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Tell everyone who you are and what you do.
My name is Xavier “X” Young aka Mr. Run the Play and I am the CEO of RTP Group Management And Promotions, Creator Of FAME Live, and Mainline Distribution partner and A&R.
For those who would like to get a feel for your sound which song of yours would you pick to recommend?
As an artist my sound was aggressive, I would attack the track and literally try to out-rap anyone on anything. Now as an executive, I’m more openminded. I like originality I look for the next big thing. I realize that good music comes in all forms, it’s just something you notice instantly but just like food people have different tastes. I think the difference between a good artist and a bad artist is the time spent on their craft, and the artists ability to listen and learn. Constructive criticism is a good thing to be able to accept.
If you could work with anyone, who would it be?
Personally, an artist I would like to work with is Drake, I think him and Tre would make some classic music. On the business end, I would love to learn more about his marketing outside of the music, and what’s actually being done behind the scenes.

Let’s talk about “RTP” and how it got started.
Well, the RTP Group started when I began to brand myself in the Hollywood nightlife. My hashtag was #VIPLAX I was doing clubs in Hollywood with my old partner and our company was VIP L.A., so I really just added the X. RTP (Short for Run the Play) is the company I came up with when I started my own thing. The goal was to promote the promoters which would give me the access, then be able to accommodate whenever they needed something that’s where the lifestyle aspect comes into play. I came from the entertainment industry, so I already knew a lot of people, throwing events only made sense because networking was a major key. The RTP Management aspect developed when I realized I didn’t want to be an artist anymore, I wanted to be responsible for the next big thing. I know it’s about development so you have to build a team you can grow with; you only get better through repetition.
What do you think is missing in today’s music?
I think that artist development is what we’re really missing in the game. I think that’s the reason the quality of music has dropped, and it became more of a popularity contest. You don’t really need the labels anymore so it’s like there’s nobody to impress people just half a** everything.
What do you want to accomplish this year?
This year I want to get my artist on some bigger stages and focus on content. We’ve got a lot of plays in the works. We just going to stay busy.
Tell us one of the biggest accomplishments you’ve received in your career.
In this phase of my career, I think the development of TreCinco is one of my greatest accomplishments. I’ve watched him mature and develop pretty fast, but that’s hard work and literally working on all aspects of your craft every day.
If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I want to go on a European Festival Tour. I know Mike and Tre will kill it. To perform in front of those huge crowds would be dope.
Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events?
Yes, I’m working on my Run the Play Compilation, this will have various artists that I like current and new talent. I might even drop a track on there to show y’all I still got it, who knows…lol Me and Krissy stay working so there always an event coming up. She’s my publicist so I’ll let her explain what we’re at liberty to do.
Where can the readers follow you?
You guys can follow me at; (IG @rtpgroupceo), (Twitter @mrrunthaplay), and visit my website at; www.runtheplaygroup.com