The Lord Mount Dragon (Galaxy 6)

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Keith Ruttle Illustrated by Rowan Barnes-Murphy

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07-05-08 11:05:52

One day, a poor weaver got up early and made his breakfast. He started to work, but soon he fell asleep.


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It was a hot summer morning. The weaver woke up. There were lots of black flies on his breakfast.


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The weaver hit the flies hard. All the flies died! He counted them carefully. There were seventy.


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07-05-08 11:06:02

The weaver went outside and said, “I killed seventy with one blow!�


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Then he said, “I want to be a knight, not a poor weaver.”


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He went into his kitchen. He found some pans and a pot.


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He made armour with the pans. He put the pot on his head to make a helmet.


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Then he made a shield. He painted on it: “I am a brave knight. I killed seventy with one blow.�


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The weaver went outside in his new armour.


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He got onto his donkey. His neighbours laughed, but the weaver could not hear them because the pot was over his ears.


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07-05-08 11:06:18

The weaver went to see the king. On the road to the castle, people came out to see him. They laughed and pointed, but the weaver could not hear them because the pot was over his ears.


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“Everyone is clapping and waving at me,” he thought.


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The weaver arrived at the king’s castle. A soldier at the castle gate said, “Welcome to the brave knight. The king wants to meet you.” The weaver smiled.


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But the king had a plan for the weaver. There was a terrible dragon in the land. His brave knights could not kill it.


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“I have a job for you,� said the king. The king told the weaver about the dragon. It lived in a dangerous swamp and liked to eat noble knights.


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The king gave the weaver a horse and a bag of coins and sent him to kill the dragon.


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The weaver was scared. He didn’t want to meet a dragon.


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But the horse started to gallop. The weaver couldn’t stop it. The horse galloped for three days.


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At last, they arrived at the dragon’s swamp. The dragon came out of the swamp. It was enormous and very ugly!


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The weaver climbed up a tall tree. The dragon saw the horse and ate it in one bite. But it did not see the weaver in the tree.


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Soon the dragon fell asleep under the tree.


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Suddenly the weaver fell – onto the dragon’s head! The dragon woke up. The weaver held on to the dragon’s ear.


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The dragon was very angry. It flew into the sky. Fire blew from its nose.


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The dragon flew straight into the king’s castle (CRASH!) and fell to the ground.


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The king was amazed. “Here’s your dragon,” said the weaver. The king took a sword and chopped off the dragon’s head.


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Then the king named the weaver “Lord Mount Dragon�, because he rode a dragon across the sky.


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The next day the weaver and the king rode to the weaver’s village.


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The weaver had silver armour and a big banner. The banner said:


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