M issouri M agazine Holiday t

I love the Christmas season and all the fun, joy, and giving that comes with it. I love all the lights, decorating Christmas trees, holiday parties and giving gifts However, it?s the time of year that we adore the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Let?s not miss out on the reason for the season.
Thank you for reading out latest issue featuring Holiday Shopping Guide, home decor, recipes, and so much more. Our team had a lot of fun putting together our Holiday Issue and we hope you enjoy it. Our Holiday Issue is filled full of Holiday recipes, Winter Fashion, 20 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain During the Holidays, How to manage stress over the Holidays and so much more.
We love our holiday issue cover photo by the talented Gary Adams. A local photography Gary Adams Artwork.

I wish you all the happiest of holidays. Let?s take time to remember what matters most spending time with family and making memories. Most of all Oh Come Let Us Adore Him? Jesus is the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Cheri Cranford573-284-5406
Proverbs 3:5-6

M i ssou r i
M agazi n e
Founder & CEO
Cheri CranfordCont ribut ing Aut hors
Tiffany Ash
Bennet Bodenstein
Cont act Missouri Magazine
205 N Oak Street
Stover, MO 65078
hello@missourimagazines com
Missouri Magazineis published bi-monthly by CDM Media Group Theopinions expressed by contributing writers arenot necessarily thoseof thepublisher or of Missouri Magazine. No part of this magazinemay bereproduced without prior consent of thepublisher Every effort has been madeto ensuretheaccuracy of this publication
However, thepublisher cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions ©2018 CDM Media Group Missouri Magazinewelcome unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. Please email submissions to Cheri Bullard-Cranford at hello@missourimagazines.com
Proverbs 3:5-6

25 Days o f Tradit ions
Everyone knows the best gift of all is the gift of time And what better time of year than the holidays to do things with friends and family?Here are 25 traditions you can practice this December
Gam e night There are holiday-specific games out there, but you can? t go wrong by sticking with a classic. Check out your local toy and game store for some family friendly games
Christ m as m ovie m arat hon. Too many choices to go wrong here. From the Griswolds to George Bailey, there?s a classic for your family
Caroling Through your neighborhood or through your town, caroling is always more fun with friends.
Holiday baking. There is a recipe for every taste bud and every skill level. Check out online recipes for unique options Many local grocery stores also offer holiday baking classes. Ask around for times and options.

Christ m as light s. Put a little twinkle on your house or on your tree
Choose a t ree Choosing a Christmas tree is a classic tradition with the added bonus of making your home smell amazing
Wear Christ m as pajam as They don? t have to match (but it?s more fun if they do)
Christ m as cards. Make them or buy them, but please send them out. Elf on the Shelf. Quickly becoming a cult classic
Christ m as cookie sw ap This party?s entire premise is all about you getting to sample cookies The holiday joy is baked right in. Angel tree. Be someone else?s Santa

Advent calendar. Counting down the days can be a fun tradition for the entire family.
Ornam ent s. Give your kids or loved one a new ornament each year Over the years, the tree itself will become a family album

Make hot cocoa Yum There are many recipes out there to completely innovate this holiday treat. Take a drive. Admire others? decorations
Volunt eer This is a hard time of year for others. Turn the act of kindness into a tradition
Say t hank you To your friends, to your kids, to your mom, anyone that has had an impact on you.
Get a phot o w it h Sant a. These will amuse you for years to come
Take in a show Or a second-grade Christmas pageant. Support local artists and students by showing up
Get dressed up. Put on your best and walk the square. There is something special about getting your cheeks pink that sparks joy this time of year
Get a t oy, give a t oy Teach your children to donate unwanted or old toys to others
Treat t hose you depend on Take cookies to the police station, the fire station and to your Post Office.
Make a snow m an Or, if you live in a warm climate, decorate a gingerbread house
Decorat e a gingerbread house It shouldn? t be an ?either/or?situation Leave cookies for Sant a. He?s got a long night He appreciates it.
Make your own family traditions that you can pass on from one generation to the next

Enjoy the holidays with family and friends

Am erica's Best Aquarium in t he Heart of Missouri
by CJThom asDid you know that you can come face to face with a tiger shark or a 400 lb Goliath Grouper right here in Missouri? Now you can, thanks to Johnny Morris?Wonders of Wildlife: National Museum & Aquarium, located adjacent to Bass Pro Headquarters in Springfield, Missouri. Your visit to Wonders of Wildlife is so much more than your standard trip to the aquarium. They offer unique immersive experiences that put you right in the heart of the action from the moment you walk in the doors!
Whenever you visit Wonders of Wildlife you?re not just stepping into any aquarium. You?re visiting America?s Best Aquarium and Best New Attraction, as voted by USA Today! It?s no wonder that it was voted number one in the nation. The state-of-the-art facility is home to more than 35,000 living fish, mammals, birds, and reptiles Wonders of Wildlife has gone the extra mile to perfectly recreate the animal?s natural habitats for their health and well-being. Bass Pro founder,Johnny Morris, has a passion for conservation and educating the next generation about the natural world and all of its?creatures, and it shows in every square inch of the facility.
Prepare yourself for a one of a kind experience with animals from around the world! Inside the aquarium you will find more than 800 unique species of jellyfish, eels, rays, and sharks displayed in breathtaking rounded and tunnel aquariums that allow you to experience the majesty from every possible angle. Outside of the aquarium visitors will be able to mingle with flamingos, Gentoo penguins, crocodiles, bears, and bald eagles, owls, and that?s just to name a few.
Wonders of Wildlife features exquisitely detailed 4-D wildlife galleries which showcase exotic recreations of animals in their natural habitats These unique galleries allow visitors to stand in the presence of majestic elephants leading their young and side by side with a pack of wolves
seeking prey in the glow of the northern lights It is the authentic foliage, hand-painted murals, and special sound and lighting effects that make you feel as though you?re trekking through the Alps or the heat of the African Savanna.
If you?re looking for a truly immersive experience than the Shark Dive at Wonders of Wildlife is for you! No diving experience is required for this unique journey into the underwater world of vibrant reef fish, barracudas, sharks, and giant groupers! Your ticket includes a 1 5-hour Shark Dive Experience, a commemorative t-shirt, an underwater camera to take photos during your experience, and a souvenir flash-drive with the photos from your experience All divers must be at least 10 years old and a maximum of 4 people can fit inside the shark cage at one time. Family and friends are able to comfortably watch your experience from the outside of the tank!

The National Museum and Aquarium offers hours of indoor entertainment for guests of all ages. No matter the weather or the time of year the aquarium has a breathtaking adventure awaiting you and your family!


getthelook ourPinterestfinds

Love Letter s
Love Letters designs and sells t-shirts for the city and sport you Love! We love how their line makes you feel beautiful and confident even in a t-shirt When we came across Love Letters we knew we had to share ?Love Letters?t-shirts with our readers. There are so many t-shirts to choose from. You will fall in love with this line.

Love Letters started in 2013 with two friends LeAnn and Amy They both had a mutual passion and a whole lotta coffee and haven? t looked back since Their major love for their city and the people who live there They wanted to share that love and feeling with women everywhere.

Love Letters pride their selves with special designs and an amazing fit all while striving to have a little something for everyone at a really sharp price!
Dress them up?Dress them down? Doesn? t matter, you?re going to look amazing either way! Love Letters is a labor of love and they?re loving every minute of it!

20 T i p s to Avoi d W ei gh t Gai n D u r i n g th e H oli d ays
The holidays are an exciting time of year. But between the parties, stress and baked goods, it's also a time when people tend to gain weight
In fact, between mid-November and mid-January, adults gain an average of one pound This may not seem like a lot, but most people don't lose the weight they gain over the holidays. For this reason, holiday weight gain is one of the biggest contributors to total yearly weight gain for many people
The good news is that weight gain during the holidays is not inevitable
Here are 20 tips to help you avoid weight gain during the holiday season
1 Be Act ive Wit h Fam ily and Friends
Sedentary activities, such as sitting on the couch watching sports, are common holiday traditions for many families.
Inactivity may contribute to weight gain, especially when lounging around is accompanied by eating excessive amounts of food. Doing some type of physical activity while on holiday with your family may prove to be beneficial for weight control
An activity as simple as a family walk can provide benefits, as it will get your mind off food and allow you to bond with your loved ones. You can also be active during the holidays by signing up for a workplace or community fitness competition or event Running races are popular options
2 Be Sm art When Snacking
During the holiday season, unhealthy snacks like cookies and other goodies tend to be available for you to take as you please.
When treats are easy to access, unnecessary snacking or grazing is more likely to occur. At home, this problem can be solved by keeping treats out of sight. However, that strategy is more difficult to avoid in situations that you cannot control, such as your workplace or a family dinner party
You can overcome these situations by being mindful of your snacking habits If you find yourself snacking just because there's food available ? and not because you're hungry ? then it's best to avoid snacking altogether. However, if you are hungry and need a snack, opt for real foods. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are filling snacks that don't contain added sugars or unhealthy fats, both of which can lead to weight gain.
3. Wat ch Your Port ion Sizes
When the holidays arrive, it can be easy to overdo it on your portion sizes. Those who eat larger-than-recommended portions tend to gain weight more easily than those who don't The best way to overcome this is to weigh and measure your food, or eat off smaller plates, which is discussed more below

To determine an appropriate portion size, read food labels and the recommended serving sizes listed on recipes.
If you're in a situation that leaves you unable to measure portions, use your best judgment to fill your plate with a reasonable amount of food.
4. Pract ice Mindful Eat ing
People are often rushed and on the go throughout the holiday season, which frequently leads to multitasking during meals.
Studies show that those who eat while they are distracted are more likely to overeat. This is because they are unable to pay attention to their body's fullness signals
To prevent this from happening, eat mindfully without distractions, including work and electronics. Another way to eat mindfully is to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly, which will allow you to better recognize your body's signals of fullness and consume fewer calories
It can also be helpful to take a few deep breaths before you start eating This can induce relaxation and help you keep your full attention on your plate, rather than your to-do list. Several studies show that those who engage in mindful eating practices are less likely to gain weight.
5. Get Plent y of Sleep
Sleep deprivation is quite common during the holidays, and it may cause weight gain This is because those who do not sleep enough tend to be hungrier, consume more calories and get less physical activity
The reason behind this is that sleep restriction may increase your hunger hormone levels, ultimately leading to higher calorie intake. Additionally, inadequate sleep has been linked to lower metabolism. This is believed to be due to alterations in your circadian rhythm,
which is known as the biological clock that regulates many bodily functions.
6. Cont rol Your St ress Levels
Keeping up with the demands of the holidays can be stressful Those who are stressed commonly have high levels of cortisol, a hormone that's released in response to stress
Chronically high cortisol levels may cause weight gain, as they have been linked to greater food intake
Additionally, a stressful lifestyle may cause more cravings for junk food. For these reasons, it's important to keep stress levels under control throughout the entire year, but especially during the holidays when you might be plagued with more tasks and surrounded by unhealthy foods
There are plenty of things you can do during the holidays to reduce stress
Some options include exercise, meditation, yoga and deep breathing
7 Keep Meals Balanced Wit h Prot ein
Holiday meals are typically rich in carbs but lack protein. However, it's important to include some protein with every meal, as it promotes fullness and may be useful for weight maintenance
In fact, eating protein with meals may automatically reduce calorie intake by reducing hunger and appetite Protein is also beneficial for weight control because it increases your metabolism and levels of appetite-reducing hormones.
For these weight-management
benefits, you should include at least 25?30 grams of protein in each meal. Good sources of protein include meat, poultry, fish and some plant foods like beans and quinoa. Ensure your holiday meals include a serving or two of these foods to reduce the likelihood of overindulgence
8 Focus on Fiber
Fiber is another important nutrient that induces fullness Some studies show that increased dietary fiber can reduce total calorie intake, which may be a method to prevent weight gain over the holidays.
Unfortunately, many common holiday foods lack adequate amounts of fiber Do your best to incorporate fiber-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, into your meals.
9. Cut Back on Tast e Test ing
Many people spend a lot of time cooking and baking during the holiday season. Surprisingly, this can lead to weight gain. That's because along with the cooking and baking comes taste testing, and even small bites of baked goods and holiday dishes can add up in calories
Tasting your dishes can be important, especially if you are cooking for others, but a small bite of less than a teaspoon is probably more than enough. You should also make sure that you aren't hungry while cooking, as it's much easier to go overboard on taste testing when your stomach is growling.
10. Bring a Healt hy Dish t o Share
Holiday parties can be a common setback in the battle against holiday weight gain In these instances, you often have no control over the food that's served
The good news is that you can have control. Simply bring your own healthy dish for yourself and to share with others This way, you can be sure you'll have something to eat that aligns with your weight goals
and is a risk factor for weight gain. If you're trying to control your weight, it is best to limit liquid calories during the holidays ? and all year long, for that matter
13 Use a Sm aller Plat e
11 Choose Dessert
s Wisely and Savor Them
Dessert is everywhere during the holiday season. This often leads to excessive sugar consumption, a common cause of weight gain. Instead of eating every treat in sight, it can be helpful to focus on your favorites. Eat the ones you really want and ditch the rest.
Another trick is to savor the desserts you do indulge in, which may leave you feeling more satisfied and less likely to overdo dessert. To savor desserts, eat them slowly and mindfully so you can really taste and enjoy them
12 Lim it Liquid Calories
The holidays are a time of year when alcohol, soda and other sweetened beverages seem to be unlimited These beverages can contribute a significant amount of sugar and empty calories to your diet, which can cause weight gain Additionally, alcohol consumption is often linked to increased appetite
Dinner parties and potlucks are common occasions during the holiday season. While people often think of these as diet disasters, they don't have to be if you eat from a smaller plate. This is based on the fact that people tend to consume larger portions off of large plates, which may lead to overeating. By using the simple trick of choosing a smaller plate, you can control portions and therefore reduce the likelihood of holiday weight gain.
14. Reduce Calories in Recipes
Excessive calorie intake is a primary cause of weight gain during the holidays. However, it doesn't have to be that way. There are plenty of things you can do to lower the calorie contents of recipes. Here are some ideas on how to reduce calories in baking, cooking and beverages:
Replace butter with applesauce, mashed banana or pumpkin puree. Instead of sugar, use a lower-calorie substitute such as stevia, erythritol or xylitol
Add dried fruit instead of chocolate chips or candies.
Flavor recipes with extracts like vanilla, almond and peppermint instead of butter and sugar

Flavor dishes with herbs and spices instead of butter
Use cooking methods such as baking, steaming or grilling instead of frying
Substitute low-fat or skim milk for heavy cream
Replace cream cheese, sour cream and mayo with Greek yogurt
Use club soda or sparkling water in place of sweetened beverages
Flavor drinks with freshly squeezed lemon or lime rather than sugar. Cinnamon can also add flavor to holiday-themed beverages
In dairy-based drinks, use low-fat or skim milk in place of heavy cream.
15. Weigh Yourself Regularly
Stepping on the scale regularly during the holidays may help prevent weight gain In some studies, individuals who weigh themselves regularly are able to maintain or lose weight better than those who do not weigh themselves.
Do what works best for you when it comes to weighing yourself. Some find it beneficial to check their weight daily, while others are successful weighing themselves once or twice a week.
16. Use t he Buddy Syst em
Many people report success with their weight goals when they have a partner to pursue them with. Finding a health buddy who has similar weight goals may be useful over the holidays, as this person can keep you motivated
and accountable.
Reach out to friends, family and co-workers to find someone willing to partner with you in your effort to prevent weight gain
17 Avoid Processed Foods
The hectic holiday season has led to the increased availability of processed holiday convenience foods, such as boxed mashed potatoes and stuffing. While these may be quick and easy, they often contain excess sugar and unhealthy fats that are not good for weight control
To prevent weight gain, opt for whole foods this holiday season. Focus on making meals and baked goods from scratch instead of a box. That way, you can control what goes in your food and stay on top of your weight
18 Plan Ahead
All of the suggestions in this article come down to planning ahead if you are watching your weight over the holidays.
If you have events that involve food on the calendar, take matters into your own hands Find out what types of foods will be served and if you need to, bring your own dish Decide what and how much you will eat ahead of time.
It can also be helpful to gather a list of healthy holiday recipes, so you always have a go-to when you need to bring something to a party
19. Skip Seconds
Holiday meals are often served in a buffet style, with several options to choose from in unlimited amounts. This leads people to serve themselves seconds ? and maybe even thirds The calories from double helpings can add up and contribute to weight gain
To overcome this, assess your hunger when you finish your first plate If you're still hungry, have a little more food. If you're not, then you've probably had enough and can move on to enjoy other aspects of the gathering.
20. Draw t he Line
During the holiday season, many people have an "I'll start tomorrow" mentality, which can end up being a vicious cycle of unhealthy habits If you are serious about controlling your weight over the holidays, it may be helpful to draw the line, set limits for yourself and stick to your goals regarding food intake

Decide which foods are worth it to you and which ones are not Know that it's okay to say no to certain foods and habits that don't align with your goals It's also important to be aware that you might have a slip-up or two.
People often abandon their goals after this happens. However, there is no need for this.


so loved theworld that hegavehisone and only Son, that whoever believesin him shall not perish but haveeternal life. For God did not send hisSon into theworld to condemn theworld, but to savethe world through him. John 3:16- 17
- 1 (12-oz.) wheel of brie
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1/4 c packed brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 3 tbsp heavy cream
- 1 c whole or chopped pecans

- Pinch kosher salt

1. Preheat oven to 350°. Place brie in a small oven-safe skillet or baking dish
2 In a nonstick skillet over low heat, melt butter and brown sugar until bubbly Stir in cinnamon, heavy cream, pecans, and salt until completely coated, then remove from heat.
3. Pour pecan mixture over brie and bake until brie is melty, 10 minutes.
1 (8-oz.) block cream cheese, softened
·1/2 c. finely chopped artichoke hearts
·1/2 c frozen spinach, defrosted, drained and finely chopped
1/2 c. freshly grated Parmesan
·2 tbsp sour cream
2 cloves garlic, minced
·1 tsp lemon zest (optional)
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
·Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper
·2 sheets frozen puff pastry, defrosted
1 1/2 c. shredded mozzarella
·2 tbsp melted butter
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 Preheat oven to 375° and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper In a large bowl, stir cream cheese, artichoke hearts, spinach, Parmesan, sour cream, garlic, and lemon zest and red pepper flakes (if using) until combined. Season mixture with salt and pepper
2 Unroll both pastry sheets onto baking tray, and use a pizza cutter or knife to cut a Christmas tree shape into the dough; reserve scraps. Remove top tree cut-out, and spread cream cheese mixture on bottom layer Sprinkle with mozzarella then top with second tree cutout.

3 Cut a star out of reserved puff pastry scraps and place on top of tree Using a pizza cutter or knife, cut 1/2" thick "branches" on either side of tree, being careful to leave a 1" section in the center Gently lift and twist each "branch"
4 In a small bowl, mix together butter and garlic powder Brush all over tree and star and bake until golden, 30 minutes
- 1 9x13 inch pan of baked brownies (This recipe is my favorite)
- 6 ounces (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 1 and 1/4 cup half and half or cream
- 3/4 sugar
- 3 tablespoons light-colored corn syrup
- 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
- 2 cups whipping cream
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
- 1 cup crushed candy canes (about 12 candy canes
Start by making the brownies. A box mix is fine. Make sure not to over bake them. Remove brownies from the oven and cool completely (if you are in a hurry stick them in the freezer) Cut brownies into bite-size chunks and set aside
1. Meanwhile, in a saucepan combine chocolate chips and 3 tablespoons of butter. Cook and stir over low heat until melted.
2. Stir in 1 and 1/4 cups half and half or cream, 3/4 cup sugar, and corn syrup. Bring to a gentle boil over medium heat. Boil over medium heat, stirring frequently, about 8 minutes (set a timer!) or until sauce is reduced to about 2 1/3 cups Remove from heat Let cool for a minute or two, until it stops bubbling
3 Stir in 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract Cool to room temperature; mixture thickens as it cools (Freezer or fridge also helps here)
4 For the whipped cream, in a chilled mixing bowl combine 2 cups cream, powdered sugar, and 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract Beat with the chilled beaters of an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form

5. In 16 small dessert cups, alternately layer brownie chunks, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and crushed candy canes, ending with whipped cream and candy canes. Serve immediately.
6. If you want to do this all in one trifle bowl, place 1/3 of the brownie chunks in a 3-quart bowl or trifle dish Drizzle with 1/4 of the chocolate sauce Sprinkle with 1/4 of the candy canes Top with 1/3 of the whipped cream Repeat layers twice more Drizzle with remaining chocolate sauce; sprinkle with remaining candy canes Serve immediately

4 c. Cran-Apple Juice
2 bottles red moscato
1 bottle prosecco
1/2 c vodka
2 c. frozen cranberries
1/3 c mint leaves
1/2 c. sugar, for rimming glasses
2 limes, sliced into rounds
- Using a wedge of lime, wet the rim of your glasses Dip in sugar until coated
- Combine all ingredients in a punch bowl, stir together and serve.
2 Granny Smith apples, chopped
1 c whole fresh cranberries
1 c. green grapes, halved
1 c pomegranate seeds
1 c. sparkling grape juice
1 bottle champagne, prosecco, or cava
- In a large pitcher or punch bowl, add apples, cranberries, grapes, and pomegranate seeds. Pour over sparkling grape juice and champagne just before serving

For those of you who long for ?the good old days of wine,?I will resort to my Brooklyn New York youth and say ?fergetaboutit, they weren? t that great,?however, among the things that have been benefited by modern times are the sparkling wines Science and technology have reduced the cost of production of sparkling wines tenfold During ?the good old days?there were many costly hand operations required to produce a decent sparkling wine. Today most of those hand operations have been mechanized so that only a few sparkling wines are still produced by the old methods and some of those are quite costly Since it has become the style to enjoy sparkling wines during the upcoming holidays, I would like to suggest some excellent and affordable sparkling wines that fill the bill of both price and quality.

Dark Horse California Brut ($13). Thiswineisfar and awayworth considerablymore than itsvery affordablepricemayindicate. The wine starts by displaying a pale straw color and a fresh summer fruit and floral aroma, which revolves around apples, pear, and citrus, backed up bya fresh bread-likesensation and toasted nutsall of which arereprised in theflavor. What impressed meabout thiswineisthe finish which endsin wayssimilar to most Champagne, toastyand bread-likewith hintsof fruitsthat seem to last indefinitely. TheDarkHorseCalifornia Brut isnot onlya terrificbuybut it isa trulyfinewinefor holidaycelebrations.
?J?Vineyards Cuvée 20 ($38). Thiswineisoneof California?sbest answersto French Champagne. It isan elegant winethat bespeaksthequalitythat can be found in a well-made domesticsparkling wine. Thewineisso popular that, it isknown byan initial rather than a name. Needlessto say, the wineissuperb. Forget all you knowabout whereand when to servea sparklingwine, thisisthe

typeof winethat goesfar past the traditionsof thepast and takesa giant leap into the future. Barefoot Cellars Bubbly Wines ($9.99). Like Will Rogersnever met a man he didn? t like, I have never tasted a Barefoot Sparklingwinethat was not well madeand worth considerablymore that itsveryaffordablesellingprice. All of the Barefoot Bubblers, from thedriest to the sweetest arewell aboveaverageand definitely enjoyable. Mychoiceamongall of theBarefoot BubblersistheBrut Cuveé, a wine that has captured numerous first place and gold medals at wine competitions the world over A quick trip to their internet site at www barefoot com will show the entire selection of wines that Barefoot produces, and that number is very large.
Vilaranu Brut Reserva ($14 99) and Vilaranu Brut Reserva Rosé ($15 99) Here are two Spanish sparkling wines (called Cava in Spain) that are a bit of an anachronism Both of these wines have been made in the old fashioned Methode Champenoise, meaning that they were fermented in the bottle and contrary to the tradition, are also affordably priced. These excellent sparklers are well made and full flavored and leave nothing to be desired The wines are easily spotted on dealers?shelves by their white and pink heavily decorated bottles
Lam arca Prosecco ($20). Lamarca Prosecco is sparkling wine that can stand head and shoulders with the best of them from anyplace in the world while selling at a very reasonable price Two things are immediately noticeable when the wine is poured, its greenish golden color and the constant stream of very fine bubbles, both signs of a better wine The aroma is a compendium of summer flowers with honeysuckle being the most obvious. The flavor is crisp with a pleasant lemon-like flavor backed up by a fresh bread-like sensation and ending in the impression of toasted nuts. All of these aromas are reprised in the flavor with the addition of grapefruit and spice and is the perfect accompanyment to a perfect meal
J asmine& A ustin Drew&Emma

November 10,2018
Phot ography
McDonald Video & Phot ography

Laken McDonald
Fe Vict oria Video & Phot ography
Jorge and Jessica Flores
Hair and m akeup
Paige Bichsel
Sue Locket t
Flow ers/ Cent erpieces: The Bride

DJ/ Phot oboot h
Mike How ert on Ent ert ainm ent
Cerem ony Locat ion
Lakeview Weddings, ow ned by Ted and Sara Lung
Recept ion Locat ion
Tow n and Count ry Inn and Suit es
Event Coordinat or Mia Disselhorst Cat ering

JJ?s Cat ering/ Krispy Krem e
Napkins/ Table Runners
Celebrat ions Part y and Event Rent al

JasmineandA ustin Managing St ress over t he Holidays
we all have a picture of how we want the holidays to be in our head? the flawless Holiday spread, the perfect Christmas tree, the impeccable holiday party, and the best Hanukkah yet.
In our rosy visions of holiday bliss, everyone always gets along and any stress we have been dealing with earlier in the year simply melts away. However, just like the Griswald family in National Lampoon?s Christmas Vacation, very rarely do we get the holiday season we have envisioned in our heads.
While we may want the holidays to be a stress-free zone, most people say that their anxiety actually increases this time of year You may find yourself feeling stressed about keeping up with all of the holiday activities, financial crunches, work deadlines, or even just anxiety about whether or not this year will live up to your expectations Keeping stress under control does not have to take a Christmas miracle though! Here are some easy ways to help manage your anxiety this season.

Plan ahead, m ake a list , and check it t w ice.
A lot of our stress comes from trying to accomplish things last minute. However this normally leaves us in a severe time crunch where we start to feel really overwhelmed Try to plan out this holiday season a bit more than usual. Be intentional about
scheduling your social calendar as well as planning out when you will accomplish your cooking and shopping If you are an anxious traveler, plan ahead and find ways to help yourself relax while you are away from home. A more intentional holiday season might even leave you some time to relax by a fire with a nice cup of something hot.
Call a holiday t ruce.
Try to set aside any differences or conflicts with family members until the holidays are over The Thanksgiving table is not the time or place to try to resolve any conflicts or disagreements. Chances are the rest of your family is feeling the stress of the holidays just like you are. Try to have extra patience with any family conflict or politics talk. Try walking away from the conversation, having a favorite holiday treat, or even finding a friend to talk to.
Everyt hing in m oderat ion.
It is easy to overindulge in more ways than one during the holidays. Too much eggnog, holiday treats, or even together time can leave you feeling more drained. It can be tempting to use drinking or food to take the edge off in stressful situations, but this just leaves you feeling more anxious.

Connect w it h ot hers in a m eaningful w ay.
Make sure that you are having a holiday that is fulfilling and enjoyable for you and not just something where you are going through the motions Take the pressure off yourself and make realistic expectations about what the season will look like for you. Take a break and refocus yourself when you are overwhelmed, even if that means you leave the party for a minute or two Find social groups, volunteer opportunities, and traditions that bring you joy and peace. The holidays don? t need to be perfect to be enjoyable.

C hristmasC ookies

Perfect Sugar Cookies

3 c all-purpose flour, plus more for surface
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1 c. (2 sticks) butter, softened
1 c granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 tbsp. milk
1 c (2 sticks) butter, softened
5 c powdered sugar
1/4 c. heavy cream
1/2 tsp. pure almond extract
1/4 tsp kosher salt
Food coloring
- In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt and set aside
- In another large bowl, beat butter and sugar until fluffy and pale in color. Add egg, milk, and vanilla and beat until combined, then add flour mixture gradually until totally combined.
- Shape into a disk and wrap in plastic Refrigerate 1 hour
- When ready to roll, preheat oven to 350º and line two baking sheets with parchment paper Lightly flour a clean work surface and roll out dough until 1/8? thick. Cut out shapes and transfer to prepared baking sheets. Freeze 10 minutes (so your shapes hold while baking!).

- Meanwhile, make frosting: In a large bowl using a hand mixer, beat butter until smooth, then add powdered sugar and beat until no lumps remain Add cream, almond extract, and salt and beat until combined
- Bake cookies until edges are lightly golden, 8 to 10 minutes.
- Let cool, then frost and decorate as desired.
Meringue Cookies

- Preheat the oven to 225° In a small bowl, mix sugars. In the bowl of an electric mixer, add egg whites. Beat until foamy, then add cream of tartar and salt. Add vanilla to incorporate.
2/3 c powdered sugar
1/3 c. granulated sugar

4 egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp kosher salt
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
- Start adding sugar to the mixture slowly, 1 tablespoon at a time The egg whites should appear stiff and glossy.
- Transfer mixture to a piping bag fitted with a large star tip Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper Pipe meringues onto baking sheet
- Bake for 1 hour exactly, then turn off oven and let meringues sit in the unopened oven for three hours, and up to eight
Peanut But t er Snow balls
2 c powdered sugar
1 1/3 c. creamy peanut butter
1/4 c. butter, melted
2/3 c graham crackers crumbs
1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tsp. kosher salt
2 c. white chocolate, melted
2 tsp coconut oil
Sprinkles, for garnish
- Line a medium baking sheet with parchment paper In a large bowl, combine powdered sugar, peanut butter, butter, graham cracker crumbs, maple syrup and salt. Using a whisk or hand mixer, mix ingredients until smooth and fully incorporated.
- Using a small cookie scoop, form mixture into balls and place on prepared baking sheet
- In a medium bowl, combine melted white chocolate and coconut oil and stir until smooth. Dip peanut butter balls in white chocolate and place on cooling rack (excess chocolate will drop off).
- Top with sprinkles, then refrigerate until set, about 10 minutes.