Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community. © Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times
Vol. 52 No. 37
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Town Hall Meeting To Be Held Sept. 23 To Discuss Proposed Waterfront Park BY ROZAAN BOONE
The Board of Directors will convene a Town Hall meeting with Co-op City shareholders next Saturday, September 23, to begin the discussion about the proposed waterfront park. The meeting will take place from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Co-op City Little League field on Co-op City Boulevard. Riverbay Board President Linda Berk said: “On Saturday, we will have the town hall meeting promised to the community to discuss the waterfront park. It will be an opportunity to understand the history, details and facts about how the waterfront park came to fruition. More importantly, it will give the community a chance to express their feelings and concerns.” According to the Board president, holding the meeting outdoor on the Little League field in proximity to the waterfront will give shareholders the chance to not only experience the waterfront, but to view the parcel of land being discussed first-hand. On May 24, the Riverbay Board passed Resolution 17-33 approving a nonbinding Memorandum of Donation (MOD) between the City of New York and Riverbay Corporation for a 2.28 parcel of land along the Hutchinson River to be developed by the city as a public park. The resolution authorizes Riverbay to enter into negotiations with the city regarding the pro(Continued on page 4) posed future park.
NYPD Veteran Appointed Captain Of Co-op City Public Safety BY JIM ROBERTS
ence with the Public Safety Department for the past 30 years, including nine years as chief of the department,” said Chief Apollo. “I think we will have a good exchange of ideas and will learn from each other.
A 26-year veteran of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) has joined the Co-op City Public Safety Department as captain, second-in-command of the community’s law enforcement agency. (Continued on page 3) Captain David Perez comes here after serving 20 and a half years of his NYPD career in the Bronx, first as a police officer in the 48th and 26th Precincts, as a sergeant in the 41st Precinct and then a lieutenant in the 40th Precinct. He became an NYPD captain in 2013 and was assigned to the Housing Bureau which covers Manhattan North until his retirement in April 2016. Captain Perez will report directly to Co-op City Public Co-op City Public Safety Chief Frank Apollo Safety Chief Frank Apollo. (right) welcomes newly-appointed Captain “I welcome Captain Perez on David Perez to Co-op City during his first board with his background and week on the job. Captain Perez is a 26-year extensive experience which NYPD veteran and will serve as second-inwill mesh well with my experi- command with the CCPD. Photo by Jim Roberts
Town Hall Meeting On Saturday, Sep- President’s Message versions of the watertember 23, 2017 there front park concept. will be a town hall There have been meeting at the Little many ways the inforPresident League field from 11 mation regarding the a.m. – 1 p.m. This will park has been interbe an opportunity for all preted, some accurate, some shareholders to come out not so accurate, and some and ask questions, share politicized. This town hall ideas and see the beauty of will give you, shareholders, our waterfront. We have the opportunity to listen, chosen the waterfront propask questions and digest erty of the Little League the facts about the develfield because it is a perfect opment of the park concept. location to discuss all the Shareholders’ possibilities of a commuParticipation nity waterfront park. There will be I have been excited about the reaccomfortable seating and light refresh- tion I have seen from some shareholders online. One of the commuments served. It is important for shareholders to nity FaceBook pages has a long come out to hear directly from me string of comments from Co-op City how this concept developed, what is residents who have so many ideas involved and how you, as a share- and suggestions for the park. The holder in this community, can have ideas varied from swinging benches, an impact on what happens. I have been concerned that share(Continued on page 2) holders have been hearing various
Linda Berk
King Wins Democratic Nomination For Council Seat BY BRANDON ORTIZ
Incumbent City Council Member Andy King handily defeated two opponents in the Democratic primary on Sept. 12 and is headed for re-election for his second full four-year term as Co-op City’s representative in November. King was the top vote getter in the 12th Council District Democratic primary with 68% of the votes. Pamela Hamilton-Johnson came in second with 27% and Karree-Lyn Gordon in third with 4.4%. There were 11,059 votes cast this time, which is down roughly 24% from the 2013 primaries. King was first elected in November 2012 to complete the term of Larry Seabrook, who was convicted of federal corruption charges. King was re-elected to his first four-year term in November 2013. A lifelong resident of the 12th District and a graduate of New York City public schools, King received a BA in communications from William Paterson University. (Continued on page 4) In another contest, incumbent Ruben Diaz won the