2 minute read
Anje Collins
Q. Thanks for Interviewing with us. Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My Name is Anje Collins and I am from San
Francisco, CA (Bay Area)!
Q. What made you want to be in Public Relations?
A. I have always had a gift for the gab, so I went to school to be a publicist. After graduating I became a
MC HammerDancerand was on tourforfive years and was able to learn a lot about the entertainment industry.
Q. Can you tell me in your own terms what does a
PR do?
A. First, we are not PR’s, PR is something that you do.
A publicist is what we are. A publicist role is to bring awareness to a person, product or brand.
Q. Tell us about your company “Women In PR”?
A. I started Women in PR in 2011 with a friend ofmine
Tammy Atmore (who passed away with cancer in 2014), we started it because the interns or employees we were getting wasn’t learning real world PR in school. So, we started the organization with doing in person workshops all over the country, which morphed into full fledge conferences, resources and webinars.
Q. What is one thing you love and one thing you dislike about being a Publicist?
A. I am retired from being a publicist after 34+ years.
But I love when I use to have the client no one would think was going to succeed turn into full fledge stars.
And what I dislike about it is that there is NO loyalty.

Q. What is one of your proudest moments being in PR?
A. When I see a young man or woman who I have mentor or use to work for me bloom into their own and have their own clients and agency.
Q. Tell us about some of your other hobbies?
A. I live in Las Vegas, so I love to gamble lol!
Q. What are some things you’re working on for 2020?
A. Since the George Floyd murder and all of these brands are dedicating to change,I created a platform for publicists of color (Publicists for
The Culture) We will have a town hall summit on 7/11 to discuss diversity with the larger white PR firms that don’t hire people ofcolor as well as brands that do not hire people of color. I am also releasing my second book this month! The title “Don’t Be That Microwave
Publicist” (A microwave publicist is a fake it to you make it type of publicist).
Q. What is one thing you think needs to change in the PR world?
A. I wish there were not social media. Here is why, it has a lot of people thinking they are a publicist and they are not, and they offercheap prices that makes it hard for real publicists to get a proper retainer.
Q. Where can the fans follow you?
A. IG/Twitter/FB @womeninpr1 or@anjemiami