continued from page 1)
NOT need to be notarized. Signed affidavits without notary acknowledgement are acceptable. New surcharges will be imposed effective Oct. 01, 2020 based upon data taken from your 2019 Income Affidavit form. Please note that it is essential that every cooperator submit their 2019 Income Affidavit in a timely manner. If you filed an application for extension in lieu of a 2019 NYS Tax Return, you are still required to submit your affidavit by July 31, 2020. Please estimate your income and identify as “Estimated Income.” File an amended affidavit once you have filed your tax return or you will be subject to the maximum 50% surcharge. Also, please note that Riverbay must be notified in writing with a copy of the extension form. In cases where there are two shareholders of an apartment and if one of the shareholders has permanently vacated the apartment, it is important that the remaining shareholder submit documentation to Riverbay Corporation as to where the vacating shareholder currently resides. Acceptable documentation could be: (1) driver’s license with current address, (2) copy of the apartment lease, (3) utility bill with current address. If this documentation is not submitted with the Income Affidavit, the income affidavit will be returned as incomplete and a 50% surcharge will be assessed each month until the documentation is submitted. The shareholder will be liable for all surcharges assessed, no credits will be issued for surcharges already assessed. Failure to complete and return the Income Affidavit form in a timely manner will result in the maximum surcharge of 50% of your basic carrying charges. You would then be required to pay the 50% surcharge for each month, through the end of the month you finally filed. In no event will credit be given for excess surcharges already assessed as a result of failure, neglect or refusal of the cooperator to file the Income Affidavit on a timely basis. The instructions being mailed with the Income Affidavit form include a cover letter and worksheet which will assist the cooperator in determining whether they are subject to a carrying charge surcharge. Cooperators are advised to read the material very carefully. As required by State law, copies of Income Affidavit forms will be submitted to the state for verification of income against filed tax return. Cooperators are cautioned, therefore, to make sure that the data provided come from their NY State tax return. This year, there will be no all-day sessions to assist cooperators in filling out their Income Affidavit forms. In addition, because of the coronavirus outbreak, shareholders will be required to drop off their completed income affidavits and insurance declarations in the carrying charge boxes. Please put in an envelope and clearly mark ‘2019 INCOME AFFIDAVIT’ on the outside of the envelope. Income affidavits can also be submitted by mail to the following address: RIVERBAY CORPORATION, FINANCE DEPARTMENT- ATTENTION: 2019 INCOME AFFIDAVIT, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475. Enclosed with the annual income affidavit packet is a letter from the Riverbay Risk Management department regarding the submission of co-op insurance declaration page or certified letter from your insurance broker or company showing that you have the required insurance coverage on your apartment. Please note that the insurance documentation must be submitted along with your annual income affidavit by no later than July 31, 2020 to avoid the assessment of $150 Community Complaint fine. Any questions regarding the insurance documentation should be addressed to the Risk Management department at (718) 320-3300, ext. 3388.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
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On Feb. 12, the Riverbay Board of Directors approved esolution 20-08, voting in favor of moving forward with the application process. According to the terms, the Riverbay Corporation will be forgiven for the zero-interest financing if it maintains its Limited Profit Housing Company status under Mitchell-Lama. Riverbay Corporation’s General Counsel Jeffrey Buss, in announcing the closing to the Riverbay Board this week, stated: “This was a complex transaction before the pandemic, involving multiple government agencies and approvals. It became even more so afterward. A special thanks are due to the Board officers who went the extra mile in completing the onerous and intrusive HPD Disclosure Statement. “Special thanks should also be given to the Riverbay management team, specifically Noel Ellison, James Lee, John Lowe, Peter Merola, Jose Mendez, Mark Warren, Raquel Rodriquez and Bob Klehammer who were instrumental in gathering the information required to close, even while working remotely,” he continued. As stated in the resolution, “The additional loan proceeds from HPD would be utilized to fund necessary capital improvements to the Riverbay property, all of which are part of Riverbay’s five-year capital plan.” That includes lobby renovations that started in the community in January 2019. Phase two of the renovations
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These calls are designed to steal a victim’s health and personal insurance information. The FCC reported a version of this scam that targeted higher risk individuals who had diabetes with a promise of a free testing kit and diabetic monitor. Some robocalls are even claiming to be selling fake cures for the virus in exchange for a one-time payment. Another popular scam is targeting student loan borrowers by claiming to have an important message regarding the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on their loans. These robocalls are designed to have the user callback, usually leading to an expensive overseas call or a divulgence of bank information. However, student loan borrowers should be aware that while President Trump signed into action a suspension on interest for federal student loans, in order to qualify one’s specific loan for deferment that person would need to call their respective creditor directly. Creditors will not initiate a deferment plan so anyone calling claiming to represent a creditor should be met with instant suspicion. Social Security phone scams were prevalent before the COVID-19 outbreak but now scammers are using the opportunity to make their scams appear more believable. In these newer Social Security scam calls, the caller will claim that they are from the Social Security Administration and that they had to suspend the victim’s Social Security benefits because of suspicious activity. On their website, the FCC urges Americans to “never share your personal or financial information via email, text messages, or over the phone.” Scammers are also targeting those most affected by unemployment with calls claiming to be from Amazon offering an at-home job offer. These calls are also completely fake and are designed to steal the victim’s personal information. “Number spoofing” is a common technique scammers use to catch people off guard. Scammers will call from a number that appears very similar to the victim’s so that the victim will be more inclined to pick up the call.
Co-op City Times delivery change in pandemic
To help prevent transmission of COVID-19 and protect both our workers and residents, the Co-op City Times will be delivered in building lobbies until further notice. We ask that you keep the newspaper stacks neat and tidy since there are limited onsite staff primarily to deal with emergencies. Delivery to the townhouses will continue as it normally does. While some lobbies may have boxes for the newspapers, others do not until we receive a new supply. We ask for your cooperation and patience. If you are going to the lobby, please bring newspapers up for your neighbors, especially those who are among our vulnerable population. Stay safe.
Be counted! Be sure to fill out your Census form online at my2020Census.gov. Look for your ID in your invitation letter. It’s quick, easy and safe!
in Tower and Triple-Core buildings is now on hold because of the novel coronavirus lock down to help prevent the spread of the virus. Both Riverbay staff and HPD will work together to oversee the project. HPD is currently reviewing requests for proposals. Mr. Ellison said: “Riverbay Corporation appreciates having HPD partner with us on the final phases of this lobby entrance project. As a result of this joint initiative, Co-op City’s building entrances will be 100% ADA compliant. This financing allows us to free up additional funds for the many capital projects we are currently undertaking. A special note of gratitude goes to our councilman, Andy King, for putting this effort in motion.” The long-awaited lobby entrance renovations is just one of several capital projects identified in management’s five-year capital plan to modernize Co-op City’s aging infrastructure and meet local code regulations. As Mr. Ellison noted, this is one of several programs Riverbay is participating in to help maintain the development’s affordability for its shareholders. The corporation is also a participant in ConEd’s load shedding and demand respond programs from which Riverbay receives approximately $4M annually. Most phone scams are designed to pressure the victim into making decisions very quickly that they would otherwise never do. Whether the scammer is after personal information or money, the way they try to steal that information remains the same, by pressuring the victim into reacting quickly. Legitimate government agencies would never call asking for personal information or money. Anyone interested in reading further about COVID-19 related phone scams and any updates pertaining to the information on them should visit fcc.gov/covidscams. In addition to phone scams, some unscrupulous actors are also utilizing emails, texts and website to net victims. Earlier this week, New York Attorney General Letitia James tweeted that her office had ordered a cannabidiol company to stop marketing products as a cure or treatment for COVID-19. “They targeted consumers through email campaigns, text messages and bogus news websites with false claims that their product successfully cures and treats COVID-19,” the tweet said.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Standardized testing cancelled for millions of students BY BRANDON ORTIZ
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to have rippling effects across many facets of everyday life, millions of students across America face a new reality filled with remote learning and now potentially no standardized tests. Usually many public school students anxiously associate this time of year with statewide tests. However, on March 20, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education announced that “students impacted by school closures due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can bypass standardized testing for the 2019-2020 school year.” Currently the list of standardized testing that is suspended consists of the following: • Grades 3-8 English language arts test (ELA) • Grades 3-8 math test • Grade 4 elementary-level science test • Grade 8 intermediate-level science tests • English as a second language achievement test in grades K-12 • Alternative assessment for students with severe cognitive disabilities in grades 3–8 and high school Notably omitted from the list is the Regents exams, which are usually held in June. The Regents exams are currently still scheduled to take place, although school closures into late April and May could force a different option. In the March 20 press release for the announcement of suspension for standardized testing, United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said: “Students need to be focused on staying healthy and continuing to learn. Teachers need to be able to focus on remote learning and other adaptations. Neither students nor teachers need to be focused on high-stakes tests during this difficult time. Students are simply too unlikely to be able to perform their best in this environment.” As for high school students who were scheduled to take the ACT today, April 4, their test has been rescheduled for June 13, according to the ACT official website. Additionally, the SAT and SAT subject tests that were scheduled for May 2 have been cancelled per the College Board website. College Board has also enacted a plan to still hold the AP exams with a 45-minute online free-response exam as the current plan. Equally important to note, any student who is currently registered for an AP exam can cancel for free. Any students looking for more detailed information about what units certain tests will cover or when certain portfolios are due, should visit apcentral.collegeboard.org The website also offers free resources for students wishing to review material or watch online courses.
To our patients and residents of Co-op City:
First and foremost, we hope you all remain healthy during these unprecedented times. Due to the unforeseen Coronavirus pandemic in NYC, we have temporarily closed our podiatry office hours as advised by the CDC, NYS, and NYC mandates regarding elective medical care.
We value your patronage and therefore want to protect the health and well-being of our patients and the community.
We hope this inconvenience will be short term and we will resume operations as soon as we are informed. God bless and I hope we are all safe and will see you soon. Dr. Robert Cohen Foot Care Services, 140-1 Elgar Place, Bronx, NY 10475
Free school meal program extended to adults
On the heels of the US Department of Labor announcing this week that more than 6.6 million Americans have filed unemployment claims due to the COVID-19 outbreak, NY Mayor Bill de Blasio said during his Thursday evening press briefing: “…we’ve talked a lot about the fact that there are more and more people who need food because let’s face it, even though, thank God, there is some federal help coming now through the stimulus bill, there’s still so many now, people lost their jobs, lost their income, don’t yet have that help, are struggling to pay for food. We can’t have that in New York City we have to help people more and more…” The mayor went on to announce the expansion of the student meal program to now include adults who can also pick up three daily “grab and go” meals at school locations around the city.
Mayor de Blasio said: “So, we’ve got about 435 sites around the five boroughs where young people can go and get meals for free. They can get breakfast, lunch, and dinner all to go, grab and go, and they can bring them home and eat them when they’re ready. If other people at home need food, they can get it for them as well.” The expanded meal program began Friday, April 3. “…we’re welcoming adults, anyone who needs food, anyone who’s hungry can come to these 435 sites— you can get all three meals for yourself and your family for free. No one will be turned away, I want to really emphasize that there’s no charge and no one will be turned away.” To find out more about the meal program, visit nyc.gov only or call 311 for information on site locations.
Students and families with children can pick up three daily meals each Monday-Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Adults without children can pick up three meals daily, Monday-Friday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To find a school in your area, text “FOOD,” or if you speak Spanish, “COMIDA” to 877-877. In Co-op City, grab and go meals are distributed at Truman High School, MS 180, PS 160 and PS 178.
Co-op City Public Safety Dept. Emergency: 718-651-3050 Non-Emergency: 718-320-3330 www.ccpd.us @CCPDnyc
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Please Note: Articles for Co-op City clubs, churches and organizations are due on Monday by 5 p.m. Email your articles to cctimes@riverbaycorp.com.
Co-op City Times Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. (718) 320-3300, ext. 3375 cctimes@riverbaycorp.com
Rozaan Boone Editor-in-Chief
Toriea McCauseland Junior Associate Editor
Jennifer Piovanetti Operations Manager
Ralph Henriquez Production Manager
John Crow New Media Producer The Co-op City Times welcomes issueoriented letters to the editor to be considered for publication. All letters, in prose, not poetry, must be addressed to the editor, not to third parties. All letters must be signed by the writers and include their addresses and phone numbers, which will be kept confidential, so that the editor can verify the authenticity of the authors. Writers will be limited to one letter per topic. Anonymous or unsigned letters will not be accepted for publication. Letters cannot exceed 350 words. Ideally, they should be typed. All letters must be in the Co-op City Times office in Room 21, Bartow Community Center, by 3 p.m. Monday to be considered for publication in that week’s edition. Views and opinions expressed in letters and Directors’ Viewpoint are solely the writer’s, and not necessarily shared by the Co-op City Times or Riverbay Corp. Advertisements and classified advertisements in the Co-op City Times do not necessarily reflect an endorsement from Riverbay Corp. of goods and services, but present greater options to cooperators of products and services available. The Riverbay Corporation does not assume any responsibility nor is it a party to any contract or agreement between the cooperator and the vendor. All matter published herein is copyrighted by the Co-op City Times. Permission for reprints of advertising or editorial contents produced by the Co-op City Times must be obtained in writing from Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Ave., Bronx, New York 10475.
Article SIXTH of your Occupancy Agreement provides, in part, that your lease automatically renews for an additional three (3) year period. You need to do nothing if you want your lease to extend for another three (3) year period. If you will be moving out at the end of your lease, notify Riverbay, in writing, Attention: Sales Support Office, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475, ninety (90) days prior to lease expiration.
Important Notice to Shareholders of Building 21 A, B & C Building 21 A, B & C
Building 21 A, B & C 100, 120 & 140 Bellamy Loop
Current Lease Expiration Date
May 31, 2020
New 3 yr. Expiration Date
May 31, 2023
If the Co-op City Times Was Not Delivered: Call 347-439-5632 on Saturdays only, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Public Safety Report
Co-op City Department of Public Safety offers tips to prevent identity theft while awaiting stimulus checks
BY LIEUTENANT PAM APOLLO The deadline to file taxes has been extended to Wednesday, July 15, 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Some people may have already filed their taxes and are anxiously awaiting their tax refund check as well as their recently announced stimulus check. Co-op City Department of Public Safety offers useful precautions residents should take to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft. Unscrupulous criminals have even found a way to use Americans’ eagerness to receive their stimulus check and/or tax refund as a means to attempt identity theft. The following information will help to avoid becoming the victim of identity theft in all situations. The government and police agencies are investigating different instances where another person’s Social Security number may be used to file fraudulent tax returns. There have been instances where an active tax filer’s Social Security number was used, a dependent child’s Social Security number was used and even a deceased person’s Social Security was utilized to file a fraudulent tax return. Thieves may buy and sell these Social Security numbers from individuals, employers, hospitals, nursing homes, schools or other sources. All of these instances are serious crimes and can result in severe penalties. The Internal Revenue Service recommends filing your tax return early to beat the scammers to your refund. After filing, check the status of your refund at www.irs.gov/Refunds. Make sure you know and trust your tax preparer. Never give out personal information unless you are 100% sure who you are speaking with. Always shred any documents or mail which contains personal information. With many American households anxiously awaiting a Federal and State tax refund, criminals have attempted to gain access to peoples’ bank accounts. E-mails and phone calls have been received requesting bank account information. The caller promises that payment will be deposited right into your bank account. We are receiving reports this year that scammers have found a way to have fraudulent information appear on the caller identification on your telephone. This is a new technique, but it is the same old scam with a new face. The scam artist will not deposit money into your account but rather will make a hefty withdrawal. No United States government agency will call you to request your bank account number. The Internal Revenue states that they make initial contact by mail in all cases. It is very important for everyone to remember to never give out bank account numbers, Personal Identification Numbers (P.I.N.), Social Security numbers or other confidential numbers which can provide access to financial records unless you initiate the contact. Legitimate bank employees should never call up customers requesting this information. Bank employees should be aware that customers know not to give out this type of information by telephone. Take down the employee’s name and phone number, make certain it matches the number you have on record for the financial institution. Only once you are sure that you are actually speaking with an employee from your bank should you even speak about your finances. Always shred financial documents with personal information and account numbers before you discard them. Switch your accounts to electronic delivery to minimize paper clutter and lost statements. Never click on unsolicited e-mails, instead type a web address into your browser. Scam e-mails are often made to look like real bank e-mails. Misspelling and grammatical errors are often indicators that the e-mail is a fraud. Contact www.OnGuardOnline.gov if you suspect e-mail fraud.
If you witness anyone tagging or spraying graffiti on Co-op City property, notify Public Safety immediately at (718) 671-3050. If your cell phone is handy, snap a photo and send it to Public Safety.
Alert: Graffiti vandalism
If You See Something, Say Something!
Working Together To Keep Co-op City Safe! • Report any unusual or suspicious persons or activity to CCPD. • Do not allow strangers access to your building by holding the door. • Be aware of work being done in your building and when contractors are allowed to be on the premises. • Never leave your car or apartment door unlocked. • Do not leave packages or electronics in your car where they are visible. • Remember: You can make anonymous calls to CCPD.
Emergency: 718-651-3050 or 9-1-1 • Non-Emergency: 718-320-3330 www.ccpd.us • @CCPDnyc Be wary if you receive a check from a financial institution that you are not expecting. Reports have been received of persons receiving an unsolicited check in an express mail envelope. If this check is deposited into your account, the funds will not be available and you will be responsible for money. Never wire money with the anticipation of receiving more money in the future. This scam pops up in a variety of different ways: apartment rentals on Craigslist, merchandise being sold on eBay, winning a sweepstakes, long lost relative in another country, job as a Mystery Shopper, etc. When in doubt, contact the police. We only hear about the high profile cases of breach of credit card information such as the Equifax, Uber, Home Depot, Target and eBay incidents of a few years ago. Anytime you swipe your credit card, it can be at risk. When a restaurant takes your card out of your line of sight that also places you at risk as the number on the rear of the card can be retained and used for online purchases. Carefully check your credit card statements to ensure there are no unauthorized charges. If something about a merchant does not seem right, utilize a different form of payment. In most cases, credit card companies do not hold you accountable for unauthorized charges. Debit cards do not always carry the same level of protection. AARP also offers informative information about fraud protection at www.aarp.org/money/scams-fraud/. The information is geared for persons 50 or older, but all ages can benefit from the information provided. There is also a quiz to see how knowledgeable you are in fraud prevention. You can even sign up for fraud alert newsletters. Monitor your credit reports with all three credit bureaus at least once per year. Free credit reports are available at www.AnnualCreditReport.com or by calling 1-877-322-8228. Place a “Fraud Alert” if identity theft is suspected: Equifax, 1800-525-6285; Experian, 1-888-397-3742, and Trans Union, 1-800-680-7289. Also report any suspected identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission online at www.ftc.gov/idtheft.com; by phone, 1-877-ID-THEFT (1-877-438-4338) or by mail at Identity Theft Clearinghouse, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. Reporting identity theft to the Federal Trade Commission helps law enforcement officials across the country in their investigations. Take steps to protect your identity and be a smart consumer. Call the authorities immediately if you suspect you may have become the victim of identity theft. Always remember, if you see something, say something. Call 911 and the Department of Public Safety at (718) 671-3050. Callers may remain anonymous when giving information. Co-op City is a diverse community with people of all ages, abilities and characteristics. All persons should remember to respect each other and embrace their differences. Don’t forget to say hello to your neighbors when you pass each other in the hallway or in the street as you maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. Co-op City strives to accommodate all persons. April is known as National Autism Awareness Month as well as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Take this opportunity to learn about these topics and see what you can do to help. Knowledge is power – the more you learn, the stronger you become.
OPPORTUNITIES AT CO-OP CITY There are no employment opportunities to list this week. Please check back again next week.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
The Good, the Bad and the Downright Awful Director’s Viewpoint
Mary Pearson Secretary
I do hope everyone is doing OK. Rough time. No newsflash there. But even though (even in normal times) I’m the reigning Queen of the Germaphobes, I’m mostly hanging in there, and I hope you are too. So we’re all doing what everyone, and I do mean everyone, is telling us. Wash hands thoroughly? You don’t have to tell me twice. Michael Jackson and Howard Hughes have nothin’ on me! I’ve been turning faucets on with my wrists and pushing buttons with my knuckles for decades…and that’s inside my home. Outside, I wash faucet handles before I wash my hands, then after scrubbing like a surgeon, I turn off the faucet with a paper towel. Then it’s the doorknob’s turn. No, I don’t wash public bathroom doorknobs, but I sure don’t touch them without a paper towel between me and them either. People who might have witnessed my overkill routine used to think I was nuts. Now I’m just one of the gang. Everyone is staying inside unless absolutely necessary. Yes? I go out every now and then, but no one would ever know it was me. I dress like an incognito movie star. No. I look more like the Invisible Woman: hat, scarf, gloves, trench coat. I sent my nephew a picture and he said I looked like I stepped out of a Mad Magazine “Spy vs Spy” comic. I think I look more like bubble gums’ Bazooka Joe’s friend, Mort. He was the one Wikipedia describes as, “a gangly boy who always wears his red turtleneck sweater pulled up over his mouth.” Anyway, I’m keeping my germs to myself, and when I do venture out, I see many people are doing likewise. Good for us. One does what one can to “flatten the curve,” and that can only be accomplished by strict adherence to
the social (physical) distancing directive. I was relieved to hear our recent Robocall’s social (physical) distancing advice extended beyond the laundry room to include the elevator. It’s quite impossible to stay six feet away from a fellow rider in a five-foot-wide elevator, after all. We all understand the concept behind flattening the curve through social (physical) distancing, right? New York’s new motto of: “STAY HOME. STOP THE SPREAD. SAVE LIVES.” is simple. But maybe it’s too simple. I’ll make it more obtuse. If you’re perfectly healthy, you need to stay home so you stay perfectly healthy. If you stay perfectly healthy, you won’t need to bother the already overworked medical practitioners by unnecessarily cluttering up the hospital because you wouldn’t stay home to protect yourself in the first place. If too many of us jeopardize our health by failing to practice adequate social (physical) distancing, we turn the overworked medical staff into an overwhelmed medical staff. And we overwhelm the hospitals. But that’s not going to happen in NYC. No “Abandon all hope ye who enter here” signs will be hanging on our hospital doors. Nope. We’ve got a calm and sure leader in Governor Cuomo and we have help coming from everywhere. “Like what,” you might ask? I’ve been making lists, lists of people who in this time of crisis are stepping up to the plate. For starters (continuing that baseball metaphor) there’s a company that makes uniforms for the Yankees and the Phillies. Both teams, I now know, wear pinstripes. That company stopped making uniforms and is now making hospital masks and gowns out of that pinstriped material instead. What else? A ton. Plastic face guards are being produced by dozens of volunteers in a now unused party space in the Brooklyn Navy Yards. 120,000 of them were expected
to be delivered to hospitals this past week. [And speaking of the Navy… What about the USNS Comfort arriving in NYC watched by an admiring crowd of people NOT PRACTICING social (physical) distancing. Ugh!] A moped company offers free transport membership to medical workers: Hit their website, electronically show your badge (somehow) and ride off. Mott Haven’s Kipp school has turned itself into a food pantry. Thousands of retired medical workers have answered the call to come out of retirement and pitch in, changing the snide and scolding Gen-Z “OK, Boomer” epithet into a praising “OK, Boomer!” A plane load of medical PPE (which we all now know stands for personal protective equipment) arrived in NYC from China last Sunday with 130 thousand special N95 masks, 1.8 million surgical masks and gowns, 10 million gloves, and thousands of thermometers – with 22 more plane loads to follow. Columbia Medical School is graduating its class a month early to provide more hands on deck. And here at home, a line dance buddy sent around words of hope, sent to her by a friend, sent to her, etc., containing six feel-good one or two liners. My two favorites: 1.) An octogenarian’s t-shirt reads Sweet Sixteen plus 64 years of experience. 2.) People gather to pray for rain and one little kid brings an umbrella. This is truly an awful episode we’re all living through. Everyday, I want, try, and fail to find an adequate way to thank the people (some duty bound, some economically bound) who continue to keep our city and our community alive. Some are surely doing more than most, but if we all do what we can to make the “flatten the curve” effort successful, more of us will one fine day breathe easier. I can be reached by voice or text at 718-219-2211 or by email at mpearson@riverbayboard.com.
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Coronavirus Tax Update IRS Notice: Filing Deadline EXTENDED until 7/15/20. If you can’t come in, we offer: • Drop-off • Mail-in: 2089 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475 • Email: gsansone1@optimum.net • Fax: 561-431-0830
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Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Office Phone: 718-379-5217
Marc A. Goodman, EA
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
2020 Board of Directors elections will proceed Director’s Viewpoint
Francine Reva Jones Assistant Secretary I hope all Co-op City cooperators are safe and well. Unfortunately, the numbers of new cases and deaths continue to rise in our city and nation. Please follow the mandate of our NY State Governor and NYC Mayor and stay at home, distance yourself six feet away from other people, wash your hands often with soap and water, and avoid touching your face. A drive-thru COVID-19 testing site has been established for Co-op City residents located in Bay Plaza near the AMC theaters. Testing is provided Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. by appointment only. If you need an appointment, call 1-888364-3065. If you need transportation to the site, call 718-547-8854. I hope this location is helpful and convenient to cooperators. More facilities were requested by the NY State Governor and the federal government has responded. A US Navy gigantic floating hospital ship, the USNS Comfort, has arrived in New York City. The ship entered New York Harbor last Monday to Pier 88 in Manhattan. It was sent to help relieve the pressure on the city’s hospitals that are overwhelmed with coronavirus patients. Also, last Friday, the Javits Center welcomed the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s new medical overflow facility. Both are temporary hospitals equipped with 1,000 beds and are in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Many locations nationwide are still in need of Personal Protective Equipment and, after shopping at local stores and pharmacies, I have yet to purchase a mask for myself. I expect they will arrive at our local stores soon. In an effort to bring some cheerfulness to our community, the Riverbay Fund has arranged to show some of the musical performances that they recorded. Tune in on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. on Optimum Channel 591 and MATV Channel 12. The following is the lineup: On April 2, Female Jazz Group SAGE; April 9, Latin Soul Plus; April 16, Tony Lewis and Friends; and April 23, Worla Roots. Enjoy! The Board has decided to move forward with the annual Board of Directors elections. We have finally moved into the 21st Century and had our first Board Webex meeting last week. While there was room for improvement, we accomplished what was necessary and the meeting was completed successfully. Likewise, we are taking the Riverbay Board elections into the 21st century. We must abide by the protective COVID-19 health mandates and keep our
IMPORTANT! Flushing wipes or paper towels down the toilet will lead to clogged pipes. Only toilet paper should be flushed.
MTA Real-Time Service Updates
The most up-to-date information on MTA service status is always available at www.mta.info. For immediate notice of service changes, sign up for email or text alerts at www.mymtaalerts.com. For weekend subway service changes, visit web.mta.info/weekender.
distance from other people in order to avoid contracting the virus. Therefore, we must be creative when it comes to candidate petitioning and candidate forums. Presently, we are considering virtual forums. The Election Committee is working to revise the election rules and to arrange a new election schedule. Please keep your eyes and ears open for updates and follow the special instructions. Pay attention to all the information regarding this important election. This election will be unprecedented and we trust that shareholders will be patient, and, most of all, PLEASE VOTE. We will continue to work with the third party company and there will be both voting by mail and online. The votes will be recorded, tallied and the winners announced. We are still con-
templating concluding the election in May and the new directors seated in June. If you wish to be a Board director, please note that the following are some of the tasks that most of the Board directors perform: Attend Board meetings once or twice a month; read all the documents and materials presented to Board directors; chair, co-chair or regularly participate with at least one of the 12 Board committees; share your creative ideas on how to enhance our community; and work harmoniously with other Board directors. Any shareholder may run, provided the shareholder is not indebted to the Riverbay Corporation. Please be safe and stay well. I can be reached at fjones@riverbayboard.com.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Broun Place Townhouse Association
First, thank you to the team including Ms. Gretchen Hazell, Councilman Andy King and state Senator Jamaal Bailey for spearheading the establishment of our testing site in Bay Plaza. It is my understanding our Board of Directors and President Berk also played a part. Please, neighbors, continue practicing social distancing and find ways to occupy yourselves and keep busy at home; maintain your former morning routine. Social distancing is imperative so confine yourselves to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. A project I have begun is redoing my personal cookbook, plus with extra shopping, one must keep inventory of what one has on the shelves. Keep your areas sanitized and surfaces free of germs. No hand shaking. Sanitize and wash hands; use disinfecting wipes, disposable gloves, and put something between you and the doorknob or TV remote. Be aware of the phony pitches for Coronavirus cures, masks, and other equipment. One pitch shows making masks from paper towels and another from bras. These are better than nothing, but they are not medical barriers. Another story speaks on the origin of the virus being from pets. A piece of mail says, extend and increase your “Extended Vehicle Service Plan.” The aforementioned is phony intimidation attempt to get you to spend your money – don’t do that! Heartfelt appreciation to everyone working in the supermarkets and pharmacies and other frontline locations. Teachers and animal care providers are also on the frontline and deserve remembering. Thank you, Mr. Dickson, for consistently responding to our email inquiries. We appreciate your accountability very much. We will not meet in April, but if you have a question or concern, please write a note and email to evalazaar2@gmail.com. It is a priority to dispose of your trash as always and not to litter. Don’t leave stuff you think is recyclable at the dumpster pad – it is garbage. Place old stuff in the appropriate bin. Please contact us by writing evalazaar2@gmail.com, in order to acknowledge and give an opinion about forming an association for townhouse clusters. Townhouses have unique situations needing addressing and protocol developed. Why isn’t there a weekend-designated team to deal with such emergencies? Compliments to directors for maintaining and writing their “Director’s viewpoints.” Michelle Marbury and Mary Pearson, thank you for always caring and informing cooperators. Kudos and admiration to our Mr. Walker for continuing to do the work on our grounds. It is appreciated beyond words. The Census forms are out. They don’t really define our Mitchell-Lama Cooperative. “Rent” means “Carrying charge” in our case and we are homeowners. Fill out the form, you can do it online too. The allocation of community funds is at stake. Keep busy by developing at home exercises and playing board games. Anyone remember Trivial Pursuit? Games like that are great for keeping the brain working. Finally, and always remember, keep dancing and happier days are ahead. —Eva Kindaichi-Lazaar Hammering after 6 p.m., vacuuming after 9 p.m., music or TVs played very loudly at any hour, doors slamming constantly at all hours... these are just a few examples of what can disturb the peace of fellow cooperators. Noise complaints may lead to a fine. Please, let’s work together to make Co-op City a peaceful community. —CSO Department
able reasons to be entitled to obtain an absentee ballot — that of “illness” — to include “the potential for contraction of the COVID-19 virus” gone into effect as yet? If they let me know, I’ll let you know. But right now, I don’t think anyone knows. Aside from that, there’s still not much going on in the world of progressive politics, unless pointing fingers at real or perceived incompetence or suspicious profiteering agendas is your game. Complaining about the Fed’s hesitancy to start battling COVID-19 closer to 2019 or its malign neglect (as opposed to benign neglect) of Blue states should by now have run its course. You cannot bully a bully into acting properly. We’ve got to fend for ourselves and let the November cards fall as they may. Be well, all. Once this passes, we’ll have even more reason to join with like-minded progressives to promote tolerance and end second-class citizenship. That’s what this group stands for. Stand with this group. But for now, do it from a distance, because, as the Albany directive still goes: STAY HOME. STOP THE SPREAD. SAVE LIVES. Email mpjazz@optonline.net and/or text 718-2192211. —Mary Pearson
Working Families of Co-op City
Presidential Primary Postponed New York’s presidential primary election day has been moved to Tuesday, June 23, from April 28. That means all Democratic candidates will primary on the same day, or pack of days. If early voting is still in effect through the crisis, voting would start on June 13, run for nine days, take Monday, June 22, off and then: Primary Election Day on Tuesday, June 23. There is no guarantee, though, that NYS early voting or absentee voting or who-knows–what voting will take place in 2020. But if it does, presidential, congressional and state positions (assembly and senate) candidates will all be on the ballot. We just have to wait and see, because as Gov. Cuomo writes: “Public health is our number one priority and we will carry out this vital democratic process at a safer date.” The Board of Elections website (vote.nyc) posted the June 23 update but there’s no new information regarding Early Voting or Absentee Voting Qualification changes. I’ve written the Board of Elections at Electioninfo@boe.nyc.ny.us. If an answer is received to the question: Will early voting take place this year? Or the longer question: Has the governor’s executive order changing the definition of one of two accept-
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Co-op Insurance The Wright Agency: Serving Co-op City for 39 Years!
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Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Virtual Board Meeting, 3/25/2020
resolution is for inspections, DOB filings, and for four “full-time inspectors to cover up to 40 weeks, totaling Director’s Viewpoint $1,184,530. This work is for several buildings throughout our community. So, including this change order, the total cost of this contract will be $3,460,466. How is this possible? Do you see why I can’t support these types of With the coronavirus spiraling out of control, our board resolutions? Anyway, I had to vote no for this resolution. Resolution 20-12 – This resolution, in the “amount of decided to have a ‘virtual’ board meeting with comput$9,304,657.61 with a 10% contingency of $930,465.76 ers and our telephones on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. totaling $10,235,123.37, was awarded to a company So, let’s review what happened. named R. Acevedo Contracting, Inc. This company is Board Meeting with Social Distance On some occasions, I tried to be supportive of most going to make our “lobbies easier accessible and ADA of the resolutions that have been brought before our board. compliant.” During our meeting, I pointed out that they will receive However, that wasn’t the case when we voted on several $610,697.98 for “administration costs.” Previously, a lot resolutions during this board meeting. Resolution 20-09 – This resolution was for the “struc- of residents had asked me about modernizing our doors tural repair of garage #2.” Garage #2 is located near the for easier access. Now, although I disliked this high adminDreiser mall. In all cases, I will look at the scope of the istrative cost, we have a legal obligation to move forbids. Then, from my perspective, I’ll see if there are any ward with our doors. So, I voted yes for this resolution. Resolution 20-13 – This resolution, in the amount of red flags. For instance, I noticed that the winning bidder, $500,000, was for a 2-year contract for bathroom tiles. I Infrastructure Repair Services, LLC, came in with a price for a “traffic bearing waterproofing membrane at roof voted yes. Resolution 20-15 – Section 5 has a big parking problevel” that was about $100,000 less than the other bidlem. So, management is looking at several areas to use ders. So, as a board director, my big question is: Why? as a garage. Will they purchase other property? Maybe. Should I, as a representative, just brush off this type of If so, then can we build a garage to deal with this parkdifference and say that their bid numbers were moved ing problem? Absolutely! Now, think, will new residents move here with their around? Never! Therefore, I had to vote no for this resown cars? If yes, then, where are they going to park? olution after we had a discussion on this matter. Read Should we say that we don’t care where they park? No! on. Resolution 20-10 – This resolution was for the build- We can solve this problem. We can build a big garage. ing façade and balcony work on five buildings—28, 29, So, I voted yes for this resolution. By the way, I will 32, 34, and 35—in section 5. On October 3, 2018, the never vote yes to put a garage on a greenway in section board awarded a contract in the amount of $1,512,940 5. Bottom line: Do you think that the parking problems to Xinos Construction Corp. And, now, this company says that they need $1,352,985 to complete this work. are bad in section 5 right now? If yes, wait until that new Really? They almost doubled their bid. Do you see a train station is built. Plus, I think that some car thieves problem here? Anyway, after a discussion, I had to vote are going to go crazy after they know that they can easily travel to section 5 by train. So, we need to consider no for this change order. Read on. Resolution 20-11 – This resolution is another change these problems right now and see if we can build a new order for a company named Merritt Engineering. This garage, with security, in section 5.
Daryl Johnson
Black Forum of Co-op City
Don’t Throw It All Away Experts are giving great advice when they tell people to stay home because of the coronavirus. However, it’s evident that some people can’t get along when they’re together in the same home for an extended period of time. For instance, some people have expressed their negative feelings towards their family members on social media. Furthermore, this situation is so bad that some top lawyers have reported a 50 percent increase in calls from some couples that now want to divorce. But, this situation gets worse because some people with money are using these hard times to claim that their net worth has dropped to a considerably low level. Therefore, their spouse should get a small divorce settlement. However, these problems are not limited to just the U.S. In fact, families in Xi’an, China had to stay together during their coronavirus outbreak. Thereafter, it was reported that a lot of people had filed for divorce. And, now, their situation is really bad because it was reported that the authorities can’t process their divorce requests fast enough. Bottom line: Some partners will act up horribly bad in a relationship. But, never, ever let any legal document or anyone prove that you were that partner. Never! Bored at home? Can you think about doing some nice things together? What about the children? How is it that some people have expressed their concerns about children staying home during these times with abusive parents? Horrible. Look, let’s do our part to make our home life better. Close “Love never fails.” Therefore, let’s do our part to get along if we have to live with someone. Thank you. Questions or comments? Please send a letter to Daryl H. Johnson, Riverbay Board Director, c/o Riverbay Corporation, 2049 Bartow Avenue, Bronx, NY 10475/ Also, please call me ONLY at 718-671-4544 if you would like to have a brief discussion with me. Okay, that’s it for now. So, please have a wonderful week. And, may God bless you and your family. Thank you.
Contact Us Emergency food pantry food and supplies for the Black Forum Emergency Co-op City We look forward to hearing from you at coopcityThe Black Forum emergency food pantry remains Food Pantry which has fed members of the community for almost 30 years. blackforum@gmail.com. —D. Illis closed until further notice. This is due to the current outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Consider visiting https://www.foodbanknyc.org/get-help/ on the internet or call 3-1-1 to find soup kitchens and food pantries which may be open. The list is subject to change without notice. Call the agencies ahead to confirm their services and hours. We look forward to returning to the community as Family Owned and Operated soon as it is safe for guests and staff. Please look out • Large Chapel • Pre-need counseling for yourself, your family and your neighbors. Stay on premises healthy. • Out of town services Defensive driving class • Ample Parking The April 11 and May 9 classes are cancelled due on premises A dignified funeral every family can afford. • Cremations to the Coronavirus. The next class is Saturday, June • Casket Showroom 20, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 177 Dreiser Loop, rm. 4. Cost: All areas are handicapped accessible on premises $35/person. Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes early. Lower Amid ongoing concerns about the Coronavirus COVID-19, McCall's Bronxwood Funeral Home is closely your liability insurance cost by 10% and remove up monitoring the latest reports from the CDC and is fully committed to providing the funeral and to four points from your driver’s license. Call 718memorial services you expect without interruption, in a clean and hygenic environment. 320-8035 to register. Only a $35 cash payment will be accepted the day of class – no checks. Please bring Personalized & Professional Care • 54 Years Serving Our Community your current driver’s license and a pen. Students arriving after 9 a.m. may be denied entry into the class. Worldwide Shipping including Caribbean, Africa & South America Please note that the class could be cancelled at any time because of the Coronavirus situation. Those who call ahead to register will be contacted if the class is cancelled. Rivers Casino Saturday, June 28, 2020. Cost: $45.00. Rebate: TBA. Serving all Call No refunds. We are accepting money now. Seats are cultures 24 issued when complete payment is received. No excepNOW WEBCASTING TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS ABROAD & faiths Hours tions. We look forward to winning with you! Please www.mccalls.net • director@mccalls.net call 917-209-5334 or 718-320-0033 if you have questions. 4035 Bronxwood Avenue, Bronx, N.Y. The proceeds from fundraisers go to purchasing
718-231-7647 Fax: 718-231-7665
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
The Wright Agency Serving Co-op City for 39 Years!
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Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
National Council of Negro Women
Prayer Line Our chaplain, Rev. Beverly Spruill, has been leading us in prayer and song on our prayer line via conference call. This prayer line is open to all as we lift up in prayer our members, families, and friends, as well as first responders and all essential medical personnel who play a crucial role in providing the services that we need in these extraordinary times. Our next prayer call will be today, Saturday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. The call-in number is (712) 7705577 and the access code is 594379#. Once the prayer has begun, please mute your phone and refrain from announcing your name. We look forward to you joining the call. Book Club On Saturday, April 4, at 3:30 p.m., we were scheduled to have our first book club meeting of our new year. Due to our current health crisis, we are postponing our meeting until further notice. Meanwhile, continue enjoying “The Color of Water; a Black Man’s Tribute to His White Mother,” by James McBride. The book is available in paperback; a delightful read, truly a paean to mothers everywhere. Book lovers, plan to join us even if you are not a member of NCNW. Women Represent! 2020 We are so sorry to announce that our Women Represent! 2020 program scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2020, is being postponed due to the public health emergency caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. We hope to reschedule this program in the future when it is safe to gather in groups again. Brotherhood Winery Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we will have to reschedule our trip to the Brotherhood Winery and Resorts World Casino on Saturday, June 20. We will be reimbursing all payments that we have received. We are as disappointed as you are. Bethune-Height Recognition Program Our BHRP Luncheon scheduled to be held on Saturday, May 16, 2020 has been postponed. The new date is Saturday, October 3, 2020. It will still be at Russo’s on the Bay. Ticket and raffle money can still be mailed to: NCNW, Inc. Co-op City Section. P.O. Box 93, Bronx, NY 10475. Grandparents’ Day Cruise Calling all grandmas, glam-mas, grandpas, family and friends for a spectacular day dining, dancing and laughing as we celebrate Grandparents’ Day on Saturday, September 12, 2020 as Spirit Cruises takes us around New York harbor from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. This is your day to enjoy yourself and for only $80. Make checks payable to NCNW Co-op City Section and mail to PO Box 93, Bronx, NY 10475. For more information, contact: 917-670-4012, 718-3793788, 917-574-6286. Tickets are non-refundable and will be given out at Pier 62 at boarding time, 11:30 a.m. Payment deadline is August 1, 2020. —Joyce Howard
Building 27 Association
Coronavirus testing site By now, we have received notices, emails, and robo calls that our local elected officials, headed by state Senator Jamaal Bailey, took care of the matter of a testing site here in this community, in Bay Plaza across from the movie theatre. Call 1-888-364-3065 to make an appointment. Neighbors Due to this crisis, our neighbors are now working at home. The children are out of school, we do not see them out and about, which is good in obeying current health and safety instructions. Out of this crisis some good is on the rise; my neighbor put a note under my door offering to help with anything I may need – neighbors calling to check on each other. All is not gloom and doom. The church is alive and well during illness and deaths. We are reaching out to one another. We will get through this together. In the silence of your homes, remember this song, “There’s a Bright Side, Somewhere.” Building/cooperators Riverbay via robo call has notified shareholders that offices and centers are closed. Maintenance shortage–this building has the best porters–but we are all in this together. If you see litter in our building, pick it up and dispose of it. Let’s cooperate and help to keep our buildings clean. Building 27B, give yourselves a hand, only a couple of the Co-op City Times were left on the lobby floor. Hopefully, we took copies up for our neighbors. Laundry room As we view the monitor, the cooperators appear to try to adhere to the instructions by Riverbay; only
five cooperators at a time should use the laundry room. Census The Census forms are arriving in the mail. Please fill online, mail, or call at 1-844-330-2020 to complete the form or for a question you are unsure about. Your complete response provides census data and is used to determine how many seats/representatives our state gets in the U.S. Congress. The data also determines how billions of federal funds are allocated to our state. Taxes Tax deadline has been extended to July 15, 2020. If expecting a refund, you may file any time. Be wary of tax phone scams. The IRS will not call you. To be sure of compliance, contact the IRS directly. Be encouraged We are a NORC, we have been through many trials and tribulation in our lifetime. Be encouraged, we will get through this. Stay in as much as possible. We are blessed with supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, senior centers, volunteers, to deliver to our door. Keep loved ones, friends and first responders in prayer, giving them hope. Riverbay posts fliers, and robo calls of how to help stay safe and healthy. We offer sincere sympathy to families who lost loved ones during this crisis. Best of health and safety to all. Contact Lydia Rondon, at 718-5833040, to share news of illness, passing of a neighbor or if one is in a nursing home. Pray for peace, healing in our nation and world. Be kind, thoughtful, genuine and thankful. —H. Overman
2A/2B Building Association
Hello, neighbors! We wish you all good health. Hopefully everyone is abiding by the current NYS PAUSE orders to do their part to stop the spread of the Coronavirus and save lives. Let us all do our part; watch out for and check on our elderly neighbors. Also, let’s all try to abide by Riverbay’s rule of having no more than five persons at a time in our laundry room. Our building association’s monthly meetings and collection of the annual association dues have been postponed until further notice. If you have not already responded to the U.S. Census Bureau, please take a few minutes and complete the Census online (my2020census.gov), by phone (1-844-330-2020) or by mail. Your count in the Census can determine how much congressional representation our state will get and where billions of dollars will be allocated towards healthcare, edu-
cation, and infrastructure. Happy birthday to everyone celebrating their special day during the month of April. We offer up our prayers for those recuperating from an illness as well as extend our most sincere condolences to those who have suffered a loss, especially to the families grieving the loss of loved ones due to COVID-19. Have you seen the lovely yellow post-it inspirational notes posted at the elevators? Thank you to our creative anonymous neighbor who kicked this off with the first post-it. It’s heartwarming to see the growing number of notes of hope and love! We applaud and thank all the brave first responders, healthcare workers, pharmacists, grocery store workers and truckers delivering the needed care and goods. May God watch over all of us, bless us, see us safely through this worldwide pandemic. —Georgianna Rodriguez
Building 25 Association
There must be some confusion with all the mumble jumble spewing from our sources of media regarding the COVID-19 stimulus package. According to reports, the $2 trillion stimulus package called the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was signed into law last Friday to help ease the economic burden being caused by COVID-19, may mean different things to different people and businesses. Contact 3-1-1, NYC hotline, for further information. Small businesses will also receive funds or low interest loans due to government mandated shutdowns and layoffs, hopefully enough to keep our favorite restaurants, stores and merchants afloat in our community. • ABSOLUTE LOWEST FEES • FREE CONSULTATION The posting of our graduates will be pushed back due to COVID-19 since we • EVENING APPTS. AVAILABLE • FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS must maintain social distancing, but rest assured, we will honor our graduates as soon as it is safe to do so. • IMMEDIATE FILING We wish all neighbors born in April a happy birthday, and for those who have been under the weather, we hope you get better soon. “COURTEOUS AND PROMPT SERVICE Our building association meets every third Tuesday of the month generally AT AN AFFORDABLE FEE” from Sept. through June, however because of COVID-19, our meetings are postponed until further notice. Please keep an eye out for updated postings outside 633 Lydig Ave • Bronx, NY your elevators. In the meanwhile, you can log onto our building email address at 1 block from Pelham Parkway & White Plains Road building25ca@gmail.com and address your concerns or comments to any or all members of Building 25 Association. Carol Eilets, treasurer, has also postponed Accessible by #2 & #5 trains • #12, #22 & #39 buses the collection of our building association annual dues until further notice. Stay home, if possible, keep safe distance, wash hands, cough in elbow, and don’t touch face. Remember the following: “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” -Francis of Assisi —Wanda Bailey
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Spanish-American Community Club
In the best interest of all our members, their families and our Spanish-American Community Club friends, all upcoming events are cancelled. Please see the following for all the cancellations, postponements and tentative future events. Updates Election Night has been postponed. We will announce the new date once it is available. Vegas Night will be rescheduled. The Installation of Officers Dinner and Dance, scheduled for April 24, has been postponed to a future date. All payments will be credited towards the new date. The trip to Foxwoods Casino in May has also been postponed. A new date will be chosen. All payments will be credited towards the new date. Applications for the Tony Mondesire Scholarship for the next school year are now available. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, residents of the Bronx and from member households. Students must carry a minimum of 12 credits per semester at an accredited institution for at least one year. If you would like to request an application, please email us (address follows) and we will send you one in the mail. Applications can be returned at any time, by mail (for now). The club will once again host the El Batey picnic Sunday, July 12. If planning to attend, please request the $5 parking permit by May 14. No requests will be accepted after that date. Without a permit, parking will be $10 on July 12. Permits will be distributed on June 11. We will provide updated information if plans change. Membership renewals are now considered past due. A penalty fee of $48 for the year, $4 a month, will be currently assessed for all renewals. Additional information for all of our upcoming club events, as well as details concerning the club in general, can be found on our website: spanamcccc.synthasite.com. You may also email the club at SpanAmCCCC@gmail.com or find us on Facebook, search for “spanamcccc.” —Carmen Rodriguez
If you have knowledge or a concern of possible violations of law, accounting irregularities, or other suspected wrongdoing affecting Riverbay, you are encouraged to report it to law enforcement, or you may report it through an anonymous hotline by the following methods:
Go to an independent website, www.lighthouse-services/riverbaycorp, to complete an online disclosure form; Call the following independent third party whistleblower hotline at 1-833-290-0009 (English); or 1-800-216-1288 (Spanish);
Send an e-mail to: reports@lighthouseservices.com (the email must include “Riverbay” in the subject); or
Send a fax to (215) 689-3885 (the fax must include “Riverbay” in the subject).
Building 6 Association
As your Building 6 president during this COVID19 pandemic, I’ve been calling senior citizens in our building and helping to shop for food for them. I’ve been in touch with the Maintenance supervisor about keeping our building as clean as possible during this COVID-19 outbreak. Please try to stay home and stop the spread of the Coronavirus. All building activities and meetings are cancelled until further notice. Riverbay is asking residents to be safe and not have more than five people in the laundry room at one time. Please have your wash done by 10 p.m. so CCPD can lock the door at that time. We are all in this together; very hard times for all of us. Please don’t give up the fight to beat COVID-19. Washing your hands with hot water and soap for 20 seconds will help to keep you safe. Prayers for the nurses, doctors, MTA workers, truck drivers and anyone who’s helping us during these hard times; please be safe.
The Income Affidavit form is due July 31, 2020. You don’t have to notarize the form this year, but you still need a copy of your insurance papers. We all miss seeing Andy Soto, our lobby attendant, when we are coming into and going out of the building, hearing a “Welcome home.” The lobby attendant program is on hold until further notice. Our maintenance supervisor, Silfrido Frias, tells me that starting Monday, March 30, 2020, they are only going to have two maintenance workers per day until further notice instead of four maintenance workers per day. I want to thank our building maintenance workers, Rodney and Juan, for doing an outstanding job during these hard times of COVID-19. Let’s all work together to keep us safe during these hard times. Thank you. —Jeffrey Schwartz
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
AARP Chapter #4997
Please stay at home unless absolutely necessary to go outdoors (i.e. to a doctor’s appointment, or replenish food supply). Wash your hands often, cover your face, and keep hydrated. Be in contact with family members via telephone or email only. Our monthly membership meeting is cancelled until further notice. Good & welfare Heartfelt condolences to Ida Moton on the loss of her husband, Robert. Get-well wishes to Joyce Fowler and Clarence Mitchell (Evan’s husband). Please contact Good & Welfare Coordinator Frances Wilson, 718-671-5493, if you have a family member who has passed or one of our members who is sick, in the hospital or in a nursing home. Check this article for any cancellations/changes to the below travel events. 2020 tour plans Cancelled: April 8, 2020: Queen Esther at the Sight & Sound Theater. Contact Hannah, 718-379-7962, or Judith, 718-379-3370.
July 16 to 19: Ocean City, Maryland; 4 days-3 nights; guided tour of Assateague Island; evening entertainment at the Red Rooster restaurant; sightseeing boat ride; shopping at Tanger Outlet; gambling at Ocean Downs Casino; $789/person, double; $1,064/single; $50 nonrefundable deposit due when signing up. Contact Judith, 718-379-3370, or Hannah, 718-379-7962. Dec. 29 to Jan. 2, 2021; New Year’s Parade Extravaganza (California); 5 days/4 nights;$2,659/per person, double occupancy; $500 non-refundable deposit due when signing up. Contact Judith, 718-379-3370, or Hannah, 718-379-7962. When signing up for the above trips, please give your name, phone number and a deposit. Checks/ money orders made payable to AARP Chapter 4997 with the name of the trip in the memo section of your check/money order. Room 0, Dreiser Community Center, is open Monday or Thursday, noon to 3 p.m. for checks to be dropped off in an envelope w/group/trip leader name. They may be mailed to the group/trip leader. —Delores Debnam
Retirees of Dreiser Loop
Our monthly membership meeting scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month is cancelled until further notice. Reminder We are in the process of updating our membership roster. If you have a change of address or new telephone or cell phone number, send us a note: Retirees of Dreiser Loop, 177 Dreiser Loop, room 19, Bronx, NY 10475, Attention: Delores Debnam. Please include an email address. We are planning to “keep in touch” before and/or after our monthly meeting. Good & Welfare Heartfelt condolences to Ida Moton on the loss of her husband, Robert. Get-well wishes to Joyce Fowler. To our members and friends still under the weather, know that you are thought of warmly and wished brighter days. Call Josephine Flowers, 718-320-0539, regarding illnesses and bereavements. Reminder Check this weekly article for changes/cancellations of the below travel and theater events. Travel events Price includes coach bus located on Dreiser Loop, front of H&R Block Cancelled: May 12, Tuesday, “I Left My Dignity in My Other Purse,” Hunterdon Hills Playhouse. Contacts: Serita Grayson, 347-564-5722, or Barbara Williams, 718-320-0500.
• July 1 to July 3, Wednesday to Friday, Dover Downs Casino; Price: $380/double; $470/single; $100 deposit due A.S.A.P; double: $140 due April 6; $140 due May 4; single: $185 due April 6; $185 due May 4. Contact: Serita Grayson, 347-564-5722, or Barbara Williams, 718-320-0500. Theatre committee Price includes van transportation from Dreiser Loop, in front of Rehab Center • Sept. 10, Thursday, “9 to 5,” Westchester Broadway Theater. Showtime: 11 a.m. Price: $85. Deposit, $40, due to hold your seat. Contact: Marie Green-Ryan, 718-671-4949. Suspended until further notice We accept checks/money orders payable to Retirees of Dreiser Loop, along with your name and telephone number. Committee members will be available in the RDL room 19 in Dreiser, 718-379-0377, on Mondays and Thursdays, 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Drivers wanted Attention: The Retirees need experienced part-time, freelance drivers with a CDL license and passenger endorsement with at least three years’ experience and a clean driving record. A stipend can be expected for each trip. This position requires transporting members and friends to and from special events within the Bronx as well as to outer boroughs. Please call Dorothy Byrd, 646-842-2458, and leave your name, telephone number and a brief message. —Delores Debnam
Scheduling Activities Calendar All activities have been canceled until further notice due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) health crisis. Please follow all the recommended, necessary protective measures to help prevent the spread of this virus.
All NYPL locations will be closed until further notice. During this time, fines are suspended and due dates are extended. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please make sure to check out our array of online resources at nypl.org.
All JASA trips and activities are suspended until further notice. Bartow Center (929) 399-1394 Dreiser Center (718) 320-1345 Einstein Center (718) 671-5161 For information, please call: (718) 320-2066 Funded by: The NYC Department for the Aging, the NYS Office for the Aging and Riverbay Corp.
Co-op City Public Safety Dept. Emergency: 718-651-3050 Non-Emergency: 718-320-3330 www.ccpd.us @CCPDnyc
Pay your carrying charges online with ZEGO (Powered by PayLease)
Want to pay your carrying charges in a quick, secure and hassle free way? Just sign up with “Zego” (Powered by PayLease). Creating an online account is free and simple. Go to www.Riverbaycorp.com and click on the “PayLease” button located towards the bottom of the page. Click on “CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT” button and follow the instructions for setting up a “Zego” (Powered by PayLease) account. There are tremendous benefits when you pay your carrying charges online: • Online payments can be made via electronic check for free and via credit card for a small convenience fee. • Payments will be received in one business day. • E-receipt is provided as soon as a payment is made. • Make a one-time payment and or set up AutoPay for automatic payments to avoid late payments resulting in late fees. • A resident support center is available 24/7 for support and phone payments. • Secure and easy payment system. • Electronic payments cost less than checks, which helps save Rivebay shareholders’ money. • Paying online with “Zego” helps to increase your credit scores • Current month carrying charges can be paid online up until the last day of the each month. If you need additional information, please call the Finance Department (Bookeeping section), 718-320-3300.
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Co-op City Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Sheldon E. Williams and the Co-op City Baptist Church family is praying for Co-op City, NYC, the United States and the world at this time of crisis. Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the precautionary measures that are being recommended by the authorities, the Co-op City Baptist Church will be conducting Sunday School, worship services and Bible Study classes via conference call line or video conference using ZOOM until further notice. All are invited to join us via Call Conference, call 563- 999-2090; enter Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign. You can also join us via Video Conference using the following link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9623430102. The weekly schedule is as follows: Adult Sunday school will be held at 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. via telephone conference line, call 563-999-2090; enter Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign. Worship Service will be held at 11 a.m. via telephone conference line by calling 563-999-2090 and when prompted, entering Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign or via Zoom Conference Center using the following link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9623430102. Bible study will be held on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. via telephone conference line by calling 563-999-2090 and when prompted entering Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign or via Zoom Conference Center using the following link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9623430102.
Prayer Warriors will be held on Thursdays at noon via Conference Line by calling 563-999-2090 and when prompted entering Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign. Noon Day Prayer Service will be held on Fridays at noon via Conference Line by calling 563-999-2090 and when prompted entering Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign. Friday Prayer Service via telephone conference line will be held on Fridays at 7:30 p.m. via Conference Line by calling 563-999-2090 and when prompted entering Access number 660065 followed by the pound sign. If you are traveling with the Scholarship Ministry to South Dakota on July 17, the final payment is due on or before Sunday, April 5. Call 718-379-0541, 718671-1271, 718-671-1918 or 917-612-1245 for additional information. Remember to keep each other in your prayers and be wise in your decisions. God will strengthen us as we travel through this storm. GOD is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. -Psalm 46:1 The Co-op City Baptist Church exists to glorify God and to establish a living community of people who follow the teachings of Jesus the Christ through worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship. We seek to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the church through ministry. —Hattie L. Lucas
Building 13 Association STAY SAFE, STAY STRONG, STAY HOME… FOR YOUR HEALTH AND MINE! Much respect and gratitude goes to the first responders and essential workers in our community and all over. Many of us give little thought to the medical personnel, police, firefighters and all essential workers who place themselves in danger during times such as these until we need them. Thank you to the courageous men and women who are “burning the midnight oil” to keep us all safe. Thank you for your sacrifices and service. Thank you for your hard work. Stay safe. All shareholders, please make sure Riverbay has your contact information. Information and alerts have been sent regarding essential services during this outbreak. Having updated information allows Riverbay to contact you in case of an emergency. Remember: Minimum amount of people in the laundry room (5) and also in the elevator. The drive-thru testing site at Bay Plaza is by appointment only. State Senator Jamaal Bailey, Assemblyman Michael Benedetto and the Bronx Clergy Task Force has arranged for transportation to the site for Co-op City residents only with appointments. Call 718-547-8854. Best Deal Car Service is offering free rides to first responders in surrounding zip codes going to specific hospitals, firehouses, precincts, per Senator Bailey. Call 718-798-5555. While you are home: … Complete the 2020 Census https://my2020census.gov/login If you no longer have your Census envelope or never received yours, you can still complete your census. Go online and complete the Census, it takes no more than five minutes. Your response helps to direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads and other public services. Results from the 2020 Census will be used to determine the number of seats each state has in Congress and your political representation at all levels of government. Building Association Our regular building monthly meetings are canceled until further notice and
(718) 862-9172 OFFICE (718) 862-9179
An interdenominational Church of love and understanding, consisting of people of many faiths, races and cultural backgrounds, seeking to live the spirit of Christ with relevance. CHURCH SCHEDULE WEEKLY: CHURCH SCHOOL - SUNDAY, 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE: SUNDAY, 11:00 a.m. NOON DAY PRAYER - HOUR OF POWER - WEDNESDAY, 12:00 NOON BIBLE CLASS & PRAYER MEETING - WEDNESDAY, 7:30 p.m.
going forward, events will be based on management and government safety directions. The affidavits do not have to be notarized this year for safety purposes due to COVID-19. Pennsylvania Dutch-Amish Trip The Amish trip scheduled for May 30, 2020 is tentatively rescheduled for October 3, 2020. For additional information, contact Doris Sanchez at 646-3727954 or the numbers listed below.
Payments for events can be sent to: 100 Casals Place 32K, Bronx, NY 10475. Contacts: Leslie Peterson, president, at 718-320-1370 or at daddpeterson@aol.com; or Gail Sharbaan, treasurer, at 718-671-3801. Our website is http://www. bldg13assoc.com or e-mail us at bthirteen.assoc@yahoo.com. Thanks for making our team work. —Leslie Peterson
Building 17 Association
After the heavy rain on Monday night, March 23, the lights went out around Building 17. Public Safety and the Maintenance department were immediately notified. CCPD promptly sent over an officer during the outage. Within an hour, the lights were back on. We want to thank Public Safety and the Maintenance department for their prompt actions of restoring the lights surrounding the building and walkways. Thank you! Cooperators, don’t be upset if people ask for space between you and them on lines in supermarkets. They are trying to protect themselves and you. When a person with Coronavirus or any other virus coughs or sneezes, those droplets spray up to six to 10 feet. Protect yourself and wash your hands. Building 17 residents, I ask that you please clean up after yourselves due to limited maintenance and janitorial services during this crisis. If you drop tissues, pick it up and discard properly. Mail out your Census form. Wash your hands and keep safe. Thank you. —Barbara A Johnson
High Fashion Frames on Premises. “Your Vision Health Is My Concern.” Much of Learning Is Done Through The Eyes. Insist on a Professional Eye Examination.
12 0 A L C O T T P L AC E
( B l d g . 17 • S e c t . 3 ) • C o - o p C i t y
7 18 - 3 7 9 - 8 0 2 9
Medicare and many insurances accepted. DOCTOR’S HOURS: MONDAY: 1:30 - 7:00 PM • WEDNESDAY: 2:00 - 7:00 PM FRIDAY: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM • SATURDAY: 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT!
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Open Door Ministries “You Still Have Time”
Full sermon at Open Door Ministries YouTube Channel
During the Coronavirus pandemic, you may ask yourself, “How can God let this happen? Doesn’t he love us?” Jesus himself said, “In this world you will have trouble. But fear not, I have overcome the world.” He warned us in Luke 21:11, “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, fearful events and great signs from heaven. He also always said to be prepared.” Matthew 25 “Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were thoughtless, silly, and careless, and five were wise, practical, and sensible. 3 For when the foolish took their lamps, they did not take any extra oil with them, 4 but the wise took flasks of oil along with their lamps. Some people take the claims of Jesus as nonsense and fairytales, but we are watching as his words are being played out right before our eyes. Those who do not pay attention will be caught unprepared for his return. 5 The bridegroom was delayed, they all began to nod off, and they fell asleep. 6 But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Look! The bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet him.’ 7 Then all the virgins got up and put their own lamps in order [added oil and lit them]. 8 But the foolish virgins said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.’ 9 The wise replied, ‘No, otherwise there will not be enough for us and for you, too; go instead to the dealers and buy oil.’ Now is the time to make peace, to reconcile, to change our attitudes and demonstrate that we are truly Christians by our behavior. Some people have said I need to go to church and now they can’t. I hope when this is over that they submit and commit to a church and begin preparations for when Jesus comes calling. 10 But while they were going away to buy oil, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut and locked. 11 Later the others also came, and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us.’ 12 But he replied, ‘I do not know you, we have no relationship.’ 13 Therefore, be on the alert, prepared and ready, for you do not know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come. God is telling us to wake up and prepare; both physical and spiritual. You may be stuck at home now but the worst thing you can do is return to your old ways when this is over. Choose Jesus today and watch him change your life. Contact Open Door Ministries by text 917-334-4407 or email opendoorministries.net. Blessings in Christ, —Pastor Luis Ramos
Traditional Synagogue
General information The Traditional Synagogue is in Section 5, 120 Erdman Place in the rear lobby of 27B. It is on the ground floor of Building 27B; it is handicap accessible, with no steps. Phone: 718-379-6920. Office hours are Thursday and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Please call the office before you attempt to come over. If no one is in the office, please leave a message. The synagogue has services on Saturday morning starting at 9:00 a.m. After services, we always have a kiddush. Due to the current coronavirus crisis, services are cancelled until further notice. The synagogue has a Facebook page Traditional Synagogue. The synagogue needs donations. Whatever amount you can donate, big or small, would help the synagogue’s finances. The synagogue needs men to help make a minyan. There are a lot of Jewish men who live in Co-op City who don’t come to services. Please come by 9:00 a.m., so we can take out the Torah. The Traditional Synagogue is the only synagogue in Co-op City. Sabbath ends on Saturday, April 4, at 8:16 p.m. Candle lighting for Friday, April 10, 7:11 p.m. Good and Welfare We sell tree certificates, in honor or memory of a loved one. The cost is only $15 per tree. Mazel Tov, to all having Simchas. If you’re ill, wishing you good health. If you asked the Rabbi to say prayers for a sick person, you should make your donation to the synagogue. To all members Happy birthday to all members who will celebrate their birthday in March. For those members celebrating their birthday/anniversary in April, please send me your names and I will add them to the list. Fun and Games After services and Kiddush, some men and women play Rummikub. Your support for the Traditional Synagogue is greatly appreciated. Wishing all our members and friends peace and good health. –Bruce Gitelson
Pentecostal Tabernacle
100 Co-op City Blvd., Building 22A, Bronx, N.Y. 10475. Tel. 718-324-0334; Church, 718-320-4218. Please be advised that services will be on hold until further notice. A word of encouragement to everyone in this time when fear has taken hold of many people because of the crisis throughout the entire world. Spend some quality time in prayer and reading your Bible with your family. Remember that God has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us, He is in charge and He knows how to take care of His children. Continue to pray and develop your faith in God. Let us develop the spirit of power, love, a sound mind and walk in love. Galatians 5:16-23 This I say then, walk in the spirit, and he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led by the spirit, ye are not under the Law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies. Envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling and such like: of which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Meekness, temperance, against such there is no law. The fruit of the spirit will develop to its full potential in a believer’s life only with careful and diligent cultivation. The Christian must work daily on each aspect of the fruit to see progress. One writer stated that it is significant that the works of the flesh are contrasted with the fruit of the spirit. Without cultivation and effort, the flesh just naturally produces negative traits. As long as we allow the spirit of God to have full control of our life, the works of the flesh will not be able to manifest itself. Galatians 5:24 states: And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust. The goal of each Christian should be to develop each aspect of the fruit of the spirit to the highest possible potential in his life. A Christian should never be satisfied with his present states; he should press on to a fuller dimension. It is important that Christians maintain the fruit of the spirit, Goodness is one that speaks of basic character, Paul said, for I know that in me (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing. (Romans 7:18) Goodness must be imparted to us from the character of Christ. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9) The basic character of goodness will affect one’s ethics. —Rev. R. Sibblies
What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CS 314937-D 02/24/2020
You should not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people or pets in your home. After using these items, they should be washed thoroughly with soap and water.
Avoid sharing personal household items
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw used tissues in a lined trash can; immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 to 95% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry. Soap and water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty.
Cover your coughs and sneezes
You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) or pets and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then people who live with you should not stay in the same room with you, or they should wear a facemask if they enter your room.
Wear a facemask
If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.
Call ahead before visiting your doctor
Animals: Do not handle pets or other animals while sick. See COVID-19 and Animals for more information.
People: As much as possible, you should stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home. Also, you should use a separate bathroom, if available.
For more information: www.cdc.gov/COVID19
Patients with confirmed COVID-19 should remain under home isolation precautions until the risk of secondary transmission to others is thought to be low. The decision to discontinue home isolation precautions should be made on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with healthcare providers and state and local health departments.
Discontinuing home isolation
If you have a medical emergency and need to call 911, notify the dispatch personnel that you have, or are being evaluated for COVID-19. If possible, put on a facemask before emergency medical services arrive.
Ask your healthcare provider to call the local or state health department. Persons who are placed under active monitoring or facilitated self-monitoring should follow instructions provided by their local health department or occupational health professionals, as appropriate.
Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening (e.g., difficulty breathing). Before seeking care, call your healthcare provider and tell them that you have, or are being evaluated for, COVID-19. Put on a facemask before you enter the facility. These steps will help the healthcare provider’s office to keep other people in the office or waiting room from getting infected or exposed.
Monitor your symptoms
High touch surfaces include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables. Also, clean any surfaces that may have blood, stool, or body fluids on them. Use a household cleaning spray or wipe, according to the label instructions. Labels contain instructions for safe and effective use of the cleaning product including precautions you should take when applying the product, such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use of the product.
Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry. Soap and water should be used preferentially if hands are visibly dirty. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
You should restrict activities outside your home, except for getting medical care. Do not go to work, school, or public areas. Avoid using public transportation, ride-sharing, or taxis.
Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home
Clean your hands often
Stay home except to get medical care
If you are sick with COVID-19 or suspect you are infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, follow the steps below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community.
Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care.
A id touching Avoid t hi your eyes, nose, andd mouth. th
Avoid close contact with people who are sick..
For more information: www.cdc.gov/COVID19
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Clean and disinfeect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissuee, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Help prevent the spreaad of respiratory diseases like COVIDD-19.
22 Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
Co-op City Times / April 4, 2020
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St. Paul’s Episcopal/Anglican Church on 489 St. Paul’s Place off Washington Ave., Bronx. 1. Church Worship Center on first level that can seat over 300 worshipers available for rent on Sundays after 2:30 p.m. and other weekdays can be arranged. 2. Worship center on lower level that seats over 100 people also available for rent. If interested in renting any of the spaces, call or text Father Horton Scott on 914-384-2929 for an appointment. 5/16
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MetroCard Bus / MTA Info The MetroCard bus will not be running until further notice. For more information, call (212) METROCARD. Closed • MTA Customer Service Center in Lower Manhattan • MTA Metro-North Customer Service Center in Grand Central Terminal. • MTA lost and found offices • MTA MetroCard Mobile Sales Bus and Vans
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