Sunrise February 2011

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February 2011 • Vol. 34 No. 4

Corona del Sol High School • Tempe, AZ

Fresh blood


Borange New additions to boys basketball team brings new dimensions STORY PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY ERIN BLEVINS





INSIDE SUNRISE... Special Feature

Life & Times

Changes to be made to the spring AIMS testing

Tattoos: Self-expression or self-mutilation?

Last-minute Valentine’s gift and date ideas

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Current Events for Dummies 2 • News

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

the U.S. District Court of Arizona. Most recently, it is being reported the Giffords is alive and showing signs of response to doctors after undergoing a two-hour Recent Local Shootings surgery on her brain, which the bullet punctured. Similarly to the shooting a few days prior, this sceOn Wednesday, Jan. 5, shots were fired at Chandler nario too had many conflicting reports of the events Fashion Center before the chaos traveled to the nearby Baja Fresh restaurant, where hostages were held presently occurring. by 27-year-old Adam Hernandez. As the SWAT team, What to Take Away U.S. Marshalls, local police departments and news staMany news stations and websites published cortions stood by, Hernandez eventually negotiated with rections to reports they made during unfolding events a Mesa policeman and surrendered peacefully. It’s not yet been released what Hernadez’s motive was. of both of these shootings. In regards to the Chandler Hernandez has a previous record of shooting at po- Fashion Center shooting, Phoenix New Times reports, lice officers, as it’s believed he did at Chandler Fashion “Any confusion that the suspect might have been fugiCenter. Thankfully in this incident, nobody was hit or tive Daniel Perez, who was accidentally released from injured. However, you may have heard very different, custody in Pinal County last month, was the result of as many news stations reported conflicting reports on ‘poor communication’ between the agencies involved what was happening with the situation as it unfolded. and the media.” Regarding the Tucson shooting, NPR (National Another shooting took place Public Radio) published this correction made by exthree days later in Tuscon as ecutive editor Dick Meyer: “In the course of report22-year-old Jared Lee Loughing on the tragic events in Tucson on Saturday, NPR ner opened fire at a grocery store broadcast erroneous information in our 2:01p.m. where State Representative for the Eastern newscast, saying that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords 8th District Gabrielle Giffords was of Arizona had been shot and killed.” The editor’s note appearing. Leaving the Represengoes on to say, “all of us at NPR News have been retative shot, a dozen other people wounded and six citizens dead, byGIFFORDS minded of the challenges and professional responsibilstanders tackled the gunman until Police took control ities of reporting on fast-breaking news at a time and of the situation. Amongst the six dead were a 9-year- in an enviorment where information and misinformaold girl, Christina Green and John Roll, chief judge of tion move at light speed.” BY PRESLIE HIRSCH Life & Times Editor

It is important that as newsworthy events take place, especially in situations involving violence, to keep an open mind about what is being reported. News stations are comprised of humans, who make mistakes. To promote the spread of correct information, consumers should get their information from many sources and wait until a situation calms down before repeating what is heard from the get-go, as things often change and are corrected.

“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repealed

First, a little background on the law: In 1993 President Bill Clinton signed “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” or DADT, into effect. This means, a person can be gay and serve in the military, until someone finds out that he or she is gay and at that point it’s typical to be honorably discharged. It’s been estimated that more than 13,000 people have been discharged under DADT policy. In 2008, President Barack Obama promised in his campaign to repeal DADT and the Senate voted to accomplished this as of Dec. 18, 2010, repealing the policy in effect for 17 years. The senate vote was 65-31.

What to Take Away Now men and women can joined the armed forces and not live in hiding or fear that their sexual orientation will be revealed. As a student, if you are gay, you now have the option to serve like any other military person without the possibility of being discharged.®

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

News • 3

Fireworks: Legal to buy, illegal to use

high as $1,000 and Tempe is intending to tax fireworks to use them anyway.” and plans to fine users up to $250. Additionally, A d d i t i o n a l l y, knowing that fireworks This year, instead of watching the annual ball drop Phoenix residents who violate the city ban can be cited are illegal hardly in Times Square or attending the Tempe Block Party, a potential $2,500 fine, six months in jail, or both. Fireworks that are legal for sales include ground deters some people many were spending their New Year’s Eve outside and hand-held sparkling devices, cylindrical fountains, from using them. In lighting fireworks. one case, sophomore The passing of House Bill 2246, the new law that cone fountains, illuminating torches, wheels and Michael Ortiz was advocates personal use of consumer fireworks in ground spinners. Fireworks that are prohibited include firecrackers unaware that lighting Arizona, was signed May 10, 2010 by governor Jan fireworks in Chandler Brewer and went into effect on Dec. 1. Coincidentally, and anything designed to rise into the air and explode is illegal, despite using the law allows cities in Arizona to regulate use of or anything designed to fly above the ground, them on New Year’s. fireworks, and many of the cities have taken this including: bottle rockets, skyrockets, missile-type rockets, helicopters, and roman candles. If given the chance opportunity to ban all fireworks. Despite laws being in place to prevent people from Regardless of the state permitting the sale of PHOTO COURTESY OF ERICK LUE to go back and not use the fireworks, Ortiz fireworks, it remains legal only in Mesa and Gilbert using fireworks, many CdS students found themselves said, “No, I still would have used the fireworks had I to use them on specified dates like New Year’s Eve breaking the law this past New Year’s Eve. Sophomore Jeremy Ramsland used fireworks on known they were illegal.” or the Fourth of July. Both Tempe and Chandler have Ramsland stated, “I still have a box leftover that I’m banned the use of fireworks, along with many other New Year’s Eve, and said in an interview, “Yes, I knew municipalities in Arizona. Chandler imposes fines as it was illegal to use fireworks in Tempe, but I decided planning to use later.”® BY WILL MORGAN Staff Reporter

Changes to be made to grading, duration of AIMS Writing BY MARANDA FELLOWS Staff Reporter

Big changes will be made to the Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards this spring. The writing portion of AIMS now includes multiple choice questions relating to the Six Traits of Writing. These questions will count for 40

percent of the overall writing score and will be included in the same booklet as the writing prompt. “The state recommends we allow an additional 30 minutes to administer the writing of AIMS given this change,” Dr. Maja Aleksic Director of Assessment and Accountability said. The rubric was impacted as well.

Instead of the writing portion being scored on the Six Trait Rubric that was used in previous year, a Holistic Rubric will now be used. The Holistic Rubric does not grade the six traits. Students will receive one score on a scale from one through six, rather than a separate score for each trait. Previously, six different individuals graded the writing

traits portion, but just one individual will grade it. These changes were made in an attempt to make the writing test more valid and reliable. The writing data previously had great fluctuation in scoresin previous years due to different graders. This is an attempt to make the test more stable and reliable.®

4 • Life & Times

Corona now an open enrollment school BY LILLY BERKLEY Staff Writer

Previously Corona had been a closed campus, meaning students had to live in a certain area or district to attend Corona. Starting last year Corona is an open enrollment school because the school isn’t at capacity. “This previous year I went to Marcos de Niza, and luckily, because of the open enrollment, I was able to change schools and come to Corona this year,” sophomore Cailey Gagen said. “ Being able to attend Corona is amazing and has given me a chance to met new people, and have a great work environment.” Corona isn’t the only school that now has open enrollment. Desert Vista also has become an open enrollment school. A difference between the two schools is that Desert Vista has 40 slots open at random to students for open enrollment, and at Corona there are 75 slots open. The superintendent will annually determine the number of available slots. “The idea was that over four years the schools would be brought back to capacity,” said superintendent Gregory A. Wyman. The limited boundary line is now located at the I–10 freeway. Next year the superintendent will review the progress of the school to determine whether it’ll be open enrollment again. “This open enrollment is not only the fact that we need students, but we need students to keep our teachers,” said registrar Holly Secor. To apply for one of the spots at Corona, students can go to the office and get an orange sheet for registration requirements.®

CdS Sunrise • February 2011

Get involved all year long Volunteer opportunities outside of the holiday season

animal shelter or nursing home. St. Mary’s Food Bank is a volunteer center that Corona has done its part to encourage students to distributes food to homeless shelters and families who use donate clothing and canned food items every year, but food stamps to feed their families. “I believe in good karma and I think that would be there are only a select few who take the next step by good karma to help the less fortunate.” English Teacher donating outside of school to help their community. For those who live near a Goodwill donating is not Andrew Lawrence said. Even though the holidays are over some students will hard to do. You can donate almost anything aside from hazardous items and auto parts. Along with donating you gladly help out their fellow man in any way they can. Whether its helping out your grandmother or get a tax deductable. Any money Goodwill receives from your donated items will be sent out to charities to help volunteering some of your time and items, helping others is always a good way to give back.® improve the lives of families in need. “I think people should donate what they can,” If you are interested you can contact Goodwill sophomore Abryanna Amaya said. “People spend too much and St. Mary’s Food Bank at… time keeping things they don’t need. I donate sometimes St. Mary’s Goodwill and it feels really satisfying.” If you do not have anything to donate at the moment 602-242-FOOD(3663) 602-254-4100 another possiblity is to volunteer at a local food bank, BY TAYLOR BEESE Staff Writer

Declarations for StudCo student body elections due soon BY SARAH DINELL Editor in Chief

Student body elections are coming up for the 2011-12 school year and juniors are eligible to apply. Students have the opportunity to declare between Feb. 22 and March 4. Joining Student Council is a great way to make changes around the school, volunteer for charity, and make new friends. “If you want to be a part of Corona’s leadership community, if you like being a part of a great team of kids and do a lot of charity events, this is the kind of thing you want to do,” Student Council adviser Ben Forbes said. Student Body President Nick Nist has been involved with Student Council since middle school, and has greatly enjoyed the experience. “If there is something in the school they (the applicants) want to change, like dances or assemblies, Student Council is a great way to make that happen,” Nist said. “It’s a way to get your voice heard.” While students can run for traditional positions like president and vice-president, there are also appointed po-

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sitions available such as election supervisors and fundraising managers. After applicants apply, each class votes on who should receive these positions. Student Body elections are different from class elections. Student Body is only open to the incoming senior class, while for class elections, students run for positions only open to their particular year. “They both meet under Student Council. Each class is responsible for planning their own dance, while Student Body has even more responsibility for planning three dances,” Forbes said. “Ideally, the class is supposed to represent each class, while the Student Body represents the entire community.” Speeches for candidates will be aired on [cdstv] on March 7, and the election will take place on March 11. Potential candidates must sign up in the office and get 50 signatures from students to be eligible to run. Everyone is welcome to apply. “I would advise students to run an honest campaign, get your name out there, be unique,” Forbes said. “Stand for something positive; that’s what students respond to.” ®

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 5

Unusual Valentines Day Gifts

sleepwear, and you can even throw in a pair of festive fuzzy sock for the perfect accessory. Nothing is better then snuggling up to your Valentine in a Snuggie.

your key chain, buy the ones that hold pictures.

BY CHANEL ALVIS Opinions Editor

Roses are red, violets are blue, flowers are boring, try something new!

Bouquet of Red Balloons

Flowers are so drab and unoriginal. They’re expensive and they die before you have the chance to enjoy them. Also a bouquet of red roses may give off the wrong impression. This bouquet of red balloons is fun and flirty without looking too serious, and can be a gift for a girlfriend, boyfriend or just a good friend. They are inexpensive and more original than wilting flowers.

Pillow Pets and Snuggies

Date Ni ght Bucket

Go on an infomercial frenzy with the new fashion sensation. Snuggies and pillow pets are great for everyone. Combine them for a complete ensemble of

Give your Valentine the gift of time, your time. This bucket includes everything seen here, popcorn, candy, a movie or movie tickets and a night full of fun! Relax after a long school day and enjoy a movie night with your significant other.

Hike and Picnic

Restaurants are so busy on Valentine’s Day and the fun night you were planning could easily turn into a stressful one. Picnics are always a fun, meaningful way to spend time with your Valentine and are significantly less expensive. You can surprise your date with a candle-lit dinner up in the mountains or in the local park. Or you and your date can cook the food together for an unforgettable Valentine’s Day.

Heart Suckers Bouquet

If a bouquet of balloons isn’t your thing, try something sweet. Heart suckers, or lollipops, are great for those who aren’t big fans of chocolate and want something to satisfy their sweet tooth. Mix with other candy delights to personalize your bouquet to fit your Valentine’s taste.

Heart Cupcakes

Fun Key Chains

These delicious and adorable holiday treats are wonderful edible gifts that anyone will appreciate. Red velvet cake is the most popular cake flavor for Valentine’s Day, usually topped with cream cheese frosting and heart decorations. Cupcakes are a cute and delicious finale to any Valentine’s Day dinner. 

If you are a junior or senior looking for a fun hands-on class, then Botany 1-2 may be right for you! These courses focus on in-class project-based instruction that offers little to no homework. Students who enjoy the class can take Botany 3-4 for further instruction

Corona del Sol’s Botany Program’s greenhouse gives students a chance to experience many practical uses for plants as well as learning plant anatomy and physiology. Botany classes can count for elective science lab credit

By Bree Purdy | Managing Editor

Botany 1-2 and 3-4

Sunrise Staff Playlist

These quirky gifts are fun for every personality. They are not expensive and you can find them almost everywhere. This is a gift that both guys and girls will love and remember forever. If you want to personalize



Bad Romance Lady Gaga

The Church Channel Say Anything


Circa Survive

Exogenesis: Symphony, Part Three: Redemption Muse


Regina Spektor


Johnny Cash

I’ve Got Friends

Manchester Orchestra

Middleman Bright Eyes

Oh Comely Neutral Milk Hotel Slowing Don (Long Time Coming) Anthony Green

6 • Special Feature

Special Feature • 7

THINK before you INK

BY PRESLIE HIRSCH Life & Times Editor


w o r d tattoo, originating from the Tahitian word “tatua” meaning “to mark,” is currently defined as “the act of marking the skin with The indelible patterns, pictures, legends, etc., by making punctures in it and inserting pigments.” The history of tattooing can be traced back several thousand years to Japanese, Egyptian, Greek and other cultures for tribal, religious and recreational reasons, to name a few. Tattooing took off in 1891, with the invention of the tattoo machine. The process has since advanced with modern technology, and now includes a variety of chemically made-up ink colors, and a hollow needle depositing ink about one eighth of an inch below the surface of the skin at up to 3,000 punctures a minute. As the sixth fastest growing industry in America, tattoo shops have left their mark on almost 40 percent of Americans between the ages 18 and 29, more than double the percentage in 2000.



Fast forward in time, and now we are in a place in America where tattooing, just like many popular topics in society, is controversial. Current high school students are in the middle of this controversy; as more and more students are getting inked, they face the reality of employment and safety as they enter the tattoo world. “The main issue that confronts public employers, now, is tattoos. We are dealing with it more and more, it’s an issue on the rise,” Chandler Fire Department’s Paul Nies said regarding potential employment for aspiring firefighters. “It (a tattoo) can be a hurdle to being hired,” Neis continued. “There is a certain amount of confidence the public needs to have in our abilities, and whatever body art you have that shows has an effect on that.” Neis goes on to explain consequences of not considering how tattoos can determine a person’s KEERA CRAIG future, specifically with a career such as the fire department. “If you had something on your forearm, you would be required to wear a long sleeve shirt your entire career, and that includes in the summer,” Neis said. “While we don’t have standard hiring policy, we would look unfavorably in the hiring process of anybody with showing body art. People get a tattoo and think it’s the greatest thing, then they think ‘gee, I’d like to be a police officer or a fire fighter’ and then the rude awakening comes that not everyone is accepting of body art,” Neis said. That is a concept that many employers stressed. “If someone was tattooed all over, it may subconsciously contribute to the decision that I don’t want this person representing me and my company,” Chandler Police Department Officer Dave Kobler said. “The people that got tattoos when I was growing up were sailors and bikers, guys who wanna be tough guys.” Kobler believes the amount of people getting tattooed is increasing. “The police are traditionally a pretty conservative group of people, but more and more officers that we hire are more prone to have tattoos than we’ve ever had before, and people of all ages are getting tattoos,” Kobler said. Though some companies have a strict flat-out no showing tattoo policy, Kobler has a little different take. “Does it (a tattoo) affect someone getting hired? Potentially, depends on the nature of the tattoo,” Kobler said. This idea also stands for those wanting to join the Army. Tattoos containing profanity (curse words or nudity for example), racism, or gang-related symbols will disqualify you from being eligible to serve the country through the Army. Though it varies for the different branches of the armed forces, having those types of icons will limit your possibilities. Another common career aspiration is to become an educator, and becoming a teacher too has its way of deal-

ing with the uprising tattoo fad. “We are living in very changing times and the way employers address (tattoos) now would be different than 10 years ago,” said Karla Izzett, director of Kyrene Elementary School District’s Employee Relations in Human Resources. “We are all exposed (to tattoos) at the grocery store and with people we know, and children don’t appear to be particularly alarmed,” Izzett said. She goes on to admit, “It’s not like it would come down to a teacher with a tattoo and a teacher without (to be hired).” Izzett states that there is no blanket policy that teachers can’t have tattoos. “It would have to make us think that they couldn’t successfully perform their job function (to not hire someone),” Izzett said. Taking a step back and thinking more about the present for high school students, even places such as Jimmy and Joe’s Pizzeria and Starbucks Coffee have policies on what tattoos are acceptable. Starbucks requires that all tattoos must be covered, and Jimmy and Joe’s follows by coincidence the same restrictions as the Army. Many employers commented on how neck and face tattoos would negatively affect the chance for employment. Kobler sums up how being tattooed can potentially affect employment. “Some people want to be very bold about what they believe and that’s your right and privilege, but that doesn’t mean somebody has to hire you,” Kobler said. Junior Brooke Prausa can relate. She is mildly concerned her tattoo will affect her employment. However, she is not terribly worried because it’s easily hidden, located on her ribs. “It wasn’t for other people, it was a tattoo for myself. If I want to show someone it I can, but I don’t want people to judge me for my tattoo; it’s for myself,” Prausa said.


Prausa’s parents don’t know about her tattoo, and her parents didn’t give consent. There are few options for those who don’t obtain parent permission for a tattoo. “A friend wants a tattoo and their parents won’t sign and someone says ‘I have a tattoo machine, it’s not a big deal’...It’s a very big deal,” Scotty Rich, tattoo artist at Lady Luck Tattoo Gallery, said. PRAUSA The safety aspect in the world of tattooing is a fast growing problem in the United States. Many people, especially in high school, are getting tattooed out of houses, with improper equipment by untrained artists and wind up with way more than a poorly done tattoo. “The tattoos we see today are very high quality, they are beautiful. It’s when kids start doing this to themselves I get concerned about that, it’s simply dangerous;” Kobler said. Not only is it dangerous and unsanitary, it’s illegal. “In Arizona it is a felony (to tattoo someone out of a house), a class 6 felony; it’s mutilation. If you tattoo someone underage out of a house, it’s considered the same in court as raping them. The main reason is the repercussions that can come of it,” Rich said. “They don’t do good tattoos. There is a danger of getting infections that can kill you; they have killed people. Staph infections are big, because it can transit through air. It’s basically a skin disease that can lead to amputation. I know a guy that had the bottom half of his leg amputated

due to a bad tattoo. Hepatitis, AIDS (are other possibilities.) A tattoo procedure is the same as getting a small surgical procedure.” Because of this fact, the same precautions should be taken that would be taken at a hospital or doctors office. “Get yourself into a clean environment with no carpet; that’s a big deal,” Rich said. Going back to how homemade tattoos are often done poorly, though a general statement, it’s a true one that negatively affects the lives of many people. “I fix or cover bad tattoos 50 percent of the time, a bad tattoo done by another artist. Two thirds of that 50 percent are people between the ages of 18 and 25,” Rich said. “It kills me as an artist to turn people away that I can’t do anything for. The work is so bad that you can’t do anything for them. It’s hard to see people like that, because you can tell it drains them as a person because they are so self conscious. People come in with tears and they are just impossible to fix.”


People commonly think, “Oh, I can just get it lasered off.” But Rich believes otherwise. “Tattooing is easy, lasering is the hard part. I’ve seen people who fall asleep getting tattoos (and) cry getting them lasered off,” Rich said. He goes on to say lasering issimply not the answer. “It’s not an eraser; it’s very painful. It’s not a fix; it’s a treatment,” Rich said. Laser removal is not only painful, it’s extremely expensive. In addition, it is horrible for skin. It actually removes pigment of the skin, and that area is no longer able to tan. “Make sure you think about it, it hurts really bad (tattooing) and it’s there forever and to get it removed it hurts twice as much for twice as much money,” senior Lindsey Nahs said. Nahs has a tattoo of a Christian fish on her foot. Rich has advice for those seeking a tattoo in the future. “Don’t just walk in to a shop and get tattooed,” Rich said. “Go off your gut vibe, how you feel when you walk in, cleanliness, artist portfolios and attitude of the artist. If you don’t feel comfortable in the environment, don’t get tattooed there.” Thinking about what the tattoo should be of is something a lot of people struggle with and ultimately regret. “Think about why you’re getting it, what it’s going to do for you. Don’t look at it as a tattoo, look at it as artwork that can define your life, who you are and getting a job. There is a lot that comes with a tattoo, take the time to think about what it is you’re doing and that it will never come off,” Rich said. He goes on to say, “Don’t just get it because it’s cool and trendy; it should have meaning. Don’t get a smiley face because you’re happy one day and then have it turn into a frown face someday.” Prausa is confident in her tattoo. It is written in French and translated means “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.” “Just think when I’m 75 and old and wrinkly, am I still going to want this on my body?” is a thought Prausa also encourages others to consider. She is sure she is still going to love the tattoo she got for her mom and grandma. Research is absolutely key. When considering getting a tattoo, research what you want, where you want it and where you’re going to get it done. Being aware of the dangers of at-home tattooing and even poorly run shops will greatly increase the chances of a better tattoo experience. “There is nothing else you’re going to buy in your life that will define you the way a tattoo can,” Rich said.

8 • Life & Times

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Spice up the Valentine’s Day dates this year BY JACQUI MARZOCCA Staff Writer

Valentine’s Day is approaching quickly and many teens are in the process of planning a perfect date for that one special person they have. Dates can be fun, exciting and adventurous activities with someone you like to spend time with. Instead of the same old repetitive and simple dates, spice up the relationship with something new and exciting. 1. Fiddlesticks, an amusing date adventure, offers special deals during the week: Tuesdays are $12 for 40 arcade tokens and $5 extra for unlimited go-karts, bumper boats and rookie go-karts. This is a great date because there is never a dull second, lots of laughs, and gives you a chance to cheer each other on and enhance your playful side.This date is fantastic for adventurous, fun loving, competitive and energetic couples. 2. Chandler Fashion Center is a perfect date for

a couple that enjoys shopping and walking around. Movies, food court and endless hours of entertainment make this a popular date place. Many students enjoy going to the Apple Store and taking pictures on the laptops. Looking through stores and trying different outfits, accessories, and enjoying the countless ways to have a blast is part of what makes the mall so great. Plus, what better way to choose gifts than to learn your significant other’s style firsthand? 3. Airworx is an enjoyable and popular date spot. Friday to Sunday it is $10 for the first hour of jumping fun and $7 for each additional hour. Airworx can be a fantastic workout date filled with tons of laughs with friends. Pizza and refreshments are also available making it overall a fun experience for all. 4. Oceanside Ice Arena is a fun, romantic date filled with laughs and helping each other stay up. Whether you are just learning to skate or an expe-

rienced skater, the ice arena is a great place to spend quality time together and learn a new skill. Public skating times can be found at www.oceansideicearena. net. It is $5 for teens up to 17 years old, as well as children 3 years or older, and $7 for anyone 18 years old or above. Skate rentals are $3. 5. For a cheap and pleasurable date, take a bike ride then have a picnic in one of the many great parks. Kiwanis Recreation Center and Tempe Town Lake are nice places with many places to eat, walk and bike. Sports areas are available to gather some friends and initiate a great game. Make this a great Valentine’s Day and surprise your date with a fantastic day. Get away from the regular simple dates and think outside the box. Think about the kind of relationship you have- adventurous, romantic- or a mix, and choose a date that will make Valentine’s Day extraordinary.®

Senioritis: The epidemic of graduating classes BY Audrey Wheeless Staff Writer

As the second semester rolls in, the class of 2011 is ready to graduate and begin the next step of their lives. Second semester laziness is something very familiar to many seniors on the Corona del Sol campus. “Who wants to do work last semester as a senior,” senior Matt Wattel said. “I never want to do homework. That’s why I dropped math.” By this time most seniors already have an idea of where they plan on going to college. For those students going out of state, keeping up second semester grades is vital for the acceptance to that school. “If you’re applying out of state we send mid-year reports and 8th semester reports,” said guidance counselor Dawn Milovich said. “If you’re going in-state we

don’t send mid-year reports.” “Senioritis” affects all students in one-way or another. However, current sophomores are required to have 23 credits meaning they will not have the option of a half-day schedule because of the extra workload. Unless they take summer school or online classes, seniors of 2013 will have full-day schedules. “I’ve changed my schedule so I have less work and easier classes,” senior Jonathan Hidalgo said. “I don’t have any homework anymore. I don’t care as much as I did last semester. I’m ready to be on my own and take some afternoon classes. I won’t have any classes before 10 a.m. that’s for sure.” There are students on campus who have continued to be motivated not only all though high school but throughout the ending of his year. “It’s just something I’ve always done so it’s natural;

I don’t have to stress too much,” said senior Ted Lin. “I wanted to keep my GPA up and have more opportunities for college.” Consequences are present for those who plan on going out of state. These colleges will be interested as to how their future students finish out their high school career. However, for some students on campus, there is more motivation keeping their grades up than just college in the fall. “If I don’t get straight A’s my mom won’t let me go to Europe this summer, so I have been working harder,” senior Allison Mundine said. To Mundine, the Humanities trip provided the motivation for good grades, not necessarily college. “I don’t know where I’m going yet,” Mundine said. “I don’t feel like I have to try because I’m just going in state so I don’t have to work that hard.”®

Psychology teacher recieves award for the establishment of Psych 101

Maisel’s program, has been very popular among students over the past 14 years, and allows psychology students to earn elective high school credit and also college psychology credit. Joseph Maisel, psychology teacher at Corona del Sol High School and Rio Sal“It truly is a fantastic opportunity,” Maisel said. “I teach at ado College, has certainly had a lot to think about due to his recent winning of both schools to make things smoother for the students. The botthe 2009-10 Outstanding Adjunct Faculty award for the establishment of a dualtom line is that students learn a lot about their brain, personalenrollment psychology program. ity, motivation, emotions, sleep, disorders, therapies, and how “I was nominated by my department chair, Dr. Tom Lombado,” Maisel said. “I to function as a person in society.” just did the job. He thought I deserved the award.” Maisel This program has been going on for more than a decade, yet it continues to show growth potential among Corona students. “Currently I teach five classes of psychology. It varies from year to year whether it is AP Psychology (full year) or PSY 101 (semester). But each year I have had a full five classes,” Maisel said. Even to this day, Maisel’s diligence in retaining the success of this program has not ceased. He continues to put forth effort into shaping this enterprise into a widespread opportunity for all students. “I am constantly enhancing the program. Fourteen years ago there was a pilot program and now 19 schools in the Valley offer psychology dual-enrollment. I am ‘lead faculty for psychology’ which means I oversee all of the programs. Honestly, I take great pride in the success of the 19 high schools and work hard to ensure that the instructors receive support and enjoy what they do,” Maisel said. “I have also had the wonderful opportunity to speak to many dual-enrollment instructors at a national workshop in Ohio for several years.” The dual-enrollment psychology program has spread through a portion of the Valley, but Maisel has high hopes for its future success. “I hope it continues to grow across the Valley,” Maisel said.® BY Josh Ambre Staff Writer

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

Life & Times • 9

Sweetheart dance returning BY AUDREY WHEELESS Staff Writer

From Coronation to Sweethearts, royalty to non-royalty, the annual February formal dance is back and ready to make a statement. The sophomore class is in charge of the Sweetheart Dance and they have been meeting since early December with the sophomore class sponsor Keith Hester to plan the dance. “The dance will be on Feb. 26,” sophomore Kim Valentine, said. “We’re announcing the theme two weeks before the dance. We’re planning on making it different than normal. We have new ideas we’re excited about; it’s a lot different than regular dances.” Things changed the previous year when Student Council sponsor Ben Forbes opted to change the name of “Coronation” to the “Sweetheart Dance.” Although still

commonly referred to as Coronation on campus, this name change eliminated the royalty from the dance, leaving just Homecoming and Prom with the nominations. However, what makes Sweethearts different from other formal dances, this dance is girl-ask-guy. “Coronation literally means crowning,” Forbes said. “We wanted to do away with the royalty aspect of the dance. It lost all meaning so we only have two. I got the name of Sweethearts from Yearbook teacher Margie DiCesare. It’s around Valentine’s Day so we thought we’d make it couple themed.” “We’re going a different direction with the props ideas,” sophomore class President Wyatt Larson said. “We don’t know what we’re charging yet, but it (the dance) will be at the normal time 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.”®

Sunrise vs. Snowbowl: The battle of the “gnar” BY NATHAN SAMUELS Sports Editor

Many Corona students enjoy snowboarding at both major Arizona ski resorts, Snowbowl and Sunrise. There is always a debate as to which resort offers a better experience for snow sport enthusiasts. Snowbowl, sitting at 9,000 feet with five ski lifts, is located just outside of Flagstaff. Snowbowl is a more popular spot to take a one-day trip for Corona students. “I like Snowbowl because it is a lot closer and easier to go there for the day,” sophomore Austin Contreras said. Snowbowl is approximately 168 miles away and it is about a two-and-a-half hour drive. This year, Snowbowl has received 119 inches of snow, but more than half has melted and the base is currently around 52 inches. Sunrise is located in Greer and is just over 200 miles away from Phoenix. The mountains sit around 6,000 feet with 65 runs. It currently has 29-45 inches of snow depending on the area of the mountain. Sunrise is farther away but usually has better snow due to a higher peak elevation. “Sunrise is better because it has more off-trail runs so it’s better for more experienced riders who enjoy shredding the gnar,” sophomore Tyler Myrman said. “Gnar” is snowboarding slang for fresh snow, which makes turning easier and riding more enjoyable. Although Sunrise has more snow, it is four hours away from Phoenix, so going there for the day is long and tiring. Both resorts are enjoyable places to go to have fun in the winter season. “Sunrise is better for snowboarding down slopes, but Snowbowl has a better terrain park,” senior Matt Wattel said.®

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bus · bike · walk · rail

10 • Opinions

CdS Sunrise • February 2011

Violence is never What’s the meaning of Valentine’s Day? the answer

BY SARAH DINELL Editor in Chief

Why do some people feel like violence is the only solution to problems? It doesn’t matter that only a very few percentage feel this way: the recent shootings in Tucson and at the Chandler Fashion Center have proved that it only takes one person to do a whole lot of damage. One man managed to shoot 20 people, and kill six of them. Why would this seem like a good idea? So many powerful and influential leaders have also been assassinated throughout the ages, such as Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (his murder started World War I), Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, to name a few. There have been more than 20 assassination attempts of US presidents; the attempts were successful on Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. The murder of human beings is horrible enough, but even worse is some of these people could have had a bigger impact on history if they had been given the chance to live. In Lincoln’s case, for instance, the Civil War had only just ended when he was killed; after his death, the nation lacked a diplomatic yet effective leader, so the Reconstruction era almost tore the country apart again, and the south was decimated. Perhaps the worst part about these killings is the fear they instill in the living. John F. Kennedy was assassinated and so was his brother, Robert, during the primaries of his own run for presidency. Ted Kennedy was greatly encouraged to run for president, but he didn’t, partly because of his own fear of getting shot. Ted was quoted saying, ““I know that I’m going to get…shot off one day, and I don’t want to.” More recently, a similar situation occurred in January in Arizona. Anthony Miller, a Republican party district chairman, resigned after the Tucson shootings because he had been receiving death threats concerning him and his family members. It wasn’t worth it to him to be politically active and have to worry about getting killed. It’s not just people in the limelight who get murdered. Although most of us were too young to remember, 13 high school students were murdered in 1999 at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado by two of their classmates. All of those students were just beginning their lives, only to have it taken away from them. I just wish there was some way to prevent all these assassinations from occurring. It is truly sad when great world leaders have to drive around in bulletproof cars and have 10 bodyguards surrounding them at all times. I realize many of these assassinators are mentally ill, so their actions are not completely their fault. However, I also wish we lived in a world where everyone could realize that murder is not, and never will be, the answer.®



In 3rd grade, students were required to buy Valentine’s Day cards for the class. Problem was they came in packs of 28 but all my classes had 30 students. Back then, I was a nice person so I would go out and buy an extra-pack so as not to leave any students out. This left me with 26 extra cards. My fellow students were not as nice. Those 26 left over became the ones “sent” to me by my fellow students. Once in high school, candy grams became the big thing. People would receive little cards and a box of candy hearts from their “special someone.” I got as many as the kid who sits in the back and carves swastikas into his desk; none. I began to wonder why everyone else was allowed to get these cards, but then I noticed something: these people who I idolized weren’t that happy on Valentine’s Day. If anything, they seemed to be under more stress because of it. Every time it rolled around, V-Day would demand you go out and buy the biggest sign of affection you could find. But even that would just lead to pain that had been manufactured to make money. Greeting card companies, under the cover of celebrating St. Valentino’s death created Valentine’s Day. They also put in the idea that the only form of affection that mattered is cheap folded paper and cheesy poems. We need to celebrate love through real ways that don’t involve stupid holidays. Instead of wasting money, why not spread love in ways that fit your relationship? And maybe, just maybe, spread your love to people you wouldn’t otherwise spread it to. Like me.®

Priest Valentino was dubbed a saint by the Roman Church after he was murdered on February 14th, 269 B.C.E. Ever since, the Church had a feast commemorating his death. Therefore, this date has been Americanized into the Valentines Day we know today. Valentine’s Day means so much to so many people. I feel Valentines Day gives almost everybody a day to feel accepted, loved and known. Ever since kindergarten, February 14th has been a real holiday, a day where everyone has fun with one another. Even if there is a Downer in the group it shouldn’t stop your fun. Valentine’s Day has never just been about the popular kids; it’s about being popular with your friends. Being recognized at all can make anyone feel special. (That’s why people can act out negatively for attention). Of course for some people that’s not enough. Unfortunately, these types of people will always complain how they didn’t want to get a Valentine or that no one wanted to get them one. Come on, is it so wrong to care about someone special? Is it so wrong to make others feel the way you want to feel? Valentines Day wasn’t created to spend money at Hallmark. Valentine’s Day is for any one with holiday spirit. People should be giving cards and candy to make someone happy. That’s what having spirit is all about. It’s not just about buying something, it’s about giving something. It’s about making love real. Plus, you might get chocolate. Who doesn’t like chocolate? In my eyes, no one has to participate in V-day, but everyone should want to. Even if you’re not someone’s Valentine you should feel special Valentine’s Day.®

Sunrise Staff 1001 E. Knox Road • Tempe, AZ • 85284 Editor in Chief | Sarah Dinell Online Editor in Chief| Stephen Kuluris Managing Editors | Tatum Hartwig & Bree Purdy Staffers Josh Ambre, Taylor Beese, Lilly Berkley, Opinions Editor Chanel Alvis Alex Bernal, Jacob Cordas, Stephanie Dayton, Grady Life & Times Editor Preslie Hirsch Douglas, Nathan Fish, Maranda Fellows, Erin Maloney, Sports Editor Nathan Samuels Jacqui Marzocca,Will Morgan, Asada Njuguna, Audrey Photo Editors Erin Blevins & Kathryn Valentine Wheeless Graphics Editor Laci Ahlquist Cartoonists Chanel Alvis, Alyssa Gerwig Adviser Kris Urban Front Page Design: Bree Purdy

The Sunrise is an open forum for student expression and welcomes letters on all matters. The staff reserves the right to edit as required. All materials submitted for publication must be signed. Views and opinions contained herein are those of the author and not considered to be the opinions of the staff, adviser, administration or the the Tempe Union High School District. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the editorial board. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service.

February 2011 • CdS Sunrise

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12 • Sports

CdS Sunrise • February 2011

Tom Joseph appointed new CdS football coach Corona teachers and coaches Ken Olson and Tim Kelly, also former Corona alumni, were also candiCorona del Sol High School recently named Tom dates for the coaching job. Joseph as the head football coach on Dec. 17. “We had a committee to gather “I’m excited about Joseph,” Principal Susan Edmore input from the community,” wards said. “He comes with a wealth of experience.” Edwards said. “The district might Edwards, athletic director Dan Nero, district atheventually follow the same format letic director Ken Salas and a committee of parents, JOSEPH for selecting future coaches.” faculty and community members chose Joseph as the Joseph, former Mountain View Aztec head coach. “You have to remember that football is about com- head coach who has had 29 years of coaching experimitment,” Edwards said. “Joseph is committed to get ence at many colleges and high schools, hopes to make Corona’s football program a powerhouse along with Corona back on top.” Other candidates included Matt Lewis from Sa- Hamilton, Chandler and Basha. “As long as the players are ready to work, we’re guaro High School, Roger Shanks from Red Mountain High School and Cory Nenaber, former Corona alum- going to get along well, and have a great year,” Joseph ni, teacher and coach, from Maricopa High School. said. BY ALEX BERNAL Staff Writer

“The things he was able to do over at Mountain View were amazing,” junior Andrus Peat said. “I think Corona football is heading in the right direction with coach Joseph and his staff.” Peat has had to deal with three coaching changes throughout his high school career: Gary Venturo, Zane Zamenski and now Joseph. “Every year you have to start over and build that relationship with the new coaches,” Peat said. “I look forward to this year and want to do anything I can for my teammates and I to have a great year.” At Mountain View, Joseph led the Toros to one state championship, three state championship appearances, and six region championships in his nine years of coaching there. “I’m hoping to do great things next year,” Joseph said. “There’s a lot to look forward to.” ®

Fresh talent brings new optimism, energy to varsity team ing basketball for a bigger crowd like Corona. Benson plays point guard. The Corona del Sol boys varsity “Casey is one of our best shooters basketball team has several new and ballhandlers,” Duane said. additions to the team this year. Coach Junior Jesse McCain moved to AriSammy Duane said each player has an zona at the beginning of the year from important role on the team. Jackson, Wyo. Freshman Casey Benson was home“Jesse can shoot the ball and gives us schooled last year and came to Corona toughness,” Duane said. to start high school. Benson enjoys playSenior Rashidi Kabamba moved BY ERIN MALONEY Staff Writer

from Houston. He said the best part about playing for Corona is that the team is unselfish. “The team welcomed me with open arms and they appreciated what I brought to the table. They made my transition easy,” Kabamba said. Duane said Kabamba brings energy to the team and to the games. “Rashidi gives us quickness and scor-

ing,” Duane said. Lastly, senior Michael Miller transferred from Gilbert’s Mesquite High School last year. “Michael is probably one of our best defenders and rebounders,” Duane said. The team, 16-3 overall, is ranked No. 6 in power rankings as of press time. “I like being a part of this team; we are all like family,” Miller said. ®

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