Co-op City Times 05/27/17

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DHCR Maintenance Increase Notice, pgs 21-24 Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times

Mayor de Blasio Brings Promise Shareholders Invited To Of Waterfront Park To Co-op City Comment On Proposed Carrying Charge Increases Vol. 52 No. 21

A conference has been scheduled by the state Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) for Monday, June 19, at 7 p.m. in the Dreiser Auditorium at which “…cooperators, their representatives, and representatives of the housing company may meet with DHCR staff to discuss the proposed carrying charge increase and budget for Riverbay Corporation.” This carrying charge conference follows the Riverbay Board vote on March 15 approving budgets for the next two fiscal years, 2017/2018 and 2018/2019, which include a 1.9% carrying charge increase to become effective on August 1, 2017, followed by 1.9% percent increase on August 1, 2018 and until the ending of the fiscal year on March 31, 2019. The proposed budget also includes BY JIM ROBERTS

Saturday, May 27, 2017

a 5% increase in all parking charges, also effective August 1, 2017 until the ending of the fiscal year on March 31, 2019. Riverbay’s operating budgets for the next two years remain flat and the increased revenue for Riverbay will help fund the $111.8 million projected over the next five years to pay for capital projects, including the replacement of elevator motors, balcony and façade repairs and waterproofing below the building porticos. The revised five-year capital budget eliminates several projects that would have cost a total of $28.6 million. The five-year capital budget now totals $111.8 million, with $51.3 million to come from Riverbay’s reserve funds and $60.5 million from operating revenue over the five-year period. The

Results Of 2017 Riverbay Board Election To Be Certified May 31

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With voting in the 2017 Riverbay Board of Directors election completed on Wednesday, May 24, ballots will now be tallied by Election-America, Riverbay’s independent election contractor, and turned over to the election committee on May 31. While e-ballots have been recorded by Election-America, mail-in ballots, which had to be postmarked by May 24th, will continue to arrive over the next couple of days to Election-America. Election Rule F (9) states that “… any mail-in ballot must be actually received no later than Tuesday, May 30” and electronic votes must be received “no later than 9 p.m. on May 24, 2017,” the end of the voting period. The initial vote count, as recorded by Election-America, will be provided to the 2017 Election Committee no later (Continued on page 2) than 9 a.m. next Wednesday, May 31. BY ROZAAN BOONE


Mayor Bill de Blasio announces new waterfront park in Co-op City on May 25 in Bartow Center. Joining him were (L-R) Assemblyman Mike Benedetto, Councilman Andy King, Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, Board President Linda Berk and Community Board 10 Chair Martin Prince. Photo by Rozaan Boone

Ongoing talks between Riverbay and New York City delivered the first results to Co-op City shareholders this week when Mayor Bill de Blasio visited the community and announced that the city and (Continued on page 4) Riverbay will work together to create a BY JIM ROBERTS

Shareholders & Board Discuss State Of Community At Annual Meeting For the last many years, Riverbay’s annual shareholders meeting was the name given to the evening after voting in the annual Riverbay Board election stops and interested parties joined the candi(Continued on page 2) dates to watch the tallies come in and get the BY BILL STUTTIG

Dominican Officers Visit Co-op City

Officers from the national police of the Dominican Republic paid a visit to Co-op City on Wednesday, May 24, to be taught defensive tactics by Co-op City’s training staff led by Detective Steve Grovesnor. Before the training session, Chief Frank Apollo addressed the more than 30 officers. The visit to CCPD was arranged by International Relations Division of the New York State Fraternal Order of Police under its President Miguel Paulino Castro. The division works with numerous police forces from South and Central America to get them advanced training from police departments in New York State. Photo by Bill Stuttig

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