Tech Trends
C D A J O U R N A L , V O L 5 0 , Nº 3
A look into the latest dental and general technology on the market
Vivoo ($19.90 per month; additional pricing available)
Townsend Labs Sphere ($1,799, Sweetwater)
For many people, the pandemic has changed their perceptions of the importance of personal health and wellness. While much of the world continues to live through the aftermath of extended periods of lockdowns and isolation, the shift in focus to one’s own physical and mental health has become the priority in getting through the pandemic. Tracking wellness using meaningful metrics has become a popular tool for people to take control of their health. Vivoo is a personalized tracker that uses at-home urine test strips and a mobile app to provide real-time metrics and advice to optimize health and wellness.
Once in a great while, a product comes along where an entire industry agrees that it stands alone without peer. Like Apple’s iPhone or Google’s eponymous search engine, Townsend Labs’ Sphere L22 microphone has taken on such a reputation in the recording industry. Whether for voice or instruments, virtual meetings or filmmaking, this device has a fervent fan base who believes it can accomplish almost any recording task with excellent results. For a dentist looking to generate their own media, is the Townsend too much both in cost and capability?
Users need to create a free account on the Vivoo mobile app and purchase at-home urine test strips. The strips are only available online only and can be purchased on a monthly or subscription basis. The manufacturer recommends using the strips once a week. Each strip has colored boxes on one end where the user urinates on it. After approximately two minutes have elapsed, the individual uses the app on their mobile device and follows directions to properly orient and take a photo of the strip. Results are instantly displayed on the screen, providing scores on 11 wellness categories that include vitamin C, magnesium, salinity, free radicals, calcium, pH, hydration, ketones, urinary tract infections and kidney and liver functions. The scores do not correlate to specific values compared to medical lab tests, but can be used to generate overall awareness and trend insights when subsequent strips are used weekly. The app and test strips cannot be used to diagnose diseases or conditions and do not replace the advice or routine care from a licensed medical provider. From the wellness scores and trends, the app provides personalized nutrition and lifestyle advice prepared by professionals. Users can respond to the advice by indicating that they have completed the recommendations or are unable to do them. Recommendations also can be scheduled as event reminders directly on the mobile device. When used as a tool to gain an understanding of one’s health and track its progress over time, this product provides helpful information to supplement metrics that are recorded by smart wearable devices.
To begin with, the Townsend Labs Sphere L22 is a dual-capsule XLR condenser microphone, meaning that it is essentially two separate high-quality microphones in one device. Each capsule has its own channel and allows users granular controls to fit a multitude of recording needs, e.g., stereo, mono, pattern modeling, etc. What sets the L22 apart from every other microphone is the innovative post-recording modeling capabilities. With its proprietary software, users can make the microphone sound like 34 other vintage microphones AFTER audio has been recorded and adjust microphone placement to a small degree. This is game changing for people who do not own a microphone for every situation and want the flexibility to play with sound after it has been recorded. The L22 does require quite a bit to get it to work optimally — two XLR inputs, buying into the Universal Audio ecosystem, an understanding of digital audio workstations (DAWs) — but those who persevere are rewarded with one of the most versatile, well-constructed and innovative microphones on the market. Considering its cost, relatively steep learning curve and gear needed to use, the L22 will be appealing to only tech-savvy audiophiles, but would be too complex for anyone else. — Alexander Lee, DMD
Combined with regular visits to a primary care physician, wellness trackers such as Vivoo can be used at home to help improve overall health and optimize wellness. — Hubert Chan, DDS M ARC H 2 0 2 1