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CdS Sunrise

April 2014 R

Corona del Sol High School | Tempe, AZ | Vol. 36, No. 6

Orange Man Group


lights up stage

enior Freddy Rivers blinks twice. His classmate, junior Shane Carr stares blankly back at him. Rivers stumbles back a bit and turns to look at junior Charles Wilson. Wilson’s eyes are wide open, observing the audience around him. Rivers turns his attention back to himself and stares down at the two paddles placed in his orange hands. Story by Manali Chavan | Photo by Max Butler | Continued on page 8

table of contents

in this issue of the Sunrise... 8




Winterguard Wows at State Competition

Winterguard performs at the state competition and walks away with a third consecutive state championship

Teacher Lights Up Stage

English teacher Emily Krull participates in theater in her time outside of school

10 Places with a Secret Menu

If you haven’t heard of secret menus, or want some more information about them, check out pages 12 and 13

Behind the scenes of AQ Magazine

Junior Cienna Fernandez and her staff create, design and inspire through the making of AQ Magazine

Blue Man Group Makes Impact in Percussion

21 After a visit from the professionals, Corona’s Orange Man Group perfects their routine for competition



Three-Season Athletes

Three Corona athletes participate in all three seasons of sports

Freshman Makes Impact on Track Team

Freshman Jackie Martin starts out her first high school track season breaking records Front cover photo by Max Butler

Corona del Sol Sunrise Staff Editor-in-Chief Jacqui Marzocca Online Editor-in-Chief Mason Kuluris Managing Editor Devika Sharan Online Managing Editor Josh Ambre

News Editor Sapna Daryanani Opinions Editor Alisa Rodriquez Life & Times Editor Aashini Choksi Sports Editor Omar Soussi Clubs Editor Nikki Hinshaw Photo Editor Elizabeth Cheney Assistant Photo Editor Max Butler Graphics Editor Matthew O’Donnell

Social Media Editor Manali Chavan Online Photo Editor Kelly Zimmer Online Sports Editor RJ Micks Staff Brenna Bochenek, Natasha Burrell, Tony DeLorenzi, Andrew Eversden, Lauren LaGioia, Joseph Macias, Bridget Manning, Kevin Park, Carson Pyatt, Katelyn Stys, Johnny Waddell Adviser Kris Urban

The Sunrise is an open forum for student expression and welcomes letters on all matters. The staff reserves the right to edit as required. All materials submitted for publication must be signed. Views and opinions contained herein are those of the author and not considered to be the opinions of the staff, adviser, administration or the Tempe Union High School District. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the editorial reflect the views of the editorial board. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/ MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

Corona del Sol High School | 1001 E. Knox Road | Tempe, AZ 85284

2  April 2014

Letter from the Editor

Jacqui Marzocca | Editor-in-Chief

The school year is wrapping up. After working on four years of newspapers, this issue will be the last normal high school newspaper I ever work on. Next issue will be full of senior superlatives, athlete previews, valedictorians, graduation speakers and more so make sure to look for it at the beginning of May. It is so strange to sit here and think that the words I’m writing will be some of the last that are ever published in the Corona del Sol Sunrise newspaper. Change is coming. Looking around at other seniors, everyone is dealing with these changes differently. Some are frantically holding onto the walls of high school, their comfort zones, their friends and the security of their families. Others are going through extreme bouts of “senioritis” and are just ready to throw their caps in the air. I’m somewhat in the middle. I’ve loved my time at Corona and have made so many memories with such amazing people and they will be things I carry with me through life. Another part of me is ready to make the leap into being on my own and making my own decisions, and to be completely honest, managing my own refrigerator. These times are exciting and scary, but full of promise and adventure. With all things in life, I’m learning you just need to put your entire heart into it and jump in. Maybe the outcome isn’t exactly what you expect, but it teaches you something and that is what is important. You can spend your whole life waiting for something that will never happen or you can run and jump and land somewhere completely unexpected but full of life and happiness. If we want a different pace, we have to make one. We are in charge of our lives now and as strange as that seems, our happiness is in our hands and we just have to make the choice to live. Enjoy the last months of senior year and try new things. Spend time with friends, try something completely different and weird, go out on a limb and just live. If you’re an underclassmen, enjoy your time and know that these are good times and we should just enjoy every second we have them. It has truly been a pleasure writing for the Sunrise the last four years and has made my high school experience unforgettable. My staff has grown so much while I've been here and I am so incredibly proud of all of them. Our social media on Twitter (@CdSSunrise) has grown from 32 followers at the beginning of the year to 861 (at the present time I'm writing this letter). Our communication and ways of working together has grown leaps and bounds and I feel so close to this staff. We have so much talent in this room. Thank you for reading this paper and giving us the opportunity to grow and develop. I’ve loved every second of being Editor-in-Chief of this paper and cannot wait to see what next year’s Editor-in-Chief, Aashini Choksi, will do with the paper. 

Upcoming Concerts

opinions R

Natasha Burell | Staff Writer Coachella is the biggest music festival on the west coast and takes place in April. Unfortunately, it’s sold out for this year. However, somew of the artists performing at Coachella will be making a stop in Arizona while on their tour. Lana del Rey will be performing on April 15 at the Comerica Theatre. Lorde will also make an appearance performing on April 14 and Bastille will be performing on April 20. Before purchasing

a ticket to any of these concerts, it’s best to listen to the whole album. But with any of these artists, that is not going to be tough. All of these artists have never done a tour in the United States as they are all European artists. Grab your tickets while you can because you never know when they’ll be making another appearance here in Arizona. R

Born To Die|Lana del Rey Lana del Rey will be performing songs from both her albums Paradise and Born To Die. Many of her songs are about the typical good girl falls for the bad boy and the like. Some of her more popular songs include ‘Summertime Sadness’ and ‘This is What Makes Us Girls.” Both of these albums consist of slow paced lyrical songs that make you want to sing along. However, some of her songs can be on the darker side and is more something you go to sleep to as opposed to jamming out on a Friday night.

Pure Heroine|Lorde Lorde hit the scenes in 2013 with her hit track ‘Royals’ from her new album Pure Heroine which was ranked number seven on the Rolling Stones top album list of 2013. At only seventeen, this New Zealand star made it big fast performing at the Grammy’s earlier this year and now is on tour. ‘Royals’ was a huge slap in the face to the musicians who sing only about the luxurious life of being a big “baller”. She related to every money-strapped person out there and hit the scene big. Some of the other songs on her album include ‘400 Lux’ which you can’t help but bob your head to and ‘Team’ which was released as another single from her album.

Bad Blood|Bastille Bastille hit the charts last year with their single ‘Pompeii’ from their album Bad Blood. This band from the United Kingdom is making their way to the US for their first international tour. Other great songs from their album include ‘Flaws’ which isn’t quite upbeat but the lyrics are definitely meaningful. Dan Smith, the leader singer of the band, is a fresh talent and his voice is different but refreshing. If you like bands such as the Neon Trees and Two Door Cinema Club, then give Bad Blood a listen.

Photos by Elizabeth Cheney

April 2014 R3


Staff Editorial Seniors should embrace final high school events, activities It may not take the full four years, but somewhere during the high school years the illusion of a picture perfect high school is shattered. As a staff, we like to think that the good and bad go hand-in-hand. You often won’t leave high school with the same friends you entered with, but the ones you keep last a lifetime. You’ll learn that one B isn’t the end of the world, but all those D’s could land you another year in high school. You’ll work up the courage to finally talk to your crush and possibly realize he or she isn’t actually worth your time. Regardless of what your high school experience was, it was still an experience. For that very reason, we believe that the events that build up to one’s final days as an Aztec should be an experience as well. Prom is possibly one of the most clichéd experience of the bunch. Some people hate the idea of prom, while others love to talk about it months before it comes. The most stressful element is without a doubt finding a date. You have doubts on whether she’ll say yes or you wonder if he’ll even ask at all. But prom is intended to be an event where you have fun with someone who’s special to you. If that special person happens to be the group of friends that have stuck by you through the last few years, then maybe that’s who you should go with. Simply put, go with people who you have a good time with and it’s guaranteed that you will have fun. Even if you hate the idea of prom, go at least once, so when you look back at your four years of high school, you can say you went to prom. You won’t get another chance to go, so take the opportunity while it’s in front of you. Next up is walking at graduation. This is an event that is worth celebrating and being there for. This shows how far you have come during high school. Of course, there are always a few nerves: students worry about tripping on stage or having an outfit malfunction. Still, most people often look forward to their final moments as an Aztec. You may be standing next to someone you never knew attended Corona, and you’ll dread the morning rehearsal, but the reality of it is this is one of the last times you’ll be among all of your classmates. And if you don’t want to attend graduation for yourself, at least do it for the people who have been there since day one. Your parents and family view your graduation as one of the many accomplishments you’ll achieve throughout your life, so don’t deny them the pleasure of being there to experience this one. Finally, there is Grad Night. This event was established as a way to make sure students are having an entertaining and safe night after graduation. Grad Night begins at 10 p.m. and ends at 4 a.m. During this

4 R April 2014

Cartoon by Rebecca Ericson

time, you are not allowed to leave Kiwanis Wave Pool, where it is held. But it’s not like you’re being locked up with strangers; you will have your fellow classmates with you. If your friends are there, you’ll have a good time, making for a night you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Grad Night only happens once, so seniors should go when the opportunity presents itself. It will be the last time you are with your classmates and to celebrate the accomplishments you’ve done over the past four years. High school is something that only happens once in your life, and, unlike a movie, you can’t keep rewinding it. These last few events are organized as a way for you to celebrate that, so take advantage of it. Embrace your last opportunity to be a high school student. You won’t regret it. R


Cultural Differences

To be enlightened or to be culturally naive?

Mason Kuluris | Online Editor-in-Chief We, as Americans, have such great knowledge right at our fingertips, yet we refuse to acknowledge the world around us. We go to France expecting someone to speak English rather than learn a few phrases ourselves. We have no idea what this tribe in Africa does for their daily life activities. Why is it, with so much out there, we choose to stay in a bubble of ignorance? Why is it that we do not have the passion to learn and the motivation to teach others? My family was raised with the knowledge of the world around us. We ate foods others thought were weird, when in fact we were just culturally different. I was raised with the belief that we, as Americans, were not the only ones on this planet and it is best to learn about the other inhabitants. All of my siblings traveled the world at a young age and we were curious when we met someone of a different culture. Ironically enough, my oldest brother fell in love with the country of France and, in turn, with a French woman. We all learned a few words of French to show our acceptance and when she made oysters in wine sauce, we ate it with joy. Furthermore, all my siblings had a drive to learn about the world. My current adventures ahead involve three months in Brazil. I do not plan on going there without knowledge of the country. I have been learning Portuguese, which is the language they speak and have been reading several books on the culture. I plan on avoiding the “ignorant traveler” stereotype and it is my responsibility to show some decorum and at least know how to ask for directions in their native tongue. I have heard so many stories of travelers who are rather upset when

they are treated rudely in the country. However, you find out later that they did not even learn how to say “how are you doing today,” in the language of the country they were visiting. They instead angrily demanded in English “does anyone here speak English, you know ENG-LISH?” How do you expect to be treated with respect when you lack the decency to show some as well? There is so much out there. Did you know there is a group in New Guinea known as the Korowai people who build grand tree houses to live in? There’s another group of people in Siberia that are nomadic reindeer herders living in the tundra. They survive in some of the harshest conditions. Or perhaps we can just look up to our neighboring countries and attempt to dive into their Cartoon by Michelle Chiang different ways of life with a simple recipe. Even easier, look up some artwork or music on the Internet. We have the whole world at the tips of our finger so rather then heading onto Facebook or Twitter, type in a country and investigate the distinctive characteristics from there. You should still go out and see the world for yourself and see art pieces in a museum, but also know that knowledge can be obtained on the Internet as well. Do not be afraid to learn something new. Knowledge fuels the brain and in turn, your life. Go on an adventure while you are young, go on an adventure when you are middle- aged and go on an adventure when you are old. There is more to this world than your bedroom and school; go and discover it. We should choose to be enlightened rather than culturally naive.R

April 2014 R5


Hebert receives national recognition Natasha Burrell | Staff Writer

Every once and while, a student will have a teacher that makes a real impact on their lives; the National Society of High School Scholars is making sure these teachers are formally recognized. Choir teacher Greg Hebert, was selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction. Senior Imani Watley, who has had Hebert as a teacher for choir since her freshman year and currently is in Acapella, nominated him. “This award is given by the National Society of High School Scholars which is kind of similar to National Honor Society,” Watley said. “All of the members can nominate a teacher who has had a huge impact on their life. “ Herbert has been teaching choir at Corona for 20 years. He was so honored when he found out that he had been nominated. “I love to see students find themselves,” Hebert said. “In a world where creativity is often stifled, it is refreshing to see people express themselves in a positive and accepting climate.” Students love Hebert just as much as he loves teaching. “He’s definitely a really impactful teacher,” Watley said. “I know a lot of kids on campus really appreciate what he does for the school. “ “I nominated him mostly because you have a lot of teachers that you like and subjects that you like but there is a lot of work and stress involved,” Watley said. “Choir is just a fun class and he (Hebert) is really supportive of all his students.” Hebert was in choir all throughout his high school years and is honored that he has been awarded for doing what he simply loves. R

Shah named DECA Emerging Leader Alisa Rodriquez | Opinions Editor

Shah Every year, a DECA Emerging Leader Honor Award is presented to seniors across the nation. This year, it was awarded to senior Shimoli Shah. “It (the award) is a broad look of who you are as a person,” Shah said. “So it looks at all aspects of your high school career and bases it off of that.” This award recognizes high school students studying marketing, finance, hospitality and management for being academically prepared, community oriented and experienced leaders through their participation in DECA. The recipients for this award must be in their senior year with a grade point average of 3.2 or better for each high school semester. All Shah had to do was apply on the DECA website. “Shimoli is well deserving of the award,” business teacher Mike Lohmann said. “It’s a relatively new award and she’s the first person from Corona to receive this award. There were very few who were awarded in Arizona, so it is really good recognition for someone so well deserving.” Shah has accomplished many achievements to receive this award. She has been a leader in DECA as president, she won her event at state and has qualified for the nationals in Atlanta. “(Receiving the award) was definitely a great feeling,” Shah said. “I devoted a lot of time to DECA and it was nice to have recognition of that.” R

6 R April 2014

Coronel meets Obama

news briefsR

Senior wins scholarship and trip to D.C Natasha Burrell |Staff Writer How many high school students can say they have been in the Supreme Court and met the President? Senior Johnny Coronel can. Searching the internet for scholarships, he came upon the U.S. Senate Youth Program scholarship, for which he could earn $5,000 and a trip to Washington, D.C. “I was just looking for scholarships because I knew I needed to find one for college and I stumbled upon this scholarship on the Arizona Department of Education web site,” Coronel said. This program was created in 1962 to provide a yearly opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to get a deeper understanding of their government. This program is merit based and highly competitive. In order to apply, a student must be serving in an elected or appointed officer position and be a permanent resident of the US. Meeting these requirements as the Vice President of the Red Kettle Club, Coronel decided to apply. The process included writing a 500-word essay, taking a qualifying exam, sending in transcripts, and an interview with the D.C. Office of State Superintendent Education’s

scholarship review panel. After going through this process, Coronel received the scholarship along with another student from Arizona. Two students from each state were chosen along with two students from the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense Education Activity for students of military members. On March 8, Coronel set out with 103 other high school scholarship recipients for Washington, D.C.. for the 52nd annual Washington Week sponsored by the United States Senate. “We did every kind of tourist attraction that you can imagine,” Coronel said. “The really cool thing was that we got into places that I’ll never get to go to again unless I’m a congressman.” This trip to Washington was at no cost for the delegates as the Hearst Foundation paid for all transportation, food and activity costs. “We went to the Supreme Court and we got to talk to Supreme Court Justices,” Coronel said. “They would just talk to us about their life stories and what kind of congressmen they were. We went into the Department of Defense and the Pentagon, which was really cool. We saw so many important and

Coronel shakes hands with Jonathan Mumby, president of Guyana. Mumby was just one of many influential people Colonel met. Photo courtesy of Johnny Colonel. amazing speakers who were so nice to give us their time. “ Coronel is a history buff and plans to either become a history teacher or professor. He will be taking his scholarship to study at Arizona State University. R

April 2014 R7

Rlife & times

Winterguard wins state with flying colors Josh Ambre | Online Managing Editor

Corona del Sol added yet another sport to its lineup of three-peat victors this year when Winterguard won the state title for the third year in a row on Saturday, March 29 at Mesquite High School. “I still can’t find the words that truly express my feelings for this team to be able to do this once again,” Winterguard coach Brandy Dubose said. “I think I knew (Corona finished 1st) the moment they finished the show. It was spectacular.” Although this year’s show, “Mirage,” clearly stood out from its competitors, the Aztecs’ victory came on the cusp of defeat, with a narrow two-tenths of a point margin separating Corona from its closest competitor, Rincon University. Nevertheless, junior Nick Richards remained confident in the solidarity of Corona’s performance through it all. “I was very excited for the opportunity (to perform),” Richards said. “Afterwards, I knew that the journey to this performance was really what mattered. I knew we’d be happy with the outcome, no matter what.” Junior Erin Sitz, one of the team’s captains, recalled experiencing similar feelings of confidence going into the performance. “I was excited, actually,” Sitz said. “It was a great season. I was just excited to perform.” Beyond the success of Winterguard’s performance during the state competition, Dubose cites the season itself as a major contributing factor toward the team’s victory.

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Section leader junior Erin Sitz spearheads the team during its show. Winterguard practiced five days a week to be ready for the competition.

“Honestly, everyday has been a proud moment,” Dubose said. “I have been teaching Colorguard and Winterguard for 23 years and I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed coming to work with a team this much on a daily basis. They make it easy to come to work because of what they put into it.” Members of Winterguard report having had a similar experience. “I think there were a number of things that made this season great,” junior Daisy Bennett said. “Everyone’s really positive all the time, which really helps. All of the competitions were the best part of the season in general, especially the ones in California.” In addition to its hard work, this year’s team has demonstrated remarkable cohesiveness, making for an easygoing and enjoyable season overall. “The captains this year were absolutely amazing,” Dubose said. “It is hard to name a few people (that stood out), considering at different times during the season everyone helped each other at all times--which is another huge reason we were so successful this season. No one tried to be the star or hero of the team; they were all one.” Aside from the obvious example of the state competition, the team’s sense of oneness was reflected in some of the other competitions, particularly the San Diego Regionals, in which Corona placed in the top ten out of more than 20 other schools. That being said, this season was not without its fair share of

life & timesR obstacles, primarily in the way that Winterguard is perceived by the school and the other athletic teams. “Winterguard is an athletic activity like other sports, but the challenge is that it isn’t widely recognized as such,” Dubose said. “We’re working on changing that perception at Corona so that the guard is treated equally with other athletic teams.” Despite what other sports may think, there remains little doubt that this year’s season, along with its crowning victory, will not be forgotten by those who played a role in making the team’s dreams into a reality. “It was a wonderful experience and a great way to end my senior year,” senior Angie Mallik said. As far as next season is concerned, Dubose remains optimistic about the team’s future prospects. “(My goal for next season is) to retain as many of these members as possible,” Dubose said. “We are only graduating three people out of the 21, and since I have been here over the last five years, we have done nothing but build this program into a successful, hardworking team. My staff and I will continue to grow this program and get more people involved so that we can go to state, regionals and, one day, nationals to show others how the Aztecs compete.” Within the next couple of weeks, Winterguard will be paying a visit to some of the local middle schools in the hopes of recruiting new members. For the time being, however, its current members remain grateful for the memorable season they had this year. “It was just really rewarding just to know that you’re part of a group that has continued to get better for the past three years,” Sitz said. “It’s really special.”R

Right: Winterguard sophomore Andrea Arellano performs at the state competition at Mesquite High School. Below: Senior Angie Mallik helps bring the show to an end. Photos by Devika Sharan.

“Honestly, everyday has been a proud moment... I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed coming to work with a team this much on a daily basis. They make it easy to come to work because of what they put in.” RDubose April 2014 R9

Looking for more time to text or even study? Take transit. If you live in Tempe you can ride transit for free. To get a youth transit pass, stop by the Tempe Transit Store at 200 E. Fifth St. For a list of required paperwork, visit www.tempe.gov/tim or call 480-858-2350.

bus 路 bike 路 walk 路 rail 10 R April 2014

Emily Krull:


A Trifecta of Talent

Katelyn Stys | Staff Writer

Finding the perfect balance between home life and work life often seems an impossible feat to accomplish. However, Corona English teacher Emily Krull has seemed to find an efficient way to juggle her packed full life. For the past nine years, Krull has been teaching drama and musical theatre classes at a K-8 charter school. Although this is her first year teaching English, she is up for the challenge. Adding to her busy life as a teacher, Krull is also a new mom. “Being a new mom has been wonderful, but it’s also been a lot of work,“ Krull said. “A baby takes a lot of time and attention, and unfortunately, as a parent, you don’t get a lot of sleep.” Even though sleep is scarce, Krull works hard to make sure she stays on top of all her schoolwork. “I don’t have the luxury of wasting time,” Krull said. “Rather, I have to make sure that I don’t procrastinate. Otherwise I’d never keep up with everything.” On top of being a mother and a teacher, Krull pursues what she loves by participating in musicals and plays. Krull has been acting for years and it has been a passion since she was young. At Illinois State University, Krull earned a degree in acting and has been acting at most of the professional theatres throughout the valley and some theatres around the United States. “I worked for years to improve my craft and was cast by Arizona Theatre Company in their production of The Pajama Game”, Krull said. “As part of that contract, I earned my Actors Equity Association Membership.” Over the course of the past few years, Krull has been in numerous plays. “At this point I don’t know that I can even count how many plays I’ve been in, but some of my favorite roles have been Prudie in Pump Boys and Dinnettes, Meg in Brigadoon, Sister Robert in Anne in Nunsense and Kate Monster/ Lucy in Avenue Q,” Krull said. Currently, Krull is partaking in rehearsals for Avenue Q at Phoenix Theatre. “Avenue Q is essentially Sesame Street for grown ups. It takes the approach of teaching lessons to adults through a Sesame Street-type format,” Krull said. Although the play sounds fun and childish, Krull assures it’s not. “It’s important to note that even though there are puppets, this show is not for young kids,” Krull said. “It is a mature piece that features both language and adult situations. I tend to liken it to a rated R movie. It’s very funny, but very irreverent.” Krull notes she tries her best to keep up with all her responsibilities and is happy she surrounds herself with good people. “I’m extremely fortunate that I have an incredibly supportive family who is willing to pitch in to help when I’m at my busiest,” Krull said. R

Krull poses with a puppet while rehearsing for Avenue Q. She has enjoyed acting from a young age. Photo courtesy of Emily Krull

April 2014 R11


Major SAT changes in effect for 2016 Aashini Choksi | Life & Times Editor

Since its administration in 1926, the SAT has been surrounded by controversy and debate. Over time, it has been redesigned and doctored in order to make it the most accurate assessment of students across the nation. However, it will be changed once again in the spring of 2016. The most striking changes came in 2005 when the essay portion was added, changing the total score from 1600 to 2400. In addition, certain types of questions were removed, including the infamous analogies. These changes were made to make the test slightly more difficult as a result of an increase in perfect scores. SAT originally stood for Scholastic Aptitude Test, and then was changed to the Scholastic Assessment Test. It was changed once again in 2005 to the SAT Reasoning Test, giving the three letters no apparent meaning. “I think it’s a decent way for colleges to compare students sideby-side from different schools across the country,” counselor Dan Brugger said. “It tries to create an even playing field so I think it’s a good effort in that. The downfall is that…it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re getting the brightest students or the ones with the highest aptitude. (It is just) people who test well or prepared for the test.” By 2016, the whole test will be renovated. The dreaded vocabulary section, which consists of obscure words ranging from adumbrate to zephyr, will be replaced with more common words. The math questions which ranged from countless topics and theorems will now be focused

on linear equations and functions. In addition, some math sections will not allow a calculator. Some of the biggest changes are that the test will be available on paper and online and the overall score going back to a total of 1600. The essay will become optional and have a separate score for those who choose to take it. Finally, there will be no points deducted for wrong answers. SAT test prep will also be significantly changed. Previously, students have been able to buy books consisting of study tips and practice tests, enroll in month-long classes or online courses or even hire private tutors. However, in order to give all students a fair advantage, the non-profit website, Khan Academy, will form a partnership with College Board and offer free online SAT test prep. “What I’ve heard is that they are modernizing it, which I’m definitely in favor of,” freshman Nomith Murari said. “If they keep testing the way they’ve been doing it, then the methods are going to get outdated and nobody will do really well on it. I think it will definitely be better for the newer test takers.” These changes can be attributed to the SAT’s decrease in popularity; last year, more college-bound students took the ACT over the SAT. Regardless of the reason, these changes are coming soon and students should be aware of the new regulations. “Hopefully the new test is a little bit better,” Brugger said. R

Quick Facts: What’s New

RCalculator prohibited in certain sections ROptional essay portion R1600 possible points, not 2400 RFree test prep through Khan Academy RNo deductions for wrong answers

PARCC testing underway at Corona Nikki Hinshaw | Clubs Editor

In the wake of AIMS testing, new waves of standardized exams are being considered. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test is a contender for the new state-issued testing that all high school students must pass to graduate. The field or pilot tests have been distributed and many problems have arisen concerning the nature of these exams. “There are two field tests: a PBA (Performance Based Assessment) and an EOY (End of Year Assessment),” Principal Brent Brown said. Seven teachers had been randomly chosen to administer these tests to one of their classes, and are listed as follows: Renate Koehn’s 6th hour students (EOY), Andy Strom’s 5th hour students (EOY), Rick Wanta’s 3rd hour students (EOY), Mark Rhiner’s 1st hour students (EOY), Margie DiCesare’s 2nd hour students (PBA and EOY), Kiel Warren’s 6th hour students (PBA and

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EOY) and one student from Kristine Yee’s class (PBA and EOY). Although they are essential aspects of the testing process, some teachers were skeptical of this test’s benefits. “It’s inconvenient because it has to be on computers and they are taking out teachers who are teaching current curriculum in computer labs to do a test as a pilot, and that doesn’t make sense to me,” DiCesare said. The PBA test was scheduled to run on March 31 and April 1 but soon encountered problems with the electronic method of distribution. “The field test is three days, and the first day the school’s Internet was not connecting so we didn’t do the first day,” DiCesare said. Tests covered a variety of subjects including Algebra 1-2, Geometry 1-2, Algebra 3-4 and Freshman English, and lasted for a duration of six hours for the PBA and will last three-and-a-half hours for the EOY. After

the issues exposed the first day, the school prepared for a second attempt at proctoring the test. “We did the first two tests and there were a few people that had trouble logging on but for the most part it went much faster and was pretty simple,” DiCesare said. The school will move forward with testing and work to avoid technological problems for the EOY tests on May 7 and 13. Discovering the issues with the PARCC pilot tests is the essential goal in determining the future of the PARCC test at Corona and in the state. “There are little things that are tricky because you’re doing a multiple day test,” DiCesare said. “You can’t submit the test if you accidently submit (the test) they have to call the company to release that person’s work. Those are little glitches which with 25 kids taking the test isn’t a big glitch, but with the whole school, would be a concern.” R

life & timesR

Yearbook distribution changed

Devika Sharan | Managing Editor

The end of the year is around the corner and it’s just about time to expect yearbooks. However, those looking forward to the annual yearbook signing party will be sorely disappointed. “For a variety of reasons, we have chosen not to have our nighttime signing party,” yearbook advisor Margie DiCesare said. In recent years, the party has diminished in popularity and attendance has shrunk drastically, forcing yearbook members to question whether it was worth it. “(The) signing party used to be an event where a thousand to 12 hundred kids came,” DiCesare said. “But for a lot of reasons, between choir pops rehearsals, track, baseball, work and I think even the popularity in the uniqueness of the yearbook because people are bombarded with pictures everyday of their life, (attendance) has diminished.” DiCesare and other staff members felt the efforts put into the signing party weren’t worth the number of students who attend. “Our students took a tremendous amount of time to get that party together,” DiCesare

said. “The writing was on the wall; you just can’t do that kind of effort, that kind of work, for 300 to 400 people.”

Photo courtesy of Margie DiCesare

Students exchange yearbooks at a yearbook signing party. A party will not be held this year. So instead of their usual yearbook signing party, the staff has decided to instead simply put together a time and place for book distribution. “Our new distribution plan means that we

will be distributing books on May 7 beginning at fourth lunch through the afternoon; it’s an early release day so it will be after school until 2:30,” DiCesare said. “So hopefully it will give enough people time before spots start and what not.” Students will simply be able to walk over to the small gym in their free time and pick up their yearbooks. “So everyone at lunch can sit around there and sign or they can go out and about,” DiCesare said. “If a teacher wants to bring their class down and just stay there, if they want me to be their lesson plan that day, OK.” The goal for this new design is that enough students will attend in this one-day period; in order to lessen the amount needed to distribute the next week through the bookstore. In this way, lines in the bookstore are expected to decrease significantly. “My hope is that we can distribute threequarters of the books that we have sold in this one-day shop rather than a week long of long lines in the bookstore the next week,” DiCesare said. ” R

April 2014R13

Rlife & times


places with secret menus Jacqui Marzocca | Editor-in-Chief

If you haven’t heard of a secret menu, you’re out of the loop. Luckily, the Sunrise is here to fill you in. A secret menu is a menu of items sold at a restaurant that do not actually appear on the menu. Oftentimes when you order this special food, you will even need to tell the person taking your order the recipe. #HackTheMenu is a website which covers many secret menus and the secret foods the restaurant carries. Check out hackthemenu. com for popularity of the item, prices and a description of each menu item.

1. Starbucks

• Cotton Candy Frappuccino • Chocolate Dalmation • Zebra Mocha Frappuccino (above) • Cookies & Cream Frappuccino

*Recipes may be found at hackthemenu.com

14 R April 2014

3. Chick-Fil-A

• Blueberry Cheesecake Milkshake (ask for a blended piece of a blueberry Five Guys cheesecake into a vanilla milkshake) • Patty Melt (below) • Chick-fil-A “free” IceDream (if you • Well-Done Fries order the kids menu, then you can (fried longer to up the exchange the toy for this free ice cream crispy factor) cone) (right)


5.Chipotle 4. In-N-Out

• Protein Burger (wrapped in lettuce instead of buns) (left) • Root Beer Float (vanilla shake mixed with root beer) • Flying Dutchman (2 slices of cheese in between two patties)

• Quesarito (burrito wrapped in a cheese quesadilla) (above) • Taco Salad (salad inside a fried tortilla shell) • Nachos (chips covered in cheese, beans, meat and salsa)

6. Jamba Juice


Kentucky Fried Chicken

• Triple Down (a double down with extra chicken, bacon and cheese) • Hot Pocket Bowl (a chicken-filled hot pocket covered in cheese, corn and gravy) • Poutine (french fries covered in cheese and gravy) (below)

• Chocolate Covered Strawberry Smoothie (chocolate Moo’d Smoothie + 1 scoop of frozen yogurt + 1 scoop of strawberries) • San Diego (6 oz. orange juice + 4 oz. lemonade + 1 scoop orange sherbert + 1 scoop lime sherbert + ice)


life & times R

8. Taco Bell • The Hulk (simply adding extra guacaomole to a burrito) • Waffle Taco ($.99 sausage patty and scrambled) • Quesadilla (below)

Photos by Bridget Manning, Sara Montano, Elizabeth Cheney, Devika Sharan and Max Butler


• Pickle-O’s (deep fried and battered pickles) • Frito Pie (chili and melted cheese on a pile of Fritos) • Purple Sprite (sprite with lemonade, powerade and cranberry juice) • Sonic Sunrise (orange juice and cherry limeade) (right)

10. McDonald’s •Root Beer Float •Pie McFlurry (ask for a mix of a pie into your McFlurry) (left)

Note: Some recipe items must be requested separately and mixed by consumer

April 2014 R 15

Rlife & times

Junior starts AQ magazine branch Manali Chavan | Social Media Editor

The staff of AQ included photographers, writers and a mangagement team. The entire staff was recruited by Fernandez. (left to right) Zi Yang Lai, Rayann Galindo, Alex Singh, Isabella Hulsizer, Mallory Hayhurst, Cienna Fernandez, Sidney Bussler, Kelly Robb, Jamie Cohen, Brooke Schofield, Maddie Mansperger, Trace Langely Photos by Kelly Zimmer


unior Cienna Fernandez shivered as she entered into one of the conference rooms at a high school journalism convention held in Boston. She maneuvered through the crowd as one of the advisors encouraged the group of high school journalists to sit in small circles and get to know one another. Fernandez, who had wanted to attend the leadership seminar, did as she was told. She listened to the group of students surrounding her, but only paid attention to one girl. For the next few minutes the two engaged in small talk. Eventually, the Kentucky high school senior, Alexa Pence, shared with Fernandez her post-graduation plans, and that was Aberrance Quarterly (AQ). “AQ is a half feminist empowerment magazine and half local fashion,” Fernandez said. “What we do is we produce stories about local feminists around the city and the latter half of the magazine is a fashion editorial.” Fernandez, who has taken yearbook production since her freshman year and was this year’s underclass editor, was greatly intrigued by the idea of a student-run magazine. Pence, founder and creator of AQ, didn’t spare a moment once she realized Fernandez’s genuine interest. “We exchanged numbers and said we should go get some coffee and talk about it,” Fernandez said. “That’s kind of how it all started.” Once Fernandez landed back in Arizona, she realized that the idea of AQ had not left her thoughts. Within the next month she received a e-mail from Pence outlining the entire process of creating a Tempe branch of AQ. Fernandez expressed the rush of excitment she felt in that moment in her first “Letter from the Editor.” “What really caught my attention were the last few most thrilling, yet frightening words that may have ever danced through my mind in

16 RApril 2014

my 16 years of existence: ‘Thank you ladies and congratulations, you are now Editors of Aberrance Quarterly,’” Fernandez wrote. As Fernandez set forth on a mission to fulfill her dreams, it was no surprise that not everyone was as enthusiastic. By taking on the project Fernandez had to find a full magazine staff and raise $1,500 dollars, not to mention find content. “She (Pence) had some very stringent deadlines, rules and demands,” yearbook adviser Margie DiCesare said. “I was a little reluctant, thinking, ‘This can’t happen. That’s a lot of money that they’re supposed to raise and it’s asking a lot of students in a very short amount of time.’” Despite the doubts, Fernandez moved forward with her plan. Pence had warned her early on about hiring friends as staff members. Fernandez kept her advice in mind and took to social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook to spread the word about AQ. “When I first heard about AQ it was from Cienna’s tweet,” freshman staff writer Jenna Mansperger said. “She was just explaining it and then I called her and asked her about it.” At the start of the production many people showed interest, but only a small group of students stayed throughout the entire process. “At the beginning we had quite a bit of kids,” senior social correspondent Trace Langely said. “It seemed like they were interested and seemed like they wanted to be a big part of what we had going on. But towards the end we had to cut some kids and we became more of a tight-knit staff.” Despite the loss of staff members, the AQ team spent countless hours making sure its content would appeal to its readers. With an age demographic of 15 to 34, AQ aims to share stories of women empowerment that anyone can relate to.

life & times R

(From left to right) Fernandez smiles with Pence after being reunited this March for the College Madia Association Convention. In hopes of getting people interested in AQ, Fernandez attended multiple publicity events, such as Phoenix Fashion Week. Fernandez poses with a fashion magazine in hand on the streets of New York. Photos courtesy of Cienna Fernandez “We talk about what we think is important now with women,” Fernandez and her staff have grown better at over the past few months. Fernandez said. “I think it’s good for someone to read our stories and Fernandez herself attended Phoenix Fashion Week and, with AQ in one hand and her neon yellow Kate Spade purse in the other, displayed her know people are feeling the same things.” publication to the fashion community. One of the greatest difficulties the “You meet photographers, you AQ staff faced during the production meet PR people, just a whole bunch of its spring issue was raising of people that are in the fashion world enough funds. One week before the and journalistic world,” Fernandez magazine was to be sent to the press, said. “People will reach back out to Fernandez called an emergency you because people want to know meeting at a local Starbucks. With a what you’re doing.” pained expression, she told her staff Along with the success of AQ’s it needed to raise $1,060 within the spring issue, which debuted March 20, next two days. However, this time the magazine was able to pick up nine it was the AQ staff ’s turn to “wow” new branches at the recent College Fernandez. The team used all its Media Association Convention in New connections and resources to earn York that was held in March. For some the money they needed. of the staff members, it’s difficult to “Within hours we got maybe grasp how far they’ve come. $300,” Fernandez said. “We actually “I think it’s cool that it actually did end up making deadline and happened at all,” senior managing we raised $1,060 in two days. That’s editor Kelly Robb said. “I didn’t really probably been the most rewarding know what to expect from it because moment because if we didn’t get the Fernandez gives a speech at the AQ spring issue launch party. The I had only seen the one magazine and money we weren’t going to print.” theme for the eveing was a “black and white affair.” I didn’t know how we were going to Fernandez often looked to her have our own.” mom for advice when faced with struggles such as this. When asked about the future, it’s impossible to overlook Fernandez’s “My mom just told me, ‘You’re in it for the journalism, not the marketing. Marketing is new to you. Don’t get down on it; we’ll work wide-eyed, hopeful face, but she promises she’s planning on taking everything one step at a time. through it,’” Fernandez said. “Right now I think I just want to keep going with what’s going on, One of the main sources of revenue for AQ is selling ads to local businesses. The concept of working connections has been something keep making more issues, see where it goes,” Fernandez said. 

April 2014 R 17

Rlife & times

Key Club excels at district convention Brenna Bochenek |Staff Writer The Corona del Sol Key Club has dedicated a large amount of effort each division in attendance, and the delegates vote on the individual to volunteering this year. Key Club received much deserved recognition they think should represent the schools in the division. “As lieutenant governor I will be communicating with the board and last month, when the club competed at the Tuscon District convention. distributing monthly reports, newsletters “We go to the convention every and articles throughout the division,” year, and it’s all of the Key Clubs in Gopal said. “Also, I will be training the Arizona, New Mexico and part of Texas,” officers and Administrative Team while club sponsor Sheryl Braun said. “It’s instilling collaborative projects between a weekend where all of the clubs get the schools.” together and share ideas and teach the Key Club also took home first place newer members about Key Club so that for its digital poster and second place for they can get the bigger picture of how its scrapbook. big Key Club actually is.” “We took pictures throughout the Some of Corona’s Key Club’s honors year in order to make the projects reflect included third place for achievement in the club,” Gopal said. the Platinum Division and third place for Key Club also won first place for Single Service in the Platinum Division. its recruitment video. The goal of the “The Achievement Award is a really recruitment video project was to find the great award that just shows the overall best way to make students want to join performance of our club,” Braun said. Key Club in a minute or less. “For the Single Service Award we pick a “Our video had various club members project that we are particularly proud of and officers explain the impact of Key and we write up a story about it and we Club on their lives and appreciating Key enter it in.” Club through different perspectives,” In addition to participating in Gopal said. “Thanks to the success of our competitions, Key Club’s Junior Class video, it will be shown along with the Representative Pragathi Gopal was elected lieutenant governor of the South Key club took home six trophies from the Southwest poster and scrapbook at the International Mountain Division. Two delegates from the District Convention. The video and poster took first place. Key Club Convention this summer to South Mountain Division are chosen from

Photo by Sapna Daryanani

Key Club members pose with their trophies at the convention. Schools from TUSHD took home a third of the total trophies. Photo courtesy of

Sheryl Braun

18 R April 2014

members around the globe.” R

Advisor Sheryl Braun shows off the trophies at a Key Club meeting. There are a total of 148 members in Key Club. Photo by Sapna Daryanani

life & times R

The Great Gatsby Prom 2014 Location & Time

May 3 8 p.m. to midnight Phoenix Art Museum 1625 N. Central Ave, Phoenix

Ticket pricing

Tickets can be purchased in the bookstore $85 from April 14 to May 2 for couples $50 from April 14 to May 2 for singles $90 at the door for couples $55 at the door for singles

A guide to a perfect prom Manali Chavan | Social Media Editor

The weeks before o

Color coordinate: If you're plannning on color coordinating with your date, be sure you're both aware of the color scheme. Girls can often give their date the straps of their dress or the additional fabric cut off during hemming to find the right color for a tie or vest. o Book a limo: You can request quotes from limo services based on the size of your group and how long you’d like to keep the limo. Beware, some limo services place restrictions on limos rented for prom, such as a six hour minimum rental time. o Restaurant reservations: Be sure to book this ahead of time. You want to be sure the restaurant can accommodate the amount of people in your group. Classic places for dinner in the area include BJ’s, The Cheesecake Factory or Olive Garden. If your group would like to go to a restaurant closer.

to the venue, then try out restaurants such as Centurion or Carly’s Bistro. o Hair and makeup appointment: Book these well in advance. Make sure you select a time that will still allow you enough time to get dressed as this can take between two to three hours. o Select a corsage or boutannire: Certain stores will allow you to order them over the phone, while others will ask you to come in and make a selection. o Book a nail appointment: For those girls who are planning to get their nails done for prom, try to book your nail appointments about a week in advance. Often times you can do walk-ins for nail appointments, but with a prom almost every weekend salons are bound to be busy. Better safe than sorry.

The day of


o Taking photos: If your parents are planning on taking photos, make sure they have their cameras charged and space on memory cards. Be sure to get to your location on time, the sun sets around 7 p.m. o Bring the essentials: Tickets, school ID’s, cell phones, and money o Driving to the location: It’s about a 20 minute car ride from Corona del Sol to the Phoenix Art Museum. Plan to leave a bit early because there will most likely be traffic.

o Fast food places open late: If you’re looking for something to do after prom the following resturants are open late In-n-Out: open until 1 a.m. Taco Bell: open until 2 a.m. IHop: open 24 hours

April 2014 R19

Rlife & times

Dancing across the nation

Devika Sharan | Managing Editor

For some students dance is just a way to get a P.E. credit out of the a co-op.” Parent volunteers and company directors Antoine Olds and Ambur way or just something fun to do at social events. For others, like senior Towns mainly run the non-profit company. The Federation of Dance Sierra Conner, it is almost a way of life. “Dancing for me is a way to have fun, show your personality and it is Competitions (FDC) also chose the studio as one of the top 10 studios in the Pacific Region. a release from stress of everyday life,” Conner said. “We dance in about five to Conner has been dancing seven regional competitions during for Soul Shock Dance regular season that qualify us for Company for the last three national competitions,” Conner said. years; however, she has been “And this year for nationals, we are dancing for much longer. going to Panama City, Florida.” “I’ve been dancing since I Her goals for the national was 2 and my mom put me in competition this year are high dance classes because I used but nothing that cannot be to dance around our kitchen,” accomplished with the company. Conner said. “My hopes this year are that She has danced at the we just go and do the best we can,” national dance competition Conner said. “And hopefully win every year with this dance again.” company and together went However, this year will be the on to win the National KAR last that Conner will be dancing with Competition in Las Vegas last the Soul Shock Dance Company, year. these directors and these girls. “We won nationals with “You can only compete until this dance called ‘The End’ you’re 19 and I would like to focus and it was a contemporary on college,” Conner said. “Right now dance with about 18 girls in it,” I’m debating on whether or not to Conner said. continue dancing in the future, but I The dance company think it would be really cool to do so.” consists of 39 girls, Conner Conner performs at the K.A.R. dance competition. Conner has been dancing since she was two. Photos courtesy of Melissa Mulera Conner has also competed being the only one who attends Corona. “We were originally going to a studio called Dance Depot and the week before nationals we found out the studio was going under,” Conner said. “After nationals we didn’t have a studio for us to dance with so some of the dads had gotten together and decided to make

Conner leaps during the K.A.R. competiton.

20 R April 2014

individually, but that in itself can’t compete with dancing with her company. “My most memorable competition was nationals last year,” Conner said. “It was really cool because you could tell how much we had grown throughout the year and everyone did the best they could.”R

Conner (center), Mountain Pointe’s Marin Olson and Desert Vista’s Caroline Woody perform a dance at the competition.

life & timesR

“We got to watch him (Mike Brown from The Blue Man Group) do what he would do with our parts and that really showed us what we should be doing,” Rivers said.




Photos by Max Butler and Devika Sharan

continued from cover Suddenly, the note all three boys have been waiting for plays and, within a split second, they each are beating their paddles against the tubes in front of them. Rivers, Carr and Wilson are all part of “The Orange Man Group” that performs with the advanced percussion class. Inspired by the musical act “The Blue Man Group,” these musicians enter the stage as orange-colored men whose only form of communication is through their eyes, facial expressions and their movement. “You have to make a physical connection with your eyes and your face,” Rivers said. “It’s really important to stay focused and be interactive with people in order to get ‘The Orange Man’ creepiness feel towards the people.” Auditions to be an Orange Man were held in November. Since the students were already skilled in percussion, it was their acting skills that snagged them the role of an Orange Man. Those who auditioned for the part participated in a number of different acting exercises. “Basically we played a bunch of games,” Carr said. “They put us in groups of three or four and said to pick one person you’re in love with, one person that you hate and one person that you think is funny. Everyone picked a different person in their head. The person you

hate you want to avoid them, the person you love you want to go get them and the person you think is funny you laugh at.” One of the key components to being an Orange Man is observation. The three musicians have been working since the auditions on improving their physical responses to their surroundings. “I watched a lot of Blue Man YouTube videos on how to get the feel of what the stance is, the face, how they look and how they act with each other,” Rivers said. Recently Mike Brown, one of the members of The Blue Man Group, visited Corona to give a presentation to the advanced percussion class. He worked closely with the three Orange Men to work on their expressions and movement. “We got to watch him (Brown) do what he would do with our parts and that really showed us what we should be doing,” Rivers said. In years past “The Orange Man Group” was simply a performance for assemblies or other school-related events. However, this year percussion has incorporated the routine into competitions. “It wasn’t a show,” Wilson said. “It was just a thing to entertain the school, but now it’s a big production. It’s something different and we’re competing with it against all the other world

division competitors across the country.” Student teacher Fouad Melki, who is majoring in music performance at Arizona State University, has been working with the Orange Man Group since day one. Melki was an Orange Man himself his senior year at Corona. “It’s a very organic process,” Melki said. “Suggestions come from everywhere and the Orange Men are very receptive and responsive.” Melki has been working with the students to make sure the performance is up to competition standards. “At competition there’s more of a strict code we have to do,” Wilson said. “We have to do certain things in a certain amount of time. It’s not as loose and it’s not as laid back. We’re actually performing and we have to perform and play well.” The largest event percussion will be showcasing “The Orange Man” at will be the Winter Guard International (WGI) Percussion World Championship in Dayton, Ohio, on April 10. After this year the expectations for “The Orange Man” performances will be greatly raised for both competitions and in-house performances. “It (The Orange Man Group) has gotten better every time we’ve done it and will keep this momentum,” Melki said. R

April 2014 R21


“If you just play one sport, sure, you probably love the sport, but being able to play three sports for the entire year, you just get so many new people that you play with.” RBaker

“I just love the competition and I love being part of a team. I love trying to work hard and just get better and improve at something.” RMoore

“(My favorite part is) hanging out with all of the men I play with and the adrenaline from competition.” RClare

Photos by Kelly Zimmer

22 R April 2014

Three seasons, three athletes


Athletes talk about positives, negatives of playing a sport every season Carson Pyatt | Staff Writer Being a student athlete seems difficult enough; student athletes must figure out a way to balance practices, games or meets, schoolwork, social life and sometimes a job. Many student athletes at Corona seem to take the ultimate test of being a student athlete: playing a sport all three seasons. This causes for additional physical, mental and academic stress. Playing a sport all three seasons of the school year proves challenging for many, but a few Corona athletes seem to make everything work. Junior Chris Baker played soccer his whole life, but he looked to expand his horizons athletically when he entered high school. He joined the football, soccer and volleyball teams, and now plays all three sports at the varsity level. “I really wanted to get a wider experience,” Baker said. “I’d never played any other sport except for soccer. I knew it was going to be a lot of time. Most of my days are just practice, go home and do homework, so (I have) only weekends really for social.” In order to balance his athletics, academics and social life, Baker tries to complete his homework in class, relieving him of the burden after coming home from a tough practice. When he does take home homework, he typically works on it right away so that he can focus better and remain alert. Baker said that for him, the hardest part about being a student athlete is time management. Senior Mike Clare seems to suffer the same side effects Baker does as a result of being a student athlete. Clare participates in the football, wrestling and lacrosse seasons, all at the varsity level. Most notably, he recently placed third in the state wrestling meet.

“(The hardest part is) having to try and balance school, sports and having a social life,” Clare said. “Academically I space out most of the work ahead of time so I don’t get too tired.” Senior Sammi Moore spends her school year participating in three varsity athletics as well: cross country, basketball and track. Moore, who has been playing basketball for nine years, made the decision to play high school basketball easily. However, after starting to run with her dad, she decided to try out cross country, which in turn lead to participating in track. Despite her love of all three sports, Moore admits that being a student athlete can be tough at times. “I sacrifice sleep because I try to keep a 4.0 (GPA) most of the time,” Moore said. “I still try to be social on the weekends, but definitely during the week I don’t have time for anything else besides school and sports.” Even though playing multiple sports affects mostly the athletes, it also affects the coaches and their teams. With seasons oftentimes spilling into other sports seasons, sometimes athletes can miss certain pre or post season activities, which can offer certain challenges for coaches. “I would say staying connected and keeping them relevant to… what goes on in the program year round (is the most difficult),” varsity boys soccer coach Dan Salas said when asked the hardest part about coaching a multiple sport athlete such as Baker. “In years past I’ve had some of my best players (who play multiple sports) where you’re hoping they’re doing enough. Soccer is one of those sports where the more you play, the more sharp you stay… if you drift too far away from it without coming back to it soon enough, the basic movements and the skill and craft it truly

takes is definitely hit. ” Despite the academic and social strains of being an all-year student athlete, all three athletes agree that the benefits far outweigh the negatives to playing sports in every season of the year. “If you just play one sport, sure, you probably love the sport, but being able to play three sports for the entire year, you just get so many new people that you play with,” Baker said. “I get to meet a whole different set of people (with) every sport.” Clare agrees that the best part about being a student athlete is being part of a team and the competition. “(My favorite part is) hanging out with all of the men I play with and the adrenaline from competition,” Clare said. Moore also enjoys the team aspect and the competition they face during all three of her sports. “I just love the competition and I love being part of a team,” Moore said. “I love trying to work hard and just get better and improve at something.” Multiple coaches at Corona also believe that playing more than one sport is more of a benefit than a burden. “I’m always very in favor of what’s best for the athlete,” Salas said. “If they have to miss some games but it’s the best for that player and their family then… it’s mutually exclusive.” “I think that it can decrease burnout in sports and it can help decrease overuse injuries,” varsity girls basketball coach Andy Strom said. “I think this era of specialization is a negative thing. If an athlete can play another sport and they are good enough to make the team, they should definitely do it. Multiple sports leads to well-rounded athletes.” R

April 2014 R23



Lake spikes up competition Devika Sharan |Managing Editor


ome people are just born with the natural instinct to lead others. They can be someone other people want to follow, look up to and go to for advice. Senior Matt Lake, varsity player for the Corona’s boys volleyball team, is that proven captain on the court. “He’s really turned into a leader for the team,” boys volleyball coach Brynne Evans said. “He was voted to captain as a junior, which is always really telling if the group already is looking to him and he’s not even a senior yet.” Lake has been a part of Corona’s varsity boys volleyball team for four years now. “I started (playing volleyball) around the beginning of freshman year,” Lake said. “All of my brothers played volleyball before, so I kind of grew up around it.” Next year, Lake will be attending Utah Valley University as a freshman in order to continue his career as a volleyball player. “I think he’ll do great,” Evans said. “He just has a really welcoming attitude towards others so I think that that lends to him going into that experience and it being positive for him.” Lake spends countless hours working towards his goals and to becoming a better player. “It’s two hours (after school) plus a workout five days every week and then we have tournaments and games,” Lake said. Throughout his years at Corona, Lake worked his way up to varsity. “I started low on the totem pole,” Lake said. However, his stay on the junior varsity team was short-lived and he was quickly brought up to the varsity level that same year. “Now I’m a leader on the court and I can help my teammates and I can take them to victory,” Lake said. “I’ve definitely grown a lot.” Lake has been playing on the same team with his fellow teammates for years now and they’ve been through their ups and downs together. “We all kind of grow together and we all get excited for someone if someone does something well,” Lake said.

story continued on page 25 Senior Matt Lake jump serves the ball. The Aztecs played the Centennial Coyotes on March 19. Photo by Elizabeth Cheney

24 R April 2014

Volleyba l a place l is kind of like t my mind hat I go to in . really ex It’ll just get me c happy, ited and really an forget a d I can just bout any thing.


Lake celebrates a comeback win. The Aztecs beat the Coyotes with a final score of 3-2.

continued from page 24 Lake’s teammates have also seen how he has grown over the years and how he has become a better player. “One of the biggest things is he used to always drop the ball through his hands when he was setting, so it would go right through his hands and hit him on the forehead,” senior Braedon O’Meara said. “I think that’s the biggest thing we’ve seen improvement on, but just in general he’s improved as a player and he’s grown, physically too.” Lake plays a myriad of roles on the team; on the court, he plays as the outside hitter, right side hitter and center for the team. “He’s definitely one of our strongest players,” O’Meara said. “He can hit, he can pass, he can set.” “This year we’re kind of moving him around to wherever we can kind of find the best position for him,” Evans said. “He’s one of those kids that I know I can count on if I need someone to fill in here or fill in there. So I’m excited because I feel like he’s developing even more because he’s learning multiple positions too.” Volleyball has been an important aspect of Lake’s life for the last four years and will continue to be the same in the future. “Volleyball is kind of like a place that I go to in my mind,” Lake said. “It’ll just get me really excited and really happy, and I can just forget about anything.” R

Lake passes the ball to a teammate. Lake had thirteen points during the game. Photos by Elizabeth Cheney

April 2014 R25


Poole overcomes injuries, leads baseball team Carson Pyatt | Staff Writer


hen senior Garrett Poole was only an infant, his father would place a baseball in his crib beside him. He has never looked back. “I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t playing baseball,” Poole said. “My earliest memories are crawling around my living room and playing catch with my dad before I could even really stand.” After starting to play tee ball at age four, Poole has continued to play baseball throughout his life. He has taken countless hours to better himself, taking extra fielding practice, weight lifting and running. Upon entering high school, Poole looked to try out for the baseball team. He originally made the freshman team, but that arrangement was shortlived. A week into the season, Poole received a message from a varsity player that would forever change his high school athletic experience. “I was out to dinner…and I got a text from a kid on varsity… and he said ‘you need to call me right now’,” Poole said. “I thought something was up and something really bad happened. He called me and said ‘(Coach Dave) Webb’s going to call you up to varsity. It was one of those moments where I dropped the phone and sat down. I couldn’t even believe it.” Making only one start on the freshman team, Poole became a member of the varsity Aztec baseball team. Freshmen do not typically make the varsity baseball team, but that did not seem to affect Poole’s playing time. He went on to start eight games his freshman year and became an important factor of the baseball team. Webb originally pulled Poole up to varsity because he needed a pitcher who could throw a good changeup. Webb doesn’t regret for a second moving Poole from the freshman team to varsity. “He pitched against some of the best teams in the state,” Webb said about Poole’s freshman year. “He dealt to those guys.” After a successful freshman season for Poole, things seemed to be looking bright. He joined a club team looking to improve his game but suffered a season-ending injury. In late December of his sophomore year, Poole tore his ACL and was no longer able to play. He underwent surgery in late January of his sophomore year and rehabbed three times a week for six months. Poole was cleared to play in the fall of his junior year. He was so thrilled to be back on the field, playing the sport he loves so much that he developed another injury. Instead of playing on the Corona golf team, as he had done in past seasons, Poole spent his afternoons in the fall of his junior year practicing, throwing pitches and long toss for sometimes three hours. He developed a UCL strain in his elbow and stopped practicing baseball in hopes to restore his arm for his junior year season. He spent his season as a member of the varsity team, but was unable to throw almost at all.

26 R April 2014

“It (was) disheartening,” Webb said. “But it happens. We had to adjust.” During his time unable to play, Webb said the aspect of Poole’s game they missed the most was his pitching. Injury free, Poole now looks to make his senior year season his best yet. “I just plan to play really hard,” Poole said. “I’m really hoping to just elevate my game in all aspects. My sophomore and junior years I missed a lot of recruiting opportunities, so I’m pitching for a college scholarship right now.” This season, Poole believes the Aztecs will surprise some people with the team they have. “I think we’re definitely a team to be reckoned with,” Poole said. “I don’t think we’re going into the season with that much hype, but I think that that’s good to sort of fly under the radar. Even though were not going to have the guys that are going to drive in 50 runs or hit 10 home runs, we’re definitely going to have guys that are going to get on base and definitely wreak havoc on teams.” Although Poole will be graduating this year and leaving Corona behind, he will never forget the time he spent playing Corona baseball. “I’m just going to miss being around the guys and being around the coaches,” Poole said. “They’re all such good guys… The good thing about this team is we really don’t have any cliques or anything. Everyone is such good friends with everybody else and we really get along well. We’re a big family.” Although Poole will miss his friends and teammates, he will also miss the coaches that helped make him the person and player he is today. “(I’d) thank them so much for the support they’ve given me, as far as helping me through injuries and really helping me grow up,” Poole said. “I really would like to get into coaching and leadership as far as baseball. Being on the bench right next to Coach Webb and Coach (Tanner) Vessely and Coach (George) Sanchez really let me see that part of baseball. I’ve really grown up through the Corona del Sol program through the coaches.” Poole will leave behind a baseball program with numerous guys looking to fill a position on the varsity roster next year. Poole hopes that upcoming varsity players will appreciate the time they have playing high school baseball and work hard. “I’ve had four years (on varsity baseball) and it went by in the blink of an eye,” Poole said. “Work hard and once you get there just keep playing hard every single day.” Webb believes that Poole epitomizes hard work and is an intelligent player. “He’s cerebral, intelligent and an example of hard work for younger kids,” Webb said. “He has a bright future ahead of him.” R


(Above) Poole pitches against Mesquite on March 31. The Aztecs lost 5-3. Photo by Devika Sharan

April 2014 R 27


Two-time state wrestling champ Ethan Tursini prepares for future

Manali Chavan | Social Media Editor Anyone who knows senior Ethan Tursini personally will choose one word to describe him: intense. This two-time state wrestling champion will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. From working hard at practice to keeping his composure during matches, there is never a dull moment with Tursini. “Ethan is one of the hardest working wrestlers I have ever met,” head coach Jim Martinez said. “He works smart and also at an intensity level that is difficult to match.”

The beginning of a lifestyle

Tursini found his passion for wrestling in middle school when he was running cross-country and a teammate suggested he try out for the wrestling team. Although he didn’t enjoy the sport right away, his continued hard work convinced him this was the sport for him. “Once I broke through and won state in middle school, I kind of got in my head that no one can really stop you if you work harder than everyone else,” Tursini said. Tursini’s mentality was put to work as soon as he entered high school. As a 14-year-old freshman on the varsity team, he was faced with the challenge of wrestling athletes much older than him. “Most of the guys I was wrestling were 17 or 18,” Tursini said. “They were monsters and I was just this little scrawny kid.” Throughout his years in Corona wrestling, Tursini has matured as a

wrestler since his freshman year and mastered his own technique. “I’m not always the biggest or strongest,” Tursini said. “I’m pretty technical. I utilize the first four minutes of the first and second period to just beat on their head. My goal is to make them so tired that they can’t even stand up and that’s when I start scoring points.”

Obstacles provide challenge

This year Tursini focused specifically on his mental game after fracturing two ribs in November. “This year he has had to deal with some significant injuries that limited some of the things he could do,” Martinez said. “In dealing with those limitations, he needed to make sure his mental training allowed him to overcome the injury concerns and focus on using techniques that minimized any chance of creating any additional pain as he wrestled.”

The championship match

Although he paid close attention to both his mental and physical game, his state championship match was not as difficult as he anticipated. He won 3-2. “Basically I took him down and then I just controlled the match,” Tursini said. Tursini was especially proud of this match because he was able to overcome such a difficult injury.

continued on page 29

Tursini takes on Mesa Mountain View’s Weston Taylor in the finals of the state championship. Tursini emerged with a 3-2 victory. Photos by Kelly Zimmer

28 RApril 2014


“I never really celebrate, but because of my ribs it was a huge battle for me this year.” Ethan Tursini

Tursini backflips while leaving the mat after his second consecutive state championship. The state championships took place on Feb. 22 at Tim’s Toyota Center in Prescott. Photo by Kelly Zimmer

continued from page 28 Tursini was especially proud of this match because he was able to overcome such a difficult injury. “I never really celebrate, but because of my ribs, it was a huge battle for me this year,” Tursini said. “I was just excited. That’s what you work for your whole life and to do it twice, it’s pretty cool.”


Although Tursini looks up to his coaches for inspiration, his mom has always been his number one inspiration. “My mom is a superwoman,” Tursini said. “She does everything. She sends me to tournaments, she gets the funds, and she’s always there. She cares about it just as much as I do.”


While Tursini has been looking to others

for inspiration, he has also served as one for his teammates. “I just lead by example and I work as hard as I can,” Tursini said. His teammates have watched him grow throughout the years and have taken note of his qualities. “He’s very intense, fun loving, good-natured kid,” sophomore Bridger Barker said.

Wresling at West Point

Tursini will continue wrestling in college at West Point: The U.S. Military Academy. Although it was not part of his original plan to become a part of the military, Tursini was convinced West Point was the school for him once he observed the work ethic around campus. “The people are all focused,” Tursini said. “They’re all driven, they are all working as hard as they can. It’s all do or die up there and that’s

kind of how my lifestyle is and the way I train.” Tursini’s coach is confident he made the right decision for college. “He has selected a program with an outstanding coach and the facilities to take his training to the next level,” Martinez said. “Ethan will find a way to succeed both as an athlete and in pursuit of his education.” Tursini will spend his first year of college in prep school and will then continue for four more years of college education. Afterwards he will serve in the military for five years. Throughout his time at West Point, Tursini has aspirations of participating in either the 2016 or 2020 Olympics. “I’m more focused than ever,” Tursini said. “I want to wrestle in college to gain experience and connections. That’s my goal; that’s my whole life.” 

April 2014 29


30 R April 2014

Freshman Jackie Martin:


breaking records on the track

Story by Sapna Daryanani | Photo by Elizabeth Cheney

“It’d be really cool to set a record,” freshman Jackie Martin had said just one meet into this year’s track season. The next day, at the Aztec Invite on March 7, Martin set two school records: one for the 400m dash with a time of 57.64 seconds, and one with her 4x400 relay team with a time of 3:58.83 minutes. In addition, she broke the Corona freshman record for the 200m run with a time of 25.77 seconds. From the beginning of the season, it was clear that Martin would be a valuable asset to this year’s powerhouse of a team, a considerable portion of which consists of experienced seniors. With several years of athletic training bolstering her performance on the track, however, it should come to no surprise that Martin is a varsity starter on her team. Yet her passion for running did not begin on the track but instead on the field—the soccer field. “I used to play soccer when I was little, and then I kind of realized I like to run,” Martin said. “I started doing club track at the same time, and then I quit club soccer to focus on track when I moved into seventh grade, and since then I’ve just been running.” In 2011, Martin competed in the USA Track and Field Junior Olympics with her club track teammates in the 4x400m relay, placing fourth nationally. Since then, she has been working hard to continue improving her times as she enters the realm of high school track. “Last year I was stuck at a certain time in my 400 and I couldn’t really get past it for a while, so I was getting a little discouraged,” Martin said. “But I just kept working hard and training and I trained—I started really early this season to start getting ready for the meets, and I’ve just been self-motivated.” Martin’s coaches have taken note of the effects of this motivation. “She (Martin) has done a great job working hard and leading by her work efforts,” head coach Tim Kelly said. “I have never seen her shy away from a workout.” Sprint coach Cynthia Washington, who has worked with Martin for several years on her club team, recognizes Martin’s determination as well.

“She’s driven, and I think she’s going to be in the state finals this year as a freshman, which says a whole lot, starting off for her first high school season,” Washington said. Martin has been able to nestle into her position on the varsity team thanks to the guidance of senior teammates, including Grace Ashu, who competes with Martin in the 4x100m and 4x400 relays. “With her (Martin) learning from Grace, being a senior, and being able to continue where Grace has left off, she’s pretty much learning...how to take that leadership on…stepping up and continuing to learn how to be a leader to pull the team,” Washington said. Ashu, a four-year varsity track athlete, sees a great deal of potential in her freshman protégé. “She (Martin) is just an amazing athlete,” Ashu said. “She works super hard, she pushes everyone at practice, pushes me at practice. She can definitely be a state contender this year if she keeps working hard.” The Corona girls 4x400m team is currently ranked No. 1 in the state, after a 3:55.75 finish at the Chandler Rotary Invitational on March 22. In addition, Martin shattered the 400m record she set previously, with a new time of 57.27 seconds. Already demonstrating potential for greatness on the CdS track team, Martin is setting expectations for the remainder of the season, as well as her high school career. “I’m looking forward to the next four years of her being at Corona and her starting as a freshman, already breaking records— it’s very exciting,” Washington said. “There’s more success to come, and venturing into new events. She will possibly be learning how to hurdle so that could set the stage for her for some bigger opportunities.” Martin, on the other hand, is taking things one step at a time, with her sights set on competing at the state championships to wrap up the season. “I hope we can go to state this year and that I’ll be able to compete in one of the 4x400 relays and hopefully some other personal events as well,” Martin said. “Just to get through the season and see where it takes me would be my only goal right now.”R

April 2014 R31


The Summer Design Primer is a hands-on introduction to the architecture, interior design, industrial design, landscape architecture and visual communication design disciplines. The five-week course taught by Design School faculty at ASU will help you explore fundamental design principles and introduces basic design skills such as: sketching, creative thinking, model construction, managing visual information and adobe creative suite applications. In addition students will meet design professionals and visit design offices. For more information, visit: http:// communityschool.asu.edu/design/summer.php

The Design School

32 R April 2014

Architecture Industrial Design Interior Design Landscape Architecture Visual Communication

Summer Design Primer June 16–July 18, 2014

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