Co-op City Times 05/06/17

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Riverbay Election Supplement on pages 23-29

Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times

Vol. 52 No. 18

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Board Of Directors Election Ballots To Be Mailed This Week Voting Begins at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17th


Candidates Debate Riverbay Budgets, Carrying Charges, And Subletting At Second Forum


Shareholders should begin seeing their brightly colored yellow envelopes from Election-America, Riverbay’s election contractor, arriving in their mailboxes this coming week. These envelopes contain your ballot to vote in the 2017 Riverbay Board of Directors election, and they are scheduled to be mailed on Wednesday, May 10. This year, shareholders can vote in one of two ways – they can complete and mail back their election ballot to Election-America in the stamped, addressed envelope included with their ballot, or they can cast their vote electronically from their computer, smart phone, iPad or one of the voting kiosks (Continued on page 5)

Power Plant Change-Over From Heating To Cooling Begins On May 8th See Page 2

The seven candidates running for five open seats in this year’s Riverbay Board of Directors election took part in the second of three Candidates Forums on April 26 at the Dreiser Auditorium. The third Forum will be May 17 in Einstein.


The seven candidates for the five open Board seats in this year’s Riverbay Board of Directors election engaged in a lively 90-minute back and forth at the second of three Candidates’ Forums held on April 26 at the Dreiser Auditorium. Nearly 50 shareholders attended the forum. The third and final forum will be held on May 17 at 7:30 p.m. in room 45 in the Einstein Center, and coverage of that forum will also be reviewed and approved by the Election Committee prior to its publication in the Saturday, May 20th issue of the Co-op City Times, and before the closing of the voting period at 9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24. A televised replay of the April 26 Dreiser forum is scheduled for Monday, May 8; Wednesday, May 10; Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13, on Channels 12 (MATV) and Channel 591 (Cablevision). Voting this year begins at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, May 17 either online or through the mail. Voting closes at 9 p.m. on May 24. The four incumbent candidates – Board Directors Linda Berk, Daryl Johnson, (Continued on page 2)

Resident Arrested For Ringing Door Bells And Trespassing In Several Buildings Overnight BY BILL STUTTIG

Photos by Jim Roberts

misdemeanor. Public Safety detectives detained, His actions in the community did questioned and arrested a young Co-op not rise to the level of a felony, but the City man who was recently found to be strange behavior had several residents trespassing in buildings throughout the on edge judging from numerous Facecommunity during late and overnight book posts. The Public Safety detectives exhours and ringing the front door bells of several homes, many times as late as plained that the suspect is known to the department, largely for a suspected 2, 3 or 4 a.m. The strange, troubling and persistent history of drug use. One detective said behavior raised the alarm of several res- that when the suspect was questioned, idents who took to social media to alert he admitted to using “K-2” – a synother residents and authorities to the thetic street drug notorious for eliciting disturbing trend. Some residents even erratic behavior in its users. The susposted photos online and in the build- pect is described as being someone ings of the suspect taken from the front who regularly works out and is very door peep hole of their homes in an strong. One investigator said the comattempt to identify the man responsible bination of strength and the prevalent use of these types of synthetic drugs is for the strange and erratic behavior. The behavior took place in random a troubling combination. buildings throughout the community. The suspect, described as being in Detectives zeroed in on the identity of his early 20s, has prior arrests related the suspect last week and questioned to drug use here, according to the him on the afternoon of April 26th investigating detectives. before arresting him and charging him The arrest last week was made by with criminal trespassing, a class A Detectives E. Rodriguez and J. Lugo.

Elevated Lead Levels In Water At All Six Co-op City Schools 83% Of Schools Citywide Also Exceeded Acceptable Levels Of Lead BY BILL STUTTIG

Earlier this week, parents and guardians of Co-op City children and teenagers discovered that their children were sent home with a letter much more alarming than finding out that your child talks too much in class. Parents were informed via a letter from Deputy Schools Chancellor Elizabeth Rose that a number of faucets and other sources for drinking and cooking water at their child’s school tested for levels of lead (Continued on page 4)

Final official Candidates’ Forums to be held May 17 in Einstein Center Sign up to speak between 6:45-7:30 p.m. BY ROZAAN BOONE

On Wednesday, May 17, the final of the three official forums for shareholders to hear directly from the candidates running in this year’s Board election will be held at 7:30 p.m. in room 45 of the Einstein Center. Shareholders who would like to ask the candidates questions are advised to arrive early and sign up between 6:45-7:30 p.m. Those who cannot attend, but would like to ask a question of any candidate, may email their question to board Only one question will be allowed per shareholder. Shareholders must include their name and address in the email for verification purposes. The 2017 Election Committee will then choose two questions from among the pool of questions received to be asked at the May 17 candidates’ Forum. Each shareholder will have 30 seconds to direct a relevant question to the candidates who will then have 30 seconds to answer. Follow-up questions (Continued on page 4)

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