"The coach should be the absolute boss, but he still should maintain an open mind." -- Red Auerbach "They said you have to use your five best players but I found you win with the five who fit together the best." --Red Auerbach "What does this program/ team need this week?" -- Dick Bennett "What you specifically teach is what your players will do best." -- Dick Bennett "Practice to beat the best." -- Dick Bennett "We teach offense 5-0/ 5-5 (whole method) and defense by part (1-1/ 3-3)." -- Dick Bennett "What we do at LSU is to develop players and make them better." -- John Brady "You get what you tolerate!" -- John Brady "If you don't hold your team accountable then you will lose credibility and your team will be spoiled." -- John Brady "If you want team play, you must stress defense. Defense makes players unselfish." -- John Brady "Criticize on defense and encourage on offense." -- John Brady "We stop practice every time we see one of our players not blocking out." -- Jim Calhoun "Always acknowledge hustle plays in practice." -- Lou Campanelli "We put a premium on knowing what the other team does. Then we try to take them out of it." -- PJ Carlesimo "Coaching is preparation." -- Pete Carril "A lot of guys go through their whole careers and don't win a championship, but are still great coaches." -- Chuck Daly "Offense is spacing and spacing is offense." -- Chuck Daly "Defense can't guard two things in a row." -- Chuck Daly "Defense doesn't break down on the help, it breaks down on the recovery." -- Chuck Daly "The first shot does not beat you." -- Chuck Daly "False Hustle = cheap fouls, lunging, reaching, etc." -- Billy Donovan "Systems win! Believe in your system, and then sell it to your players." -- Billy Donovan "Have a vision. Sell your program. Your team is going to reflect you." -- Mark Gottfried "Hearing improves with PRAISE!" -- Mark Gottfried "Your ability to communicate to your young people will determine your success." -- Jim Harrick "Praise your kids. Inspire and motivate your players with praise. Ten years from now it won't matter what your record was. Will your kids love you or hate you?" -- Jim Harrick "Treat each player as your own son/daughter if you can...the parents have invested in you." -- Hank Iba "Basketball is sharing." -- Phil Jackson "The more things we can get kids to do correctly off the court, the more they will do correctly on the court." -- Mike Jarvis "Everyone wants to win, but not everyone is willing to prepare to win." -- Bob Knight