Close to Home
a r m prod hf u
Process Book.
Close to
n F r a ncisco
Close to Home//Process Book 1
This is a process book for GR_620 Visual Thinking, I choose promoting local produce as my topic for this semester. In today’s world it’s possible to live in a place and know very little about its environment. When you start paying attention to where your food comes from, you quickly realize what kinds of produce and animal products are locally available. Close to Home is a project about promoting local grown food by providing people an easy access to local produce. Educate people how important buying and eating local grown food. Introduce an idea of purchasing local food would benefit local residents. I want to arise more attention for residents to support local market.
Close to Home//Process Book 01
Mind Map
Initial Visual Identity
Mood Board
Application Deliverable collection
Before I did the mind map, I did an explore writing about my topic.
04 Jialu Li//Visual Thinking
Mind Map
Mind map lead me a much more clear direction and made my idea more solid.
Close to Home//Process Book 05
Questions: After writing a mind map, I have few directions that I can pursue, branding a farm, local farm produce delivery and providing a service. I came up with three questions: WHY should we eat locally grown food? HOW to find store sells local produce? WHAT is in season now?
Goals: Answers for these questions are the goals that I want to achieve through my brand—promote local produce, provide an easy access to local grown food for all ages and give an alternative benefits to local residents.
Keywords Farmers’ market Freshness Organic Seasonal Delivery Healthy
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Persona 01. People who like to cook
Helen 40 Housewife
//vegetarian //married for 12 years, have 3 kids //cook meal for family almost everyday //always compare the price through same product //often goes to farmers market //like to do recycle
Close to Home//Process Book 07
02. Woking People
Mary 27 Office lady
//Just got married //very busy at work //likes to do quick cooking //often buy food in supermarket //Start to have a healthier diet //always looks up labels if there is chemicals in it //loves the time spend with family
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03. Dorm Student
Niki 19 Collage student
//lives in dorm //buy all grocery in the nearest store //loves fast food //cook small meal sometimes //does not like vegetable //addict to her mac/phone //excited with new adventure
Close to Home//Process Book 09
Initial Visual Identity
Brain Storming with brand name
Name Options: Close to Home Freshseletion Fresh Harvest Freshprime Green&Go Cripyfresh Green Box
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At early stage of sketching, I use icons as my logo inspiration. After doing the research, I changed my direction to typography logo and combine hand lettering to create a connection with my target audience.
Close to Home//Process Book 11
Close to Home fresh fa rm delivery
Close to
fr esh local fa rm deliver y
Close to
Close to
m h fa r produ
Close to
F ra ncisco
12 Jialu Li//Visual Thinking
m prod h far uc
Close to
n Fr ancisco
m h f a r produ
Close to
F rancisc
Final Logo
h es
f a r m p r o du
Close to
F r a ncisc
The idea of a circle with hand lettering is to create a friendly icon logo. I want my audience easily make a connection to food or farm when they see this logo.
Close to Home//Process Book 13
Mood Board
Tone and Driver The tone of Close to Home is positive, friendly and fresh. The mood board shows the direction of my brand, it is very simple and street, I want to put myself as one of the target audience and think what I want to learn form this brand, that is why I use eye-catching image to attract views attention, when they get closer the typography would explain more about Close to Home.
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Close to Home//Process Book 15
Whole Foods American foods supermarket chain specializing in natural and organic foods. Compare to Whole Foods Market, Close to Home has more friendly price for fresh local grown food. Google Express Compare to Google Express, Close to Home is more specific on fresh local vegetables and fruit. Yelp Yelp is a multinational corporation headquartered in San Francisco, California. Close to Home is more focus on local food groceries. 16 Jialu Li//Visual Thinking
Posters A series of poster is the best way to visual atract views attention. Brochure A brochure cotains more information then posters, I explained major reasons why we should eat local produce, a map and listed seaonal produce. Postcards A postcard set would be placed in grocery stores that costumers can pick them up easilly. Website The website contains more information inclucde scearching page, recipes, events and etc. Application The funcion of this application mainly is navigation. It is an easy to carry application.
Close to Home//Process Book 17
I believe a strong series of posters can visually attract views from far away; the eye-catching color palette is necessary and interesting image to tell the store instead of words. I gave different function for each poster: —Tell views the benefits of eating local produce —Promoting my brand that helps people find the freshness in the neighborhood —Information poster, which tells views what is in season now
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Keywords: Freshness Convenience Seasonal Close to Home//Process Book 19
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The brochure would be placed in grocer y store, it is easy for costumer to pick it up. It mainly contains three important questions —Why should we eat local produce —How do we find local grocery store —What is in season noww
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Considering my brand is more towards to digital platforms, I designed both website and application. The website is more comprehensive, the big part of it is the searching page, type in any produce name, it will show stores near your neighborhood. Except that, it also contains articles, seasonality charts, recipes, and events calendar.
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Deliverable collection
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Close to Home//Process Book 31
Supporting local market Benefit yourself
Close to Home Process Book Jialu Li GR_620 Visual Thinking Fall 2014 Instructor: David Hake