The National Strategy for Flood and Coastal Erosion

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187. Wales Costal Group Forum will work with Coastal Groups to standardise a reporting method, by introducing criteria to emphasise progress on actions. This will support Measure 10 of this Strategy. 188. In addressing coastal flooding and implementing actions in the SMPs, Local Authorities may wish to speak to the WCMC and NRW, who prepare and maintain technical guidance on coastal standards of service against flooding. NRW continue to model risk from the sea, and are conducting research to improve understanding of joint probability and develop best practice guidance. 189. Flooding can span country boundaries so RMAs that border England must co-operate with the Environment Agency and other English RMAs to make improve flood risk management and consider partnership funding. 190. The Environment Agency is working with English coastal groups to improve access and use of SMPs through the development of a web-based tool. The Welsh Government will extend this to include the four Welsh SMPs. NRW and Coastal Group Forum will liaise with the Environment Agency on this extension.

Action Plans arising from the SMPs set out measures relevant to each stakeholder, and are for Coastal Groups to monitor and progress. MEASURE 10: Coastal Groups to report annual progress on SMP Action Plans to the Welsh Government through the Wales Coastal Group Forum. MEASURE 11: Coastal Groups to report on the implementation of SMP2 epoch 1 policies, through Wales Coastal Group Forum to the Welsh Government, by 2025. Objectives supported: A-D

Coastal monitoring 191. Wales’ coastline is a dynamic environment. Man-made alterations to the coastline such as coastal defences impact on natural systems, particularly where controls have been put in place altering the way sediment moves along the coast. We need to improve our understanding of the long term trends and changing nature of those coastlines in order to manage the risks of flooding and erosion 192. We want RMAs to work together through the WCMC, collecting data to common standards and sharing expertise so that a long term repository of information can be built up over time supporting our strategy of prioritising investment.

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Objective B: Preparedness and Building Resilience

Community resilience and behaviours 193. The resilience of a community to flooding is a measure of how it responds to and recovers from a flood event. A resilient community is well prepared for a flood and knows what action to take to reduce the potential impacts and damage caused. It is also able to minimise the disruption caused and recovers quickly from flood events. RMAs, the emergency services and voluntary organisations all have a role to play in improving community resilience. 194. We also talk about environmental resilience and the ability for ecosystems to adapt and recover from flooding. Whilst the personal and economic aspects of resilience are covered here, there is more on the resilience of catchments under the Natural Flood Management section (paragraphs 201-213). 195. The immediate response of a community to a flood can be improved greatly if they are prepared for the event, aware of the risks, and understand what practical actions they can take and who is most appropriate to help them at the time they need it most. 196. Under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, all Category 1 and 2 responders44 have a duty to warn and inform the public if a flood emergency is likely to occur. 197. Under the Water Resources Act 1991, NRW provides a flood warning service to the public for river and coastal flooding. NRW have established agreements under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 with certain telecom providers to pre-register customers who live in flood warning areas onto its warning service. The public can also sign up for free flood warnings online via NRW’s website45 or by calling Floodline46. 198. Understanding forecasts, assessing flood risk and communicating it is a key part of being prepared. Working in partnership with the Met Office and Flood Forecasting Centre, NRW assess risk from river, coastal and surface water and publish a 5 day flood forecast on its website. The Flood Forecasting Centre issue a Flood Guidance Statement to Category 1 & 2 Responders in Wales. 199. There can be physical and psychological impacts from a flood event. We therefore support action to improve the resilience of communities so they are prepared to respond more effectively and recover quicker. This may include receiving flood warnings, the preparation of community flood plans and outreach work with residents, businesses and schools. 200. We want to encourage RMAs to have conversations with communities around their own management of risk and help them to become more resilient to the impacts of flooding. Closer collaboration between NRW and Local Authorities to develop and engage with communities should become common practice.

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