Architectural Design Portfolio pt1

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CC C.Cameron Architectural Design Portfolio - Part 1

About Me


My name is Cecelia Cameron and this is some of my academic work. I have a growing interest in creating spaces and how they affect people in and around a building, city or town. Successful places are loved because they connect people to their environment. These projects were designed with a focus on people and how they may connect to a space.

Contents People’s Market Fall Semester 2013 Placemaking Studio

Krasl Fall Semester 2013 Placemaking Studio

Rekindling Niles Spring Semester 2014 Background Building Studio

Town House Spring Semester 2014 Background Building Studio

European Studies Summer Semester 2014 Analytical Summer Abroad

Watercolors Spring Semester 2014 Watercolor Painting

Cecelia Cameron


(516) 376 - 5460


People’s Market BE N TON HA R B OR , M IC H IG A N

Entering the site, and guided by two rows of trees, the “People’s Market� was designed with traditional, earthy and strong materials that create a focus towards the environment and the farmland.

The proposed design also includes many small moments which were gifted to its visitors and compelled them to explore and discover. This space was a public-private space for the community, giving them the opportunity to once again be educated and learn about the when, the where, and the how of food production by making it transparent.

Te a m P a r t n e r : B r i t n e y T h o m a s

C l i e n t : L e e L a Va n w a y

Project Premise Mr. Lee Lavanway, the client of this project had a specific goal for the design of this market. He desired, “ A place where food is respected and community development and food education thrives; a place where folks can hang out and enjoy the atmosphere of a place-based food economy; a place where food and art are combined; a place where the freshest and finest of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats and prepared meals are processed to perfection in small batches, not giant operations.�

Site Plan This project scheme includes two educational buildings for “after school� lectures with student gardens located at the back, an administration building, located at the bottom of a tower that serves as a marker and a romantic and picturesque opening at the top. The center building, to the left of the tower is the Great Hall which will hold social gatherings and events.

Ae r i a l Pe r s p e c t i v e This project also includes shops, which are located behind the Great Hall, which will serve the food prepared on site. There is a market square located between which is surrounded by outdoor seating and planters where people can relax. To the left of the court is a group of buildings where the “transparent� processing of the food happens, and towards the back is a horizontal structure where the Trading lanes occur.

E n t r a n c e t o G r e a t Ha l l Fronting the entrance to the Great Hall is an open court for gathering or play. The ground is stepped down to also provide lounge space for relaxing underneath the trees. These courts are also located as a center court for two schools of agricultural education.

Vi e w f r o m t h e P r o c e s s i n g e d u c a t i o n buildings towards the center of the shopping market and gardens.



G r e a t Ha l l P l a n MECHANICAL

For this project my team member


Britney Thomas and I were to choose STORAGE


one building to design, inside and out.

The following plans are of the Great Hall, located in the center of the site. This building was designed to hold OPEN TO BELOW

events such as social gatherings or banquets, community meetings, or hold art galleries or concerts.

The first floor has a two story entry vestibule as well as a two story assembly space which can extend outdoors to the back terrace. The second floor has rooms set aside for an office, extra storage and a mechanical room.


Tr a d i n g L a n e s

Market Square Placed in the center of all activity, the Market Square was designed for comfortable and natural outdoor lounging. With connecting views to the market shops and cafes, as well as the processing buildings and the trading lanes, this place will have the most activity and the best view of it all.

The trading lanes shown, allows for views through and further to entice a person to explore and discover beautiful and withdrawn moments in the site.

Market Shops and Restaurants As Lee LaVanway desired, this market will have shops, cafes, and restuarants which will only sell products made on site. Connected to these shops will be an elements of transparency where people can see what they are buying being processed simultaneously.

Krasl Art Center S T. J O S E P H , M I C H I G A N

Te a m P a r t n e r : B r i t n e y T h o m a s

Site Plan The Krasl Art Center, located along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, is both an art center and a fine art museum which provides unique opportunities for the public. The landscape design of the space outside the Center however, failed in drawing people towards in. The site plan above, in collaboration with Britney Thomas, is our proposed design idea to both aid in drawing people into the Art Center and inhabit the space.

Pro c e s s Wor k Shown here are a scrap model used to study the existing hardscape of Krasl and a few preliminary sketch ideas which led to the final proposed solution.

Pre l i m i n a r y Pe r s p e c t i v e

Cu r re nt h a rd s c ap e d e s i g n

Mo d e l of prop o s e d d e s i g n

Main Entrance The purpose of this project was to design an attractive space where people would be drawn to hang out. The Krasl Art’s Center is a unique museum that was lacking a drawing factor in its landscape. The building itself is existing with the addition of a private employee patio where workers can lounge and look out toward the area and also see the sun set against the lake in the winter.

This site was split into two types of spaces: private and public. The public spaces are shown here to the right.

Pa r k i ng E nt r a n c e This is a perspective of the view you would recieve while entering the Krasl Art Center from the parking lot. The curve of the walls which lead into the canopy of the trees directs you slowly and gently to the entrance.

G a rd e n Ni c h e This designed garden niche is the private space separated from the public. Quiet and hidden underneath trees, people leaving or approaching the Center are invited to relax and meditate comfortably.

Rekindling Niles NILES, MICHIGAN

Client: Juan Ganum

Pro c e s s Wor k An identity was born while studying this site. Split into four parts, the mission identity was Grounded, Diverting, Connectable, and Simple.

This Niles block was located in an already successful area with many small places which attracted people. While only lacking especially in night life, the process work shown is a study of how to organize the block in a comfortable, connectable, diverting, grounded and simple way.

P r e l i m i n a r y Wo r k

To w n H o u s e R e s i d e n c e Shown to the right is the proposed design of the residences located on Water St. facing the river.

P r e l i m i n a r y Vi s i o n Shown to the left is a view of the Fulton St. part of the block. Across from the Wonderland Cinema, is a proposed restaurant that can seat 100.

Ni l e s Bl o c k Located in a quiet and historical area, this site is surrounded by very traditional buildings and renovated buildings. All of which, are unique and special to the town already, and draw people in.

The proposed building block is designed as not to sharply stand out and steal attention away from the historic distric, which is already special and ‘kindling,’ but to add a new spark and ‘rekindle’ Niles’ night life.

The proposed building design is a traditional style which is based off of the surrounding buildings in the area with a neat, grounded, economical, diverting, beautiful, and simple, design.

Outdoor Theater

Wo n d e r l a n d C i n e m a FERRY STREET




Amphitheater Historic Buildings






D e s i g n e d Bu i l d i ng Shown here is the ground floor plan of Cici’s Grill, and KITCHEN

the 2nd and 3rd story, designed for office rental space.

RESTAURANT Occupancy: A-2 Construction Type II-A 1 Hour Sprinklered 16’ Height 4900 SF

CLASS A OFFICE Occupancy: B Construction Type II-A 1 Hour Sprinklered 14’ Height 5200 SF




















D ay l i g ht i ng a n d S o l u t i on s Shown to the right is the 9am Eastern sun which will most affect the comfort value of the building. Proposed solutions were to incorporate solar shades within the window system at the two levels of office space, and for the restaurant below, design the windows with fritted textures that would only allow a small percentage of light to pass through.

C i c i’s Gr i l l a n d 2 Stor y O f f i c e S e c t i on The proposed building design would be steel construction with brick veneer as shown to the right. It will also incorporate storefront and double hung windows.

Town House L I N C O L N PA R K , C H I C A G O Located on a prime real estate street in Chicago, the town houses surrounding the site were all traditional with various identities and ornament. This project was primarily sketchbook based.

E l e v at i on Stu d y Here is a couple sketches of the proposed town house elevation and it’s neighboring buildings as well as some plan studies and their elevations.

Pro c e s s Stu d y Sketches of the different elements that make this building come together are shown. Wall sections, parapet walls, the roof plan, and more..

D r a f te d Pl a n s These drafted plans and sections shown, were produced with the computer program AutoCAD as an additonal step after the sketchbook.








European Studies From l a r g e s c a l e, to s m a l l , ou r f i e l d of l e a r n i ng i n c l u d e d n ot on l y s p e c i a l p l a c e s , s p a c e s , or s u c c e s s f u l d e s i g n s , bu t a l s o t h e i nt r i c ate d e t a i l i ng , t h e m ate r i a l s , a n d t h e e m ot i on s t h at w e re pu r p o s e f u l l y i nte g r ate d i nto t h e d e s i g n ; c re at i ng to d ay ’s r u br i c for s u c c e s s f u l a n d w or l d re n o w n e d p l a c e s .

He m b yg d s g a rd e n


This was a beautiful view, found while exploring Hembygdsgarden in Vaxholm, Sweden.

Vi l l a d e E s te


A skecth and watercolor of one of the refreshing fountains found at the Villa located in Tivoli, Italy.

Gr a n d Pa l a i s A section detail sketch of ornate decoration on a column which used the materials: steel and iron.

Ve n e re C api to l i n a Ro om This sketch shown, is a floor plan and reflected ceiling plan of a room that would display a sculpture in the center. The ceiling was coffered and had a window in the middle, center which gave the sculptor a sort of delicate glow where it stood.


T h e Vat i c a n , Inte r i or Stu d y


C o l u m n Mou l d i ng Prof i l e Stu d y

T h e Vat i c a n , Pe r s p e c t i v e S k e tc h e s a n d D e t a i l i ng

D e t a i l i ng a n d C r a f t The craftsmanship done to design these details, whether intricate and hidden, or simple and purposeful, brought life to its surrounding elements.

R om e , It a l y This image was taken while studying the layout of buildings along the streets of Italy. The buildings so beautifully outlined the sky and showed how the city planners not only focused on how their buildings affected the streets, but also how it would fit and wrap the skyline.

R om e , It a l y Image of a soldier in traditional uniform at the gate of an entrance. This photo was taken at the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

Tu r i n , It a l y The Duke of Savory Palace gardens. Thew way these plants rested against this broad trellis, shading the path was just beautiful.

Hay’s Galleria London, England

View of St Paul’s Cathedral London, England

Lloyd Building London, England

Lloyd Building London, England

30 St Mary Axe Skyscraper London, England

View of 30 St Mary Axe Skyscraper London, England

The Broadgate Tower London, England

These photos, although mostly found in London, are a few of the many inspiring places I have photographed which create beautiful spaces for people to inhabit or pass. With their verticality, horizontality, industrialness, moderness, or traditional quality, they draw attention in a unique but pleaing way.

The Broadgate Tower London, England


CC Cecelia Cameron


(516) 376 - 5460


Portfolio Part 2 F O U R T H & G R A D UAT E Y E A R W O R K ( 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 6 )


Contents Mini Urb an Blo ck Fall 2014 & Spring 2015 - Background Building Studio

R e - i m a g i n i n g t h e Tw i n C I t i e s ’ H a r b o r Fa l l 2 0 1 5 - Ur b an D e s i g n Stu d i o

Furniture Design Craft Fall 2015 - Furniture Design

A Study of Interiors Fall 2015 - Independent Study

**Still to be continued - Spring 2016

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