3 minute read
Felicia Fencl

Q. Thanks for Interviewing with me.
Tell everyone who you are and where you’re from?
A. My name is Felicia Fencl, I am the Co
Founder and Senior Publicist at The
Collective Shine Agency. I am originally from Norfolk, VA and currently reside in the Atlanta Metro area.
Q. How would you explain Public
A. Public relations is the vessel that connects an entity, whether that be a person ororganization, and their product or service to the public.
The components that make up the public relations discipline are necessary in helping those said entities build and maintain their brand awareness.
Q. Tell us about your company “The
Collective Shine Agency”?
A. The Collective Shine Agency is a full service, boutique public relations and event management firm. We specialize in representing talent and organizations in the beauty, entertainment, sports and lifestyle industries. We operate two offices, one in the Atlanta
Metropolitan area, and the other right outside ofPhoenix Arizona.
Q. What is one of the biggest challenges in the PR world?
A. The biggest challenge that I see in the public relations world is that there is a misunderstanding of what public relations actually is. As publicists, we get lumped in with other professionals who also provide an array of business services, such as marketing, branding and strategy.
Although many publicists wear different hats and are talented enough to provide those services, we want to be recognized as core public relations professionals, because that is who we are. And that carries weight.
Q. What sorts of work and clients do you find most interesting?
A. I enjoy working with the media.
I know how important media relations is, so I always seek out opportunities where I am able to connect with the media. Working to secure sponsorships for my clients is another aspect of my work that I enjoy. We built our company around the premise of servicing the beauty, entertainment, sports and lifestyle industries. Our client base is representative of those industries. It is always a joy to work in those spaces with the ultimate goal of making our clients shine.
Q. What do you love about being a
A. As a publicist, I love being able to build relationships with the media.
I take great pride in knowing that
I strive to create partnerships that are mutually beneficial with journalists, radio personalities and other influencers. Forging those relationships has made it easier when pitching my cliets..... Overall,
I love simply seeing my clients’ hard work recognized and highlighted.
Q. What are some of your other hobbies?
A. I am an avid traveler! I enjoy long weekends at the beach, especially in the Caribbean. My favorite places to visit are countries in the Middle
East. I mostly spend my downtime resting and reading. I love a good book! Hiking and walking are also at the top of my list when it comes to relaxation and recharging.
Q. What projects are you working on right now?
A. Wow, so many things are brewing at The Collective Shine Agency.
The pandemic slowed us down a bit, but we used that time to plan and strategize. Now it is time forexecution. I am developing campaigns, pitching and working on solidifying sponsorship opportunities for my clients who will be executing events later this yearand into 2021. I am collaborating across industries and am excited about what is to come. Stay tuned!
Q. What do you think is one thing
Publicist do not get enough credit for?
A. We are not valued as much as we should be. We offeran invaluable service and sometimes the work we perform is not recognized or thought to be important. That is a totally false assumption! Publicists are needed on every team that is being formed. We work hard to connect our clients with the public sector. We are creative by nature and serve as the liaison between our clients and the demographic they hope to reach.
Q. Where can the audience follow you?
A. I welcome the audience to follow me on Instagram at @mahagony_ joy and/oron Facebook at mahagony.joy. I can also be reached through our website at www.thecollectiveshine.com.
Just hit the contact button and you’ll be able to send me a direct message.