Co-op City Times 08/04/18

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Victorious Again! Vol. 53 No. 31

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Bronx BP recommends Against Bartow Avenue Animal Care Center

Borough President shows support for Co-op City

Thank you to Bor(jrausse@bronxbp. President’s Message ough President Ruben He needs to hear our voluminous Diaz Jr. for not approvapplause to a strength ing the proposed aniPresident greater than our outmal shelter on Bartow reach to his office prior Avenue. While I do to his decision on the animal realize there were some coopshelter. I urge everyone who erators who were in favor of reached out to his office and the shelter, there was an overattended the public hearings whelming number of cooperto express their opinion about ators who did not want to see the animal shelter being built the shelter on Bartow Avenue in our community without for various reasons. Now the our input to do so once question goes before Mayor again, this time to thank the de Blasio. I hope he listens borough president for supporting this to this community as our borough president listened! community. Please take the time to send BorThe biggest kudos go out to Co-op ough President Diaz an email to City shareholders who once again thank him for hearing your concerns (Continued on page 2)

Linda Berk

Soundview Ferry Service Starts Aug. 15

Once again it was made clear that someone is listening to Co-op City as Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. echoed many of the arguments made by dozens of Co-op City residents who spoke out against the animal shelter on Bartow Avenue as he issued a detailed statement on Monday evening recommending against placing the proposed Bronx animal shelter on Bartow Avenue. This is the second defeat for developers of the Bronx Animal Care Center and their supporters as the project goes through the Uniformed Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP). In June, Community (Continued on page 4)


At 106, Life’s Still A Party!

Ferry service from Clason Point Park in Soundview will begin on Aug. 15, offering an option for residents traveling into Manhattan. The long-promised plan for a train station in Co-op City remains a distant hope. The Soundview Route will run from the Soundview section of the Bronx (Clason Point Park), to East 90th Street on the Upper East Side, to East 34th Street, ending at Wall Street/Pier 11. The trip will take approximately 54 minutes from start to finish. A new route on the Lower East Side will also begin on that date. The Lower East Side Route will run from Wall Street/Pier 11, to Corlears Hook, to Stuyvesant Cove, East 34th Street, and end in Long Island City, Queens, a 32minute trip from start to finish. Schedules for the new routes are available on the NYC Ferry website ( and will be accessible on the NYC Ferry app prior to launch. “We’re excited to launch NYC Ferry service in the Bronx, the Upper East Side and the Lower East Side, which have historically been (Continued on page 4)



More than 100 members of JASA’s Bartow Senior Center threw a party to celebrate 106 years of the good life being lived by longtime Co-op City resident Louise Signore. Louise, who survived a mugging in her building three years ago only to return to the senior center weeks later as active and as upbeat as ever, said that the secret to her longevity is staying active and having fun which she did at her birthday party on Wednesday, eating, dancing and posing for photos with dozens of her longtime Co-op City friends. After the festivities, she thanked everyone for the efforts and good wishes. She said: “To Ann Mancrieffe and JASA, and all my family friends in Co-op City, thank you from the bottom of my heart for celebrating with me my 106th birthday. The pouring out of love was beautifully overwhelming and there are no words to express my gratitude. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and greetings. It’s a day I will never forget.” Photo by Ralph Henriquez See page 8 for more photos

This week, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. joined Community Board #10 and Councilman Andy King in saying “no” to the building of an animal shelter in Bay Plaza Mall across from Co-op City. Co-op City offers a resounding “Thank you” to Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. for supporting us. We spoke up and he listened! Let Borough President Diaz know how much you appreciate him standing with our community. Call his office at (718) 5903500; email him at You may also connect with him on Twitter @rubendiazjr, and on Facebook @ rubendiazjr. Bronx Borough

President Ruben Diaz Jr.

2018-2019 Board Committee Chairs Have Been Appointed

Riverbay Board President Linda Berk has appointed the officers of the 2018-2019 Board committees, which are made up of Board members and shareholders, and meet during the year to provide policy recommendations for the full Board’s consideration. “Board committees are an important part of the work the Board does,” said Board President Berk. “Through the work of the committees, the Board should have a mechanism to identify areas that BY ROZAAN BOONE

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