CCPD Holds Active Shooter Simulation Drill Co-op City’s official newspaper serving the world’s largest cooperative community.
Vol. 52 No. 47
Preparing for the worst is an important part of police work, and the Co-op City Public Safety Department, very much aware of several tragic mass shooting events around the nation, is proactively training its force to be ready. BY JIM ROBERTS
© Copyright 2017 Co-op City Times
Saturday, November 25, 2017
“Co-op City is a tremendous community and I never want us to feel complacent. We have to always recognize that, while we watch things going on in other areas, we’re not immune from it,” said Public Safety Chief Frank Apollo. “These drills are the best way to be prepared for any
Participants in the first-ever active shooter simulation drill conducted by the Co-op City Department of Public Safety included four members of the CCPD’s ESU, volunteer first aid workers from CERT Team 10 and members of New York Grey Cadets.
Members of the Emergency Service Unit of the Co-op City Public Safety Department trained for responding to an active shooter emergency at a drill staged in the Bartow Bingo Hall on Nov. 19. Photos by Ralph Henriquez
Bronx Borough President Celebrates Thanksgiving With Co-op City Seniors
incident that may arise.” On Sunday, Nov. 19, the Public Safety Department, in conjunction with CERT Team 10, conducted its first-ever active shooter simulation drill. The drill was held in the Bartow Bingo Hall and involved four highly-
trained members of the CCPD Emergency Service Unit dressed in tactical gear and carrying simulated weapons. The drill and training session was overseen by CCPD training instructor (Continued on page 8)
We wish our readers an enjoyable and safe Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Public Safety Resolves Case Of Falling Debris In Building 19
Last Thursday, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and his staff came to Co-op City to host and serve lunch to more than 200 Co-op City seniors who attended a Thanksgiving luncheon in the Einstein Center. The borough president asked Golden Krust to cater the event and he also provided the entertainment. Some of the NORC staff, along with JASA personnel from the three senior centers and Riverbay’s Assistant Executive General Manager Cary Smith III, General Manager Noel Ellison and Director of Community Relations Michelle Sajous, all chipped in to serve the seniors. (See page 5 for more photos.) Photo by Leandra Alexander-Peters
Riverbay’s Executive Management has reported that over the course of last weekend, Co-op City Public Safety Department (CCPD) identified the source of falling debris in Building 19 that was reported in the November 18, 2017 Co-op City Times. Through skillful investigative work, CCPD was able to identify and stop the source of this troubling pattern. “I am thankful that we have identified the person responsible for this conduct and thank the dedicated staff of the CCPD and our Technical Services Department for bringing this situation to an end,” said Bob Klehammer, Riverbay’s executive general manager. “The conduct was not only foolish and potentially endangered lives, but it required the unnecessary expenditure of time and money of the corporation. Tech Services installed high definition cameras focused on the building that allowed CCPD to locate the source of the thrown objects. Res-
idents should be assured that these incidents will not be ignored.” As reported last week, Management sent a memo to all residents of Building 19 asking them to exercise caution when walking along the north greenway in the rear and in the Alcott Place cul-de-sac in the front until the source of the falling debris was identified and neutralized. The memo stated: “The randomness of these incidents requires that all residents be aware when walking near the building. Also, if you have any information or see anything to help us solve this dangerous situation, please contact CCPD…” It was becoming increasingly concerning because the falling debris were progressing from light to heavier objects. CCPD set up extra cameras in the area and officers and detectives canvassed the (Continued on page 2)