Sunrise March 2011

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March 2011 • Vol. 34 No. 5

Corona del Sol High School • Tempe, AZ



How they effect and define you and your life




Life & Times

The truth about the change in astrological signs

Sports not recognized by the AIA

Seniors market own clothing line

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2 • News

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Current Events for Dummies BY MARANDA FELLOWS Staff Writer

planning to step down shortly and transfer the authority to the Egyptian Higher Council of Armed Forces.

Marches and protests in Egypt have been going on since Jan. 25. That day tens of thousands of people marched in Cairo and other cities in Egypt. These riots were part of the Arab world protests that started just weeks after the Tunisian revolution. Protesters were waving Tunisian flags as a symbol of their influence. Grudges for Egyptian protesters have focused on legal and political issues. The primary demands from protest organizers are the end of the Hosni Mubarak regime, the end of Emergency Law, freedom, justice, a responsive non-military government and management of Egypt’s resources. As of Jan. 28 all electronic communications has been cut off in Egypt. Mubarak is

It’s official; there is a worldwide chocolate shortage. Chocolate used to be scarce and once the drink of Mayan and Aztec kings. In the future it may become as uncommon as caviar. This means chocolate will not be affordable to the average person. The price of the raw material, cocoa, needed for chocolate has increased in international markets. In fact, the price of cocoa has increased by 25 percent since June 2008. The demand for chocolate has increased the price, especially dark chocolate that calls for more cocoa than regular chocolate. Another reason for the shortage is damages of the habitats of cocoa trees. Originally cocoa trees were grown in the Americas. They naturally lived for up to

Egypt Protests

Chocolate Shortage

a century in shady forests. Now, cocoa trees are forced to be grown in the sun because the trees have been cleared. By being grown in the sun without shade, the trees only live for about 30 years.

Arizona Seceding from the Union

Senate President Russell Pierce and members of the State Legislature introduced a bill that will allow Arizona to secede from the Union unofficially. This bill, Senate Bill 1433, will create a committee of 12 people that can vote whether to follow a specific federal law or regulation. If the majority of the lawmakers in the Arizona Legislature agree with the committee, then Arizona and its citizens shall not follow the law or regulation. The committee is also looking through existing federal laws and throwing out the ones they do not want.®

Track team supports the Turley Foundation BY JACQUI MARZOCCA Staff Writer

Many members of the Corona del Sol Track & Field team supported the fight for cancer last month during the Susan Mortensen Turley Foundation Run. The Corona del Sol Track & Field team had 122 members run in the race against cancer. Many of the participants at the race included families and previous students of CdS. Overall, nearly $700 was raised for cancer research. “I cannot say enough about the support they gave by coming and those that had other things that they couldn’t make it have contributed to the fund raising efforts for the foundation,” head track coach Tim Kelly said. “We cannot thank them enough for how well behaved they were. They received numerous compliments form people in the community who were there who were impressed that they showed up and in the numbers they did. They were also very impressed with their behavior and demeanor commenting on how respectful and considerate they were. How impressed they were with how they encouraged others in the event,” Kelly said. Susan Mortensen Turley, the namesake of the foundation, was a former student of Corona del Sol. She ran track and field, was an honors student, played soccer and was a member of Student Council her entire career at CdS. After she left Corona, she attended the University of Arizona where she continued to run.

“Susan Mortensen used to be a cross country and 10K. In addition there was a Family Run; Corona track runner so we thought it would be a good idea to teacher Jennifer Smith said that this was a big bonus participate,” senior Daniel Wrapp, who placed in the for her family. 10K during the run, said. “Don’t let the title ‘5K Run’ scare you. I think it Turley was diagnosed with colon cancer when she would be great to have as many staff members as there was a senior in college and passed away when she was are students running it next year,” Smith said. 25 years old. “Cancer has touched so many of our lives in these “She was a great student athlete and super positive past few years and the Corona Track Family has rerole model for all of us,” Nero said. cently been hit hard this past year with one of our own “Susan was a great student, athlete and more im- coaches being diagnosed and continuing to fight this portantly person,” Kelly said. terrible disease,” Kelly said. “So this was very impor“She always was smiling and friendly. She would tant to us to be a part of and we hope next year you do anything to help anyone and was very involved in will join us.” ® clubs, Student Council, soccer, crosscountry and track at Corona. She had a laugh and smile you would never forget. It was a terrible loss to lose someone so vibrant and full of life. She was caring, genuine and was respected by everyone,” Kelly said. Next year, all students are highly encouraged to come and participate in the event. The proceeds benefit others and show how much Corona cares. “We are all hoping it can be bigger and better next year with several of our district schools involved, all for a great cause: cancer awareness,” Nero said. ALEX BERNAL There were several events to choose From left: sophomores James Corwin, Aaron Simons, and Carter Colton pose with from: the mile fun run, the 5K, or the Track coach Tim Kelly while holding T-shirts for the Susan Montensen Turley Run.

TUHSD summer school program acquires more changes the session as a whole,” junior Erick Lue said. “But I did miss having the three day weekends.” The changes are not without reason though. Once again, the Tempe Union High School District “The changes are being made mostly due to future summer school program will be met with changes. Summer school will now only be held on one cam- budget cuts,” Sean McDonald, TUHSD Director of Alpus, as opposed to the usual two. This year it will be ternative Programs said. “Tempe Union always wants held at Marcos de Niza in Tempe. The same number of to be fiscally responsible and energy efficient.” Last year, to save on utility costs, the summer classes will be available as in previous years, despite school schedule was compacted into three five-day the single campus. There will still be two summer “semesters,” each weeks, as opposed to the previous four-week Monday 14 days long. Classes will run Monday through Friday through Thursday schedule. This allowed for all district school facilities to shut down for two weeks in from 7:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. “I liked the five day schedule because it shortened July. Doing so saved more than $117,000. The District BY BREE PURDY Managing Editor

plans to utilize this schedule again. The price of summer school will also increase from $135 a semester to $175. Bus passes will be available for $25 in the bookstore. “The students should not be impacted by these changes,” McDonald said. “We will conduct a survey again this summer to see if it has any unforeseen negative effects. We will make changes accordingly.” Summer school registration materials will be available in the guidance office starting Feb. 28. Session one will run from Monday, May 31 to Friday, June 17 and session two from June 20 to July 8. ®

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

News • 3

Landrum pleads guilty to manslaughter By Bree Purdy Managing Editor

On Feb. 3, Steven Landrum of the Gila River Indian Community pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Corona student Cody Bishop. Last May, Landrum, then 23, was driving intoxicated at an estimated speed of 80 to 90 mph on Ray Road, a 45 mph zone, when he struck Bishop’s vehicle. Bishop sustained major brain injuries, was placed on life support and died shortly after. Court documents showed Landrum’s blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit in Arizona. Landrum changed his plea from not guilty on Feb. 3. According to the Maricopa Country Superior Court, he will face sentencing on March 3 at 8 a.m. In the state of Arizona, a conviction for vehicular manslaughter can result in up to a 13-year sentence in prison. “It was such a sad incident for the Corona community and continues to sadden many students,” Principal Susan Edwards said. “I hope this will bring peace for his family.”®

Alex Bernal

Students release balloons into the sky during a memorial to Cody Bishop in May of 2010. Steven Landrum, responsible for Bishop’s death, pleaded guilty to manslaughter charges on Feb. 3.

New system for selecting graduation speakers By Tatum Hartwig Managing Editor

As most well know, this year’s graduation ceremony will be hearing a few new voices. The graduation committee is doing away with the old tradition of having the valedictorian (or in many instances, valedictorians) giving his/her speech before diplomas are handed out to the graduates, and replacing it with one academic speaker and one senior class speaker. Along with this change comes a new process for

determining who can and will address their classmates on May 26 and this new judging system is now in full swing. “We are probably right in the middle of the process,” librarian and speaker selection committee chairperson Justine Centanni said. On Saturday Feb. 19, senior class students participated in the essay writing portion of the selection process. A total of nine students took part. Despite the seemingly small number, the commit-

tee is satisfied. “I’m very happy with the turnout,” Centanni said. Now that the essays have been written, a panel of teachers and parents will read through them and score them based on a rubric. “The holistic rubric is what we’re using,” Centanni said. As for preference of the old or new system, Centanni said, “It’s not a matter of liking it more, it’s a matter of being more inclusive.”®

It's a rite of passage your own transit pass. It’s time to decide where you’re going in life. Getting to the mall, the park or the movies takes direction. So, let TIM be your guide. You can go wherever you want, whenever you want. Let freedom ring. Kids who live in Tempe can ride transit for free. To get a youth transit pass, stop by the Tempe Transit Store at 200 E. Fifth St. with your parents. And to find bus routes, bikeways and light rail stops all around Tempe, visit or call 858-2350.

bus · bike · walk · rail

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March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

News • 5

Astrological signs not really changed

those born after 2009 and that the characteristics of the old signs override the new ones. These rumors have been stated on blogs and nonreliable websites. As for the western hemisphere remaining unchanged, this is true. According The world went into an uproar when scientists at the Minnesota Planetarium Society announced on Jan. 13 that because of the continuous changing of the tilt to CNN, this is because the West adheres by the tropical zodiac, which follows the seasonal change, as opposed of the earth’s axis over a to the East, which adheres long period of time, the Zoby the sidereal zodiac and diac signs were off by about follows constellations. Seaa month. A different sign, sonally based astrology has Ophiuchus, was also added. never been connected with Apparently this is not new the constellations. news. Three thousand years This is good news for ago, the ancient Babylonians those in the western hemicame up with the current sphere who take stock in astrological signs and their their horoscopes, like senior corresponding dates. HowKristen Rund. Her June 10 ever, the earth’s position in birthday switched her from a relation to the sun has been Gemini to a Taurus. slowly changing since then. “I have liked being a Ophiuchus is not a new sign Gemini since I was young, either. The Babylonians origso changing it would change inally came up with it along how I look at myself,” Rund with the rest of the signs, but said. dropped it when they deHowever through all the cided they wanted 12 signs controversy, some students instead of 13. were not even aware of the But what do these changastrological alterations, such es mean for everyone? as senior Robert Chiang. Rumors have been cir“I didn’t even know my cling ever since these discovsign changed and I don’t eries were made public, such care,” Chiang said. as the changes don’t apply to Senior Nishat Bhuiyan’s birthday is on Feb. 18, thereby making her an Aquarius people born after 2009, or the new signs are only for those who live in the eastern hemisphere, not the western. Another theory is that while the dates of the signs before and after the controversial change. However, she was not even aware of this have changed, the characteristics of the previous sign still apply instead of the new fact. “I didn’t know what my sign was before so I wouldn’t have missed it,” Bhuiyan one. There are no credible sources found that verify the sign change only affects said.  BY SARAH DINELL Editor in Chief

District changes online learning system BY WILL MORGAN Staff Writer

Taking classes online is a popular choice for CdS students trying to graduate early or students making up failed classes. In the past, Tempe Union High School District (TUHSD) has offered online classes on their ANGEL learning management system that hosts all of the courses. However, the TUHSD has decided to switch from ANGEL to the Mesa Distance Learning Program (MDLP). The new online system offers 34 interactive semester-length courses for grades 9-12 and each course’s curriculum is based on national and state standards. “I believe the district wanted a system that had been tried and true,” guidance counselor Angela Carter said. “I think they felt it would be more cost effective.” Furthermore, part of the reason the district changed is because the MDLP program has open entry and exit. In other words, students can now enroll in an online class through the MDLP program anytime during the year, instead of at the beginning of semesters. Additionally, many students previously opted to take health online instead of taking the class at school. The new MDLP program offers a similar class named “Healthful Living” that teaches students about mental,

physical and social wellness. health online over the summer because she was unable Nevertheless, the Healthful Living class does not to fit it into her schedule for the next school year. fulfill the required health credit needed for gradua“This was a good change,” said registrar Holly Setion. Instead, this course completes one semester of cor. “Students now have more options to take their elective credit. classes online.”  Despite MDLP failing to offer a class that meets the health requirement to graduate, there are still opportunities to take the health credit online. TUHSD has chosen to Get the body you have always dreamed of. You deserve to look and feel your best and there is no better time to start losing weight than today. Join Take offer many of the ANGEL classes. The new MDLP program offers a variety Shape For Life and be on your way to a healthier, happier you! of social studies, math, and science courses, including World History/Geography, Algebra 3-4, and Chemistry. No diet pills On the previous ANGEL system, it was Fast results featuring required for students to install the Firefox Meals browser in order to properly turn in assign- Safe & effective ments. With the new MDLP program, Win- Clinically proven dows users still need the Firefox browser Free support and Macintosh users require the default Safari browser. Full schedules are a common thing that A Health Coach is not a substitute Craig & Nancy Dayton 480-940-9696 a physician or qualified medical factors into making the decision to take forpractitioner for monitoring those or visit Medifast® Meals. Consult classes online. As with many other students, using your physician before starting a Health Coach ID # 30068701 weight-loss program. sophomore Mallory Autrey chose to take

Lose up to 2-5 lbs per week

6 • Life & Times

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Senior Ruth featured on American Idol BY SARAH DINELL Editor in Chief

Senior Julissa Ruth made her dream of singing a reality this summer when she tried out for American Idol and made it to Hollywood Week. “I tried out because my mom inspired me to and I wanted to see how far I could go,” Ruth said. Ruth auditioned on Aug. 12 in San Francisco, which was the last stop for the American Idol tryouts. “I waited (in line) for 10 hours in San Francisco to get a wristband for a chance to audition,” Ruth said. “It’s not guaranteed you get a chance to see the judges though.” For the American Idol tryouts in San Francisco, 20 tents were set up on a baseball field with producers in each tent. In each tent, four people tried out. Producers could pick all of them, or none of them if they chose to do so. “It’s hard because if they don’t think you’re worth it, even if you’re a good singer, it’s over,” Ruth said. After Ruth made the first cut, she went to the second round of auditions. In this round, she sang for a different set of producers, who cut the 200 people from the first round to 100. “They critiqued really hard; I almost didn’t make it,” Ruth said. “They told me I needed more expression when I sing.” After passing the second round, Ruth met and sang for the executive producer of American Idol, Simon Fuller. “He (Fuller) told me I was a spunky little thing and he liked my voice and personality,” Ruth said. “After that you see the judges,” Ruth said. “They make it out like everyone sees the judges, but that’s not true. The executive producer cuts it down to 50; 25 are jokes and 25 are real.” Unlike it is perceived on TV, the judges were not at the initial auditions; they came to San Francisco later

in September to hear the 50 people the producers had chosen. Those 50 had to fly back to San Francisco to audition again for the judges. From there, the judges selected those they wanted to send to Hollywood Week. “It was awesome,” Ruth said about her experience singing before the judges. “Jennifer Lopez told me I was her favorite girl out of San Francisco, so that was cool. The only bad critique I got was from Randy, who told me I was too young.” Ruth received three yes votes from the judges, thereby receiving her golden ticket to Hollywood. “I was super excited when I got the golden ticket,” Ruth said. “A shocked feeling was running in my head. I was really surprised.” Ruth flew to Los Angeles in November, the week before Thanksgiving, to participate in Hollywood Week. “At Hollywood Week you have to pay for all expenses like flights, the hotel, and food.” Ruth said. “And before Hollywood Week, everyone has to see a psychologist, a private investigator, and meet with an executive producer to make sure that they’re not crazy.” Since all of the people in Hollywood Week have the potential to make the top 12, everyone is heavily interviewed in case they turn out to be the next American Idol. “I got really good at interviews because they did it so much,” Ruth said. “I felt really important getting interviewed so much, they seemed extremely interested in my story.” Ruth was briefly shown on TV on Feb. 10. She was seen in the airport at the beginning of Hollywood Week. It was definitely an out-of-body experience for her. “I was kind of nervous kind of not nervous to see myself on TV,” Ruth said.

Photo courtesy of JULISSA RUTH

Ruth waits in line in San Francisco to audition. Ruth made it through the cuts to Hollywood Week.

After passing the initial inspections, Ruth again tried out in front of the judges in Hollywood Week but did not make the cut. “It’s a really intense process that is separated into two days,” Ruth said. “I was eliminated the second day.” However, Ruth enjoyed every minute of her American Idol experience and has no regrets. She may even try out again next year. “It was a really fun experience and made me have a lot more confidence in my singing,” Ruth said. “I never thought I would make it as far as I did. I felt famous for a little bit.”®

Foster’s death encourages the giving of life BY CHANEL ALVIS Opinions Editor

Jvonnie Foster, the records clerk at Corona, passed away on December 6, 2010 due to liver failure. She was diagnosed with a liver disease known as Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) in March of 2010, which took a turn for the worse in July of the same year. During this time, Jvonnie Foster was waiting for an organ donor. “Once my wife was diagnosed, and in the hospital, she was going through a process of evaluation to determine eligibility for a donor,” special education teacher Scott Foster said. However, the wait was too long. There are over 110,476 people waiting for an organ and each day 18 of those people will die. For every one organ donor eight of those lives could be saved. Imagine if everyone were to donate. Join the cause today and save lives. There are many ways you can help just by spreading the word to your families and friends. Become a donor yourself. “I think every time someone gets their drivers license they should be an organ donor,” Principle Susan Edwards said. “It’s a no brainer.” Go to and learn how you can help and for information on how to become a registered organ donor.®

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 7

Gardening with Mr.Feldman BY GRADY DOUGLAS Staff Writer

Sunrise Staff Playlist

By Stephen Kuluris | Online Editor in Chief

Spring is just around the corner and you know what that means; time for gardening. We caught up with Corona’s botany teacher and botany club sponsor, Barry Feldman. “There are so many things to grow this season,” Feldman said. “It ranges from cucumber, beets, radishes, sweet corn and even watermelon.” But that was only fruits and vegetables. “When it comes to flowers, spring is the perfect season for planting.” Feldman said. Some “spring flowers” include african daisies, alyssums, dephiums, marigolds, and four o’ clocks. However, these seeds are based on our current weather. “If it gets substantially hotter try to plant pumpkin, celery, salisfy, marigolds, swiss chard, most types of beans and of course sunflowers,” Feldman explained. “ But if it’s suddenly colder then try eggplant, peppers or even viola flowers.” Don’t be afraid to try gardening, either. “Gardening is a great thing to pick up,” Feldman said. “There is some beginning know-how you need to learn first. “First, when planting seeds make sure they are spread at least the space between

your fingers apart. Also, plant the seeds at least and inch deeper than what the bag says,” Feldman said. “This is due to the bird population we have in Arizona. The deeper the seeds the less of a chance of them getting eaten.” ®


Feldman looks over various plants in his greenhouse. Feldman, an expert gardener, offers planting advice to beginners.

Favorite substitutes BY AUDREY WHEELESS Staff Writer

Nice Train

The Donkeys


Matt Costa

Loud Love

Good Old War


Tigers On Trains

Yellow Haired Girl A B & The Sea Until I Die Ben Kweller

Dreadlock Holiday 10cc

War (What Is It Good For) Edwin Starr Escargot Peggy Sue

I’ve Just Seen A Face The Beatles

Substitute teachers are constantly on and off campus, in and out of classes and temporarily taking teachers places in the classroom. Both teachers and substitutes gain more experience; relationships grow and trust forms between them. This results in teachers growing fond of certain substitutes and they have the option to request them. “I do get a lot of requests to substitute here at Corona because of my experience student teaching here, especially in the Social Studies department,” substitute teacher Christy Wiley said. “I feel at times teachers give me more responsibility and the ability to actually teach, rather than show a video, or give independent work to students. This is something I greatly appreciate, because I do enjoy teaching.” The kinds of substitutes vary from retired teachers, to part-time jobs, or someone like Wiley who looks to find a permanent position in the near future. Substitutes are usually asked to perform simple tasks left by the teachers while they are out. Although most teachers do not enjoy being absent, the more “in-tune” the substitute is with the teacher, the better. “I like it when subs leave me a concise but complete review of the day so that I can figure out what happened (or didn’t happen!) accurately,” English teacher Amanda Johnson said. “Most of the time I try to leave simple activities for subs to accomplish; the easier an activity is to facilitate, the better the chance that it will be done.” Being a substitute teacher turns out to be more challenging than most would expect. Putting it into perspective, this individual has 20 minutes to look at the lesson plan for the day, control 160 teenagers in an unfamiliar environment, and make sure everything that was supposed to be accomplished, is. Perhaps substitute teachers are not given enough credit. From a student’s perspective, substitute teachers should be laid back and be there for a good laugh. “My favorite sub is Bo,” senior Mike Castellano said. “He tells really weird jokes. It’s kind of uncomfortable, but it’s really funny” As far as the actual running of the classroom, students feel that substitutes should make them feel more carefree as opposed to feeling like they’re parents. “I like someone that lets us have more freedom than a teacher normally would but not so the class gets out of control,” junior Jamie Thomasian said. “I like someone who isn’t too controlling.” ®

8 • Life & Times

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

In case you missed the first part of this story regarding tattoos, check out
























Life & Times Editor

ody Piercing became a huge part of self-expression many years ago, also for many reasons similar to that of tattooing. Just about any part of the body can be, and has been, pierced. The nose, eye brow, several parts of the ear and the belly button are the most common piercing locations. Piercing is also extremely common for how easily the procedure can be done. But this doesn’t mean just anyone should perform this practice. “A lot of kids don’t want to pay the price, and I know kids that have just done the piercings by themselves, and, from a health standpoint, the potential for infection can be dramatic,” Chandler policeman Dave Kobler said. It is true that piercing can be pricey, but not getting piercings done professionally is a safety risk. Herpes simplex virus, hepititus B, endocarditis (heart inflammation), gum disease, nerve damage, regular infections and protozoan infections are possibilities of medical complications you can contract during or after an improper piercing process. “Make sure that the shop you go to is very very clean and knowledgeable and know what you’re getting yourself into, and you’re able to take care of it,” counter staff at HTC Body Piercing Mat Corper said. “I would not credit online information other than the APP; don’t buy jewelry online and don’t learn aftercare online.” The APP, as Corper referred to, is the Association of Professional Piercers, a credible source for all there is to know about piercing. Piercing shops can belong to the APP, and that is something important to look for when seeking a place to get a piercing done. In addition to at-home piercing being unsanitary, it too (just like tattoos) is illegal and is viewed in court similar to that of rape on how severe it/the charge is. It is infrequently heard of that people are arrested for piercing out of their home, but this is because friends of piercers aren’t going to rat them out. “You don’t have a crime unless you have a victim, and until the victim complains you don’t have a crime,” Kobler said. As far as having a noticeable piercing, and how that would affect your employment, the outlook is much better than that of having a tattoo for the obvious reason, piercings are removable. In the Army, women may wear one pair of earrings while men can’t wear them, and gauges and body piercings are unacceptable for both men and women. The fire department tolerates one pair of earrings for either gender. In the teaching profession, there is no flat-out policy. “Sometimes piercing may be related to religion or freedom of expression, and we are awarded freedom of expression,” said Karla Izzett, director of Employee Relation in Human Resources at Kyrene Elementary School District. “If we feel it distracts from the educational process, like for instance students are disturbed at school, that creates a undo hardship then it’s not worth allowing that person to have that freedom of expression.” Izzett said many employers prefer employees to wear a bandaid over a piercing rather than have the piercing itself show. “For me personally, a band aid attracts more attention than a piercing,” Izzett said. Junior Josh Reed is looking toward a career in business later on in life, and his piercing raises concerns. “I thought my eyebrow piercing would go well with my face,” Reed said. But I’ve been wondering if I should take it out (for employment). I want to go into business, so then it will have to go.” Reed admits he won’t be heartbroken to remove the defining studs. “It’ll be a coming of age type of thing, this is for these days. When I take it out, I will be moving on in life,” Reed said. “Piercings are still looked at as taboo here in our culture in the United States. With the way society is going, it will be looked at as something that is normal. It’s not going to happen overnight; it’s once our generation is our parents’ age, we will see that more,” Corper said.  Front Page: Josh Reed. Clockwise from top left: Debbie Sharer, Casey Estep, Katelyn Scholl, Tadessa Smith. Photos by Erin Blevins & Lilly Berkley.

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 9

Spring is here: update your wardrobe T

BY CHANEL ALVIS Opinions Editor

he groundhog predicted an early spring this year, which means updating your wardrobe becomes your top priority. I’ve picked out a couple outfits to show how your winter wardrobe can be turned into spring with a few tweaks and substitutions.

School day

Date night

Jeans and a nice blouse is a typical winter school outfit, but as the sun comes out to greet spring, it gets too hot for boots and a jacket. The long pants will have to go soon as well, but for the mean time just replace them with capris. Capris are very stylish and help add interest to your legs. Just kick off the boots and slip on some chunky heels adding length to your legs. Tie your outfit all together with a few accessories and you’re ready to go. 

For a Friday night out a flirty skirt and casual blouse will do the wow factor just fine. This winter style is sporting a nice A-line skirt that can be easily worn in spring. Simply replace the blouse with something with a splash of color and minimize your accessories. With such bold colors you will want to go with neutral-colored accessories. For the final touch, ditch the tights and go with a playful heel. 

Sufficient sleep critical for good health BY TAYLOR BEESE Staff Writer

It’s 10:30 p.m. and you’re still trying to finish that English essay that’s due tomorrow. You don’t want to get a bad grade so you sacrifice your sleep to do a decent job on your paper. Some students don’t end up falling asleep until the middle of the night. Although people feel they can function on a few hours of rest, that’s not always the case. “Everyone needs to sleep. It’s a big news topic right now,” Corona nurse Sandra Young said. “Sleep can affect our body weight, our hormones and our chemical balance.” Getting too little sleep can destroy the hormone that deals with regulating appetite and, in the end, people eat more or less than they should. It is proven that people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to make bad food choices and become overweight. Sleep can also affect your brains’ natural functions and cycles. “Our bodies are set on a system that has to do with light. We are set to sleep when it’s dark and be awake when it’s light, and not sleeping can interfere with that

system,” Young said. Sleep can weaken peoples’ ability to concentrate or focus in social situations and more importantly, on their studies. “Sometimes when I don’t sleep enough I fall asleep in school,” freshmen Kalaysia Lovett said. Falling asleep in class is something that takes hold of some Corona students. The body is so tired it takes over and decides to rest. Sleep can also cause the immune system to shut down making someone exponentially more prone to sicknesses, such as influenza and the common cold. “They used to use sleep deprivation as a form of torture. When you don’t get enough sleep you can have hallucinations. Harsh things happen to your body,”Young said. People who don’t get enough rest tend to look older at a younger age, are more at risk for diabetes and cancer and usually have a lot of stress. Those who are deprived of sleep often find themselves having trouble with restlessness, making getting to sleep harder every night. The average amount of sleep adults need is seven to eight hours a night, for children it’s 11 to 13 hours. But what about teenagers? “The hours are different for everyone. Eight to 10

hours of sleep is best for kids in high school. I think that the schedule for school (being here at 7:15) can make that hard,”Young said. On a positive note there are things people can do to help them sleep. For one, try setting an approximate bedtime and a time to wake up. Many students likely have this step down and are used to waking up at the same time every morning. The second thing people need to do is to avoid napping during the day. Some like to take long rests on the couch when they get home and will end up actually falling asleep later that evening than they should. People should also avoid drinking caffeinated beverages four to six hours before they go to bed. This gives the brain the chance to slow down and prepare for rest. Another thing to do is don’t take worries to bed. Forget about the daily stressful things when under the covers and let the body and mind relax. Also regular exercise is recommended but no hard-core cardio routines right before bed. For those reading, don’t worry, the end is not near. Now being aware of the harms of sleep deprivation may have on you can allow for you to make the proper changes and try to work out a new routine that incorporates more “Z’s” into your life.

10 • Life & Times

How to find a job:

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Steps and tips to help escape the unemployment rut

get along with other people, and work well with oth- example of how you can prepare yourself for an entry er people, take initiative and work independently,” level job. “Often times for kids getting entry level jobs, food Even before the economy began it’s downward spi- Lohmann said. “Those are the kinds of things students service for example, I ask if they have their food hanral, it was difficult for teens to find jobs, especially can do to show they are ready to be hired.” Resumes’ should also contain your name, phone dlers card. And often times they say no, so you’re not those seeking first-time employment. Fast forward to present time, and although the economy is picking number, email and education level. There are many even hirable at this point for a lot of jobs,” Lohmann up and opportunities in the workplace are increasing, credible websites online suggesting professional ways said. “Go out and take the test or whatever you need to do to get your food handlers card. Then when the many students still struggle to find a chance to earn a to assemble your resume. Most website applications will give you an oppor- manager says ‘do you have your food handlers card’ paycheck and valuable experience. By completing the following steps, you will drasti- tunity to upload or copy and paste in your resume to you can say yes sir or yes ma’am, so they know they cally raise your chances to appeal to an employer and the application. Paper applications can be stapled to can hire you.” Lohmann said. your resume. A similar suggestion for a paper resume get hired. Step #3: is a cover letter. Cover letters are an excellent way Step #1: to catch a hiring manager’s attention before reading Following up after applying for an application is through an application. Cover letter’s should include a “A resume is a snapshot of kids’ skills and abilities,” brief summary of yourself, skills and qualifications and incredibly important. After applying for a job online, Business Department Chair Mike Lohmann reason for applying for this position. All call the next day to make sure the application was resaid. “Hopefully customized towards should be done very professionally ceived. A couple days later, call to remind the hiring the needs and wants of the employstraight to the point; don’t bore manager that you’re still interested in the position. er.” the intended reader before When submitting a paper application, it’s recommended to give the application to the hiring manager This is one instance in which finishing. bragging about yourself is rec“Often times managers directly. This insures he/she receives it, and gives you ommended. It needs to be laid get stacks and stacks of ap- that extra opportunity to meet them and make a good Mike Lohmann out why you are better than every plications, and you don’t want first impression. Then call to follow up with that hirother person applying for this job poyours to just be another one in the ing manager as well. If after trying a couple times to sition. stack,” Lohmann said. “Cover letters make reach the hiring manager and are having a hard time “Often time the employer doesn’t get to see the you stand out, thank you’s make you stand out, follow- doing so, send them an e-mail or stop by the store. applicants,” Lohmann said. “What they get to see is the ing up with them makes you stand out.” Step #4: resume. It needs to impressive so you get called back for an interview.” Step #2: Does this really need to be said? No matter what Include all accomplishments you have attained: Those desperate for a job need to do more than position you are applying for, a dress shirt, shoes and making honor roll, sports participation, school clubs participation, awards or recognitions for academics or just be.You must be desperately looking for a job. Ap- slacks for men, or a dress, closed toe shoes, not-soshort skirt, or other attire for athletics, leadership positions in church or other activ- plying everywhere, hiring or not. Keep in mind women, are going to present ities, community service, special classes taken pertain- many places don’t display hiring signs, a much better you than ing to the job (i.e. child development for a childcare because they already have applications average school clothes. on file. Places like grocery stores, decenter) and so on. It’s important to look “(Good items to include on a resume are) lots of partment stores and fast food chains professional to earn things kids do in school and in the community, things hire often and thus can be applied to the chance to become that show they are responsible, dependable and can at any point in time. If you’re not willapart of the workplace. Mike Lohmann ing to “Dress appropriately work with means how are other dressed in food for example, your options become the work place, and dress a little better than that,” Lohmann said. “You should dress neat, clean, proper more limited. If looking for a grooming, stay away from tennis shoes and jeans and tspecific type of job shirts.You’re better off overdressing than under dresssteps may need to be ing.” “Nice to meet you” and “I appreciate your time” taken to make you more qualified for should always be said on the phone and in an interview. Using the words such as “like,” “uhm,” and unsure that job. “Make sure you answers like “I guess” should be avoided. understand what kind Step #5: of work you want to do and prepare yourThe fact of the matter is that times are hard, but self with the skills hard work and perseverence will ensure finding emand abilities for those ployment. jobs, even for entry “Don’t get frustrated, you’ve got to get out there level jobs,” Lohmann and have a positive attitude a good attitude, and keep said. trying and if you do that you’re going to find a job,” Lohmann gives an Lohmann said.® BY PRESLIE HIRSCH Life & Times Editor

Follow Up

Have a Good Resume

“A resume is a snapshot of kids’ skills and abilities.”

Make the Effort

Act the Part

“You’re better off over dressing than under dressing.”

Stay Positive

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 11

Annual Strut 4 STAND Charity Fashion show approaches


no shortage of interesting costumes, ranging from a farmer to Lady Gaga. Jamie Thomasian was crowned last year’s victor, but the slot remains open for any memAs the winter months come to a close here at Corona del Sol, students and ber of Corona del Sol as well as family members to take their costume to the top. teachers alike prepare to release their inner fashion divas during the annual Strut 4 In addition to providing students with a night of entertainment, the STAND STAND fashion show. club will be donating the proceeds to a charity organization in an effort to help the “It’s a really fun opportunity and it helps raise a lot of money for charity,” club less fortunate. This year that charity will be the Jewish World Watch Organization. sponsor Brandy Walker said. “It’s a great organization,” Walker said. “They don’t take money for themselves. This year the event will be held on Friday, March 11 at 7 p.m. For a mere fee of Instead, the money goes towards the victims of genocide.” $5 per person, visitors will have the seldom seen chance to witness their teachers During this year’s third annual Strut 4 STAND show, club president Heidi Lou and fellow classmates strut their stuff as they compete in various categories includ- hopes to accumulate a total of $9,000 for the charity. ing school spirit, costumes, casual, and formal attire. Participants will also have the “I just really hope that students will continue to attend, even though it’s over option of choosing music as they walk down the aisle. In the past there has been Spring Break,” said Walker. ® BY JOSH AMBRE Staff Writer

Freshman to compete at Disney World talent competition

them up with modeling and acting agencies around the world. The interview process includes A drama-loving freshman is prepiaring to take the reading lines and singing a song. spotlight in a singing and acting competition at Disney Fein sang “Cooler Than Me” by World. Travis Fein is enjoying his first year at Corona del Mike Posner. “It’s just how I roll,” Fein jokes. Sol and is balancing between two electives: dance and FEIN Hundreds auditioned but only drama. six, including Fein, in each age group were called back. “I love acting; it’s a passion,” Fein said. Fein will be featured in a competition in Disney Fein began this process in early January when he heard about an acting opportunity on the radio. He World in Orlando, Fla., this coming July. He will compete for $50,000. did not hesitate to sign up. “I don’t care about the money, just the fun of it.” The company’s name is “The” and serves to find poFein says that if he won he would help his family tential talent and recruits them. From there, they set BY JACQUI MARZOCCA Staff Writer

out with financial issues. “I’m not scared about anything in this program. She (talent interviewer) said I have the best memorization she has seen in years and an amazing singing voice so what is there to fear?” Fein said. Along with the money is a chance for Fein to debut his acting career. He is excited to get started because he truly loves acting. “You get to go there (Disney World) again for free and you can also make it on TV,” Fein said. “The” and Fein can be followed at thejuly2011. where you can read all about the upcoming events the participants are involved in.®

Current, former Aztecs start clothing line


A new clothing brand made by senior Sean Zwenger is on the rise. Zwenger created a clothing line called Highline. He got the name from a volleyball team he saw in California in early 2010. “I’ve had the idea to start a line since early summer 2010,” Zwenger said. He and his friend, senior Peter Rueckle, started the brand. Later seniors Ryan Cox, Corbin Weingart, Dayne Petera, Nick Nordstrom, and Corona alumni Austin Scates jumped on the team and started helping out. Customers can make orders directly with the boys so customers can get the exact size and color they want. Shirts are being sold right now for eight to ten

dollars. You can go on Highline’s Facebook page to look at the different designs. “We hope to be at market week again this semester,” Zwenger said. At market week they will be selling shirts and wristbands. Last semester Highline sold out of all of their products, profiting over 100 dollars. This summer they have many plans for their company. “We are planning real sick shirts that vary from cutoffs,vnecks, and the classic tee,” Zwenger said. They are also hoping to get a mini commercial that shows how Highline operates and their future plans. “Follow us on Facebook, and we have a website that’s in the works,” Zwenger said. ®


ABOVE: Members of the group who market Highline products pose together. Students can buy shirts and other accessories during market week or directly from the group. LEFT: Junior Adrian Vasquez wears a Highline tee-shirt.

Stephanie Dayton

12 • Ad

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 13

Adams selected to contribute to Civic Education BY JACQUI MARZOCCA Staff Writer

Adams will be attending the first training in Washington, D.C. at Georgetown University Law School at the end of March. There, she will meet and tour the The iCivics Teachers Council has selected CdS government teacher Lisa Adams Supreme Court with the Justice (O’Connor). Many benefits will come from this to its team of professionals. experience. “iCivics (formerly Our Courts) is a web-based education project designed to “I think there are many benefits to being selected. I will be able to have an imteach students civics and inspire them to be active participants in our democra- pact on improving civic education in our schools. The ability to participate in the cy. iCivics is the vision of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who is concerned that further development of the curriculum will give me the opportunity to shape it for students are not getting the information and tools they need for civic participation, the high school students,” Adams said. “I will have the opportunity to work with and that civics teachers need better materials and support,” Adams said. educators who are working to improve what we do in the classroom (and) it will Adams is the only Corona del Sol participant in the program; she sent in her ap- help me to grow as a teacher. I will also be part of a program that is going to have plication and was chosen by the iCivics staff. As far as she knows, there is only one an impact on civic education.” other active member from Arizona. Adams will be planning teacher in-services for the school and other schools in Adams is both “very excited and honored” about this opportunity. the district when she returns from the training. “I believe very strongly in civic education and that we do not teach it as much “I truly do feel honored and very lucky to have been selected. As my students as we should. There are lots of reasons for this, and I see this project as a way to would tell you, I am a true government geek and this is just what I love to do,” energize the curriculum and bring it into a format that students will identify with Adams said. and teachers will have access to,” Adams said. More information on the iCivics Teachers Council can be found at 

Aztec baseball, softball teams get new scoreboards The Corona del Sol softball and baseball teams recieved new scoreboards this season. The former scoreboards were outdated and they often malfunctioned. Coach David Webb and softball Coach Jennifer Ray worked for nearly a year with Principal Susan Edwards to purchase both of the boards. The baseball scoreboard has also been relocated out of the field of play.

14 • Ad

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

The new Facebook fad


How many hours in a day do you spend on Facebook refreshing your page hoping that you’ll get a new notification? Our generation is so obsessed with technology that we are being deprived of time that can be productively spent elsewhere. Teenagers spend more time on the computer, watching TV or playing videogames than anything else. We’ve become so addicted to things such as Facebook that it’s now a vital part of our everyday lives. In conversations with your friends, do you ever find yourself saying things like “I saw a group for that on Facebook!” or something like “Is it Facebook official?” If you answered yes to that you may be obsessed with Facebook. The most common topics are statuses posted,

groups and relationship changes. Why must we share our every thought on Facebook? Most importantly, why do we feel the need to share our relationships with the countless “friends” we collect? A relationship should be between you and that person as opposed to you, them and all of your “friends.” Before you post that you’re in a relationship, or newly single, think about if you’re ok with all of the comments that are going to be made. If you’re ok with everything that’s going to be said and done, be my guest and post it. If you’re afraid of what people will say, then don’t do it! Always remember that no matter what you post on Facebook, it’s going to always be there in cyberspace, even if you delete it and think it’s gone. Relationships are supposed to

be something special, something meaningful between you and another person. Thanks to Facebook and other types of technology, perfectly decent relationships are stressed, tested and sometimes even ruined by whatever cruel teenagers put out into the rumor mill. So there’s a lesson to be learned here: if you’re a vulnerable person who doesn’t deal well with hurtful comments and criticism, then I highly recommend that you don’t post your relationship on Facebook, at least not until you and that person feel comfortable enough in the relationship. Although we all want to share everything with the world, Facebook is not the place to show off your relationship. Posting it on Facebook and making a big deal about it is asking for trouble and you shouldn’t do it if you aren’t capable of handling the consequences.

Enjoy all the pickles in society If there’s one thing in life I can’t stand it’s the way pickles are separated into different jars. I’m a fan of all pickles and I believe each pickle brings BY CHANEL ALVIS something new to my taste Opinions editor buds. All I want is to go to the store and buy one big jar with a variety of pickles so I can enjoy them all together. It all started when the Gherkin pickles decided they were better than all the other pickles. They threw all the best parties to which only Gherkin pickles were invited. This made the dill pickles jealous so they made their own picnic club that was exclusively for dill pickles. Unfortunately, the relish group wasn’t invited to

anything and all they wanted in life was to be included. There are other pickles in society that secretly long to be in with the “cool group” but don’t have the courage to talk to them. This is the tragic story of the pickle society. They live in fear that they will never fit in. It destroys their selfesteem and they become bitter. They lose the greatest part of themselves due to another pickle’s prejudice. Pickles are just too stuck up, jealous and afraid to mix and mingle with each other. So, how do they fix it? Tackling a problem as monumental as this is daunting, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be solved. Bringing down prejudice and judgmental ideas starts with one. One pickle can make the difference between a delicious pickle and a nasty pickle. Hopefully, we all will take this challenge, rise above petty judgments and learn to enjoy all the pickles in society.

Sunrise Staff 1001 E. Knox Road • Tempe, AZ • 85284 Editor in Chief | Sarah Dinell Online Editor in Chief| Stephen Kuluris Managing Editors | Tatum Hartwig & Bree Purdy Staffers Josh Ambre, Taylor Beese, Lilly Berkley, Alex Opinions Editor Chanel Alvis Bernal, Jacob Cordas, Stephanie Dayton, Grady DougLife & Times Editor Preslie Hirsch las, Nathan Fish, Maranda Fellows, Erin Maloney, Jacqui Sports Editor Nathan Samuels Marzocca,Will Morgan, Asada Njuguna, Audrey Wheeless Photo Editors Erin Blevins & Kathryn Valentine Cartoonists Chanel Alvis, Alyssa Gerwig Graphics Editor Laci Ahlquist Adviser Kris Urban Front Page Design: Preslie Hirsch, Front page photo: Erin Blevins

The Sunrise is an open forum for student expression and welcomes letters on all matters. The staff reserves the right to edit as required. All materials submitted for publication must be signed. Views and opinions contained herein are those of the author and not considered to be the opinions of the staff, adviser, administration or the Tempe Union High School District. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the editorial board. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

Opinions • 15

Stop hating BY STEPHEN KULURUS Online Editor in Chief

Every dang issue there is this guy spewing his mind onto a piece of paper. He’s got a crazy looking mug shot, and a weird last name. He writes about hippies and about ghosts; he writes about dreams and about goals. His tone sounds informative as if he wants people to take something away from his writing. I don’t know about him though. He seems weird, he seems odd. Who is he? I don’t know; you tell me. Who am I? Well, with the population of Corona near 2,400 students, chances are you can’t tell me. So, I guess I’ll have to tell you. My writing tends to reflect my character. It’s difficult to put your persona on paper, but I try my best. Going through my opinions this year and in previous years, if people had viewed them as an extension of me, they might have been able to draw some conclusions. Some aspects of my character I specifically tried to show, whereas other features of me came naturally through my writing. Three things that stand out from my writing in this year alone are that I try not to jump to conclusions, I try to be accepting of all views differing from my own and I can be sarcastic and not very serious about a lot of things. I want you to know this and need you to know this. The reason? I see these as characteristics of a very friendly and fun person, which I like to think is me (maybe there are some of you who have known me for years who disagree, but I surely hope not). So now with all this background, I would like to tell you a story. I was at a friend’s house and I got talking with his older brother about college, traveling and other things; nothing too special. But a week later I was over there again and my friend had something to tell me. He told me that someone hated me. He told me that his brother had been at the mall the previous week and was talking to a person in a store. General conversation led him to learn the person attended Corona and because I was fresh in his mind from talking to him, he asked the person about me. This person apparently proceeded to tell him about how mean and rude I am and how much he/she doesn’t like me. My reaction? I was surprised. I try my best to be a positive person, but I suppose somewhere along the line I got off of that. Somehow this person saw a negative side of me. I’m not sure how or when, but it happened. Now this person has this impression of me being mean and rude. It just makes me mad that I had given that sort of impression and it’s not anywhere near my actual persona. So I apologize to this person, whoever you may be. Come talk to me if you would like, I promise I won’t bite.

16 • Sports

March 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Senior Peat signs with Nebraska

“I only told my family and my best friend (before publically announcing),” Peat said. One of Peat’s younger brothers, and teammates, Andrus, is a junior at Corona. Senior Todd Peat signed the letter of intent at Johnson Elementary in Mesa on “I think it’s a good decision for him,” Andrus Peat said. “I definitiely want to go Feb. 2nd to play Division I football at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. out and see some of his games.” Several factors went into the last minute Their father agrees. decision. “We’ve always wanted him to make the “I made my decision last night (Feb. 1) at best decision based on opportunity, character, like nine o’clock,” Peat admitted. program all of those things, and we feel like With the support of close family and he is making a great decision,” Todd’s father, friends and the option between several Todd Peat said. schools across the country, the final decision From Aztec to Cornhusker, it won’t be came down to Oregon State, Arizona State, soon Peat forgets playing for Corona. and the ultimate choice, the University of “I’m going to miss the fans, Coach Venturo, Nebraska. Coach Zemenski and his staff…if anything “The coaching staff, and their belief in they’re entertaining. And my teammates. I’m me, he (the coach) believes in the same things going to miss my teammates so much,” Peat I do. Really, that’s what sold me,” Peat said. said. With this highly anticipated decision, “When I go to Nebraska, they are going rumors and bits of information spread like STEPHEN KULURIS to make me the best player I can possibly be,” wildfire across Corona, online publications Senior Todd Peat signs his letter of intent with the University of Nebraska. He made his final decision after months of deleberation with the help of friends, family and coaches. Peat said.® and sports networks. BY PRESLIE HIRSCH Life and Times Editor

Frosh track star looks to impress at Corona BY NATHAN SAMUELS Sports Editor

Freshman Cassidy Kamerman has been running track since she was in fourth grade. Despite the injuries that come from running track, she hasn’t stopped persevering in the sport. She began running for the Arizona Flames track club in fourth grade because her mom wanted her to try it. Kamerman ended up having an injury the first year of her running career. She was cut off in a race and fell, left to be stampeded by the racers and their track spikes. “I kept running track because my friends were on the team and my mom really wanted me to do track,” Kamerman said. In sixth grade, she started running for her middle school, Grace Community Christian School, and most of her success in track has come from that experience. Last year, her 4x800 team from Grace, won the state meet so the girls moved on to the regional meet in El Paso, Texas. Kamerman placed sixth in the 3,000 and ran the 1,500 and the 800 at the regional meet. Her 4x800 team also got first place at the regional meet in El Paso, qualifying for the National Junior Olympics in Chicago. “It was really fun; we got to stay in a hotel together,” Kamerman said. “I enjoyed going to a new place and meeting people from around the country.” Kamerman’s favorite race is the 400 because “it’s hard and it’s a challenge every time I run it. I love the feeling of pain and adrenaline at the same time. Plus, it is the one race everybody watches and cheers on,” Kamerman said. Kamerman also enjoys relay races. “I like being able to run relays with different people as well as become closer to the other people I run with,” Kamerman said. Head track coach Tim Kelly noticed her right away. “Her desire to excel and work hard at her goals have been the first thing that stand out. She always has a positive attitude at practice and is willing to take on a myriad of challenges,” Kelly said. Kamerman will run for Corona this year and she is excited about having a great season. “I look forward to being able to run for a school as well as run with the people I go to school with,” Kamerman said.®

Hockey, lacrosse not considered sports


In some states, ice hockey and lacrosse are considered high school sports, but in Arizona, they are not recognized as sports by the Arizona Interscholastic Association. “The more interest in the sport, then the closer to reality it is in becoming a sanctioned sport by the AIA,” Athletic Director Dan Nero said. Like hockey and lacrosse, boy’s volleyball used to be a club sport but due to the popularity and interest in it, it became an AIA sanctioned sport in the mid to late 90’s. “I could see them (hockCARTOON BY CHANEL ALVIS ey and lacrosse) following boy’s volleyball if people continue to play and keep the interest in the sport,” Nero said. The issues behind the AIA recognizing these sports is that the costs of transportation to and from ice arenas, lacrosse fields, equipment, uniforms, coaches and officials would be difficult for school districts to pay for. “It would be hard for the district to pay for everything,” Nero said. “Economics has a lot to do with it.” The Aztec club lacrosse and hockey teams still pay for fields and arenas for practice before and during the season, but do not have to follow the strict AIA restrictions. “It’s still cool as a club team,” senior lacrosse player Hunter Wall said. “There’s not as many restrictions, so we can practice more in advance.” Although Wall is a graduating in May, he hopes to see lacrosse become an AIA sanctioned sport in the years to come. “If the interest continues to grow, then I could see them becoming sports in the next few years,” Nero said.®

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