Basketball DictionaryEloy Doce 2000
Diccionario de Baloncesto (Basquetball en Ingles)
Vamos a empezar por lo mas simple aunque os podais aburrir porque probablemente ya lo sabeis. Los jugadores, The Players Base=Pointguard (1 ). He handles the ball, normally he is the best handler, he has got the best ball-handling skills. Aleros=Guards or Shooting Guards (2 y 3). Aqui en Noruega tambien los llaman a veces wingers, pero creo que es una derivacion futbolera porque ocupan las wings (alas) en el contrataque (fastbreak). They can shoot the ball, normally they are the best shooters, so they take many shots (ellos tiran muchas veces) Power Forward (4). Es lo que nosotros llamariamos poste bajo o alero alto (bendito sea Andres Jimenez) Center (5). Es el pivot, el poste alto. Aqui lo llaman muchas veces the Big Man Team Staff (Staff tecnico) Entrenador=Head Coach. He coaches the team. He designs training sessions for the team. He makes the decisions. He takes the sessions, the team, etc (El es el que se encarga de la session, del equipo, etc… Ayudante= Assistant Coach. He helps the Head Coach to make the decisions. Commisioners (Arbitros, etc) Arbitro=Referee=Ref (lo acortan todo). He calls the fouls, he blows the whistle, he could give you a T (technical foul), you argue with him or agree with his calls. La mesa= The table officials or commissioners.